And then when I hit the record button and the local video starts recording and a local video starts recording and I say hello Local video good to be with all of you today. It's 9 30. It's Monday It's actually 9 34 and that's when we hit the serial politics intro music It's great music. We love it. We love the intro music on three of politics very good You know, it's not you know the other shows they you know they have okay shelves. They're good and the music isn't as good That's why I make a big box. That's a lie But you know, I don't know I just you know We've been loving Go real politics Stage 1 episode 27 on this 25th day of September 2023 of course be in the current year good to be with all of you today I hope you're doing all right. I hope you had a nice weekend. I Yeah, I myself I had a troubling experience of the weekend. It was you know, I'm not I'm not complaining But I thought it was worth sharing with you because I think it helps provide so much needed perspective on what's important in our politics You know, I've always found this phenomenon of the so-called single-issue voter kind of silly, you know what I mean? Even if it is understandable Well, it is of course understandable in the extreme that people care deeply for some things more than others and can hardly be expected to Understand all the intricacies of the government's many tentacles. I have long held in contempt those who are so blinded by this Or that pet project that they come to embody this cliche of missing the forest for the trees The libertarians as they do in so many contexts provide a helpful warning poster here The libertarian project is vast in its scope but narrow in its perceptions You could hardly describe them as single-issue voters since they want to completely reorder society But they aim to do so along this spectrum of more or less government without much concern for all that that entails Since the world is decidedly more complex than this their ideas Sees to correspond with reality and eventually you come to see from them the grotesque things we become accustomed to seeing I'm not even sure like it warrants mentioning any more egalitarianism It's just it's just fake at this point But you know, we'll give it a dry by is this thing working? What is hang on a second? Let me check on something real quick. Come on telegram, you know I've missed the telegram guys a couple of times They didn't gentlemen is my telegram stream working can somebody tell me that is anybody watching on telegram wants to send me a telegram message And let me know because I have no video on telegram, but I can't troubleshoot it in the middle of a live show I'm not even sure that egalitarianism warrants mentioning as I said But we'll do a quick drive by they've been exposed is just plain fake at this point They're seething anti-white racial animus for rating as a desire to help the downtrodden had gotten surprised had a Supposedly in law, or on I might say But there are no longer any true believers in the inherent equality of man if any ever did exist There are those that oppose this fraud and those who coercively demand that people ascent to their lies and Operators if they were true even knowing that they are not there is no longer any effort to convince people It is purely coercive and unapologetically so But whatever the reality this dimension of our politics where in the government is good or bad to the extent that all of its citizens Own the same amount and quality of stuff well with lunacy like that pervasive for so long is hardly anyone or that libertarianism Briefly looked respectable to some Thank you very much Irish Marine for informing me of the telegram stream working One of the things I've really liked seeing in recent years is outraged parents Not that I'm glad that they're unhappy surely I would prefer that they were happy and right to be so I should hope that that would go without saying but since a parent would have to be terribly uninformed to be content with what's going on in the world these days They're outraged as preferable to their acquiescence These people are not ideologues with notable exceptions among them There is no consensus on the appropriate level or method of taxation the demographic patterns are tough Not the demographic patterns are tough to miss, but it's not fundamentally ethnocentric Many of them couldn't tell you what it means to be right wing or left wing much less with they care to be so categorized They have a rather simple if expansive demand they want what is best for their kids and truth be told most of them Have not the biggest idea what that is but when they see people doing things that are obviously intended to harm their children The outrage is immediate and widespread and not at all subject to containment Ideal lobs see this and they're like oh heck yeah, it's contented people I can go try to infect them with my mind virus and this does not work out well for them doesn't Whether it's leftists telling them they need more diversity or libertarians telling them they need less government or Nationalists blaming the Jews the parents quite appropriately say get away from me weirdo I just want these lunatics to leave my child alone and from this experience I have learned not to trust ideologues If you want a measurement of good government it would be making those people happy without lying to them The government that does that will last a thousand years and all of its errors will be forgiven quite promptly If you have ideological goals and you want to accomplish them This is not to say that you cannot do so you just have to fit it into that little framework But ideologues have trouble accomplishing this because their motives are at odds with those of the people who support they require to enact them They're so stuck in their own heads and social circles that they lose track of what normal people want They speak in jargon and associate with like minds and treat non ideologues as suspects They are simply put part of the problem these parents have identified with society even when it is their I will ideological sex causing the problem at the center of a given moments outrage Few things have outraged parents more or more rightly than the atrocities carried out the name of COVID-19 I Remember watching this masking lunacy on TV from jail and then from prison and joking with guys inside that the people outside the walls Had it worse than us and later on I came to realize that might not be such a funny joke after all Among the things that upset me the most about this was when it was pointed out that children who were supposed to be learning to speak during that time We're not able to see faces on account of the masking and since children learn to speak in significant part by watching other people's lips move when they talk They would as a consequence of this have their speech development impeded as a guy who understands and appreciates the importance of speech Perhaps more than most this really really upset me When I first had that idea put into my head I instantly recognized that this was obviously a disaster and that anyone who called themselves a public health official Would have to understand the obviousness and gravity this The longer it went on and the more times I heard about it the more angry I got because After a certain period of time you can no longer maintain the illusion that this is an unfortunate side effect of Misguided ideas or mere overprotectiveness or even paranoia Eventually it becomes obvious that they understood full well that what they were doing was Harming the children and they knew that there was no benefit to offset that cost outside of their own political machinations But they don't view harming children as read on the ledger They view this as a positive thing Because damaged people are their constituency and they aim to make as many of them as they possibly can by whatever means They might opportunistically find that their disposal Now I don't spend a lot of time talking a four-year-old sadly But there is there is one I come into contact with on a semi-regular basis since I get out of prison and he's a really sweet kid He was just a baby when I went away So he didn't know me at all when our regular interactions began and these have been roughly weekly Time goes forward and he's a little bit more familiar with me as of late and over the weekend I'm at the grocery store with him and his mother typically when we do this we split up I go do my thing they go do theirs we meet outside This time he says I want to go with Chris and He's kind of insistent upon this and I'll tell you I was honored by the sheer gravitas of his assertiveness I have a bad habit you might say of internalizing way too much of the negative things that people say about me And this is in some way to do to by having much to be ashamed of not pertaining to what those people say I tend to think of near all of what I say and do is Decidedly age prohibitive and even when I do attempt to contain my use of profanity I struggle to summon the restraint required to produce anything that could consistently be described as family friendly I Didn't much I didn't spend much time in a company of children before I went to prison I consider it one of the very few things our government does right that I did not see any while I was there Subsequent to my release I live in a place hardly safe for adults and what little thinking I do about kids as near always in relation to my Desiring of a wife The idea that some kid wanted to hang out with me came as quite unexpected and I was in a word touched By this Now when he's talking to his mother and father they understand each other just fine for the most part But this whole time I've managed to understand maybe like 80% of what this kid has been saying I Do not off the top of my head know at this time What the normal development timeline of a child's speech is and since I know his parents is smart and they love him And they care for him and everything else about the boy seems fine I've been operating under the assumption that he probably talks better than most voyeurolds and we'll work this out on what What will be competitive to other kids his age and accelerated timeline But when we were alone in the store I tried to bond with the boy a bit and I'm unsure of myself because this is the most in-depth Conversation I've had a child with a child in a very long time What's your favorite dinner that mom makes what games do you like to play this type of thing? And I'm not understanding his responses and you know in my mind I'm not doing this boy any favors might say yeah go ahead keep babbling again. I'll just keep on nodding like I understand No, I can't do that you know It's actually pretty important that I really do understand that's the only way that we can have a conversation and since you just made my day By reminding me that I'm not the monster that people read about in the newspapers. This matters to me and awful lot So I Says to him like look I I understand words 1 2 3 4 5 and 8 You need to I need you to help film in the blanks here like let's go repeat those words that I didn't understand so I understand you sentence But instead he refuses the entire sentence and in his Refraising I miss other words and things do not come into better focus and this is very frustrating for me And at first I try to bring his focus back to the words I missed in the original sentence But I'm also starting to doubt myself here so I try not to push the boy too hard and It takes a little bit, but I start to realize you know this child's actually putting some significant effort into trying to communicate with me He understands that I don't understand and he's trying to find entirely new words to illuminate the situation It's not that he doesn't have the words in fact. He's got words to spare you don't understand those words. Here's some other words. How about these? It's not that he doesn't understand the rules of conversation. He's actually operating at a higher level than I might have expected by finding Entirely different ways to explain the concept under discussion So I realize I'm the one who's family to grasp the situation here and not the foliar role so I stopped trying to push the boy And so we wrap it up we get in a car and I ask his mother about the expected development timeline of a child's speech And I know before I ask her this question that she understands concepts like IQ entirely too well So I'm certain that she has a precise answer for this She also understands that on a practical level. I missed the whole COVID-19 phenomenon. I was in prison a whole time and There's been a few times since then that she's had to explain to me this brave new world of was And so in that vein she begins to explain the importance of seeing people's lips move when you're learning to speak and before she could even get started it made perfect sense to me He has no shortage of words. He understands everything He's having trouble with pronunciation and being aware of this trouble. He keeps on trying to find new words And this was the first time I had ever Actually witnessed this thing that I was just dreading from prison. I was so like I was like you do this to an entire generation of kids What's gonna happen, you know? I was dreading this and this was the first time I had seen it up close in person was with this kid Who might have placed a might as well placed a crown on my head half an hour ago? And you know that could be a dangerous combination right when a political issue you take You're very passionate about it hits home in a very personal way The feeling that came over me when I realized this was profoundly negative you might safely say A troubling and increasingly familiar combination of anger and despair that could leave a man liable to do something he might regret from a jail cell Or perhaps worse than this from that very jail cell have no regrets at all I want to find one of these people who had harmed this child and I want to make sure that they understood entirely the gravity of their crime You know and you try to work through the implications of that you know what I mean How does one with no more than two hands at his disposal inform someone who has intentionally inflicted upon an entire generation of innocent children Speech impediments and psychological trauma and delays in education and development whose consequences are in plain English immeasurable will be unfolding for decades and will in all likelihood be transmitted in some measure to future generations What can my two hands due to deliver a message of that weight? You know there might be some trial and error involved in such a thing I don't imagine I'd get it right the first time. I might have to find a few of these folks See what works An idea is like this as much as anything else make me question my own fitness to be around children sometimes certainly certain though I may be Of my uh my furies righteousness It was nice for a minute there to think of myself as harmless, you know But a briefest of moments I felt like a kid myself. You know, yeah, let's go play kit I forgot all about the groceries. It's pretty nice But these days we didn't have a flaw from our reminder that men must be dangerous all we fellas And You know the uh the people who did this they mean to do it again And again and again and then they'll find something worse to do after that, you know They do not question at all their fitness to be around children do they You see them floating this lunacy see in what they can get away with Probing the tolerance levels of the population they find their limits retreat just a little then charge forward a Again and again and again each time gaining some ground sometimes a little sometimes a lot But they never stop because they understand as well as I do that there is little indeed that my two hands can do to stop them Our interactions for the day did conclude with a bit of levity. I'm happy to report It was a decidedly mix sort of levity, but that might be the best that we could hope for nowadays The boy he asked a lot of questions as I understand kids his age have been known to do Though I gather he's more curious than others, you know a smart kid anxious to understand the world which he is to inherit Hmm He asked a question about the cracks in the roads and I decide maybe I'll have a little fun with this when I say Oh, you know, uh the Democrats they don't take good care of the roads in our city and other cities they have nicer roads Well he corrects me by pointing out that actually Haha, it's the plants under the pavement that are pushing up the roads and causing them to crack And of course both of us have a point here So I'm like well, yeah, you know, that's true kid, you know the plants they push up the concrete But then the Democrats they don't fix the roads in a sidewalks like they're supposed to And he tells me Jesus will fix it And I says to him uh, you know might just come to that kid Now I want you to think about something with that mind, you know Whatever your thoughts may be on Jesus. I have been long told that God helps those who help themselves And I don't consider it any coincidence that those most certain of God's justice tend to be those who try really hard to do the right thing People who wait around for God to fix things I have observed find themselves unsatisfied and whatever they profess their faith to be demonstrate through their acts that they do not believe they are being judged by an all-knowing deity Here's a time in my life a pretty long time actually where I thought my ideas were just so important That they must be implemented at any cost I had an endless array of justifications for this and I'd say most actually had merits still do One can observe that plain as day things continuing on as they are is not an option because this unsustainable chaos and evil is in itself costly So a reasonable man may accept some expense if it means a better course for the future But imagine a lot of you had a lot more interactions with children in the last four years than I have You know better than me what damage has been inflicted upon them I should certainly hope that this steady exposure has left you better adjusted than I but I do not imagine that my outrage is at all lost on you When I think about people who say it doesn't matter Who the next president is or what parties in control of the government or all these politicians are the same I'm not sure I can continue maintaining the idea in my own head that these people are any less responsible for what happened in that child than Anthony Fauci is People who have the capacity to mitigate even slightly That damage and simply decline to do so because they think they'll get more of what they want after things get worse Well Just say it's a good thing one of them wasn't within arms reach to me when I realized what had been done to this kid Two on seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and I'm more you thought the less I have to So please do give us a call And if you will bear with me a moment, yeah Just can't be you Oh my god, I'm screwed rumble great Fantastic great Of course, so Why would you why would you All right, give me a minute here. I'm gonna just gonna play the intro music because I don't have another audio clip handy stand by it Oh, I got damn it Sorry, excuse me Yeah Oh Oh What Guys, I gotta fix something. Just give me a minute here. I- I hate this nonsense. Yes, just go play the- why would you ask me that question? Alright, today we're gonna be taking a look at a video of Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter admitting that the chemical weapons attack in Dumult was a Deta-Foss flag. Alright, so Alexander, I caught this video on Tucker Carlson tonight where he had Ann Coulter on and they were initially talking about the wall and the reasons why Trump is delayed in building the wall. And they veered a little off topic and they started talking about Syria. And I am called to mention that he should just take the money out of the defense budget, use that money to build the wall. And then they started to talk about all the mistakes that the US military has made specifically spending money in Syria. And they admitted a few things. One of those things that they admitted and what do you think that means for the- what appears to be an imminent US attack on Syria? First of all, we've got the truth from Fox News because this has been barely reported but Ann Coulter is absolutely right as is Tucker Carlson. The OPCW inspectors, she mistakenly referred to them as the UN inspectors but they are in fact the OPCW inspectors have established that the chemical attack on Dumun which led to the last missile strike on Syria never happened. They went there, they did the investigations, they cut out the bodies as Ann Coulter said and they found no trace. Alright guys, so take a look at the video, take a look at the stunning admission by Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson. And let us know what you think, click on that subscribe button down below and click on that notification bell to get notifications every time we push out a new video. And visit the red shop and pick up a t-shirt to help support the Iran. And Coulter has noticed that, she's the author of many books including a new one, Resistance is futile. Now the Trump-aiding left-lost, it's collective mind, she joins us tonight. So Ann, if you were writing the President's speech tonight, what would you have him say? Oh, that's an interesting question. I'd say someone just reminded me that I'm president and I don't need Congress to build the wall. So I think I'm just going to start. And the crowd would cheer and an MSNBC they would say, but that's not true. You need Congress to build the wall to which you would say what? Pull out your pocket constitution and see who the commander in chief is, who has all the executive branch power in his hands. They are all in one man. He has the Department of Defense. He has Homeland Security. I mean, if we were suddenly attacked by China, he wouldn't sit around or North Korea. He wouldn't sit around saying, well, I'd like to respond, but Congress just won't write that bill. He'd say, no, I'm the commander in chief. I have the power to defend against an invasion and we're being invaded. And so he doesn't need the Congress to appropriate the funds for the wall. He can just do it. Correct. I mean, he has, he has basically what? Other than Social Security and Medicare, 90% of all federal money is in Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense. And this is both Homeland Security and Defense. I mean, I'm sure, did he have to get a special bill when we bombed Syria by mistake it turned out? No, obviously there are discretionary funds there and they don't need to be spent just to send off bombs to make Boeing even more important. They don't need to make Boeing even richer than they already are for no purpose at all. So why isn't that happening? I suspect everyone around him is telling him, no, you can't do that. Which is why I'm glad I have the opportunity on your TV show to say, yes, you can, Mr. President. Remember November 8th, 2016? Remember that great night? Your President. Of course, you can build a wall. That is most of what the military did for the first hundred years. We weren't going around remaking the rest of the world. It was the military building forts on our border. Defending American borders is the number one job of the commander in chief and again the constitution makes him clear. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That's not so. I mean, the number one job of the military is to increase the GDP of third world countries and bring democracy to cultures that hate it. Yes, and to create a training ground for ISIS. And you let me just slip through that little bombing theory thing. It's probably been mentioned on your show. It's been mentioned in very few other places on my Twitter feed. It has been mentioned about six months after we bombed theory because they were allegedly using nerve gas. The UN was over. They are doing tests. They're taking all the corpses. They're chopping them up. They're looking for, you know, what? What killed these people? Turns out no nerve gas was used. Yeah, well, some of us point that out like the day after it happened, it was to be transparent. It was a strike. It was a lie. And that was obvious to us. So I guess what you're really saying is the staff of the executive branch is not simply writing op-eds, bragging about their subversion. They're working full time to do the opposite of what the president promised to do when he was elected. Yes, and Mitch McConnell. I mean, this is kind of shocking that McConnell comes out and says, yeah, we're going to send you an omnibus bill. We'll get to the wall after the election, you know, because it will be so much easier after a blue wave. Do you think, the smileiest question that's sincere when, as a political matter, do you think the Republicans in Congress would do better if the president unilaterally built a wall? Yes, yes. I think a lot of his base is quite demoralized. I mean, I express it on Twitter. I was at this big fair thing. That's the immigration outfit in Washington yesterday. And Matt, a lot of sheriffs, a lot of angel moms, and also, you know, I go about my life and I meet people. And I can tell you, a lot of people who don't want to put it in their Twitter feeds themselves, because they feel like Trump is our only hope. And so they don't want to criticize him at all. Boy, do they like me doing the border wall? They want somebody reminding him of this and they are really disappointed. You've been relentless on that and we appreciate it. And culture, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good luck with the book, which is great. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to surreal politics. Thanks for sticking with me. We'll do that on a brief technical break. Hello to our friends on rumble. I'm sorry, Mr. Beginning to show rumble, but I will upload the recording of the video so that you can catch it over there. When we get when we get everything straight now. So thank you very much to 1768, 1433, if you would like to be on the program and more you talk, the less I have to. So please do give us a call. You know, speaking of rumble, you know, the Russell Brand guy, he got himself jammed up. He spent a whole lot of years maybe not living in the best life and now a bunch of women have accused him of rape and sexual assault. And you know, it's been pointed out that conspicuously this never seems to happen. You know, like if you're a liberal in good standing, you're all set, you know, you're a rape whoever you want. It's like you need to do it with children. They had that whole Jeffrey Epstein thing. It was pretty, you know, depending on what news channel you watch, there was a lot of talk about that. And so, you know, this goes on. He's kind of like a liberal and everything's fine. And then he's like, hey, you people are destroying the world that I'm going to go talk bad about the news on rumble. Oh, and then they're like, well, you know, you're a rapist. And he's like, no, and he goes on rumbling. He says, you know uncertain terms. I'm not a rapist. I haven't actually seen the video, but that's my understanding of it. So he goes and he dresses these things. And of course, you know, if you go try to stand up for yourself when people accuse you of rape, that's a criminal act these days. And so, you know, because we believe survivors. That's the national motto. You know, we believe all women, you know, not when they accuse Bill Clinton, you know, is it not all not all of them, right? But, you know, you know, a certain certain segment of the population, whenever, whenever your rape accusation is, you know, we don't believe Tara Reid, right? Tara Reid was so disbelieved that she had to flee the country. And she lives in Russia now because she told on Joe Biden. You're not allowed to tell on Joe Biden. That's different. Okay. That's not being a survivor. That's the opposite of being a survivor. That will get you killed. You understand. Okay. You're not allowed to tell on Joe Biden. You're allowed to accuse, you know, if anybody criticizes the media, right? Then you accuse them of rape and obviously you're telling the truth. So when he goes on Rumble and he says, hey, you know, I didn't rape nobody. The advertising industry there, you know, they're criminals, you understand. The advertising industry is a criminal conspiracy. And so I have been to know a thing or two about this. And so they, they go to Rumble and they're like, hey, you know, we can't have this guy defending himself. So we're going to, we're going to pull our ads. Okay. Don't let him talk. Otherwise, we're not going to keep on paying to feed diversity nonsense to your audience. Okay. Because, you know, that's what we're here to do. We're here to de-platform people and to spread diversity nonsense. And if you're going to let this guy say that he's not a rapist, well, that's not going to do it all. A number of large companies have pulled their advertisements from the video platform Rumble where Russell Brand broadcasts his weekly show in the weeks since allegations of rape and sexual assault against the comedian came to light. The news movement as his show is called, I'm sorry, not his show is called. This is somebody else entirely. The news movement reported on Friday that Burger King, ASOS, the Barbican and Hello Freshly Recipe Box Delivery Service had removed their ads. Now, yeah. Brand has 1.4 million followers on a platform. YouTube suspended Brand's ability to earn money on its platform on Tuesday, but Rumble has rejected calls to do the same. On Friday, Brand said the moves to black him from receiving advertisement revenue for his videos on social media platforms have occurred, quote, in the context of the online safety bill. On Thursday, Rumble accused a parliamentary committee of deeply inappropriate behavior after Caroline didn't edge the conservative chair of culture media and sport committee wrote a letter to the company's chief executive Chris Pavlovsky to express concern that Brand may be able to process it profit from his content on the platform. Oh, well, we wouldn't want you to be a profit from content under platform. You've been criticizing the media and denying that you're a rapist and we can't very well have you profiting from something like that. It's what ideas can or cannot be heard, or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform unless, of course, they say anything that they in their soul discretion, doomed to be racist or anti-semitic, which is right there in their terms of service. It's pretty funny. I love this. Oh, he was a accused of rape sexual assault and emotional abuse. Okay. Now this is interesting. Any of you follow this eging Carol nonsense that maniac who accused Donald Trump or rape? You know, they sued him in civil court, the same criminal who sued me that Roberta Kaplan fanatic. Okay. They say, oh, he raped her in a changing room because he's the type of idiot to just grab a woman and throw up against the wall, and forcefully penetrate her. And if you believe that, you know, buy a copy to New York Times because why not? So a jury in a civil court would have standard or proof is basically a coin to us. Okay. If you could, you know, if it's a head you in, tells you lose, I mean, that's literally the standard proof in a civil court. And in a civil court, they're like, no, it's not even like half likely that he did this. So no, but we're going to give you millions of dollars anyway. We're going to call that sexual assault. We're not going to find for the rape. We think you're lying about the rape. We think you're lying about the rape. You came in here said that he forcibly penetrated you that's rape. And we think you're a liar. But here's a bunch of millions of dollars and we'll just say that that's for the sexual assault. And so they, you know, they do these things right now. By the way, I'm perfectly happy to believe that Russell Brands are rapist. By the way, I don't know Russell Brand, you know. I think it's perfectly possible that he did it. I don't know. Oh, I know is that accusations of this kind have lost all credibility because of nonsense like Eugene Carroll. And so, you know, to all the future rape victims of the world, you know, you can thank Roberta Kaplan for making it impossible to lodge an accusation because these people are criminals. And we're sure I'm certain there's going to be no shortage of them, by the way, it's a terrible thing because they keep on letting rapist out of prison, you know, we're letting, you know, why we skip it all together, right? Rumble added, singling out an individual and demanding his ban is even more disturbing given the absence of any connection between the allegations and his content on rumble. Last weekend, Brand was accused of rape sexual assault and emotional abuse. Okay. So where I was started to get it is they throw all this stuff at you. Okay. And so they're like, oh, rape sexual assault, emotional abuse. Okay. And so it could come to pass that everybody's like, oh, no, the rape, what he wasn't even in the city that month, like what are you talking about? You made this up, obviously. And then they'll just, oh, well, you know, he was emotionally abusive. And since he was accused of rape sexual assault and emotional abuse. The accusations were actually true as a category of phenomenon. You see what I'm getting at? Okay, this is narrative construction. This is how these people work. And it's a really sick thing. Ha, ha, ha. On Friday, Brand made his first public comment since the allegations were made public in a video, he posted online in the three minute video posted to YouTube, Rumble and X, he described them as extraordinary and distressing and accused the government of seeking to censor him because, you know, that's exactly what they're doing. Burger King told the news movement, it had paused all advertising while investigations into the allegations were ongoing. Aso said it had manually removed ads from Rumble. Barbican said that it had asked its media agency to exclude the site where it adds up here. The times estimates that brand earns 27,000 euros or pounds, I should say, pounds a month from his Rumble channel and one million pounds a year from YouTube before ads were suspended. His literary agent, Torre Promotor and book publisher have also dropped him. According to Rumble's website, it is quote, immune to cancel culture. Unless, of course, you say anything that in Rumble Soul discretion is racist or anti-Semitic, which is right there in the terms of service. And that's pretty funny. We don't let anybody get censored on our platform unless they criticize Jewish people in which case, you know, we're not that powerful guy. This limits to what we, you know, this limits to what even Peter feel could get away. Come on. Rumble. You know, Rumble people, you don't know I do a whole different show. Okay, like I only show you this real politics thing. I don't, I don't dare put my uncensored show on this platform. Because I would very quickly test this stupid, you know, no censorship nonsense, right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. There are immune to cancel culture and aims to restore the internet to a truce by making it free and open once again, unless, of course, you criticize Jewish people, which case is not that they could do for you. Chris Bob Lopsky has described it as neutral. Yeah. Rumble was founded in 2013 and its popularity soared after the 2020 presidential election, whether it's monthly users growing from two million to more than 20 million at the end of the year, according to Forbes. As of 2022, Rumble has a reported 78 million active users globally. According to pure research, three quarters of those who regularly get news from Rumble identify as Republicans are leaning towards the Republican party, which the Guardian thinks is really important to know. Okay, because it's Republican, you see? That's why we need to censor them. Stop it. You can't pay these people. They're going to tilt the whole thing right where you nuts. Ha ha ha ha. In contrast, 22% identify as Democrats or lean Democratic and all 22% of them work for the Southern poverty law center. You don't know that. They don't they don't mention that the Guardian. Rumble is backed by billionaire and prominent conservative venture capitalist Peter feel who invested in 2021. The conservative former Fox News presenter Dan Bangeino, who has 2.9 million subscribers himself is also a, an investor. The platform is valued at more than $2 billion. $2 billion, Rumble. Huh? We're going to have to get into that video business. I have fellas. 2176881433 you like to be on the program and where you talk less. I have to be pleased to give us a call. Let's go over. We actually have an entropy super track. We don't see a whole lot of this. Unfortunately. Unstable at best. He sends $15 and he says time to cough up a share speckle share speckle a spare shackle for a good man. All the best sir. Well, all the best to you. I'm stable at best. Thank you very much. You know, if you're over. If you happen to be on D.Live or Vaughan TV or what else. What else. Tervo. What are these other platforms that we stream to? If you want to, if you want to send a shackle, you want to spare a shackle for a good boy. I got the entropy thing. You could do it and I'll read it during the show. We'll do the super chat thing. I don't like update the text on those platforms because very few people watch there. But you know, if you it's linked from my website. You want to send me a super chat. You're on a platform that doesn't have super chats. You go to the follow the link to my entropy and you're more than welcome to do that. 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm going to tell the West. I have to please a good call. Jack candy. He sends $19.33. Hail Chris. Hail chat. Well, Hail Jack candy indeed. Let's see here. Rumble band. The hoax busters first account for what must have been anti-semitism. Yeah. Well, there's a lot of that going around. Let's see. What else we got? 2176881433 if you would like to be on the program and more you thought the West, I have to. So you please do give us a call. What else we got? What's going on over here with this one? You know, nothing ever just, you know, this is one of these days. One of these days, guys. Okay. I got my friends over there. I get to you know, my friends got this platform. He calls it go MTV and we're streaming there. And I go over there because I want to see what they are saying in that chat. And my video stream is working over there. But the chat ain't working. So I can't see what they're saying. So go MTV fellows. I would I would look at what you are saying, but I can't see it. I don't know if you're saying anything and not. I refresh the patient. Everything's not going to do. 2176881433 you like to be on the program and more you told the West, I have to. So please give us a call. Now if you are on, you know, if you're on go MTV or anywhere else, you would have joined like everybody else. We do do the Odyssey thing. I don't want to take you off go MTV. Stay on go MTV if you're chance working. But you know, if it comes down to it, you can always stop over by Odyssey and say hello to everybody over there. And speaking to my friends on Odyssey. You know, there's three people download, download it this video. Can you believe that? Who is it that hates children? Who is it who's like, you know what? No, no, can't well. I hate this surreal politics show. I really like imposing speech impediments on four year olds. You know that. And for you to dare to say that it's a bad thing for us to prevent the childhood development of kids. What are you some kind of what what kind of monster are you? You know, the COVID-19 pandemic all that was important. Was depriving children of, you know, the ability to speak and learn and have a childhood. Is the whole entire point of developing the thing in Wuhan. And so what kind of moral criminal are you for suggesting that there this might lack wisdom. I hate you can't well, we're downloading your videos. And so you guys on Odyssey, if you, you know, if you want, if you don't want to hit the fire button, that's fine. Just send 20 bucks. Send me a super chat and I'll pardon you for not, you know, hitting the fire button. But I think that most people who send the super chat, they probably get the fire button too because they're not a bunch of lazy bums who are like, oh, well, I just want to, I wouldn't want to, I wouldn't want to contribute in any way. And wherever you're at, you know, I know rumbles got what rumbles got the thumbs up, but I'm, you know, going to TV is surreal politics. I'm not going to say what there are pure approval mechanism is, but it's like a windmill thing over there. And, you know, wherever you happen to be, everybody's got some like way of expressing your approval. So I don't know, like share, subscribe. What's the old YouTube bit go give me all the approval. If you can't give me the money, at least, you know, tell other people that the show's good and then eventually somebody who, you know, eventually I'm going to run into my own p to feel and then my platform is going to be worth $2 billion, too. But the only way that that's going to happen is if you like you share your retweet, you like you share, subscribe, you do these things, OK. Two, one, seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three. If you'd like to be on the program and I'm more or less, I have to please to give us a call. And if you don't, you know, then I might, you know, I might not go all night here. Caller, you are on surreal poltees. What can I do if you serve? Hello, this is having indeed. I want to talk about. Yes, I want to talk about this thing that seems to have everybody waiting their arms and shouting and incredulous. And it's the fact that they charted out this 98 year old Ukrainian Ukrainian SS volunteer. Yeah. To be, I don't know, celebrated in the presence of Zalensky, Jewish president of Ukraine. And people are acting as if this were some kind of gigantic lunderer. I can't believe they did that. I can't. Don't they know they must not have checked. Well, excuse me. I think they knew exactly what they're doing. Right. Because the situation in Ukraine is about to collapse. A lot of people understand that what's been going on there has something to do with these people called neo conservatives. And they know that Zalensky is Jewish. And they know that some kind of Israeli interest is involved where the neo cons are involved. And the whole thing with, I believe with bringing out the Yaroslav Hunka as a prop, essentially, the point of it is to obfuscate what really has been going on there. Get people shouting about something else other than the fact that this is a neo conservative, you know, explain the Nazis basically setting them up to be the scapegoats for everything they want to do. That's an interesting thing. So is it essentially that? Okay. This is a false flag attack, essentially, right? That like, oh, no, no, no, this is not some neo con plot. This is this is Nazis or or just we're throwing so much mud in the water, essentially, to make it so that you never, you know, figure out what's going on. Is that the idea more? Well, I mean, they've been doing it all along, really. I mean, they've been pretending since 2014 that this was some kind of Ukrainian nationalist extremist government. And really, the Ukrainian, there were some Ukrainian nationalist, of course, involved in the 2014 coup, but they were useful idiots. Right? They've been, they've really been squeezed out of the government. If you look at what happened there, you can see in 2015, I told you all this, the 2015, the outlawed national socialist symbols. They out, they made anti-Semitism of felony, you know, beginning of 2022. So this is really not a far right government at all. It's, it's a very pro Jewish government, we could say. But they have to fool people about that. And you know, I mean, the people in Ukraine can't be allowed to think about that too much. And basically, they've, they also make sure that the, the, the, the controlled opposition in the USA, controlled opposition to this war appears to me to be represented by people like Aaron J. Matay and Max Blumenthal in the gray zone. Who are constantly talking about how it's not to this and not see that in the Ukraine. And that's not who's running things in the Ukraine at all. But they were before this whole thing collapses and gets really ugly. They want to make sure that that's what everybody believes. And I think that's why they trotted out this 98 year old guy and used him. That's an interesting theory. So, so I actually, I saw the hysteria about this and I really didn't look into it. I might go, you know, so some guy was, you know, involved in World War II. And he happened to be somewhere near a head of state. I didn't think much of it. And I didn't really look into it. Is it? Do you? Well, yeah, well, you know, I mean, it used to be people didn't get nearly as uptight about this stuff. I read that several thousands of these guys were brought to Canada in the 1950s, early 1950s. And at that time, it was not really a problem. You know, people really didn't the way people looked at it was. If you fought for your country, that's what everybody does. And the Nazis were bad, but they're not worse than the Soviet Union. And anyway, they're defeated. They're not a concern anymore. Don't need to worry about them. And all these people are pro freedom now. You know, they're pro American and all this stuff or Canada or whatever. But I mean, that's basically the way people look at it. They didn't have an eternal grudge, which is something that's been developed since the late 1970s. I mean, you know, it's a cost and talk about the Holocaust is just gets more and more intense. Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Is there anything to suggest that? What? I couldn't hear you for a second there. Is there is there is there information to suggest that he, that this guy was actually planted there? Or are you just are you discussing this in terms of narrative? Like what is the story of how that guy came to be on the scene? Do you know? I don't know exactly, but I I'm sure that he was deliberately brought there. Okay, okay. So yeah, I am that's that's an interesting take on it. I mean, they basically the the you know, I don't believe at all that the Ukrainian government is a is a Nazi conspiracy say I think it is something quite different. I agree with your assessment that the guys, the nationalists who got caught up in Victoria, Newlands, coup were basically taken for a ride and whoa, what a ride has it been, right? So, you know, they seem to think that it'll be a great idea to get a bunch of Americans to go join them on that roller coaster. And I caution against that in the strongest possible terms because I don't think that I don't think that anybody in that I care about should be go made a useful in the it of Victoria, Newland. So I think that you're definitely on point about that and how this you know, what's the story with this guy who knows. So I appreciate. Yeah, good. And the big face Paul is all these people who think that this actually was a blunder, you know, like serenevich, for example, I just saw serenevich is supposed to have this. I can't believe. Well, this was not a blunder. Okay. Do you think is serenevich of the I haven't seen anything from serenevich in a long time. I'm thankful to say is he is he taking a position that. Oh, well, you know, Volotov beer Zelinsky, you know, has screwed up his otherwise righteous effort by being seen with those Nazis or is it like, is he like, oh, they done messed up now, we've got him. I think he said, you know, I don't remember what he said exactly, but it was something like, oh, I can't believe we're doing this. Volotov awesome like that. You know, yeah, there's a lot of letters. It's more conservative. Inquire, are we involving ourselves with Nazis nonsense? I guess I don't know. I can't tell you for sure. But I just see too many people. Assuming that this was a blunder and they shouldn't believe that. Yeah, I don't think I don't think that they should believe that either. And I thank you for bringing it to our attention, having anything else anything else you want to get out there. That's it. Thank you very much. I have a new I have it. Okay. Go ahead. I have a new article posted, by the way. Oh, well, tell me about that. Well, I have a new article posted on Oh, okay. And it's about a Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority made some statements earlier this month about why the Holocaust happened. It's insinuated that as we stated that it was not without. It's really an opinion that a lot of people have had, but he said they misbehaved. And that it was a reaction to Jewish behavior. And I article, the focus of the article is to talk about. To what extent he has correctly stated the situation and to do that, I had to go through mine comps and kind of summarize. At all Hitler's awakening, so we say. Now, I haven't kept up with the story, but tell me I'm sure that you are better informed of it than I when when Mr. Abbas stated that Jews were Holocausted because of their own behavior has. Have there been any accusations of anti-Semitism launched? He's simultaneously accused of justifying the Holocaust and denying the Holocaust. I don't know how the accused have been denying it because he really didn't. He said they said that Hitler gives the Jews because they were Jews. This is not true. We have book sources that this is not true. They were money lenders. They were saboteurs. Right. It was their social role. That's kind of what Abbas says. He also says that they were not persecuted because of their religion or their race. It's strictly speaking true because when you read, I don't know how much we can talk about this on rumble. I would try not to let's not get into all of Hitler's accusations against the Jews on serial politics. Maybe we'll save that for Friday. Abbas said they were complaints about these people and they got done rounding up the money changers and the saboteurs. There were six million of them and they were all Jewish. Well, Abbas gave very little detail, actually. But basically, I can't really say anything while I'm afraid of saying anything like that. We'll revisit the Holocaust on Friday. You're publishing this piece over at CODOH, which is the committee on discussion of the Holocaust or something. Committee for open debate. Open debate on the Holocaust. You don't have to type this in there, but I understand. Holocaust is capitalized as a trademark symbol after it. That's very important. You get sued if you invoke it differently. Make sure if you type it out, you have to make sure you put that TM at the end of it. Thank you very much for the call. That will really screw up the URL. Have a good time, my friend. One, four, three, three, call me or I'll end the show soon. I'm going to read to you a piece. Another, another bit of news before we do though. You know, having he brought up that the, you know, he, you know, what's his name? Zelensky, you know, that guy, not the transgender trotsky, the other lunatic over there working for Biden. He gets accused of hanging out with Nazis or whatever. And they're like, he can't hang out with Nazis. He's Jewish. It's like, it's like a, it's a get out of jail free card or whatever. And so Vladimir Putin, you know, he doesn't like that Zelensky character very much. You might have gathered. And so he, he criticizes him because they're at war. And the Washington Post is like, you're not allowed to do that. You're not allowed to criticize Volotomers. Zelensky is a lot of the Zelensky Jewish. And if you criticize him, then that's anti-Semitic. And so they say that Putin is a Nazi. And so over here at the Washington Post, a very, very, very stupid person by the name of Francesca Ebel, is, is, that sounds, I don't know. I'm not going to guess. Maybe there's premonthoraces or echoes or whatever. So for Francesca Ebel over at the Washington Post, she doesn't think that it's okay to criticize people who happen to be Jewish. And she says, Russian president, Vladimir Putin, earlier this month, let loose a fresh tirade against Ukrainian president Volotomers, Lensky, who is Jewish and immune to criticism and many of whose relatives were killed by the Nazis, just like all the rest of them. The Western masters Putin told Russian television, growing visibly angry, put a person at the head of the modern Ukraine, and ethnic Jew with Jewish roots with Jewish origins to cover up the anti-human essence, that is the foundation of the modern Ukrainian state and the glorification of Nazism. Ukraine quickly condemned Putin's words as anti-Semitic. A spokesman for the Ukraine Foreign Ministry called it another manifestation of deep rooted anti-Semitism of the Russian elites, and accused Putin of having a chronic fixation with Zalensky's ethnic background. It was not the first time since Russia's February of 2022 invasion of Ukraine that the Russian leader has attacked Zalensky's Jewish heritage. In June, he told an economic forum in St. Petersburg, I have lots of Jewish friends, they say Zalensky is not a Jew, he's a disgrace to the Jewish people. Putin's comments, which some analysts view as an effort to justify claims that Russia's war is intended to denounce a fight Ukraine, are part of a wider pattern of anti-Semitic rhetoric by the Kremlin and its propagandists that has drawn criticism from Israel and the West. I love this stuff for it. What did you say what you will about Vladimir Putin? Maybe he's made a mistake, right? Do it say anybody buy that you're going into Ukraine to end Nazism? Not smart people don't buy that, okay? Vladimir Putin is negotiating with the world, which most people are not very smart, you might have gathered, and so you can understand how a man might be like, all right, I'm going to go in there with my military, and I don't want to go say I'm fighting evil, how do you think we should go about that? Somebody's like, well, tell them they're Nazis, and he's like, they do that all the time, yeah, sure, oh yeah. And there's like actual guys over there with the Wolfsangel and the Swastikus stuff, we'll do it, yeah, okay? Like they actually did overthrow the government, so you know. After Putin's comments at the St. Petersburg, economic forum in June, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, accused the Russian leader of employing anti-Semitic lies and distorting the Holocaust to justify his brutal invasion of Ukraine. Fears of return to virulent state-sponsored anti-Semitism in Russia prompted one of Moscow's chief rabbis, Pinchos Gold Schmidt to flee the country last year and relocate to Israel, God forbid. My fear then, as well as my fear now, is that there's going to be more anti-Semitism on this new political system, which has been established since the war began. Gold Schmidt said in a telephone interview from Jerusalem, and he will be much more difficult for Jews in the Jewish community to live there and thrive. Speaking of Russia's very long and difficult history of anti-Semitism at various stages during a Soviet era, Gold Schmidt said he worries that the country is going back to the past. Gold Schmidt has publicly warned other Jews living in Russia to leave. It was the only choice Gold Schmidt said in an interview describing his decision to flee after the invasion. I woke up in a different country and with changed political system that was totally isolated from the rest of the Western world under this change of circumstances. I highly doubted that there was a future for Jews in Russia. Since his departure, Gold Schmidt has been listed as a foreign agent by Russian authorities. Oh, well, that must be anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Oh, you're saying that I'm a disloyal Jew, aren't you? That's a trope. In May of 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov drew the iron of Israel and prominent Holocaust for remembrance groups when he claimed that Zelensky's ethnic background meant nothing and asserted that Hitler too had Jewish roots. A claim for which there is no evidence. Now, and shut up. You're not allowed to say that about Adolfin. So one thing you're not allowed to say about Adolf Hitler. You can say any of you want about Adolf Hitler, just don't you dare call him a Jew, alright? Because nobody's gonna put up with that. Whether you like the guy, I hate the guy, you're not gonna put up with Colin Hitler or Jew. For a long time now, we've been hearing the wise Jewish people say that the biggest anti-Semite should have Jews themselves, oh, I'm sorry. This is Lavrov speaking and I'm doing the stupid voice of a goldsmith guy. I'm not gonna try to do a Russian accent because those are fine people and, you know, I don't wanna get the, I don't wanna do a bad Russian accent. For a long time, we've been hearing the Jewish people say that the biggest anti-Semite should have Jews themselves, Lavrov said an interview with Italian media. Israel's Foreign Minister described Lavrov's remarks as unforgivable and foreign ministry summoned Russian ambassador to explain. The office of Israel's then prime minister, and off-Tali Bennett, and said Putin apologized for Lavrov's remarks during a phone call a few days later. But the Kremlin readout of the call made no mention of the apology. Zomensky has called Putin the second king of anti-Semite, anti-Semite, anti-Semite, anti-Hitler. The claims by Putin, Lavrov, and other senior Russian officials that Ukraine is a D.O. Nazi state have become increasingly difficult to support. Because you know, the Washington Post was all about supporting those claims a bit ago. They just said a little difficult to do now. Right, Washington Post? You are all about calling Ukraine a bunch of Nazis, you know, when they were just a bunch of white folks with fight club or whatever, right? And they were like, oh, you're fighting the Ruskies? Yes. Go ahead. You can do whatever you want. You guys want to just go sacrifice some virgin? How many Jews you want to kill? Go ahead. Just as long as you kill the Russians for us, that's fine. Why should it post this so funny? Ukraine's new defense minister, Rustam Umarov is a Muslim with Crimea and Tatar roots. Vladimir Gryusman, Ukraine's prime minister from 2016 to 2019 was also Jews. The Jews are on the whole country. You can't call us Nazis, you know. But since the invasion, the Jewish community has repeatedly been instrumentalized, I should say in Kremlin propaganda. Vladimir Zolov-Yov, one of the loudest propaganda on Russian state television has frequently cast doubt on the authenticity of Zelensky's Jewish heritage during his talk shows. Don't doubt it at all, man. Look at his behavior. Very Jewish. And in the recently released film, the dead tell the witness a state supported Russian propaganda film about the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian's are portrayed as violent sadistic Nazis who frequently use anti-Semitic slurs when the films Jewish protagonist Belgian violin player ties to play, Klezmer music, he is ordered by the Ukrainian commanders to stop playing that ugly music and ridiculed for his Jewish identity and appearance. In Omebo last year, the US State Department wrote that Putin and Russian propaganda apparatus are exploiting the historical memory of the Soviet flight against Nazi Germany to fabricate a pretext for the invasion of Ukraine. Oh, imagine that. Imagine taking World War Two and using it as a justification for your violent destructive foreign policy. Can you imagine any nation being so evil as to consider such a thing appropriate? I can't believe that, Vladimir Putin, imagine that. Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. To serve its predatory ends, the Kremlin is exploiting the suffering and sacrifice of all those who lived or World War Two and survived the Holocaust, the memo stated. In the process, the Kremlin is detracting from critically important global efforts to combat anti-Semitism and is instead propagating one of anti-Semitism's most insidious forms, Holocaust distortion. Oh, I'm sorry, Holocaust, yeah, the memo added with anti-Semitism on the rise around the world for no good reason whatsoever, it's a complete mystery. It is imperative for all to call out this particularly pernicious kind of Russian disinformation. Ha ha ha ha ha. After the invasion, tens of thousands of Russian Jews immigrated to Israel as part of a historic wave of Russians leaving the country to escape the economic and political consequences of the war. It was the largest wave of departures to Israel in decades. But within Russia's remaining Jewish community, almost no one says that anti-Semitism is on the rise, at least not publicly, then it bimbats the rabbi at Moscow Center for Progressive Judaism, said that following the invasion of Ukraine, he decided that the synagogue would refrain from commenting on politics or the war to both protect the congregation and maintain dialogue with the other progressive congregations around the world. Imagine that. You're a synagogue and you're like, you know what, I better not subvert the state during wartime. They treat me okay. Ha ha ha ha. Everything's fine. As long as I don't behave like a traitor to my country, they treat me with respect. Imagine that. Ha ha ha ha. We need to be present here in Russia, bimbats said. We cannot talk about the sensitive topics that we do not get to talk about politics. We need to be here with the people in this role is more important than ever. People needs stability. At a sabbat service on Friday, ahead of Monday's Yom Kipper holiday, worshippers kept to that pledge. A mixed congregation of around 20 people, mostly young people in their 30s sang alongside the cantor leading prayers with a guitar and a mixture of Russian and Hebrew. A ring-lite in camera lit up the scene, streaming the service to a wider congregation online, a feature that was first introduced during the COVID pandemic and became so popular that it stuck. No one wished to talk about the war. Leo Forty, who spoke on condition that only his first name be published for security reasons, said that he was not sure whether anti-Semitism in Russia was on the rise, but that he had not noticed anything unusual recently. His wife, Valeria, said the situation was best it's been in a while. The couple declined to comment on Putin or Lavrov statements. Bimbatt insisted that there is no anti-Semitism at the Russian state and no immediate threat to the Jewish community in Moscow. After the invasion, the Russian Jewish community, like other parts of the wartime Russian society was quickly divided between those who publicly condemned the war and those who continued to support the Kremlin and those who remained silent. Following gold smits departure, he was criticized for engaging in public activities and has been accused of misrepresenting the broader view of Russia's Jewish community. There are some people in the community who have supported the war and supported the narrative, the fight of Russia against neo-Nazis. There are some people in the community who have supported the war and supported the narrative, the fight against Russia against neo-Nazis and fortunately gold smits said in response to the accusations. There is also a community who believe that they have to support the government in any circumstances. In a recent interview, the former Soviet descendant of the Israeli politician, Natan Sharonsky, rejected the idea that Putin is anti-Semitic. Putin is not anti-Semitic, isn't an anti-Semite. On the contrary, he sympathizes with Jews for many reasons but he is now building a new dictatorship. Sharonsky said in an interview in the Israeli media, he is decided to renew the Russian Empire and wants to restore its national dignity. Sharonsky said he wants to take over Ukraine and for that he needs to mobilize his people because no one is interested in war except him. There you go. Vladimir Putin is the new head of Hitler. Ladies and gentlemen, you might expect if you follow up politics for like two seconds. You might come to realize that anybody who does anything that upsets anybody is now literally Hitler. Collar, you are on surreal politics. What can I do for you friend? Good evening Chris. How are you doing? I'm doing so good. Thank you so much for asking. Appreciate it. How is it? Welcome. I have a little bit of follow up with Friday's phone call and the call I have tonight is about what the topic that you brought up at the start. But the translation to American English might make it better of never assume instead of never trust. Okay, so just real quick. So the what your referencing is he call into a differently branded production which occurs on Friday is in his on censored when you called me on Friday. You said something to the effect of what was the context of never trust again. Could you could you re-informed this audience? Well, it's basically to keep yourself alive in a combative environment. Okay, it was never trust to always verify state vigilance. Gotcha. And saying that this was a so this was this is translated from a foreign taxes that is at the idea from Gaelic. Yeah, okay. And so the and so we had a little bit of a discussion that ensued that like well in war like you have to trust like you got to go there with the guys that you're on your team and if you have low trust environment in a war zone, you're like you're going to lose. And so and so you're saying that when you looked into it after the show, it's never assume and that's probably more prudent because you know war things get very unpredictable of course. Exactly. And and for how things are kind of viewed in American English. I mean, if I think about it, I think never trust it never assume or almost exactly the same thing. But in American English, they might mean to radically different things. Well, that makes some sense. You know, I and I can I can appreciate the nuance of that being a guy who you know has a thankful languages for sure. Okay. And what I what I called on tonight was I think it's it's our responsibility to lift the tail of some sacred cows of the past and maybe give them another look. Okay. I'm I can I can do that. I wouldn't want to debate the Holocaust on the Monday show if that's if that's what you're getting at. But if you have some other sacred cow that that we could talk about on real politics, I'd be happy to do that. Yes. Yeah, I do. I dated a holistic child care provider for about 30 years. And I was amazed on all the different, you know, how was she was constantly researching and all all the stuff that that she knew about. You know, and this is we need we need to know, you know, or we need to know more about the safety of our environment for our adults and for our children for positive positive development. And what you always said to without knowing the safety of your environment and the safety of your food breastfeeding is madness because this is what what you're doing is you are poisoning your kid without even knowing it. Well, I would say that if you like if you are uncertain of the food that mother is eating, then it would tend to imply that you're going to be as uncertain about anything the child is eating and perhaps better that that passes through to mother and gets a little filtering going on. You think. Well, and that that is why things is it's not filtered because breast milk comes from the blood and memory glands are not filters. So basically whatever the book is fact are stomach is a better filter than a memory gland is. So you take you go you eat some food right and and then your body process it that the liver is involved in this somewhere you go through like you know there's a whole process I'm not going to do it in any detail because that would get graphic. But you know there's a does exit routes and stuff like that and so you know you eat some food and then the food gets into your blood in some capacity and then the blood gets to memory glands and then memory glands produce milk right kind of the mechanics of it right. Yeah, and so foods no good and mom eats it and then make some breast milk then then that's going to have a negative impact on the child is sort of a just that you're getting out. Exactly that well that that is one of the things that I was getting that and if you want to get the child that's not going to help that child out. No, it's not going to help the child and that's that's why a lot of times hold this whole list of parents hope people who are already holistic beforehand. They make pretty good parents because they're already you know concerned about everything in their environment so that helps out you know the the child's positive environment as well. But what I'm getting at is that like yeah I mean that makes sense that you know if you're very if you're very conscious about you know what's coming into your body then you know you're going to be hyper you know hyper aware of the things in the environment obviously. And so long as you do not become a complete crack pot over it which I understand some people have done then then that was the potential to infer grade confer grade benefit upon the child what I mean to get at those that you know if you're not certain of your environment to the extent that perhaps mother is eating things that are going to result in her breast milk not being so great. Then how can you be certain of whatever else you would be giving that child. Exactly. Yeah you have you have to put in the time and do the research and I think you're going back to the sacred cow I think that we had our you know our Jewish medical professors or professionals you know tell us basically if it came out of the breast it was liquid gold good to go. For a while the FDA offered testing a breast milk for free you know and I can't remember when this was like in the 90s 98% of the samples that were sent in were rejected as not fit for human consumption. So they they stopped testing the milk all together right because all the milk that was being sent in you know was milk that you shouldn't be given to children. However I wanted to follow you go ahead now go ahead for sure though I wanted to follow up with with the COVID thing. She was very adamant about that that mothers who wore masks for over four hours a day and used hand sanitizer should not be brushed in. She said that the the mask let the carbon dioxide build up too much in the blood so you have it you have a toxic level of carbon dioxide in your blood carbon dioxide carbon dioxide in your blood as well as the hand anything that we put on our hands or our feet very quickly absorbs directly into the bloodstream. Well that hand sanitizer amongst other things is mostly alcohol. You know so you put you put in hand sanitizer on your hand you know it's you know it can be considered almost like taking a shot of vodka or something like that you have alcohol even your bloodstream and it stays in your bloodstream for quite a while depending on how much of the hand sanitizer it you know. It's doing but that was one of the things when the COVID thing was going around you know she thought that that was extremely unhealthy for breastfeeding mothers because because of what is in their blood and how that transfers over the breast. Well I don't I don't doubt that a lot of the a lot of the things that negatively impact that us during COVID could easily emerge in breast milk not least of all the stress hormones that were that were surely you know impact in the women during that time. I you know for what I understand about how the body processes alcohol I have trouble imagining a little bit of ethanol from hand sanitizer resulting in you know fetal alcohol syndrome or anything of that variety you know yeah you're putting some ethanol in your hands and there's a lot of problems with hand sanitizer by the way that like if if you you know if you completely try to sanitize your world that's actually not it's not the best thing in the world for you because you know you know you know you can't go to the other side of the world that you can't do it. I'm not going to ask you to do that for you because if your body has no concept of you know coming into contact with harmless bacteria and whatnot then it will not be it will not be in any position to fight off something more detrimental should it emerge and so you know it's there's a lot of problems I have my doubts that it's negatively impacting breast milk but I'm not an expert on the subject I mean it seems to me friend I you know I I think that it sounds to me that what you have overstated the situation. If I'm frank with you because if you are uncertain of your environment to the fact to the point where you know mom's breast milk is contaminated I can't imagine a scenario where you're in any better position to give that child anything but the mother's breast milk I mean if it's if you happen to know that that mom is a junkie and then go ahead you give the kid M. F. M. L. instead of you know tainted breast milk but you know if food goes into mom and then goes through mom's liver into her body. You know bloodstream and whatnot and and then into her mammary glands then into the child that seems to me all together than than that same food going into the child and so the idea that you know breast feeding is mad as the idea that the FDA turn around and said 90% 98% of the breast milk is unfit for human consumption well they probably stop doing that not because they were concerned that you know that that that that it was negatively impacting the breast milk is the concern about the credibility of the FDA what the hell is wrong with you if you think that's the 98% of breast milk is unfit to consume like you're like that says that the people at the FDA are a bunch of lunatics with standard it well I don't want to one of two things as a case either our food supply is so contaminated that there's nothing to feed those kids or you know or the FDA is completely lost their flip in minds and either one of those things are plausible to me but I can't imagine a situation where 98% of the breast milk in a country is is no good for human consumption so if you just go stop by Walmart you'll pick up a better product well what one of the things that that she was you know or two of the main things that she really looked at that had had nothing to do with food and you might not see so much anymore but it was like polyester drapes with base board feeding it was if you were if you are feeding the polyester drapes right with it with a baseball heater or whatever it was giving off toxic food not necessarily toxic to adults but it was toxic to children you know right you don't see much of polyester drapes or baseball or heating you know any more but maybe that's one one excuse we could say of why the boomers are the way they are well that makes sense you know that they you know you could basically have environmental contaminants that that mother is being exposed to that it is not the same as the other thing you know the other thing you know you could have a little bit more of that that's what it was to and they emerge in the breast and that those contaminants that they are not being exposed to and they emerge in the breast and that those contaminants that those particular contaminants might not be in the can of animals at the idea right right that makes sense. that she that she used so you could take like and that's a direct that's bypassing the stomach and the bloodstream so it could be let's say mother use is dub soap you know when she likes dub soap or whatever and then without cleaning the nipple you know that the baby puts put their mouth on the nipple which you know has that dub soap residue you know on it and it's stop it and the chemicals like that chemicals that could be on her skin you know it could also be you know poisonous well yeah and not to mention that like dub soap will actually turn you into a fat dishonest black woman who makes up fake hate crimes and so you don't want to do that to your child because you know that stuff's going out of style like 10 years ago that was all the rage but in 10 years for now and your child girls up that's not going to be popular. yeah yeah exactly well I just think I just think overall right we can't take for granted almost anything that is marked in this to us in commercials you know or what some of these you know took all the experts say you know about what is good for you and it's easy it's easy enough for a lot of people and it's they really care they care about themselves and if they care about their children you know they they look up the products that they're using they look up the food they're eating the cleaning chemicals they're using you know and all the I think that we've almost gotten a little bit blind in in what we believe and we can't kind of just trust or assume that whoever is is telling us that knows what they're talking about. well that you know I think anybody who puts that theory to the test you know quickly comes to find out the the at best uncertainty of the information environment when they come to investigate these things don't they. exactly yeah that's why I really think that maybe that the never-rescue you know is the better is the better translation here I think of that. but yes specifically when it came to the you know the covid environment and breastfeeding I think more mothers should have been very you know what doing their research doing a lot of research and and then anybody else who cares too you know how is this affecting our kids because our kids are our future you know our kids you know our 10 year olds are going to be 20 year olds and less than a decade and you know and they're going to be just one of us as well. well that's the massive it for sure and you know I would say you know look I want to say I'm just going to go on record here that you know when in doubt breastfeeding kids ladies if you're able to do it and and there's any question in your mind I would say yeah air on the side of putting it to the child's mouth but you know you got to take care of my right I mean you know mom is the sacred temple from which life springs forth and if if the temple was contaminated then you know there's going to be all problem all matter of problems that arise from that that I'm not going to be solved by depriving a child of a breast I'd say. yeah I would say sometimes it's not as direct as seeing like a mother breastfeeding her baby while eating a big mac at McDonald's you know something like that that's that's something you never want to see you know because yeah that big mac in big mac right back out that's what the baby is consuming you know yeah it's like but there there are a lot of mothers that do do that they don't even think about it you know and and so that's that's something to be aware of too I don't know how we can we can best help them you know or if if anything but just put the message out okay research what you're consuming research the products that you're using you know no you're you know no you know knowing your environment is definitely half the battle or half the survival rate of living. well I think I think there's a lot of wisdom in what you said my friend and I thank you very much for bringing it to attention I wish you a very good evening. You want to thank you very much for to call my friend to one seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and what you told the last I have to please you go you know look I'm just going to say I think that you've got to choose your assumptions you know you're always going to be assuming certain things you can't know everything right you can't research every topic right there are assumptions and if your assumptions are correct and you know you reach better outcomes than if your assumptions are incorrect. You know assume nothing is is it doesn't it's actually not a practical matter but you know try to be informed about things especially if you're if you are you know you're responsible for another life you know I'd say that that's a that's some prudent advice for sure two and seven six eight one four three three you know somebody should make a cartoon of that that like a cartoon where a mother is breastfeeding the child while eating the big Mac and like the big Mac goes in the stomach and then like out the breast and then the and then I don't know tears the child apart inside of something now we should make a cartoon of children being tear the point but you get the idea just you know don't eat garbage. Caller you're on surreal politics what can I do for him. Hey there Chris I just wanted to invite you to talk about this topic previously you read the article political violence in the game that the right cannot win. I'd like you to I don't know just apply that to something like say solosky rules for radicals so I mean it the political violence would be you know one tactic but some of the other tactics that the communist opposition employees is basically deception you know following Sunsou's first system all wars deception are the tactics that solosky lines out in his thirteen rules for radicals are those are those a game that the right can't win. Well I would say that's um that's an interesting way of framing it I'd say uh uh and it's a it's a thing that I got to tell you I'm not I'm not entirely prepared for but let me try to work this out. I do not remember the rules as they are you know enumerated but I'll take your point that it's largely deception okay the idea being I think the the thrust of the idea you're getting on is that Olinsky's premise is you do whatever it takes to get your way and and basically um the and this is a fundamentally a means by which of taking advantage of people deceptively is kind of the the thrust of the of the thing and you're I and what you're getting at is I've read a piece on here that says that the title of which is political violence is a game the right can't win and therefore we can't emulate that tactic and and I have said in the course of uh reall politic that well you know um you one ought not aspire to be dishonest however um rigid application of some kind of you know ideological program statement or feeling compelled to um state the entirety of one's views of just not politically savvy and you might you might do well to learn from solalinsky and so I uh I think that I can stand by that I mean you know look I've said on here before that uh when I meet a woman uh I don't express to her as I introduce myself every sexual idea that goes for my head I exercise some tact and so I think you could do the same thing in politics and not be deceptive I don't think that you're I don't think you're I don't think you're lying to people if you approach them on you know a certain level and say you know this these are the rules of conversation and I think that that's a prudent thing to do and I don't think it's I mean you know you can you could make the case and it's fundamentally you know a deception but you know much of society is right our our entire you know um we all sort of operate on certain fictions that make civilization possible right and we don't consider those things even if they are not entirely accurate representations of reality they are not they are not dishonest in in our typical conception of it so you know if you if you want to approach politics and you say okay well ladies of gentlemen I am nice to meet you I'd like to be president of the United States and this guy out of Hitler he's been treated unfairly by history and let me tell you why that is and and you decide that you're going to introduce these people to yourself in this way well as a matter of fact that's not going to advance your goals at all like as a matter of fact if you wanted to redeem the reputation of that off Hitler you would not accomplish the goal in this way and so if you think that that's a worthwhile thing to do then you should find another way to do it and and if you think that the way that the man's been treated by history is a dishonest thing in that by redeeming his reputation that you would actually be advancing the truth well then you know allowing the truth to be sacrificed upon the upon the altar of popular opinion actually would not advance the truth at all would it no certainly not you know that's kind of my idea of it like you know like the idea that you know Republicans are going to allow Democrats to rule in the name of constitutional government is preposterous right like oh well the Constitution says the Constitution says that we just got to give it to those Democrats you know I know that you know they would cheat or whatever but it wasn't you know we don't we can't prove it before the day that we got a hand over to power and so you know let's go lock that Trump guy up and let the let the election thieves go you know like the idea that the Constitution just demands that we do things and therefore all the dishonest criminal behavior of the Democrats just falls second to the Constitution that's kind of preposterous in my view so you know if you want to defend a thing you know you know I think that there's limits on I'll I'll just caveat that like you know your capacity to know everything is inherently limited and so you know when you stray from accurate and forthright representations of what you believe to be true but you venture into very dangerous territory right if you're if you're withholding relevant information in a way that you know people could deem deceptive or if you are putting forth information designed to construct a narrative that you know to be contrary to reality then you are venturing into very dangerous territory because you know your your your actual capacity to know everything is is very limited and so your perception that well my deception will advance a greater good is is a is a hazardous thing to do and so you know one should approach approach such things would extreme caution at the very at the very least but you know there's I would say you know in the course of our regular dealings with people we never we are never entirely forthcoming I don't tell women all of my sexual ideas I don't tell you know when I'm talking to a four year old I don't tell him about everything that I talk about on the radio right you know the the face that I present to people I do so with the with the most righteous of intent and I do it based on context and politics is its own context. By Sanders Spooner and the wall about 175 years ago but with regards to you know subjectivity engaging with your audience that that's that you'll get no argument for me on that I think mostly what I was asking about was just. I don't know tactics. Well I think that you know the thing is that I think that some people think that tactics are somehow disreputable okay that like intent somehow is deceptive and I think that's a common pathology on the right you know that if you approach something intentionally that you are by definition distorting it okay and I don't think that that's true and I think that nobody who's ever been on a date believes that you know I mean so like you know anybody who's better you know like I dating apps are bad and websites or whatever you know it's far better than you come into contact with people more organically than this but I used to be on a few of these things say and so you you can learn a lot about people by by reading these things and so you think about this okay what is a person put on their on their dating profile what they put on their dating profile is all of the things that they want you know the other side to know right and it's the and they are the other side this is a contest it's opposition right you know I'm trying to get what I want for the reason I think I'm looking for the other side. And so it's it's this negotiation and you're and you're and you're putting forth your best side okay and so maybe you have like you know and you might say things like oh here's this thing about me that you should know because if we have a conversation for two minutes you're going to know about it and if that's a deal breaker don't contact me and then you're doing that not fundamentally because you want the person to be so much better informed as much as one you're you're trying to avoid it. A negative situation subsequent and also you're informing that person your virtually signal you're you're you're telling them how honest you are look at how forth right I am now that now that I've said this negative thing about myself now that you know that now you know that I'm honest and so all of the other things I'm hiding from you you won't have any suspicion of at all. You know and so like you know we do this all the time and and I think that in politics you must do it all the more especially when you're dealing with people who are so fundamentally deceptive now you know I think that it would be stupid I think it would be foolish in the extreme for Republicans to get into the habit of being like you know going full vermons supreme and being like well everybody gets a pony right like everybody gets a pony if I'm president you know everybody gets whatever they want okay we're going to have we're going to do the socialized medicine thing and we're going to have a and we're going to have a you know a basic income guarantee and by the way everybody's still going to be able to go to work and we're not going to destroy the economy we're going to have all those benefits of socialism and none of the downsides because Republicans are better central planners than those stupid Democrats okay you know or you know whoever it is that's proposing those things who happens to not be a Republican whoever that may be I don't think that it's a good idea for the right to start making ridiculous absurd dishonest promises to the world. So, I think it's a good idea to start making ridiculous promises to the world. So, I think it's a good idea to start making ridiculous promises to the world. And, I think that it's a good idea to start making it more salient. Should you lie about I mean if you're asked about something should you say no in the answer is yes I mean that's a that's a pretty different question you know and I you know I think that. I'm willing to tolerate explicit lying but I do think it's a it's a categorically different thing from you know choosing what you what you portray you know and so you know if if you go out and you say hey you know I think that immigration is a huge problem that we need to stop it and somebody says well that's racist and you say no no no I think you know our diversity is fantastic and I just want to maintain it at the levels that it is I mean you know I would say that you know and I don't know that this person might not want to say something like that but is it you know are you just repeating a popular cultural refrain or are you or are you trying to deceive the public you know there's you know there's there's some nuance there I'd say. Yeah this is also religious overtones because when you're talking about that you're talking about you know repeating dogmarked catacasms basically but I don't know I there's definitely a hunger for authenticity that's like the one that I'm talking about. I'm talking about authenticity that's like the fundamental American thing is the appeal there's there's a hunger for anybody that says anything authentically that's how that's how that rich men north of Richmond guy got really big he just appeal to that hunger for authenticity I mean maybe he was maybe he was fake or whatever but like there's there's a there's a vacuum there. You know I think on our side of things I think that there's yeah I think when you what you point out there is kind of interesting you know there are people who you know question the authenticity of all of our Anthony or whatever you know since that's not his name I suppose you know you know there's there's some that calls to do that but you know it's not it's actually not in question whether or not the the reaction to all of our Anthony was authentic that was authentic and so like you know and I'm going to say that's not the kind of actually just be honest and people want authenticity but they want they like authenticity and strictly accurate representation or two different things ok so like good art rarely is a perfect depiction of reality because like what would be the point of it at that point right I mean you're just you just take a photo and then you you just record the the birds chirping or the people walking through the city what makes art art is that it is not an representation what makes it art is that it is different and so you know it is either it accentuates things it says it it shows us it it makes more salient certain features than others than our perceptions of actual events happen to be and so like you know the the rich men north of Richmond like meant different things to lots of different people and and the idea behind it fundamentally was is you know there's people taking advantage of us and that's real okay and so like everybody might have had a different conception of that you have some people who are like always talking about the Jews and the blacks and then there's other people who were saying all of our Anthony did more to men racial divides than anybody and since Martin Luther King or you know and so like you you clearly come to the conclusion that you know if other if different people are drawing you know dramatically different conclusions about what's going on here that this is not a photograph right this is not you know this is not an unadulterated representation of what's going on because people are making different inferences from it or inferences I may say or inferences yes that's the right pronunciation somebody corrected me on that I keep on trying to do it right and so you know I think that's you know art provides us with with a helpful sort of example of what you're talking about I guess the caller is dropped off I appreciate you bringing this to the show and any case though my friend you know no matter what it is that we do whether involved in media or art or politics or whatever you know we want to convey an honest message I think is that's what I mean to get it okay and I tried to do that you know I'm a media personality ladies and gentlemen this is an entertainment product and I mean to convey to you an honest message and I mean to do so in a fashion that you find a peeling and entertaining and so maybe when I bring these things to you I might play certain things up I might play certain things down I might you know over over state a thing it too you know it's an entertainment product and stating that today doesn't mean no good when these things are right out in a courtroom I've I've learned the hard way but I'm you know you should always try to you should always try to communicate honestly but I don't think that that always necessarily means that you have to communicate with the utmost you know bluntness and straight forwardness you know how can you best convey the truth to somebody well you know you got to be involved in the conversation if you want to do that and so if your your aim is to advance the truth you know you might have to find the best way of doing that and it might not be to tell exactly what happened and so as we attempt to continue to convey our honest message to decent people I appreciate your help with it and there's lots of ways for you to do that if you go to Christopher Cantwell dot net slash how can I help you'll find a very long description of all not maybe not all but many of the things that you could do to help me out and that would be great if you have you know time and talent that you want to lend or just time or just out whatever it is there's a lot of things that I could use some help with around here if you watch the beginning of the show you understand I'm basically a one man operation as a few people in the background who have been very helpful to me and God bless you thank you but I would love to do more I really think that if I had you know a few more people you know work in half as hard as I know that we would accomplish truly amazing things you know so it's a real politics dot com slash join you become a member of the and then you get access to of course the member content that's a real politics dot com but now you get access to member content that Christopher Cantwell dot net you're going to soon be getting members only content with that same subscription you don't have to sign up for another payment or something you soon going to be getting content from the guys over at full house okay and they're great like they get talented they do family friendly stuff they they don't forfeit you know the entertaining quality of it I mean it's they really do a good job and I'm very proud to be working with them and we're going to do that with more more people to bring more more people on to the platform and we're going to you know have this affiliate program that they can get paid for you know referring memberships and then basically people can you sign up they can use our website as a means of which authenticate their own users for paywall content and if they refer those users then they can get paid an affiliate sale okay and it's kind of complex and I don't need to explain the entire business model here but it's not like it's a different thing than we sell paint wall memberships for them as a different business model it's very clever if you if you understand it and it's going to change the way that the whole entertainment industry works it completely different okay and that's important because the entertainment industry has been in the toilet for a long time and the advertising industry has been in the toilet for a long time and I'm going to fix it but I need your help all right so you want to go over give me a hand if whether you're like a computer guy if you got like database PHP Linux you know this type of stuff you know I could use your help if you're like a mobile app to bell a part you could help me out if you are local to new Hampshire and you could do mundane things I got a few contacts from people who live in new Hampshire and they're like hey I'm in New Hampshire want to help you out I'm like hey does it tell me about yourself and then I don't get back from so I don't know if I mean you spam trap or whatever but you might want to follow back up with me I replied to your email okay so again a hold to me if you're in New Hampshire let's say hello and and you know pretty soon I'm going to be able to travel again so I'll be able to meet you elsewhere we're going to do that and you know and obviously I mean the whole thing needs to be paid for so you know outside you can become a member Chris surreal pull slash join will get you there or you can give more money than that if you care to I'm not going to stay like you give me as much money as you want I try to make it very easy to do you go to give send go dot com slash SPM serial pull teaks media that's that's my gives and go campaign you could make a one time of recurring donation of any number any amount you want I got well however much money you want to give me I'm not I'm not gonna tell you it's too much you can give me cryptocurrency surreal pull slash donate you can you can do this the entropy superchats during the show I'll try to make those links more salient elsewhere see we could do about that and of course you know you guys who are on Odyssey or rumble you know they do the superchat things on rumble you guys haven't done much of that but I appreciate you watching and we do this every Monday on Wednesday for the members we come back with that members only show it's real pull if rumble if my Odyssey's working we do the the the Odyssey member thing but sometimes it's been a little a little what's the word I want to use because it's not it doesn't start with an F and end it a while it's been screwy that's the word I'm looking for and then on Friday I come back and I do something that you know we wouldn't want to air on rumble it's it's an unscented production it's called radical agenda and you could buy like the radical agenda t shirts and hoodies and hats and all that stuff it's real pull teaks and come slash shop and you should do all of those things so that we can you know fix all of these things that are destroying the lives of our of our children and our daughters and our wives you know because you know if you and me are unhappy fellows that's fine I mean that's sort of like the expected outcome but you know we got to save the the women in the children okay and if we can save the women in the children if the women in the children are happy and do course we'll be okay and so let's go ahead let's say the the women in the children and if we can do that then at least we'll feel good about ourselves and we'll be back Wednesday thank you very much for tuning into surreal pull teaks ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for making it responsible especially you use you who's super chat it as you paid you've thumbed up the video you like you share you subscribe you're on the mailing list all the things you know I love you guys talk radio on Twitter at real Christopher at real Chris can't well on gab follow Chris telegram thank you so