And I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 276881433 as soon as I get done with that. But before I get started with the monologue, of course, gotta play that intro music. Scotty Jam Jam's fantastic, beautiful, amazing, surreal politics intro. And I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 276881433 and I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 276881433. Again, I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 276881433 and I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 276881433. And I'm looking forward to taking your calls to 2868814. Alright, welcome to the Real Politics. So, December 18, 2023, in the current year. It's a Monday as usual, 930, just a little bit past 930, but considering all things considered, that's pretty good for today. This is stage 1, episode 39. I titled this gravity on account of something I kind of experienced very early this morning. I had occasion early this morning to chat face to face with a white female smoker of retirement age. I had a long overdue issue to address and made my way to do it at what might be described as the last minute. This had led me in the unenviable position of operating an electric scooter during a December hailstorm in New Hampshire pre-dawn. As a brief aside, my electric scooter has many benefits, most notably as a conversation starter. When I found myself lacking internet access in the year 2020, I was deprived of a very nice car as a consequence. That upset me for a time, but the chats I've had since might well make up for the loss. The woman was appropriately nervous to see the approach her at the hour I did, given the neighborhood. It wasn't always like that in New Hampshire, but it makes perfect sense today. Our conversation began as I departed another building and she realized I was not a threat to her safety. The woman had remarked about the unpleasantness I must be facing as she smoked what was likely her fifth cigarette outside of her apartment building, which I gathered with something of a retirement community. She said to me something to the effect she hoped I was carrying a firearm to be traveling by these means in this city after dark. Having been wrongly deprived of the means to do so lawfully, this triggered no pun intended, an emotional response from me. I looked at her and I saw she was fearful of a place I had moved to 11 years ago precisely to escape these thoughts. This had followed serendipitously my having occasion earlier this morning to listen to a piece I had released some time ago titled Beauty Revisited, wherein I discussed at some length the sadness of witnessing New Hampshire's decline. I heard my own voice simultaneously with hers in my mind. I saw the lines in her face convey all that her words fail to mention. Doing my best to appeal to a global audience, I don't catch much local news. I came to know this morning that this is likely for the best. She remarked that in the last six months there have been many rapes in my city and this elderly smoker feared she might well be next if she dared to leave her porch after dark. It's a terrible shame I was not carrying a recorder with me at the time. I suppose I could have used my phone, but in any case I'm sure she'd have found it off putting had I began recording whatever the equipment involved. I disclosed to her that I was not long out of prison and that the circumstances which found me there my offense at something set of a woman I cared deeply for had left me to probe to my carry permit that I was but that I was more than capable of defending myself. The fury I felt at hearing her words and searing the fear in her eyes. The fury I felt at hearing her words and seeing the fear in her eyes left me in a position where I might well have gone looking for the opportunity to test that capacity. Our conversation about the intentional effort to change the state's demographics went on for nearly an hour ice pellets pummeled the ground nearby. She was no extremist but her age had not yet taken her sight she knew what was going on everybody in this city does. They're not they're doing this to us on purpose out of an anti white ethnic animus and the only thing anyone finds curious at this point is why they hate us so much. I thought better than to try and explain that part under the circumstances but I invited her to check out my podcast and as I departed I thanked her for the opportunity to hear her speak of her concerns. This city has some odd traffic patterns which can be confusing at times the municipal government has a deal with some company to make electric scooters publicly available using a smartphone app so their use is quite common in this area. I wanted to make sure I operated mine lawfully of course so when I obtained it I'd spoken to an officer at the local police department who explained to me that I was to obey the same laws as a bicycle essentially drive on the right side of the road no riding on the sidewalks use the bike lanes were available don't go the wrong way down to one way street most pertinently to our story. Where I found myself at that hour there is what I suppose could be described as something of a plaza as a consequence of this unusual circumstance there are several blocks where one cannot by vehicle reach Elm Street where most of the shopping and restaurants and bars are located. I needed to cross Elm Street to get home and I was not used to being on this side of Elm Street from what I see in my neighborhood I tend to think that I live on the wrong side of the proverbial tracks though there is no train here. But as the ice bounced off my face while I tried to find my way in the dark I began to wonder if things may be worse this side of Elm Street that seemed a reasonable assumption since the woman mentioned to me there was a methadone clinic near feet from her door. As thrown off by several blocks all going one way the same way opposite of the direction I needed to go. Consequent of this confusion is caused. Consequent of the confusion is caused. I traversed a parking lot and in that parking lot I saw two young girls wearing pink soaked though they were from the weather I was sure the two of them together weighed less than I Fresh off chatting with this elderly smoker who feared she might be raped feet from her own porch. I damn near grab the both of them and ask why their parents shouldn't be in prison for allowing this assuming they were not already there for pipping them out which I don't suppose is an entirely safe assumption. Intuition told me my probation officer would disagree with this approach so I did my best to ignore it. I'm forced to do entirely too much of this in recent months. Among those things have had to ignore a series of domestic disputes in which it was cleared to be by the sounds penetrating a thin shared wall that a black man high on drugs is beating his white girlfriend. The first time I heard it mere days out of prison myself I plotted the man's murder in my mind. By the third I blamed the woman and this of course caused me to hold myself in greater contempt than I had for the both of them. I'm combined quite the monster must I be to think such a thing of course had I only not been a coward when I heard it the first time she'd be just fine. I told myself knowing full well the opposite was true. I remark from time to time that I'm grateful to have suffered in life. It borders on a catchphrase that I say there is opportunity and suffering and this has never been more true than as I have witnessed what become the what has become of this city. I like to think I'm in touch with what these people are going through and whether or not that is accurate. I know that I at least feel their pain. This brings me nothing that could be described as comfort but I'm very grateful for it. I don't think most political actors have this benefit whether or not this elderly smoker feel safe is less important than per capita crime rates and comparisons with comparable districts. The fear of a retired woman that she might be raped by drug addicts can be offset by the good they tell themselves they have done by saving those drug addicts from overdose would cheap and abundant Narcan. The woman told me that she was planning to leave the city and though I remarked to her that they are eventually going to leave us with nowhere to run. I knew this was a sound choice for her. She could surely head north and avoid the worst of it all in a more rural area passing of natural causes before they get around to leveling whatever mountain she's been. She opts to reside upon and turning the area into low income housing and more methadone clinics. I imagine the people who run this city view this mathematically the loss of one retiree use a small price to pay for an increase in overall population through refugee resettlement and the subsidies that accompany this. I do not know all the details of the mechanics but it is very clear to me that Massachusetts is dumping their drug addicts in this city as a government program. And the federal government is releasing prisoners here who are not New Hampshire residents of the time of their arrest. It is as unambiguous as any government program has ever been in its effort to change the demographics of this once nearly all white state. They went so far as to brag about this in the New York Times several years ago. I archived and bookmarked the piece for its staggering audacity. The July 2018 headline reads New Hampshire 94% white asks how do you diversify a whole state. It seems they found a way several as it were refugee resettlement abundant services for out of state drug addicts becoming home to federal prisoners down on their luck. These are just a few of the methods deployed. Southern New Hampshire University is also very near to me. I remember on a trip to Walmart in September I noticed the store was busier than usual and near all of the extra shoppers were black. I asked my friend who drove me there what the hell was going on and she informed me that it likely had to do with the kids arriving for college. But I have known more than a few black people in my 43 years they do not aspire generally to migrate to colder climates. If the university has a dramatic overrepresentation of black students this is because they have gone to some expense making it so. I'm aware that to notice this makes me some kind of dreaded racist but I was somewhat relieved to know that this retiree saw it near as clear as I did. Should she and I end up in the same place in the afterlife I'll tolerate the heat if I must but I have a difficult time imagining a just a god would punish this woman. I'm another story obviously but I'll consider my sins quite forgiven if I bump into her after I die. 217-688-1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call. Let's go check on our chance here. I'm sad our friends at GoiMTV doesn't seem to be working over there today. I did set up the stream so if they come back online before we're done here today then they will be able to catch up with us. Number to call is 217-688-1433 you'd like to be on the program and I'd love to hear from you. I'm going to pull up real quick let me go grab this I'm going to play a clip and I'll come right back. If you're bare with me what do you. Not that one hang on a second. This is this is longer than I usually play for a clip but I'm going to do it anyway I'll be back in a minute. Good to be with all of you today. I hope you're doing all right. I hope you had a nice weekend. I myself I had a troubling experience over the weekend. You know I'm not I'm not complaining but I thought it was worth sharing with you because I think it helps provide so much needed perspective on what's important in our politics. You know I've always found this phenomenon of this so-called single-issue voter kind of silly you don't mean. Even if it is understandable. Well it is of course understandable in the extreme that people care deeply for some things more than others and can hardly be expected to understand all the intricacies of the government's many tentacles. I have long held in contempt those who are so blinded by this are that pet project that they come to embody this cliche of missing the forest for the trees. The libertarians as they do in so many contexts provide a helpful warning poster here. The libertarian project is vast in its scope but narrow in its perceptions. You could hardly describe them as single-issue voters since they want to completely reorder society but they aim to do so along this spectrum of more or less government without much concern for all that that entails. Since the world is decidedly more complex than this their ideas cease to correspond with reality and eventually you come to see from them the grotesque things we become accustomed to seeing. I'm not even sure like it warrants mentioning any more egalitarianism it's just it's just fake at this point but you know we'll give it a dry buy. They're seething anti-white racial animus forating as a desire to help the downtrodden had had a surprisingly long run I might say but there are no longer any true believers in the inherent equality of man if any ever did exist. There are those that oppose this fraud and those who coercively demand that people ascent to their lies and operate as if they were true even knowing that they're not. There is no longer any effort to convince people it is purely coercive and unapologetically so but whatever the reality this dimension of our politics where in the government is good or bad to the extent that all of its citizens own the same amount and quality of stuff well with lunacy like that pervasive for so long as hardly anyone or that libertarianism briefly looked respectable to some one of the things I've really liked seeing in recent years is outraged parents not that I'm glad that they're unhappy surely I would prefer that they were happy and right to be so I should hope that that would go without saying but since a parent would have to be terribly uninformed to be content with what's going on in the world these days their outrage is preferable to their acquiescence. These people are not ideologues with notable exceptions among them there is no consensus on the appropriate level or method of taxation the demographic patterns are tough to miss but it's not fundamentally ethnocentric many of them couldn't tell you what it means to be right wing or left wing much less with they care to be so categorized they have a rather simple if expansive demand they want what is best for their kids and truth be told most of them have not the biggest idea what that is but when they see people doing things that are obviously intended to harm their children the outrage is immediate and widespread and not at all subject to containment ideologues see this and they're like oh heck yeah discontented people I can go try to infect them with my mind virus and this does not work out well for them doesn't whether it's leftists telling them they need more diversity or libertarians telling them they need less government or nationalist blaming the Jews the parents quite appropriately say get away from me weirdo I just want these lunatics to leave my child alone and from this experience I have learned not to trust ideologues if you want a measurement of good government it would be making those people happy without lying to them the government that does that will last a thousand years and all of its errors will be forgiven quite promptly if you have ideological goals and you want to accomplish them this is not to say that you cannot do so you just have to fit it into that little framework but ideologues have trouble accomplishing this because their motives are at odds with those of the people who support they require to enact them they're so stuck in their own heads and social circles that they lose track of what normal people want they speak in jargon and associate with like minds and treat non ideologues as suspects they are simply put part of the problem these parents have identified with society even when it is their rival ideological sex causing the problem at the center of a given moments outrage few things have outraged parents more or more rightly than the atrocities carried out the name of COVID-19 I remember watching this masking lunacy on TV from jail and then from prison and joking with guys inside that the people outside the walls had it worse than us and later on I came to realize that might not be such a funny joke after all among the thing now you can listen to that full segment if you like it's a stage one episode 27 the name of that episode was of some consequence and it's worth listening to I actually I published that clip to telegram I don't think I've actually put the the isolated clip with my my edits in it to the RSS feeds I got to do that and I will I will get around to doing that feel free to remind me you know last night I went on I was doing I talked on the prior episode of been doing his game streaming stuff had a bit of fun last night I went I started to play a mortal combat 11 on the Sony PlayStation with the voice chat and I started to get a little bit discouraged by this because I was like nobody's talking and then I I ended up in the middle of the match this woman start talking to me this girl really and I had a pretty funny conversation with her I have to cut the clip out all uploaded separately from the stream she tells me that she's in Canada and I says oh well I'm sorry to hear that you should move to America and marry a podcaster because apparently I haven't learned my lesson about proposing to young Canadian women over the internet but we actually had a pretty good talk she told me that she was on her way to college and I counseled her against that and we had a pretty productive conversation about it she explained to me that there's not many people voice chatting on that game and there's actually not that many people playing it anymore because the new mortal combat has come out mortal combat one and sadly they don't make this for the PlayStation 4 and I was kind of upset about this but I went I found they do have it for the Nintendo Switch so I bought it for the Nintendo Switch last night and a fella I think he calls himself I am Winston in the Odyssey chat thank you very much sir he he covered my expense of the game and my expense for the for the Nintendo Switch on the Nintendo online membership whatever the name of that is so that I can play the game online infuriatingly it does not appear that I can do the voice chat with the Nintendo Switch on Mortal Kombat 1 I can do it on Mortal Kombat 11 if I use their dumb smartphone app but it doesn't appear that you have the capacity to voice chat on the Mortal Kombat 1 for the Nintendo Switch so today I went and I bought Mortal Kombat 1 for Steam and apparently I can I can play that on there I did some game streams I played the first on all oxa game the one where you're like you're like a Hamasca fighting the Israelis and the the stream did it come out so well I ended up redoing it because there was like every time I go to change my screen going from full screen to whatever the adjustment in the the display settings calls as the damn broadcaster app to crash I can fix that by broadcasting from a different computer than I'm then I'm playing the game on and I'll do that and so I think that we're going to have a lot of fun with this if there's people talking on Mortal Kombat 1 and I can chat with them while I play like I'll play Mortal Kombat like this is what I if you if you've heard me talk about it before you know that's what I used to play in the 90s I played Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 for hours on end with my friends and you know my girlfriend used to hate it or whatever but apparently there's a lot of people playing that game online I played a few rounds on the Nintendo Switch the Nintendo Switch is a piece of garbage by the way like if you're thinking about buying a game system just rule out buying a Nintendo Switch don't do it you know it's like 300 bucks you know and it was 300 bucks when it came out years ago and it's still 300 bucks and the thing sucks so don't buy a Nintendo Switch if you're thinking about buying a game system don't do that you you will come to regret it and all of the games that you invest in will be a waste of your money you're better off either you know buying playing on the PC or getting a PlayStation or something but they don't have Mortal Kombat 1 for the PlayStation 4 they only have it for the PlayStation 5 which is ridiculous because if you have if you could play it on the Nintendo Switch you can definitely play it on the PlayStation 4 like the PlayStation 4 hardware is obviously capable of managing this game if it's able to play on the Nintendo Switch and the game play on the Nintendo Switch is absolutely awful and so I'm like it's completely ridiculous but anyway why does the Switch suck if you have ever I don't know how to explain it like I have Mortal hey let me put it this way I have Mortal Kombat 11 on the Switch and on the PlayStation 4 and to go from those two games from one system to the other it's completely it's a completely different experience the controls are you know I mean you could buy a different controller as a matter of fact I just ordered another controller for the Switch that more closely resembles the PlayStation controller but the the the game doesn't move as quickly the graphics are not as good visually to look at to look at the screen going from the PlayStation to the Switch in a matter of minutes the image itself is dramatic and the speed of the gameplay is different and like you know you're playing a fighting game it's like fast moving you know if your system is slower than the other guy you know frames win games is the Nvidia slogan right like they're trying to sell you these video cards because you know they want to obviously want to make more money and sell you the higher end equipment right and so they're you know working with the game developers and they say frames win games frames per second being the idea you know and it I kind of tend to discount that is like marketing language I'm like you know how much how much difference can the video card make in your gameplay if it shows the damn image on the screen you got to be able to play the game right but that is is really not true I'm I'm coming to realize it's it's not the same thing and so I think it Tony in the chat says damn it MK 11 doesn't have PC cross play I wanted to fight you it does it not I know that you can't chat with people on PC I don't know if you if it doesn't have you can't play each other you can't fight each other on there that's interesting I was under the impression I know that you could play like I know that not everybody I played was on PlayStation like when you play somebody on a PlayStation it shows the PlayStation logo not with ps4 versus PC all right well well you know the the other thing is this like honestly it's it's a funny idea to like play Mortal Kombat on the PC especially I have this I've mentioned this before I have this like programmable keyboard here like if I can go and program in combos and stuff like that and I just hit that thing and it gets the move off every single time like I'm gonna be deadly in that game and so you know I would I might I might well go ahead and purchase MK 11 for the PC as well like but if you can't I don't know in any case I know Mortal Kombat 1 has cross play you can definitely play against other players on on Mortal Kombat 1 I got that for $69 today and I'm gonna do it I'm definitely gonna play that game and so what the girl said to me and who knows how accurate it is you know she was basically like yeah if you were playing Mortal Kombat 1 on the PC well if you she's that if you were playing Mortal Kombat 1 there'd be people playing you'd be able to talk to them so I was like okay you know I'll go do that right now I tried to do on the Switch it was a nightmare and so I bought on the PC and I'm looking forward to doing that the game streaming stuff man you know I didn't you know I was kind of I still am a little bit skeptical of it but like I said if I could talk to people I think that's a thing worth doing I got the the PlayStation the PlayStation Plus premium subscription so like I get access to all of the PlayStation games and now I just bought the Nintendo Switch Online thing and now I have the Mortal Kombat for PC and so I think that's gonna be a lot of fun just you know just to be able to talk to people in the games and you know if I get in Mortal Kombat I can play competently Tony says I'm cheating if I use my programmable keyboard and yes that's probably true but you know that's their fault for not letting me play it on the PlayStation 4 you know and so they get what they they get what they deserve you know if they're not gonna give me the PlayStation 4 game there's no reason to do it there's no legitimate excuse to make me to to probably be a playing on the PlayStation 4 it's just if you could play it on the Switch you could play it on the 4 if you're looking to stream definitely use PC and Steam use the site is there any deal dot com to find the best prices for sure I guess I'll look into that site that bargain site and I hope that you're referencing like the the games themselves because I mean I have the equipment already like what I'm thinking about I'm gonna do is that you know when I did when I streamed when I streamed Counter Strike I was basically my my broadcasting application has what's known as a game source that it'll actually take the game video directly from the PC if you're streaming on the same computer as the one that you're playing the game on I'm not gonna do that in the future because you know it's demanding on the computer to stream it's demanding on the computer to do the background removal of my camera it's demanding on the computer to play the game and so I'm actually gonna start streaming from a different computer than I'm playing the game on but I have the video capture card so like I can play the game output the video and then basically use that the output to to another thing and do it that way um wow damn bro you should get a refund for mk1 and buy it on cd keys dot com for 3299 well yeah I should have done that probably that's unfortunate I'm gonna have to keep that in mind yeah it sounds like I did overpay for this theme version well you know if I can talk to people in the game I'll make up for it you know I was I was furious when I started talking this girl last night like I was really into the conversation I started I mentioned you know when I talked or I started off as it oh I was kind of you know have joking like oh you're Canadian I'm sorry to hear that you should move to America marry a podcaster and you know it's it's unfortunate when you start off with a joke marriage proposal because you know if 20 minutes later you decide that you want to make a real one you know you've you've kind of ruined it that's kind of what happened last night she told me she was like just about to start going into college and uh as I counseled her again that she ended up bringing up pizza gate unsolicited and I was like well yeah you know I don't know if they're all running out of a pizza shop or whatever but they definitely uh you know the governments run by a bunch of petal files this is what happens when you allow certain people to control your financial system and uh so that was kind of funny I got to talk to another guy like a German guy he didn't speak English very well but uh he complimented me on my gameplay and uh it was pretty funny I tried to talk to him about immigration he's like oh my English isn't very good I'm like you know what immigration is you might be afraid to talk about it but you know what I'm talking about he he laughed and and did not respond further and I was like okay well I'm gonna move on then but you know that was definitely the case he understood what I was saying but he he was afraid he's gonna get in trouble if he spoke about it honestly because that's what life is like in Germany now so 217 688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and I'm all you told the less I have to use so please do give us a call let's go look at some news here um apparently you know good news for the gays I guess because the Catholic church you know which the gays are all about the Catholic church you know and so the the Catholic church really wants to try to cater to them apparently and Pope Francis formally approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples bevatican announced on Monday a radical shift in policy that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintaining its strict ban on gay marriage I don't think that you've done that actually but while the Vatican statement was heralded by sums a step toward breaking down discrimination in the Catholic church some LGBTQP plus advocates warned it underscored the church's idea that gay couples remain inferior to heterosexual partnerships the couple from the document from the Vatican's doctrine office it elaborates in on a letter francis sent to two conservative cardinals that was published in October in that preliminary response francis suggested said such blessings could be offered under some circumstances if the blessings weren't confused with the ritual of marriage the new document repeats that condition and elaborates on it reaffirming that marriage is a life-long union between a man and a woman and it stresses that blessings in question must not be tied to any specific Catholic celebration or religious service and should not be conferred at the same time as a civil union ceremony more over the blessing cannot use set rituals or even involve the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding but it says request for blessings for same-sex couples should not be denied it offers an extensive and broad definition of the term blessing in scripture to insist that people seeking a transcendent relationship with God and looking for his love and mercy shouldn't be held up to an impossible moral standard to receive it for those seeking a blessing should not be required to have prior moral perfection it said there is no intention to legitimize anything but rather to open one's life to God to ask for his help to live better and also to invoke the Holy Spirit so that values of the gospel may be lived with greater faithfulness it added the document marks the latest gesture of outreach from a pope who has made welcoming lgbtqp plus catlicks a hallmark of his papacy from his 2013 quip who am I to judge about a purportedly gay priest to his twenty twenty three and comment to the associated press that being homosexual is not a crime frances has distinguished himself from all of his predecessors with his message of welcome the significance of this news cannot be overstated said frances debar d burnardo of new ways ministry which supports lgbtqp plus catflix it is one thing to formally approve same gender blessings which he had already pastorally permitted but to say that people should not be subjected to an exhaustive moral analysis to receive God's love and mercy as an even more significant step the Vatican holds that marriage is an indesoluble union between a man and a woman as a result it has long opposed same sex marriage and considers homosexual acts to be intrinsically disordered nothing in the new document changes that teaching except for the fact that they're blessing it and in twenty twenty one the Vatican's congregation for the doctrine of the faith said flat out that the church couldn't bless unions of two men or two women because god cannot bless sin well you don't say that twenty twenty one pronouncement created an outcry and appeared to a blindsided frances even though he had technically approved its publication soon after it was published he removed the official responsible for it and set about laying the groundwork for a reversal in the new document the Vatican said the church must avoid doctrinal or disciplinary schemes especially when they lead to narcissistic and authoritarian elitism whereby instead of evangelizing one analyzes and classifies others because you know we wouldn't want to be judging anybody because you know that's not that's not that's not what god's about god doesn't judge people contrary to popular opinion it said ultimately a blessing is about helping people increase their trusting god it is a seed yeah that's a seed all right of the holy spirit that must be nurtured come on what I just I'm sorry I just lost my place here um now it must be nurtured not hindered it stresses that people in irregular unions of extra marital sex gay or straight are in a state of sin but it said that it shouldn't deprive them of god's love or mercy even when a person's relationship with god is clouded by sin he could always ask for a blessing stretching out his hand to god the document said thus when people ask for a blessing it exhausted moral analysis should not be placed as a precondition for conferring it the Reverend James Martin who advocates for a greater welcome for LGBTQP plus Catholics um prays a new document as a huge step forward in a dramatic shift from the Vatican's 2021 policy along with many Catholic priests I will now be delighted to bless my friends in same sex marriages he sent in an email traditionalist however we're outraged the traditionalist blogger Luigi Castellini of Mast Mesa in Latino Latin Mass blog wrote that the document appeared to be a form of heresy the church is crumbling he wrote University of Notre Dame theological a theologian all-rich Leonard was also concerned saying it would merely so confusion and could lead to the division to division within the church the Vatican's statement is in my view the most unfortunate public announcement in decades he said in a statement more over some bishops will use it as a pretext to do with the document explicitly for bids especially since the Vatican has not stopped them before it is I hate to say it an invitation to schism Ramon Gomez in charge of human rights for the movement for homosexual integration and liberation group in Chile said the statement was a step forward breaking down discrimination in the church and could help lgbtqp plus people in countries even where civil unions are not legal but he said the document was belated and contradictory and specifying a non ritualized blessing that cannot be confused marriage such a mixed message he said thus once again gives the signal that same sex couples are inferior to heterosexual couples I think that's kind of the the idea yeah as a matter of fact when they're calling it sin the the church actually does view that as inferior to living a you know healthy life that's kind of the idea behind the whole concept of sin the Vatican admonition to refrain from codifying any blessing or prayer appeared to be a response to phlems speaking bishops in Belgium who last year proposed a text for a prayer for same sex couples that included prayers scriptural readings and expressions of commitment in germany individual priests have been blessing same sex couples for years as part of a progressive trend in the German church in September several Catholic priests held a ceremony blessing same sex couples outside cologne cathedral to protest the city's conservative archbishop cardinal reiner maria wellekki the head of the german bishops conference welcome the document this means that a blessing can be given to couples who do not have the opportunity to marry in church for example due to divorce and to same sex couples bishop george betzing said in a statement the practice of the church knows a variety of forms of blessing it is good that this treasure for the diversity of lifestyles is now being raised in the united states reverend john ulsterly a a catholic priest and hospital chaplain in pizzerke said many priests would probably not be open to offering such a blessing but he welcomed franceses action i think the pope has learned to accept people like god made them he said on monday when i was growing up the assumption was that god made everyone straight what we have learned is that that is not true and accepting people as god made them and if jesus is primary teaching is that we should love and serve one another in the community i think that's what gives Pope frances the openness to god's presence in those relationships the church of england on sunday announced a similar move allowing clergy to bless the unions of same sex couples who had civil weddings or partnerships but it still bans church weddings for same sex couples and so yeah i think the idea behind yeah we're not gonna have you get married we're not going to call your relationship a marriage or actually going to explicitly call it sin and just say that we're gonna sort of endorse the sin because you know we wouldn't want to uh we want to want to upset anybody yeah that's actually explicitly saying that the the same sex couple is inferior to the married man and woman who get married and have a family it's the whole entire point of the enterprise that's the whole entire point of marriage actually and so uh they don't want to admit that though because you know it's not okay to tell the truth these days you you you go have a conversation with god apparently and then you're like okay look we got to we got to worry about what people got to say about us so we got to kind of play this off and then god's like okay well you know look i told you not to like you know bare-faw swittish or whatever but this kind of a different situation because we understand what will happen to your credit card processing if you go against these people so you do whatever you have to do pal two on seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program animal you told the less I have to so please do give us a call that's pretty funny but i'm not gonna read on the chat um let's see yeah this one now i'm gonna do that should i do this should i do this should i do this you know i guess i might as well i you know i've been i've been try i've been i've made a nautical effort to sort of like not put myself in the center of this thing but you know it's impossible for me not to notice it you know i mentioned on the uh a not so long ago member chat i i ended up releasing the um one of the segments from it where i titled it a history of uh trs and the radical agenda i sort of talked about the history between me and these guys uh at this uh outfit called the right stuff that bills and they had at some point gone and created this thing called the national justice party which i was not a big fan of if you know anything about me if you've been paying attention to the visho um you understand that i think that third party politics are uh at in the best case scenario there a joke there a frivolity and it's not something that serious people can afford to indulge in um but they basically started this thing and you know i'm sure they had their motives but it wasn't a particularly good idea in my view and it looks like the thing is coming apart and you know there's uh you know mixed feelings about you know what that entails and what that means but their telegram channel has been taken over by a guy that they fired basically and he's been you know trying to basically embarrass the people who remain and so there's not anything on their official website describing what's going on they haven't bothered to do that but a guy calls himself mike enoc he has a telegram channel where he posted today and on that channel he mentioned something that reference coming up with what to do next after the njp so i gather that this constitutes as close as i've seen to an official announcement of that party's dissolution and on account of this we might safely operate on that assumption so with respect to our friends over there whatever you do don't make the same mistake twice i posted to telegram earlier third party politics is an absolute joke in the united states it will remain so until after the constitution is completely rewritten and the guys over there have the intellect and knowledge of political mechanics to understand that they possessed this understanding while they made statements to the contrary and this is harm their credibility with well-meaning people who once held them in very high regard if if you understand what happened over there it is unambiguously the fault of a guy called Eric striker okay Eric striker is anxious to take credit for that catastrophe he's he's said that the njp was my baby his blog was called national justice and then they turn around and they made the national justice party he's responsible for the branding of the thing it was his idea because he can't tolerate the idea of working with the republican party and if you ask me that's because the guy's fundamentally not a right-winger and he just has contempt for republicans okay so my advice to them is allow him to you know take credit for that blame the whole thing on him you know he says he he says that this is his baby and everything would have been fine if he hadn't been you know let go 15 minutes before the whole dumpster want to blaze but let him have the credit for it walk away blame him move on as my advice to them that guy in my view was bad news from the gate all right and they were smart enough to have seen this coming from a guy who tried to turn the alt-right into like the Nazi version of the Bernie Sanders campaign we all saw we're trying to play footsie with the left did to the libertarians that error on the libertarians part was largely responsible for the intellectual energy that rushed into the alt-right circa 2016 and the idea that TRS was going to somehow manage this better than them was a foreseeable disaster leftists are not leftists because they have misguided ideas about equality they just tell you that because the actual truth of their existence is too horrifying to confess they are leftists because they intentionally destroy everything they come into contact with due to their spite at the world for being unfit to live that's the truth that's why they are so big on you know it's among the reasons I should say why they're so big on subsidy right like they don't like the idea that you know you must produce more than you consume say they don't they can't tolerate the idea that someone's life must be a positive impact on the world now politics can and must may compromise with the market economy but it cannot replace the market economy with delusional nonsense promising to do away with obvious basics like the law of supplying demand through sheer force of will by a tiny minority of political fanatics telling people otherwise might give you a temporary boost of support by playing to envy but it poses strict limits on your ability to accomplish more meaningful goals down the road and I think that our friends over there saw that you know that of course unless you're willing to engage in the preposterous buffoonery today we see today from the likes of the Democrat Party but even if you were to try to accomplish this there would be no comparative competitive advantage because the Democrats extremism knows no bounds offer a million dollar an hour minimum wage and the Democrats will bid you by double without so much as a smirk you know T. R. S. they made themselves a name as a right-wing outfit they were in our very good at that I think that the best thing for them now is to sort of like suffer the loss of purging this leftist rot from their ranks regroup and be ready for 2028 and I think that's pretty sound advice not something that you know I'm saying a rub their nose and what's going on I've really tried to avoid doing that I think that they have obviously you know wielded a great deal of influence and and the idea that there's anything to be gained from that influence being scattered is is nonsense to me you know when Rush Limbaugh died one of the things that infuriated be more than anything was you know he had this microphone and he spoke into it and all these millions of people heard what he said he had all of these affiliate radio stations he was heard on more stations than any other talk radio show I think it's fair to say and after he died there was not a clear successor and so you had all these people fighting over the scraps of the excellence in broadcasting network Dan Bongino started doing a 12 to 3 show Dana Lash started doing a 12 to 3 show you had all these people sort of like trying to snatch up his affiliates and like the the EIB was just playing it was it was a funeral procession that went on for like two months that they were just playing old best of episodes and having taught her minutes nonsense go and introduce them as a disaster and so now you have like I guess what they they eventually what was it clay and but clay clay traveston buck sexton that's their names clay and buck which you know some people have played on those names to mock the name of the show they actually now when when you listen to their 12 to 3 show you have the EIB ins and outs they're actually they have inherited the russian lumbar brand but their show is actually not very good for what little I've heard of it and more importantly there's not that single message going out to all of those affiliate stations and so you don't have the power has been dissipated say and so to the extent that they're doing any good they're they're doing less of it and that's really unfortunate and so I don't think I actually really don't think that there's any you know whatever your opinions about TRS or how they've handled things I really don't think there's any benefit to them being like crushed I don't think that that's good and I hope that they get it together I hope they straighten this mess out because you know they definitely they did good they there were good things that they did and I don't want that good to cease say two on seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and I'm going to talk to less I have to so please do give us a call let me see here and you know I know I played this clip on a recent episode but I might as well just do it again it's um this is pretty short in any case third party politics this guy's been screaming NJP NJP that's the strategy and then he's out right was is he going to go start another political party he's he gonna endorse the party that just kicked him out is he going to continue attacking Republicans and say vote for Joe Biden right how many political parties should we start fellas right I mean this can get this can get silly really fast and I knew this from you know dealing with the libertarians right a two party political system has its flaws say you know but it forces serious political actors to negotiate that's something that it's not ideologically rewarding to you know ideologues but you know there's been a lot more stability in the United States and there has been in other parts of the world say you know and you could make the case that you know the two party system is larger responsible for that like it does not it does not lend itself to dogmatic ideological mysticism like you have to go and you just have to negotiate with people because you only have these two vehicles for political and social change and to in order to participate in either one of those you have to negotiate with the people who are already there and then you have to think about what you know the general public wants and temper your ideological excesses as you attempt to win the public over to your side if you're like an ideolog then that's very unattractive right you're like no like I want to go and just completely reorder society according to my whims you know but as a matter of fact like the general public doesn't want that like even if your ideas are good like the general public does not want you to completely reorder society even if you would reorder it better even if you could convince them that your complete dramatic reorganization of civilization would benefit them the change alone would be unappealing so like when people are often they're like you know fringe ideological circles and they're like okay well you know we're gonna do something other than other than the two party system what they're actually saying is we're gonna go do something other than politics and it's fine you can do that but like watch what happens every single time it's it's a perfectly predictable circumstance that you know those people are going to have more interpersonal spats than than the regular political parties do because that's all there is to it there's not a higher purpose to be obtained right like if you're in the Republican party and you're trying to win the presidency of the United States you can temper your ego and your ideological excesses because you because you have no other choice and that's how you work towards obtaining that that grander prize which is your party in control of the government if you have no intention of being in control of the government what is there there's money there's ego you know maybe there's sex like there's no higher thing to be obtained than your own personal grandisement and so you're going to have you know more of these things than you do in in the two party system and of course we see this is not to say that two party system is free of scandal right it's it's all over the place but that's all you have in third party politics it's the only thing that you have is your own personal grandisement so obviously you're going to see these things now is everybody who has this problem are they going to go start a new political party well they might as well like why not you know you're gonna have the Eric striker political party the Mikey not political party the the Sven political party like everybody to start your own political party you know we'll just have them you know you just you start a political party like you started now LC you get a you know you just have your own sub stack it your sub stack is your political party fundamentally right you know whatever it is that's that's what third party politics is at the end of the day okay and so somebody asked me on telegram and response to this earlier which I thought was a thoughtful question the guy says respectfully would a right wing politics look like going forward a lot of the best qualities of any trump campaign would be his rhetoric on immigration restriction taxing remittances trade tariffs and even fain union support all not really free market there are small factions in congress to talk about abolishing the FBI and ATF but they're fringe at best honestly curious to see where it ends up I responded to him to say this I said if you think of right wing as equating to free market things get confusing I prefer to think of it in terms of coherent economic policy and I conceive of the left versus right spectrum as roughly equating to order versus chaos the left is literally anti order they want maximum entropy until what we call existence is no longer possible in pursuit of this they try to make it impossible to coherently organize thought gender nonsense and economics are of the same root in this for them they don't just have bad economic ideas they are positively hostile to economics as such basically because this is an effective form of organization they don't misunderstand racer sacks or components of biology they are deconstructing the capacity to think about these things in order to destroy us it's all the same phenomena the right is not an inflexible doctrine of policy positions it is the coherent organization of a stable society by whatever means circumstances dictate it is not the constitution it is not Christianity it is certainly not Judeo Christian values it is not the family it is not the state in theory any of these things could come or go and you could still do things in an orderly fashion but since we aim to do things in an orderly fashion we observe and recognize that family state church bodies of codified law and other organizational units are part of the organism we therefore aim to work within the confines of these things rather than to smash them to bits as aims the left to do and I think that that's worth thinking about you know I think it's misguided and something that is often thrown at me is a straw man when I try to talk to people about economics they try to straw man it is like I'm I'm trying to preach some libertarian free market orthodoxy and I'm not okay you know I produce two episodes one on here one on the uncensored production econo-mometics and mesesian socialism which I understand is now on a chalkboard to hear the name but it was not incoherent when I said when you when you start talking to people about things like you know the the NJP's platform included you know taking healthcare out of the hands of fork profit corporations okay they they worded it in some clever way like that but what that means is trying to remove the profit motive from an industry okay it means the government's going to be the single-payer healthcare provider and you're going to go to jail if you try to you know provide medical care outside of that system and you talk to people about that and they realize that that's preposterous and then they start making things up as they go along because what becomes evident is they actually have not thought about this in economic terms it's not that you know they reject economic thinking as such as the problem and so what I've proposed is you know understand what those free market economists are saying and then throw all their political suggestions out the window right if you can understand what the consequence of a policy is going to be then use that to estimate costs and to adjust and to do what politics requires okay and so that's not an unreasonable thing to do to intervene in the economy intelligently as opposed to trying to say that the laws of supply and demand do not exist if you listen to that conversation between me and Eric Striker that's on my Odyssey channel you know you basically tried to dispute the the notion that printing money causes inflation okay well like when you when you have that conversation with somebody when somebody tells you that increasing the number of monetary units in circulation is not is not going to cause inflation they are fundamentally misunderstanding what inflation is you know he basically takes the position that since other things place upward pressures on prices that this demonstrates that this constitutes a demonstration that increasing the money supply is not what increases prices well it's not true okay other things can cause prices to go up if you go you know if if you know there's only two warehouses that supply a product and you go drop a bomb on one of them you reduce the supply of the product comparative to the monetary units in circulation so the price is going to go up obviously supply and demand it's really not it's it's not that complex and it's not not only is it not complex it's not controversial you know it's fairly straightforward and when people start trying to tell you that obviously under things are true you just have to you have to either conclude that they're stupid or that they're bad actors at some point you know you you know you talked to your friend and your friend is not well studied in these things and he asks an honest yes a sincere question why can't the government pay for my health care okay he's not actually saying that the government can pay for his health care he's asking a sincere question he actually doesn't know the answer to that okay and if you say well the government can pay for your health care well then the honest is now on you to explain how that's going to work and nobody ever actually does that what they actually do is they say something like okay well paying for all the health care would cost this much based upon the estimates that I make upon current market conditions we take all the money that people are spending on health care now and then we find some way to acquire or otherwise reallocate those funds and then the government spends that money but that doesn't work at all that's nonsense because all of those people spending that money are creating the price pressures that form the prices okay you go buy something from one guy somebody goes buy something from another you know a guy provides a certain service at a certain price and he's more satisfactory than another there's competition in a marketplace this is how prices form when there's only one payer all of that stuff goes completely out the window you can't you can't from that deduce prices and some people say like oh well you know other countries do this yes other countries do it first of all it's a disaster it's a major problem in those countries that are doing it and the way that they're doing it is they're trying to get their cost estimates by making inferences from market economies and so when you go out and you try to abolish the market economy who's going to get their price inferences from where where's that going to come from it's not going to happen and then it will be impossible to estimate the cost and then it will be impossible to efficiently allocate the funds and you'll be able to do it for some period of time but eventually it's you know you're going to run into problems that you can't solve and so you know i'm not enthralled to this silly you know it's not even anarcho capitalism what people are talking about when they talk about you know free market absolutism they're like the free speech absolutist that they if you probe them they don't meet it any more than the communists do i'm not enthralled to that nonsense and people try to straw matter or extractor to this to me dozens of times you need intelligent people with good intentions formulating coherent policies realizing that there are problems with those policies when they occur and then adjusting as time goes forward like that's responsible government and there's no alternative to it if there's no there's no alternative to good government there's no alternative to decent people thinking about what needs to happen and then acting on that realizing the errors that they've made and then adjusting as time goes forward you there is no constitution that's going to resolve that there's no form of government that's going to make that unnecessary and so you hear people complaining about capitalism like you know if you listen to them what they describe capitalism as then find like yeah it's bad whatever you're discussing fine you know the federal reserve issuing currency at interest creates more debt in the system than there are monetary units to pay and get back which means that defaults are built into the system okay fine is that capitalism well if you wanted to find capitalism as that fine i don't like it but as a matter of fact you're using the word capitalism because it's vague and you're using it for the same reason that other people use the term racist which is to confuse people and to make it impossible to organize thoughts around the subject and so you know whether you're whatever you're doing that's like right wing if you're if you're catering to those impulses like you're you're heading down a catastrophic path there's no negotiating with that nonsense you know I don't care if you want to go and you know I shouldn't say I don't care but you know you you can intervene in the economy in a myriad different ways right you say like okay you know these this this this company is interfering with the government they're they're pushing for immigration policies that are catastrophic to the society because they're pursuing a short term interest or because they have an ethnic animus that they're acting upon and so the government's going to go and they're going to seize all of their property fine okay do that and then the government can do whatever it wants with that go go give that property to somebody who is more conducive to the stable operating of the civilization right right wing economics in my view is not inflexible it's not it's not this free market orthodoxy nonsense that some people pretend that it is what it is is being coherent and being responsible you let the market do what the market needs to do and when you spot a circumstance that's disruptive to the stable operating of the civilization then the government intervenes and alters the conditions of the market in order to alleviate that imperfect circumstance to the extent that they're able it then creates a new imperfect circumstance and and that never stops you know the idea that you're going to fix it is stupid the whole entire point is you change things as you have to you know that's my view of it and so there's plenty more to say about that we'll get to it over time but I'm going to call it a knife for now and I appreciate you guys tuning in if you care to help me finance this production you can do that Christopher slash donate we'll give you all the details give send slash spm is my give send go spm like surreal politics media my cash app is edgy Chris you can find all my Bitcoin QR codes the man arrow all that stuff on the donate page um I have the amazon wish list is linked there uh uh slash gifting will get you to the gift got the gifting guide at the top of my amazon wish list right now there's there's some hard drives I'm I'm running low on hard drive say so I just purchased an 18 terabyte drive with this help of a supporter thank you very much sir um I'm going to I needed that like I'm actually literally running out of disk space and so I I've just bought that thing to sort of offset it but I now I met with the situation where I need redundant storage okay so like if I have the one hard drive and I put everything on the hard drive and the hard drive fails like I'm going to have a very serious problem so um if you I it money is always preferred but uh if you're somebody who's afraid that you're going to send money to me and there's going to be a problem you can send the money to amazon and amazon will send me to give failing that you know what you could do if you're just afraid to have your money touch me or mine or in any way go give the money to saint jude so that'll make you feel very good I promise it uh you know uh Tony who helps this production out a lot mentioned uh uh this is a charity that he's fond of and so uh you can offset the massive amounts of money that Tony puts into this production by helping to fund saint jude's hospital and that'll be a great idea for you to do uh so make yourself feel good it's almost Christmas I'll see you there before that of course let me say as a matter of fact wait a second let you just look real quick what is uh wow next monday is christmas I'm going to see you on the members show I'll see you Friday but I totally lost track at a time christmas is here ladies in general so I will probably release something um I'll release something for christmas I don't know that I'm going to do a live show on christmas I think that's very unlikely you guys are all probably going to be busy and so I'll I'll record something and I'll put something out for christmas but I'm probably not going to do a live show um maybe I'll come to you christmas Eve we'll see what happens I don't really know what my plans are if I'm honest with you I got uh I'll discuss that another time so anyway thank you very much for tuning into surreal politics see you Wednesday for the members show be cursing up a storm Friday Merry Christmas uh because I'm not going to be able to take your calls on surreal politics likely before then so you know watch out for that Santa guy don't shoot him all right you get a lot of trouble it's the last thing you need uh have a good night thanks a lot oh Demtrees Jo nursing