And since we're all set, I'll go ahead, start that local recording. We start the local recording, then we start the intro music, and the intro music, it's great. I love the intro music, don't you? Alright, welcome to surreal politics. It's 37th episode of the first stage of the program. Today is December 4, 2023 is the current year. It's a Monday as usual, 9.30 pm we do this, and I would invite you to join us for the live program if you're listening on some of the platform at some of the time. We do it on rumble, we do it on Odyssey, we do it on D-Live, we usually do it on GoMTV. GoMTV is S-O-L today, sorry to say, fellas. You know, one of the things that happens around here sometimes is I start the stream, and then when I start the stream I find that my audio and video are out of sync, and the only way that I can fix that problem is to start the stream over again, the problem that I run into when I do that, unfortunately, very sadly, it's a very unfortunate circumstance. Why are you doing that? Don't do that. What is that? Okay. You have to be kidding me. Okay. What? All right, so that's what's going on here? We'll do that, and okay, all right, much better. This is ridiculous. Come on. What are you doing? What are you doing to me? Okay. Anyway, so, as I say, the only thing that I can do to fix that problem is to restart the streaming application. What GoMTV has done, they have a lack of storage space over there, so I can't store my videos over there. I have to go upload them somewhere else and then basically link to them over on their site. And what they've done, I guess, to deal with people who are not prudent about deleting their streams after that, then, is they don't save the stream at all. So as soon as the stream disconnects, the stream is gone, and if you reconnect, nothing comes up. So the guys over at GTV are S-O-L and that's unfortunate because I know that they'd love to hear my eulogy of Henry Kissinger over there at GoMTV. I think that they've really got a kick out of this. And that's what happened. I labeled today's episode R-I-P Henry Kissinger because last week, so the passing of Henry Alfred Kissinger, you might have heard that name before. You probably don't hear people call him Alfred too frequently, but that's his middle name. The former Secretary of State National Security Advisor to President Nixon and Ford was born in Germany. Being a Jew had fled that country to arrive in the United States in the year 1938 at no older than 15 years of age. He has authored more than a dozen books, including World Order on China, Diplomacy, and Leadership Six Studies in World Strategy. Most notably for our purposes, Kissinger's name became inextricably linked to Real Politeep, though he would go on to try to distance himself from this at times. It was a futile effort. Kissinger was heavily involved in US foreign policy with the Soviet Union, China, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Argentina, Chile, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and many others. He helped bring an end to the young Kipper War and the US War in Vietnam. He backed Augusto Pinochet and Chile and the Argentinian military junta in their dirty war against the US. He established back-channel communications with leaders all over the world and perhaps most famously arranged for the meeting between Richard Nixon and Mao Zedong. During episode one of the Real Politeaks, I said Henry Kissinger was a no small part of the inspiration for this production. Most influential in this was his book titled World Order. I imagine many of you, like me, have heard the phrase New World Order thrown around in all but positive contexts. These days I do not at all mind the prospect of a change in how world affairs are organized, but for many years I considered the New World Order to be a nefarious conspiracy to institute a global government. And Henry Kissinger was prominently featured in much of the literature on this. So when I saw the title World Order by Henry Kissinger, I eagerly picked it up and read it with the utmost interest, figuring it would give me much to complain about. What I found was quite different from what I had expected. The book ended up influencing my thinking great deal. Coming from libertarianism and the Ron Paul camp, I had long taken a largely disinterested view of most foreign policy matters other than to oppose them axiomatically, drifting rightward into nationalism. This remained a good fit, being primarily interested in what happens at home and having little desire to be depleting national resources on foreign adventures. In either case it is obvious to the sane observer that American foreign policy has been catastrophic in recent decades and arguably as well in decades less recent. Less obvious is the prospect that isolationism as it is sometimes called as any more sane, the non-interventionist approach typically holds that so long as an event remains outside of a given territorial perimeter, it is none of our concern. With the libertarians they lack even the good sense to establish trade limitations. Some go so far as to bastardize their own philosophy and advocate for open borders. Nationalists tend to have a slightly more coherent view of things, proposing strict limitations on immigration and a variety of trade restrictions which at minimum make for fascinating intellectual discussion. Fascinating. That's a fun word we should use that one. Kissinger makes the case that world order does not happen spontaneously though. Absent intelligent management, he claims, the world would likely spiral into unceasing chaos and cataclysm. That this is false as by no means obvious in my view. It is certainly arguable that a world needs to be governed just as does a country or a city, though certainly to a lesser degree of detail. While a wise man is skeptical of his own wisdom even when dealing with matters closest to him and this skepticism increases with distance and complexity, the proverbial buck must at some point stop and for those who rightly complain about how the world is managed today, it might be prudent to say it ought to stop with them instead of saying that the world ought not be managed. With the renewal of combat operations in Ukraine following a long pause after the 20-14 coup against Victoriana Covish, the world's phrase world order has been uttered more often than at any time in my life. I felt fortunate to have read Kissinger prior to this and the conflict seemed much clearer to me for having done so. It is by no means senseless that the U.S. is backing Ukraine. The reasons they purport to be doing so democracy, freedom, etc. These are nonsense, of course, but these are more accurately described as lies like much else in war. The United States and its NATO partners have attempted to conquer the world and bring every nation to heal. Russia and China have been among the few proven capable of maintaining a degree of independence from this and should they combine forces they could topple the U.S. led international order. Russia being the weaker of the two has been targeted by this alliance for many years and NATO has slowly but surely encroached upon Russia with every means at their disposal. If the Russian Federation were sufficiently weakened and conquered by NATO, China would be the lone holdout possessing any meaningful power. Such resembles a chess game about to end and those with visions of a future in which independent nations pursue the interests of the people within their territorial boundaries, rightly view this as unacceptable. Russia makes her gambit crossing the Ukrainian border. America's sensing opportunity invites this invasion. That is why Joe Biden said, well, but it's just a minor incursion, you know, who knows. The NATO alliance was willing to forfeit the lives of the Ukrainian people to drag Russia into a quagmire and to accomplish this the United States has sent weapons and other resources only in sufficient quantities and on such a timeline is to maximize the damage to both nations. But Russia's timing was no accident. America had been at war for 20 years. The COVID pandemic had weakened the economy and an incoming Democrat president was sure to worsen the ordeal. The president of the United States was viewed as illegitimate by a substantial portion of the country. The country was embroiled in race riots. His family has been involved in tremendous crimes and has been compromised by Ukraine and by China. There could hardly be a better time to be in a standoff with the United States. Through its antagonisms against the Russian Federation, America's abandoned the Kissinger strategy of maintaining a balance of relations between Russia and China, wherein neither is closer to the other than either is to the United States. They have pushed Russia into China's arms and both Russia and China had benefited from this tremendously. Another Kissinger strategy abandoned by the Biden administration was the policy now in his strategic ambiguity, wherein the United States has long agreed that there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States has always said that it would aid Taiwan to defend itself, but until the Biden administration, it was left intentionally vague as to whether the United States would intervene militarily to protect Taiwan from Beijing. By saying the US would so intervene, Joe Biden said America on the path to war with China. Of all this, the uninterventionists might say that we ought not be involved in any of it. Let Beijing take Taiwan, let Russia take Ukraine, let the two foreign and alliance, let them overrun Europe together, let them colonize Africa, let them go to war with India, let them try their hand managing the Middle East, let them take all the territory that is not ours. But when the Communist Party controls the world's leading manufacturer of semiconductors and Russia dominates global energy markets and the two decide to combine in order to impose upon the United States, what then? The answer is uncertain, but one can be sure it is not a world of independent nations governing according to the interests of their peoples. Nationalists and libertarians do not agree on much, but find themselves in such good company when it comes to war, don't they? In this, they often find themselves holding the same signs, as leftists, which both purport to despise almost competitively and none involved seem to find this at all troubling. It is no small task to maintain a balance of power. The most capable winds must consider not only military matters, but also the global allocation of natural resources, trade, birth rates, monetary policy, shifting attitudes of diverse populations and an ever-changing combination of factors to numerous to list in a two-hour podcast. There is a great deal of espionage involved in this, both in the mundane sense of collecting and analyzing information and in the more distasteful sense of subversive activity and interference. When these fail, arms follow and things become all the more difficult to manage from there. Take the Middle East in the broader Muslim world, as it has been called, appropriately, much of what goes on there has been viewed with suspicion by many. It is an increasingly popular view that American foreign policy toward that region is a product of Israeli subversion, fair enough. It would be difficult in the extreme to trace the history of that region to a time when this was not a factor even prior to the establishment of the Jewish state. Zionists had made their presence felt in governments throughout the world and used their influence to bring about the creation of that state. Both prior and subsequent to that creation, much of American foreign policy has been aimed at preventing these nations from unifying under a single banner, a caliphate as it has been called. Say such a state were to form. Say it were to obtain nuclear weapons. Say those governing such a state took seriously their theocratic vision of a world in which all either pray toward mecca or reduced to demitude paying the jizya tax. How many nations would a nationalist permit them to conquer before he considered this a threat to his perimeter? With so much blood and treasure forfeited to design his project, an appropriate skepticism has formed about the Jewish state. We are told by our leaders that Israel is our greatest ally as if they knew not the difference between that word and liability. To the extent they offer us any explanation for this, they give us more lectures as if these people were philosophers and not the most depraved and craved and creatures ever to slither across the earth. One thing we know for certain about American foreign policy is that it has little to do with more out of your values. Certainly anything but democracy. But there is most certainly a reason for it and you hear slip from time to time if you pay close enough attention that it is their, quote, intelligence capability that renders this greatest ally theory worth uttering. Whether or not this makes them our greatest ally is subject to the most vigorous of debates to say the least of it, but the prospect that Israel has capable spies or come as no surprise even to the most vehement of anti-Semites. It is the nature of espionage that the average voter knows little of it and the remarkable reliability with which world leaders defer to this tiny nation or tell us something very significant about what we are not told. Can the nationalist disregard this for an ethink animus? What would be the consequences of doing so on the world stage? These questions are by no means simple. They cannot be dismissed as such. I titled today's episode RIP Henry Kissinger. Some say he ought better burn in hell than rest in peace depending on your view of things when outcome may be more likely than the other. But all outward appearance is today suggests that the people steering their ship are not nearly so thoughtful as he, whatever you think of his goals or how he achieved them, what cannot be argued is that he approached such things carelessly. I cannot place nearly so much confidence in those who call the shots and the news that I read as of late that might turn out to be for the best who knows perhaps they will fail and more prudent leaders will come to the fore. But there is no certainty of this and what troubles me the most as I think about this fact is that the people I tend to consider most prudent and domestic matters have little appetite for the important work when so handled so aptly by Henry Kissinger. Two on seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and the more you taught the less I have to so please do give us a call. Love to hear your thoughts on this and I know that you have them okay. So don't wait around until 1129 to give me a call. Give me a call. Let me know what you think because I know that you have thoughts on this and I imagine you also have thoughts on a recently released. I haven't sent out an email about this because I'm getting another one of my new email problems. Whenever I send you an email I'm getting I was for a while I was getting bounced by Microsoft and by charter or spectrum as it was and then I got Microsoft fixed and I thought the charter was working or spectrum was fixed and then spectrum started bouncing me again now I'm getting bounces from from Yahoo and apparently Yahoo is managing the email for AOL now I didn't even realize that and so I have what they're telling me is that they're they're bouncing emails because of unexpected volumes so I've had to slow down my email sending and so I haven't sent out this email yet but I did post as I promised I would over the weekend this debate between me and a fellow by the name of Eric Striker who you've heard me talk about if you're if you're on the member streams you've been paying attention to the uncensored production and that is that's where the listen I got to say I do think it is some people have suggested that me and Mrs. Striker could do a podcast together you know I don't think that it would be a successful long-term venture say but you know it's definitely it's definitely an interesting listen so give it a call call you on surreal politics what can I do for you today friend hey Chris um I just wanted to talk about a point one of the things you brought up in the monologue you would kind of like a quated I think libertarian ideas of foreign policy and nationalist ideas is foreign policy and you mentioned like waving banners that are the same that you might see the left wave or protest you know banners yes um I don't know I I would take a little bit of um take a different perspective on that I think nationalists what while it might sound the same as what a libertarian talks about I think it's more strategic than that because I think the nationalist like anti-war phrasing is more to do with like specifically this system that we're under you want to balloon so it's not like if a nationalist government were to be in charge of things they would say you can't go to war or you know you should be so isolationist to the point that you cut yourself off in the world I think it's more that you just want to see the current regime that's empowering the West fall because it's actively killing off you know white people okay I mean I can understand that I as a matter of I do understand that but I don't think that it's inaccurate to say that the the libertarian the left and nationalist often end up taking the same approach to things right and and I and you know I would go so far as to say that what you're describing is not is not a more well thought out theory than than what I said right it's like if you just want the current regime to fall under any circumstances like I can understand why you feel I I I 100% agree with wanting the current regime to fall say okay the the idea that the regime must fall by any means and and come what may I think is is not is is by definition not well thought out right if we're saying come what may then necessarily we're actually talking about something that is not very well thought out right yeah I would agree with that but I don't I wouldn't say that it's come what may I think it's you know when opportunities arise I mean you talked about Russia taking the opportunity to strike Ukraine when it did I'm sure Russia didn't want that and I'm sure Russia couldn't totally foresee the outcomes of that but they knew that that opportunity was there and that it had to have been something that was at least an opportunity at being better than what was currently going on which is like the slow march of NATO up to its order and the army of Ukraine anyway so I mean you know looking at it flipped from our perspective towards foreign policy it's like do we want a Russia China multi polar like domination of the planet is that ideal no but if that alliance can be successful and that creates cracks in the current regime that we have then that might give us an opening and like that's obviously better even if it ends up not being well thought out I mean that's obviously better than what we currently have which is like the slower eradication of our people so like I mean with with what we have now you know that we're going to be genocided that other future may not be ideal but you at least potentially have you know some scenario where you don't end up genocided so it's kind of like it's an opportunity I think you know we don't have a lot of opportunities so when you see people that say I don't want the United States to be successful in the world stage I hope that Russia and China are successful I feel like it's more strategic from a nationals perspective than you might be giving a credit for whereas with like libertarian it might be more ideological and less thought out and you know with the left this obviously you know well I think I think to your credit I mean we can't say that nationalists ever are of a single mind is the last thing I try to imply about them so you know it would be inaccurate for me to say that all national is hold this very simplified position but take for here's a better example okay I actually think it would be completely disastrous if China takes Taiwan okay because like we depend upon Taiwan for the semiconductor routine and if they end up in control of that that's actually like not that's really not a small matter during the Trump administration one of the one of the more interesting trade moves I think Donald Trump had made was to block the sale of a very high tech device to a Chinese company which was which was for making high tech semiconductors okay so like I don't know what your familiarity is with that industry but you know your your CPU your GPU these are these are semiconductors and these are very important for among other things military applications but also especially artificial intelligence now which is becoming the next you know weapon of war right and so the Trump administration had blocked China from obtaining this this machine that's actually made in the Netherlands and so you know that type of thing is is actually important in my view and if time to go trying to go takes Taiwan or for that matter just goes and destroys all the semiconductor creating capacity in Taiwan it's going to set back if they just go destroy it it's going to set the whole world back if they go and they take it and they you know cut the United States out of it or only share it with their allies it's going to it's going to advance China and whoever China is allied with to the tremendous detriment of the United States and everybody who's on the wrong side of China and so you know I actually as you know I favor Russia in the Ukraine conflict I'm I'm actually like hugely worried about China taking Taiwan you know and so like that's in my view one of the reasons that the United States should stop this Ukraine nonsense and be like hey you know what you let's get a new president in there be like hey that guy was an idiot we know anything to do with this anymore Russia be our friend yada yada yada prevent China from taking Taiwan like that's a very prudent international strategy in my view now I even had that conversation with many nationalists to know you know what their view of it is but if your view is I just want America to lose well then your then your view is almost certainly going to be you want China to take Taiwan okay and that in my view is a completely different category of issue than the then the Ukraine conflict and so you know why can't say that all nationalists have so simplistic a view of foreign policy as as you know your average you know peacenick libertarian I I am aware that you know a certain strain of that you know runs rather pervasively through the movement I would agree I think I think you got to separate like people that actually think and you know can you know like I guess fault leaders or whatever you want to call them versus like people you might run into in a random chat or just generally that identify as nationalists like there's different calibers of people so you know I you know I agree with you if the United States like from a net from a you know international perspective like needs the block China's move there that's like a big you know danger for the United States but the problem is is like if if the United States get the hold of the Senate conductors then you like who's actually getting control of the Senate conductors of the same people that run our government and want to you know kill you and me and kill our families and so while it would be also really bad probably if China got them there's like a 99% chance that that's a problem where it's like when the United States has controlled that like we know right now we're 100% behind a fall in terms of our government so again it's it's not the ideal situation but you know if you you had mentioned in the monologue China was the single strongest nation that could challenge United States unfortunately that's the dog in the fight that you have to look at until you can you know rest control of your government away from these people and they have such a strong grip on it of power in general that it's like you might need some outside force to like you know put some cracks in the armor you know and then if that ends up being the way it's got to go it's not again it's not ideal but that might be the way it has to go I would think that the nationalist perspectives you you would block China from getting into Taiwan while also you know building up your own capacity to like do the Senate conductors in a place that you actually have control over you know ideally at home but we're not even you really nowhere near the levers of power at this point that like talking about international things that we could do or like what what a nationalist like to see happen is almost like I don't know like intellectually you know it's fun to think about but it's like you know we're so far from that that I don't even know if it's useful for us to talk about it well you know that's part of that you know I'm glad that you said that because I think that that's part of the problem right you know I have this bad habit of myself which I think that the movement should attempt to rid itself up because I I think I'm not the only one who suffers this that I have this what might be described as a peculiar combination of over an underestimating myself we're in you know I say okay well you know it's important that I do these things because I want to influence the future and then I say some of the things I do are you know without consequence because I have no power right well you know those those two mindsets are actually not entirely compatible say right so like what we ought to be doing certainly is you know we have some consciousness that we're influencing the conversation at a minimum right and and we don't downplay the importance of that generally speaking and we also you know there are elements within the movement that you know haven't have an intent on participating in electoral politics I would say that those people are fewer and fewer it's I'm sad to say but you know electoral politics does have this you know weird way of influencing policy right and so excuse me and because of that you know it's it's sort of it's sort of important to take a view of things that you know that how's a serious view of the world I'd say and I think that when I hear nationalists talk about foreign policy including thought leaders I mean they're they're they're attitude tends to be ingranted you know I'm not listening to podcasts that often so I might be missing things I'm certainly missing things I should say but it seems to me that the the prevailing train of thought is it you want America to lose you know and like that I would say is is not conducive to gaining influence domestically it is not conducive to even to the extent that there are people who share that sentiment like when you if you view if you take a a foreign policy stance that has a tendency to that that if it came to fruition would tend to reduce the quality of life for the people who you would like to have you who you would like to be governing you know those people are going to take a skeptical view of your governance say yeah I agree with that I mean if you were if you're talking about like you're going out for the public and you're trying to make a pitch for leadership I mean then you know I would agree that you definitely have to think about what you say you have to have a serious international proposal and all that other kind of stuff but I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't say that the the nationalist thought leaders are going out and telling people they want America to lose I think that they're calling the hypocrisy out on what America does like arming Ukraine and why that's a bad idea and why we should leave Russia alone and I think that resonates with a lot of people I mean like the average I would say you know a good chunk of the average Republican or right-wing voter agrees with that stance and I don't think that's like unseurious to talk about some I guess hands-off policies for the United States I mean people are tired of the adventures in the United States is you know done around the world and a lot of it has been at the behest of Israeli you know geopolitical interests more even more so than our own so I think that you can make that case to people and I think that that would resonate with a good chunk of the people that you actually want to reach and it doesn't have to be I want America to lose even though if we're having a front conversation you know geopolitically like I don't want the United States exercising power right now because it's a negative influence for the world I mean we're our number one that export at this point is like homosexuality you know the United States have the geopolitical power to do that so and I think you could I think you could talk to people domestically and say the United States needs to stop doing that kind of stuff and I think that you would have a good audience for it just about the framing in our community obviously the framing is not always the best and it's a lot more vitriolic but you know I do think that you can have a serious policy proposal for influential interaction with the United States from a nation's perspective but serious and it might sound pacifist sometimes but it doesn't have to be you know as like a matter of course like it is with libertarians or leftists I think that's I think that's a very fair analysis my friend and I thank you very much for it and I thank you very much for the call thanks for tonight you two two one seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and I'm all you told the less I have to so please do give us a call I'd love to hear from you I know you have thoughts on this so go ahead share them with us at two one seven six eight one four three three what else was I going to tell you about I'm going to go I'll go pull up some news here but there was I put out the I told you about the Eric strike a thing I put out the history of me and those boys over at TLS there and I don't know all he'll come to me before you have a show two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and I'm all you told the less I have to so please do give us a call so here's an interesting thing uh this apparently is just breaking today um Douglas Mackie aka Ricky Vaughn was convicted in a federal court of conspiring against people's right to vote by telling them that they could vote by text message and this has been roundly mocked as preposterous because you know surely nobody so stupid as to think that you could vote by text message because you were told this by Ricky Vaughn on Twitter you know but of course people are very stupid and so you know the government they they prosecuted him for this you know not appropriate by any stretch of the imagination but he was convicted of this he was sentenced to prison for doing it he was about to go to prison and breaking news the second circuit court of appeals just overruled the district court in granting Mackie's motion for bond pending appeal and so he is uh he has announced this on Twitter it is linked over at revolver that is extraordinarily that is extraordinary it does not usually happen that you get convicted sentenced you're about to report to prison and in comes an appellate court to say why don't you hang out a little while while while we think about this that is very unusual that that that Ricky Vaughn character he's very lucky I'd say uh you know some might describe it as suspicious I'm not I'm not saying that necessarily is a case but I don't see a whole lot of that and so uh good for you Ricky Vaughn uh you're gonna be uh you're gonna be on the streets a little bit longer but to have took a Carlson on your side I guess 217 688 1433 you'd like to be on the program and I'm what you told the rest I have to so please you give us a call uh his over at revolver also I thought it was very amusing the number so so another candidate has dropped out of the race today uh I have to I have to pull his name up because it's thoroughly forgettable his name was Doug Bergen if you watch the debates you might have seen him he was over on the edges trying to participate he was like uh he was like hopping up and down like hey I'm over here and they're like what do you I think security tried to escort him out a couple of times you have to show them ID uh I don't know if that actually occurred I'm just remarking about his insignificance is really what I'm saying and I mean you can understand how how the guy could get lost in a shuffle with all that excitement over Mickey Haley and whatnot you know so he's out of the race and uh Mickey Haley she's now polling higher than Vivec Ramaswami which is very significant now she could just get into the double digits you know she might be able to lose the primary um with an ounce of dignity but that seems very unlikely given the polling numbers that are out today amongst which uh Harris poll trump 68 to santa's nine uh decision desk poll trump 60 to santa's 11 so Ron to santa's in the higher polling is polling at 11% and he is the closest one to trump and everybody else is behind him and they are still pretending that there's a that there's a republican primary going on it's a little curious I'd say there's apparently another debate coming up this Wednesday I found that out because I turned on fox news this morning for change I I used to watch Fox News every single day I used to wake up and watch Fox and friends every morning I used to watch the evening nine up every night and then after they fly a tucker I kind of you know it's a little bit here a little bit there a little bit there a little here a little there and then I canceled my cable subscription and now I just you know I still have access to it through streaming matter of fact the way I still have access I'll even tell you the way I still have access to it is that on my on my parents cable account I still have an email address there like that I created you know 20 years ago more you know over 20 years ago I created an email address with my parents internet account and through that I'm able to log in as the cable provider to watch the fox news streaming channel right and so I have it I have a roco TV here and so I turn it on every once in a while and it was amazing to me this morning the whole one almost the entire morning they're talking about Israel they're still all warning talking about rape rape rape rape rape the hummus is raping people don't you oppose rape what's wrong with you don't you if you don't oppose Hamas then you must love rape don't you yeah okay well you know I've actually seen that nonsense pedal before by Democrats who are like oh the the Republicans are the rape party don't you know no I don't I'm not I'm not I'm not on board with the whole raping thing I'm totally against raping people you know I just don't want to keep on subsidizing a foreign ethos state to the detriment of my own country but you guys just talk about rape all morning and see where that gets you I don't know maybe maybe some more people will change the channel that's a distinct possibility but I was watching it and they're like oh the the Republican debate this Wednesday and I'm like really like there's a Republican debate has been coming up for weeks and I'm like I'm probably not the only person who figured this out today it's such a bore it's amazing what Donald Trump does to a political campaign is it you remember 2016 how how amazing was 2016 honestly what was that what was that noise what am I being warned of here I just got a beep something just beeped at me all right well anyway I was the same remember 2016 how much fun was that you're waiting for them to get on stage you know Trump's run around giving these speeches everybody's losing their minds over it you can't wait for them to get on the stage just smack these people around are you watching this stuff are you paying any attention to it I mean it's you know it's it's probably prudent to do I just got done saying that you know there the world's very complex place and we had Henry Kissinger at the house you know but like it's amazing how entertaining he made the process you know when you people tell you that Donald Trump didn't accomplish nothing that Donald Trump was you know failure yada yada yada he made it worth paying attention you know how many people are gonna vote in this election how many people voted in 2020 for that matter right we had supposedly record turnout in 2020 now I imagine that had to do with a lot of dead people the legal immigrants a bunch of people that were an eligible to vote a bunch of you know phantom voters there's probably a great deal with that probably you know 10 20 million of them maybe who knows but I do believe that you had record turnout in 2020 and I think that that was in no small part yeah I mean the you know the stakes of the election were obviously huge but more than that you know how many people were just completely disconnected from politics their whole life so a Donald Trump up there and was like oh my god I need to be totally involved in this politics thing and now he's like yeah I'm just I'm gonna win all right just you know shop on election day will be straight you know it's actually it completely changes the entire completely changes the entire thing two one seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and I'm more you tell the less I have to simply do give us a call and you know it's not just like that there's more republicans or that republicans are going to vote in greater numbers independent voters angry ones at that give Trump an edge over Biden in 2024 according to the I and I and TIP people this is over at issues insights dot com who will win the next presidential election of course no one knows since it's still 11 months off in the Democrats cheat he didn't say Democrats cheat I inserted that part but if the election were held today there would be a second term for president Donald Trump the latest I and I TIP people shows the national online poll taken from the November 29th to December 1st from among 1301 registered voters shows Trump would have slimmed two percentage points over president Joe Biden 41 to 39 the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points within the the margin of error notably there isn't a majority for either of the candidates among these those responding 13% opted for other while 7% said not sure and you know there was a whole movie about a guy by that name a total of 20% the total sample so while Trump has an edge there remains a lot of work to be done for both parties to bring the one in five voters who do not support their candidate back into the fold can it be done right now both presidential candidates draw fairly equal support for members of their own party Republicans for instance would vote 84% for Trump 5% for Biden 8% for the other with 3% not sure again that guy Democrats would go 81% for Biden 5% for Trump 8% for someone else and 5% not sure and they're all lying by the way you know oh yeah well you know I'm going to go there and I'll tell you what I'm going to go and I'm going to vote libertarian I'm going to vote green part no you're not shut up so who decides the election it comes down to just the two big candidates if it comes down to just the two big candidates Biden and Trump slugging it out the answer is simple independence they will hold the key to 2024's outcome and of course this is by no means like a profound political insight this is the whole entire point of politics you you know you have your base you know your base makes it possible for you to combine with the independent voter in order to win the presidency that's the whole entire point of a political party by the way right now independent strongly favor Trump over Biden 37% to 28% that's well outside to 4.9% margin of error for the independence but they also have big doubts and might well be a volatile component of the overall vote of the independence of large 22% Trump prefers other to the two major candidates while 13% are not sure and they you know that movie was great you should watch it there's a total of 35% of independence who are likely to make up around a third of all voters a virtual third part political party lacking only a written political platform for greater clarity the i and i t i p poll as a separate question about the presidential vote preference this one added specific names of three potential third party candidates to the mix Robert F Kennedy Jr. independent who tallies 11% of the overall vote and Cornell R West independent and Jill Stein Green Party who each get 2% and once they find out what Cornell West been doing with his money in his love life that's going to drop to like 5% even though it's two now which means he's going to get more votes ha the result while both major candidates have votes siphoned away by the third party names Biden is hurt worse Trump's lead over Biden widened to five points from two points from Trump's 41% to 39% lead when just the two candidates are listed this size of the lead expands 38 to 33 when the third party candidates are added so instead of taking votes from Trump as some recent polls have suggested it looks more like the opposite is true even a third party challenge from well known rfk will hurt Biden more than Trump what's more while Trump share of the all important independent vote shrinks to 32% with the third party candidates added Biden's plunges to just 19% only a percentage point ahead of rfk's 18% support among independence but who will run other than the small handful of declared third party candidates and who will win the all important primaries for both parties next for Republicans the answer remains trump even with six declared foes for the primary sees in trump garnered 61% of the total vote followed by south carolina governor niki hailey at 10% rod and dissenters at nine percent oh my god well that's interesting when they're saying ron dissenters is at nine that's that's niki hailey outpulling him that is fascinating double digits finicky hailey congratulations sweet hot you might just go ahead break the glass ceiling of the biggest loser you could you could lose you could be like the one who lost by the least amount that would be great that would be great for feminism author entrepreneur activist vivac rama swami at seven percent and new jersey governor christ christie north Dakota governor dug burglum and alaska former alaska governor arcan saw governor i should say alaska governor she's not in this thing this time arcan saw governor asa hudson all at one percent only two percent answered someone else Biden finds himself in a similar situation like trumpia 61% of support of voters in his party which is three percent going to house rep dean philips aminnesota and five percent to marry and williamsyn author and progressive activists just four percent said someone else but a hefty twenty six percent said not sure well what will happen if as many as expect trump has found guilty of one of the 91 counts in four separate indictments he now faces and what if as many expect Biden bows out of the race those issues will be addressed in the next release of the i and i t i p p poll data this week while i'm looking forward to that for sure but now it comes down to this both Biden and trump have commanding leads within their parties for the upcoming primaries as sports announcers like to say the games there's to lose for trump the negatives are high but that doesn't seem to phase his legions of loyal supporters only two percent gop primary voters say they want someone else while seven percent say they're not sure for a total of nine percent among independence voting in the republican contest only two percent say they want someone else while eleven percent say they're not sure a total of thirteen percent digging into the data Biden's numbers are far shakier well only two percent of them say they want someone else a significant 22 percent say they are not sure putting a quick big question mark over his strength of Biden support in short nearly a quarter want someone else or are uncertain and among independence voting in democrat primaries nine percent want someone other than Biden and a sizeable thirty nine percent are not sure as we noted earlier trump overall maintains a favorable thirty seven to twenty eight percent edge over Biden among all independence so despite the numerical closeness of the two candidates overall democrat party officials and activists are pushing the panic button these days over the prospect of Biden one running next year as t i p p insides recently pointed out Biden has a significant potential weakness in twenty one of the thirty six demographic categories covered by the t i p p presidential leadership index which has fallen sharply quote our analysis reveals that this greatest vulnerability lies in the midwest among individuals eighteen to twenty four moderates households with incomes under thirty thousand dollars and households into fifty to seventy five thousand dollar bracket t i p p insides said Biden also seeing Biden is also seeing flagging support among some Hispanics and African-American voters many of whom are considering voting non-democrat for the first time ever recent headlines in the mainstream media underscore the panic among democrats why is Biden losing support from people of color and this may be Biden's best hope of reversing his slide with black and brown voters CNN news from 2016 to 2020 exit polls show trump improved his share of the Hispanic vote from twenty eight to thirty two percent of the black vote for eight percent to twelve percent and the Asian vote from twenty nine to thirty one percent and looks on track to improve those numbers further in the current going in the current i and i t i p p poll trump gets fourteen percent among black americans thirty seven percent support from his spanics and forty four percent from women so democrats are now wondering will minority swim in independence defect from the Biden Dems and hand trump the presidency again i and i and t i p p publishers timely unique and informative data each month on topics of public interest t i p p's reputation for polling excellence comes from being the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections and that is the story from over at issues and insights i'm looking forward to that uh... that further data coming down to pipe them definitely looking forward to uh... see what they have to say i have a very difficult time imagining a bunch of people uh uh you know believing you know because i didn't happen last time obviously they're full of garbage these people you know what i was thinking when i said that don't you uh you know they're full of garbage when they tell you that uh that uh all these people voted for Biden in the first place they think you're gonna buy that twice they do not buy that they do not think that you're gonna believe that and so uh they're gonna uh they're gonna have uh they're gonna have a hard time on a hands convinced in anybody that's what's going on two one seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk less i have to so please do give us a call i'm gonna play a brief clip and i'll be right back but if somebody finds that you said something insensitive 20 years ago you'll never be heard from again now how could look if if i belong to a despised minority group i would so vastly prefer somebody who just says something insensitive about me 20 years ago to somebody who wants to bomb me like what are my missing here Chris well i think the first thing that we're missing is that this will not um you know expelled people from the world right the the fact of the battery is that what really jams people up with this is when they back pedal and apologize which i think is you know the worst thing that you can do when somebody calls you a racist they think the best thing you can say is so what now get on with your argument you know i you know people call me a racist and a sexist and a misogynist and a bigot and i'm like okay now make your point because all you did was launch an ad hominem attack at me you haven't even refuted anything i said you don't win the argument by doing this and i think if more people did that then you know these these attacks would really lose a lot of their steam you know me people have been trying to run me out of the liberty movement for for years now and uh i just didn't you know i people laugh at me for bragging about Alexa ranks but i just bypassed the free state project on top libertarian dot com i'm actually right below you right now mr was uh well how about that well lucky for you i'm too busy making run paul homeschool videos to be at full octane but but good for you i know good for you though i know that if you were if you were writing uh you know uh you know less important things than than the obviously very important work that you're doing right now that you'd be driving a great deal more traffic but still really good about seeing my name right next to yours on top libertarian dot com that is that really is uh that really is an accomplishment and what i like about it is that nobody to return to the privilege issue nobody handed you a thing to the contrary everybody try to take things or be like nobody said here everybody here's a platform where i'm going to introduce you to this guy now i i was lucky because i you know ron paul has promoted me to one degree or another and i've been with the mesa's institute for a number of years and that's been good for me but at the same time i'm not okay welcome back to surreal politics 217688 1433 you like to be on the program and uh if you'd like to be on the program go ahead get your call in now because if i don't if nobody gonna talk to me then i'm gonna call it a night in like five minutes so give me a call or uh or uh for rebel hold your piece well hold it until you know Wednesday or whatever let's see here let's see here let's see here 20 FBI agents dressed in tactical gear just rated the home of a peaceful j6er because of his online associations the excessive use of force against January six victims has reach levels that are so absurd that they're now in the realm of north korea s treatment it's clear that the regime is trying to send a message to anyone who dares to dissent if they step out alive meaning they don't bow down to the regime agenda the full force of the united states government will come crashing down on them and their families it's like a k gp tactic that is very powerful and rather all putting to americans who still appreciate love freedom this blatant abuse of power was on full display recently when 20 FBI agents dressed in tactical swatkier conducted a raid on the home of a peaceful January six participant who would simply walk through an open door at the capital the man was charged with a misdemeanor so why did the federal government deploy such over well-being force against this poor soul according to the authorities they justified this approach based on the associations this peaceful man had online in other words he likes people who think the wrong way according to not yahoo news this FBI this the FBI this week and rated the home of a Los Angeles based actor who is among a group of right wing protesters who entered the capital on January six authority said about 20 agents armed and outfitted with tactical gear rated the north hollywood home of seeaka shortly shortly before six a m according on Thursday according to a source familiar with the investigation public records list brion berks forty two with the same address berks did not return to call for comment but his ex-wife level mendoza confirmed berks was briefly detained by federal authorities mendoza said their two sons ages three and seven where at berks's home when it was rated my heart breaks mendoza said Saturday they had to see the big guns and I just think I wasn't there to console them the raid took place because of the two men's associations on a social media app according to the law enforcement source no further details of the raid were provided it was unclear whether msok masakoye was arrested and released masakoye did not return calls from the times for comment mendoza said berks called her around six a m the day of raid and said he needed to drop the kids off I knew that something was bad something bad had to happen for him to just abruptly call me she said I support him in doing what he believes in I don't agree with everything I just don't want my kids to be in the crossfire an instagram video posted on his account at chief americano after the raid uh in an instagram video posted to his instagram account chief americano after the raid masakoye said quote I did nothing wrong on january six did nothing violent videos posted on social media from january six showed him inside the capital building masakoye is an actual actor known for playing bit uh bit parts on various shows in addition he has worked for the babelon being daily wire so it makes you wonder who exactly are these so-called dangerous associations of his masakoye also recorded himself at an anti-vaccine protest and played a prominent role in one movement to recall gavin newsome so it's pretty obvious why he's considered public enemy number one and why the regime is intent on destroying him and making an example of him to deter others from dissenting against the regime as disconcerting as the situation may be it should serve as an inspiration for everyone to dissent even more after all that's exactly what this country was built upon challenging the establishments narrative and rebelling against the crooked system the current issue is that when you swim against the tide you frequently treated as though you were domestic terrorists treating a SWAT team response that's a truly frightening situation in front however what's even more alarming is living under constaterity from a government that should fear the people and not the other way around and so I will go ahead I'm going to start to wrap up today's show today I'll tell you a couple interesting things you may know I'm on uh something called supervised release I had a period of time where I often euphemistically say that I lacked internet access is how I usually frame this but actually what happened was I went to a place called prison and when you get out of prison in the federal system you typically have what's known as a supervised release which is a form of probation and so I was released in a custody of the United States government as of December 19th 2022 and we are approaching the one year anniversary of that release and you're welcome to celebrate by sending me money or whatever if you catch it lots of information on that at slash donate a christopher can't slash donate and I will I'm trying to make it very easy to pay me for those of you who are interested in doing that so uh you know I get I get sent part of the sentences I get two two years of supervised release and uh it is made aware that you that I have the ability to um make a motion with the court to terminate that supervision uh halfway through which will be uh in a mere uh two weeks from tomorrow so I get a hold of my public defender and I say hey uh I don't know if like you still represent me or whatever um I'm not a whole lot richer than uh the day we met but uh you know you know I I have no idea how to go about doing this and if you want to help me out with that that'll be swell so they get back to me and I say okay well you know let's talk to you PO about this and I'm thinking that this is going to go over fine because you know my relationship with my PO is basically non-existent I send this guy an email once a week and uh and he does not uh tend to reply and so I have the United States government uh you know they have this interesting interesting me say where they they really they really don't like me very much and I understand why because you know I'm a thought in their side but they happen to like no very well that I'm not a criminal and so you know they they they find limited utility and constantly you know pestering me say they're looking for excuses to make my life difficult and to feel with my business but you know these things are few and far between thankfully and so my my my public defender my PD is in touch with the PO and uh the PD and the PO have a conversation and he says wow it's a matter of fact you know I'm I'm the guy for the intense supervision because you know he's a special case special case indeed now he's gonna get back to him or whatever the PD said to me if the PO is on board then it's then it's rare to go and then he's like well you know I don't know about that and so I said him an email I'm like hey I can't get you to respawn I can't get you to supervise me when I ask for you help I ask you questions I try to get you to interview I try to get you involved in my life and you just don't answer my emails you're gonna tell me that I require supervision but I can't even get you to talk to me upon request get out of here so that's a state of that we're gonna find out pretty soon where that goes now if I'm successful that means I can go wherever I want in two weeks and if you don't already know the only reason I'm a new hamster is because I'm compelled to be you know I was supposed to go to a different state when I got home and that state was like uh I don't want to deal with you and so they were like yeah you're going to do hamster I was like hey you guys I did I've been talking about this in my case manager at the prison for two years what are you talking about that I'm going to new hamster I my whole life is planned in another state they're like yeah tough titties kid you're going to new hamster and I'm like okay well fly you know I moved to new hamster in 2012 because I want to get a carry permit new york was not big on that kind of thing you know but you know you go to prison for a little while carry permit is a very limited utility say very difficult to obtain for that matter if I were caught walking around with a carry permit somebody might ask me some questions about how I've tainted say and so you know I'm like well what am I doing in new hamster and the answer is SFA you know my best friend here you know he just got sent in state is in prison he's sitting at the Merrimack County Correctional Facility getting waiting to get transferred to a federal facility you know all he did was sell some Bitcoin he wasn't trying to trick voters into voting by text you know he didn't do nothing that serious and so you know they don't want they won't let him have no bail pending sentence and he's on his way to prison for the next state is so what am I supposed to do over here except sit here talk to y'all you know to the extent that you guys bother pick up the phone and do that just kidding I you know I'm happy to talk you guys just listen it's fine at point being you know my whole life is on hold while I'm sitting in his place I just want to get I just want to go get the heck out of new hamster you know used to be a very beautiful place to keep all messing it up and I'm out as well you know get around a little bit so see what happens with that in me a two weeks for tomorrow will be a little bit closer to knowing and if it works out you know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be looking to get in the car come eat some of you and I think that that'll be a lot of fun you know I think that some people ever have blocked about it's curious you know that you know some folks don't don't feel like talking to me you know and it's one thing they y'all don't want to pick up the phones another thing when you know I'm looking forward to making myself very difficult to ignore say you know I'm a lot of easy to ignore while I'm sitting here and new in Manchester to hamster then I would be if I was traveling the country as I used to be known to do I used to do a lot of traveling you might know and so I'm looking forward to doing that again and if you want to you know be part of the stops when I when I get to it you know we should we should hook up you should send me an email slash contact there's other ways to get hold of me most you know you just reply to my emails you're on my email list right Christopher can't well done that slash subscribe will get you there and if you're not getting my emails go block at your email provided because I'm sending them if you're on Yahoo or if you're on spectrum go tell those idiots that they're blocking the emails that you signed up for and let them know that they're ripping you off that you're paying for email and they're ripping you off let them know I'm serious go tell your email provider hey I signed up for emails from Christopher can't well done that and your bouncing him he's trying to get a hold of you you're not responding to him straighten this out or I'm going to go get I'm going to go get files or something let them know and you know what in the meantime what you also should do because you shouldn't trust these people with your email anyway go over to slash get PM GETPM like pro time mail then you get a you get a free pro time mail account you could pay them if you want if you do I get a cut of sale but you know you get it for free you go do that and then your email will be encrypted you know the FBI will have a more difficult time reading it because they like to do that there a bunch of spies and crooks over there and they rip people off along with your internet service provider so you get to email you you send me an email you listen to the show you send me some money slash donate Christopher can't well done it slash donate you got the eam is unwish list you got my cash app gifts and go all that stuff it's really easy to pay me and you should definitely do it and I'm also easy to talk to so let's get a hold we'll meet up you know we'll have a Tio whatever big of time right if not you catch me Wednesday I'll be cursing up to storm Friday you know how we do this 9 30 Monday Wednesday Friday one platform another follow me on telegram if you figure out the stupid apple dang use your web browser you're on Android download the thing from telegram dot org don't let the google play store decide who you can talk to take control of your life you know what I mean don't let these people tell you who you can listen to thanks for tuning in I'll see you soon thank you maybe next time for your $3 tip we have gay mirage and transvestites in charge and helping government we are mutulating our children and telling them that they can be whatever they feel like this we