I lane Alright welcome to real politics in November 2020 and 2023 being a current year stage 1 episode 35 you know due to a series of competing concerns this evening I will not be able to do a live show tonight but I would not dream to leave you hanging ladies and gentlemen fortunately I have a great deal of old audio I've been meaning to re-release among these are the archives of what might be described as the predecessor to real politics a show I had titled Outlook and Servative many though not all of you have heard this already still more though again not all know the background namely that I've been doing an uncensored production for a very long time and some of the consequences associated with that uncensored production made it very obvious to me that there was a meaningful need for something that was more broadly palatable while still addressing the issues that that show sought to address Outlook and Servative was my first attempt to fill that need real politics is my second go at it as I began to prepare this audio for you today I was more than a little surprised myself I had this idea in my head that Outlook and Servative was not very good frankly the show met a great deal of resistance when it launched and according to a certain bad habit of mine I internalized much of that criticism to be sure Outlook and Servative was not nearly so well thought out as real politics is like much of what I do it could terribly be described as imperfect but there's a meaningful value here that I myself didn't fully appreciate until pretty recently so what follows here are Outlook and Servative Stage 1 episodes 0 1 and 2 in sequence in a single MP3 I'll soon publish the full archives of that production but this is a little teaser for you I'll be back Wednesday for the live members only show and of course Friday for the uncensored production Thank you for tuning into surreal politics I'll see you real soon The Outlook and Servative Podcast is a live open phones conservative talk radio entertainment program which we do our best to make suitable for listening to at work or in the presence of young children thusly we will hang up on and edit out callers who curse advocate violence make racist statements or reference anatomical functions which generally require privacy that said we warn live listeners that the show airs without delay and lacks a dump button and it's are made in post-production before the podcast is released so if you are those around you are easily offended we would advise you to avoid the live show and download the pre-recorded version instead once it is released later this evening so what conservative would it stop the tactics of a public communist? how conservative would it sit and try and loosen its country to people who have no standards and realize it's a little bit of such thing as what it just is and it means it's not prevailing in conflict Outlook and Servative Stage 1 Episode 0 The Outlook and Servative Podcast is a family friendly live open phones conservative talk radio show hosted by notorious right wing shock jock Christopher Kentwell Outlook and Servative provides news and analysis in an entertaining format you can listen to at work or with your kids in a car at least when you download the edited recording that is live shows are by nature unpredictable but we do our best and edit out any inappropriate calls that slip through At the time of this writing the country is in crisis gridlock in Washington has the federal government partially shut down the president is besieged by domestic hostels from both parties the media has gone beyond biased reporting and descended into outright propaganda our courts conjure new rights out of thin air while making our oldest and most cherished ones vanish into the same simple observations of reality are considered thought crime elected democrats openly advocate socialism and call themselves radicals on television it's difficult not to get angry about this I certainly have maintaining one's composure while his country is in danger can even seem hazardous to the health of the nation speaking as one who is given into such impulses I can say from experience that this will no more improve our political outcomes and it will our personal and professional lives people want to be happy they want to be comfortable they want to feel safe they want to have faith in their institutions their countrymen in their futures they want solutions not problems this being the case they are unsurprisingly averse to advice from unhappy people it does not matter in the slightest how right you are if all you can deliver to the masses is fear and disgust voters would sooner follow a soothing voice into bondage and destruction and to trust a miserable person with their salvation so while it makes sense for one to become filled with righteous anger upon realizing how far off course our nation has strayed the vigilant patriot must set those emotions aside and focus on the task at hand extremism hatred and violence of vices we simply cannot afford endless hours dollars tears and worse are wasted on ideological rabbit holes finger pointing in commissaration talented hardworking men are unable to find a job in a booming economy because they said the wrong thing online others have fallen victim to even more hazardous fates and arguably for lesser offenses where all of these costs incurred as the price of a better future we could not otherwise achieve I would consider them worth it the very sad truth is we have accomplished quite the opposite our way of life is on the brink and if we hope to rescue meritocracy national sovereignty and the rule of law from the dismofute all arrivals have planned and we must become worthy of emulation we must be happy we must be prosperous we must live free from fear we must be willing to make meaningful compromises and uncomfortable alliances windows the only ways to advance important goals we need healthy families and meaningful relationships to have these we must make our women feel so special that equality feels like a demotion talking about our ideas should bring a smile to our faces we are the good guys after all while our opponents strive to reduce us all to some lowest common denominator out of jealousy or worse we see the beauty of human achievement and its limitless potential they see the market is their oppressor and the government is their savior while we view both as our subordinates and benefactors our genders none so radical is out of our foes we seek the sort of ordered liberty characteristic of western civilization we seek to reduce crime and exploitation in our society we seek to tame the markets that it up lists our entire nation while allowing individuals within it to reach their full potential we have everything to celebrate safe for victory and if we play our cards right we'll have that too but first we need to know the rules of the game rule number one in a democracy the bigger team always wins alienating the uninitiated with Eddie jokes is no more path to victory than our petty internal squabbles rule number two there is no glory and defeat fighting losing battles just to feel good about yourself is just as bad as forfitting a battle you could have otherwise won rule number three laws can be obeyed and changed or broken and enforced communist wage revolutions Republicans in post order there are more of course but those of your survival basics join us going forward from our insights inspiration and of course laughter follow us on his joyful path to salvation we are live everyone stay from five to seven PM eastern starting January 16th, 2019 with the podcast to be released later each Wednesday evening on outlaw conservative dot com outlaw conservative stage one episode one don't look I lay my name is Christopher can't well and welcome to outlaw conservative what you are about to listen to is not a live airing of outlaw conservative proper but rather an edited version of a different live show which I produce that programming is uncensored and gets into controversial subject matter and is thus unsuited for listening to Edward or around children I have provided you here with a heavily redacted version of that audio free of vulgarity or controversial subject matter for your listening enjoyment with the exception of the material edited out of this recording these two shows are a very similar format so from time to time I will release edited episodes of the uncensored content here as episodes of outlaw conservative at some point in the near future I will be introducing paid memberships and premium content for outlaw conservative dot com please note that even behind the paywall all content at outlaw conservative dot com will always be clean if you want the uncensored content just do some searching for Christopher can't well and you will surely manage to find it that content is freely available to the public and requires no membership subscription outlaw conservative errors every Wednesday from five to seven PM US Eastern time at outlaw conservative dot com slash live and you can call in at eight oh eight for outlaw the first live airing will occur on Wednesday January 16th 2019 at five PM US Eastern time and I certainly hope you will join us so please enjoy this heavily redacted episode of outlaw conservative I used to think conservatives are like backwards religious fanatics who willfully ignored the evidence before they've ever he is just to maintain their outdated and superstitious ideology it wasn't just a coincidence either back then I thought this was the defining characteristic of conservatism what I thought they were conserving was just an obsolete world view left this I thought during this time was smarter but misguided they were entirely too open minded and overconfident in their perceived ability to repair the world the thinking went their myriad intellectual pursuits let them down diverse paths of thought many of which contained bad economic ideas but at least their hearts were in the right place and they were open to new ways of thinking lucky for me I thought I was above all of these foolish mistakes I was a libertarian physically conservative socially liberal eventually giving way to the non aggression principle and truly enlightened political thought luckily for the country I wasn't empowered during this time it turns out I was completely wrong has so often turned out to be the case one of the things which has stunned me the most of the last four years is the distribution of intellectual thought across a political spectrum today left us in their libertarian counterparts have sought only to protect their position silence their critics extract from issues and even resort to violence their advocacy went from tolerating differences to imposing grey uniformity and crushing dissent non leftist libertarians what few of them remained were happy to condemn this demagoguery but offered no meaningful resistance to it to them open borders was a misguided interpretation of the non aggression principle because in a private property society there would be no common spaces for immigrants to freely have a cross a fine theory but absent the abolition of the state did nothing to address the immigration problems currently empowering the left likewise they saw a speech and anti discrimination laws as misguided but offered no meaningful resistance for fear of being seen as intolerant putting aside for a moment some meaningful distinctions between conservatism and the right this is where the intellectual power has emerged concerns over well-founded in reality supported by facts and evidence and aimed at the preservation of far more important things than an outdated superstition where no longer about the will of God but rather the maintenance of society through the cohesion of its constituent parts of families and the individuals within them try though the left and their allies might to make this seem like ignorance xenophobia and bigotry the most cursory examination proved that this is where the cognitive capacity of our political discourse had become concentrated lacking any substance if response to this phenomenon the left has devolved into something worse than the caricature they made of Christian fundamentalist incapable of defeating the message they have resorted to attacking the messengers meritless legal action censorship character assassination smear campaigns and even physical violence have become the norm yesterday we saw what I suspect is a new level of anti intellectualism coming from the left as president trump prepared to deliver an addressed to the nation from the oval office those who hate the truth scrambled to deal with the inevitable fallout there was at first some debate as to whether the TV networks would even carry the address the three major broadcast networks NBC ABC and CBS all took time to deliberate the subject on Monday many on Twitter call for the networks to opt against airing a speech arguing from a president set in 2014 when they passed on a speech on made on immigration by then president Barack Obama that was considered to be to partisan for national broadcast these users suggested that the president was not entitled to free air time for his racist propaganda Charlie Sykes and MSNBC contributor and never Trump Republican floated the idea of airing a speech on a 10 minute delay given a networks time to mind the address for newsy nuggets and fact check some of the president's claims quote since pret trump has rewritten the rules the networks should to he said the president isn't entitled to free air time he needs to earn it and since he's abused it so many times he doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt the networks all eventually gave in and delivered the message to the public without delay or edits but went into overdrive pissing into the information pool before and after leading up to the address one talking head after another short us that there was no crisis at the southern border forget the constant stream of propaganda in the weeks and months prior of dead children tear gas human rights abuses and family separations and all the rest everything was fine and only racist thought the caravans of thousands of Honduran's and others massing at our border and doing battle with border patrol was a thing worthy of consideration after the president spoke they do to flee delivered us the thoughts of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi the man of an already leader and newly elected speaker to house assured us that contrary to prevailing notions of physics walls are incapable of stopping human movement not to mention sinful outside the White House protesters held up brightly lit and colored signs which read fake crisis no wall before a cooperative media apparatus anxious to agree with the falsehood others simply determined to discourage the populace from hearing the president's words in other ways hashtag boycott trump primetime trended on Twitter with users providing an abundance of suggestions on how to cope with the eight minutes their favorite communist propaganda feeds would be occupied by the fascist regime a mental health advocate going by the name manda posthumously said quote i would rather saw off my own watch trump addressed the nation tonight that's fun glad posted some alternative suggestions for people to watch which quote lift up the voices of marginalized people and quote the list included ten different options either airing at the same time or available on demand stormy Daniels who recently was ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees for filing a bogus lawsuit against the president told her followers that she would quote be folding laundry for eight minutes on Instagram line who will allow Rashida Tali one of the first two Muslim women recently elected to the US House of Representatives who recently said of the president quote we're going to impeach opted to pick up a book on quote the revolutionary power of women's anger that's right women's anger is revolutionary this list could get kind of long but you get the idea the strategy to left these days is to simply avoid exposure to views which contradict their own they literally cannot even make an argument anymore because they have dedicated such tremendous effort to ignorance of the subject matter dispute this is not entirely new come to think about it in 2015 the Huffington Post decided trump's campaign was a side show an opted to exclude it from their political coverage as a result instead putting it in their entertainment section next to stories quote on the Kardashians in the bachelor at they were at some point compelled to reconsider no later of course then when he became president of the United States one hopes a similar reckoning will be forthcoming on the immigration issue perhaps is more reasonable voters see that the people who hope to govern them are busily cramming fingers in their ears and going at their television sets they'll realize that people who fear the words of an elected president are unsuitable to serve as his replacement here's a fun one so campus reform this is cap it Phillips you probably might recognize that name he's he pops up from time to time on campus and start asking students about what they thought of trumps messages on immigration the border the only catches he wasn't using trumps were border wall the democrats saying we're not going to give as much stop talking to students about president trumps proposed border wall and we're going to be reading them a few quotes from president trump in defense of his wall but the thing is are not actually president trump quotes there actually quotes from democrat leaders defending stricter border security what will students say when they find out let's go have a look there's a government shutdown going on right now president trump saying he wants funding for his border wall the democrats saying we're not going to give as much funding as you want what's your thought on his push for this wall? I am not a fan everyone has a shared reaction to this it's absolutely horrendous I really don't see a need for it I don't think there should be a wall the wall is a really unrealistic solution I mean there have been like many videos that have shown people easily crossing the wall that is supposed to like keep people out or whatever doesn't make any sense doesn't there pretty much already a fencing? I'm going to read a few quotes here from president trump talking about the need for the southern border wall first quote we should spend money to build a barrier to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in another quote we simply cannot allow people to pour into the US undetected undocumented and unchecked quote illegal immigration is wrong plain and simple until the american people are convinced we will stop future flows illegal immigration will make no progress when you hear quotes like that what's your reaction to them? it's divisive I think America is a land of opportunity place for inclusion I just really think it's a kind of hateful speech in general it's a negative message like all he talks about like illegal immigrants it's just one rude like to talk about people like that it kind of underlies a lot of things about like discrimination and people when their prejudice is and things like that so I feel like that stuff is touchy to talk about there are racial biases kind of sort of deep embedded in there in a word I'd say it's more jingoist well I think it's a minute overall it's just unacceptable I think just the way that he's referring to people across the wall is very dehumanizing so rhetoric like that it's not helpful no not at all what if I told you these were from Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton how about that? really? really? oh wow I mean yeah Democrats and Republicans have said things about border control that's interesting I didn't think that that's that's interesting what's surprising? it's true well then do you can you tell me which ones they were respectively? that's a very good surprise by the way if it's where Trump quote I believe it would be a lot more maybe a lot less calculated? I don't know they just say it like say that I mean they're demeanor is like the way they come off is like I don't even know what to say I'm not surprised why is that? well because I mean I guess I'm a little older than most of the college I'm 20 I'm a graduate student I'm 26 so I remember you know Clinton's administration and what they did with immigration and what the Democrats stance was then so I think it's kind of interesting indeed it is and it though but I mean these kids on a college campus is you know what I mean? let's give them a helicopter okay oh shut them hey Chris my agenda is that didn't do nothing yet again and not to ever be friends with the enemy ever all right well let's start with didn't do nothing what are you talking about? well first of all I'm really glad to hear the news thank you so much I was dumb enough last night to listen to a little too much free talk live which I don't normally do and not just talk your former you know companions and associates but basically they had this guy on it was it was Mark and Ian's show and I had this guy on Adam Kressher something Adam Kochash okay oh yeah oh you know the guy yeah I was so well you know it was a standard libertarian cops or blah blah blah you know I agreed with very very little of it but it was like whatever but then he was talking about he got arrested recently in like New Orleans or something for hanging up freedom signs promoting his book anyway he started going full SJW and I actually called in but my audio was messed up so you know they couldn't early hear me well hopefully it's fine now anyway and he was basically saying stuff like it was just so sad to see the scene there you know mistreating blacks and then all in jail for rich men this guy actually said that dude well you know it's Adam Kochash is a funny thing I've got a long history with Adam he's actually been on the show before I went down to Miami in I think it was in 2017 I went down there at some point last year I think it was actually to have a live on stage debate with Adam about immigration which was a real blast if you search chrisfer can't well calm for Kochash you'll find that excuse me sorry and you know this was the thing you know with Adam was a funny story when I was coming up in a libertarian space you know Adam had like this reputation he he ran for Congress in the same year that I did and he had the endorsement of Ron Paul when he got infinitely more attention than I did and was you know at the time in much better physical shape etc etc and I was I envied Adam in a lot of ways he he like was making his living as a content producer and I was all like I want to do that so bad you know and I actually and I actually want to contest when he was still on RT which was still called Russia today at the time he had like he he wanted to he was promoting some event and he was like he had a contest like make this video promoting the event in my video got more views than any other video and he invited me to come down to watch in DC and like come come come be on the show and my bus was late and then I missed it I ended up hanging around with him for a few days and I actually ended up co-hosting the show with him and one of his co-hosts quit and then when Adam got locked up for the for the for the gun thing in DC I actually ended up going in and filling in for him for a period of time and so it long story short there's a long history between Adam and I and like it was awkward to me because he took he took a pretty dramatic shift like at first T.C. I think he kind of like had his finger in the air waiting to see which way the social justice warrior you know thing was going to go in the libertarian movement and as all of the people who didn't like social justice nonsense I guess Adam co-cash figured that his interests were best served by being a leftist and and and and thus we have the Adam co-cash of the current year and I was actually I got it I'm still on his email list and I saw that email that he had gotten arrested for for whatever it was which is a habit for Adam those of you who don't know he's constantly in some kind of illegal problem in asking all of you to bail him out and so I'm not surprised that it went down that way on on free talk live because they are of course prone to you know that that line of thinking and it's it's you know if you can watch it for five minutes and get a laugh out of it it's good but I feel bad for people who are like yes this is the way the truth and the light oh yeah no I you know I I watched a lot of your old stuff I guess I got to watch more because I maybe I saw the Adam guy I just I didn't know he was such like a big staple in the like libertarian world up there but you know and the Chris it wasn't like you know he was given different perspectives but he just of course so happened to lean left no this guy literally said what I told you and of course the other guy and Arya was on there too and like you know he she wasn't going to say much I understand but it's like you know it dude it wasn't even like yeah you know it was straight up like I feel so bad for those and it's like did you ever think that most of these yeah dude I had to shut it off I just couldn't do anymore and you know I listen time to time I mostly just listen to Arya and will show which is ironic because you know they're minorities and they're better at criticism and the conservative viewpoint and some of the borderline pro you know that I say oh yeah it was funny it was funny in that you know I I talked about Arya before while he's still down in Virginia I was going over like the sort of the pork fest line up for for 2017 and it was something that made me laugh that like I found her YouTube channel oh my god I just called him her sorry and so I found I found this YouTube channel and there was this and Arya has this persona calls himself the anarchist and like goes up on this stage of what they call the soapbox idol there at pork fest and goes into like this this rant about the use of language it was what what made me laugh was the closest thing you're going to get to right wing commentary at pork fest this year is and so that's like when I had Arya in the studio not so long ago that's actually my number I think that's the the most watched episode of that's on bit shoot right now and it was it was a fun conversation I mean you know I wasn't particularly happy about his uh some of the cultural stuff was actually pretty interesting to talk to him about so I'm not surprised that you appreciate that more than some of free talk live you know yeah yeah and actually there's a funny video you might even want to watch it on there of Arya making fun of the big hideous monster you know that a game stop and yeah yeah you should pull it up look I'll just save the second topic for another time because I think I've taken a little much time but let me just close with that dude it's like look I'm not going to sit here and then knock those people for like what they do because even you admitted that you know they're good at what they do overall but but I it's just such it feels so neutered it feels so castrated like I think a year or so ago when I was still kind of an SJW I might have really grabbed like you know I'm the less leaning libertarian it might have been but dude even that's callers like I was listening to old you know ONA stuff because I know you're a fiend for that too and it's like dude even with the trolls and you get some of them but even some of them are funny but even your worst trolling calls are better than they're like best calls it's like it's like oh we're talking to Brian here in Minneapolis and the guy will be like earlier in the dark how do you calculate the air pressure of a blanket like these are the kind of some groups that call these and they're the most boring you're right you have more diversity with you know some of us you know that listen to you man it's all just old guilty people like yes yes I agree yeah exactly it's a there's a lot of privilege checking going on at the at the at the at free talk live there and and it is not doing anything to endear them to the people they're so concerned about offending which is kind of funny and I'm not surprised in that in that sense that you know will an aria are managing to put on a better show because they don't have any fear of that right they're not going to be accused of being well pressers and so they can they can sort of afford to take a and they're also not on broadcast it's worth adding and so they can yeah they can afford to take a few more chances in that sense and and off like like you know the little breaks when when I'm talking to them and it's unsensored I'm told will like you know this and made some jokes and he even laughs like art so anyway but yeah man I bought another block recently and it made me think of you because you're a black guy so oh I got this drawing I got to get it to you I got to shut up and finish I think you're really going to like it but that's it I'll probably call back later in the week and give you the other one because it kind of but yeah man it's it's just the most milk toast like here we are talking about freedom thanks a lot pal I should have mentioned at the outset of the call for those of you who don't know I used to be on broadcast radio and I was on a production called free talk live which which which was nationally syndicated on 160 broadcasts across the country I think they're up to like 170 now and you know for for insensitive social media commentary I was I was I was fired from the production which led me to sink all of my effort bring us to this point it was really something been quite a ride call what your agenda hey Chris it's Danny hope you're doing alright today doing very good Danny thanks for trying to empower what's up well I got a couple things on my mind I know you're talking about staying sober this month how's that going for you so far so good my friend not a drop all right good I'm glad to hear that Jack Corbin was going off about this one on gab recently and it is indeed an interesting site what is this what is this prefer not to answer golf okay the daily progress is desperate for revenue apparently daily progress the communist newspaper and show it's all and I got this story here from then as a guy by the name of Don gathers and he was about to run for city council he was on a police a million review board over there which you might recalls we talked about Charlottesville shedding cops like like like wait off your humble car respond and after a stenters sobriety that like that like police civilian review board thing that they were working on not not popular with the police department might have gathered a bunch of communist gonna come for the cops this guy Don gathers he was thinking about running for city council and the reason that Jack Corbin was going nuts you might recall Jack Corbin if you don't already know is a very talented guy who is very good at tracking people down they call me aunt of the hunter and he's been the subject of some media attention and he put together a list of all these communist particularly the violent ones who were rioting in show its will during the United right rally and shockingly of the FBI is really uninterested in the information sampling well one of the violent people that uh... jack had documented was a disc i by the name of don gathers is a matter of fact don gathers attack michael missellus whose name might ring a bell to you if you've been following the ram case michael missellus i think he was actually the first one arrested for the rise above movement guys who were charged with any state travel to participate in a riot for what went on in show its will and gathers attacked michael missellus would have weapon and then he thought that you know that went over so well i should run for city council i'll be on a police civilian review board et cetera et cetera well once uh... once jack got to uh... alerting the media about this it seems that mister gathers had a second thoughts though he gives different reasoning don gathers has delayed the start his campaign for city council while fellow democrat michael pain kicked into kicked his in run into gear on Tuesday gathers also resign from the charlotte's fill civil union police review board at its meeting earlier that evening gathers fifty nine city at a heart attack a few months ago and on Tuesday learned of recurring issues with his health that need to be addressed before he can campaign hopefully you don't die before we have a government with some integrity to put you in prison he said he isn't dropping out of the race just waiting to get started quote i'm not going away i just need to refocus re dedicate and take care to temple lord bless me with you said pain and gathers on Tuesday hosted what was supposed to be a campaign launch party for both candidates at cardinal hall after the announced a candidacy's on Monday morning three seats on the five members city council are available in november election democrats kathy galvan west bellamy and mike signer have not announced plans for to seek re-election to four year terms pain twenty six is an album all county native who graduated from al-Maw high school he moved to the city after graduating from the college of william and marion 2015 with a degree in government he plans to focus on affordable housing wealth inequality transparency and climate change that's good what i tell you about charlotte's full your memories highest tax places in virginia and they keep on panicking about affordable housing why so that they can bring in more to vote democrat and ds a continual on the status quo of the next twenty thirty years this area will be unaffordable for working families pain said it already is it's why all your republicans left pain said he decided to run after continuously seeking city council seeing city council failed to come together to solve issues particularly a the the affordable housing i haven't seen a visitor for solving that problem on city council i i'm sorry i haven't seen a vision for solving that problem on city council is in pain is represented habitat virginia on state line affordable housing use and volunteers in the charlotte's bill low income housing coalition he said his work in a community including on several democratic campaigns and with indivisible charlotte's village osique and make the community connections and bring people together yeah you make community connections are right if connection but we use psycho we're at a very critical moment in the city where our decisions are going to have an effect for thirty or forty years he said pain also said he won't take campaign contributions from corporations or developers i believe if you're taking money from people you're making decisions about it can make people question your motives he said he also advocated for increased transparency and budget development moving to city to one hundred percent clean energy by twenty thirty oh isn't that interesting that's the radical agenda of uh... that's the radical agenda not to be confused with your humble core spawn of alexandria kosio court test and fossil fuels by twenty thirty well it's going to work out fantastically for charlotte's bill i wish you guys all the best with it no more you talk less i have to so please do gives it quality and now uh... you guys have already heard this tucker carlson issued quite the opening model of just start the year of was that something of what and i got to tell you like four different stories about this pulled up all of which a fun to comment on so i'm gonna it this is like it's like fifteen minutes long it's long and i usually play on a break but apologize for the repetition since i'm sure that all of you are dvr in tucker carlson if not watching it live but this was fantastic so i'm just gonna play it and we're gonna talk about it you elected u-tos senator mitt romney kicked off two thousand nineteen with an op-ed in the washington post that's savage donald trump's character and leadership ronnie's attack and trump's response this morning on twitter are the latest salvos in a long-standing personal few between the two men it's even possible that romney is planning to challenge trump for the public in nomination in twenty twenty we'll see but for now romney's peace is fascinating on its own terms and well worth reading it's a window into how the people in charge in both parties see our country romney's main complaint in the piece is that donald trump is a mercurial and divisive leader that's true of course but beneath the personal slights romney has a policy critique of trump he seems genuinely angry that donald trump might pull american troops out of the syrian civil war romney doesn't explain how staying in syria would benefit america he doesn't appear to consider that a relevant question more policing in the middle east is always better we know that virtually everyone in washington agrees corporate tax cuts are also popular in washington and romney is strongly on board with those two his peace throws a rare compliment to trump for cutting the corporate rate a year ago that's not surprising romney spent the bulk of his business career at a firm called bane capital bane capital all but invented what is now a familiar business strategy take over an existing company for a short period of time cut costs by firing employees run up the debt extract the wealth and move on sometimes leaving retirees without their earned pensions romney became fantastically rich doing this meanwhile a remarkable number of the companies are now bankrupt or extinct this is the private equity model a ruling class sees nothing wrong with it it's how they run the country mid-roman he refers to unwavering support for a financed based economy in an internationalist foreign policy as the mainstream republican view and he's right about that for generations republicans have considered it their duty to make the world safe for banking while simultaneously prosecuting evermore foreign wars modern democrats generally support those goals enthusiastically their science however that most people do not support this agenda and not just here in america in countries around the world france brazil sweden the philippines germany many others voters suddenly are backing candidates and ideas that would have been unimaginable just a decade ago these are not isolated events what you're watching is entire populations revolting against leaders who refuse to improve their lives something like this has been happening in our country for the past three years Donald Trump wrote a surge of popular discontent all the way to the white house does he understand the political revolution that he harnessed can he reverse the economic and cultural trends that are destroying america those are open questions but they're less relevant than we think at some point Donald Trump will be gone the rest of us will be gone to the country will remain what kind of country will it be then how do we want our grandchildren to live those are the only questions that matter the answer to them used to be obvious the overriding goal for america is more prosperity meaning cheaper consumer goods but is that still true is anyone still believe that cheaper iPhones or more amazon deliveries of plastic garbage from china are going to make us happy they haven't so far a lot of americans are drowning in stuff and yet drug addiction and suicide are depopulating large parts of the country and we know things the health of a nation can be summed up in gdp is an idiot the goal for america is both simpler and more elusive than mere prosperity it's happiness there a lot of agree ingredients in being happy dignity purpose self control independence above all deep relationships with other people those are the things that you want for your children there what our leaders should want for us and would want if they cared but our leaders don't care we are ruled by mercenaries who feel no long term obligation to the people they rule their day traders substitute teachers they're just passing through they have no skin in this game and it shows they can't solve our problems they don't even bother to understand our problems one of the biggest lies our leaders tell us is that you can separate economics from everything else that matters economics is a topic for public debate family and faith and culture meanwhile those are personal matters both parties believe this members of our educated upper middle classes now the backbone of the democratic party usually describe themselves as fiscally responsible and socially moderate in other words functionally libertarian they don't care how you live as long as the bills are paid and the markets function some of they don't see a connection between people's personal lives and the health of our economy or for that matter the country's ability to pay its bills as far as their concern these are two totally separate categories social conservatives meanwhile come to debate from the opposite perspective and yet reach a strikingly similar conclusion the real problem you'll hear them say is that the american family is collapsing nothing can be fixed before we fix that yet like the libertarians they claim to oppose many social conservatives also consider markets sacrosanct the idea that families are being crushed by market forces never seems to occur to them they refuse to consider it questioning markets feels like apostasy both sides in this missed the obvious point culture and economics are here step inseparably intertwined certain economic systems allow families to thrive thriving families make market economies possible you cannot separate the two used to be possible to deny this but it's not anymore the evidence is now overwhelming how do we know consider the inner cities 30 years ago conservatives looked at Detroit and Newark and many other places and they were horrified by what they saw conventional families at all but disappeared in poor neighborhoods the majority of children were born out of wedlock single mothers were the rule crime and drugs and disorder became universal what caused this nightmare well liberals didn't even want to acknowledge the question they were benefiting from the disaster in the form of reliable votes conservatives though had an explanation for inner city dysfunction and it made sense big government decades of badly designed social programs had driven fathers from the home and created what conservatives called a culture of poverty the trap people in generational decline well there was truth in this but it wasn't the whole story how do we know well because virtually the same thing has happened decades later to an entirely different population in many ways rural America now looks a lot like Detroit this is striking because rural Americans wouldn't seem to have very much in common with anyone from the inner city groups have different cultures different traditions different political beliefs usually they have different skin colors rural people are white conservatives mostly yet the pathologies of modern rural America are familiar to anyone who visited downtown Baltimore in the 1980s stunning out of wedlock birth rates high male unemployment a terrifying drug epidemic two different worlds similar outcomes how did this happen we think a ruling class would be deeply interested in knowing the answer but mostly they're not they don't have to be interested it's easier to import foreign labor to take the place of native born Americans who are slipping behind but Republicans now represent rural voters they ought to be interested and here's a big part of the answer male wages declined manufacturing a male dominated industry all but disappeared over the course of a generation all the remained in many places with the schools and the hospitals and both of them are traditional employers of women in many areas women suddenly made more than men now before you applaud that as a victory for feminism consider some of the effects study after study has shown that when men make less than women women generally don't want to marry them and maybe they should want to marry them but they don't over big populations this causes a drop in marriage a spike and out of what luck births and all the familiar disasters that inevitably follow more drug and alcohol abuse higher incarceration rates fewer families formed the next generation this is not speculation it's not propaganda from the evangelicals it's social science we know it's true rich people know it best of all that's why they get married before they have kids that model works but increasingly marriage is a luxury only the affluent in America can afford and yet and here's the bewildering and infuriating part those very same affluent married people the ones who make virtually all the decisions in our society are doing pretty much nothing to help the people below them get and stay married rich people are happy to fight malaria in Congo but working to raise men's wages and Dayton or Detroit that's crazy this is negligence on a massive scale both parties ignore the crisis in marriage are mindless cultural leaders act like it's still 1961 and the biggest problem American families faces that sexism is preventing millions of housewives from becoming investment bankers or Facebook executives for a ruling class more investment banking is almost always the answer they teach us it's more virtuous to devote your life to some soulless corporation that it is to raise your own kids share Sanberg a Facebook wrote an entire book about this Sanberg explained that our first duty is to shareholders above our own children no surprise there Sanberg herself is one of America's biggest shareholders propaganda like this has made her rich what's remarkable is how the rest of us responded to it we didn't question why Sanberg was saying this we didn't laugh in her face at the pure absurdity of it our corporate media celebrated share Sanberg as the leader of a liberation movement her book became a bestseller lean in as if putting a corporation first is empowerment it is not it is bondage and Republicans should say so they should also speak out against the ugliest parts of our financial system not all commerce is good why is it defensible to loan people money they can't possibly repay or charge them interest that impoverishes them pay the loan outlets and poor neighborhoods collect four hundred percent annual interest we okay with that we should not be libertarians tell us that's how markets work and sending adults making voluntary decisions about how to live their lives okay but it's also disgusting if you care about America you ought to oppose the exploitation of Americans whether it's happening in the inner city or in Wall Street and by the way if you really loved your fellow Americans as our leaders should it would break your heart to see them high all the time which they are a huge number of our kids especially our boys are smoking weed constantly you may not realize that because new technology is made it all but odorless but it's everywhere and that's not an accident once our leaders understood they could get rich from marijuana marijuana became ubiquitous in many places tax hungry politicians have legalized or decriminalized it former speaker the house John Bainer now lobbies for the marijuana industry his fellow Republicans seem fine with that oh but it's better for you than alcohol they tell us maybe who cares talk about missing the point driving dinner with a nineteen year old who's been smoking weed the life is gone passive flat trapped in their own heads do you want that for your kids of course not then why are leaders pushing it on us you know the reason because they don't care about us when you care about people you do your best to treat them fairly our leaders don't even try they had out jobs and contracts and scholarships and slots at prestigious universities based purely on how we look there's nothing less fair than that there are tax code does come close under our current system an American who works for a salary pays about twice the tax rate that someone who's living off inherited money it doesn't work at all we tax capital at half the rate we tax labor it's a sweet deal if you work in the state as many of our richest people do in two thousand ten for example Mitt Romney made about twenty two million dollars in investment income he paid an effective federal tax rate of fourteen percent for normal upper middle class wage earners the federal tax rate is nearly forty percent no wonder Mitt Romney supports the status quo but for everyone else it's in theory eating our leaders really mention any of this they tell us our multi tiered tax code is the principles of the free market please it's based on laws that the Congress passed laws that companies lobbied for in order to increase their economic advantage and it worked well for those people they did increase your economic advantage but for everyone else there was a big cost unfairness is profoundly divisive when you favor one child over another your kids don't hate you they hate each other and that happens in countries too it's happening in our country probably by design divided countries are easier to rule and nothing divides us like the perception that some people are getting special treatment in our country some people definitely are getting special treatment republicans should oppose that with everything they have so the question is what kind of country do you want to live in well a fair country a decent country a cohesive country a country whose leaders don't tolerate the forces of change purely for their own profit and amusement a country you might recognize when you're old a country that listens to young people who don't live in Brooklyn a country where you can make a solid living outside of the big cities a country where Lewiston Maine seems almost as important as the west side of Los Angeles a country where environmentalism means getting outside and picking up the trash a clean orderly stable country respects itself and above all a country or normal people with an average education who grew up no place special can get married and have happy kids and repeat unto the generations a country that actually cares about families the building block of everything what would take to get a country like that leaders who want it for now those leaders will have to be republicans there's no option at this point but first republican leaders will have to acknowledge that market capitalism is not a religion market capitalism is a tool like a staple gun or a toaster you'd have to be a fool to worship it our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings we do not exist to serve markets just the opposite any economic system that weekends and destroys families is not worth having assistant like that is the enemy of a healthy society internalizing all this will not be easy for republican leaders will have to unlearn decades of bumper sticker talking points in corporate propaganda they'll likely lose donors in the process they'll be criticized libertarians are certain to call any deviation from market fundamentalism a form of socialism that's a lie socialism is a disaster it does not work in fact it's what we should be working desperately to avoid but socialism is exactly what we're going to get and very soon unless a group of responsible people in our political system reforms the american economy in a way that protects normal people if you want to put america first you've got to put its families first and that was like a shot her around the world wasn't it i get a google news alert for tucker karlson term i had phones up there we got right what turn this up is that better that's too loud okay fantastic all right there we go all right sorry about that so that was like a shot around the world everybody's talking about this i got i get my tucker karlson google news alert has been filled up with reviews of this thing and as i heard it you if you if you follow me on gab you might have seen me say i'm like oh thank god tucker's back you know you've taken off for christmas and new years and whatnot so this was his first time opening monologue of 2019 and i was like that is fire and i don't even say that and i don't even say that is just humor as a matter of fact and as a matter of fact we've got had going on hold which would be interesting to get his take on it but i actually in preparation for this today i pulled up a segment and in this there's a lot of things it sort of feed into what he's talking about here but this was one of the more relevant segments from it if we look for the deeper grounds which made it possible to foist on the people this absurd notion of peacefully conquering the world through commercial penetration and ask how it was possible to put forward the maintenance of world peace as a national aim we shall find that these grounds lay in the general morbid condition of German political thought the triumphant progress of technical science in germany and the marvelous development of German industry and commerce let us know that the world is a lot of the world and the country and commerce let us to forget that a powerful state has been the necessary per requisite of that success on the contrary certain circles even went so far as to give vent to the theory that the state owed its very existence to these phenomena that it was above all an economic institution and should be constituted in accordance with economic interest therefore it was held the state was dependent on the economic structure this condition of things was looked upon and glorified as the soundest and most normal now the truth is that the state in itself has nothing whatsoever to do with a definite economic concept or a definite economic development it does not arise from a compact made between contracting parties within a certain delimited territory for the purpose of serving economic ends the state is a community of living beings who have kindred physical and spiritual natures organized for the purpose of ensuring the conservation of their own kind and fulfilling those ends which providence has assigned therein and therein alone lie the purpose and meaning of a state economic activity is one of the many auxiliary means which are necessary for the attainment of those aims but economic activity is never the original or per origin or purpose of a state except where a state has from the outset been founded on a false and unnatural basis this alone explains YA state as such does not necessarily need a certain delimited territory as a condition of its foundation this condition becomes a necessary prerequisite only among those people who would not provide and assure subsistence for their own kind of folk through industry which means they are ready I'm sorry I'm sorry let me rewind that a little bit this alone explains why a state as such does not necessarily need a certain delimited territory as a condition of its foundation this condition becomes a necessary prerequisite only among those people who would provide and assure assistance for their kind of folk through their own industry which means they are ready to carry on the struggle for existence by means of their own work people who can sneak their way like parasites into the bosom of other nations and make others work for them on various pretensees can form a state without possessing any definite delimited territory date has never been delimited in space it has been spread all over the world without any frontiers what so ever and has always been constituted from a membership of once exclusively that is why it's have formed a state within a state one of the most ingenious tricks ever devise has been that of sailing the ship of state under the flag of religion and thus securing that tolerance which are always ready to grant to different religious face the mosaic law is really nothing else than the doctrine of preservation and therefore includes all spheres of sociological political and economic science which have a bearing on the main and in view the instinct for the preservation of one's own species is the primary cause that leads to the formation of human communities hence the state is a organism and not an economic organization the difference between the two is so great as to be incomprehensible to our contemporary so-called statesmen that is why they like to believe that the state can be built up on an economic basis whereas the truth is that it has always resulted from the exercise of those qualities which are part of the will to preserve the species moreover now you know Tucker Carlson knows better than to talk about in the preservation thereof on Fox News that would not result in great longevity for the Tucker Carlson tonight program but families of what carry on the communities of the nation and provide for the well-being of the individuals underneath them it's incomprehensible it's incomprehensible I gotta say where is that line sorry well at some point he said in this thing this way of looking at things is incomprehensible to the current statesmen right that's exactly what uh... Tucker was just saying about Mitt Romney right they're looking at the world like the peaceful conquest of the world through commercial penetration and they don't give it about families they don't give it about what's happening in the rest of the country they're just like yeah I'm a cosmopolitan elite and I want to uh... I want to just stuff as much stupid cash in my pocket as I possibly can and if that destroys my nation then so be it well it doesn't go over so well with Tucker Carlson and he's received a lot of positive and negative feedback on this and I've got some of those stories pulled up which we'll talk about but first let's go to hadding hadding your own I hope that's your phone and not mine I can't hear oh there you are okay now I can hear you buddy okay yeah I had my phone turned around backwards oh well we'll do it I was not making that much difference that's some pretty hardcore boomer posting right there I don't know what you think about that first yeah I like that Tucker Carlson says each very much it was remarkable for the fact that it was a total repudiation of the liberal economic ideas that it's been espoused by Republicans like Rush Limbaugh since Reagan right right it's basically a repudiation of Reaganism a repudiation of Milton Friedman it was a repudiation of the idea that if you just let people make money it'll be good for everybody completely complete rejection of that all right he said Tucker Carlson said that we have to not make economic criteria our highest value we have to make deliberate policies that will promote morality and healthy families and it's a questioning marketing field like a positive we basically saying the people have made the market into their God yeah right and you can't do that now the the national had policies like that there was actually in national Germany a tax on people who weren't making money you had to pay more taxes if you weren't married right yeah and they of course they have programs to make sure that men had work I don't think there were programs like that for women you know I don't remember seeing I mean they probably had some kind of a... I'm sure they had some kind of arrangements you know I don't recall the exact details but I read about the economic policy was very family centric and so like they had they had a very complex minimum wage law for example and it did not apply to women the same way it did to men right and there were there were certain there were certain disincentives to women working but if they worked then they and they were you know and they were very good at what they did and there were ways to reward them for performance and stuff like that but they the economic policy was very much centered around encouraging women to become mothers yeah they considered that the family was the basis of their society now the problem we have in the United States is under our liberal political tradition we regard the individual as the fundamental unit the problem is that individual doesn't produce children and if you have your policies oriented toward the individual you're going to tend to break up with the families it's implicitly that's what's going to happen if you have to take into account that what you want are families headed by a man and that the man is going to earn enough money to support a family this is an idea that you find not only in fascist and national socialist thinking but also in the kind of Catholic social doctrine espoused by E. Michael Jones well yeah and you know in fairness to the libertarians I will say you know Tucker had a I forget her name escapes me but I think it was even last night she had her on this libertarian female talk show she came on and you know she sort of made the case that well what we don't have a free market and therefore you know the libertarians are right or whatever like this well you know what what made me come around was like okay well the fact that we don't have a free market does not distract from the point at hand right I mean you can fantasize all day about exactly what that would look like but it's just not it's just not occurring at this point so you know the libertarians would say the right libertarians anyway not the not the not the not the mafia they would say that well you know the economic incentives of a purely free market are such that it encourages you know good family structures and stuff like this okay that's that that may or may not be true but the fact of the matter is that like we have these economic systems in place and people seek to handle those levers and one of the things that I'm seeing seems to be that people with more liberal economic views are getting fed up with the democratic party's identity politics and conservatives seem to be coming around to the idea that you know a free market isn't coming so what can we do to improve our station and that seems to me a very you know it is it is not it's not a whole bunch but that is a very national sort of phenomenon that seems to be occurring in our politics yeah it's a convergence of the cultural right and the economic left cultural right and economic left it's the same thing has Tucker Carlson said it's the same thing that you have happening in France where you have Jean-Marie Le Pen and also there is a social so I remember his name Melan Shaw I think his name is a so French socialist if we men both support the yellow vest movement alright Jean-Marie Le Pen and the social is Melan Shaw we both support the yellow vest it's a convergence of right and left populism right the right populist have to give up on bourgeois economic ideas and the left is have to start admitting that there's some importance right yeah that's the compromise that has to be made and if we do that then we can form a very strong movement and it won't have a chance in the wrong one against that yeah I think you're right and it is it's it's fascinating to watch your merge right I mean especially especially in the case of Tucker Carlson because as I'm kind of like you know contemplating my own existence it seems to me like he's coming more towards us and I'm trying to you know find it find a way to be you know more palatable to a broader audience and he seems to be getting I don't know more and more red pill by the day if you will and it'll be interesting to see where all that pans out because it's like it really does seem as though the the the identity politics of the left is alienating Democrats right and the the the fright is like well you know well let's come to terms with the fact that we don't have a free market right I mean if that's going to be the case then let's just start figuring out how we're going to organize our economic incentives you know one of the things that cross my mind and I'm not endorsing this mind you but you know all this talk about compromise over border wall funding I'm not saying that I I have to say this again I'm not endorsing this per se but it cost cross my mind well okay if Donald Trump is saying you know this is really important let's let's come to a compromise one of the things that crossed my mind was all right single payer for the wall right and go ahead and put Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the awkward position of saying no we're not going to give Americans healthcare we care too much about illegal immigrants yeah that would be an interesting idea because I think eventually we're going to end up with that anyway yeah but we need more than just the wall we need to we need some medical reforms we need to change legal immigration very much indeed we need to do so many things differently you know about the free market if it reminds me of a note the note who scotsman argument I mean I don't think there's realistically there's not going to be a situation that Libertarians are going to regard as I do we will move a lady talked about this in a speech because on archives that or called I think it's called fascism and the corporate state and he talks about a little bit about the history of capitalism it is that the classical period of capitalism where it works the way people think it's the post the work ended in 1870 you have cartels and monopolis you know the enterprises have reached such a size that they could extort a lot of influence over the government and it's really wasn't working the way people imagine the work of the work and you can't just risk that away. Yeah you know it's one of these things look if you ever argued with a communist before you know what they say right well communist communism's never been tried you know it wasn't that wasn't true communism and it's like the libertarians are issuing the same stupid ridiculous statements and at some point it's just like we just have to like not take your argument seriously anymore you know like like you are not fit for participation in the discussion you're not you're not talking about realistic ideas and if you just want to have like this you know you know you know this you know this purely intellectual pursuit that has no impact on the actual political discourse then fine you get you guys you go have you debating society at the bar but like you know this is not this is not what we're facing anymore people have needs those needs are not being met and whoever says they're going to meet those needs is the person who's going to end up running the government now if the communist of the ones with talent people that all their desires are going to be met then that's who's going to go in there right I mean so what I was saying in the in in stage one episode zero for um it was the line here uh it does not matter in the slightest how right you are if all you could deliver to the masses is fair and discuss voters would soon have follow a soothing voice into bondage and destruction and to trust a miserable person with the salvation of them and if the libertarians are just going to keep on being about state intervention in the economy while somebody is like well state intervention in the economy is going to make you live in a futopia where you have everything you want well guess what they're going to control the government and this makes me realize you know the one of the things that libertarians always complain about what I was actually looking for as I as I pulled up that quote from today maybe maybe you can elaborate on this right the libertarians they view economics as the prime driver of all things right there almost marks us in that sense in that you know everything economics is everything and everything else is subordinate to that and uh... viewed it differently right i mean he he viewed it as like okay you know politics absolutely has to come first in the sense that if we if we are not in control to government somebody else will be in everything else would be and then everything will go to the economy it well the people are first then there's the state and and the economy is there to serve both institutions that sound about accurate to you yeah and i i could also give you a new answer that which is that the libertarians uh... they support the next the survival and the health of the nation to abstract principle right and the reality is what when you're dealing with a living organism if you if you apply an abstract principle to it consistently without regard for the need under particular circumstances you're going to kill it right yeah because living organisms have to do different things at different times they require a happy medium not rigorous conformity to some abstract concept that's the problem with ideology precisely yeah and so you know these people are trying to stick to a dogma and it's like everything's going to and there and they're and they refuse to alter course and what i've sort of come to the conclusion of you know the the old survival of the fitness law and it's like it's not it's not as some people misunderstand it to say the strong survive it's those most capable of adapting and you know a lot of these people just they they've proved completely incapable of it and then they wonder why they've had you know i shouldn't say that they've had no political success because i mean as much as the libertarians that their ideas are not being taken seriously they really have managed to dominate the thoughts of the republican party in large part right they don't get their they don't get their perfect orthodoxy but but there's enough of the strain of thought there as to render them impotent at least it has it has made the criticism of the rich very difficult rich tend to get whatever they want you know it's because the superstitious belief that this is going to be for the good of everybody and if you're criticizing the rich well you're just envious or whatever you know by the way i want to point out that Archimedes you said that the communist state that communism has never been tried and libertarians say the same thing i said that to you yeah that's true that's true i see here that coming out of your mouth yeah that is that is absolutely the case and i mean look at him you know you've been you've been on board for a while and i've and i've long appreciated your input you know for those of you who haven't been listening that long having used to do a segment on here called what would lardo and i don't know if i disclose this at the beginning but you know a lot of the idea behind that initially was for me to try to disagree with having and try to inform all you ignorance is the virtues of free markets and that's exactly what i thought i was going to do is going to be like tell me about your socialist economic ideas so i can so i can tone you right and you know not that i not that i didn't have objections to raise or anything like that but you know for the most part this stuff came across as pretty reasonable and and that was you know largely the story of my my venture into the right at all i mean you know i told listeners pretty early on that i was going to try to like venture into this whole thing trying to like bring people into libertarianism whatever and it just kind of turned out the other way yeah okay well let's see what somebody else has to say i appreciate it pal thanks for my i really appreciate your your input on that one i'm you called in at the perfect time and i'm really glad call your agenda you know christ you dance with the key doesn't change you do yeah true man and i got three quick points i want to make the first one is number one it didn't look like trump was in the oval office last night it looked like he was he had a green screen behind them i don't know if anybody else noticed that but it just it looked off you know i didn't i didn't catch that the only thing that i caught you know i said on gab i was like he's got to fire his audio guy because it's got to be a way to make sure that his nasal inhaling is not picked up just as loudly as his voice those of you who listen to stress especially on a podcast you notice like when i when i'm inhaling i want to i actually just ordered some new to try to fix this that like when i inhale you hear this on the record and i hate it when i when i do stuff or pen and pronounce dot com i edit that out and i was like come on he's the president of the united states has got to be a way to do this and that that just took me out of it all i could focus on his like stop with the nose guy but go go ahead you know you could use a noise gate or something like that or compressor well it's yeah okay the other thing good i was going to say that okay my second point is that so these invaders that are coming into that the democrats are letting into our country is that they don't respect our national borders therefore why would they respect any of our other laws like we've seen on California and you know they have all those gun laws but the for some reason the illegals didn't get the memo you know what i mean right it doesn't seem to me that the people who are invading our country are particularly you know anxious to obey our laws right yeah no doubt or the ones that are in the country either you know democrats but uh yeah the third the third point that i wanted to bring up is the ultimate issue it's not the border security i mean that's that's a side note it's not the crime or anything the ultimate issue is our national sovereignty and the preservation of that national sovereignty and one of the primary means to do that is by securing our borders and i think that should be a focus on on the topics of discussion and i don't hear it mentioned often enough well i don't know i mean i mean i feel like it almost goes it out saying we in a folk well you know what you're right what i end up doing on those focusing on these terrible people who are invading our country right and that's not that really isn't the point it's you know we have the right to self-determination and when other people come in and say no it's mine now that's uh that's that's you know that's something that does not work out for the best interest of any of us certainly yeah all the other other other other problems that we're having is a symptom or a side effect of the lack of respect for a national sovereignty and just giving it away wantonly too whatever we'll pull the levers in the voting booths you know what i mean yeah you know it's funny i um i'm sorry you said that's all you get yes sir all right thank you very much for to call my friend you know it's funny i was thinking about something the other day when i was when i was involved with the libertarians down in Long Island it's somebody from the John Birch Society come into our campaign for liberty meeting and he was talking about immigration and he's saying that these illegal immigrants who get amnesty they're going to be in the same way they've stolen American citizenship and you know he had Michael bad narrick on a show a little while back and he was like i've credited him as being a guy who set me down the radical path i've watched his introduction to the constitution video and he said in the course of that was it was a theme that's common amongst like the sovereign citizen types like that you never say that you're a united state citizen right they said that's that makes you a 14th amendment citizen and you don't have rights you have privileges then or something and so i thought i was real smart i don't think citizenship is that valuable thing who cares but Tucker sort of talked about that you know what is the citizen and that is a thing that again to the national socialist like i read mine confln i was in jail down in sharnelsville and nobody nobody ever like explain that concept to me nobody ever explain that concept what is a citizen what is it matter right and laid this whole thing out which is like you know there's there are citizens and there are subjects you know some people everybody in the territory is entitled to the protection of the right but not everybody's a citizen not everybody has the right to participate in the politics etc etc you have to you have to there has to be some exclusivity to the thing for it to have any value and i just realized pretty recently that this thing that should be this like really great gift american citizenship should be awesome to have it should be something that you feel really privileged to have they've just been deluding the value of it like who cares about this thing so like we're providing you with anything we just take your money anywhere you are in the world and that's a terrible thing right i mean like why would anybody have any loyalty to a country when there's no benefit to citizenship when it's just a liability that like if you move to another country and don't renounce your citizenship they're going to take 40% of your income though you're earning it in another country like that's just this huge liability why would you why would you value it fine go ahead open the borders do i care if you in the war i'm just out for myself now there should be value to it we're going to work on that call a younger what's your agenda hey Chris i listen to your shit on friday did you find a partner for old days there did any of them call you back interested in our good friend Dave because i'm pretty sure nobody nobody called me back interested in day per se i actually have some voicemails i given one woman on there in a subsequent call i gave her the number for my for my Google voice i actually have some lengthy voicemails from one of these women that was kind of funny and i'll i have i have more of those recordings that are going to be coming out at some point in the near future but nobody nobody call back looking for Dave sadly the shame i'm sure i'm sure you can direct him the right way towards the you know phone there pretty soon but in the meantime so i didn't catch the beginning of the episode today but you know regarding the cover and everything do you think that trumps are actually going to follow through on the shutdown and something is actually going to get done here because i think so long that he keeps playing you know talking to heartstrings bringing the cost of his conference that things will actually go our way it's maybe not totally but i don't know if so i'm trying to unlock it so here's what i'm going to do my friend i'm going to drop you i'm going to ask you to pick up my answer to you off the air because your phone so you're cutting out okay but i i heard your question i'm going to try to answer you i have my doubts that trumps going to have the capacity have the capacity to to pull this off because the democrat here's what you have to keep in mind about the democrats you can't play chicken with these people right you can play chicken with them because they will destroy the country you know if the government shutdown actually started to threaten the stability and security of the country the democrats would still keep the government shutdown because they do not care they would love nothing more than for everything to fall apart during the Trump administration this is all that they care about right they don't give a about America you know if tsa agents alike look i haven't gotten paid in three weeks of calling it quits and the voter patrol is like look we tried now we're going to go work at McDonald's and just everything went to who's going to cave under those circumstances is it going to be the democrats oh well i guess we're going to have to give Donald Trump the border wall for the good of the country no you're a dumb if you believe that they would love nothing more than for this entire country to go all if a foreign invasion were were if there was a legitimate military threat south of that border they wouldn't allow him to secure they'd love nothing more than for some foreign government to come in here and start killing Americans and they just so they could blame it on Trump they will destroy this country Donald Trump ISIS spec has a little bit more of a moral compass than that and would put his campaign promises side in order to ensure the longevity of the republic if he thought that was what he had to do and so i have my doubts about how this is going to go you know if they keep it shut down i mean he's talking about months of years you know think about that for the country for a second there's certain government workers who are going to be like yes you still have to come to work but we've already got before they even started missing paychecks TSA agents are calling out sick right before they even started missing paychecks using up their sick days you think these bureaucrats are going to work for a year without a paycheck they are not they are not going to do it do you think that the country is going to proceed as normal once you know all of these you know so so called essential government personnel flee their posts i don't think so and i was contemplating this like maybe what Donald Trump needs to do is call for like a volunteer force right there's enough Trump supporters out there who would who would absolutely put in a you know a few hours a week to fill some post and that might be you know some kind of national service that he could call people to volunteer for like hey look do you want me to secure this country and not do you want me to secure our border all right well citizen we need you to come in here and we need you to stand at this post we as we're to give you some bond of job training it's going to be a crash course and then you know you do the job that these other people refuse to do but i sort of doubt that that's going to happen and the democrats will absolutely run this country right off the cliff before they will give in because as far as they're concerned the worst things get the better off they are and they're absolutely correct right that's why they destroy the economy when they're in control of it you know Barack Obama comes into office now if you study economics at all OK I'm perfectly happy to accept that you know free market fundamentalism is not the answer to our problems but there are laws in economics OK and one of those things is if you're in a fucking recession if you're in a middle of a financial crisis you do not raise taxes and pay people not to work that's not the way that you solve this problem and that's exactly what Barack Obama did why because he's trying to fix a financial crisis no he was trying to make it worse that's the whole point you know Hansepper has a thing the economics of Nazi Germany or something like that fact you go watch this talk he gives on YouTube is one of my my first you know endeavours to understand Nazi economics was actually to watch this thing and you know not that he was like a hail Hitler or anything like that but he's like hey this guy was a lot smarter than Fin Roosevelt because that's what Roosevelt did Roosevelt there's an economic crisis Roosevelt race taxes started redistributing income and like shocking enough that distorts economic signals it makes it difficult for people to get back on F.K. and feed right and not Hitler not Hitler Hitler had a much more rapid economic recovery than the United States but that wasn't the point of what Roosevelt was trying to do Roosevelt wanted to put in a leftist economic agenda and the easiest way to do that is to make people can impoverished and have no opportunity and so they're like yes please do whatever you want government just save me and a gov and a democrats would love nothing more they'd be like look at what happened under this fascist guy forget the fact that we took control of a house of representatives two years ago forget the fact that we shut down the government over five billion dollars while we've just helicopter drop cash all over foreign countries no no no it's all the president's fault for being a racist they'd love nothing more and so I have some serious doubts that the the democrats are gonna play chicken with Donald Trump and that Donald Trump ain't gonna fault what had more likely happened even if even if let's just say Donald Trump has to stand stand steadfast they'll manage to pull off enough Republicans in the Senate to override his they'll manage to pull off enough Republicans to override his veto they'll eventually pass something in the senate they'll put it on his desk and if he's got the to to veto that bill they'll override the veto eventually they won't let they won't let the republicans will cave to the democrats in order to save the country and in so doing they will have put the final nails in its confidence sadly would be interesting to see what happens hi Chris is dead I just wanted to say great show last night on the stream mate oh that's really really great man root with yeah yeah I mean it is a great show I'm watching Jared right now too on you'll turn I mean I think a lot of you know you could bring a lot of attention to this Lewis thing because I mean this is just ridiculous when you think about it you know I haven't followed that story nearly as closely as Jared has obviously as a much far more vested interest in it but it's really going over there right yeah and and and like in Massachusetts you know like the reason you see all this crime and southern New Hampshire is because they call these you know these from the Maramaq Valley you know you know they're leaving in mass because they don't want to be around all the the cell in heroin you know so they're problems migrate with them and then they come here and and then they come here and vote for the same policies they were fleeing sadly and they still Chris can't hold the car radio yeah it's ridiculous yeah I mean this is you know political migration obviously it's a session I think you hit the nail on the head last night I was with them I mean we got to do something because I mean these conservatives not they're not going to be a conservative conservative you know and I'm pretty sure Trump is being held hostage you know he can't go too far off the reservation you know and it's like just imagine all the animus that Tucker has seen since you know can only imagine what they'll do to him next but I mean just imagine if you know Tucker became more explicit you know about just conserving you know saving the country because we need to do well I'll tell you what you watch you know there's currently this I'm going to let you go buddy but I thank you very much for the call you know there's currently this advertiser exodus they're boycotting Tucker Carlson because you know he has to say that immigration you know diversity might or might not be all strength right well I'll tell you what go ahead you stupid go ahead get Tucker Carlson fired from function go ahead and do that and you watch what happens you keep on calling everybody and not see what eventually you're going to be right right put him in a position where he ain't got a whole lot to lose as a result and believe me when I tell you I do not think that he will tone it down and I don't think that people are going to stop paying attention to Tucker you know when Bill O'Reilly got fired from Fox right he started up his own thing and you know he's doing just fine over there and I'll tell you what people are a lot more invested in Tucker than they were and Bill O'Reilly I can almost guarantee you that I certainly am and I watch Bill O'Reilly nightly for years you know it's fun to watch he saw if you watch Fox News regularly you probably know who I mean when I say Brett bear he recently celebrated 10 years on Fox News and maybe feel kind of old if I'm honest with you I remember when they switched off from Britt Hume to him and I was kind of doffat first is like I kind of got to liking Britt Hume I felt like he was a really you know coach and sober minded guy who managed to deliver things without some of the bombass that we that that our pundits do right he's a he's an actual newsman Britt Hume and when when Brett bear took over it's kind of like oh that sucks but I came to really appreciate that Brett bear you know Fox News they tried to differentiate between who is news and who is opinion you know Tucker Carlson says I'm an opinion show I had a Laura Ingram etc these are opinion shows whereas Brett bear is an actual news guy and you know he manages to do that really well and they had all these video clips of people not only from Fox but on other networks and stuff he being praised upon him I don't know why I got into Brett bear I don't know what that has to do with anything call you what you're agenda I just crypto jobs had a question like I'm thinking about passports like I haven't gotten my passport done and I'm worried do you think that this government shut down is maybe maybe don't know the answer but me I'm thinking maybe now the time to renew your passports guys I mean the post office is kind of a private public thing it runs on its own funding right and that's where you get your passport well I don't know who I think the department of state actually ends up approving your passport the post office is your your liaison there too so I don't I have no idea what the government shutdowns going to do the passports but I'll tell you what I've kind of wish and I had figured out probably because I want to go I want to go apply for my passport am I am my birth certificate is funny they told me I needed my long form birth certificate and I was like what I would have I got some some Obama fake you know and so I had to like send away from thing and then by the time the full birth certificate came back like I had other like financial priorities and I put the thing off and now you say this to me I'm like what am I passport don't shut down yeah I'm just feeling a little anxiety about it I mean I kind of want to stay here and fight but I just kind of want options you know and I want to just just take a trip or whatever you know I hadn't thought I hadn't really thought of this and you're right it's a state department and I kind of wanted to call in about many aggressions like I was going to say like you know how they have micro aggressions I've got some many aggressions real quick like well why don't we differentiate our terms here first so micro aggressions versus many aggressions what is the difference between these two concepts well the many aggressions greater than a micro aggressions it's like a real thing man like I go to this laundromat and it just thinks of sweat and whatever and when I come home I've got to air out my clothes take a shower fortunately the clothes that I watch they don't they don't think but like while I'm there I've got to sit in the truck because the place just thinks you know and then when you go and then the little kids they just run right past you and so what I did was I put like a trash can and the thing like they're to create a barrier like so they wouldn't run past me but the little kid just goes right between my legs dude well and then the second time you think you got into the country like no exactly it's hilarious man and the second time you haven't you been paying attention to speak of Pelosi walls don't work there Joe I think you're going to slip right through those slats man so yeah there's that and then one time well check this out one time I was there at the laundromat and I had this I know these were now I can tell and his kids came out to me and they're like you know they're talking to me and stuff I'm like okay you know and they're like my daddy was in a war and I'm like holy the sky like looks like he escaped from the war and he's he's out here in my city somewhere you know you know I hear about this thing and it's nothing like what they got up there and main but just right that's the many aggression like wow it's you know the smell the behavior the children like little kids and also like just my local eye hop like I go to an eye hop and I want to I want to flirt with the with the with the waitress there well I can't do that anymore because the waitresses those remind me those remind me the aggressions well maybe maybe they should run for Congress and I thank you very much for the calls m4 0 I am 1488 we're going to I'm not going to I'm going to go a little late today because I want to get into these stories that I mentioned to you call a younger what your agenda Hey Chris I just wanted to say that you know I started listening to you after you got out of jail I mean I heard you on a Dave Smith podcast okay and I don't I don't even listen to Dave Smith podcast anymore Dave's good guy for it He is I was wondering if he was ever going to really come out on the but I didn't listen to him that long to see if he did or not but um you know I think that the new formats going to be good because honestly I can't really listen to your show that much because it makes me too angry yeah so I'd appreciate like a lot more positive content I've been getting into migtiles since my my atheist feminist wife left me and we're going through a divorce so I think it's like really good to focus on positive stuff for white men because we're the only ones that are going to be able to fix this yeah I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to find that to be a challenge but I am going to make the effort to do it you know I mean look the you know I said before and the lines on the kind of blurry okay I come in here in character okay I'm I'm coming here to you know convey things in a certain way and I'm doing it and I'm taking a lot of artistic license with what I do. But of course focusing on that character so much it can impact my life even more than it impacts the lies all you nut cases who are crazy enough to listen to me and I'm thinking of myself like all right maybe if I set myself to do this in a more uplifting manner then maybe I can prevent these people from whacking themselves. Yeah and I mean hey you know what they are trying to send us to jail they put you in jail you know you got out I know you had to plead guilty to stuff but it was smart because you're out oh yeah a lot of those other guys they got they got crucified you know it is best the Democrats could down there the camera so I mean there's real consequences for thinking the things we do and even talking to people about it. Indeed especially talking to people about it and you know and I thank you very much for the calls 740 I am 1488 so I mentioned to you that there was a big big kerfuffle is that the kerfuffle kerfuffle there's a big guy there's a big stink I guess I should say it's probably a little bit easier for my fourth grade reading level to say about this tucker Carlson monologue that I played for you before. And here's a piece which I found a very enjoyable read this is Matthew Walther over at the week. If anyone had suggested to me five years ago that the most incisive public critic of capitalism in the United States would be tucker Carlson I would have smiled blandly and mentioned an imaginary appointment I was late for but that is exactly what the Fox News host revealed himself to be last week with an extraordinary monologue about the state of American conservative thinking in 15 minutes he denounced the obsession with GDP the tolerance of payday lending and other financial pathologies the feticization of technology the guru like worship of CEOs in the indifference to the anxieties and pathologies of the poor and the vulnerable characteristic of both our major political parties. It was a masterpiece of political rhetoric he ended it by calling upon the GOP to reexamine its attitudes toward the free market. Carlson's monologue is valuable because unlike so many progressive critics of our social and economic order he is gone beyond the question of the inequitable distribution of wealth to the more important one about the nature of late capitalist consumer culture and the inherently degrading effects it has had on our society. The GOP's blinkered inability to see beyond the specifications of the new iPhone or the latest video game with the infinite variety of streaming entertainment and Chinese plastic to the spiritual poverty of the most important focus of the world and of suicide and drug abuse is shared with the democratic Socialist of America whose vision of authentic human flourishing seems to be a boutique eco-friendly version of our present consumer society. This is lipstick on a pig. Just as insightful as Carlson's monologue itself where the responses from various right of center commentators JD Vance the author of Hillbilly a conservative who is known to hold somewhat heterodox views about the value of free markets was given the space to praise Carlson in the national review. The movie critic Kyle Smith writing in the same publication called to mind what Odin said about the romantic lie of the brain of the sensual of the sensual man on the street. Elsewhere Ben Shapiro raved about the cheap price of various products and pretended not to know the difference between the lifetime of good wages capable of supporting a family enjoyed by factory workers of my grandfather's generation. In the fraught horror of hourly benefit free employment at the Nissan plants in the deep South today. Ben Shapiro you might recall and I've got his piece up here too. But far and away the worst responses came from David French alas also a national review for French the chief problem with Carlson's argument was that it was grounded in something called victim politics which is post tea party boomer code for the feelings of people who are not as wealthy or as clever or as socially adept and culturally astute as I am. I wonder whether it occurs to French that victim could ever mean something other than a slur wait what are mothers who sign away their minimum wage paychecks at 400% interest if not victims and why should we excuse the grotesque behavior of their exploiters in the name of some windy nonsense about freedom. There is one would think a great deal of ideological space which reasonable persons might inhabit between Lin Bai and I ran. One where we can agree with the moralist of all ages and climbs that for example usury is wicked. It is difficult for me to understand exactly why conservatives have become have come around to their present uncritical attitude toward unbridled capitalism it cannot be for electoral reasons survey after survey reveals that a vast majority of the American people hold views that would be described as socially conservative and economically moderate to progressive a presidential candidate who spoke capable to both of these sets of concerns would be the greatest political force in three generations. What is considered a generation is that thirty years is he going he talking about that's interesting. The answer is that for conservatives the market has become a cult no book better explains the appeal of classical liberal economics than the golden bows sir James Frazier's history of magic. Frazier identified certain immutable principles that have governed magical thinking throughout the ages among these is the imaginative principle according to which a favorable outcome is obtained by mimicry the endless chance of entrepreneurship vague nonsense about charter schools calls for tax cuts for people who don't make enough to benefit from them there is also a taboo the primitive assumption that by not speaking the name of a thing the thing itself will thereby be exercise. This is one reason that an attempt to criticize the current consensus is met with winging about socialism this catch all talisman is meant to protect everything from the cultural revolution to the modest restrictions on overdraft fees imposed at the behest of consultants. Whatever their public image might suggest not all conservative commentators are pampered elites if it were simply a matter of a privileged class attempting to secure its privileges by telling falsehoods the ubiquitousness of market worship would be easier to understand and to defeat but the horrifying truth is many of the make arguments like payday lending is the best way to empower America's poorest people financially because they somehow believe these things to be true. This was not always the case attempting to discuss certain conservatism I'm sorry attempting to discuss conservatism as if it were a concrete historical phenomenon or an ideology is a mugs game but it is clear that on the whole those who find themselves in sympathy with someone like Carlson today have been at best indifferent and indifferent to and more often hostile towards commerce and the Anglo American philosophical tradition of liberalism. El Brent Bozell the brother-in-law of William F Buckley who helped found the national review and served as Barry Goldwater's ghostwriter came to reject all the tenants of fusions conservatism because they appeared fundamentally at odds with all of those things he once believed they were meant to conserve. Russell Kirk the author of the conservative mind rejected the free market and indeed many elements of modern commercial and technological life albeit in an occasionally affected and clueless manner. Christopher Lash the great cultural historian was essentially a kind of Tory Marxist a reactionary who agreed with the authors of the communist manifesto that capital would leave quote the bonds and gestures of civilization, quote push to push to one side like an outdated combine harvester. Even Irving Crystal the godfather of neo conservatism himself could only sum up two cheers for the cap for capitalism and argued for the moral necessity of a broad and generous welfare state not that we value the opinions of Irving Crystal here on the radical agenda that much but it bears repeating. Going beyond the legacy of a validly conservative thinkers many opponents of capitalism such as theodore or Dorne or road no and Eric Hobbswam recognized the fundamental incapacity in capability I should say of endless creative destruction not only with human dignity but also with other more tangible things that intellectual conservatives claim to value such as classical music and literature. In the so called global south there is a thriving anti capitalist discourse organized around the assumption that the gates foundation and the IMF not fundamentalist Islam posed the greatest threat to the survival of traditional values. Conservatives should engage with these writers and thinkers and going further back with keeps and Beethoven and Dickens and Wagner and Heidegger with all those who have valued what is fundamentally human for its own sake. Fortunately there are already signs that the right wing libertarian consensus is starting to come apart in why liberalism failed a somewhat clunky book recently praised by Barack Obama of all people Patrick Denean argued that American conservatives are wrong to look to the founding fathers in libertarian ideology for solutions to our present discontents. An American affairs a splendid magazine founded in 2016 by Julius Cree and glad in Papin you can read conservative arguments for things like postal banking alongside articles by Marxist writers like Slavosh Zizek Andrew Willard Jones a talented young historian has launched a new journal called post liberal thought to examine the question of how religious people can look beyond political and philosophical legacy of liberalism. The conservative turn away from the market to question to the question of the human person and it's an eight metaphysical dignity has begun. As with any revolution there are obvious pitfalls to be avoided here it's not a simple question of turning back the clock to 1966 or 1946 was some other remore remote date a new political and social life founded upon the principle of solidarity and not upon the indulging of our acquisitive instincts or congratulating our fellow achievers or scholars. So on having performed the rituals of competence is one that will not be realized by role playing characters from a preferred historical moment nor will it come about through modest reforms however valuable some of these may be in the short term. Institutions will have to be altered but so will hearts and minds this is not an argument for quietism but for radical and difficult change. Here in that word radical a lot aren't we lately seems to be all over the place it seems everybody's like you know we're going to have to just drag this thing in my direction anybody doesn't like it is just going to have to be on the other side of the board here in that word more and more let me see here. But I like this one it is difficult for me to understand exactly why conservatives have come around to their present uncritical attitude towards unbridled capitalism it cannot be for electoral reasons. Survey after survey reveals that a vast majority of Americans hold views that would be described as socially conservative and economically moderate to progressive a presidential candidate who spokeably to both of these sets of concerns would be the greatest political force in three generations which is why I'm so concerned about the shutdown right. The Democrats see that right the Democrats see that in Donald Trump and they are like if we don't stop this guy forget it just even forget about the demographics for a second the attitude change that Donald Trump has brought about. So dangerous to their way of life there their hegemony is really really put in jeopardy by this. And I think it's selling it he says three generations that might that might well be a reference right there. And with that I'm not going to go into Ben Shapiro's piece but it's telling that Ben Shapiro took the most issue with it right. Not the most issue other people were more upset about it like I get another piece yet I was thinking about going into by a Connor feeders door over at the Atlantic. He was going into the old marijuana segment of it but I don't want to talk about we today because you know you know we just think and we don't give up about that so. We do this every once in five to seven PM Eastern times if you're listening on some of the platform at some of the time I wouldn't invite you to join us for a wipe we take calls on the air you might outlaw conservative will be here a week from today outlaw conservative. Is going to be the Wednesday show I'm going to try to keep it clean I'm going to ask at the outside of the production for you guys to try to keep your calls clean you can talk about liberal elites you can talk about problems in the inner cities. But I would ask you not to use explicit messaging I would ask you to you know refrain from cursing and stuff like that on the Wednesday shows for the next 10 weeks at least we'll see what happens going forward I'm going to do 10 episodes I'm going to commit to 10 episodes of outlaw conservative and we'll see what comes of that right. And when we do I'm going to ask your cooperation and trying to put on a valuable production if you if you're somebody who wants to help me with this endeavor and you don't usually listen on a live show try to make it a point to listen to the live show on Wednesdays and try to chime chime chime with some valuable because. This has a lot of potential this has a lot of potential. We're going to do great things here. But we need to we need to make money in order to do those things and outlaw conservatives going to open up some avenues for that but I will remind you that there are other ways that I make money in the meantime edgy goodies dot com I want to look if you haven't already ordered one of the balfang you be five r radios for me at edgy goodies dot com do that today those things are fantastic. It'll be the last walkie talkie that you have a need to buy okay now we might get better radios in the future than you might want to buy a better one but you'll never need a better walkie talking than that it says it's got this huge wide range of frequent. These four or five wide output depending on which frequencies you are on it's it's durable though they don't break easily I've dropped mine a whole bunch of times and I'm not going to tell you to go try to break the thing but they're they're solid. I also have these flashlights which we've been calling the ultra fire XML T six years might say strike or fire or something like that some of the brand differently but it's the same exact flashlight. It takes two 18650 batteries it comes with a charger and we will get those out to you right away because we have them in stock. If you hire me to say something you can do that pendant pronounce dot com seventy five dollars per up to a thousand words. So many is it's a good somebody put on gabby is like it cost me a hundred forty eight thousand dollars to get you to reach or to like a rock well when I was like well you know if your order before midnight I'll give you ten percent of. If you have a larger project or something like that you want to talk to me about contact me and we'll discuss it okay. But you can hire me to say things and then and that'll be fantastic it would be a great idea but you know that's all the things that then I contemplate. Not all the things I contemplate I contemplate lots of things that's that's silly and superficial what I would say something like that. But the working on working on working on how we're going to make all this work and I can't thank you enough for all of your continued attention support and love frankly because I know a lot of you love me and I really appreciate that. Even if I don't know you I love you too fellow so I thank you so much for all of all that you've done to make this production possible and we will be back have yourselves a wonderful evening and good night. The Outlaw Conservative Podcast is a live open phones conservative talk radio entertainment program which we do our best to make suitable for listening to at work or in the presence of young children. Thusly we will hang up on and edit out callers who curse advocate violence make racist statements or reference anatomical functions which generally require privacy. That said we warn live listeners that the show airs without delay and laxic dump button edits are made in post production before the podcast is released so if you are those around you are easily offended we would advise you to avoid the live show and download the pre recorded version instead once it is released later this evening. Not too long ago two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee a business man who would escape from Castro and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said we don't know how lucky we are and the Cuban stopped and said how lucky you are I had some place to escape to. And in that sentence he told us the entire story if we lose freedom here there's no place to escape to this is the last stand on earth and this idea that government is beholden to the people that it has no other source of power. Except the sovereign people is still the newest and the most unique idea in all the long history of man's relation to man this is the issue of this election. Whether we believe in our capacity for self government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves. We tend to think the way to pursue political and social changes through discussion and debate we prefer to win on the merits of our ideas if you left us right and revolutions is down right on civilized behavior. The problem the honest conservative that faces however is an argument facts decency and righteousness be nothing to our leftist primals. So what conservative is of the tactics of a public communist. A conservative who is sick and tired of losing his country to people who have those standards and realize his individual being as much as this if he does not prevail in a conflict. All right, on we're going to the outlaw conservative podcast radio for the restless right today is January 16 2019 is a career. It's a Wednesday is always and we coming alive for the first time on this second episode of stage one for the outlaw conservative studio in Kenya. I'm looking forward to speaking with all of you today at 808 for outlaw. I'm your host Chris Rick and I am really excited about the show folks. I'm going to speak a bit more about how we got here at a moment, but I'll say briefly at the outset for those of you just getting introduced to me. This is not my first time in front of a microphone which my talents will make obvious as we go forward. I've been around the black of you turns one might say. I used to be on broadcast radio a program called free talk live, but as I began pushing back against leftist identity politics. I went a bit too far for the sensibilities of my employer and I was five from that position. Stuck in my ways and determined not to be cowed. I'd double down with an uncensored podcast which many of you likely followed me here from. We had a lot of fun still do actually, but though we fought valiantly against those who would see us silence. There are limits to what one can say it turns out. We found those limits exceeded them and while the production was an artistic success and a thrilling intellectual pursuit. It was ultimately a failure as a business and as a force for political change. Now I'm going to tell you here what I told you there. This is an entertainment program. I am a professional entertainer. The Outlaw Conservatives of Character I play. That character is still in development and this character is not the same character I play on prior productions. Where Outlaw Conservatives ends, Christopher Kent will begin. There's a question I do not know the answer to and I hope to keep both of us guessing for years to come just as I did with my prior works. This is not to say I am a mere clown or that I'm here to deceive you. I intend to serve a very honest purpose. I want to improve the social and political state of our country. I want to facilitate thought provoking discussions. I want to produce compelling art and I will not let reality stay in the way of inspiration or entertainment. None of these so-called news outlets do either and I think you'll find that we have higher journalistic standards than many of the productions who lack the integrity to inform you from the outset that they are taking greater artistic license than we do. What I suspect you'll find over time is that I will say something on this outlet which may or may not contradict something I said on another and as you attempt to determine which is true you will come to find that both are in fact correct. If I am successful then you will become a thinker of greater depth, a better debater and a more powerful force for good as we strive together to rescue our nation from the reds. Now as you may have gathered from the name the Outlaw Conservative Podcast is a political talk radio entertainment show which as the name implies is of a conservative bent. The outlaw bit might seem to stand and start contrast to conservatism and we confess to being amuse with ourselves for coming up with it. Yet an outlaw is not necessarily in a various act of these days is he. In a healthy society outlaw conservative would be an outrageous contradiction why would a conservative live outside the law that would seem rather at odds with his more authoritarian tendencies right. Fortunately for those conservatives who may be eager to romanticize the outlaw lifestyle I am not suggesting banditry here but rather finding oneself in such a state that the law no longer reflects his interests or those of his people. You might do everything you are told and yet you are punished by the law itself you might not find it difficult to imagine a scenario where one edict after another be it from the official authorities or the economic powers that be tear apart your lifestyle and everything that you care about. A scenario where even if you obey all the rules your life is only moderately better than if you had defied them all and spent the rest of your days in jail at the expense of the other suckers who keep on trying. What if our country had descended to such a point where conservatives had to fear for their safety for being so bold is to express their political opinions in public. What if even the president of the United States was no longer safe from a biased and over zealous criminal justice system. What if one did not accept the edicts of the Supreme Court over the word of their god and dare to say so at work. What if a man were proud of his country's history and defending it became a perilous pursuit. Today the most milk toast figures on the right are accused of being literal Nazis and this branding is no mere failure to understand history. For generations Americans have been raised to believe that the Nazis were the most evil thing that ever happened in the history of mankind and this would thus justify literally anything to stop it. That is why so many people who have been called Nazis were so addressed right before they were assaulted by communists on the streets. Most of the people who have been so vectorized never read mine comp. In many cases the so-called authorities terrified of being called Nazis themselves prosecute the victims of these assaults and abet the aggressors. That kind of situation just might make an outlaw conservative a real thing. What if we lived in a society where it was dangerous to say that men and women are unique and important. What if our government were so unresponsive to the will of voters? They're getting stiff by a politician became a cliche thing to complain about. What if we were legally prohibited from protecting what is ours? Would that make you a not law fellow conservative? Because I got bad news for you fellow take a look around. What if you discovered that your society was based on an egregious lie? What if upon discovery of this fact you began to realize that people all around you knew the truth and were repeating the lie anyway for fear of punishment or want of reward? What if as you tried to alert the public the people you were trying to help cursed you and wished you dead? What if the problem with conspiracy theories is that they had dramatically underestimated the scope of our troubles? Perhaps then the space between the lines the hamster wheel in the glass box might become less appealing. I don't know about you but I got a kick out of imagining that lifestyle right kind of fetishize it. The righteous rebel the one with a cause. I am no mere mild mannered radio personality. I'm a great man who will go down in the history books for saving his nation with his favorite hobby. Wake up every morning turn on fox pull up the drudger port coffee generic red bull knock off eggs still knows zombie apocalypse but I'm sure that ammo was a good investment anyway. Speaking of which I don't own nearly enough firearms but only because I don't believe in that sort of thing. Have you heard of me? Be honest because I don't know if you're lying. My name is Christopher Kentwell and if you knew to me this is a fine place for you to start. If you've heard about me in the media you might optimistically have equal parts truth and fiction in your head. I became interested in politics only after the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001. I just happened to tune into Fox News for the coverage unaware of the political implications. I thought watching the evening lineup on Fox News made me the most well informed guy around in the many circles I was right. Years later I stumbled upon libertarianism and found myself embarking on a thrilling intellectual pursuit. For several several subsequent years is pretty well known in libertarian circles as a blogger and activist. I get so involved that I ultimately ended up moving to New Hampshire in 2012 to participate in the free state project a libertarian political strategy to geographically concentrate here and influence public policy in a more libertarian direction. Having originally come from Long Island the freedom and scenery here probably changed my life more than me in my form of co-conspirators once aimed to change this state. I once wanted to be an energetic activist aiming to shake things up and a people of do have to understandably uninterested in any event. Things were going pretty good here in large part and the last thing anybody wants is a bunch of day of fellow white showing up from other states and telling them how to organize their laws. One night I thought myself quite chivalrous coming to the aid of some damsels in distress camera ready I stood across the street from what seemed to be some sort of a domestic dispute which from the tone of the male's voices and the tears of one female I became concerned my turn violent had it not already done so. The women took no more kindly to my neighborhood watched than the males whom I presumed to be there as sailors the entire group charged me I retreat I retreated until I could retreat no more I drew my revolver and what of them to stay away from me. The cops came and saved my ass and libertarianism just sounded dumber by the day after that. I remember when I was really into libertarianism I argued with conservatives and they would sometimes say to me I used to be a libertarian but then I grew up. And I always thought that they were power phrasing the often the quote often misattributed to Winston Churchill which goes any man who is not a socialist at age 20 has no heart any man who is still a socialist at age 40 has no head. I thought you dumb conservative libertarians are a socialist but that wasn't what they were getting at. When I was finally and reluctantly compelled to grow up I realized that government actually has a purpose to fill but since there is no consensus among Americans as to what that purpose is a staggering number people just don't have any solid opinions on this object. To make matters worse the people who take the greatest interest in such affairs are complete maniacs. Today it is forbidden to say so many eminently reasonable things yet fashionable as we've seen with Antifa to riot in the streets in all black setting limos on fire and smashing the windows of banks and coffee shops. I remember how the tea party was demonized in the media's violent religious fanatics. Not sees even. This was a theme I would see repeated over and over again slandering anyone who dared to challenge the powers at B. I became genuinely afraid of the direction in which our country was headed. I knew I had to do something about it but it wasn't sure what. All I knew was that the status quo was going to lead to catastrophe and the only way to meaningfully alter such a radical course is to alter it radically. So I began my journey into extremist political groups of varying stripes. This was a thrilling pursuit which I would like to tell you a bit about. This is not my first time in front of a microphone which my talent should make obvious. Seeing the destructive influence of the mainstream media I became convinced that the internet in independent media would be vital to our salvation. So as I explored and immersed myself in radical ideas I found various ways of communicating them to others. Before outlaw conservative there was radical agenda and before that there was some garbage podcast. Some garbage podcast was a self-deprecating libertarian oriented comedy talk show which I did a few dozen episodes of. Towards the end of that brand in 2015 I had a guest on a show by the name of Walter Williams. Walter is a professor of economics and syndicated columnist who just so happens to be black. Though I far more valued his contributions to economics than anything to do with race myself he was a race appropriate commentator at a time when political correctist was starting to really bother me. Walter has a video on YouTube titled How Much Can Discrimination Explain. The conclusion he reaches is not much. In fact, Walter thinks a lot of the problems we face in terms of demographic disparities are being exacerbated by public policies supposedly aimed at eliminating them. To make matters worse the failure of these programs to achieve their egalitarian goals never seems to dissuade anyone from their merits and these toxic influences are only added to with each passing year. To fix this problem Walter says I'm sorry I should have this a previous I want to get a sound up for you I was going to just going to read you this quote but I actually have the audio right here. To fix this problem Walter says white people will have to develop some backbone and courage to stand up and reject this nonsense and not fear being called a racist. Now this seemed right up my alley right now he's a host of a comedy podcast this is really taboo material that almost everyone else is afraid to do and I've been called a racist for you is just because I think people should have to pay for their own health care so how much worse can it get right. I also felt kind of dumb introducing Walter onto some garbage podcast because he is a guy who I really respect and he was one of if not the most high profile guess I'd ever had. Introducing him onto something with garbage in the name just seemed insulting and I determined to improve my production. Thus the radical agenda was born the show started off very libertarian but as radical feminism infected the libertarian movement then finding its way into things that actually mattered I began to see the entire spectrum of leftist law to be devoid of you at best and pure evil at the far more frequently occurring worst. I began reading radical leftist material on the internet and becoming convinced that their aims were not so noble as love intolerance they command of us. These were not the misguided plans of well intention fools these were step by step instructions that a total total mis membership of sorry. These were not the misguided plans of well intention fools these were step by step instructions for the total dismemberment of civilization any civilization implement this program for any group of human beings and watch the graveyard's fill that program was communism and once I fully understood their designs I knew they had to be stopped at all costs. Now libertarians will tell you that they oppose communism they oppose communism so much that they want state up all day trying to convert some communist into a libertarian on Facebook yeah. And he's still got a way to go of course but he'll get there eventually your libertarian friend assures you. But that truly is the extent of it with most of these people even if everything the libertarians say about how a pure free market could theoretically look were true. You have either got to impose that order upon the population somehow or convince more than your chess club of your economic brilliance the libertarians were neither willing to nor capable of doing either. Meanwhile communists are taking over our government and using that power to teach our kids the opposite of all that is true to complete us of resources and to reduce our birth rates and life spans. Before they even finished killing us off they brought in the replacement population and told us we were monsters for resenting them. Once I discovered this I became filled with a righteous anger and it got a better of me. I made a lot of mistakes and offended a lot of people who deserve to be treated with more respect. I regret a lot of the decisions that I've made but I cannot say I would have done any different given the same information I had at each step along the path. I've only recently begun to regain my composure and I will do my best to maintain it during the course of this production but this is not a problem that can be prevented or addressed through debating economics who spies and criminals. Communists are not interested in reasoning they get what they want unless they are stopped and woe to the man who tries to stop them and fails believe me I know. Unfortunately, the staunchest intellectual defenders of the free market are all too frequently willing to let powers slip from their grasp and wind up in the hands of communists. This is the purpose of government for us conservatives. We don't ask our government for much though we are willing to give it our obedience our incomes our lives and even those of us sons. All we really ask is for to keep Communism and other destructive forces at bay and so long as our rulers can handle that task there is no purpose. We will not pay for the service. The catch is you need more than military force to fight Communism as we're finding out. For good reason you and I tend to prefer the sort of market order which most would describe as a free market. The discipline of failure is an essential element of the human condition and if economic consequences are not visited upon bad behavior that bad behavior persists and spreads until no public policy can obfuscate the damage being done and catastrophe ensues. For all of my life I've watched one failed government program after another pervert economic incentives much to the detriment of you and I. But what if you found out that these government programs were not failing? What if all these negative consequences which you and I have witnessed over the decades were by design? What if we could intelligently organize economic policy to the benefit of the country and the people who have been in charge were doing the opposite on purpose? This isis spectres actually the case. Our political discourse in the economic realm is us rather precarious. On the one side Democrats want to impose dangerous and destructive economic programs on the other, Republicans, devoted to Randy and free market superstitions await the invisible hand to answer their prayers. But differently Democrats wield all of the power even when our fellow Republicans hold all of the offices. Economic policy moves eternally leftward and the most our party seems capable of doing is reducing the pace of change but never reversing it or altering the trajectory. Democrat economic policy as I imagine you'll roll over to your where punishes success and rewards failure. It subsidizes and multiplies the most degenerate and discentic elements of our society at our expense feeding the cultural elements of the communist takeover. All around you the culture war rages on and that culture war whether anybody realizes it or not is the prelude to martial conflict and revolution. You might think liberals are stupid people and you can find an abundance of evidence for this view but believe me fellow smart people filled those stupid ads with the cancerous ideas they are mumbling about on MSNBC. The cancer the chaos you see overtaking your society. Was carefully designed by cunning predators. You are witnessing the very late stages of something so dangerous that most they are not even speak its name. Your country is dying before your eyes and is Ronald Reagan warned us. And is Ronald Reagan warned us. Our Foundery Fathers here in this country brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man's history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another set of rulers. But only here did that little band of men so advance beyond their time that the world has never seen their like since. Evolved the idea that you and I have within ourselves the God given right and the ability to determine our own destiny. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well-tought lessons of how they and their life time must do the same. And if you and I don't do this then you and I may well spend our sons at years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free. But the truth of the matter is friend. It's more stark than that. If you and I are not successful we will not have the legal right to tell our children and our children's children about that history. Take a look around you. I got a story up in a tab here about University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with some bureaucrat there. Resign their post and right before they did they made it their decision their final decision to get rid of the silent Sam's nature. We've seen this all over the country as these communists they run around destroying our monuments taking down our history and anybody who dares to resist the men's up in prison. But we are not going to let slip from our grasp the way of life which prior generations laid down the unlawished defend. We are not going to hand our country to less a men for fear of being criticized. If our institutions are captured by communists and freedom and truth are outlawed then outlaws we shall be but not for long. Because more than any constitutional economic system what made this country the powerhouse it became was the quality of the men who built it. The wisdom of our leaders the genius of our creators the bravery of our soldiers the dedication of our workers and perhaps most importantly the tenderness of our women. These are the things which brought us to greatness and so long as that greatness courses to our veins our enemies shall not know a moment of security. So welcome to the ranks of the restless right fellow outlaws I hope you enjoyed it show and I invite you to join us for this live broadcast this in every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. US Eastern time 808 for outlaw if you would like to chime in and it would be my honor to speak with you today. So let's go to the phones. Caller you are on the outlaw conservative what's poppin. Hey Chris it's Danny how we doing good to speak you like in the show thank you I'm I like to show it's great program so far so I was looking at the news this is at least a couple of we sold but I saw something where. And she saw you know the black flat communist there they're wanting to make conservative no goes all around the country have you heard about this. That seems to be the agenda I mean I don't I don't know the sec headline you're looking at the Danny but that's that that's been the agenda the idea said you know it was funny I watched some of coverage is something that happened back there in 2017 to became a story to you and people didn't have much sympathetic for those folks down there but it seemed to me that after those after them so called Nazis vanish from the streets they just kept on finding new Nazis to punch right and that seems to be you know the case I was on last night I mentioned at the outside of the show here today. There used to be a co-host and a broadcast radio show called free talk live is I was invited to their uncensored after show last night I remarked to them as I'm you know. As I said today is like you know the outlook conservative things seems to be a it's a the outlook conservative bit seems to be you know a bit of a contradiction but it's like it's getting to that point where. You know conservatives they they just they just don't have the protection of law right you know have to be a band it to be an outlaw this is like you're the good guys and the government doesn't protect you while criminals do it you know you don't have the protection of law that's kind of like an outlaw thing you know what I mean it's what seems to be what it is. Right well it seems like from these articles I was reading antifa's coming right out saying that they want to make conservative no go zone and of course they're wanting to fear intimidation to accomplish this which is you know basically that's terrorism right there and it I don't see the federal government really wanting to do very much about it and of course the drive through liberal mainstream media is just all out endorsing this behavior. And like you said it seems like if you want to be a conservative it's starting to become more and more of the legal offense. That is certainly that is certainly where it's getting to my friend I've got some stories in the vein so I appreciate your bring this to me and I thank you very much for the call. It await for outlaw if you would like to beat on the program caller you are on the outlook conservative what can I do for you today. Hey Chris I want to talk about white birth seems to be a pretty hot topic right now but you know it seems like a lot of kids are talking about having you know six seven kids their larpers and you have people talking about you know I don't want to have any kids because the cancer money all the sort of stuff so I wanted to call in get my perspective is somebody who has four children to fit on the way. I'm doing my friend real quick just before you continue on I'm going to I'm just going to ask you to just talk about it in terms of American births and just let people you know into it from what you saying because I mean we don't we don't we don't want to beat make this a racial show you know this is a you can do it that way. Sorry I apologize yeah yeah I apologize so let's talk about American birth rates then American citizens birth rates yeah so anyways you know I got my fifth child. I just wanted to come from a different perspective the importance of having children because they do cost money they cost time and it is an investment but you have to look at this way. You don't know that your 401k is going to be there in 30 years at this point and you can be damn sure your self security is not going to be there and you need a real safety net unless you don't want to wind up and a nursing home no becoming visit you and God knows what happening to you so that that right there is a huge reason to have kids. Indeed it is you know and this is a this is one of these things that like you know his his I'll just insert here not that I'm trying to go take this show in a the direction of a free market fundamentalist but this is what the libertarians will actually say is destructive about social security of course right when when the government guarantees retirement it's sort of like makes it creates a disconnect in the in the incentives of the family unit right. If you have if you know that everything is going to be taken care of for you not the social security actually does that of course but you know it creates a disconnect between the parent and the child because you know it used to be that that was the idea that you having kids was more or less your retirement plan and and sadly so many people don't seem to get that anymore. And 100% Chris you know it took me six years between my first and second child both both parents my me and my wife we both worked my son was in daycare and the morning and the evening you know I didn't hardly seem because I worked so much and you know our relationships getting better now but it was basically not existing until he was almost eight years old. And that's really sad you know and I didn't have a healthy relationship with my father because of. Some more reasons. So you know I wanted to put that in a perspective you know it's a the more kids you have you're you're hedging your retirement that plain simple the other part of it I wanted to put out there is trust right now this. This pro American national movement whatever you want to call it you know one of the hardest things is trust we we can't trust each other because we don't know each other because the entire society all our connections have been destroyed by. And I think that's a liberal communist whatever you want to call it's gone and nobody trust anybody I mean you look at any one of these organizations and they can't hardly get their message out there because of constant subversion yeah look your kids are lifeline when it comes to trust you know you know it they may not be very productive now when they're not in their teens yet but when they're there they're too much. And they're in their teens in their early 20s and things like that and they're starting to be in the same position we are now. You want to be part of that you want to be able to trust your children and if things go even farther south for us and it's a life and death situation there are your your families you're only hope in more children you have the better hope you have of having somebody to protect you. I think I think I think the way that you laid that out man is is really it's it's really beautifully put I mean family is you know the closest thing you've got or at least that's the theory I mean it's sadly it's is drifted so far from that for so much of our society it would be a swell thing if we could get to repairing that but you know it's it can be difficult to trust people who you come across you know yeah I want to share with you a personal experience about you know about political friendships more broadly. You know I I have mentioned a few times that I moved to New Hampshire originally in 2012 is as interested in think all the free state project and this was this you know libertarian political migration we figured we'd get everybody here we take over and dismantle the government whatever right. And when I got here I because I was involved in this thing like I interest instantly had this this large circle of quote unquote friends right. And you just realize that you know even if you know think that you're all working towards a very noble pursuit it's like those those friendships are not. You know what we they're not what family is right those connections are different you like okay we're all working towards the same goal but then again you know as soon as as soon as your interest diverge. You know political friendships fall apart and so the family thing is really really important for and I thank you very much for pointing it out you can continue with your point I'm sorry for interrupting. I don't know and I don't and you know to that point if you look back at you know the Revolutionary War you literally had father's sons brothers cousins uncle fighting side by side and they trust each other and that's all I wanted to say about that. And the last point about children is the cost of the cost and people saying I'm selfish first off if you are saying I don't want to have kids because I'm selfish why are you even engaging in the conversation just. Keep your opinion yourself because it clearly doesn't matter if you're selfish one. You probably shouldn't have kids anyways until your priorities change and and to if you're selfish you're probably not going to be very productive and in this this movement. And to that point you had a color from the other week that was talking about you know raising a kids to the age of 18 cost of quarter of a million dollars and I could buy a moderating all this up. Bull crap raising a kid does not cost a quarter of a million dollars you can start throwing in college education and to that factor but that's after the 18. It all depends on your priorities and how you raise your child my wife stays home she cooks all our meals our clothes are we we do buy new clothes sometimes but we try to get hand me down toys things like that. We don't go to the movies and things like our priorities change how we spend time together change I would say probably. You know between all my kids. It it's hard to say how much you cost but it is sure as heck isn't the quarter of a million dollars a kid because I couldn't afford that there's no way well you know I mean but even if that what he's talking about too is like all of the cost. From the time that they are born until the time that they're 18 or something like that right I mean you know a quarter million dollars over the course of 18 years I mean it's not it's nothing is sneezed right but it's not you know it's not like you're just laying out a quarter mill on a drop of a dime right it's not like the kid it's not like mommy drops the kid in the in the doctors arms and they're like pay up it's not the way it works you know and in a component of it is this you know what I found in my life friend. I am not the not that people should you know recklessly jump into commitments that they can't keep but like I have found that what that if I am pressured to come up with something like I come up with it you know and if you if you you know you're your your lineage you know carrying on your family and your country. It's a really important thing to do and if you just put yourself in the position to do in it I find that most people manage to make ends meet in one way or another now maybe maybe you got a sacrifice a thing too but that's sort of the nature of this nature of this endeavor isn't it and and you know is saying well you know we're not ready for kids you know there's a lot of other people out there who don't think in those terms right there's a lot of people out there who do not think about what's what how they're going to pay for that kid and they'll go have seven of them and let's just face it. That like you know if you want your country to live on then and and other people are out bringing you like that's not really in the best interest of your nation is it so you know I don't want people to be reckless and reproduce with you know reckless abandoned but you know let's let's let's take a chance to right. 100% and and to that I wasn't saying that you know you have to come up court of a million at the job of the hat what I was saying is raising a kid to the age of 18 because it needs cost of quarter million dollars you can't find ways to curb that cost that's all that was my point about that. So and as far as coming up with money to raise kids when I met my wife I was making less than $30,000 a year at the age when my son was six years old I decided that I wanted to have as many kids as I possibly could I had no marketable skill. Yeah not within four years I want to say exactly how much I was making it is under six figures but not by much and I just I did it like I was like I got to find a way to make money and I just found a way to make money. And it wasn't like you know oh you know honey I finally got this awesome guy just saying I just you know I told my wife I was like look I want to have more kids I want you to take care of them I'm going to get some money and I went out and I did it and I know that sounds like a easy thing to do and it wasn't but to your point you know when you've got to come up with it and you really want something bad you find a way to do it and that's what these men need to do. Very well put my friend I'm going to let you go because you just put it on I'm going to let you go on a really positive note because I was a fantastic call but you know I tell you you know a story from my own personal life when I was really young too young to remember my father my father you know we've been talking about this government shutdown right and during a Reagan administration one of the things that we were talking about recently on another production was how the the air traffic controllers they get sort of bent out of shape because some of them of being asked to work without pay. And I became frustrated about this because you know you know you know that's kind of like a really important thing for the nation's economy and security right. And before they even missed a paycheck everybody's talking about this you know catastrophe that's going to ensue if they've got a miss one by weekly paycheck and I got kind of annoyed by this right but I'll tell you something from my life you know my father was an air traffic control during a Reagan administration. And here's union ended up going on strike. And it was supposed to be part of this like longer larger strike of the transportation infrastructure of the country right and Reagan fired the union. Reagan fired the air traffic control is it went on strike and it was a big problem for my family because my father was doing pretty good at that job and they had moved to a pretty well to do neighborhood planning on the income that that job brought them and when Reagan fired my father. Boy did my family suffer financially from that and I had a that made my childhood a little rough and it had to be I'll tell you that. And I didn't get to see my dad much as a result but dad worked ridiculously I mean I like never got to see the guy because he was working two three jobs all the time. And I upset me at the time and it upset him to which caused him to frequently be drunk in a moment that he did not have work to do and struggling for my family and I resented it for a long time but you know the guy did what he had to do now you know today I look a little bit differently at public sector unions and I question the wisdom of my father's decision. But you know he did what he had to do is I guess what I'm saying and that's you know what's what's expected of us as men and you know there was this big controversy about this. Gillette commercial you guys probably heard about this you know is this a best a man can get talking about toxic masculinity and all this you know trying to discourage you know what is fundamentally masculine behaviors and the expectations of men and this this whole you know anti masculinity feminist movement is trying to get the right to be a man. Is trying to really bring down men and it's like well you know I don't think that men were so bad in the past right like like to you know to so many people even people who are you know republicans right a lot of people on fox news is sort of like agree with the premise of these things and say well but. You know maybe she just take it easy on this stuff right a lot of people a lot of people who are fundamentally right way they don't like the term conservative for that reasons just like they're just trying to slow the pace of change or something like that. Well you know fundamentally we agree with you liberals who are trying to destroy masculinity and all sense of national identity but you know maybe she just slow down a little bit. That's not me that's not me I'm not that I'm not that variety conservative you know. That's not happy my dad had a you know he he was he was a rough around the edges guy who could be really tough to deal with but he had a sense of obligation to his family and he worked himself to death and made himself miserable over it. And if you know sometimes he became difficult to deal with as a result you know that's a price you pay for a guy who's willing to just work himself to death to take care of his kids. We need more of that we do. Call it you're only out well thank you very much for your inputs sir. 8084 outlaw if you would like to be on the program call you're not looking serve. Hey Chris you're off to a great start man I'm loving it all really thank you friend. That last call was awesome I mean you know I'm just going to say I think you I think you mean the one right before the last one. Yeah yeah yeah you know the family unit is the most important thing for a nation period yeah and that's part of the reason I think it's been under attack wouldn't you say. But that's exactly what it is you know I call it I okay go ahead with the reason you know well I came on my Twitter feed I came across this you know NBC opinion piece I think it's from the New York Times this guy know of blancy. I think it's guy's name and he's bragging about how he's teaching his kid to stand up against racers and oppression how by getting rid of Columbus day in his school you know and changing it with indigenous people's day. It's like these people what nothing less than the complete destruction of our history here to heritage and identity it's overt and blatant and I think that you know if when they come out to destroy a statue or something we already figured out hey we can't go out here and protect at least in most cases can't. I'm going to get on where you're at man a very liberal city obviously can't because you'll get beat up and if you defend yourself you know it's going to happen right. I think we could we could do a lot to write our congressman write our local newspapers call into radio shows everything because I guarantee you the majority of American people want to keep Columbus day they want to keep these monuments even the current considerate ones up and stuff like that so I think that's one area we could really fight as well as you know just being totally pro family all the way around. Indeed that kind of thing yeah I mean the the thing that you mentioned with Columbus days is really troubling right now I've got a piece of it. I'm let me pull this up here is this that was just the one so I got a piece up here at campus reform which is a fantastic publication I imagine a lot of you were familiar with it says you see Davis wait a second I'm sorry that's not the one right is that no that's not the one that was looking for I apologize stand one stand by what's it no this is Texas a and I was the story is looking at. Texas a and English professor candidates better have feminist or queer agenda this is Celine Ryan over a still a campus reform and I just really read to you from this Texas a and M University commerce is seeking a new assistant English professor preferably one first in topics such as social justice or queer and decolonial rhetoric the job listing reads like that of a typical tenure track English professor professor opening but the specifies the ideal candidates background would include an active research agenda in one of a number of specific categories aside from community writing and public rhetoric the desired topics are largely focused on writing through social justice or identity politics themed lenses in addition to researchers of writing and social justice the listing also calls for applicants with a background in feminist let tinks you know like Latino but they don't want to say oh because they did try to remove gender from the words I took you transgender decolonial transnational or queer cultural rhetoric and you think about this like colonial thing and this is the problem is that they they view they view you know America as a colony right that's that's the way they literally see it that it's like the idea that you know Europeans could have come to America all these years ago conquered it and rightly acquired it is is a completely foreign concept to them now you know they don't want us to existing Europe either which is a different subject which we probably shouldn't get into on the on the outlaw conservative but I mean this is you know it colonialism from the dictionary it's a policy by which a new nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies you know they hate America because they see it as you know a colony of the you know of the European nations and that's that's they're just trying to destroy it and the Columbus thing is just part of it you know they got all bent out of shape because there were people who wanted to protect the they were people who wanted to protect the civil war monuments the robotty Lee et cetera et cetera and you know the smart people involved they said look this isn't about slavery for his people people who understood the left they said okay look we all figured out that the slavery thing was not a good investment for nobody involved but that's not what these people are rioting about you know because you're not going to stop there right they want to take down the Confederate flag then they want to take down the civil war monuments and then they're going to come to Christopher Columbus Thomas Jefferson George Washington and everybody else until they're right nothing left in his country's history and that is something that you know it's unfortunate that so few people are capable of understanding it but I think that it's becoming harder to ignore as time goes by well you know another thing Chris is that if you notice as you said it's all European did particularly dare I say you know how I say Western Europeans and if you notice for example this is one thing that drives me nuts how they'll say stuff like you know America was founded on white supremacy and racism and slavery and killing and all stuff but you know they'll never say like for example to the Turks you know hey Turkey was founded on brown supremacy this used to be the white Christian Byzantines right when there really was a civilization right with stuffing here you know you're these primitive people killing each other you know the Byzantine Empire had cities and you know I imagine there is a beautiful cathedral there that that will probably with all kinds of beautiful art like you see in Rome uncertainly there was no one you know they think what the European people were and are you know these muslims brown or came in there you know probably designated it raised a lot of women killed to beat your people no I guarantee another I guarantee they don't teach their kids to hate themselves for it over there like they do work you know that's just another thing to think about how it's so focused on us as a people everything about it really is and it is a thing that you know the the lowest people you know and I mean they're don't get me wrong there are impressive people who get involved in leftist ideology of course and some of these ideas are so stupid that you have to be educated to believe them right but it is it is that it is fundamentally that they view us as you know when they talk about white supremacy what scares me about this is is that when when you listen to these people closely enough like literally just the fact that just the condition of white people being a majority in a given democratic system of government they view that as white supremacy right they're saying well if you are the majority in a democratic system then you're going to rule that society and that is by definition white supremacy and like you know most people don't think of white supremacy that way of course you know they think of white supremacy as you know not see skinheads going out knocking people's teeth out because of the color of this skin and I think that reasonable people understandably view that negatively but you know it becomes obvious you know as time goes by you said that's not what these people are referring to you know this is all decalodial trains national etc etc that they just want to cram down people's throws in a college campuses and what they're really saying is you know we we want to make sure that you know this way of life this western civilization if you will goes away and they're hostile to anything that maintains it and you know for better or worse you know absolutely you know that that makes them hostile to to peoples of your opinion descent and it's exceedingly unfortunate because these people are disgusting filthy hateful racists and they have to be stopped and I thank you very much for to call my friend 808 4 outlaw if you would like to be on the program and I would love it would be my honor to speak with you today call your name outlaw conservative I can help you today well it's glad to know that someone would just love to speak with me thank you my pleasure appreciate that yes oh and I am enjoying very much your new podcast here thank you and I guess I mean how would you describe it Chris just maybe I don't know if the word mainstream is correct or I know it's not quite as radical as the radical agenda isn't that the purpose here well you know I kind of I feel like I kind of illustrated that at the introduction so I probably shouldn't go into it too much but I mean what we wanted to what what the in brief you know the goal here is I made a lot of mistakes with the radical agenda frankly it's appealing to a certain segment of the population and I'm glad that we had a lot of fun with it we're still going to have fun with it but you know that is you know go the idea of the radical agenda was there are no limits right I don't care how offended I'm not going to hang up on you just because you're too offensive I'm not going to hang up on you because your idea is a two controversial we're going to we're going to have no limits was a whole bit of the radical agenda and that's kind of fun but as I as I've talked about before on that show you know I used to be the radical general is largely inspired by the opian Anthony show it's a comedy show that was on it used to be syndicated on broadcast radio and then they moved they were relegated entirely to satellite at some point and when they moved over to satellite I thought it was going to be better because they were going to be uncensored and then it was going to be even edger and stuff like that what I realized is that just simply wasn't the case when they were on broadcast radio they had to be more creative they had to find ways of communicating their ideas in a in a shocking and entertaining manner without running a foul of the FCC and when they were on broadcast radio when they were on satellite radio and they didn't have the sensors well for one you know they were actually like handcuffed in a lot of ways by the lawyers of the corporation but more more over like you know you don't have edges without limits okay and so I still want I want the outlaw conservative to be an edgy show and you know luckily in this society the way things have drifted so far from normalcy you know you can you can say eminently reasonable things and still be edgy but if there's no limits there's no edges is kind of the idea and so I want to make this something that and I've gotten a lot of audience feedback from the radical agenda as well of people who like I like your show but I can't listen to it around such and such people you know you're very talented but this is holding you back and I said you know I'm just listening to audience feedback and I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to conform to those needs so this is something that I hope the people can listen to at work or with their kids in a car which you definitely could not do with the radical agenda you know I used to sell t-shirts you know a radical agenda t-shirt it gets you beat up in his streets today I hope that doesn't happen with merch for the uh for the outlaw conservative yeah well that's good I'm glad that you are you know looking out for the safety of your listeners and you know people do have common sense I think most people know where they could wear a radical agenda shirt and where they should not wear one at least I would think so yeah but yeah I'm really enjoying your new podcast and I'm I am interested in listening to it every week and I will try to become a regular caller and uh I have had difficulties reading as much material lately as I should so I've just kind of called your show without reading a whole lot of the introduction and whatnot and I do apologize for that so I didn't mean to really make you repeat yourself you know something you'd already said it's understandable friend if you have do you have like a topic other than the show that we could talk about well I haven't been able to catch up with the news lately or anything Chris I just wanted to say hello and just congratulate you on this new program well I'll just keep listening and let's see the outlaw conservator just one quick question is that every Wednesday now is that correct? yeah the the outlaw conservatives taking the place of the regularly scheduled Wednesday radical agenda episode so every Wednesday from five to seven pm us eastern time we will be airing live at outlaw conservative dot com slash live and then the podcast will be uploaded later that evening after I get the chance to do some editing okay well one time I did quickly pop into my head you know you were talking about the air traffic controllers and whatnot I do remember remember those days very very well and a lot of front-of-the-air Reagan supporters were actually happy they felt like well we finally had a president stood up to some of those people they think they can just go on strike whenever they want and I'm sorry what happened to your father there that's a shame and I'm sorry that he had to start working so hard just to support his family but um at least it sounds like he stuck around and he went through the tough times you know I've known some men unfortunately that have abandoned their families they just gave up yeah there was certainly I've certainly known some some kids who I grew up with who that's exactly what happened to them and you know in the other component of it is like look today I I question the wisdom of my father's decision but you know for a long time when I was growing up I kind of like looked up to my dad I said my dad stood up to the government it didn't occur to me that my dad was the government right and so you know it kind of it kind of taught me a little bit of it taught me something that even though I question the wisdom of what he did today um it it taught me a valuable lesson about standing up to authority in any case right and that has led me down some dangerous paths of my own and I've certainly made some bad decisions as I stood up to authority but you know it it is something that I'm really glad to have learned and any other component of it was you know that the hardships in my family went through disconcerning though they may have been at times and and though it led to a lot a great deal of unhappiness I also there's a lot of kids I grew up with in that neighborhood who who just had no concept of struggle and I feel like they were fundamentally they they were poorly served by lacking that experience and I I feel bad for them in a lot of ways because you know let's think about a pal if we don't if we don't manage to change the course of this ship estate hardship is going to be visited upon the entire country and people who don't have any concept of what that is like are not going to farewell in that environment and so you know whatever whatever hard times I had to go through have prepared me for the struggles to date and the struggles ahead and I'm I'm grateful for that training well no I certainly believe what you're saying because from what I am reading young people today evidently do not have the income or the lifestyle that their parents or their grandparents have had yeah the country has just made that shift we have so many people in this country now there are there is so much competition for jobs and it's not going to stop and if they don't get this wall built it's certainly going to stop and we're going to have a wonderful multi-cultural world here and yep we're not going to have any money but it's just going to be wonderful yeah it is we we are heading for very very tough times and those of us who have had some experience with tough times in a patch are going to be better suited to dealing with it and thank you very much for calling my friend 808 4 outlaw if you would like to be on a show caller you are on outlaw conservative how can I help you today hi Chris I just want to say 1776 to us and all of our friends out there it's a good yeah my topic yes the very good year very good number that represents us well my topic is too pronged and it is how to best deal with our political rivals reasonably and the why of the benevolence of communism okay how let's go all right go go right into it then friend okay I might have to speak a bit more slowly because this is kind of like driving a car on the other side of the road but I think we're all doing quite well and you're too that's well put friend yeah that's right I like the way you put that right like I'm thinking of what was it you know it's one of those national lampoon movies right where he's he's got he's driving he's he's driving in Europe and he's got and you know as you know they drive with the with on the other side of road and then he's got and then on top of that he gets into a traffic circle which I you know when I first moved to New Hampshire I found difficult even driving on the right side of road and so that that that brought that image to my head I got to chuck a lot of it thanks buddy no problem thank you so well you were on a lovely production just the other night and that was a good show as well you know the thing was that as wonderful as the libertarian cohorts of yours and and friends like Ian who's good friend people like that are the problem is that at a certain point with their humaneness if you will they become a bit misguided now what what I feel and as I've heard you and many of us say before is that we should be better than our opponents and not simply resort to violence automatically and we should only defend ourselves physically if all other recourses run out indeed so the thing is that these yes well these people fought on that show the as is the case with a lot of libertarians unfortunately and how left is them has infested that culture is you up in keen there have seen a first hand well the problem is that there are many of our opponents or just people in general that you can't even have a discussion with okay so what I would say to really summarize that point is similar to the Antifa garbage bags that we are all too familiar with who have things like active opponents passive opponents and so forth so what I would say is that if you're able to talk to somebody a little bit get a feel for them edge by edge get into a conversation here and there not at work or something like that preferably then great but if there are the violent lunatics that don't want to talk well we have to defend ourselves so what are your thoughts on that well we have to we have to avoid being put in positions where we have to physically defend ourselves but of course yeah I mean you know the nature of the human condition is such that there are there are those who would behave as predators and if we don't and if we don't respond to those threats meaningfully then the predators prevail and the reason that we are able to have conversations like these to date is because better men than you and I came before us and did not allow that type of barbarism to take hold and if we don't and if we don't create negative you know if we don't create the disincentives for violence and coercion on society the violence and coercion will prevail and there's a fine line between you know being peaceful and being a coward sadly you know and I understand it some people might air on either side of that line and I'm certainly you know at least rhetorically I'd never been a violent guy but like rhetorically I've certainly found myself on a wrong side of the equation right I've focused too much on you know the need for that I have focused in the past too much on the need for the willingness to I'm saying this completely wrong I'm sorry but you know I have focused too much on the fact that people refuse to consider violence right and I do and I rightly see that as a very serious problem you know if if people are not willing to defend themselves and as I said you know barbarism prevails and I certainly don't want that to happen that's not going to increase the amount of peace of harmony in the world but I guess I guess what I'm trying to communicate is that it is not a virtue to allow barbarism to prevail right if if you are unwilling to do the ugly necessary things in order to maintain peace and stability in your society you haven't prevented violence you've you've aided and abetted it you know yes sir that's very well but yeah these are really good calls too I'm kind of shocked is this program even for a first program it's moving along smooth as butter so I want to leave you with the last thing to discuss so I'll just say like another few quick sentences about it regarding communism back when I was a big leftist and an SJW I kind of warned up to the idea of communism and I even hung out with some in real life and it's presented as this universalist tolerant space so to speak for people but forget even all the violent horrific monsters Mao Zedong Joseph Stalin and and some of us would say subhumans like that forget that right just look at even the tenets of it or the ten planks of communism in there you have the abolition of private property and you also have the centralization of communications and transportation for the state so I'll shut up and let you roll in 1776 to all of us God bless America thank you very much my friend God bless America indeed 808 for outlaw if you would like to be on the show today and I would be my honor to speak with you caller you are on outlaw conservative how can I help you today hey how's it going Chris it's Andrew thank you I just want to remind you a legal immigrant found not guilty in case finally killing once gun conviction dropped and that was off Fox News today so he was for those of you who are uninitiated in that story there was this there was this illegal immigrant you got his name in front of it escapes me you got that handy oh it's oh just Jose and as Garcia Zorrenta yeah yeah so he's got a lot of names there and that'll happen when you're an illegal immigrant using aliases all over the place but I'm you know yeah so this guy was out there supposedly you know wasted playing with a stolen firearm and supposedly dropped it by accident and supposedly accidentally blew this poor girl's brains out while she was walking down a boardwalk or something with a father and and that man was found not guilty of killing that poor girl but he got he got he got popped out of gun charge you know and now you're saying that he's he's appealing the the conviction on the gun charge is that the case yeah that's what I saw his lawyer I think Amy Goldberg is pushing for it yeah Amy Goldberg is his lawyer well that is that is an interesting phenomenon I can't say that I'm intimately familiar the name seems during a belt me I'll have to look that up and come back to the come back to that or another production and so yeah I can't say that I'm terribly shocked by this I mean it's it's so it's so frightening to me that like this is what I this is really the point of the outlook and serve it thing I mean I said last night when I was on free talk live I said to Ian he was talking about something to do with having a legal problem I just tell them that you're an illegal immigrant and they'll go out of your way to help you you know and that really seems to be the case you've you've got these you've got this situation where these lawyers are like you know oh well because I hate America because I hate Western civilization let me just go and try to do everything I can to assist a murderer just because he happens to be an illegal immigrant now I bet I bet miss Goldberg probably is not a huge fan of of gun rights either right probably not like this staunch second amendment supporter who had come to the assistance of your humble call respondent where I to get caught traveling through Chicago with my firearm you know improperly stored in my vehicle I doubt that miss Goldberg will come rushing to my aid because she just believes so much in a second amendment but because she loves the illegal immigrant so much because she wants our country to be overrun with people who shoot our daughters and don't care about our laws that's something that they she'll go out of her way to assist with yeah pretty much that's all I have man thank you very much I really appreciated that my friend and that was that was a very good piece of information that you provided and I'll look into it more so you talk about it again in the future call you are on outlaw conservative I can help you today hey Chris I've been thinking about yeah I think we we smart people question our own arguments and times to make sure we are thorough at least those conservatives or people on the right would you would you agree in general if that a fair generalization I think that I think that honest people owe it to themselves to question the correctness of their positions and us being fine upstanding citizens I'd I'd fear for our integrity did we were we not to do such things yeah precisely and honest left those really don't go hand in hand so they most certainly do not remains right you know it's funny I was listening to was I was pulling up some audio for the show today I went through some some some Reagan stuff you know and one of the things I found so funny he said something about what he said about he said a problem with our liberal fran just not that they are stupid it's just that they know so much that ain't true I don't know that that kind of tells you that there is a fear but I don't think there's a fear or honest right right I don't know that I can agree with you know it is it's like I said at the outset here you know I think that there's a certain number of leftists who are ungenerally well intentioned people and maybe they've just been snowed like a sensitivities ideas are so dumb you have to be educated to believe them and the the but of course the people who are creating those ideas those people are dishonest right the liberal elites if you will the ones who are handing down the talking points of the Democrat party the people who figured out that every Democrat in the country should be saying manufactured crisis about the border wall you know the people who come up with that stuff their dishonest they know they're lying their criminals and they should be prosecuted for their treason but I do think that you know probably you know some some significant portion I don't know if I want to say majority but some significant portion of you know American liberals they they mean well I mean they just they just want everybody to get along and you know have what they need and stuff like that and it's sadly that they've been they've been really led far astray but obviously the people who are creating these narratives those people are very very disliked as people okay so you brought up the crisis of the wall and that's so this all ties together right so as I think about the the things I hear not the things that come usually from from you but here in the news about the the arguments against this wall one of the things they say is come on a wall you know you can just go over it or I guess when no one's looking you can do that you can build a tunnel or since the wall is not supposed to you know span the entire border then it just means you got to drive a little bit farther where there is no wall and you can come through and and if I was thinking well you know that's no reason not to put up the wall just because some percentage will still be occurring some some bad people still becoming through and that's when I realize well when people say let's do a bnc to try to prevent gun violence I say well then only the the outlaws will will have only the criminals will have them because the law abiding citizen and and they say yep but okay so if it prevents 3% of murders shouldn't that be and we say no you know shall not be infringed and I just couldn't quite wrap my head around it I now I got to a solution I got to a honest straight conclusion to all this but I want to see I want to hear your thoughts on this well what you're describing is what George R. Well referred to as double thing right the idea being that you know that that cognitive for those of you who haven't read a new a 1984 or watch the movie you know they had this concept of double think and it was compulsory that you would hold these contradicting ideas and if and if you did not believe the contradicting ideas you know punishments would be visited upon you and this is the sort of night meal world that these people want to impose upon us and that's exactly what it is that oh well a border wall won't work because somebody'll just dig a tunnel if you put up a 12 foot wall they'll make a 14 foot ladder all of these different things and meanwhile they're like well you know we've got to we've got to completely regulate every aspect of the human condition inside of the country right there's so concerned about Russian foreign influence on our politics that they want to censor the internet and and indict anyone who's ever you know spoke to a Russian attorney meanwhile they're like no it's a crime to enforce our immigration laws we'll let millions of it will let millions of people pour in here we have no idea who they are we'll increasingly allow them to vote in elections I've got the story up here that you know one of these courts was so called courts just said that it's it's illegal for us to require a citizenship question on the census and you know and of course the census is how they figure out electoral votes it's how they figure out representation in the House of Representatives they're so concerned about Russian influence because they spent 4,500 bucks in Google ads and and and they're telling us that millions of people pouring into our country and radically altering our politics is completely irrelevant you know so all of the things that they do like you said the gun thing is a good example you know they say well you know we've got a we've got to stop these gun laws and we're like well that's not going to help not not one criminal ever cared about what you gun laws were and they say well you know we've got to do something well it's like well you know people are raping and murdering our daughters and blowing their brains out and and forming massive criminal syndicate gangs from coast to coast and filling up our prisons and you tell me that just just nothing that we can do about it that just any effort that we make to do it is to stop it is just racist and ignorant and backwards that a wall is old technology it's like yeah well you know the wheels and your car seems to be working out pretty well sweetheart so you know it is it that's exactly what it is with them is that everything is it is you will believe the narrative that fits our agenda and if you don't then we will make a thought criminal out of you that's that's the double thing that George Orwell warned us about for sure well but let me bring up the contradiction or the flip side of that is well you conservatives say that what's the point of gun laws when you know you can still steal a gun or there's all these like ways around the laws and that's why we shouldn't in agon laws because they're not 100% effective but you conservatives also say yeah if that stops one more legal immigrant from coming in that it's going to be worth putting up a wall do you see how they can you can also be called out for a blackout consistency in your and your opponents exactly what I'm getting it that's the double thing right that they are saying oh are you saying you're are you suggesting that we could be accused of the same double thing is that what you're getting on that's right okay well I mean you know you could make that case but the thing is there's a couple of things to that for one you know the right to invade our country is not enshrined at our bill of rights is worth pointing out the right to defend yourself predates governments and so you know this this idea of disarming the people is is is you know not a new concept but you know the the right to defend yourself it predates the state itself you know it predates written language or right to defend oneself and so it's it's it's in that sense you know that's a that's a far newer idea than than the right to just go wherever you want and at the end of the day you know there's something to be said for you know if you if you if you control who's in a country you don't have to be quite so concerned about what they are doing there you know and people people like I I was in a libertarian I was with the libertarians last night on free talk live and and in says to me well if you want to have you want to control immigration well you what you're going to have is this massive police state etc etc and I said no what you what you end up with is when you let in a whole bunch of people with no control and have no say over who they are you end up with a police state inside of the borders you know if you if you control who's here then you then you don't have to be so so concerned about what they are doing put your government forces on the perimeter where they belong and then you can let these people live you know free and productive lives and for the truth of the matter you know look I'm a I'm a pro gun guy I don't think that they I don't think that you should have to have so much as a carry permit to conceal a pistol right but you know this is people in there are people in right wing circles who would say you know you know the what passes for conservatism in Europe for example you know that look we we want to have our society you know common peaceful and stuff like that and so you're not you're not going to have guns well you know if we control who was here we wouldn't we wouldn't have to worry so much about defending ourselves you know what I mean and I think that there's a lot of merit to to to that way of thinking you know what I mean well I'm really glad your first point was the one that I struggled with for a while and more than going to the constitutional argument again I appreciate the fact that you went well you know the right to defend yourself doesn't a you know a monkey in the jungle have a right to defend itself yes it's just natural yeah and that's the part that I struggled with which the difference between the two cases is that no illegal custom right to cross the border so it doesn't infringe on anyone's not going to use the word right but let's just say on anyone's liberty it's just not inconvenience anyone to have that wall there are zero cases in which someone had to run through the wall and man you know too bad they were Americans but they just couldn't cross because there was a wall there that never happens whereas in the case of guns good people do get affected by guns so they're willing to inconvenience very least millions of people to try to catch some some small percentage of people who buy them legally and commit crimes so I think I'm just rephrase in what you said so I really appreciate that but then part of this whole conversation in my own head now leads to the question of how good are we really at defending our guns because I've heard you say something along the lines that you know they take away Trump's presidency and they give it to Hillary you know back in 2017-2016 you know that would be a revolt I don't think so I think they could ban all guns tomorrow and there would be no revolt there would be some guys waving flags in DC like the Tea Party and be as useless as the Tea Party was then and no one's going to do anything and you want proof would Bill Clinton sign that into law banning the you know that 10-year ban nothing happened no one died no guillotine no heads rolled so what's our future if all it takes is them getting lucky enough like Mark Harubio you know Republican right there to pass some gun laws and we're not going to do what about it well you know that is certainly a hazard of the society that we are in and I think that that is the threat that we face from things like that Gillette ad that I mentioned before right they're trying to take away any sense of like virtue of masculinity and sort of the if you will the the ruggedness of the men of our society because they want they want a docile population that's easy to control and it seems they've already got one which which makes you question just how docile do they want us to beat it dumb it down past this right like you said I mean they came they came for the guns now I'll say you know taking you know the assault weapons ban or whatever probably not as much of an imposition on a lot of people right I mean I I forget exactly the details of Clinton's one you know today that what they want to do is they want to get rid of semi-automatic rifles right you know nobody's really all that bent out of shape about not being having access to fully automatic right the bump stock dang when I went over to add you know it was like all right well you know I don't like you infringing but I'm not going to miss bump stocks not I like accuracy but I think that you would you would see a decidedly different thing if they came and said okay nobody's allowed to on a semi-automatic rifle anymore I think if they came for the pistols I think that you'd see more of a reaction I would it be a violent uprising against the state I doubt it and to take it a truth you know I kind of I kind of I kind of question the ways to of it look you know there is this big stink that I think it was Eric Swalwell this Democrat rep got an argument with somebody on Twitter about like and it was this thing he said well we've got nuclear weapons good luck resisting us right and you know conservative media understandably made a big stink about this like whoa you're threatening an American citizen with nuclear weapons you psychopath you really probably shouldn't be trusted with power and that's a valid point to make but I mean rifles and none friend you think you're going to fight the government of the United States right I mean other governments can't fight the government United States seems like a thing that we'd have a considerably difficult time doing and I fear the consequences of that almost as much as I fear the scenario that might lead us to ponder it you know what I mean because as they set at the outset here so long as the greatness cautious to our veins our enemies will not know security and if and if we find ourselves in a position where we get annihilated fighting a state that's going to be a thing that we can't recover from whereas you know they they they take some guns away where they tell you to turn them in and you bury them under woods either way that's something that you could recover from but if we're dead we're done you know what I mean well I don't know what you're going to do with the gun in the woods because you're not going to take it to the range because you don't want to be seen and apparently you're willing to die for it so it's going to stay in the woods right gonna stay buried that's what I've never understood about keeping the guns in the woods if you're not ambushing someone with it later friend what good is it I think I think I think that you're I think that you mean well but I gotta let you go okay and thank you very much for the call 808 for outlaw if you'd like to be on the show and it would be my honor to speak with you today you know look I'm a guy who fetishizes the American revolution like anybody else folks and you know as I said I kind of fetishized I said outlawed thing like the government has become wicked and we are the righteous rebels resisting it's tyrannical it's I get that you know but believe me friend I have seen what happens when a little breaks down and we do not want that to happen so I'm not telling people not to make contingency plans but please please please let's find some better way of dealing with this then dying for our firearms call you on a outlaw conservative how can I do yes hello hey Chris I called you about maybe about three weeks ago I was actually the caller that was kind of suggesting that you uh thrown it down a bit and I said that you know I think you could be a big talk radio star thank you friend you know if you hadn't how am I doing so far that you've done that I think you're going good I want to congratulate you on the new show I hope it's successful and I don't know how much of an inspiration my call was to starting the new show but if it was that's great but you know I'll tell you I remember you call and I'll just give you some feedback on that I mean look you're not the first person to say this to me of course but and I have thought about it a lot and I've and I've resisted that advice a lot but I'll tell you what your call did have this much of an impact that you know it started to bait amongst other listeners in communications channels that uh that I frequent with radical agenda listeners and you know it's it's it's been an ongoing debate it's been something that I was pondering before you came in with it and it and it was I'm not going to say it was a straw that broke the camels back but you were you were getting close to the breaking point and you put some weight on that thing I'll tell you that much okay thanks um yeah so uh you know I wonder if um I I guess you sort of didn't got a little bit in your opening monologue but if you maybe because because you know you stood up this image hanging over your head with some of the shall we say over the top statements you've made in the past and um I wonder if you should maybe like post an apology video and or or state or recording or something because you know people are going to bring that up well yeah now I'll respond to that point I'm not going to do that and it and a truth of no matter is um that it would be disingenuous frankly because you know while I and while I have learned lessons from some of these things that I've done wrong and oh some of these things that have not had the desired result you know I'm not sorry about it because I learned from it right like I like I I wish that I could go you know like anybody else in this world who's at 38 years old I would love it if somebody gave me that nuclear delorean and I could go pop some banana peels and misdiffusion go back in time and change things I mean am I am I don't think I'm all that unique and I desire but you know it doesn't make any sense because the thing is this too what I realized and part of what led me down that that vulgar path was that you know there's no point negotiating with these people the people who would want you to apologize they're never going to accept the apology right look at what just happened with Steve King right let me go and just happen with Steve King Steve King gets in a conversation with the New York Times and he says I don't know how western civilization white supremacy white nationalism became offensive terms of paraphrasing I think this said something like that effect right and then he gets on the floor the United States House representatives and he says I read out these ideas they're hateful and they still go and they take always committee positions and they still renounce him on the floor they had this thing that passes you know almost unanimous you think one person voted against it you know renouncing all these ideas and stuff it never stops the more you give them the more they the more they push you know you give these people it instantly take a mile and they'll confess to it by the way if you follow them on Twitter and so you know I am I I hesitated to even go this far to try to do a more palatable production because I didn't want to give those people anything the reason that I decided to do it this way is because I realized simultaneously that what I was doing is I was allowing them to control the path of my life and that was not that was not something that was smart on my part either but I don't I don't really I don't think that what I did on the radical agenda was really so terrible as many would make it out to be I you know again if I could go back in time and change some things I certainly would have but somebody had to push back against what was going on with leftist identity politics somebody had to do that and so few people were willing to and you know I'm glad that I learned what I learned from it I'm glad that we're here I'm glad that we're going to you know hopefully reach some new people but but but those who would demand an apology of me at this point that it's not like it's not like we get anywhere with it I'm not I'm not trying to renounce what I do on the radical agenda I think it was a fantastic intellectual pursuit I think it was a magnificent work of art I think it facilitated an important purpose and I'm not done doing it by the way and so if I apologize today then then what would end up happening is they just be like look he's still doing it you know now you know I've changed the radical agenda a little bit over time too but those those are my thoughts on initially I'm really you know and more and more important than anything else let me just get the support across and then I'm interested to get you take is that you know I take apologies very seriously if you see me saying I'm sorry I want you to know that I meant it okay and so if I say I'm sorry and then I go and I repeat the behavior which is a distinct possibility I'll be honest with you then then that would diminish the value of my apologies going forward and that is something that I will not I will not create a hyperinflationary spiral for my for my apologies because I I take them very seriously yeah well you know there's some people that you insulted that deserve it you know but I just think you know you kind of over the years you you you threw out some blanket insults and you know you've acknowledged that you don't legitimately you know necessarily hate everybody who remembers of some of the groups that you that you insulted and so I just think I'm not I'm not suggesting that you necessarily have to change your your views so much as just saying that you know like I don't know without being getting into many details who you are I mean you you kind of threw out some blanket insults and well maybe some of the members of the groups that you were insulting deserve it um I think you kind of hurt some good people in the process you know and it just I was just suggesting that it might be good if you kind of got because this is going to come up now like if this new show takes off people will just see hey he's got a new show now oh let's pull up clips of him saying you know this this and this and then they can use it to kind of you know make you look bad and and then you know detract from the new show and believe me when I tell your friend and believe me when I tell your friend if I issued a tear-filled apology they'd do the exact same thing you know it wouldn't stop them one bit yeah some you know well some people would they might it might it might work with some people like like I said if I if I hadn't heard you know some of your previous stuff that you did a long time ago and then somebody just placed together some clips of some of your later stuff and I didn't know anything else about you I might have thought hey this guy's a real psycho you know I'm sure there's a lot of other people out there a lot of other people out there that would be in that same category so that's why I always suggest to you might want to consider that or or think about something along that lines and I guess see how well this show does um I've the name is pretty good outlaw conservative um I would maybe consider come you know maybe experimenting with some other names you know maybe you could even have a listener contest or something to come up with a name or you could come up with a name I mean you might want to keep outlaw conservative but uh um I'm just you know I don't know if it's the best name it's not a bad name but you know maybe you could come up with a better name but anyway I wanted to say we're going to talk about uh libertarianism a little bit and um you know I don't think I don't I don't I don't not heard anything in my opinion which really invalidates libertarianism I mean the hammer libertarianism is uh property rights and the non-aggression principle and um you could say that some libertarians um misrepresent the philosophy or engage in bad political strategies or maybe they're all talk and they're action in terms of activism or they're ineffective and I would agree with those things but I don't think there's anything wrong with libertarianism to proceed those things wrong with some of those people wanting to be libertarian or who are libertarians or calling to be libertarians but that doesn't necessarily invalidate libertarianism well um you know there's uh not that I'm uh not that I'm a religious scholar friend but you know there's a line in the bible says something effective you know you shall know them by their fruits right and I think there's a lot of intellectual good in libertarianism I'm really glad that libertarianism informs my perspective and when I think about public policy today what what I what I think of it through the lens of is how do we make this society most closely resemble that idealistic libertarian social order right I want to I'm acknowledging that aggression is a part of the human condition and I want to reduce um its prevalence as much as possible inside of my society and I want to organize government policy in in such a fashion as to affect that outcome um but what happens with the libertarians sadly and you're you're absolutely correct in saying that this is not the core of the philosophy but this is the effect that it has had is that they find themselves incapable or unwilling of doing what is necessary to affect the type of change that they want and I don't I don't I don't think that that's you know that that's that's a virtuous or meritorious thing you know if if if you are want to stand on your soapbox and you know make yourself the most ideologically pure guy in a room and and and just brag about how how far you're willing to take your philosophy I mean it's just it's just impotent you know what I mean and so if the outcome of it is you know all the things that we've seen inside of libertarian movement I mean why why try to why try to prop that up any further you know what I mean well you know I like I said I agree with it and you know you were talking about being one with um um Ian Freeman last night and uh you know I like Ian and I I mostly agree with him there's similarities where I disagree with him you know one of which is on immigration and um I actually called free talk live uh several weeks ago and got into a debate with him on it and um you know he ended up hanging up on me a debate I don't think he I don't think it was more I'm sorry debate in quotes right yeah well I you know it could have been hanging up just because he wanted to move on to another caller too so I'm not going to hold back against him but uh he didn't you know I I mean to call back into free talk live because he kind of cut me off before I got to get my last point out but he said uh first of all you know I brought up to him that you know if we live in a pure libertarian society everything would be private property and the property and you know you don't have a right to trespass on other property but since we you know we have a state and we have public commons that the uh that the public commons should be for the interest of the citizen taxpayers not not for foreigners and that foreigners do not have a right to uh trespass into this country and um you know we we live in a de facto uh democratic well first date but anyway um he brought up which I think is a false uh uh or strong in argument that um um that that means you want to have a big police state because we have to have a big police state to keep the foreigners out and um what I was going to what I tried to bring up to him and you know like they didn't let me finish right point was that number one as Ron Paul has pointed out many times if you simply made the citizenship process more difficult no birthright citizenship increased standards for you know who can be a citizen and um and then you also cut off cut off all the welfare and all the taxpayer benefits you know you can't put your kids in public schools on and so forth that would discourage a lot of those people from coming here in the first place indeed you know you know and Ron Paul made that point and then what is world together day yeah and so I think now those two things alone would would eliminate a lot of the problem um now I don't really have a problem with having some basic border patrol and and you know there's debate about the wall and you know some people like you know and Ron Paul has brought this up but what if the wall gets used against us and you know that's the legitimate point um you know I tend to think we probably would be better off with the wall you know that there are other countries out there that have them and it seems to work there I mean there is that fear of of uh what if it gets used against us but regardless of whether there's a wall or not you know I don't think there's a big problem with having some you know some kind of basic border patrol along with no welfare and no citizenship or making the citizenship process more difficult if you can't eliminate welfare for citizens because unfortunately there's a lot of Americans who are addicted to the welfare state at the very least and even even a lot of democrats agree with this that the welfare shouldn't be for foreigners um but um anyway um what I wanted to say to Ian was that um okay you look at Europe you've got like leeched and fine looks and bird switzerland those are three countries that are pretty high up on the freedom index you know if you're rating how much freedom there is in each country they're not being overrun by destructive foreign migrants okay uh but then you look at uh uh you know England and um Germany and France and Sweden and some other countries in Europe they are being overrun by destructive foreign migrants now why is that it's because it's because they it's because they're given a houseweight my friend you got calls going on too long it'll let you go but I thank you very much for the call they're given a house away right I mean you see this especially in it look look at a caravan is another story another one of these Honduran caravans is racing towards the US border as we speak right let me see hundreds of Honduran set off towards united states a new caravan hundreds of Honduran migrants began the long trek north on monivacic and roiders part of the new us bound caravan that hopes to succeed even as a previous wave of central americans were unable to quickly enter the united states now what they're going to do is their flyers and stuff like that they're like be refugees you're seeking refuge you're seeking asylum well they can get asylum in any number of safe countries that they pass through on their path here and they don't take it why because they want to come here and they want to get the goodies you know and if you give them the goodies they're going to keep on coming you know you pay people to do illegal stuff don't be surprised when people are breaking the law caller you are on the outlaw conservative podcast how can I help you today yes this new format definitely has potential thank you for the reason being is that the old cliche and I love this cliche that too much light of truth can be blinding I like that that's good it is because when you're woke like you and I to a lot of these issues the temptation is to try to tell people everything that you know and the the unfortunate truth is that the majority of the general public just are not ready to hear it and that a better strategy is to focus more on the machinations such as issues such as crime and punishment law and order run away political correctness and yes demographic replacement because and you can't avoid demographics because if the demographic if the current demographic majority is replaced and reduced to a small insignificant minority there will be no America no Western civilization no Christian religion no free speech and no gun rights left so it's very important that we point out to people at the house is on fire however we can maybe leave out initially who the arsonist is because once people acknowledge that the house is on fire that we got serious problems they're naturally going to be curious as to who is behind it and there's a lot of folks out there that give very good information as to who's behind this mess yeah while I was while I was enjoying the hospitality of the authorities down here in Virginia I was doing podcasts with other personalities using the phones there and a conversation with a guy some you might have heard of him and it goes by the name of Mike Enoch and he taught he said to me at the time you know and I kind of rejected it at the moment he said you know there's a certain tendency when you when you come across these ideas there's a you know you you understandably get angry and there's a tendency to like take it to this really far extreme you know when you get started but it's kind you know it makes me it brings to mind a show that I watched if I get the title of it but it was like people with obsessive compulsive disorder or or these or these phobias right and the way that this therapist would deal with it was to put them into the situation that gave them the anxiety and compelled them to stay in that situation and what what you realize is that your body's just incapable of maintaining that level of anxiety after a while right once you want to face your phobia or once you or once you refrain from your compulsive behavior it fills the body with you know your heart will race you sweat you get really anxious and stuff like this but if you stay in that state what happens is your body just becomes incapable of maintaining it and when we find out that we have been deceived for our whole lives and we find out how dangerous our our predicament is there's this tendency to just you just you're just like oh wow we need to do something really extreme about this and you want to scream it from the rooftops but in my at least in my experience you know for a couple of years I was in this you know for more than a couple you know it's in this like constant state of panic and you just after a while you just have to drop that and be like okay let's calm down you most people don't want that visit upon themselves as I said in episode zero it's like you know it doesn't matter if you're right if you're just if all you can bring people is unhappiness then they just they're like look I will I'll follow the confident comforting lie instead make me how do I how do I how do I achieve happiness and if you if you can't give them that then they're just not going to answer you got to be able to give them some sense of hope you got to give them some kind of you know meaningful way to improve their station and and if and if all you give them is doom and gloom and you know we got to go to war and all this stuff people people reject that you know one trap that I kind of fell into as I felt the need to try to compensate for the 99% of the population that seem to be on woke and that really is unwise because all you can really do is is just do what you plan you're most average people are not in the position to do anything grandiose but at least if you're contributing something to to to a positive good you refer to it as the vision of labor yeah then you could you can hold your head high you know when when you start in your podcast you got a way with words fella and I you know I went it's funny that you put that you were trying to compensate for the other for the other 99% of people who didn't get this stuff you know I actually had a conversation went to go visit some family recently and we're having a political discussion I got kind of I got kind of agitated in the course of it you know my my father says you know you can't get bent out of shape about this stuff but I'm like I have to I literally said this to my father two or three weeks ago I said I have to get bent out of shape for all of you who happened yet I got like you know afterwards I was like you know that that that did nothing to convince my father right you know is just like oh well look at this agitated guy who's all ticked off yeah I really want to emulate his behavior and feel like he does right and I think I think that's insightful the way you put that for well thank you thank you very much all right thank you very much for to call my friend I'm gonna move on but I really appreciate a very thoughtful call today 808 4-outlaw if you would like to be on the show today and I would love to hear from you caller you are on the outlaw conservative podcast how can I help you today you know in the opian Anthony show that used to do this bit right because it's like forbidden to have dead air in radio you're not supposed to do that maybe I should do it want to should we should we do an amp opian Anthony joke today see how long it takes for this person to figure out that their microphone isn't working that's that sounds inappropriate right that's not that's not good for a family friend many production for me to just be breathing into the thing all right so much for that 808 4-outlaw if you would like to be on the show today and I would it would be my honor to speak with you so many thoughtful calls today I really want to thank you guys I was kind of concerned that we're just going to have a bunch of people trying to spoil this this clean family friendly safe of work production but it didn't happen you know in the circles that I used to traveling more frequently there's a joke that they say there's this meme that they have the conservatives they're always saying Democrats are the real races they call it dr3 it's what these these so-called Nazis they say about this dr3 the Democrats are the real races right they make fun of that because you know from the perspective of these folks you know taking race into consideration is a thing that you should do you know they make a compelling case for it but you know you fly now once in a while that the truth of the matter is the conservatives are absolutely right about this that the Democrats really all the real races and I'm going to play for you a prime example of this guy by the name of David Webb if any of you listen to other conservative talk radio productions which you can actually get on more mainstream platform David Webb you'll see him on Fox News sometimes as a contributor but he's the host of the David Webb show on series 6M satellite radio and David Webb you might a David Webb is a black man which is an unusual thing in conservative talk you might have gathered you always hear the Democrats always say oh you know they're probably companions in between you know late man and there are people within our own ranks who are like yeah we should be ashamed of that we're gonna go reach out and try to you know get people on board it's like you know the truth of the matter is folks like our ideas stand on their own merits and if people you know want to come on board with that then you know then let them there are those who think that we should change our ideas to try to bring other demographics under the fall and I don't think that's such a fantastic idea all right do it our ideas stand on their own merits and every once in a while you get good people like like David Webb who familiar or eyes themselves and learn time you need to behave so David Webb recently had a conversation with I'm sorry let me get this gals name here what was it again because I got the audio clip here but I actually don't have a text in front of me David Webb white privilege this was hilarious David Webb white privilege it was oh analyst areva martin analyst areva martin she's not going to see an end contributor and she had this to say she's on she's on the radio show with David Webb and she does not know apparently who David Webb is and she has this to say shouldn't there requirement their primary requirement regardless of ethnicity regardless of network be that they are capable of covering politics for instance if you're going to cover political campaigns sports may not be the most qualified background and that brings to the point of if people want to get into these fields regardless of color I've chosen across different parts of the media world done the work so that I'm qualified to be in each one I never considered my color the issue I considered my qualifications the issue well David you know that that's a whole nother long conversation about white privilege and things that you have the privilege of doing that people of color don't have the privilege how do I have the privilege of white privilege David and by virtue of being a white male you have white privilege hold on conversation I don't have time to give up I hate to break it to you but you should have been better prepped I'm black okay then I see you went to white privilege this is the fall suit in this you went immediately with an assumption your people obviously or you didn't look you're talking to a black man who started out in rock radio in Boston who crossed the paths into hip hop rebuilding one of the greatest black stations in America and went on to work for Fox News where I'm told apparently blacks aren't supposed to work but yet you come with this assumption and you go to white privilege that's actually insulting it is and I apologize because my people gave me wrong information they told me the whole white privilege thing is insulting can I apologize and correct the record I want to apologize I was given wrong information about you and I apologize based on my color you were going to something that I was part of and just to add to it my family background is white black Indian arrowwack Irish Scottish I mean it's so diverse I'm like the UN when it comes to this and this is part of the problem with driving a narrative around a construct like white privilege privileges one thing were applied wealth economy various social factors but not necessarily determined by color of skin and I just I thought that that was so funny to listen to because you know I've enjoyed a lot of David web by the way he used to be on late at night and then they moved into an earlier production slot and so when I when I've been driving around visiting various things around the country I've gotten to enjoy some David web over the years and and you know is it thing that will make you think right if if you listen to you know when you get repulsed by the identity politics that are left in as I said this this sort of this reaction to it right a lot of us kind of fall into it to just to just start adopting their own narratives right I mean this woman is sitting there saying something that that could just as easily have come off at a daily stormer which is oh well you're describing a scenario where you have a where you have worked hard and accomplished things and thus you must be a white man I mean the nervous woman right and what was funny about this too is that what made her apologize for her nonsense was like he's like I'm black and she's like oh I'm sorry that is offensive that I said that to a black man and it never occurs that it's like just as offensive that she says it to somebody else that doesn't even that doesn't even pray that you don't even process that concept right oh well now that you're black I guess I should think differently of this well you know I mean if that's if that's the idea that these people are working with that like you know hard work and accomplishment or white things I mean how far at all I draw they really we did not seize it at point it's like okay 808 4 outlaw if you would like to be on the program and a more or less I have to surprise you give us a call that's that's that's that's the that's the catchphrase it at other production we got to come up with figure out another one but I got I got a real kick out of that and they were talking about it on say Tucker Carlson brought that up the other day you guys watch Tucker Carlson I know that I know that the other audience does I don't know how many of you were new to that but if you guys are not Tucker Carlson fans you're gonna get that DVR and record that every night I got this let me see I got all these shows I got all this other uh uh prep here and I didn't get to any of it because your thoughts it your calls have been so thoughtful oh here's one um this really upset me today and I just saw this right before the show you know there was uh Donald Trump recently no maybe I should talk about Donald Trump a little bit before we even get into it because I've hardly mentioned the president of the United States since we got started here today you know I was skeptical to president first I did not uh when the Republican prime everybody started I was like who is this guy it's a matter of fact on my personal blog um I think the first thing I said about him was uh you know Donald Trump shows how ridiculous the Republican party is or something like that I think there's something about Donald Trump was a uh uh uh uh uh you know a clown they're just trying to sell books you know and uh I didn't take the guy very seriously at first now I certainly didn't think that I was going to become an enthusiastic supporter you know been a Republican for a long time for as long as I've been registered to vote I've been a Republican um even even as I ran for Congress as a libertarian I was there was there's registers of the Republican and I would have probably supported the Republican candidate at the end of the day but I certainly wasn't enthusiastic about Donald Trump but you know Rand Paul sort of left me with a foul taste in my mouth he started got into the social justice war your thing you know but um I've had my disappointments with the presidents since he's been in office one of the things that he uh he announced that I was really supportive of he said that he was going to pull the troops out of Syria you know and and I'll tell you so part of the things that you know made me so concerned for the future was a foreign policy and I really think that that has been so destructive and a Syria conflict made even less sense in all the other garbage that we've been involved in it's like there's literally nothing for us there you know that is that is you know I don't know exactly who's in charge of our foreign policy but it would seem to me that that policy is is foreign indeed you know seems like we're acting in the interest of some other nation and because it certainly isn't in our interest that we're going over to Syria so Donald Trump says you're going to pull the troops out of Syria and that was like wow finally you know can we can we stop with this nonsense already and during the break capital confirmation I've become really I was I was shocked at how much I became to like Lindsey Graham because I always hated Lindsey Graham because it's a foreign policy thing you know and a lot of other stuff but you know all of the neo cons you know however they may be all the neo cons Lindsey Graham et al john Bolton and all these people they're resisting the president is inverting his will is it where saying oh you can't get out of Syria and some people pointed out rightly you know once we get out of there we're out of there they can't allow that to happen you got to keep some number of troops there just so that we're never going to leave right and so Lindsey Graham and a bunch of other people they try to persuade the president into delegating this you know he was talking about the rapid and complete withdrawal of troops and then Lindsey Graham goes to visit and he's like I will slow it down we're not doing it hey stay et cetera center and then what happens headline CBS news us troops killed in serious suicide attack claim by ISIS what may phone I'm sorry sorry about that sorry about that should have muted my phone I'm a broadcast professional I should know better sorry us troops killed in serious suicide attack claim by ISIS and what made me checkle about this not that it's funny folks I'm sorry but you know when Tucker Carlson was talking about the the troop pull out he said to one of his guests he said what it's shock you if Assad mysteriously gassed his own people and we had to stay there when it looks like something else happened instead US troops are among those killed in an attack in northern Syria Wednesday the same day that vice president Mike Pence said ISIS which claimed responsibility for the attack has been defeated the US led coalition in Syria operation inherent resolve said in a tweet that US service a US service members were killed during an explosion while conducting a routine patrol in Syria today a US military official also confirmed a CBS news senior to national defense correspondent David Martin reports by Kurdish media outlets that at least two Americans were among the dead in the city of manbeige not far from the Turkish border after an explosion had a coalition convoy the US military has not said how many Americans were among the bombing victims but at least one reports said that as many as four US service members were killed if true Martin notes that it would be the single largest loss of life in Syria US loss of life in Syria I should say since American forces were deployed there in 2015 the attack comes just weeks after president trump declared ISIS defeated and said US troops were coming home speaking to a gathering of US ambassadors of the state department on Wednesday after the Pentagon confirmed the deaths of American troops in Syria Pence repeated both of mr. Trump's assertions mr. president on the off chance you happen to be listening to me I take this laws and life of our soldiers as seriously as you do sir but believe me when I tell you you are not going to make matters where better by staying in that country no you are not sir that is not going to work out well for anybody the soldiers least of all you want to get more Americans killed and you just keep them on in that country all right this is not in your best interest this is not in the country's best interest and the people who do not have your interest at heart they definitely are cheering about this there are people in your administration sir people who work for you people who call themselves your your friends and allies who are subverting your will in subverting on nation and you should not give in to them and I think that you know it on some level they are hostile they are be hauled into a foreign power and they will destroy this country and there is no amount of cruise missiles as soldiers there's no amount of blood at treasure that you can give to them that will satisfy their blood loss they will not stop the only thing that you can do is tell them no you ever get any of you have a drug addict in your family I just need one just give me 20 bucks I just I just need to get through the day yeah you think how many times you think you're gonna go through that you know these are the same people these people are hooked on a drug called war folks and if you keep on give it them what they want they'll just keep on asking for it at some point you gotta say no you gotta say sorry folks we said that we're gonna put America first and that's proving to be rather difficult quite a challenge shouldn't be kind of the idea of a president in the first place right but sadly as I said in the beginning we have drifted a long way from where we ought to be and that is a very sad thing but we're gonna we're gonna do what we can to fix it we certainly are every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. US Eastern time you can listen at outlawconservative.com slash live after the show we will we will upload the podcast I gotta make a couple edits today I don't think we had to do that I don't think I don't think not one f-bomb went out on this show today that is a really accomplishment you know I'll tell you I was a little nervous I was a little nervous getting started today because uh you know it's not like I'm afraid of discussing controversial ideas I'm not afraid of having a microphone in front of me I'm not afraid of having a camera in front of my face I'm used to all that right I've faced greater adversities than anything I'm gonna go through for what we do here on the outlawconservative show but I was very concerned with failure you know and put it mildly those you familiar with you homicore responded here the the family friendly safe for work for them out is not something that I become become a become accustomed to in recent years but we seem to have pulled it off just fine and you dear listener you were a fine help and I really I mean I could not be grateful enough to you for that I got a couple of sponsors you might have noticed we haven't had a whole lot of commercials I think zero as you were I got a couple of sponsors you can buy products from edgy goodies dot com and they are fantastic products indeed we've got cell phone accessories we've got these fantastic these bellfang walkie talkies we've got these um the the ultra fire XML T6 flashlights they are fantastic products that really everybody should have at least one of each of these and these tools we get the lock pick sets we've got the universal socket wrenches we've got the such amount itself on holders usb charts all fantastic products over there at um I'm not going to call them bargain prices but you know you could certainly pay more for them if you try and and I'll get them out to you ship to your real fast nothing's back ordered at present and I would love to love to provide you with something of value and you could just give me the money that way and you could hire me you might have noticed I'm a very capable voice artist and if you would like your pamphlet uh your essay pamphlet essay book pamphlet or other text right all out in this one other voice please visit pen and pronounce dot com I will gladly read something out loud for you into a uh into this microphone record it into uh audacity I will do multiple takes I will edit out my breathing and whatnot and I will give you a professionally produced recording of the text of your choice for the bargain price of $75 per up to a thousand words you give me a one thousand one words it's going to cost you 150 bucks you can be two words it's going to cost you 75 you get the idea okay now somebody said to me well I want you to read this book and it's going to cost me you know it's 15 thousand dollars well you know you get it you get a hold of me you use the contact form at pen and pronounce dot com and you say this this is what I want to do and I'll give you an estimate okay I'll give you yeah if you want it if you want me to read something it's going to cost you ten thousand dollars you know I'll cut your break okay but uh generally speaking you want to send me uh something though an essay that you wrote or some blog post that you think is really fantastic uh if you just want to give me money and you're looking at ever an excuse to do it that's the way to do it and that is uh that's a fantastic idea I'm going to tell you so yeah this has been I think a magnificent smashing success and I thank you very much for helping me out with it I will be back for another episode outlaw conservative Wednesday but of course the radical gender continues as well every Monday and Friday Christopher Cantwell dot consolation library we will be back Wednesday if not soon or thank you very much for tuning into this first episode uh first live airing of outlaw conservative you have been a magnificent help to me to your country and most importantly your nation we will see you again real soon thank you very much for tuning in have yourselves a wonderful evening and good night however he's an audience thanks decent he and righteousness be nothing too hard left his primals so what conservative would it stop the tactics of a healthy communist how conservative would sick and tired of losing his country to people who have those standards and realizes that there will be no such thing as righteousness it means stop revealing a conflict you