This is fantastic. This is just great news. Okay, everything's working fantastically as one would expect given How I how embarrassed I was at the at the problems I had on Friday show and I worked all through the weekend to get them straight Now and now we can get started with this Welcome to surreal politics, but it's October 23rd, 2023 be in the current year episode 31 is stage one welcome to it ladies and gentlemen You know among the most embarrassing moments in this country's history perhaps even in the history of humanity Were those pertaining to the canonization of St. George Floyd? St. Floyd, patron saint of fentanyl armed robbery and counterfeiting was be out of fide in the year 2020 following his death of a drug overdose Since our country had long ago given up on the concept of truth and allowed itself to instead be ruled by force and fraud The undisputed nature of his cause of death was allowed to be cast aside and instead replaced by a narrative conjured by the minds at the most dishonest and violent people in the world You see St. Floyd had died of this drug overdose while he was resisting arrest Near certainly as a consequence of his effort to avoid a possession charge by swallowing the drugs which were supposed to last him into the next day He was moments prior caught passing a counterfeit bill to a small business owner in order to steal cigarettes from that business owner And when this had the predictable result of attracting the attention of law enforcement, St. Floyd set himself on the path of tomardadum by fighting the officers Video showed St. Floyd complaining that he could not breathe well prior to being pinned to the ground Whether this was because the fentanyl had already begun to suppress his respiratory function or because he believed this would make his escape easier We can only speculate but we do know that by the time he was on the ground beneath the merciful hands of Derek Shauvin the complaints had long since begun On account of this and since St. Floyd was a large man with a history of violence who was still struggling with police The officers taking him into custody did as their training commanded and continued to restrain St. Floyd while he continued complaining about his capacity to breathe When St. Floyd ceased to fight them, they loosened their restraint but by then he was unconscious and soon to die It might go without saying that those who find themselves gleefully at war with civilization blamed the officers Clearly they would have us believe that as soon as a criminal says he cannot breathe the officers have a moral and legal obligation to set him loose upon the citizenry he had victimized just moments ago and habitually over the course of his lengthy criminal career The ordered liberty characteristic of Western civilization requiring force as it does for its maintenance cannot be allowed to stand in their view Violence must only be exercised in the most chaotic and dangerous manner possible by the least responsible people in our society Any notion of controlled and reasonable force is what they deem white supremacy and this organized system of control is the only form of oppression they will not abide So it was not at all surprising that these people set to their routine of rioting, looting and burning down buildings prior to any investigation of the incident What was slightly more surprising to all but the most well informed was the rapidity with which supposedly responsible authorities joined in the forces of chaos The cause of St. Floyd's martyrdom was never in dispute He had consumed a lethal dose of fentanyl and this was discovered quite early in the investigation No injury attributable to the officers that could have caused his death was discovered in the autopsy St. Floyd was just another dead junky criminal so far as the science was concerned But trusting the science has little limited utility in post-Truth America If by the science you mean Dr. Fauci it is doctrine and to contradict this is blasphemy If it disproves racist police murdering blacks for sport it is white supremacy it must be discarded So began America's hazing ritual as she entered the fraternity of third world nations Monuments were built, politicians kneeled, shoplifting was legalized, riots and arson and even murder were considered mostly peaceful by our masters in the press All who dissented were subjected to ritualistic torture of various sorts all in service to one more dead junky criminal The officers were for all intents and purposes crucified the city paid the dead junky criminals family 27 million dollars And with this the total inversion of our legal system was all but complete For the rest of that year as Americans were prohibited from attending church locked in their homes laid off from their jobs Put out a business and conscripted into the black block with mask mandates in the name of COVID-19 The one sort of public gathering that was permitted were race riots These we were told were the only cure to the only public health crisis more serious than COVID-19 that being of course white supremacy You might recall the virus was so dangerous and the racism so pervasive that these were the excuses offered by Mark Elias and his band of licensed subversives as they set about on a sue and settle scheme to abolish all fraud protections in our elections While race riots were good clean fun for the whole family and liquor stores abortion clinics and marijuana dispensaries were considered essential services Polling places by contrast joined with the churches and being far too dangerous for human beings to be found anywhere near And so every name and address ever entered into a voter registration database and a few not so registered received ballots in the mail Signature verification obviously one more relic of a racist past was necessarily abolished with no regard for legitimacy Democrats demanded quite literally that every vote be counted in some contrast to those days now forgotten when there was such a thing as eligibility for the privilege To the casual observer this subversion of all anti fraud measures might have seemed odd for the Democrats who had warned with some hysteria that Donald Trump and every villain willing to vote for him were lawless criminals who would do anything to maintain their grip on power Really so concerned about this they might have taken measures to make our elections much harder to cheat at but they assured us through their friends in the press that the racism and the sniffles simply made this impossible And that while Donald Trump would collude with foreign powers and sell out his country for the simple joy of being admired by an Eastern European dictator And while his supporters were willing to risk prison and death for the simple rush of assaulting vulnerable demographics Surely democracy was just so sacred that none would dare take advantage of this opportunity to steal the most powerful elected office on the planet And with this narrative so pervasive liecco through all the proper channels and a few not so proper channels that might note The 2020 election was conducted despite the danger record numbers of voters appeared at their polling place and all new records were set for use of the postal service to deliver vote subject to no verification what's going to be done But subject to no verification whatsoever with this tremendous flood of public opinion being so overwhelming as the counting went on into the night leaky toilets were reported as water main breaks and all matter of other excuses were made in the middle of the night to stop counting and exclude observers With all these anomalies accepted by our masters in the press as a new normal It is perhaps unsurprising that a man who barely campaigned excited nobody and offended even his core constituencies routinely became the most popular president in the history of the United States At which point the race riots came to a rather anticlimactic conclusion Those appropriately skeptical of the racity of these claims were deemed thought criminals they were banned from social media fired from their jobs ostracized socially and ultimately hunted down by federal authorities and thrown into prison Should they have been so bold as to register their skepticism at the nation's capital all in the name of one more dead junky criminals St George Floyd peace be upon him But not upon you dear listener Your reward for the s was crime at home and wore a broad all for a lie And I do mean for a lie these things did not happen as an unfortunate side effect of a narrow deception always done in service to that very widespread deception And there was not a soul in this country who bothered to inform themselves of the facts who did not know that this was a lie In fact the truth was so widely known that to call this deception almost defies use of the term doesn't it If everyone honors the same fiction and everyone knows it is fiction are they lying? Or is it just the modern race hysteria version of an atheist saying bless you when a person sneezes In recent days Tucker Carlson acted like it was news that an autopsy showed Floyd's lethal blood concentration of fentanyl He mentioned parenthetically almost as a footnote that this was known shortly after the incident The fact has gained new steam and conservative media circles since it was brought up during of all things A sexual discrimination lawsuit in the county attorney's office where this fraud was perpetrated A female employee of the prosecutor's office like others who dissented from the decision to hang these cups out to dry was punished for not going along with the scam enthusiastically enough But unlike her male colleagues she attributed this to sex discrimination because that's what our legal system has turned into a demographic battleground for scraps of the American carcass Now almost four years later as these ancient documents remind us of what was known the whole time Joe Biden's militia was terrorizing the country in the lead-up to his landslide election victory It is suddenly respectable for conservative ink types to question the wisdom of throwing cups in prison for arresting drug addicted career felons As you know, dear listener, I try pretty hard to cut conservatives all the slack I can on this show and elsewhere If they had given half that courtesy to Derek Shovon we might not be in this mess today I became a regular Rush Limbaughlist in her in 2020. I had heard his show before that and I understood that he was talented but I found myself in thrall to that man while I was in jail That was the best three hours of my day for basically an entire year When I heard Rush Limbaugh say I hope they give it to him good and hard I was furious like you would not believe. I felt like my best friend had just announced he was sleeping with my wife It struck me as that category of betrayal to hear him say that I watched that video like in the days after it happened on TV and I've watched it since I came home too Shovon's knee was not on the guy's neck it was on his back I have seen the training handbook for their department and what they did was in line with their training These facts are not and have never been in serious dispute The trial of Derek Shovon was a fraud and a stain upon our legal system in the same category as Trump's rape trial and the Charlottesville United States These are or at least ought to be sources of shame for everyone involved in the legal profession And they ought to be no less shameful to conservative media personalities who despite having every opportunity to rise up against this before it came to their door Allowed me and James Fields and Alex Ramos and Richard Preston and Jacob Goodwin and Daniel Borden and Travis McMichael and Gregory McMichael and William Roddy Bryan and Kyle Rittenhouse And too many others to consider listing in a two-hour broadcast to be thrown to juries comprised largely of wolves with overzealous prosecutors proven willing to engage in preposterous deceptions to achieve indefensible outcomes Only when it came time for them to face the same fate did they suddenly view these abuses as worthy of their now much-lauded bravery Not that I suppose we have much right to expect otherwise In our very declaration of independence it was noted that quote all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to write themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed And for our conservative friends these evils were sufferable, then, but not anymore Later in that same declaration America's founders wrote of their English brethren that quote We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity We must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind Enemies in war and in peace friends And this begs the question of our conservative friends which shall it be Because the war is here pal We have no such luxuries peace The conflict is visited upon us quite independently of our choosing And I count myself among the few who would still bring you into the foe But if a man must spend half a decade in a cage before you can't have mentioned the proof of his innocence Which has been known the whole time and speak not to me of your bravery nor your conscientiousness Here is all you need to know about politics in the year 2023, my fellow Republican If somebody complains about racism in the current year, this is evidence of a crime, okay? It's not an effort to help the downtrodden, it's not an effort to write a historical wrong It is evidence of malicious intent on the part of the speaker And if you give it anything, if you say America has a complicated history or you say, well the legacy is whatever it is You're an accomplice, cut it out 217-688-1433 you like to be on the program And the more you talk less I have to, so please do give us a call, let me go say hello to everybody over here It's just what happened here And I'm going to play that and then I'm going to come back and then I'm going to take you calls 217-688-1433 if you would like to be on the program and you should certainly give me a call And we will have a chat about whatever it is you like Let's go That one is a little bit All my best of clips from all my best of clips are like too long I'm going to play part of the unknown soldier bet and we're not going to play the whole thing, I'll be back in a couple of minutes Today being Memorial Day, it might be fitting to speak a bit about military service Of course, the martial character of human conflict emerges elsewhere besides the military and perhaps it would be still more fitting to speak in such a broader generality There is just no shortage of bold men who will not be hailed as heroes despite courageous sacrifice be their names known or not Some the news records as villains and autaske is in some measures to see history do them great adjusters The United States is not the only country with a monument known as the tomb of the unknown soldier or something for that effect No culture survives without reverence for its warriors Some do a better job than others of recovering dead dead but whatever they are military prowess, combat is unpredictable and people go missing It is both fitting and important that there be some shrine to their sacrifice in the United States as at Arlington National Cemetery It is guarded 24 hours a day 365 days a year by soldier from the third US infantry regiment known as the Old Guard They perform a visually impressive routine, changing guard and sentinel as they are known have a pre which goes as follows My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted in responsibility if he stowed on me never will I falter And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements I will walk my tour and humble reverence to the best of my ability It is he who commands the respect I protect his bravery that made us so proud surrounded by well-meaning crowds by day and alone in the thoughtful peace of night This soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance While there are over 4,000 unknown soldiers buried at Arlington the monument contains the remains of put three One crypt contains the remains of a soldier from World War I, another the remains of two soldiers, one from the second world war and one from the Korean war An empty third crypt represents the missing service members from Vietnam When power changes hands perhaps it would be best to leave Arlington Memorial to those who died in uniform overseas But it might also be fitting to establish a new one for those who died or otherwise had their lives destroyed right here at home The men's sweet face has surely left more than 4,000 corpses in its wake almost entirely unrobarked upon Many millions more yet walked but are no less dead disappeared and forgotten I discovered not long ago an old friend of mine had done to the gentlemen who emailed me about it thank you It's not entirely clear to me what happened but I knew him to take a pain pill now and then It seems he got a bad one, one of those fentanyl poisoning stories you hear about all too frequently in the news He was by no means a soldier though no more inclined to run from a fight to the start one He had just happened to catch some shrapnel from one of the lethal weapons being dumped on our streets by four adversaries every day The people who stand up to those foreign adversaries they might fairly be described as combatants in a war They're not hailed as heroes they're not granted a place in a national cemetery They are called the most hateful of things and demonized in our press and fired from their jobs and denied the protections of our laws I don't mean to lower in any way the experiences of the war fighter by making the comparison They rightly have national holidays and resources allocated to them They enjoy with you exceptions the reverence of the population and I'm not viscerally opposed to punishing those exceptions If anything they deserve more than we give them and it is quite a stain on our nation When we hear about veteran suicides and the despair that opted accompanies attempts to get help from the VA Our country should aim to place fewer berbans on our uniform warriors by making more cautious decisions in our foreign policy And by making an organization like the tunnel to towers foundation utterly irrelevant by making sure that they and their families are returned to all Reasonable levels of comfort once they have done their jobs But it is one thing to risk one's life in combat and know that all the energies of the nation are with you It is quite another to make precisely the same risk without those benefits Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to surreal politics let me stop that right now And we'll we'll get to the news and of course your calls are 2176881433 so as I was saying This story comes back into the headlines as a consequence of all things of a sexual discrimination lawsuit In the county attorney's office over there where this happened Story at revolving news this won't come as a shock to you when it won't to you deal listen up because of course you've been paying attention to us And and people like us who understand these things but it won't come as a shock to you but nearly everything that you had told about the George Floyd case And the conviction that officer Derek Shalvin was a lie newly released documents confirm that George Floyd died of a fentil overdose not from his fixation In other words George Floyd was not murdered and I have here I'll show you this this is a share screen with the cam And we can take a look at this here document Which shows life threatening no life threatening injuries are detected no facial or umucosal or conjunctable Petta Kai petta petta to whatever that is no injuries of anterior muscles or knack or learnings Laring geol structures no scalp soft tissues skull or brain injuries no chest wall soft tissue injuries rib fractures other than a single rib fracture from CPR Vertibull column injuries or visceral injuries incision and subcutaneous dissection of posterior and lateral neck shoulders back Flanks and buttocks negative for occult trauma But down here under this section of toxicology which is to say toxins in your blood blood and novel psychoactive substances screens Fentanol 11 nanograms per milliliter nor fentanyl 5.6 nanograms per milliliter methamphetamine THC and in caffeine and cotinine whatever that out is And so uh st. Floyd uh was carrying a lethal dose of fentanyl and that's what killed him despite his knowledge both the prosecution and the court still permitted Derek Shalvin to be wrongfully convicted for a crime he did not commit He was a sacrificial lamb let do slaughter to appease the blood thirsty BLM mob and support the mainstream media's lies Even as some of us began questioning the mainstream narrative media outlets including Fox News through Shalvin to the wolves the man never stood a fighting chance Yeah, here's a good one so actually I'll bring this back up again This is uh jackpissobic points out that shun handy hey what are you doing I don't want that I want this okay Sean Hannity said that's pretty funny I wasn't I wasn't on Twitter when this happened so I didn't know about this but I knew what he was saying because I was watching the show We all know the damage dirty cops can cause to the whole country a country as a whole the fact is as I have been saying every single day the horrific actions of one officer in the inaction of three officers Resulted in the death of an innocent man a fellow American and they should never have happened says shun handy the standard bearer of Republican talking points It discredited his party as it stands now shalvin is a political prisoner he's been judged not only by an activist legal system that no longer follows the rule of law Instead goes by the court of public opinion in this case it seems the verdict on shalvin was influenced by more more by public outcry and a sketchy viral image than through examination of the facts It's clear that the rabid left wing mob placed tremendous pressure on prosecutors the jury and the entire court system According from alpha news new court documents expose the extreme pressure prosecutors faced in henna pen county to charge Derek shalvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers in the death of George Floyd Several attorneys opposed charging the other three officers and withdrew from the case due to professional and ethical rules Now hundreds of pages of sworn testimony of henna pen county attorneys and other county employees it took place this summer have been made public The depositions were conducted in relation to a lawsuit filed by Amy sweezy who was one of the office's top prosecutors against counter former county attorney Mike Freeman Sweezy is suing set after settling a claim with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights alleging that Freeman engaged in sex discrimination in retaliation in the office henna pen county agreed to pay $190,000 to settle the Department of Human Rights claim Freeman left the office in January and sweezy resigned from the current county attorney's office in April According to the new documents senior assistant county attorney Patrick Lofton who worked on police use of force cases with sweezy set the relationship between sweezy and Freeman soured after Lofton and sweezy withdrew from the officer's case formally on June 3rd, 2020 Lofton explained the pressure they were under to file charges The shalvin stuff is really the catalyst of this Lofton said according to a transcript from his June 6th deposition there was extreme premium pressure Yes, the city was burning down Lofton said he explained that while he wanted to case charged and believed there was quote probable cause to charge Mr. Shalvin with third degree murder The pressure from outside the office was insane and he had reservations about charging the other three cops There were no injuries to George Floyd and everyone knew it I don't need to read the whole thing from royal nationalists here you get the idea the bottom line is George Floyd's cause of death was a fentanyl overdose Not as fixation from Derek Shalvin's knee and don't forget this fact was established very early in the investigation yet the narrative of George Floyd being killed by a police officer was absolutely crucial for fueling the BLM revolution and indeed it did just that Derek Shalvin should be set free immediately at the very least he needs a new trial right away as it currently stands he's been convicted for a murder of that according to unearthed evidence never actually took place Those who were aware of this and allowed the conviction to proceed should face severe repercussions including anybody in the media who knew the truth now I don't know you know when when these things are written when these things are written at revolver news they don't tell us necessarily who wrote it But I wonder what kind of in the dark fool wrote this because I knew this and I was in jail when it happened okay This was this was said this was not a secret okay you could not be charged with a man's murder and not find out in discovery that elite had a lethal dose of fentanyl in him So this is a bunch of nonsense that anybody didn't know this I knew it And this guy's claiming to be some kind of news outlet oh wow these newly discovered documents these documents aren't newly discovered You know when George Floyd is arrested in that video I should I should have pulled the video up we could play it here you know he's arrested in that video if somebody wants to send me the link to the George Floyd video I'll play it if I search YouTube or something I'm gonna get a million stupid things if somebody's got a link to like the video or or a video compilation that is like the definitive thing without a lot of commentary or that I can mute the commentary I'll play the thing on the on the broadcast But I saw this okay and like the guy is being arrested and he's and they're trying to put him into the car he's fighting and not going in the car and he's screaming I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe Well like I think that they figured this out with the um what's this name Eric Garner that's the name I'm looking for it so that's when the whole I can't breathe thing became like the the communist slogan right Oh well when he says he can't breathe that means you got to let him go that's the magic word officer don't you know you're not allowed to arrest people if they say they can't breathe you just got to let him you got to spring him Now you know this guy they found drugs like in the car okay so like they're trying to get him in the car he's resisting getting in the car they found Fandall in the police car So this guy's trying to get rid of his drugs what's going on so my what I think probably happens is guy ate the damn drugs okay and it's not a common for them to do that by the way He put the drugs in his mouth because he didn't want to get charged with the drugs and that he's like oh wait a second I just ate a lethal doubt to Fandall you better let me go but I can't cop to it because I'm a I don't want to go back to prison I know what prisons like I go to prison all the time because I'm George Floyd and so he's like hey, you know mama I'm coming to see you whatever and then he takes this little nap and he's gone And that's like the best thing that ever happened to the Democrat party. You know it should almost go without saying they're so happy about this The rituals right do you remember like Nancy Pelosi she was in some kind of like fake African gob took a knee in the halls of Congress over this Oh What a disgusting display this whole thing was I Watch that whole day I'll tell you I've said many times you know the stuff that I didn't get to cover while I was gone boy. Oh man I watched this whole thing unfold and I was just shocked, you know I um I I've mentioned before when I was in jail. I got like a cleaning job, okay, and the cleaning job was I got to like I would clean a housing unit at night after everybody locked in for the evening I'd they let me out of my cell and then I basically clean up the housing unit and then I'd be able to watch TV by myself Which is kind of good because you know The type of people you find in jail are not usually big fans of the Fox News Channel say so If I didn't get to watch you know the Fox News evening lineup, which you know depending on what was going on some nights I did sometimes I didn't I'd watch the reruns overnight and Then for like months and months and months I didn't get to watch the reruns of the Fox News evening lineup because there was too much live coverage of the nightly riots I watched that thing happen From the Strafwick County Correctional Facility in Delva, New Hampshire And I was like I'm off the street for 10 minutes and the whole world falls apart right like I I was What I got arrested in January of 2020. I guess they locked the whole country down in March Like I was like the end of January so two months I was in before They locked everything down the covid nonsense took over And one month into that Two no two months into that a month and change A month and change into this covid nonsense where you can't go to church you can't go to work You can get an abortion you go to marijuana dispensary you buy as much liquor as you want But you can't go to church you can't go to work all you can do is murder your children and get high That's all you're allowed to do in the beginning of 2020 And so you know George Floyd you know he picks up on the hints He decides to go out and do some drugs and steal because that's still allowed in May of 2020 Uh, but you know this cop he didn't get the memo that theft had been legalized So when he hears that there's some criminal with a you know rap sheet of mile long pass and counterfeit bills You know he doesn't understand yet that this is the new normal right that The new money issuing authority of the fentanyl junkies who printed up in there in their you know I doubt he owns a printer wherever he came up with this fake piece of paper And so he goes and he says hey, you know you're not the Federal Reserve what's going on with the fake money And he's like I can't breathe and he's like what are you talking about you can't breathe this you're standing right in front of me talking And shockingly enough this doesn't go so well for mr. Floyd And I don't think it was 24 hours before the riots started right I mean I remember watching this like there was like a target it was like broad daylight Broad daylight they're in the target in Philadelphia Guys are just pulling the car up front a bunch of maniacs come out with big screen TVs and all manner of stuff loaded up This is this is social justice in May 2020 right And I'm like, you know Yeah, right It's exactly what you would expect to happen. This is what they do they're like hey don't criticize us We'll throw everybody in jail who has a problem with this and then it just goes completely spirals out of control And You know much of this time I'm thinking I'm gonna get out of here pretty soon Ha ha ha ha no such luck This just gets worse and worse and worse Amazing and now four years later almost it's almost if three and a half years later It's like now it's respectable for conservative and to be like hey The autopsy conducted four years ago said you know What everybody was getting banned from twitter for saying was that when fentanyl junkies eat their stash to avoid prisons Sometimes it turns out poorly for them But Saint George Amazing 217 68 1433 you like to be on the program And the more you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call here's another fun one Here's a piece over at asylum magazine Let my right hand forget on Israel and the dissident right I read this earlier today and I thought this is kind of amusing In my early youth for a reason now he eat the This is titled the subtitled here the heading is the Hebrew conservative which explains to you the man's perspective Which won't be surprising as we get into the story In my early youth for reasons not completely clear to me. I was a member of the not cool kids Our lowly cast was a jolly one a band of misfits having a nice time interestingly despite our lowliness We had a our own internal hierarchy at the top where people like me almost cool and equipped with partial access to the gatherings of the truly cool At the bottom we had the absolutely uncool at the very bottom. There was a weirdo beyond uncoolness Our childish yet complex association was also supported by an innocent vow All for one and one for all should any of us be harassed by the cool kids all of us would rush to the injured party's defense This rule was taken for granted for some time until it was awkwardly put to the test The attack was rather civilized the cool kids that simply decided to ostracize one of us No one would be allowed to utter a single word to him He would be treated like a non-existent void This should have been our chance all for one and one for all Challenge the cool kids ignore the ostracism fight to blasphemous power, right? Wrong Unfortunately the one to be ostracized was the weirdo at the bottom of the ladder. Why would we risk our station for that guy Thus Shamedfully we had obeyed our elite masters and did not stick out our necks on behalf of the poor weirdo Why well we explained to ourselves he really is annoying Besides when we had imagined a defense fact it was supposed to be for kids like yours truly or at least another almost cool kid It was never really intended for the bottom of the barrel losers Doesn't the annoying kids sort of have it coming anyhow A person with some mileage knows the situation above is very common in life We vow to love our children no matter what yet We uncomfortably end up with a fat nerd. I was supposed to be attending baseball games not trombone recitals We make a pledge to always be by our mother side imagining the nurturing angel of our youth Yet often when we are truly needed the angel is gone only a shell remains perhaps Demented requiring love and commitment that are much harder to give Outside the world of abstractions there was always a gap between our noble fantasies and the way they are tested Yet virtue lies exactly in that gap Since I am from Israel says the writer The gap between my right wing noble pledges and the way they are now tested in Israel is rather narrow But for many on the dissident right the gap is obviously what For years even decades if you are a truly committed paleo conservative We've been warning through essays and podcasts and memes that the great test for Western man lies in his ability to fend off the threat of the masses of the third world Billions must perish the most important graph in the world We've been preparing our minds for the viciousness required for the protection of our borders for the necessary cruelty of sending people away Of forcing them out of killing when necessary And here is a test at hand Israel a nation state where people consume frappuccinos and make software meaning a sort of Western place Is a tactic and only survived by blocking out the third world Perhaps only by killing great numbers of the third world's masses why to exist there is no nice way to go about it Yet on the dissident right instead of a manly sentiment to finish them off no matter what we are mostly welcome to a menu of bizarre irony Oh, this is not our struggle as if anybody was asked to take up arms But what about our borders as if two causes cannot be supported at least morally at the same time Hello out Ben Shapiro takes the hitter pill as if the strongest motivation among our crowd is to not be Ben Shapiro you know what I mean I suspect this has to do with the phenomenon I described above when we are tested It is never in a way that we had imagined the test a civilized world versus third world attack has come But it is not an attack on the cysteine chapel with a sublime cathedral at the rhymes At rhymes sorry It is not even an attack on Romania are they even Europeans seem quasi-Turkish to me instead It is an attack on just you Israel with its perpetual appeals for aid and its pottery of boomer supporters from Dick Cheney to Nicky Haley Totally uncool totally not the way it was supposed to be a Twitter night of the west stick his neck out for Venice not for Patak Tikva Continuing the tale from my childhood. I should mention that I the almost cool kid was also eventually ostracized Not immediately but my genuine lack of coolness had gradually become more and more apparent It tells you to a minor trespass. I forever lost my access to the truly cool The struggles of the uncool are alas coming to a border near you Near us When Europe is flooded not by millions but hundreds of millions What do you think it will look like? Europe will have to violently put people on boats and ship them away But nobody will take such people back so Europe will have to conquer a bridgehead in Libya and force the migrants to remain there The bridgehead will shortly be attacked by mortar and rocket fire and all sorts of terrorism And thus it will have to be expanded and fortified almost like a settlement How do you think a sincere attempt to stave off mass immigration in America is going to play out? Are you prepared? Innocent people will have to be put on trains and shipped off to Mexico Mexico will shortly resist so we will have to conquer a security zone How Lebanese and block all migrants to remain there The security zone will remain constantly attacked by cartels, rogues and desperate hundreds of millions that will shortly wash upon Mexico's territory in a frantic attempt across North If we are willing to protect our posterity in America and in Europe We must indeed steal ourselves We need to cultivate an appropriate mindset Israel is now the great rehearsal for this We will eventually need to do precisely what Israel is trying to do And so while nobody should be expected to donate blood or treasure for the struggle of others The manly reactionary sentiment, the dissident sentiment should be let Israel finish them off If Israel succeeds, perhaps we can succeed too If Israel succumbs under the pressure of the international community A similar fate most likely awaits us here in the West While this August magazine is surely only visited by those of noble inclinations I want to address if every unnobel phenomenon I become acutely aware of That is the bright comment of our industrious podcasters at SAS drags behind a long tail of shandals An unattractive lowly frong of people who are based only in the sense of base origins at upbringing I've discovered this reality mostly in discussions with Europeans And especially British people, dwellers of the slums of Manchester Who sound like oaths addicted to potato chips and rent control Invoke elite theory against me as self-criscent experts on Pareto and Moscow Very quickly thanks to probably an exposure to a few pages from Kevin McDonald's derivatives These same people accuse me of pill poll and subversion And shortly after the conversation devolves into issues that I drown in my own Jewish blood or be bled like a Jewish pig Meaning at that shandala level the nights of the West become indistinguishable from any Mesopotamian e-girl named Tashfine or Malika Allulating with passionate zeal about the destruction of the Jews Indeed in any such dissident Twitter spaces you find an agitated Irish expert in Jewish subversion side by side with the she syrians Shandal is a shandala since the days of the Roman mobs But perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here by men of sense Normal people with jobs and families and functioning lives should not feel comfortable with the company of drags calling for Jews to plead like pigs As reactionary gentlemen, we should not be consorting with lower sorts even under an imaginary umbrella of dissidents The shandala level dissidence is the opposite of any aristocratic restoration especially aesthetically This has to do with a manly sentiment that we above all most cultivate A final word regarding the dissident podcast sphere I have a young niece who would once dreamed of becoming a fashion designer Now dreams of becoming a YouTube star Our bloggers and essayists happily have achieved my niece's dream good for them And I am often entertained by their words and videos and learn something new here and there But it's important not to rise above our stations A truly educated person by traditional definition should command several languages possess a solid mathematical equation And be inculcated in the treasures of our civilization think Roger Scruton Lacking that most of us can mostly talk Sometimes sensibly but mostly superficially and without much nuance many of us live within a stunning Kruger effect We read some Schmidt and Pareto the Burnham I don't know anybody who's read Pareto's original thousands of pages definitely not Italian And then we say things very confidently about elite theory and bioethics in the passing of the great race, but it's all just words Sadly in many cases these are the words of men who are relatively numerically illiterate and are thus unable to assign a measure of probability to the things they say Meaning they are prone to exaggerations This only leads to a greater pretence of confidence which is then passed on to the Whittlest Shandallas Higher math is almost unheard of, but I would recommend such training before diving into Schmidt and Pareto Those who have wrestled with the differential equations are acutely aware of Hageilian and conclusive pressures of variables in their derivatives And can thus only mock with melancholy such juvenile pretensions of certainty May God and his angels protect us all And that you know is you might have gathered as fairly well written And also comically uninformed or I would not say uninformed so much as deceptive Ha Mittelum The man is clearly trying to trick his audience, yeah, I don't know how many of you might have noticed that He dails into all this nonsense about math and names dropping old authors and stuff Oh they read a few pages that Kevin McDonald and they make Pareto distribution equations and by the way Let me just move on to something else because these guys are illiterate You know, I actually agree with a lot of the sentiment here, okay? You know you've heard me talk. I don't like this noble savage nonsense. I'm not with it and I don't think it makes us look good, okay If you got you know, I understand why people are upset with the with the Jewish state, okay? That makes perfect sense to me. I don't actually disagree with those people all that much What I disagree with is this noble savage nonsense where we're like hey you guys who put the lawnmower engines on the back of the Umbrow and went and shot a bunch of kids you guys are fantastic that stuff. I'm not actually down with And when we do that we look really bad and we invite ourselves to be mocked by people like this Who turn around and trick the uninformed into thinking that they're the higher intellectuals, right? Whether or not this guy's a liar and he knows it He uses phrases like elite theory well who's talking about elite theory pal Who said anything about elite theory? I don't hear I don't hear the um He mentioned this Irish agitator. I think he's referring to a man by the name of Keith Woods who's gotten pretty popular on Twitter lately And I don't think he says a whole lot about elite theory. I think he's talking about behavior that is very common among Jewish people And the impact it has on above all immigration And If you decide to go and attack the people who are attacking Israel and you don't mention that You might be accused of deception credibly And you actually do a great job of feeding into precisely what it is that you're complaining about right? You know I went some dark places you might know And part of what preceded that darkness was asking people Hey, could you like refute these things that I'm hearing? I was here and people were calling into my own sensor show And tell him eat things that I was like this can't be It's no What you guys are not so you get away from it. What are you talking about? And I went to people like intellectuals who I respected and I said hey help me out Silence silence silence You know nobody wants to debate anti-Semites Part of the problem, you know I mean to extent you know if you're an anti-Semite it's not a problem I mean, you know, but you know if you're somebody who thinks the anti-Semites or you know If you're somebody who thinks like the anti-Semites or like a problem with society, you know You might do well to Engage them intellectually, right? You might do well to point out the errors that they're making Instead of coming up with new phraseology to describe what they're talking about And invoking the names of authors who have nothing to do with the subject matter and talking about math And if you don't do that that you might consider yourself an embarrassment to your publication At the least 2176881433 if you would like to be on the program and if not I am going to I'm gonna wrap it up ladies and gentlemen So let's go over here. I've got a three dollar super chat from maybe next time He says a ma a summer meeting of prayer and reflection in honor of St. George some coins for the collection plate to gold play to Horse draw and hers is not enough. Well, thank you. Maybe next time Um go over here. There's nothing for me over there. I don't know what happened to go MTV guys my streams gone. I don't happen And so Rogue 12 says damn I haven't seen the show in months. Well, hey man You should be on my email list go to Christopher Cantwell. That's where I subscribe Get on the email list and if you have a if you have an email address That's at like charter or spectrum or road runner any of those companies that are under that You might give them a call and you might tell them that they are blocking for no good reason The mail server for and Christopher I've been trying to contact them. They won't talk to me. I contacted them on Twitter They said give me your customer number. I said I'm not your customer stupid I'm contacting you because dozens of your customers are not getting the email messages that they signed up for And it's because you're not Following the simple mail transfer protocol, okay? And There's you know there are things that I can do to fix this like but it's kind of ridiculous, okay? You know that the spam filter thing is not supposed to be a political weapon, okay? And it's not supposed to be something that these companies do indiscriminately In order to you know to to block off entire swaths of the internet and limit email uh Functions to you know three corporations, okay? The simple mail transfer protocol is not something that's supposed to be a centralized function like Facebook and Twitter The whole entire point of it is that anybody can run a mail server and Deliver mail to people who seek to receive it now. I understand better than anybody I used to work in a data center I was responsible for the abuse department in that data center I understand what spam is and I understand that it will completely Destroy the internet if responsible people don't do something to stop it But if those people are irresponsible and instead of trying to stop spam They block they wall off entire segments of the internet with no regard for whether the people are spamming or not And then they were refused to speak to systems administrators on other networks They're breaking they're breaking the internet a lot faster than the spam as well And so If you have signed up to get emails from me and it goes into your spam trap I would hope that you check your spam trap from time to time check make sure that that's not the case and if it is market is not spam and Complain about like tell tell the tell your service provider hey don't just market is not spam in foot hey You're putting stuff in my spam folder with no justification if you Sign up for my email list and you don't get a confirmation reach out to me use the contact form on my website either Christopher or If you do that, I'll get that in my proton mail address and I'll reply to you from there and you know You might still have to check your spam folder who knows But it won't be blocked it won't be bounced and rejected on a connection level And we'll discuss it because it's possible that your emails your email your email service provider is bouncing the message now If you have proton mail which you can get go to slash get pm You'll get a proton mail account for free or you could pay for it. There's features that you could pay for if you see fit to If you do if you do sign up through my link even if you decide to pay If you get the free account and you sign up for a paid account and you're down the road I'll get a cut of that and that'll be fine. That'll be great but You know in the meantime The spam filter thing is actually like a major problem and it's something that it's now it's becoming the new political weapon And people should be conscious of that and take all measures to fix it We do this every Monday at 9 30 p.m. U.S. Eastern time So if you're listening on some other platform at some other time I would invite you to join us for the live program We air on rumble we air on Odyssey we air on and on Christopher can't well that net slash live um You know we have other platforms that we stream to but it doesn't make sense to list them all because you know Get barely keep rumble and Odyssey working. I can't keep track of all these other guys and all of their problems You get the idea There's the get me radio app usually works today halfway through the show for some reason my audio streaming app Speak that 100% CPU and I had to close it But usually you can listen on the get me radio app So if you're like in the car or something you don't want to be distracted driving looking at me making faces at you the whole time You can listen using the get me radio app you just listen to the audio and it's usually you know I don't understand. I'm a good looking guy. You want to see this thing I get it But most people actually listen to the audio version most people are downloading the podcast which you can do by the way Through politics is available on like wherever you get your podcasts. We're not banned from everything. Yeah Maybe after today who knows you know, I just I question the wisdom of locking up Derek Shalvan that's thought cron But uh, you know if you go to on um like pod podcasts or you get podcast addict like even my Uncensored production you can get that no problem you search radical agenda you'll find it Christopher can't well you'll find it And that'd be a great idea to do but if you're using like iTunes or something and you want to give me a five-star review You want to say this the greatest thing in radio that'd be fantastic, you know If you're watching on one of the video platforms and you haven't hit the thumbs up or the fire button or whatever the approval signal is Have I not earned that much? Have I really not earned that much? Please signal your approval. It helps it. It makes other people see the stuff, you know It's very good for you to do that. It's very helpful and I appreciate it And if you want to help more than that you can pay me slash donate I'll tell you all the ways that you can fork over cash. I got the the cash app You know, uh, that's edgy chris. I've got strike payments. I've got the slash spm I got all that crypto stuff. You can send me any kind of cryptocurrency you want if you don't see the cryptocurrency That you want to send just let me know and I will gladly give you a key. I got that exit as well So I can take them all Uh, and I'll happily I'll give you a key for the crypto currency you want to send that is not listed there And we'll do all of those things and then we'll be back Wednesday for the members only show because you know You already did the joint thing you're already a member right surreal slash joined It's ten bucks a month but because you guys are all right I like you you do agenda 33 for the checkout code you get the first three months at 33% off it comes out for like $6.0 and 70 cents and you get discounts in the shop and all that stuff You could join us for the members only shows on Wednesdays at 9 30. It's real slash member dash chat I should probably shorten that URL, but you know, I put the link in the in the thing And you get the emails of course. I send them out before and you you already know this sign up for the email list So you got that all figured out and we'll be back then for that and then Friday I'll be back cursing up a storm on the on the uncensored production and you know I took it easy on Friday You know when I left the member chat last Wednesday I was like hey, you know I don't think I'm even gonna apologize for the F's on Friday But then I had Augustus Invictus there and he's actually like respectable and so I was only cursing at my equipment. I really kept it to a minimum, but Who knows you know, maybe this Friday You never know what all it's going on. I might have to Might have to let it go so now see you then if not sooner Thank you very much for tuning into surreal politics ladies and gentlemen Thank you so much to the people who make this thing possible, you know I got an Amazon wish list to you to buy me something. I'd be cool Good night Oh