doesi oh my welcome to some real Boatheaks real Boatheak and an unaware world ladies and gentlemen and this is an unreal world indeed today is October 9th 2023 as a current yeah this is stage one episode 29 at war you know you look around you can't help but notice right you know nothing brings America together like its devotion to Israel or at least that's the impression that one gets when watching television you know American media finds much to disagree about generally how many genders are there you know the liberals they tell us it is an infinite variety conservatives being decidedly more moderate or generally skeptical of greater than six and of course they you know still insist that one fell out the proper forms before entering spaces reserved for the opposite sex should America borders you know liberals they say no conservatives they say kind of you know is America a racist country the liberals they say yes and conservatives say it's complicated so you know there's plenty of vigorous debate on these subjects that countries totally divided but when Israel is under threat ladies and gentlemen we are all Americans united under that banner what defines us as Americans more than any other factor perhaps more than ethnicity more than language or culture or territory or even our much worship diversity is our undying devotion to a foreign ethno state spun out of whole cloth less than a century ago these borders unlike ours are wholly and viable hundreds of thousands of Americans died bravely fighting the most evil force in history you know the Nazis to rescue gods chosen people and deliver them to the promised land for this we are blessed by God and in jailed with the right and obligation to rule the earth by force until Jesus returns and every tongue is made to confess this compulsory state religion skirts the first amendment establishment clause by parading as objective fact it is not doctrine its history you see to disagree is to confess one's guilt to renounce one citizenship and one's humanity and yet some still do anti-Semites mostly though not all of them confess their thought crime not immediately anyway some might actually believe they are innocent of the sin of anti-Semitism they say they are merely criticizing a foreign right wing government but but eventually they are made to know that criticizing Israel is by definition anti-Semitic and once they know this they accept that they are in fact anti-Semites this as you might expect has the effect of breeding much anti-Semitism here it's a real politics ladies and gentlemen fine members of the agenda binary we are a officially anyway agnostic on that subject value free is it where in the vein of the best economist calling balls and strikes seems to us reasonable that the Jews would prefer there to be less anti-Semitism and that non-Jews would have substantially more diverse opinions on that subject though it is not at all certain that this is the case and we think this one can objectively call peculiar as Israel announced yesterday that it was at war one informed as to the nature of media an online propaganda might be less than surprised to see that all systems were a go the television instantly was converted from a device of questionable utility into one more soldier of the IDF entirely unambiguous in its reason for existing every Twitter or X trend pertained to the subject short grainy videos with zero explanatory power when viral along with wild descriptions providing alleged context unsupported by the image and sound and notably a trend not too often seen the name Nick Fuentes for those unfamiliar Nick Fuentes is a Mexican child who purses to be the quote main leader of the dissident right for the last five years or so and that's no arbitrary number miss to Fuentes tracks his supposed leadership back to shortly after the unite the right rally in Charlottesville Virginia when the order was bestowed upon him by what was then thought to be the most popular neo Nazi website on earth now widely understood to be a subversive element the daily stormer was largely the creation of two men Andrew Angland previously a detached conspiracy blogger without much notoriety and Andrew Allen Escher ornheimer aka we've a Jewish computer hacker who fled the United States for Ukraine after being released from prison on computer hacking charges the site's popularity was largely a fabrication of weaves making he was manipulating Alexa ranks a now defunct but then widely used metric for estimating the wed the popularity of a website to make the site seem more relevant the site used this perceived popularity to drive American journalists insane and to aid them in their mission to smear Donald Trump as the second coming of out of Hitler when Jewish lesbian law fair crook Roberta Kaplan sued attendees and organizers for the events of August of 2017 though the daily storm or an Andrew Angland were sued on him was not he was mentioned in the filings as the quote ct o of daily stormer and his writings were used as evidence but the plaintiffs tried might only to prevent him from being mentioned in the litigation and with watered in this only by yours truly none of the so-called defense lawyers even tried Fuentes is a non entity in the events of recent days but his suspect origins and conspicuous placement in the Twitter trends yesterday illustrate a broader point worth calling attention to in the moment the leftist mentality is not fundamentally victim oriented they play on victimhood narratives to take advantage of decent people who care about harm coming to the innocent good people tend to be a verse to violence as a general matter to overcome this aversion requires very substantial justification clear targets and clear objectives when malicious actors want to use violence if they want to do so with support of the public they need to create these things in the minds of the populace in order to obtain their support or at least mitigate opposition so when the Israeli state decides that they want to go in and start exterminating the people that they see as obstructing their expansionist project known as greater israel they cannot simply announce that the time has come to bulldoze the huts and slaughter the cattle they must be acting on a very severe provocation and in this they are fortunate that provocation of varying degrees and ever long off having made enemies of so many people over the centuries prior to the existence of their now holy and unidirectionally inviolable borders tablet dot com describes itself as a Jewish magazine about the world and has a piece there today titled israel's intelligence failure by Edward N Lutwock and nearby peace by the same author is titled my meeting with George Soros at just 438 words uh Lutwock's peace on the in Israeli intelligence failure is far from substantial and this is in itself revealing there is simply the assertion that the failure occurred and the speculation that reliable informants had not been told of the attack because surely those informants would have given the signal had they actually known but if the informants are so reliable that their loyalty will not be called into question by tablet magazine such good servants of the state of israel that Jewish writers would sooner blame their own spies than the killers and criminals those spies had recruited then how is it conceivable that the largest attack yet escaped their attention one does not plan a larger attack than usual by reducing the number of co-conspirators it actually works in the exact opposite way there is no report of the informants being killed what disappeared all the news channels as a story broke were baffled that the israel intelligence agency the missod did not see the attack coming it was considered impossible that such a large scale attack could take place without the israeli spies having some advanced warning this impossibility was nonetheless accepted since the attack did in fact take place we are told and if the intelligence agency had known about it then something would surely have been done to prevent it but is that so certainly true at my last check before showtime roughly 900 people are said to have died in the attack various politicians and media types have tried to show off their math skills by comparing this to the holocaust or 9-11 conspicuous themes of all war propagandists the president of israel claims that not since the holocaust have so many Jews being killed in one day and anybody who is wise to the ways of the world is learned to be suspicious of anyone who invokes the holocaust for anything since it is so universally applied to prevent any rational debate on any subject that issue a story by read Alexander at business insider is titled this is israel's 9-11 why israeli say Hamas is unprecedented assault will change their country forever mr. Alexander does not explore the likelihood that this that the way this will change israel is by expanding its borders ask yourself this would the state of israel forfeit the lives of 900 of its citizens if that meant expanding its borders well yes there's actually not a very serious dispute to be had about this they would absolutely do that and moreover there's ample calls to question whether these body counts are accurate on Twitter Ben Shapiro posted quote force yourself to look at the videos of what Hamas did over the weekend look and all caps L.O. okay this is what moral equivalence brings rape of women kidnapping of children murder of hundreds of innocents including full families now by all means they listen do have a look at the videos I have linked them in the show notes for today and again that's a stage one episode 29 there is ample evidence that many rockets were fired it's reasonable to believe that people were killed by those rockets there is evidence that Palestinians came across the border and shot people but of the videos presently in circulation not one shows a rape not one shows the kidnapping of children not one shows the murder of hundreds of innocents much less of full families one video shows a bunch of young people dancing at a rave party in the middle of the afternoon presumably high on drugs as specs in the sky are said to be Hamas paragliders the video ends before anybody notices the specs in the sky in the dancing presumably continues a separate video shows people running with sounds of gunfire in the background but not one person being shot another video shows a man on a motorcycle and another man trying to get an Asian woman on the back of that motorcycle while she screams and motions toward yet another man who is being held captive by still other men the men the man held captive is not struggling in the video none of the kidnappers have guns nor gliders want attempts to imagine the ride back to Palestine as is supposed hostage who fears being raped to death by the Islamic terror army is clinging for dear life to her kidnapper from the back of the motorcycle she has shown in a later video drinking water while sitting on a couch and said to be held hostage based on images like this conservative commentator Laura Loomer best known for her Democrats of the rail Nazis stick quoted the Israeli defense ministers announcement that Gaza would be destroyed with the hashtag class it she followed up to say quote the people in Gaza were given plenty of time to evacuate Israel is going to burn it to the ground today and it will be unenhabitable which is the way it should be watch today for jihad as sympathizers online who cry about human rights violations and genocide both of those phrases being in scare quotes those terrorist and neighbors those people think Hamas has the right to murder Jews in that Israel doesn't have a right to wipe out Hamas and their supporters all of the Islamic neighboring nations care about the people of Gaza so much that they can open up their borders take them in but not even the neighboring Islamic nations want those people that's the elephant in the room right nobody wants them because they behave like barbaric wild animals and they're very violent people who teach their kids to murder Jews today will be a great day for justice approximately 2.1 million people live in Gaza and according to this highly respected Jewish conservative this should be reduced to a translucent flat nothingness by the most sophisticated weapons available based on great e 30 second videos of kids dancing in the afternoon and anybody who thinks that that might be worth questioning the wisdom of is a terrorist sympathizer who needs to be monitored by the counter terrorism authorities which you might recall recently she was saying shouldn't exist and so that's sort of the the situation that were met with over there ladies and gentlemen and do not mistake what I'm saying here is any type of support for the for the for the savages over there I really don't have any I don't care about the Palestinians I'm don't think that there are friends I don't buy into this whole now that noble savage bit that is so popular among some circles I wrote something about this but I don't want to quote it verbatim because this profanity involved you know but I pull this up here truth be told I have no sympathy for the Palestinians they are not my problem I do not want them as neighbors I doubt they are the noble savages so many anti semites make them out to be I don't care if it's their lane and I don't care who takes it from them give it back to the Brits for all I care once you get the Muslims out of Britain but how many times have Jews used Muslims against Christians and Europeans I actually don't know the number but I know it's not zero one if the Israeli government wants to run around the world blowing people's brains out exploding things and burning elections bribing and blackmailing politicians and siphoning off resources through financial chicaneery and you know all the other influence that those folks have around the world you know generally making life miserable for anyone stupid enough to deal with them then you know even as I question the wisdom of you know sort of smashing that place and sending its inhabitants elsewhere I have trouble summoning a great deal of sympathy for what's going on there you know but of course this drives people crazy because they're like well which side are you on what are you talking like why would I beat why would I beat you know you know I understand that some people might have a preference there and I'm not you know I don't you know it's it's and I'll tell you what it's not that I actually don't have one it's just that I get so annoyed and I have for so long like in in the dissonant right as it's come to be known you know people forgot Robert Conquest second rule of politics okay and that is any organization that is not explicitly right wing will eventually become left wing and if you don't if you don't understand that then you you're never gonna understand what happened to the alt-right and you're never gonna get anywhere in politics the alt-right called itself right wing and so you think that like okay you know this is a you know it's a right wing organization and therefore it's not gonna turn left wing but it it actually wasn't you know it was an ethnocentric movement that that that allowed itself to become largely devoid of an ideological basis is honestly what happened and I won't attribute it entirely to economics but economics played a large role in that you know there was sort of there was a consensus that within the alt-right that if you don't deal with immigration if you don't deal with the ethnic component of these problems then you're not gonna be able to have a conversation about marginal tax rates you know you're not gonna be able to have a conversation about really anything because everything that you care about is gonna be destroyed and reasonable people went along with that okay but there was a tendency within that movement as all of these things do the movement did not ostracize left-wingers so long as they purported to be you know devoted to the survival of the race or whatever and so since they did an ostracized left-wingers they had left-wingers in the movement and of course you know that the the economic ceasefire it was uni-directional in nature okay so if you had coherent economic views you kept your mouth shut because you're like all right I'm not gonna go fight with the socialist right now because you know there's more important things on the table but socialist they're left wingers and like left-wingers in the Democrat party they never stop they don't they don't they don't forego opportunities to take what they want right and so these ideas prevailed and we see this you know most notably though not no non-exclusively in it comes out in the platform of the National Justice Party that you're gonna have socialize medicine that you're gonna take you're gonna take healthcare away from for-profit entities because you know profit is evil you know once you let these people get in control of your you know central nervous system and so because of that you have this worship of the noble savage and this comes from the fact that these people it's not it's not that they're it's not that the Hamas killers are fighting the Jews okay because you know there's a wide range of opinions on the merits of doing that it's actually not what they're so happy about it's that it's that the people who have nothing are attacking the people who have something you see what I'm saying and that's actually not a good pathology to be encouraging in a political movement that calls it that purports to be like right wing you know if you're communist that makes perfect sense you know you saw these DSA lunatics they're out in the street right they're like oh yeah you know we're all we're all out for Palestine and they get up you know they get together with these other fanatics and and and they're and they're all in a street like yeah yeah yeah we're you know go take down Israel we're all for Palestine what is that about is that because there are a bunch of anti-Semites well they'd certainly deny that they are right they wouldn't admit to being anti-Semites those people who are out in the street cheering on the Palestinians that's not why they're doing that they love the noble savage right they love the de-civilization of the of the of the society of the world and they're like you know what would be great if the world was a lot more like Palestine you know you know it'd be wonderful if we were all a bunch of murdering savage animals who kill our neighbors right because it's not you know the thing is you there are anti-Semites well-meaning anti-Semites I might add who are like okay the the state of Israel is a problem for you know any number of variety of reasons which we've discussed elsewhere at you know some length and okay you know there's you know shall we say varying degrees of merit to these complaints sometimes in those circles you you know you see what emerges that is could be accurately categorized as jealousy but that's not largely what it is right through control over media they perpetuate this kind of thing or this you know this pathology this detrimental system whatever other people are like oh well you know they control the things they have the money they have this and you know simply on that basis they need to be dispossessed because that's their attitude towards you know property and wealth is that these things are you know inherently wicked and they want to do the same thing to the capitalist class fundamentally and they you know they rail against capitalism in various capacities and their their anti-Semitism is just another component of that right well that's what happens when you forget Robert Conquest Second Rule of Politics and then and then you and then you accomplished nothing unless you want to like accomplish left-wing things like if you want to accomplish left-wing things you definitely don't want to consider Robert Conquest Second Rule of Politics because that'll like prevent the left-wing things from getting accomplished you follow and so there's a lot of that going on I think it's safe to say and I don't think it's wise to worship the noble savage because it's a stupid myth right I mean the whole entire you know the whole entire point of being right wing is to impose order ladies and gentlemen those people over there if if the Jews were not their neighbors they'd be killing whoever their neighbors were and you have enough evidence of that in other Muslim countries right you know it's not it's it's you blame Israel for destabilizing the region okay fine they do I'm not even saying that that's not the case all right but it's not like these people aren't killing each other when that's not the context okay and there's an argument to be made that that's in your interest to be true to be told I remember when I didn't have internet access I saw on TV guy a senator by the name of John Kennedy I think he's from Louisiana I want to say he's really if you if you're familiar with this guy if you watch Fox News you know who I'm talking about he's very funny really interesting guy and every once in a while he let slip something that you're not supposed to say and one day on Fox News I go to second like why are you leveling this thing out this should not be peaking you should not allow that to happen thank you very much do that okay no you're still gonna do it anyway he goes on Fox News and during an interview one day he says look here's what it is that we do in the Middle East we play these countries off of one another we keep them fighting with each other that's you know in our best interest to do that's American foreign policy now there are those who would say that that's actually Israeli foreign policy and I think that there's you know you can make a coherent argument that that's the case I'm not gonna deny it but that's when you see them get together and they're like okay you know ISIS the Islamic state right what is it that they want they want to build the caliphate they want to unite the Muslim world and have the whole and then and then after the Muslim world is united then you know and then you you know unite the rest of the world which is to say convert by the sword every infidel you know unless you pay the jiz you're whatever you know you could go pay your tax and you know let them take your sister or whatever and if you think that that's a good idea fantastic I mean you're you're all set you don't have to worry about that but you know if you want if you if you're like okay the state of Israel is you know it's a first of all it made it harms the United States fine but there's nothing good going on in Palestine and and if and if Palestine takes over the territory notice Israel and all the inhabitants of Israel are displaced by that fact you know it's actually not axiomatic that good things follow from that I think safe to say all right first of all the residents of Israel are probably not going to be you know exterminated to the to the last child they're probably going to go other places you might want to think about the implications of that and even aside from that okay so then the Palestinians get their land back because that's what we're always told by the left wing fanatics is really the issue over there that you know these Palestine these nice folks over in Palestine they need their land back because they're very concerned about land they do that in America too you might have heard stolen land land acknowledgments all this nonsense when you have a bunch of college professors walk into a lecture hall and they turn around they're like okay well we acknowledge that we're standing on the land of you know King smoking pipe or whatever stupid Indian name they gave these people and they want to basically do the same thing over there they're like look these people are less civilized than you they should have the the land and then once they have the land then they'll have fewer impacts on the environment because they're savages and we love that okay and if you think that that's good for you you know think go give your sister to them 217 688 1433 like to be on the program and I'm going to talk to less I have to so please give us a call let's go check on a couple of things over him oh I got I've got I think I've got my first rumble super chat street creature sends 50 bucks I owe you long time fat well thank you very much street creature good good for you thank you very much my friend let's go over look at our Odyssey friends maybe next time says hit the like or you're a you're a what's the word I'm looking for you he says something that I don't say I'm just a real politics hit the like button or you're a subversive element who engages into generate behavior 217 688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call urban moving systems 88 on go MTV he says thanks for coming on logos revealed last week I was on I was on another guy show I haven't posted this to my own website of my own email list yet I've had a lot of stuff has been going on actually I went I went I still need to post what was the other thing I did so I I the other things that have not been posted to the website so I should tell you about you guys probably saw a lot of this if you follow me on telegram you know everything you know if you guys aren't on telegram follow me on telegram go go follow crystal on telegram not like literally the name is follow Chris okay telegrams my most used thing they don't they haven't banned me the only thing that happened is like whatever my channel you can't view it on an Apple device anymore you can still view this real politics channel on an Apple device but I posted years ago that telegram is the new gab and you know I think that that's probably accurate it's probably it's probably I don't know what I think telegram is actually more used than gab at this point but follow me on telegram in any case it whether you're following through politics or whether you're following Christopher can't well on telegram that's a good idea to get Christopher can't well we'll get you more but some of you guys use Apple devices because apparently you trust that corporation to give you absolutely no say in what you do with your phone and if you get on the email list that's a good idea to but telegram is like I you know I don't send out an email all the time because you know spam filters and you guys getting fed up with too much garbage in your inbox I'm not gonna you know send you an email every time I have a thought also by the way if you're on if you have an email with spectrum charter road runner anything run by that company that entire corporation has blocked my mail server I'm trying to reach out to them but they actually don't make that very easy to do so I'm working on that I might have to reroute the mail just like a pain in the neck but anyway so that's going on but if you don't have one of those email addresses and you want to get on the email list Christopher can't well dot net slash subscribe is the better one to be on you'll get more of the stuff that I do send out by email but I have the surreal politics dot net slat surreal politics dot com slash newsletters available as well in any case in one of those ways you know you'll find out when I do appearances other places I was on political cesspool a couple weeks ago I think I did post night nation review what was the other one that I just went on that I'm thinking of anyway I was on another one but I just went on a show logos revealed and he had a I did a pretty good interview with that guy we went on for a couple hours and that one hasn't been posted yet because he doesn't post the replay right away and then by the time he posted the replay then I got a call for a guy by the name of Simon Roche RO C H E and Simon Roche is a guy he's from South Africa he's white and you know if you know I think about the history of that place it's a pretty interesting history we've had him on the uncensored production a couple of times and then he called me up he'd actually call me up a few days before he said he was in Pennsylvania and he's like hey you know I'm thinking about coming to New England you live in New Hampshire right is there possibility that we could beat up and I'm like yeah absolutely I'd love to be in studio with you you know my studio is really not fit for guests though if you those of you have seen the video already I we did in a hotel room as I did with other guests but I'm like yeah if you come here you know we'll get you know get your room I'll come to the hotel room we'll we'll set up the equipment we'll do an interview he's like great and then he doesn't he calls me back he's already in New Hampshire he hasn't told me that he's coming and I haven't had a chance to prepare for this and I'm like okay great you know let's let's put it together so on Friday on the uncensored production I did an interview with Simon Roche got started we we scheduled it earlier and then we got started a little late as per our plan to start but it was it was pretty good I think it went it went very well but somebody who's been very generous supporter of the show fellow calls himself Kecap he he sent a super chat he's like hey you know I'd like if you guys would beat up and and have a longer conversation or discuss some other topics I forget exactly what it was he said the time and I said and I muted on I I asked our guests I said you know if you want to do something else before you leave here because you could be here for a couple days he's like yeah absolutely so yesterday I went back to the hotel room and I ended up I talked to him for over four hours I talked to Simon Roche and that conversation was great really good but we didn't do it live we recorded it off line so this creates for me something of an editing task and and some choices to make right you know do you release the whole thing is one or do you release it as pieces and you know drag it out and tease people kind of a difficult decision I got to make but I haven't really had time to think of it because got done with that came here had to do this show and so still figuring it out but you know you stay on you stay on neither with telegram or email follow me everywhere like share subscribe these sorts of things and you'll be kept surprised to what's going on 2176881433 if you would like to be on the program in a moment or you told the less I have to please do give us a call caller you are on surreal politics what can I do for you today friend hey brother I was initially calling to talk about G had us potentially slipping through the southern border but I'd like to change my question to why do you think republican politicians love Israel so much they don't even have oil I think they love Israel so much for the same reason Democrats love Israel so much because you know because because because don't say because it's a democracy please oh well it's because it's the only democracy in the Middle East don't you know that's the official story and here on surreal politics we wouldn't dare stray from the narrative you know look if you you know there's there are people in the United States who run for office okay and then there are people who finance those campaigns and among the reasons I'm not saying this is the entirety of it but among the reasons that that one goes out of their way at the very least not to offend the Jewish people is because they are financing 50% fully of the Democrat party in 25% of the Republican party okay I'm I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry to interrupt you but I feel like they fund Democrats way more and like all of these high-powered Jewish people like Michael Bloomberg for example these guys go all in behind Democrats Zuckerberg I'm assuming he's Jewish but Zuckerberg I can go on and on with that what had to Disney well look if you look at the numbers it's it's and this is the I'm quoting this number from I think it's the Jewish telegraphic agency I have it bookmarked somewhere I bring this article up all the time okay the Democrats the Democrats are fully 50% funded by by Jewish financiers and the Republicans fully 25% okay and so like you you actually see that emerge in policy it makes perfect sense that it comes out this way but nobody wants to offend them and anybody who wants to become president of the United States must prostrate themselves before the American Israeli public affairs committee it's just that's the that's the that's the that's the reality I agree but it seems like the Republicans though are the hardliners behind this these guys are like super pro-Israel and you have Democrats some of these people are sympathetic to the Palestinians you know you never see a Republican like that it just it's just so baffling to me because they don't have oil I don't know why we're all in I mean I sympathize for the Israelis getting attacked whatever I'm not picking the side but it's like you should tap them all over the world all the time why I wouldn't his kids listen to the show don't don't cancel what brother I said there's kids listening to show don't curse the surreal politics we curse on Fridays my apologies I'm a first time listening okay oh okay well welcome to the show this is this is surreal politics I you know I don't I I assume everybody's been listening because I don't spend money on advertising anymore I'm an idiot so yeah so surreal politics we we keep it we keep it profanity free and you know fine we're mentioning Jews today but we try not to censor things on you know racial themes on Mondays and then on Fridays we do it uncensored production we go all out so so go ahead Friday it's got you no it's just that just and look I'm not anti-Jewish I'm not anti- Anybody I'm just saying it seems like Republicans are so all in and pro Israel and the big money Jewish dudes in America and the dudes who I'm using air quotes control the media control the bank all that stuff these guys Jamie Diamond Lloyd blank felt that dude from Goldman Sachs I could go on and on these are all Democrats the the judge that Trump's New York trial and Trump's like the most pro Israel guy he's the most pro Israel politician I ever seen and I'm not even super supportive of that but it's like these Jewish the Jewish people in power are still coming at Trump the dude who ran CNN I forget his name he just got removed for some sex scandal ugly dude uh Jewish and I'm not single in these people out but it's just like dude I could just go on and on with these high-powered Jewish players and they're not even supportive of the people who support Israel well and what you play the reason to the reason the reason that he is okay and you know if you if you're if you're if you're at all familiar and I suspect you are if you're if you're able to name them in this fashion you probably have some ideas to their motives you know actually Israel is not their highest priority right so like opening up the borders is more interesting to Americans of Jewish ancestry than than the state of Israel okay and you see I mean you even see some of them get involved in some of these you know ostensibly anti-Israel things you know they don't like Netanyahu because he's great winger whatever you know these stupid things so like yeah what what they are actually you know the the the money is being spent not be not entirely to look out for the interests of Israel but to you know spread degenerate filth okay so like if you were to go and you know find out who's funding the LGBT thing T things okay you're going to find out the same people financing the Democrat party right and so you know the Republicans are like hey look Jewish Americans we love you we love GCP stuff I'm going to go ahead and guess it's the same people funding half the Democrat party let's put it that way and so okay and so like dang really well I don't have the numbers in front of me this wasn't the the theme of the show today but you know you why would they care about that um you you're gonna have to ask me about that on friday pal for me to get into that would be I'm definitely calling in on friday yeah tune in to tune in friday if you're not on the mailing list chrisfer camp well dot net slash subscribe um if this is your first time listening to me you know you're you're in for you're in for a journey pal nice but in any case so like you know the the the people who are funding the Democrat party or not funding the Democrat party fundamentally because because of israel but what happens is the Republicans they they see that okay you know these are the things that they're funding and I want to go and I want to obtain those resources and I definitely don't want to make enemies of them more importantly right because if you make enemies of Jewish power in the United States you basically can't hold office and so you know you have to show that you're you know when joe biden when joe biden's talking about anti transgender sentiment he comes out and he says it's anti-semitic and anybody who's not familiar with anti-semitism is like what are you talking about joe biden what did you just have to do with anti-semitism and then I'm like who's magna's herchfeld and then we talk about it on friday but like the the the so like the the Republicans like well if I if I jump on board with all this other nonsense then I'm not going to be able to I'm not going to be able to have the support of my base and so what I'm going to do is I'm not going to jump on board with all that other nonsense but I'll be like oh well you know there's a democracy in the Middle East and those Muslim savages are kind of a problem and so you know I I'm all for the state of israel see I'm not an anti-semit Jewish send me money okay is the is the short and simple version of what's going on because you know if you make enemies of them entirely if you don't give them anything then then what are they going to do they're going to they're going to be a come they're going to be a block against you and then the 25 percent of the public party that's coming from from Jewish interests is going to go to the democrats and you know you know there's an argument to be made that that we work out fine in the end but it but there's also an argument to be made that you're sending money to the other side and you're earning powerful opposition so that's the re-alpolateeek right no like listen I get that they're playing both sides in smart and power to them and the whole play that you're talking about I see how that benefits American Jewish people what I'm wondering is why is israel so tied into this through Republicans I mean democrats care don't get me wrong all the American politicians cut for israel but I just don't get why and I don't get I don't get why Republicans are all in on it and the most powerful American Jews are going after Trump who is the most pro-Israeli and he said I'm genuine I don't think he's doing it for the money so it's like I what I genuinely don't understand how Israel ties in but I know that with these globalists everything has a plan so that it is a peace and motion I just don't I just don't understand how and why it seems like the American Jews are self-doing a self-inflicting wound by supporting anti-Israeli or at least not the most pro-Israeli politician well you know the thing is I think even in the case of like say say in the democrat party you have people like Ilhan Omar Rashidah to leave and and what's the name Alexandria Aconzi O'Cortez and these people pay lip service to the Palestinians or whatever right but there's actually no there's no there's no actual opposition to the Jewish state there okay and so like you know if you're if you're getting what you want what the Chinese have a the Chinese have a saying for this it's called big help with a little bad mouth okay and so like you know Nancy Pelosi you know says oh China's a human rights abuser then gives our country a way to them okay it's the same they do the same thing with with Israel okay and so like you know some of the some of some of the DSA fanatics are like the people left of them are like oh the squad is a bunch of sellouts because you know they're not they're not helping Palestine and and that's fundamentally true they they they adhere to the narrative of like oh the less civilized place is the is the better place because we're against civilization but fundamentally they're not they're actually not going to do anything to stop it and so as long as Israel gets their weapons and their their loan guarantees they don't actually care if you say bad things about them I mean that you know basically you you had you had you know people who were sympathetic to Jewish interests running the daily stormer fundamentally okay the I don't know if you caught the opening model of your family with the backstory of this but like the daily stormers okay so like not the website right yeah it it and it once purported to be the most popular neo-Nazi website on the planet earth per the Alexa ranks okay and the reason that it was able to make that claim was because we've a K a Andrew Allen Escher or anheimer it was the CTO of the the the the the blog was manipulating the Alexa ranks in order to make the daily stormer look more popular than it was which was driving journalists insane and aiding them in their mission to smear Donald Trump is exactly coming of that off Hitler okay so this is a subversive element that's literally the technology of it is run by a Jewish computer hacker residing in Ukraine probably working for the SBU and and that was something that the Democrats were doing in order to undermine Donald Trump in the lead up to 2016 and when that blew up in their faces and instead of getting rid of Trump by calling him a racist you end up with a growing white nationalist movement and Donald Trump in the White House they went completely off the wall and they you know they made up this Charlottesville nonsense and the russia gate hoax and you know and started inditing everybody you know we've devoted republican and all heck has broken loose since they've been trying to get this this genie back in the bottle ever since and it's completely you know it's completely out of control and so you know that's the situation that we find ourselves in because they don't care if you say bad things about them okay I think they're doing the same thing right now with the the Nick Fuentes kid okay hello mexican child you need to go lead the white supremacist to the to the to the to the capital building on January 6th they can all be charged with insurrection you know go tell them that you're the optics king and you're going to tell them how to look good and then you go on TV and say that you want a 16 year old wife you know these are the things that happen when basically subversive elements are trying to wreck your political movement is they'll subsidize you know people who don't have your best interest at heart and they don't care if you criticize them it's not criticism they're worried about what they're worried about is people who don't protect their interests controlling the government that's what they care about that's the only thing they care about the deep state the deep state is the deep well what what I the deep state is fundamentally yeah I mean on ultimately you know the the goal the goal must be for for for this particular interest group okay and you know the deep state is comprised of you know all political activities are we just talking about this interest group or are we talking about the deep states more than just the interest group right well here's the thing so all political activity the only way political activity occurs is through the alignment of diverse interests okay and that's all the more the case in a in a society like ours it's not ethnically homogenous okay so all political activity occurs as a consequence of you know overlapping interests and so it's impossible to this it's possible to attribute a single motive to the state deeper otherwise you see what I'm saying it the only way that yeah the only way that any activity in the government can occur is if multiple interests support it and so it accomplishes you know to varying extent things that lots of different people want for whatever reason they want it okay and so sure that's that's that's the mechanics of government ultimately and that's just real pull a ticket so like you know there's interest groups and their guard list of motives there there are there are interest groups that are Jewish that are fundamentally interested in the well-being of the state of Israel and they're very they are one of the more powerful interests and you can often attribute much of what happens in our politics to them though I think that some people get oh you go a little overboard with this and they become you know Judeo centrist where they think that everything is Jewish and you know it takes on this you know sort of paranoid character that I think is you know toxic but you know there are powerful interest groups there's absolutely no doubt about that and and when you see something like what happened you know yesterday where there's like oh my god you know there's you know oh we've been attacked by cavemen and so now we've got to go turn the you know this side of the country into a translucent you know flat nothingness you know every every every every lever every mechanism is pulled at that point and it becomes very conspicuous and so you know you know Ron DeSantis comes out he's like Israel has a right to defend themselves all you know it's like well no you know if they're if that's what they're doing then of course they do everybody has a right to defend themselves the question is did they provoke the conflict you know there's that of that there's substantially greater diversity of opinion say you know and so but but they do these things you go back and forth forever yeah exactly you know so like well that's but you know but this is the whole point so like the same thing in Ukraine okay so the transgender Trotskyite war propagandist in Ukraine says that the 1990 water one borders is sacred sacred and inviolable okay well like you know there are people in Palestine who say like we have a historical claim and the and the Jews say that are you know out well our historical claim goes back to the old testament and everybody's just like you know well I'm gonna go back further in history than you it's like well you know at some point the answer is I've got the gut and I'll blow your face off okay like that's what it ultimately comes down to you know and everybody's trying to avoid putting in those terms but that's what re-alpolateek is when you get to you know you get to a certain point where like well I have the power to stop you that's that's how things work and and the only the only thing that they're doing is you know they're tracing these things back to you know various different you know points in time in order to justify their violence that it's like you know some of these things have varying degrees of merit say you know if you want to go and say that like okay well the Jews have a sacred claim to Israel well then you know then let's go back to you know the the Russian empire before the Soviet Union then for the Ukraine thing right but no no no no no the transgender trotsky I don't know the 1991 borders of sacred and inviolable you know it's it's arbitrary it's it you decide which time you decide the time frame is legitimate based upon your interests you know and that's all the it's it's it's really that straightforward you know do you consider Crimea to be Russian or do you consider it to be occupied well you know look I'm not going to pretend to be an expert I'm not going to be and I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on Russian history okay but it seems to be that Crimea and and most and Ukraine we're we're basically part of the Russian Empire prior to the Soviet Union okay and so on my understanding of that is then that like the Soviet Union was a tragic you know circumstance of history and if you're going to go back to if you're going to go try to undo the disaster of the Soviet Union like Vladimir Putin said it very well which I thought it's actually pretty funny me and Victor boot really laughed our hats off about this in prison when Vladimir Putin gives his speech in advance of the or or upon the the commencement of hostility say he talks about in in Ukraine they took down a statue of Vladimir Lenin and the and they said um they said oh well he's like oh they did this in the name of decommunization okay why stop there right and Victor just laughed so hard when we saw that just like yeah okay fine you want it you're you're trying to undo this thing of the past and like let's let's go undo the past let's go undo the Soviet Union and go back to the the the the borders that preceded the Soviet Union which would have you you know Ukraine is the word Ukraine means borderland or something that out of fact in Russian so okay you're the borderland of Russia so you know you border Poland or whatever fine go ahead be the be the Russian border with Poland you know that seems to be you know a reasonable thing to do but you know you know you got all of them don't like 60 the borders of Poland are only like 80 years old anyway but there you go so like everything is you know everybody acts like these things are sacred and available and we all know they're not it's a bunch of nonsense and so like what's you know you know what forces are aligning to create the outcome and you know in what way are we capable of influencing it and in what perception do we have a vow of interest therein you know that's that's fundamentally the the equation that everybody makes right and so like I don't think that it's in my interest for Victoria Newland to run around the world overthrowing elected governments and so you know if uh if uh you know the people of Ukraine elect Victor Yanukovic and he's like if you you know European Union I don't want the free trade deal and then he gets violently overthrown by a bunch of fanatics here stateside you know I go ahead fix that and then we'll worry about the Russian empire later but like you know if if we can't do that and Russia is going to go and be like look you know I'm sick of you guys trying to expand NATO onto onto my front doorstep so I'm going to go in there kill everybody and once everybody stops fighting then they'll be Russians that's fine with me I remember uh after the US invaded Iraq in 2003 I remember from 2003 to like 2005 or 6 there was a lot of suicide bombers in the country and all these resistance cells started popping up they really didn't want to stare they really looked at us as occupiers and in Crimea there's no reports of that there have been no reports of that that there is these resistance groups attacking Russian military or anything um you know the people of Ukraine are largely pro-Russia okay so like the people of Ukraine are largely pro-Russia and so like you know when even a lot of mayor silensky when he got elected he ran on a platform of ending the conflict okay so like you know but when he comes into power you know he's controlled by other people and those and those people take you know they they like listen you know you wouldn't there wouldn't be a silensky government if we had an overthrown uh you know victory on a covid you're here because we put you here you're going to do what you're told and he's like well fine I'm a criminal anyway just let me go stash my crypto with sandbag been freed or whatever you know I'm not privy to the nature of the conversation but you get the idea you know yeah so like the whole you know the whole thing is a scam the people the people of the people of Ukraine elected victor Yanukovych twice okay and twice that guy was overthrown then they elected Vladimir's lensky to end the conflict and then he ends up putting us in the brink of world war three so you know I don't think that the people who are like raw raw raw you know cheering on the Ukrainian you know side of the conflict they're actually not you know they they're act like they're supporting the people of Ukraine well no like the people of Ukraine have consistently voted against this and this is being you know this is a subversion of their will by foreign interests who are basically trying to you know it's a globalist campaign to you know abolish all borders okay and you know there's like you know epicenter white groups who think that like Ukraine is the ethno state because they let these fanatics fly to wolf sangal or something and like well no you're looking let them have oh I'm sorry brother yeah I didn't mean that please I'm sorry man I'm gonna give you a super chat right now for that oh I appreciate that I just get so high I understand I understand you know but like you know so this is what goes on in any case and so you know it's it's a bunch of subversives who basically they don't look these people don't view the world as like you know they don't they don't they don't they don't they don't like the concept of national borders fundamentally it's you know they'll move around to the extent that they're you know that they can suit their interests but you know they'll they'll go and they'll stir up nationalist sentiment in a place like Ukraine everywhere else it is an nationalist moment they have to crush this out of existence and they send the intelligence agencies in there and they'll they'll murder people if they have to to get it done but you know in Ukraine oh my god nationalism is really sacred in Ukraine and you know we'll fund guys who run around with the with a swastika because you know as long as they support the Jewish president or whatever I mean this is how lunatic these things get and so you know these people just have to be stopped there's no you know there's no you they can't be allowed to have proximity to power anymore and you know in order to accomplish that you know you know people have to be more strategic than them and that's kind of you know problematic because they're cunning and crafty people you know they strategize they don't mind deceiving people and you've got a bunch of you know you've got you've got people who stand up against this who are like yeah I have noble intentions and therefore I say exactly what I'm going to do before I do it and I and I accept situations where I lose and I and I accept situations that put me in a position of weakness and it's like well no like as a matter of fact you have to you have to not do that and then that's the only way that you can advance the good because you need to be powerful thank you very much for to call my friend I appreciate I appreciate it and I'm looking forward to your super chat two one seven six eight one four three three if you would like to be on the program and a more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call Robert the genius one dollar world police world piece 2024 thank you very much my friend so if you want to get on the phone lines go ahead do it now because I'm going to go ahead I'll read a story you know like what is even in the news like every all you can talk about is a stupid nonsense over there it's like oh a bunch of cavemen went over and you know they shot a bunch of people or whatever you know fine you know you know welcome to Baltimore shut up who cares yeah oh so here's a fun one so they they're of course like and they always connect the dots right so this is over this is over at the UK independent Ukraine Russia war live it's in Russia's interest to inflame war in the Middle East as the whiskey oh my god like you can't like you can't like this is this is the intersectional left okay like everything has to be connected there's no two ways about it's like oh well you know there's a conflict over there we blame that on Russia and everything everything everything everything and it's just that's all that's in the news and so I'm not even going to bother trying to you know drag this out much longer israeli's rush back from the US to join you so like look at this I'm going to show you my screen as a matter of fact let's make sure that I don't accidentally do this again we'll go I don't want to do that again either one second I'll share my screen with you would just like look at the the drudger report look at the drudger report and revolver news and it's completely insane yeah okay so here's revolver news here's all of the headlines entire family of five including three little ones slaughtered by Hamas Ron Paul Hamas was created by israel and the US to counteract Yasser Error effect well that's actually kind of interesting I'll look at that Hamas threatens to execute hostages and broadcast it every time a bomb falls on Gaza photographer with missing daughter wife murdered it might not be it feared that number of murdered will reach 1000 that's definitely over there fear that number of murdered will reach six million just kidding massacre over 100 bodies and covered into single village israeli's rush back from US to join the fighting Egypt intelligence officials as israel ignored repeated warnings of something big that's interesting I'll look at that um trump accuses the white house of betraying israel of course total siege israel strikes targets in Gaza no food fuel electricity drink the entire front page okay of revolver news is all this story drudger report all this story barbarism homospiod israel israeli soldier and shock footage sees of Gaza forward water electricity power off top newspaper blames netanyahu yada yada yada day three war on israel homostret to execute hostages will show online 900 killed shock becomes rage so like you know you try to do it radio show and you're like hey you know what's going on in the world it's like oh well this is you know you do your you do your uh you do your um you do your non racist show on mondays and of course this is what always happens the the the most ethnically sensitive topic that that could possibly be conjured always happens you know on sunday it's invariably occurs and so we do what we can we do it we can um let's go back over here and stop doing that because i don't want to show you everything on my screen that was dumb two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program you're running at a time i'll end the show i'm gonna show i'll pull up one more story and if you guys get to me before then i go read some super chats if there were already you guys who are watching on the uh the other platforms i do the entropy thing too if you're watching like uh if we're if you're watching a listen in later of course ladies and gentlemen um you can you can go to uh christopher can't well dot net slash donate well gives and go dot com slash sp m i want to say thank you to urban moving systems 88 i think you tried to put my entropy link into the gtv chat and that um that uh was auto moderated it didn't want him post in a link but gives and go dot com slash sp m i got cash app it's uh the cash tag is edgy chris i got an amazon wish list you find all the links there chrisper can't well dot net slash donate uh caller you're on surreal politics what can i do for your friend hello this is adding hello um yeah i heard you reacting to um uh what you understand broadly as leftism um you know i've been commenting for um sometime on twitter i've been making this observation that uh uh that the leftist ideology that leftists always insist on uh using to frame the for example the palestinian issue actually harms the palestinians right it hot because basically what they're doing is they're putting their stink all over the palestinian issue and driving everybody else away from it and sometimes they it's not just it's not just indirectly that they drive people away from it uh sometimes they they will literally say i mean for example marjorie taylor green uh posed with some code pink people uh they are two ago and um the code pink uh organization made a public statement saying we repudiate marjorie marjorie taylor greed you know i it's like what why why in hell did you do that you know if you are you trying to help the palestinians or are you not do you want to make sure that no republican has any sympathy for the palestinians is that what you're trying to do so i mean you you're seeing you're seeing the palestinian cause as a leftist cause because that's the way it's been couched you know it's been soaked up into leftist ideology and portrayed that way that's it's not how i see it well i understand that i i i have a pretty good you know picture of why why you how you see it you know uh and i mean i imagine that in the context you you'll you'll try to frame it differently but i know that i let me put it this way i shouldn't speak for you i understand that a lot of people don't like the state of israel and and it's an enemy of my enemy is my friend thing all right now yeah that's fine okay i get i get that that's a different phenomenon than than the than the worship of the noble savage that that i get annoyed with okay and so like i actually don't like you know what i went through with the other guy is like okay there's all these various different conflicts going on in the world for any number of different reasons wherein like you know people are saying this board of that board of this time in time this period of time whatever like all that stuff is nonsense it doesn't matter what matters is you know who controls the the property and how long they can you know keep other people away from it okay and so like you know that's a that's a power dynamic and has nothing to do with history the historical claims are just you know the deception that's you know perpetrated to accomplish the goal and so like you know the idea that the Jews have the claim to the land of Palestinians claim to the land like this is all bunch of nonsense no like any nobody with power takes any of that nonsense seriously and so you know it's a question of it's a different question and so you know tell me you could tell me what you can see it as but the left wing impulse that i'm talking about is one of the impulses that favors the Palestinians which is fundamentally it's the noble savage it's the these are the less civilized people you're the more civilized people therefore they're better well yeah there is there is this leftist tendency to always try to support the underdog right no they don't try to support the underdog they try to tear down civilization it's fundamentally different well uh i guess you can see it that way but uh you know the Palestinian caught it's not just about people versus people a lot of people a lot of Palestinians actually had their families property taken away you know your orchards taken away homes taken away and they still do that uh they still they still you get literally just kicked out of their houses and Jews come and move into their houses i mean this is outrageous what they do over there now my position on this has always been my formal position and i've had discussions with muslims on on pal talk in particular you know about this and i say look uh if you want if you want if you want americans to support the Palestinian cause you're you're not your best art or or oppose Zionism your best argument it's not going to be humanitarian because people who vote republican do not care about humanitarian arguments we don't care about humanitarian and i left this really screw this up i there's a documentary called the occupation of the american might which is on the whole a very good documentary but it has one segment in there where it it compares the Palestinian cause to black lives matter can you imagine something more i mean that's that's that's about the unintentional sabotage right there i'm sure it's unintentional sabotage are you so sure that it is i mean you know if if you're um you know who do you think is responsible for black lives matter it's not black people yeah yeah well this this particular documentary was made by a Palestinian guy and it was narrated by Roger Waters but the problem is people outside of the united states kind of take its face value the way things are portrayed in our media here and also a lot of a lot of Arabs and you know Palestinian diaspora people soak up what is basically Jewish left as ideology right and so they have even though they're fighting Jews over there in uh state of Israel they also have the way they do it has Jewish limitations and a Jewish color to it you know and it's really i actually made that point a little bit i think in my recent article about Muf Moud Abbas but you know that Jews to some extent control both sides of that uh of that conflict by you know make by making the opposition to Zionism leftism right it shouldn't be that shouldn't be well i get that um you know but that's what that's the character that it takes on fundamentally right and so i like you know well that's but that's what's been pushed all right i don't go along with it and i i tell people don't do that i understand that you know it seems to me um that that's the this is the character that it takes on but and and and that's because you know it pre-disposes it there too right i mean it's not you know they are predisposed to that sort of thing do you mean the Palestinians are predisposed toward violence i i mean that the the the the calls is predisposed to the um to the leftist impulse right it it takes on that character of you know okay i don't think no i i i don't think that the cause itself is that i mean i think the Palestinian cause is a sui generis i don't i don't think it's like anything else you get people that trying just a shoehorn it into uh you know some neo-Marxist ideology anti-colonialism and the Israelis are white colonists there they make it into they make it a piece of anti-white rhetoric which is exactly the wrong thing if they want to get maximum support for Palestinians in the USA they're doing it exactly wrong you know do you think that that's what they're trying to do because Jews are what do you think that do you think that it's self-sabotage it's self-sabotage because Jews dominate Jews actually dominate the anti-Palestinian protest i still have something it was uh what was it some queers for Palestine or some crap like that and the queers you look at them these are obviously Jews they you know look like lesbians you know uh and you know that think about it are they really trying to help the Palestinians or they using the Palestinian cause to promote their thing i mean that's the way it looks to me well they're jumping on board with this you know they're they're they're virtues signaling about their their care for the dawn trotten right that's the idea look at how good i am i couldn't possibly be a monster hell bent on the destruction of civilization i'm protecting these innocent people right i'm i'm standing up against the powerful i couldn't possibly be the elites that have my boot on your neck right yeah but you know what that one of the great ironies is that the same propaganda that supports that Jewish state also keeps us or creates some inhibition moral inhibition against doing what we have to do to save our country you you you heard that uh slogan no human big it's illegal yeah i know you've heard that too many times that's the ealy weasel that's ealy weasel who said that ealy weasel all right now ealy weasel also was a big supporter of Zionist wars he agitated for the u.s. a to attack Syria in 2017 or actually before that before that but anyway but yeah he did he actually actually well Obama was president he agitated for the u.s. a to uh to attack Syria and he uh uh he urged basically he said he said that the u.s. a should issue an ultimatum which became Obama's red line right if you'll use chemical weapons that they will have a war but they didn't really use chemical weapons it was all Israeli sponsored false flag crap right right you know so but there's so much bad stuff going on there and it's all tied in with stuff that affects us badly too it is truly the enemy of my enemy over there as far as i'm concerned with the Palestinians with the Syrians formerly with Iraq with Iran all these people are the enemy of my enemy okay i'm fine with enemy of my enemy okay you're smart enough to understand that remove the Jews from the region those people are still killing whoever's next store right you're gonna have some of that all right because uh you have you know some of these submitted people are prone to religious fanaticism and you just can't run a modern state on that kind of a basis periodically a bunch of them decide that they're going to try to establish a theocracy and you have to take some kind of severe measures to stop it you know but the state of Israel is over there actually funding those people so well that's the yeah there's there's that that's certainly an element of what's going on over there but you know you have that element in those societies and it doesn't seem to be that remove the Jews from the equation and that that's going to be a modern you know you know liberal democracy for want of a better term it's a stupid blind that they always play but like you know whatever your preference to liberal democracy it's not going to be that either you know it's they're going to do the you know the Islamic thing and then there's going to be Shi'ai and Sunni and they're going to be like okay well you know you're a bunch of polytheists who we're going to come kill you and you know this is this is a routine problem over there that you know it's not fundamentally i don't believe that it's fundamentally Jewish and and so like you know these people are going to you know they they are what they are and they're going to do what they do and the problem that i've been expressed i'm not sure everybody who's listening to the show right now fully understands this because largely taking place on telegram but like you know i've been railing against this like you know the people like oh well the Palestinians are so great and i'm like well no like they're not and they they you know there's this impulse of people who are like against you know the they're against Israel and therefore you know they're they're it's not just my enemy is my enemy it's the people who the enemy of my enemy is the good guy is a different thing from the enemy of my enemy is my weapon right you know i've used that praising before too the matter this was used against me in a courtroom believe it or not so like you know i've had this i've used this saying that like the enemy of my enemy may not be my friend but he can sure as heck be my weapon and so like i do believe that the enemy of my enemy is my friend is a is a silly fallacy but you know he could be your weapon like he can go hurt your enemies for you and that's you know that's there's a lot of utility to that but it's a fundamentally different thing from actually being like your friend or the good guy i do believe that most of the conflict in that region traces back to state of israel ultimately all right uh go back to um um the iranian revolution right i can't prove this i'm not sure if anybody has written a book arguing for it but the way that the iranian revolution happened in 1979 or 78 whenever it was it was clearly orchestrated from outside all right because you had factions working together that normally couldn't even talk to each other all right when when you see something like that happening it means it's orchestrated from outside are you still there yeah i'm here okay i heard a strange sound there and the reason why that happened the shaw was overthrown because in 1975 he went to Cairo and made friends with Arabs all right because Egypt and Syria almost defeated the state of israel in the 1973 war and the shaw of iran where were there and decided you know these Arabs are getting more competent i'm going to have positive relations with them as state of israel it's not going to be as important in the future as it has been and uh it started criticizing jewish or especially you know israeli influence in u.s media in united states is a famous segment with michael us where the shaw of iran criticizes jewish influence in the u.s.a. um and so the the shaw was was taken down with this revolution orchestrated from outside all right and they replaced with a regime of what was supposed to be a religious extremist regime they use religious extremism uh not just in iran but also we've seen in in Syria they use people like that because these people are irreconcilable and it's easy to to rely on them to be a source of conflict you give them some resources and they'll get into a conflict with sane people right but yeah they got this they got this uh iranian religious fundamentalist Shiite government that was over there and in short order went to war against iraq right which is which was also part of the plan i'm sure knocked down one domino the next one falls you know in the long run didn't work out because you got this Shiite crescent now you know from iran to syria to levinan but um a lot a lot of the conflict they're trying to take out syria now of course with with the with the Sunni extremists but an awful lot of this conflict really traces back to the state of israel and we're having a lot of trouble from it also i the russian situation if you crane in russia also traces back to the state of israel because putin got involved in syria and and said he discouraged europe from getting involved in syria and and nato and therefore russia has to be taken out right right so there's so much crap going on in the world it's all traceable back to the state of israel uh if arab occasionally fight among each other which they're likely to do um if the average arab has an iq of eighty five uh it's not as big a problem as all this other stuff that results from manipulations by the state of israel well i don't doubt that you know i i think that that's uh that's i'll go so far as to say that that's obviously true um i'm just you know when i my complaint about it is you know i guess a largely ideological when i'm like you know people are you know worshipping the noble savage that gets on my nerves but i know that you don't do that and i thank you very much for to call my friend yeah and i'm surprised if uh uh national justice party actually fell into that rut uh of that kind of leftist rut but uh oh i'm really we need to think uh instead of falling into easy ruts indeed indeed thank you very much for to call my friend two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program moments remain let's see here let's see if i can find a story that's not about israel to talk about um now it's a few time i'll exercise we'll do the we'll do the run paul thing so run paul says that homos was created by israel in the us to counter yasser arifat and this is written about over at the uh pages of uh uh uh uh a publication i lose respect for by the day frankly i'm done with revolver news like i i i like this for like two or three weeks and then you know they link to something the other day if you ever seen the website headline us a somebody brought this to my attention that like there's this website headline us a and they did this thing that they called the fed files which was an absolute joke uh you know basically trying to make um you know what was what's the how do i want to phrase this they tried to make you know white supremacy or whatever you know the the the alt rights say a uh a conjurer a a manufactured thing by the federal government of the united states and they called this the fed files you know what they did they took a lawsuit filed by a guy i know a fellow by the name of bill white and so bill white filed this you know very lengthy lawsuit against the federal government and he included um this very lengthy affidavit of all these things that he knew and all these things that he inferred and he makes you know some claims that are you know i would say well you know he he he swears to things that he inferred from other things which is not really how an affidavit is supposed to work say i i like bill white he's a good guy and i wouldn't say anything bad about him but you know i'm not sure all his conclusions are supported by the facts say so bill whites you know in prison he i met him in the communications management unit the united states penetrating malign mario noi and he's actually filed this affidavit several times he's been sanctioned by courts he's been a lot of trouble with the courts for for his antics in legal and and headline USA took this lawsuit by bill white and just reports on it as fact that like bill white goes and accuses a bunch of people being rats and feds and headline USA is like oh well they're rats and feds because bill white said it okay and then they talked to these people who are like i'm not a rat i'm not a fed i know you're talking about and they're like okay so they're like okay this person said he's not a fed but he's a fed because bill white said it okay and headline it's a fake website is when i'm getting at this is not it is no journalist extender being applied here they go and they take a lawsuit filed years ago by a prisoner and uh which was dismissed and the and the file or was sanctioned and they report on this as fact and then they talk to the other people who are denying the allegations in the lawsuit and they dismiss this as irrelevant to the point and this is linked to as like a credible news source from a vulver so i'm done with them a drug report is like i used to check the drug report every day now i don't even want to look at it it's like it's it's it's it's like reading ms mbc it's just obnoxious you know except that like it's probably worse than reading ms mc i don't even know like what's the news site where do i go to get news now i you know fox fired everybody and now they're like oh you know let's go have some let's go do some timm scot stuff guys let's go talk to chris christie for a little while find out if trump is bad i don't know you know the news is nonsense it gets gets worse worse and worse and worse you didn't think it could right but they always they always manage they always find a way you know you think things can't get any worse don't ever say that don't ever say that things can't get worse you will be proven wrong folks it will happen there's absolutely no question about it so and if you don't want things to get worse you know you got a finance good media ladies and gentlemen so you do that you know uh some of you thank you very much uh to my friend kick api says uh thanks for doing the extended talk chris and mr roach look forward to hearing the conversation uh thank you very much for suggesting it uh sir and for all of your support uh you're very generous thank you um if uh you'd like to be uh praise for your generosity the best way to do that is with the super chats i read them on here generally speaking i don't think it's a good idea for me to say so and so gay be muddy unless you do it in public fashion that way but you know you could give me more and more discreetly there's plenty of ways to do that i take the cryptocurrency you know cryptocurrency is great i love cryptocurrency uh and uh some of you have been very kind to me with the cryptocurrency in the past i haven't seen my crypto uh supporters in a while i don't know if it's the markets to down to what but uh if you've got uh all the i'll just read out my monero public key now i'm kidding chris for can't slash donate you'll find all the uh crypto keys hey uh cash tag edgy chris i've owned strike payments uh get the links there give slash spm and uh and you can become a surreal politics member for ten bucks a month you want to save 33% off the first three months use agenda 33 because i'm a swell guy and i'll extend that to you and uh you're gonna get uh new benefits pretty soon we're gonna we're bringing on other guys we're doing other things is a lot going on i've spread myself a little thin unfortunately but i i started to bring on new help okay i got new people coming on and they helping out you know what i should probably do before we get out of here as a matter of fact i'll show you this um i would far prefer to have the money ladies and gentlemen because i get like pay bills with that and i do need to pay some bills like i really need to pay some bills so send me to cash but i also have the amazon wishless thing over here and i'll just go through a little bit of that with you look you might amazon wishless look look at this okay this is all this is i'm not asking for you know a Rolex okay this is a rolls ms 111 mic switch latching or momentary microphone mute switch now what i'm gonna do is i got a switch under my desk it's actually a pedal it's not a button but i'm gonna hit this thing when i'm talking and then what happens is my sentence then i cuts me out uh because that's it that's what's called a mute switch and you're gonna hear when i released the thing with Simon Roche you know we didn't have those things because i don't have them for my mobile setup i need them and so there's two of them they're fifty nine dollars each on my uh my amazon wishless and i got this thing here this you know gear adjustable desk microphone stand if you look at the video with me and Simon Roche one of he's got like a i got two of these boom on things that clamp on and and i he had one of those because i was able to clamp his to the like the TV stand but the table in the hotel room um the way that the table was made i couldn't clamp the i couldn't clamp the the the boom arm like this thing here this whether i have microphone here those you were watching the video i couldn't clamp that thing on to the table that we were using so i'm like oh but i bought i bought for myself i bought the the mic stand and i'm like okay well this will be fine but my mic stand is straight up which means that it doesn't come out okay and so this one if you're if you're watching the video you can see it sits on the desk and then it's got like the boom arm on the on the mic stand so that i can put a microphone on a desk and that'll be pretty nice and i got two of those on the amazon wishlist at 2879 each and then i got right below that floor stand mic stands with the same you know arm on them and there's two of them in one package for 4899 on the recent thing with Simon Roche he didn't have headphones okay i've got the headphones splitter here in the studio uh you know and dismantling my studio every time i got to go leave to do something it's kind of messed up so there's this baringer micro amp h a 400 ultra compact four channels stereo headphone amplifier silver it's 2699 and it's the prices dropped 23% it was 35 dollars when i first added it to the list and so that will allow me to hook up you know multiple sets of headphones to the mixer i'll skip this thing with the usb drives for now headphones for the mobile setup i i also put on this thing is pile live gamer hdmi 4k live uh record in street so this is an hdmi input card for the computer i bought a usb one of these things but actually doesn't work very well i'll keep it i might even just add that to the mobile set it's what i do a lot of time i i buy equipment that's often like the lower end stuff i see you know how well it works and you know and if and if it proves deficient then i'll add that to the mobile setup because of you know i don't need i don't have to use that as often but what i want to do is like if you saw somebody guest interviews where i had where i had the guest on remotely i had a couple of problems i tried not to make it obvious to you but you know i had cpu usage was spiking so i'm doing the the video streaming the audio streaming the auto recording my web browsing like there's a lot of stuff going on on the computer and i've and i used to do i used to do this show using three separate computers i had my my workstation where i'd bring up webpages and i play audio clips and then i had the broadcast machine then i a third machine would just record the podcast and i've consolidated that down into one as a result of a very generous listener buying me a much nicer computer but part of the problem that emerges here is people want video okay so like i used to do this thing i thought of it as a radio show and i was like yeah i'll play a video clip i'll tell you what it is you're going to hear the sound but like you're just going to have a studio cam i'm not going to do this stuff with you where i play to stuff on a screen well you want me to share the screen so i'm like okay fine you know so it'd be helpful if i had that hdmi card so what i'll do is i'll bring the guest on on another computer that video output will come into this computer through the hdmi capture card and then and then you'll be able to have the stream that way and i won't be having the spiking CPU usage from the from the streaming app and the and the guest app on the same computer i have an rtx 30 60 12 gigabyte uh uh video card in this computer i need to put a GPU in the computer that i'm talking about doing for the guest i'd like to move that one to that computer and upgrade my video card here there's a zotac gaming uh gforce rtx 40 60 ti 16 gigabyte GPU here for 449 99 unfortunately that was that was on sale and now it's no longer on sale but uh you know it'd be nice if i could get a new GPU in any case um this is a mechanical keyboard like it's a programmable like and put macros into it and stuff like that stuff the highest priority item there's lots of stuff here all this stuff but the point that i mean to get out here look at this a bunch of cables everything on the amazon wishlist all i'm trying to accomplish ladies and you know i got like some clothes here i got you know i look at what i do when i buy t-shirts what do i do i buy a five pack of uh t-shirts on amazon for 39 95 that's what i ask you to buy for me okay i'm trying to replace my fat clothes i'm not uh i'm not what i'm mean to get out here is i've devote my life to this program and i think that uh it would be a great idea if uh you would uh make this uh uh woo now i want to do that okay let me go back over here i developed my life to the show ladies in gentlemen and if you uh if you help me finance it that's what you are helping to finance i'm not trying to go out and you know do a bunch of other dumb crap okay so uh let's do all of those things and we'll be back Wednesday for the members show will be back Friday for the uncensored production i'm gonna go start editing my uh my Simon Roach interview which is great it's four hours long more than four hours long and uh i really got the guy to open up he doesn't usually do interviews more than 90 minutes he told me more than once he's like i never do this but you know i don't know what he said to me uh i don't know if it's the holy spirit or what he says to me i'm like oh well that's a high on it thank you sir so i got Simon Roach to open up we talked for a long time we talked about a lot of different things i'm looking forward to publishing that Christopher can't well dot net slash subscribe get on the email list you'll know and we'll be back Wednesday and Friday and then back here Monday 9 30 thank you very much for tuning into surreal politics ladies and gentlemen hey you know um i shouldn't i shouldn't start playing the music before right you know before i went to all that you know so i'd like to talk our way out of here but now i'm like i'm out of steam it's over the show's done we do this every Monday come back 9 30 uh if you're listening on some of the platform at some other time why don't you join us for the live program you give me a call two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and i'm always with the way so i have to so please do give us a call will yeah oh