And so anyway, now that we have everything all established, I'm going to go ahead and play some intro music. Why don't we? Maybe I'll start a local recording first. I'll do that. Get the local recording star and then we'll start now that the local recording has begun. We'll just start that intro music because it's good. Intro music is great. It's the best intro music in right wing media. Cardocia Scotty Jam Jam. Very talented fellow. Music Music All right, welcome to surreal politics This 43rd episode of the first stage of the program today is January 22nd, 2024 be in a current year It's a Monday as usual and of course ladies you gentlemen Fine members of the agenda binary if you happen to be listening on some other platform at some other time You download the podcast you watch the replays. We would love for you to join us for a live program and give us a call 217-688-1433 because you know this show is You know it's not a show about necessarily the news through the day timeless ideas or whatever's on your mind because that's the That's the catchphrase for another differently branded production, but you know that closely enough conveys the idea Over here on surreal politics we want to hear from you if it's kind of pointless as a matter of fact without you I mean, what's the point the whole entire point is to talk to you but You know, I'll do some talking because I understand people do enjoy that The United States Supreme Court Particularly must some might say so I do a divide administration today against Texas governor Greg Abbott Abbott had kicked Border Patrol out of Eagle Paz because they were being instructed to cut razor wire that Texas had put up to stop the flow of illegal immigrants the Border Patrol to the shock of many endorsed Abbott's decision Turns out they do not like being the facilitators of an unlawful invasion of the country that they are sworn to protect But the Biden administration is less interested in protecting the country to quite the contrary They are a hostile entity embedded in the nation-central nervous system like a brain parasite Rather than protecting America they are working tirelessly to destroy it and the Supreme Court in a five-four decision that seemed almost Designed to discredit the institution Insisted that federal control over immigration is a sacrosanct unquestionable absolute subject to no interpretation whatsoever Regardless of the circumstances unlike those pesky, you know first and second amendments and fourth amendments You know those things are all subject to negotiation those things that's that's the living breathing part of the Constitution You see it's a completely different, you know topic of discussion when the government opens up the borders And ceases to enforce its laws that still is Supremacy understand it's the only type of supremacy that we allow in the United States anymore At the time that I was putting this together border patrol had not yet retaken control of the area There's a non-zero chance That this will be the start of America's next civil war It border patrol goes in to remove the wire and Texas enforces local rule in defiance of the Supreme Court The shooting will have begun and people will be forced to begin taking sides undesirable though that may be may be preferable to the alternative Choosing between civil war and foreign invasion one is left with no good options in either case life as the society once knew it Ceases to exist one or more new sciate societies replace the old But in the case of civil war The nation might well remain and this is not so with invasion In revolution and civil war the people replace the government With this invasion the government is replacing the people And that is not something that I think that the people ought to abide quite frankly Two on seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and a more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call before I get much further into this I want to send a shout out to somebody who sent me a very clever note recently He calls himself a very toothy boy and every once in a while he sends me a clever note say and so thank you very much to a very toothy boy I appreciate that pal Let's hope it's oh the civil war stuff I go over to the Odyssey chat and I see Dan says let's hope it starts on my cuz Odyssey broken He's like I'm like oh he's talking about the war Power in the Odyssey chat says why are our borders open when Americans aren't allowed to go anywhere well yeah It's kind of funny about this you know that was you know trying to Reckon style my libertarianism with my draw to the right I Argue to get to the butterwall thing so I'm like hey the wall's gonna be used to keep us in you now and Richard Spencer was like no like this wall is to keep people out. That's the purpose of it I was like that answers way too simple That answers way too simple Richard you know But actually yeah like you could build a wall and like it can have a purpose and it can do things you know You can you can actually institute policies and then follow through on them and then like achieve outcomes That's actually possible in government you wouldn't know that by watching American politics But that's the that's actually the whole entire point That you can have a policy with a purpose and adhere to that purpose Seems like a crazy idea if you watch like American politics You're like now the government's completely incapable of doing anything we should all become handcuffs and just to Bollars the system what the hell is the point of these people they don't do anything right But I'll tell you I'm a little bit nervous about this thing down there in Texas friend I don't think that Greg Abbott's gonna do it I titled the episode today caving in because that's exactly what it's gonna do. I mean it's not you know when I say a non-zero chance I mean you know it's non-zero But it's pretty close right Is Craig Abbott gonna tell the Texas military to go gun down the border patrol when they come to cut the razor wire I think that's exceedingly unlikely But it does beg the question like how do you stop the invasion like at some point if the your country's being invaded You have to shoot somebody right like that's that's probably gonna that's probably gonna be the case I don't see any alternative to that eventually like you know You have an invasion and you've got a bunch of people with guns or like no those guys are invading your country You're not all to do anything about it like you know you I guess you got to shoot those guys right like somebody's gonna have to get shot eventually And that's unfortunate, you know because we don't have to do that like we could just be like no guys You're not allowed to come in anymore and they'd be like oh, okay, you know, sorry never mind That's exactly what it is They are being told come here There was a thing on I was watching Fox News today Fox News is pretty funny right now I Saw more Nicky Haley ads today Nicky Haley is running ad after ad after ad after ad on Fox News. It's a big joke like I I turned it on this morning I just sort of left it on the background And it seems like every average every time they go to commercial. I'm looking at a Nicky Haley advertiser These people are desperate, you know and Because that's what you know that's what they want right they want Nicky Haley to go in there and Be like no Greg Abbott, you know those people are not criminals doesn't matter if they're breaking the law The criminals are the people who want to use social media without showing me their driver's license don't you know Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and So you know I have no doubt that Greg Abbott's gonna cave and Then there's gonna be like millions more people are gonna pour across the border and that's gonna happen while Donald Trump is running for president So I guess you know, that's the upside to it. I guess right They're gonna open up the borders Yeah It's a they've already done it, you know, but they're gonna make sure that it's very conspicuous as we go into the 2024 election And if they win in that condition right like if they if they if they're like yeah No like Greg Abbott can't protect Texas from Invasion not allowed to do that So whole entire point of having a federal government is to get the country invaded I don't know what you Texans think you're doing your bunch of backwards. Hicks were whole entire reason that we're here is to prevent you from protecting the country Now you people better go vote for us otherwise you're a bunch of races you understand And if they do that and then they and then they're like yeah, we won the election on that platform Well, I'd be pretty interesting right Everybody's gonna buy that nonsense and say be like yeah sure of course we voted for that Everybody I know it's like yeah, of course the federal government exists to facilitate the invasion of the country I ha I have a some doubt that that'll go over very well, but you know, these people are very clever right that they don't care They don't care 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm more you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call Let me pull up. I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna play a real quick play a clip and I'm gonna come back in a couple minutes. Let me see I'm gonna play a non-soldier wait wait wait wait what was last time I played that one? It's been a little while right I haven't played this one. This one I haven't played let's do that Come on, go ahead whenever you're ready computer. Just go ahead. I don't want to you know rush or anything like that We wouldn't want you to yeah The last time I felt it's optimistic Donald Trump had not yet been sworn in his president Those weeks between his 2016 election victory and the beginning of his administration were from being among the most hopeful days of my life Prior to this I become convinced that society's following more or less universal trend Whether according to these strong men make good times theme or the liberty to abundance abundance to apathy model I become more or less certain that I was born to endure the declining phase and that my only role in this world Was to suffer through it and attempt to discover a strength to build a better world on the other side Who I was in a grand scheme of things of very short period I thought perhaps there was hope to avoid the most painful consequences of that decline I thought perhaps the trend might even be reversed maybe just maybe we had learned enough from history that this time around we would not necessarily do to repeat it The following year from my cage in Album all county Virginia. I was more or less dissuaded of this view There in solitary confinement. I made peace with my fate the trials and tribulations to follow were however unexpected in their specifics by no means categorically surprising I and others like me were to be persecuted Lies would prevail over truth frenzied celebratory destruction would be granted greater social approval and childbirth lesser forms of creation Death would be neither more nor given any special spiritual significance But rather take on a rather mundane character given its chaotic pervasive From another cage years later alone once again little but my own thoughts I read the Bible twice I listened to it more accurately They gave us these modified Android tablets at that jail which included with damn it Bible app that offered several different versions of the Bible It was an audio book. I listened to two different versions. I took many notes as I did I was truly surprised to comfort this gave me I was even more surprised at the wisdom that I perceived in it. I Did not consider it an accurate historical record by it It is but many stories we learn over the course of our lives enjoy something of a duality and their Straddling of the line between truth and fiction Fables perhaps being the best example teach us every real lessons by telling us about animals who speak whatever the language of the human Storyteller upon reflection one might marvel at the number of dialects in which that fox learned to curse those grapes of sour More to the point the Bible and other stories like it tell us to expect Suffering in this life and to store up riches in heaven This much I understood from compulsory study as a child I used to think this was a terribly destructive thing to learn in bordering on criminal to teach I have loved America's declaration of independence from my earliest memories of it and in particular that part about the pursuit of happiness Telling the people that happiness was to be found only in death seemed to be rather morbid and not at all conducive to human flourishing But I pursued happiness in many ways for many years and though I smiled and laughed and shall we say found much in the way of Connell enjoyment happiness was not forthcoming fundamentally Satisfaction was always so fleeting and ephemeral one chases it from one moment to the next like a drug addict and in some moments This was no metaphor the humble corpus fondament Only after I took a more active interest in politics and studied philosophy for this purpose that I find anything that could fairly be described as Contentment I was by no means content with the state of our politics of course But internally having purpose beyond my next paycheck and how to spend it beyond even the horizon of my own existence in this I found the meaning of eternal life This gave me a certain sense that I might find some opportunity even in death I did not do not think that I will go to heaven and even if I believed in God I do not think my character quite measures up such a reward But rather that the idea of me my presence in the world and my impact on it that they are what constitutes who I am far more than the physical material Which experienced its pleasure of pain in this sense? I was done a body but a force at force even in the most deterministic of worldviews had no expiration date My body could pass at any moment and so long as I had previously made the right investments of my energies that force could continue on in eternity This you could in a sense say was when I died I Have since been a dead man walking up right and quite content I might have I'm amused by threats because dead men are rather difficult to intimidate This is not to say that I'm on phase one you I am deeply disturbed much from time most of it really I am played by dark visions what maybe fall my fellow man and women in particular and I feel personally responsible for all of it I curse myself for not having to power stop this as I am made to suffer whatever the ostensible cause of the suffering may be I Considerate just punishment for that failure And while that might not sound to you like the achievement of happiness I would endeavour to correct you. This is a limitless fountain of purpose and that is the only real currency in life dispensing now with our poetic element I'll get to the point My hopeful sense of the day is not born of my contentment with the grim But rather with the prospect that we might all enjoy another brief moment in the sun before the darkness inevitably returns to join us at this eternal struggle All right, welcome back to surreal politics 217 6881433 like to be on the program and more you taught the less I have to so please do give us a call Here's a story in the in the AP about the Supreme Court decision today a divided Supreme Court on Monday allowed border patrol agents to resume cutting for now razor wire the Texas install the longest stretch of the US Mexico border that is at the center of an escalating standoff between the Biden administration and the state over immigration enforcement The 5-4 vote clears the way for border patrol agents to cut or clear concertino wire. It's like razor wire if you don't know That Texas is put along the banks of the Rio Grande to deter migrants from entering the US illegally Some migrants have been injured by their sharp wire because they're breaking our god damn laws And that's what happens when you try to walk through concertino wire But you know you can't expect these people to be very smart because that's why their countries are terrible places And they want to invade ours. That's not what the AP said you might have gathered Some migrants have been hurt made a sharp wire. Oh, well, we better get that out of the way We wouldn't want the people who are invading the country to get injured by the defense devices that we put there god forbid You know, we better get that concertino wire away from the prisons because the escapees might be harmed by the wire Oh, you ever think about that you criminals you monsters Don't you care about those escaping prisoners? hahaha And the justice department is arguing that the barrier impedes the US government's ability to patrol the border Including coming to the aid of migrants and need of help. That's right because the reason that we have a border patrol is to aid these people We don't want those people to get hurt We want the border patrol should go pick them up and drop them off in your neighborhood you understand None of the justices provided any explanation for their vote and why would they The one page order is a victory for the Biden administration while the lawsuit over the wire continues And of course, you know, that's the gimmick too, right That's how they get you to cave you see okay fine We're still fighting Greg Abbott gets to say no, it's not over like we're fighting the Biden administration on this decision to take away our ability to protect Texans from rapists and murderers and drug dealers We're still fighting. We're not giving up when the border patrol comes in and cuts down the wire and Facilitates the invasion it goes and picks them up and drops them off across the street. That's not what's happening. We're still fighting them you see Texas governor Greg Abbott had authorized the wire one of a series of aggressive measures that the three term cut Republican Has taken on the border in the name of curbing illegal crossings from Mexico is spokesman said the absence of a razor wire and the other deterrents encourages migrants to risk unsafe crossings and makes the job of Texas personnel more difficult Well, this case is ongoing. Yes, of course it is. That's exactly what I said right the case is ongoing and governor Abbott will continue to fight to defend Texas property and its constitutional authority is secure the border Abbott spokesman Andrew Mahaller has said Well, you know as a matter of fact no like that's actually not what you're doing you're not fighting to do it at all the supreme court is like yeah go head You guys got to let them invade the country and you're like are I guys Let's go let them invade the country and we'll keep on talking to the people who are killing us The spokesman for us customs and border protection did not immediately return a message seeking comment Monday a federal P.O.L.S. Court last month had forced federal agents to stop cutting the Constra Tino wire The Constra Tino wire stretches for roughly 30 miles or 48 kilometers near the border city of Eagle Paz where earlier this month the Texas military Department sees control of the city owned park and began denying access to border patrol agents Eagle Park has become one of the busiest spots on the southern U.S. border for migrants illegally crossing from Mexico Abbott has said Texas won't allow border agents into the Shelby Park anymore Having expressed frustration over what he says are migrants illegally entering through Eagle Paz and then federal agents loading them on two buses Abbott also authorized installing floating barriers in the Rio Grande Eriegale Paz and allowed troopers to arrest in jail thousands of migrants on trespassing charges The administration is also challenging those actions in federal court In court papers the administration said the wire impedes border patrol agents from reaching migrants as they crossed the river And that in any case federal immigration law trumps Texas's own efforts to stem the flow of migrants into the country Texas officials have argued that federal agents cut the wire to help groups Crossing illegally through the river before taking them in for processing chief justice John Robertson Justice's Amy Coney Barrett Ketanji Brown Jackson Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor sided with the administration just to see Samuel Alito Neil Gorsuch Brett Cabinau and Clarence Thomas voted with Texas And you know like I mentioned in the monologue I said like oh this almost seems like Designed to discredit the institution okay, so you might recall like we've got a long history of five four decisions That always go in favor of the left and then Donald Trump becomes president put some supreme court justice in and you're like Oh now we've got you know A six three Republican court now of course you've got John Roberts who's a bushy and we'll go and you know vote with the left He has this Idean is it or he purports it's a complete lie obviously, but he purports to have this idea that like oh well, you know We don't want to have radical changes or whatever We know that the Democrats they institute radical changes all the time, but once they do we're conservatives you see And because we're conservatives we don't want anything to change even if it's to undo the things that the maniacs who were here 15 minutes ago did We don't want to we don't want to rock the boat you see conservatism to John Roberts means becoming the new guard of the old revolution you see And so it's not surprising that he voted with them. I wonder what was going through the mind of Amy Coney Barrett however I don't think that there's any plausible excuse for her to do that We expect John Roberts to do that which is why Amy Coney Barrett going into the supreme court mattered right When you had a five four supreme court and just and John Roberts was one of those five you're like Oh well obviously we know what's going to happen now John Roberts is going to sell us out right You know that that's going to happen Why is Amy Coney Barrett in there If this is what she's going to do to us that completely defeats the entire purpose of the enterprise you see Two on seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and more you told the less I have to So please do give us a call You're Truly infuriating See you Going to the TV thing does it work today? I just you know, I don't know if it's worth bothering anymore Yeah, it's working okay good It just doesn't want to play until I refresh the page and hit playton times That's all that's all everything's fine. It's just it just doesn't play when you hit play, you know, it's kind of the thing And so that's that's the state of streaming in 2024 ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna have to fix that I think we'll be working on that for sure You know we'll try to we'll try to see what we could do about that Oh two one seven six eight eight one four three three What else do we got here? Tomorrow's the New Hampshire primary and You know if you're a New Hampshire resident Maybe you don't like Trump okay Can you do me a personal favor? I can't vote you know that I was convicted of a felony And I'm not off of probation yet in New Hampshire a convicted felon can vote if their whole sentence is served okay And I'm still on supervised release which means that my sentence is not yet served Technically, okay, I went to prison. I got out of prison, but I'm still doing time essentially So if you like don't feel like voting or whatever and you're like screw this guy Can you can you go cast my vote for me? Can you please do that? Can you please go vote for Donald Trump? I'd really appreciate that a Lot that would be really I feel really good about that and if you want to if you you could brag about it to me And I thank you profusely you send me an email be like hey, I wasn't gonna do it But I voted for you I'll reply to your email and I'll say thank you so much for doing that means a lot to me and it really will It's not that's not like a joke that's not I'll really be profoundly touched by that and I'll be very grateful You know when I was like involved with the libertarians or ever I started thinking that voting was stupid right like oh, you know you can't what how is it if I don't have the right to take your body How can I vote for someone else to take your money? That's like the whole libertarian thing If you don't have the right to do something you can't confer that right upon the government right And so I didn't care like what do I care if I get voted not what do I care it's a big scam Oh, you know you take a lot of things for granted until they're gone, you know And this is my second presidential election that I can't vote it and I'm really pissed about it. I'm really really upset about it I'm a lot more pissed about my guns for damn sure If I curse just now I don't even know if I did I'm trying to think if I just cursed if I did I'm very sorry for the after the answer whatever I did I'm not I'm not entirely certain, but I'm upset about it But uh, you know these things sometimes they happen Yeah, you know just another ODC or hey mentions um This is hilarious. So we've got you know, how much number of people viewing we've got four down votes on the Odyssey video and seven upvotes, okay Ladies and gentlemen white likes matter please do um go ahead and Make uh go upvote the video that'll be very helpful More people see the video when you upvote it right and we need to do that We need to we need to work on some serious, you know promotion I love the existing audience of the show and I would not um I would not to have a million people watching me and paying me a dollar each in episode I would not let go of you. I swear to god about that But it would be nice if we could try to get more people watching it one way that you can do that It's like the easiest thing in the world is you just upvote the videos and you know hit like on things and Like follow share subscribe, you know, and I don't do enough of like demanding that from you because You know, I just try to focus on the content. I you know, I don't want to be like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all business I don't you know, I don't do advertising some of this stuff But uh, I should do it more often because you know if you go smash that fire button You go smash that thumbs up wherever it is that you're watching whether it's on Odyssey or rumble or go MTV whatever It actually makes more of a difference than you might realize and I would love to uh I'd love to get this in front of more people, you know, especially surreal politics, right? I mean radical agenda You know, we'll get you know if they come to surreal politics still find the radical agenda But surreal politics is like great, you know, it's introductory right like we'll introduce people to this entire category of thought And then like they'll will rock their old world, you know, they'll come in they'll turn in They'll be like I won't be cursing that much and when I do I'll apologize And they can listen to it and not be like oh my god, this guy's crazy, you know And then they'll be like oh, what's this other uncensored show that goes oh my god, it's a completely, you know It's a really great idea and I'm glad to say that I come up with great ideas all the time very smart guy That's why uh, that's why you guys pay me Christopher K. Well that net slash donate Give send go dot com slash spm edgy edgy chris on cash up And so all those options are available to you two one seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program And the more you took the less I have to so please do give us a call But yeah, so the primary is tomorrow and Trump's gonna take it home. We're on to Santa's dropped out of the race And when he dropped out of the race, this was pretty funny actually Let me actually see I'm gonna go grab this video. I don't have it handy, but I'll go find it Um, Ron to Santa's when he dropped out of the race He took a shot at Trump on the way out, which was like the dumbest thing in the world Ron to Santa's Drops out You know You know Why are these things so useless you know just like can I just Just go to Twitter then you stupid idiots. You know, I try to do like the videos search On duck duck go and they're like here's a bunch of news stories about the thing I'm like just show me the video of Ron to Santa's your retards. I don't need I don't need you to go find it for me shut up Ha ha ha ha ha You Here we go I've chosen public service from joining the United States Navy and serving in Iraq to representing the people in the US Congress And now serving as governor of Florida and it reminds me why I decided to run for president to fight for those who've been forgotten in this country This is America's time for choosing we can choose to allow a border invasion or we can choose to stop it We can choose reckless borrowing and spending or we can choose to limit government and lower inflation We can choose political indoctrination or we can choose classical education These choices are symptoms of the underlying struggle to ensure that Constitutional government can endure and that western civilization can survive And we launched this campaign to bring accountability to government regained sovereignty at our border and restore sanity to our society We cannot succeed as a country if we allow our nation to be invaded our currency to be debased Our cities to crumble and our kids to be indoctrinated The DC elites who facilitated this mess do not care about you and they do not work for you They work for themselves They seek to accumulate power at your expense to pursue an agenda that is harmful to the American people citizens do not serve politicians It is the duty of politicians to serve you Talk is chief action speak louder than words Reversing the decline of this nation requires leadership that delivers big results for the people we are elected to serve I have a record of leading with conviction Champagne an agenda marked by bold colors Delivering on my promises and defeating the people who are responsible for our nation's decline That is the type of leadership we need for all of America Now for the past many months Casey and I have traveled across the country to deliver a message of hope That the client is a choice and that we can in fact succeed again as a nation Nobody worked harder and we left it all out on the field Now following our second place finish in Iowa we've prayed and deliberated on the way forward If there was anything I could do to produce a favorable outcome more campaign stops more interviews I would do it But I can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory Accordingly, I am today suspending my campaign I'm proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises and I will not stop now It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance They watch his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance and they see Democrats using law fair this day to attack him Well, I've had disagreements with Donald Trump such as on the coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci So you know people have been like okay maybe Ron DeSantis could be vice president well not anymore dude I don't know what's wrong with this guy man, you know He's not he's not a savvy political actor, you know The To run against Trump was incredibly stupid right if he had just waited another four years I don't remember how old he is, but he's not an old guy he could wait four years to be president Whether he wanted to be VP or not that's obviously hazardous because you know the job of the VP is to fall on his sword to protect the president You know the theory is that if the president dies and he becomes the boss, but you know You saw when Trump was like I'm putting Mike Pence in front of the COVID pandemic. It's like oh man loyal soldier pens, you know, you know, at least until after January 6 and So I could understand if he doesn't want to be VP, but why take the shot at him on the way out like you know like yeah By the way f you Donald Trump I'm not gonna play along. I'm not part of your team But watch me just pretend that I'm part of the team With just a little bit of f you because I can't help myself Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden that is clear I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge He has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesterday A repackaged form of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents The days of putting Americans last of cow-towing to large corporations of caving to woke or ideology are over I thank all of our passionate supporters who stood by us through it all that we had people volunteer to come to Iowa in the middle of a blizzard To knock on doors and make phone calls touched us dearly No candidate had more thrown at him But no candidate had so many committed volunteers and staff Finally, I want to thank my wife Casey and our kids Madison Mason and Mamie Casey's gone far above and beyond in her support for our campaign and for our cause She's not only a great wife and mother She's a great American who cares deeply about the future of the country that our kids will inherit Our kids have seen and done a lot on the trail from playing on the fame field of dreams baseball site in Iowa To making their first snowman in New Hampshire They are one of the reasons we fight so hard for what we believe in Winston Churchill once remarked that success is not final Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts while this campaign has ended the mission continues Down here in Florida. We will continue to show the country how to lead Thank you and God bless And so you know that video was pretty good save for that parting shot I don't know why he did that. I think that that was just so incredibly stupid. There was nothing to be gained from that Ron But you know, maybe it made him feel good maybe somebody threw a million dollars at him for saying it here's your last million Ron go ahead Give us give us uh give us a little shot at Trump on the way out because we're petty vindictive scum you see Ha ha ha ha 2176881433 you like to be on the program here's another one that I thought was pretty funny I meant to get to this on radical agenda and that's probably the more appropriate venue for but this is it I can't I phones were packed on friday and I didn't get to it This is too funny So this uh Idiot um These are not little kinks first of all racism institutional racism is in the DNA of this country come on come on when you look at Excuse me hang on a second. Okay, so This is representative bar bra Lee and you might be able to tell just from her whining about racism that she's not what you might consider to be An intellectual powerhouse. She's kind of a dummy. Okay, and then you know that runs very common with these people and by these people I mean, you know Members of congress who are in the democrat party. That's all I mean by that I'm not saying anything that should be interpreted as racist. We're on rumble and that's against the rules there But these people are very stupid you understand and she's about to say something completely preposterous and when she does when when when this When this uh, you know, this When this person Sort of this thing over here when she says the dumb thing watch her eyes, okay, so this one on the left her name is katlyn collins all right And katlyn collins is not she's not um An intellectual powerhouse either she's a propagandist for the communist news network, okay But even she finds this very difficult to put up with These are not little kinks first of all racism institutional racism is in the DNA of this country when you look at What is taking place look at the our native americans the genocide of native americans when you look at what is taking place as it relates to African Americans 250 years plus of enslaving african americans and then you look at the disparities now in our community in terms of health care Unemployment the wealth gap housing you can't tell me the systemic racism does not exist. It's not just a little king Okay, so as a matter of fact, I could if I wanted to um You know, I'm not going to say that systemic racism doesn't exist because it's very clear that the government of the United States is working against the interests of particular ethnic groups So I'm actually not going to make that case, but I could Because what you're saying represented barbly is that the fact that this group of people has less than this group of people is evidence prima fascia That the government there's systemic racism that the government is institutionally biased against this group And that's completely and utterly preposterous because There's no Attempt to analyze the situation whatsoever, you know if you were to discover for example You know, let's just say that you were to look at crime statistics and find out that one ethnic group was occupying more space in our prisons than another maybe Even Maybe even not more space, but a disproportionate representation say And then you find out that not only is it a disproportionate representation, but actually 13% of the population occupies You know more than half of the prison space And then you say like oh well look at that that's obviously racist because it's unequal Okay Well, what if it turns out that those people are you know committing you know half of the violent crimes and their 13% of the population If that were to occur then you know you might you might actually say like why is this ethnic group committing all of the crimes and why are those racists destroying the country We should put them in prison as a matter of fact for that that's probably a good as a matter of fact It's like a genius idea so if they're committing all the crimes you'd be like listen you racist monsters You're going to prison for a very long time Because it's racist that you constitute half of the violent crime in the country you see But repartblee doesn't think about things in those terms which she is like oh well look you know These people have this stuff and these people have this stuff so until you until we take it from you by force then it's racist when we take your stuff that's not racist you see That's her attitude And Caitlin Collins is perfectly fine with that at this point. She's looking dead at the camera like yeah, that's right Go take those white people stuff. I know. Yeah, that's right But it gets even dumber than this Secondly, you have personal racism which is hard to address But I'll give you one little story that shows you why we need to understand it I don't think she really understands racism. I was walking from the house building on Capitol Hill to the Capitol and Man a white guy stopped me and told me I could not get into the members elevator and you know we have Pins and I was going to vote and he blocked me from getting into the elevator and told me I was not a member of Congress And it was for members only I said sir I'm a member of Congress and he I showed him my pen and he said who's pen did you steal now this is Look at this woman's face, okay What that's preposterous. I don't believe that stuff I understand that this is the CNN audience lady But these people are not going to buy an endless string of complete nonsense eventually They're gonna be like what are you talking about that's not really happening. We all know that you're lying, you know Oh, I can't make that maximized You know I It sucks. I should have maybe if I open this up in a web browser maybe Open with Yeah, let's open this up in a web browser Okay, that one and what's the other one Open with come on What are you doing oh No, this is a MP I don't want the MP4. I want stupid thing. All right, whatever you get the idea She's very unsatisfied with this thing those of you are listening to the audio only you're probably confused I'm trying to show like an isolated clip of her being very uncomfortable with this statement Caitlin Collins as Represented Barbara Lee tells a flat-out lie on the CNN because she's like it's CNN of course I can lie here It's a whole entire point. It's why we have seen it But the big joke here is not just that it's a lie. It's not even just that Caitlin Collins. It's like oh my god you idiot. What are you doing? Here's the funny thing about this really. It's not just that She's making this story up. What's actually the case you so like you have to imagine I don't know exactly how but with certainty Members of Congress have more than a stupid little pin to identify themselves as members of Congress right So this woman not only is this story untrue But she's been walking around in the halls of Congress for however long she's been there and she's never had to identify herself to anyone ever okay, because she doesn't even know how to do it you see Oh I have a pin yeah, well, where's your badge? Where's your ID card? Do you have a driver's license shut up racist Not only is she lying she's never ever ever had to prove that she was a member of Congress the whole time that she's been there Can you imagine They talk about you know the January 6th all the capital was invaded does it insurrection Just any idiot looking like this moron can walk around the halls. Could you think that everybody do you think that everybody guard in the capital? No, she'll every member of Congress is I'd be very surprised if that was the case because I'm sure that there's a lot of really stupid people You know guarding the capital like that like that monster who shot Ashley Babid who left is gone on a toilet Shot her from no reason at all and then called it and said there were shots fired and he was lying So there's dumb people guarding Congress you know that that's the case and They don't identify these people is you just walk around Congress be a camera congressman I've got a pin. Who's been did you steal negris? Do you think for one second that we would not know that guy's name if this had happened? Would she let me like oh, you know this thing happened, you know that you know back in the day or whatever I just let it go because I'm so used to being treated like a Negro slave that it never even occurred to me to like rat this guy out If somebody talked to her And was like hey um You know any number of things right how many times has she gone to some authority and complained about some you know racist incident Do you think that she would pass up the opportunity to I don't know if she ever has her not But do you really believe that this maniac who's telling this ridiculous nonsense completely fictional story on CNN? Do you think for one second that she would pass up the opportunity to be like this is the man who said I stole a pin No, she absolutely would not do that. That's complete. That's the craziest most ridiculous part of the story obviously She would not pass up that opportunity and she's like oh, yeah I deal with racism so frequently and I just never go and identify the person who did it because I'm such a swell gal I'm so used to being racially denigrated That I just kind of like well, you know, I just like weeks months later years whatever when I'm on CNN I just tell all the stories about how I was abused while I was a member of Congress by an employee of the United States government who accused me of stealing And Caitlin Collins you buy that right and Caitlin Collins is like no absolutely. I don't I understand that this is the CNN audience I take advantage of all them all the time. I understand that they're stupid. That's why I work here But they're not Vegetables you stupid idiot. What's wrong with you don't do that here. That's what she's doing with her face right now Example of what personal racism is and how people of color constantly have to deal with this each and every day But systemic rate yet yet. She deals with this every single day. You see She's so used to being accused of stealing congressional pens and rupt You know just impersonating a member of the Congress that she doesn't bother to mention it until she's on with Caitlin Collins And Caitlin Collins is like I need to close my eyes and pretend that I'm asleep so that I don't have to respond to this He says him is in the policies of this country and just look at what they're trying to do in terms of eliminating diversity equity and inclusion They're trying to uh not allow for an equal and level playing field Uh, and so it's a very dangerous She has Well, that's a shame and I'm sorry that that you had to deal with that congressman Thank you for sharing that with us and thanks. Yeah, what she means by that's a shame She means I'm completely ashamed of myself for allowing that to go out over the airwaves You know I can't but I'm so full of shame right now that I just saw that and I don't have the courage to stand up to you and say what this Everybody in the audience knows which is that you made that up That you come on my new station and you say that people of color after deal with this every single day And I Understand what will happen to me If I call you out I watched uh before the show today. I watched the ingram angle And Laura ingram talked about this And she was like I just I went over to go look at the Odyssey chat just another ODC or says I'm guessing the pin is it is really flag libel pin Yeah, she wouldn't be accused of stealing that they'd be like oh, you know One of the many lobbyists here pin that on you and uh that makes you a member of congress, you know Belora ingram is like we are deeply offended by this and we have Conj acted the Capitol police and we are demanding that they release the footage of this abuse so that we can find out who did this to Representative Barbara Lee We have not heard back from the Capitol police yet, but we will follow up and we will let you know if they get back to us Something tells me that they're not gonna get that video, you know That's gonna be harder to find than the video of you know jimal boom and pulling the fire alarm, you know You know because he he pulled the fire alarm He was not trying to stop the vote he wasn't waging an insurrection He was not actually trying to delay the vote and obstruct governmental performance now What he did he was just so stupid you understand he's completely retarded and so when he was Bumbling about the United States House of Representatives He pulled the fire alarm instead of pushing on the the door Uh because he's not of human intellect you see Ah 217 68 1433 like to be on the program and I'm or you talk less I have to so please do give us a call And if you don't then I'm gonna end the show, you know in one hour instead of two But I'll pull up some news stories and we'll see what happens Uh Let's see here There's apparently some fake Joe Biden robo calls telling new hamster Democrats not to vote Tuesday. That's kind of funny This story over at NBC news trying to like give people ideas I guess Uh the call and apparent imitation or digital manipulation of the president's voice said voting this Tuesday only enables Republicans in their quest to elect Donald Trump again oh Man, Justinou hamster the new hamster attorney general's office is investigating what appeared to be an unlawful attempt at voter suppression After NBC News reported on a robo call in personating president Joe Biden that told recipients not to vote in Tuesday's presidential primary quote Although the voice in the robo call sounds like the voice of president Biden this message appears to be artificially generated based on initial indications The attorney general's office said in a statement These messages appear to be an unlawful attempt to disrupt the new hamster presidential primary election and to suppress new hamster voters New hamster voters should disregard the content of this message entirely The investigation comes after a prominent new hamster democrat whose personal cell phone number showed up on the caller ID screens of those receiving the call filed a complaint What a bunch of molarky the robo call phone message begins echoing a favorite Biden term The message says quote it's important that you save your vote for the November election Voting this Tuesday only enables Republicans in their quest to electoral Trump your vote makes a difference in November not this Tuesday The message concludes with a phone number belonging to Kathy Sullivan a former new hamster democratic primary party chair I should say who now runs a super PAC supporting the campaign to urge new hamster Democrats to write in Biden's name in the primary Biden's name does not appear on Tuesday's ballot a consequence of state elections officials setting the date of the primary before the South Carolina's on February 3rd The first sanctioned contest of the 2024 nominating race under new democratic national committee rules But Local supporters launched the late right in effort to both Marshall support for Biden and send a message to the national party about New Hampshire's coveted century long tradition of holding the nation's first primary Which you might know you know they were deprived of this by the racial animus of the democratic party They hate white people the Democrats you see And so they were like listen you white people in New Hampshire You know, we haven't diversified your state enough yet with the Rattabee G resettlement and dropping off the prisoners there After we're done we'll see about you know letting you vote in primaries again Taken way too long to destroy you In an interview but local supporters launched the right in campaign. Oh, okay in an interview Sullivan said she began receiving calls Sunday evening from those who had received a message a woman who said she spoke She a woman she spoke to told her That Biden had called her Though she said she was not as Biden supporter Quote I said you got a call from Joe Biden you gave my not any gave you my number Sullivan said she responded A volunteer for the right in effort also received the call and recorded it Sullivan said and shared it with organizers of the barit Biden writing campaign One of the organizers then shared it with NBC news It's not clear how many voters receive the call or what types of voters were targeted This is voters phone numbers can readily be purchased from data brokers And Sullivan said that while it is not clear who is behind the robot call. It's obviously somebody who wants to hurt Joe Biden Quote I want them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible because this is an attack on democracy said Sullivan in attorney Who said she believed the call could violate several laws? I'm not going to let it go. I want to know who's paying for it Who knew about it? Who knew the bet who benefits So here's that's pretty funny in itself right Oh, hey, don't go vote in the Republican primary. Okay, we're not having a Democrat primary if you go vote the Republican primary You know you you're only helping Donald Trump And they say that this is designed to hurt Joe Biden why Well, because anybody who's stupid enough to believe this first wall Is going to be one of the people who's stupid enough to vote for Nikki Haley right nobody who's dumb enough to believe this is a Trump supporter you see And nobody who would respond to don't help Donald Trump is you know a Trump supporter very obviously right So the Biden campaign is you know for very good reason believes that they're better off running against Nikki Haley which is obvious right I Think it was on the on the uncensored show we're talking about Nikki Haley cheated on her husband No fewer than two with no fewer than two men I should say not two times but like many times with at least two men And the media is just like I they're like oh what we have no idea that Nikki Haley's Having sex with other men behind her husband's back and then pretending that she's completely faithful to Because they're waiting until after the primary you see and then is soon as she would if she's not going to be but where should it become the Republican nominee? Would he immediately become Nikki Haley to hard don't you know But they want to run against her you know She said she also plans to engage with federal law enforcement Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez-Rodry-Gez said that the campaign is actively discussing additional actions to take immediately Sullivan was party chair in 2002 and a so-called phone jamming effort was carried out during a hotly contested U.S. Senate race Two Republican officials including the executive chair the state Republican party and a Republican National Committee operative were convicted of using computer-generated Robocalls to disrupt Democrats get out to vote call center operations State officials are speaking out against the calls Secretary of State Dan Schanglin said the calls quote reinforce a national concern about the effect of artificial intelligence on campaigns Senator Maggie Hassan Democrat a new hamster said she hopes to the open the attempt to dampen turnout for Biden will backfire Well, there's the big joke right the whole entire point of the call is that you're going to turn out for Biden What they're concerned about it's going to dampen turn out for Nikki Haley That's the big joke I urge granted stateers to make sure their friends and neighbors know the truth and turn out and even bigger numbers to write in Nikki Haley I mean president Biden's name The campaign of representative dean Phillips of Minnesota who is challenging Biden for the nominations said it was not aware of the calls but called them wildly concerning Any effort to discourage voters is disgraceful and unacceptable a front to democracy spokes person Katie Dullin said The potential use of AI to manipulate voters is deeply disturbing A spokesperson for Trump's campaign said you guys are a bunch of cops shut up. We don't care That's not actually what they said in NBC news I spoke's worse than for Trump's campaign denied any connection to the call saying not us we have nothing to do with it Well, that's unfortunate because that'd be pretty funny, huh? I would love to start doing the robo call thing You know, you have to be careful you don't want to end up like Ricky Vaughan and be like oh Well, you've been you know because your thing was so stupid It's obviously racist because you're trying to take advantage of low IQ people And we all know who they are because we're a bunch of racists actually and so like You can't do that, you know But I'd love to find out like what the rules are for for robo calls and and abide by them for real You know, because I mean they've taken all these you know avenues of trying to promote like could I go do robo calls and be like you Should listen to my podcast. I think I can do that, you know Just go buy long list of phone numbers. I bought a voice over IP like a sip trunk. I actually bought the service I was testing. I have my own like PBX installed here. I haven't really used it Excuse me. I'm stretching a little bit. Oh feels good um But I installed a PBX here and I was looking into I have a An apple I have two different PBX offers installed both on like a virtual machines On a computer locally and I bought a sip trunk because I want to do the robo call thing I think that that could be pretty powerful. You know like I said you don't want to do you don't want to do this You don't want to become Ricky Vaughan and be like yeah, don't vote Because you're black or whatever that you're gonna get a lot of trouble for that But can we call people and be like yeah check out surreal politics. I'll play this clip for you. You hang up whatever you want You know Can I call can I just run around and call people like through robo calls and be like hey my name is Christopher cat Well, I'm really talented. We like to listen to a segment of my podcast if's not hang up because it's about to start And I'll play what what clip should I do I think I'll do um Probably aren't we get a beauty revisited is like 42 minutes long very few people are gonna stay on the phone that long But uh, maybe I'll do like either words or weapons or um consequences of masking or um, you know one of these I could do unknown soldier memorial day, you know, we'll do the memorial day. We'll be like hey check this out You know, it's my memorial day bit. I'll do my you know, just we'll do it all the time Be a lot of fun And you know, you could help me do that if you want if you go and you give me money Right if you pay me to do the show then I'll have money to spend on things And that'd be a great idea surreal slash donate slash donate a slash donate I don't own anymore a bunch of crooks stole it from me But you know, I have the dot net And I think I'm gonna get I'm gonna get you another link soon like a specifically a very simple pay me link Anything I try to make it very easy to pay me of course, you know, give send slash spm edgy chris on cash app I'll read off my monero keys now. I'm kidding of course you'll get the crypto keys on those pages If you have Bitcoin you want to send me Bitcoin and you don't want to send it to the to the public key that I have there Send me an email and I'll give you a fresh key. I have like, you know Obviously, I have other, you know, Bitcoin wallets and stuff And so if you want like privacy for your Bitcoin transactions Just be like hey, give me a key to send Bitcoin to and I'll give you a fresh one that nobody's used before okay Very happy to do that slash contact or or slash contact either one of those websites will get you there I'm notoriously easy to get a hold of you might have heard I do a call in radio show You're allowed to call the phone number two one seven six eight one four three three, but nobody has done that tonight So I'm gonna call it tonight. I'm gonna call it. I'm gonna call tonight I've had fun talking not to you, but at you I'm looking forward to speaking with you in the future That'd be swell you love when you guys call into the show And we're gonna figure out ways to get people to do that more often And when maybe we'll get people who actually like don't agree with us if we start doing rubble calls I think it'd be a lot of fun. I really want to try to do it so go ahead pay me and subscribe follow like share do all the things that you know all the uh All the all the other podcasters tell you to do Because that's uh, that's how things happen. You know they get things done You you like follow share subscribe you pay and then I just uh, you know One of my talents are in front of all these other people and then they pay and then we're not ripping off Tony Suprano anymore. It's kind of the idea, right? So we'll be back obviously Obviously we'll be back Wednesday for the member show because those guys pay for the show And I gotta do something for them and then Friday, you know I have to do the Friday thing because that's a lot of fun. We're cursing up a storm on the radical agenda It's a good time So you want to be on the mailing list Christopher Camp well done that slash subscribe And you want to be following me on everything telegram, you know, you get the telegram thing like if you have You know an apple you should probably throw it in the garbage you get get an android phone And then you can side load, you know, you can side load is what they call that's the that's the term when you're avoiding the google play store in their Crooked practices where they tell telegram. Hey, you know, I understand that web browsers are allowed to help people buy drugs or whatever But you guys can't have Christopher Kent while on your app and they're like, but we can't censor people because we're telegram And then Google's like, okay, well, I'll tell you what you can keep Christopher Kent while on telegram You just have to make sure that your Google Play Store app is disabled, right? We don't want the Google Play Store apps to function properly understand You have to you have to get rid of the best stuff on the Google Play Store apps because we're a bunch of crooks and criminals And then they're like, okay fine you guys you guys are fine you guys can have a criminal you guys can have criminal apps Okay, so you know, but if you download it from then you can then you can follow me It's actually follow Chris as the telegram channel You wouldn't want to get caught up in any of those impersonators one tell one thing telegram's really bad about is deleting spam and impersonating It's at follow Chris on telegram And so you can do that if you have the Android phone and then you download it from But not if you download it from the Google Play Store if you're on Apple you can only do it if you have You know, you could do it on the web browser on your Apple phone, but you know apples a bunch of criminals too and so You know Oh, that's really loud. What are you doing that's supposed to be like the little that's the door creaking It's not supposed to be really loud. I had to turn that all the way up so we can hear that idiot Barbara lean lie on CNN And then hear the uncomfortable silence of Caitlin Collins eyes being like oh my god I'm looking like a complete idiot because of this moron on my show We have so much fun this year guys New Hampshire That truck's gonna take you. We have sure If Nikki Haley is still in the race comes out Carolina. She's gonna get embarrassed It's gonna be a complete circus. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into and we're gonna in we're gonna laugh our balls off all year And then Donald Trump's gonna become president of the United States again And you're gonna see that freaking like time square or wherever it was Now we'll be making fun of her for the next four years That I'll be president We'll see you soon. Thanks to tuning in