and we'll play some intro music and then we'll do a show. We'll play some intro music and then we'll do a show. Alright, welcome to surreal politics. This is a 45th episode of the first stage of the show on February 12th of February 2024. And of course, we try to get these things started around 9.30. If all the technology does what it's supposed to do, then as long as I'm on time, then we get close to start it on time. Today we're a little bit late getting started because the phones are not cooperating. But now they are. And let's see if they cooperate throughout the show. If they do, then you can give me a call at 217-688-1433. If you'd like to be on the program and I'm more or you told the less I have to, so please do give us a call. I would love to hear from you. I would love to sort of celebrate with you. If I could, I'm very proud of myself. I'm very proud to announce that your favorite podcaster, that's me if you don't know, has just published his first of what are short to be many books. And most of you, of course, will be familiar with the text of the work published. It is the transcript of the monologue I titled Beauty Revisited at a mere 26 pages. It is shorter than I had expected by first book to be, but if you are as I expect familiar, you could be certain its quality is not in question. The Kindle eBook is free right now until February 15th. I mean, you've got tomorrow and the day after. I don't know if it's through the 15th or on the 15th, it stops being that. I'm actually unclear on that. You might want to get it, you know, before Valentine's Day is over, probably be the wise thing to do. It'll be free until that promotion ends, whichever it is, after the promotion ends, it's only 99 cents or if you have the Kindle unlimited subscription, you can have, you can read it for free. You don't even have to pay, you know, when it costs 99 cents. You can pick up the paperback from Amazon for just $5.75. And I'll note that these may great gifts for prisoners as well as your loved ones who are outside the walls. If you would like a sign copy, you're going to have to wait a little while for that. You can, I mean, you can go buy the Amazon thing and as soon as I bump into or whatever, I'll be happy to sign it or you can ship it to me and pay for return shipping. And I'll be, I'll be happy to sign your book, however you want to do it. But if you want to buy a sign copy, you know, I can't sign what Amazon ships you, right? Amazon prints the books on site, then they ship them directly to you. So if you're like putting in your order notes, hey, have Chris sign it. Amazon's going to be like, who the hell is Chris? They're just going to send you the book. But once I get them, I expect it to have the listing up by today. But as is often the case, there's too much going on here today. But I need to order author copies and I need to put them on the website. As a matter of fact, I'll probably put the listing up tonight and they'll basically be pre-orders because I have like not for sale proofs is what I have. And so I'll get the shipping wait or whatever into the site and then you can order it from me. I haven't figured out exactly the price yet. I have to calculate the shipping, but you can order it from me and I'll sign your book and I'll ship it to you. But if you buy from Amazon, which I would like you to do, by the way, because I want you to leave the Amazon reviews, that's a very helpful. But if you buy from me, then I'll sign your book and I'll send it off to you. You could say in the order notes, if you want me to say something specific. Note that if you don't already know, like my handwriting is awful, it's a criminal thing to put a pen in my hand. It's a good thing that we have computers or it'd be a felony for me to write. But I will sign your book and I'll be really happy to do that. I'll be honored to do it as a matter of fact. And so those, once they're up, they'll be prominently featured at slash shop. But like I said, I won't be able to ship them right away because I don't actually possess the books yet. I'm going to basically order author copies from Amazon. They charge me just for the printing costs when I buy them. When you buy them, I'm getting $1 or whatever it is on $5.75. They're taking the printing and a cut of the book sale. So anyway, so there's that is going on. If you follow the on Telegram, you might have seen, I put the book up with an ugly cover at first. I tried to use Amazon's book cover designer. And I was like, well, I'm talking about prison. So I'll use like a brick wall. And then I'll try to find some font that you can actually see the text on top of the bricks. And it was disgusting. And people on Telegram are like, what's wrong with you? You know, you have a book called Beauty Revisited and the cover is ugly. And I'm like, well, you can't judge a book by its cover. And then I said, somebody come over here, shoot me because that sounds idiotic. And so I did, like I replace the cover. It's actually like a really nice cover if you've seen the cover art for Beauty Revisited. You know, I did it with like the AI generator. It's the same art that I put on the cover image, but you know, altered to fit the format of the book or whatever. And so, you know, the announcement of the publication of this particular book is actually less significant than the broader implications though. You know, I looked into having a book published back in like 2019. And as I spoke to various publishing outfits, it appeared to me that this would be a fairly significant investment. And if I was not able to get a publisher to take on the expense themselves, which seemed the most likely scenario, obviously. Amazon, as it turns out, makes this remarkably easy and with zero upfront cost to me. And though I despise this company in many ways, I almost feel foolish for not taking advantage of the sooner. With these easily and affordable, you know, this easily and affordable way of publishing, I do not have to be quite so concerned about the expected sales volume for whatever I publish. Right? So, you know, when I'm thinking about publishing a book in 2019, I'm like, well, this thing has to be a masterpiece. It's got to be like, you know, I'm going to publish this book and it's going to be like the book that takes off, right? And so I can't publish the book. And like, unless the book is perfect, you know? And of course, you know, even if you're not somebody who doubts everything they do, right? Even if you're not somebody who's like, everything I do sucks, right? Which is what I do, right? Even if you're not that guy, you know, waiting until your book is perfect, it's a good way to never get your book published, right? So, you know, I basically put this off and I was like, oh, well, you know, I got to make sure the book is perfect and then, you know, I'm trying to write a book about ideas and my ideas are changing constantly. And I'm like, well, this is never going to happen. A little while back, I got, um, got by the name of Anne Smith. Some of you guys know her. She wrote a book titled, Charlotte's Villain, until she shared with me a, um, I don't know if she's published it or whatever, she shared with me like a, a short story, a short fiction that she wrote. And I was like, oh, well, that's actually pretty good read. And I never thought about doing, you know, some people have suggested I write fiction before. And I was like, well, you know, that seems like a huge investment, right? Like, I've got a right, you know, no fewer than 250 pages. I've got a, you know, do all this character development. I was like, can you do, you can do short stories, you know? And so Amazon, you can actually publish the book that the, to get the book printed, it has to be at least 26 pages with the, what was it? Um, I published this in a group on telegram, not the public telegram channel, that it was for, okay, so for, for book, for ebooks, they have to be at least 2500 words. Well, as a matter of fact, like most of my opening monologues are more than 2500 words, like I could go and just publish monologues as ebooks on Amazon all day. Now whether or not I'd want to do that is another question, obviously, because, you know, not everything is something that somebody's going to want to download on their Kindle or whatever. And you do have to think about the branding of considerations, right? If you're publishing things, just because, oh, I have text, I'll just put it on Amazon because I've got lots of words. Like it's not, it's a bad, good way to get a bad reputation, right? I also thought about, you might know there's another guy with a reputation by the name of Christopher Kent. Well, and I can't imagine that dude's very happy with me. He's like a comic book guy or something, right? So if you search Amazon for Christopher Kent, well, you're not going to find my book right away, okay? You're going to find this guy who writes like comic books. And I'm like, well, you know, maybe I should make my author named Chris Kent, well, so I'll be distinguished from this guy. And I'm like, well, then again, maybe I shouldn't, you know? I mean, he doesn't have a whole lot of, you know, I'm looking at his books. His books have like 49 reviews or whatever, which, you know, makes him very successful, and competitive to me because I know that I sold a few books, but I haven't, thus far Amazon has not published the reviews for those books. I don't know how many people have made reviews after they published them. So, you know, definitely do that, you know, go get, even if you're going to buy the, even if you plan to buy a paperback for me, go get the free ebook from Amazon now, and then leave a review on Amazon. Do that for me. That'll be very helpful. As long as you like the book, if you think I sucked and don't do this, okay? You think that Chris Kent, well, shouldn't be publishing on Amazon. Don't follow that advice, kids, okay? But if you're somebody who likes what I do, and you're like, yeah, more people should see what Chris is writing, then you should definitely go download the ebook and leave a review. But anyway, so he, you know, his books, they got like 49 reviews on them. That's all I can really discern about their sales data. And so he's not, you know, the most successful guy in terms of Amazon sales. But you know, I can either try to distinguish myself from him or ride what little interest there is in him. And we'll see what happens with that. I'm sure he's going to be like, oh my god, I'm going to go have to, I'm going to have to go get a middle initial or something. That's like, he better hope his middle name is not, doesn't start with a C because he's going to be in trouble. Haha. Anyway, you know, Amazon, they print the books to order. You see, and it delivers the books to the Kindle readers very easily. And so with this tool at my disposal, like publishing collections of selected writings with a bit of fresh commentary is a very viable project. Is a folder on my computer titled My Book Projects. I've been thinking about publishing a book for a long time. There's actually more than one project that I've begun on this. And several works are in various stages of completion with thousands of pages of tax, more or less ready to go. Among them, I worked on this for a bunch of hours last night. I blew the dust off something I'm calling adventures in libertarianism. And this is a compilation of much of my old libertarian stuff, including, which is more interesting in my view, like the never before made public emails. It's one thing that, you know, the compilations of blog posts are pretty interesting, but for those of you who have been around for a while, those are public. I mean, it's like, you know, yeah, maybe you want to have them or maybe you're new to the stuff and you're not familiar with the old content. But it all has been available for free. If you try hard enough, you can find all the old stuff. This is not the case with the emails, right? So when I was working on last night, it was actually like, and it was actually, it was pretty interesting for me because even when I did, like, I started to do like my compilations and I, there were emails that I remembered and I went to go back and I got them and I have some of my emails in these, you know, compilations of writings. But as I was doing it last night, I was like, well, wait a second. No, this refers to this other thing and I went back, like, I started digging in the crates, you know, going back in the, in my Gmail and I have all this stuff from when I ran from Congress, for example. So I, one of the first things that I ever wrote that got any attention at all was it email to my congressman who I ended up running against the next year guy by the name of Tim Bishop in New York's first congressional district. And I remembered that email and it wasn't in my post compilation. I was like, oh, I got to go back and get that. And I was like, well, you know, I've got, I also have the emails where they were encouraging me to run and where I told them about my exploratory committee, I had to go find these things. And the order that those things were in in my head was actually incorrect. And so I went back through them and as I'm going through it, I'm like, wow, this actually tells the story very, it tells the story better than I thought it did of when I ran for Congress. And there was a lot of the communication was done by email, right? So, you know, I basically, I joined the Tea Party movement in 2009. And I just been arrested for DUI or DWI as it is in New York. I say DUI because it's more. I have the, I'm under the impression that that's what they call it in most states, driving under the influence, whereas in New York state, it's driving along toxicated. And I was upset about that because, you know, when I was 19 years old, I like slept it off in my car after a party. And some cop knocked on my window while I was sleeping. It was like, yeah, you know, have you been drinking it on my scrawl from the sleep? Go, go away, you know, step out of the car, you know, blow into this. I'm up low on your test. Like, I'm taking a nap, dude. Like, I'm not driving. Leave me alone. It busted me for DWI when I was 19 years old. It's zero tolerance, okay? And so, nine years and two days later, I'm out on a date on a Saturday night. It's like three o'clock in the morning and I'm doing, you know, 10 miles an hour over the speed limit. And then the speed limit drops five miles and right after the speed limit changes, there's some cop just sitting there. And so now I'm doing 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. Get pulled over. Yeah, anything to drink tonight. Yeah, I just came from a bar and come back here, you know, follow the pan, yada, yada, walk the line. Okay. And I passed the field sobriety test. Like, I was not drunk, which was pretty amazing for me back then to be out on a date on a Saturday night at three o'clock in the morning and not be wasted. But I was trying to get laid, right? Like, I was like, no, I don't want to be like sloppy. I'm trying to get, you know, this girl to come home with me, right? So he's like, yeah, blow into this thing and it says I'm 0.09 and you know, the blood alcohol concentration a bit is 0.08. And so because they were nine years and two days apart, like, it's a felony, you know? And so I've got all these emails with the lawyer, you know, I've got, after I stumble upon this like Michael Badenaric video, you guys have heard me talk about before, I decide to go and like get involved with the Libertarian party and I find out, you know, this is, I got arrested March 9th of 2009. And that's like when the Tea Party was getting underway, right? And so I went to like the Tea Party groups and I went to like all these Tea Party rallies and stuff and I got involved with the campaign for liberty. I didn't know anything about Ron Paul at this point, but you know, they were all Ron Paul people. So I got introduced into politics and I've got all of these emails and going through them is kind of like a fun thing for me. So I was doing a bunch of that last night. And there's a bunch of communications in there. But one of the things that stands out is I sent this email to my congressman like after I met him for the first time at this meeting in the ad and I asked him like, hey, you know, the 10th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States says that, you know, the government of the United States has not any powers that aren't granted to it in the Constitution. I don't see anything about healthcare or any of this cap and trade stuff that you guys are thinking about. I don't see any of that there. And he's like, oh, well, the Constitution is to do good, you know, it's the general welfare. And so the next day I wrote him a fairly hostile email. And, uh, you know, I got a former apply back whatever he was like, well, let me debate the 10th Amendment with you, Mr. Cat. Well, it wasn't like that, you know. But when I sent the email to the congressman, I then I sent the email to the campaign for Liberty mailing list. And people are like, that's a great email. I was like, really? Like an email can be great? I didn't know that. Because I, you know, I've been sending emails for a long time, perhaps. Obviously, I was in IT, right? And I've been scolded many times at work for like long-winded emails because, you know, I like had this really terrible habit of tending to things from my job after I got home and had a bunch of drinks or whatever, right? So, you know, I'm like, oh, I've got an email. I'm, you know, I'm drunk, but I might as well just reply to it. And, you know, I'd be scolded for long-winded emails like we've got better things to do, you know. But I discovered, you know, in this way that, you know, putting a colorful spit on your words is more appreciated in politics than it is in the, you know, corporate America. And so, you know, this is when I began to hone my craft. I think that that has a lot of potential that one. And like, you know, I can do that as a book that does not. So, many times I've wanted to publish a book like, hey, here's my manifesto, right? Here are my ideas. I want to put this forth and tell you that it's the truth or whatever. That is proof very difficult with me because my ideas have changed so frequently. I mean, not frequently, but my ideas have changed so dramatically, you know, repeatedly throughout the course of my life that it almost seems crazy to do that. Like to commit them to a book seems, you know, I mean, I come out here and I talk about my ideas with you all the time. I write them down and put them on the blog. They are in theory frozen there forever, but you know, it's a book, it's something you hold in your hand, right? It's tangible. You put it in a book like you're stuck with it. Like, that's my mind in any way. And so, you know, I have this whole thing, you know, it's not a whole thing. I never finished it, but, you know, it's an end cap, but I was like, I had this idea for a title of a book in the absence of the state, an anarchist case for resistance, okay? And I wrote, you know, significantly for this thing. And thank God, I never published it. Like, I'd feel like an idiot if I had done it. But, you know, if I, if I publish adventures in libertarianism, I can, as I've already started to say in the book, let me read to you the, what I have of the preface here. I say here, thank you so much for purchasing or otherwise acquiring this book. It's a very special thing to me, and I hope that you can find some value in its contents as well. There's some question in my mind about that prospect. In the years that follow, what you're about to read, I've come to refute a great deal of it. This is not published as a thesis on libertarianism, or a means by which to promote it. This is mostly a historical relic for those who are interested in my broader ideological journey. I am not a libertarian. There's more than a little debate about whether I really ever was. I have long toyed with the idea, writing a book specifically to refute libertarianism, and should I take on that noble task, I hope you'll find yourself in possession of a copy. I like to think I've always communicated honestly though, in this way, I've discovered much in the way of error. Even today, however, I have a lot of respect for libertarians who really understand the ideas at its core, since there is intellectual value in what they are doing, even if they are not a much direct practical use. I could as easily refer to this as a singular idea, namely what they call the non-aggression principle. The idea here, as a majority of readers likely already know, quite well, is that the only permissible use of force or its threat coercion is in defense of person and justly acquired property against intrusion by another. On its face, this sounds about as reasonable as a thing can be. This is how most of us tend to live our lives, or at least that is how we envision ourselves living as peaceful, productive, cooperative members of a society where violence is impermissible. As will become painfully obvious to the reader, this is not how we actually live our lives. We are not only members of a cooperative society, we are also part of something often referred to as the state or the government. The state is invisible to most of us most of the time. If you become very aware of the government, chances are something is going terribly wrong in your life, and you have all of my sympathy for that, I mean it. That awareness too often comes when one runs a foul of the law, or the law, as otherwise turned against them by powerful people who abuse it. When this happens, it becomes impossible not to notice its violent and coercive elements. To be forced by the state to act against one's will, to be deprived of property prohibited from engaging in a wholesome activity, thrown in change, locked in a cage, or drafted into war, shatters one's capacity to adhere to the common frame of reference where in the government is just there to help. Moreover, not all run-ins with the state are equally traumatizing. I myself had something of a misspent youth. I didn't find it particularly surprising when I got into trouble with the police as a kid. I broke the law, I knew I broke the law, and the anomaly here was just that I got caught unlike all those other times I got away with it. In my adulthood, I ran into problems with the government without violating its laws. This was what initially turned me on to libertarianism. I no longer saw the government as orderly or a keeper of the peace. Rather, it was a disruption to what I perceived to be the natural order. Unable to articulate this at the time, I saw answers in researching the law and philosophy. In the course of that journey, I stumbled across a video series by 2004, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Bagnaric. The title introduced introduction to the Constitution. The seven hour long video talks a lot about American history and aspects of philosophy centered around freedom, but never actually goes into the non-aggression principle. Bagnaric at this time was what some would call a mid-archist or an advocate of minimal government interference in the lives of a citizenry. He was not an anarchist and did not advocate for the abolition of the state, but he did advocate for the violent overthrow of the government that presently existed. In his view, the United States Constitution was the basis for the government's existence so far as the government of this territory was concerned. If it exceeded the boundaries imposed upon it by that document, he explained, quoting from the Declaration of Independence, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. I've often described this video series as what radicalized me. I had started paying attention to politics after the World Trade Center attacks on September 11th of 2001 and was more than happy to have Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity spoon feed me milk toast, watered down center-right political opinions for the next eight years. I cheered on George W. Bush but declined to vote in 2008 as I was disgusted by the government bailouts provided to American financial institutions. When Barack Obama was elected, I disagreed with his policies, but thought it would be pretty cool if I could go to the doctor without worrying about money, and I was absolutely ecstatic to know that racism in America was finally over. As the reader is likely painfully aware, this was a rather misguided assessment of the situation which would come to emerge from his election. Instead, life got more expensive under Barack Obama. The wars continued. Race relations were made worse with every passing day. It became obvious to me that the government was to borrow from Ronald Reagan, not the solution to our problems, but the source of them. And so when I felt myself facing four and a half years in a state prison for driving home from a bar while I had on a date and having a machine say that I had one more drink than mothers against drunk driving approved of, I had just about had it with this institution and its failings. Studying from my defense in that legal battle, I discovered Mr. Badnarek and thus began my journey. Around this time emerged the Tea Party movement. I quickly linked up with them and became an activist very quickly. That is how I came to meet a woman by the name of Gigi Bowman, who was running a local kick-chapter of the organization called Campaign for Liberty from Ron Paul. Gigi was also involved in a local libertarian party and she began curbing me to be a candidate for public office. In the year 2010, I challenged a common Democrat Tim Bishop for his seat in the United States House of Representatives to represent the first congressional district of New York. I originally intended to seek the nomination of the Republican Party to cross endorse me with the libertarian party, but this quickly proved to challenging a task. The nomination went to a man by the name of Randy Outshuler, who had never lived in the district and had actually purchased a home in the area for the specific purpose of running for Congress. I did not even make the ballot on the libertarian line. I failed to gain enough ballot access signatures and I quickly made enemies in my own party as well as in the two major ones. I was assured that any attempt to gain ballot access would be challenged, that I would lose that challenge and that my time and resources could be better spent than in pursuit of that pre-ordained failure. I had some awareness that this might occur, so while I campaign, I told people that if they did not see me on the ballot, they could write me in. As the election results rolled in, Tim Bishop won re-election by a very thin margin, and the number of ride-in votes exceeded his margin of victory. Since New York State only counts the names on ride-in votes, if this has the potential to change the outcome of the election, and this was not the case that night, I'll never know how many of those ride-ins were for me, but I knew of no other ride-in candidate in that race. I was thus blamed with some merit for costing the Republican Party a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and not long after this, Obamacare became law. This experience taught me a great deal about people, about politics, about public speaking, and about riding. In fact, the first time I ever realized I had any challenge for riding or speaking was during this campaign. That is where it all began. On July 22, 2009, I contacted Representative Bishop. I supposed to contact for him in his website because I do not seem to have the original message in my possession. I have the date only due to an automated response. He replied on August 5, with some boilerplate mass distribution copy for anyone who had contacted him about the healthcare pill, and I replied as follows. Mr. Bishop, thank you for taking the time to reply and for sending that letter to the speaker with regard to the continuing debate. I think a lot of the worry in the public has to do with the rush that the president has put on this drastic overhaul of our healthcare system, but sir, it appears to be you either don't understand the issues or you are being disingenuous. I know enough about the United States federal government to know that what is said to us today is not often the same as what is done to us tomorrow. I am an IT consultant. If the U.S. federal government started competing with me tomorrow with the ability to legislate in their favor, print money, tax, and work without making a profit, I doubt I'd be in business much longer. I don't see how it could be any different with the insurance industry to suggest otherwise serve as to insult the intelligence of your constituents. The United States federal government is on a power crabbing spending spree in the vast majority, the first congressional district of New York is fully against the public option of any kind. If you vote for a public option, brush up on your resume because you will be out of a job in 2010. I promise you thousands of people right here in your district and millions across our country are becoming extremely concerned with the complete disregard you all seem to have for us in our constitution. We are not stupid. We are not consumed by the media spectacle of left versus right debate and we are not going to allow you to do this to us without a fight. If a doctor pays five times my salary and malpractice insurance, how is anyone supposed to afford to see a doctor? The government created this problem just like the area where every other crisis you folks down there seem to be trying to solve. Nothing in government has ever been self-sustained. It is a stain by taxpayers to suggest otherwise as to insult my intelligence sir and I don't take kindly to such an insult. A government expense that does not raise taxes raises inflation, which you folks, which if you folks haven't figured out yet, it's also bad. The silence for the insurance companies is not a comfort to the American people. It's a sure sign that they've been threatened to keep their mouths shut. The commercials run in favor of it by the pharmaceutical industry. Show me who really wants this bill to pass. Your responsibility is to represent the people, the first congressional district of New York, not just Gordon Heights, not the president, not the Democrat party. If we can't stop you Mr. Bishop then we will vote you out of office. We are strong in numbers, we are organizing and we are angry than we have ever been. This trend of growing the government at such an alarming rate must and will stop. If you won't do it yourselves the states will and at the state won't we will. This email was among the early signs of a trend forming. I began to get more fiery as I went forward with Bad Norris video series having convinced me that the government was a violent criminal institution that had forfeited its legitimacy. I had entered the activism scene with revolution on my mind. I had done a lot of reading on the American Revolution in the early stages of this journey. I had also done some reading about various people who had over the years carried out some act of politically motivated violence in the United States. I thought about these two things side by side. The contrast was fairly clear. The American Revolution happened and succeeded to the extent one could say that it did in large part because those who waged it had spent a great deal of time and effort on convincing people it was the right thing to do. The various people, history records as loan nuts did nothing of the sort. They became so enraged with whatever it was that drove them that they resorted to violence and ended a ruin their lives to no meaningful effect. I was upset about what I came to know that I was willing perhaps even eager to die for what I believed. That remains largely the case to this very day and what I now know makes what I thought I knew then looked like an episode of Sesame Street. The reason I'm still alive to tell you about this is because I'd not cease to value my own life. I only start to see it as an expendable resource in pursuing something more important. I suspect many of the people you hear about who go on some kind of politically motivated suicide mission when it killed themselves without whatever political motivation that was given enough time. They were ultimately motivated by a desire to die and they had only dressed this up in politics to make it appear more noble than it was. Give me the opportunity to trade my life for a meaningful achievement and I will seize that opportunity with the utmost enthusiasm and without the slightest hesitation. But I was not willing to throw my life away for nothing just to send a message. I understood even back then that I was facing a year's long challenge at best. To have any meaningful impact I was going to have to convince people that I was right. Whatever came of my efforts I wanted to make certain that I would not go down is a blip on the news because I wanted to make an impact on history. There's plenty more of that than I've already written but I shouldn't try to turn this into an audiobook. Still working on it and it's going to be a really good, it's going to be a really good read. When I started to get at though it's like you know I get to go through the old stuff and I can say these are not my ideas anymore but you know here's some thoughts about these ideas that I once uttered. I think that that's easier. Call it a cop out if you want. That's probably a fair assessment. You know it's a completely different level of responsibility that one takes on by doing that and I take a little bit of comfort in that and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Just take a call. Call your on surreal politics. What can I do for you? Mr. Cantwell how you doing dude can you give me okay? I hear you fine pal go ahead man. Alright Bobby I've been listening to free talk live and you've for probably about 18 years now because I was about 2021 you know in and out I know all the not all everything but you know some of your certain things that you've been in too and I've heard about your DIY. I got to do you on a line of 19 also Mr. Cantwell and are you can you hear me bro. Yeah I hear you bro go ahead. Okay yeah so I got a same thing out of me. I was coming on from a concert. If we needed to verify everything I can't even know what I was I was I was stuck in the concert parking lot. I got yeah yes I did I brought my own booze because you know I've stood still is in there and then so afterwards I stayed in my minivan had a Mazdamp TV minivan and I just flipped off but I'm a radio guy so I had the key thing that she had the keys turned backwards well three or four hours after the concert's over you know obviously because in the van I hear don't don't don't don't don't don't on the window bro. What the hell's going on bro and you're the cost at the fuck window any of me do opens my door and he said when he opened my door he's like medical emergency. Yeah no real quick buddy buddy are you okay? I'm just gonna ask it real quick I need to interrupt you just it's surreal politics it's Monday try to keep the profanity to a minimum if you don't mind. Okay yes sir I'm sorry. It's okay my conscience. I understand I appreciate it yeah okay would you like me to talk radio friendly? yeah if you would just keep it FCC friendly that's that's the Monday show once on Friday you call back and you can curse up a store. Mondays we try to keep we try not to have to apologize for our episode Monday. I got you sir I say so I'm out of trouble but listen I hear you come I know there's a lot of crap you know that goes around listen you got to be a die hard M effort and I got on I'm looking for advice to tonight but hold on that when I got the same thing after me bro I want when I was 17 I was gonna be a truck driver I had my girlfriend and I was gonna be a truck driver I was 19 my dreams were erased because I got that DUI sitting in the park a lot of the concert dude and it was like storm trip but the one any each oh oh we saw you and we thought it was a medical emergency open my door and yes I did have a half gallon of vodka but I wasn't driving I was sitting right there I was trying to sleep it off man and I learned a DUI class you got to make sure that the keys are out of ignition throw them in the back seat or yeah so they yeah you got to make sure the keys where you can't reach them and they can't mess with you so yeah if the keys are like in your dominion they can charge you at a DUI I think it might vary from state to state but that you know the United States Supreme Court is not going to step in even the keys are outside the car like if you if you're in the car and the keys are you know under your wheel well or something if the cops says where's the keys and you're like they're in the wheel well he's like yeah well you go get him anytime you want you're in control of the car we can charge you I've seen a guy get a there's a guy got a DUI sitting in his own driveway listening to music you know and it's like what are you talking about like the guys not there's no evidence that he's playing to leave the house he's just sitting there like in the car smoking cigarettes listen to the radio you know that's how bad it was in New York I'm sorry to interrupt you but yeah it's crazy you didn't interrupt my buddy Fritz Roy he got burnt 70% in a house fire he told us to eat with sugar in his hand and it burned him next anyway we have been to Fritz for years in Oregon Portland okay he got his 50 UI listen he got a 50 UI on a river raft okay so he had a 12 pack and he had a paddle in his hand he got a 50 UI and his life three boat forever he never drove again he he was in he was in a raft with any but he wasn't even paddling but had the paddles in his hand he had a 12 pack and then with you know four four five buddies and they're going down the lead they're going down the Portland they got a lot of rivers in Portland in Oregon and in like he was going on river since he had the paddles in his hand he they gave him and he had he had three do you hide in a car one do you want a bike and he got his fifth and a fritz and raft bro in a raft because he had the paddles in his hand they said he had control of the raft and so him and three of his other friends guys do you lies on a raft wow yeah I know you can get a DWI on a boat you know people forget about that sometimes you know you know it's like I know when I was like my with my grandfather would just you know my dad was a little bit more conscious of it but not the most obedient boat or say but my grandfather just thought you know it's just normal to get drunk on a boat you know you're not allowed to get drunk but you're not allowed to get drunk on a boat yeah um you came to smoke the joint that's wrong and so taking a rest you for two more gonna join on a boat well you know I think you're gonna bless you just smoking a joint most places you know or they used to before they they did away with laws and so you know I'm only 34 so I'm not acting like I know everything that's why I'm acting calling you well what can I what can I tell you about friend I mean you're telling me about your DWI what what I'm scared listen listen I'm so scared I am stuck in a position where I gotta do what I gotta do and I have some issues of course but you know what this your DWI happen recently is that what you're telling me like you're still facing the case no my DWI was 19 when I was 19 okay 29 what do you say yeah 15 years ago but I wanted to be a truck driver it matched my dreamy business driver because nobody's gonna ensure me to go to Walmart you know the target yeah I was screwed and my 17 I was gonna be a truck driver 19 I got that DWI in the parking lot of the con I won the I won this listen sky named Drew Garaba he was on a radio station and Orlando Florida and he was announcing a peanut butter recall for Peter Pan peanut butter okay so I was like 18 19 I had to do a 50 year and a senior high school anyways I was listening to Drew Garaba and he announced a P of Pan peanut butter recall and all I'm the peanut butter is at 21111111 okay and so I I was 350 pounds in 12th grade okay 360 okay I was 280 pounds anyway very big close to 400 anyway so when I was when I was that big you know I would eat three peanut butter sandwiches so I'm and I don't like jelly so I had three filled peanut butter sandwiches six pieces of bread I'm so I'm starting to think that you're messing with me buddy and I'm gonna I'm gonna hang up on your pretty side if you don't bring it to a point okay I think sure I'll start to think there's a prank call okay got a prank call listen so anyways so I called Drew Garaba on the radio until you say my life you know just about the three peanut butter sandwiches and he gave me the Emmy tickets to this concert and that's where I got my DUI was at that concert time his fall but yeah yeah so anyway so I won this concert tickets from him from him saving my life from the peanut butter jelly sandwiches but I didn't have no junk on him it's had the peanut butter you know it's Peter Pan peanut butter you can look up to one one one one one one one and that was the recall I had that peanut butter and I was about to read those sandwiches and I called them I told him hey dude thanks for saving my life and they gave me tickets to that concert and yes I yes I brought yes I bought I got the half gallon and I did drink it and but I was sleeping it off I wasn't gonna drive home but they got me well anyway so bring it back around you dude what are we gonna do okay the last batch of freedom okay I know you know IQ levels I'm about a 92 93 IQ on my fill I I've taken the IQ test uh it made fun of me I don't care I know you're not going to but listen to whoever I guess so I'm about a 92 IQ okay now they bring in 16 million leagles okay I see all these guys going on how their plumbers and construction workers and how they do electrician and how they do roofing okay well where do you think they fuck these the illegals are gonna I'm sorry yeah you got it you got a lot of people are gonna work dude I go I didn't go all the way I just said but we're where are they gonna work it's the last batch and the independent contractor I just saw computers when I was 15 16 17 so I was there so I'm like hot cakes man hot cakes okay so my 56 17 dude I paint balls every week I bought two cakes of the paint 2000 case I had 2000 rounds dude all day and you know that was some selling computers but after three years Bill Gates sold us straight out they wanted there's $200 from Pirate Daily's True Draft drove in this case and then another $100 big dollar proprietary screwdriver open that case and and me I'm just making you know 40 50 bucks off every computer yeah they're five 600 bucks and I'm only selling the 50 70 dollars give them a helicopter but they destroyed that okay so so then what I'm going to do I don't know can't truck drive they just gave me a D.Y. when I was 19 okay so then I'm working the computer I'm selling I'm I'm building my own computers and selling them maybe they destroyed that okay all right well I'm gonna go into you know electricity oh my gosh these guys can't pay 20 grand a year to walk online okay well they screw it where are these people gonna work dude it's over brown it's I don't know you tell me mr. can't well well you know that's that's a pretty interesting story buddy I'm I'm not really sure where to go with it if I'm entirely honest with you and so maybe you can go anywhere yeah well I'll tell you what I'm gonna go to the I'm gonna go to the hang up button is actually what I'm gonna do and I hope you give me a call back again in the near future give me give me all your peanut butter stories in the future two one seven six eight eight one four three three you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to so please do give us a call tell us about peanut butter tall is about you know DWI's tell us about your aspirations to be an author whatever it may be or maybe you want to talk about some Super Bowl commercials because I heard they were pretty funny but I actually haven't watched them yet and so I'm gonna go and let's go put on some Super Bowl commercials and I'll react to them in real time because you know because why not I got all caught up in a book thing like I was doing this and I was doing the book thing and then actually I got a message from somebody watching the Super Bowl like no oh the Super Bowl's on I totally forgot and so let's do some Super Bowl commercials guys because you know the Super Bowl commercials they're a big hit every year right and like hey I didn't tell you to play the video I just told you to bring it up on my screen so I could queue it up for these guys come on wow okay so these are the best of the big game ads for per this YouTube video that I pulled up you know because I didn't want to get something there's longer videos that have you know they say they're all the Super Bowl commercials but it's like it's somebody doing what I'm about to do it's like a bunch of like media personalities reacting to it and I'm like well that's a big burden because then I'm gonna have to make fun of the media personalities and the commercials get out of here you know so let's see what the what the commercials like let's twist on it cream on the left we get out of here cream on the right we stay with those guys all right people we're on the boat let's go Kevin get your spear I just feel like she doesn't take me seriously I don't say that we help you I have a delivery for Athena you know any Athena or no one here Athena twist on it yeah cream on the right we let him in well welcome to Troy open the game I'm on in there that's gotta call it sir we report that I just twist it on it just never open cream on the left I program you to think for yourself my boy you sure that's a good idea it's artificial intelligence I think this is how Joe Biden's governing hello father yeah absolutely not what was that boy bands they're gonna be huge fine cream on the right we're in woo so every little detail about our family will be on TV who would watch that all right let me twist on it cream on the left we'll do the show hope you can keep up wait a minute we could have been twisting on everything this whole time yes since forever this is gonna make our jobs so much easier well that's actually no I actually liked that commercial um and if I if I was not trying if I was uh not avoiding sugar like it was rat poison I'd probably start making decisions that way and it probably work out a lot better you know imagine if like 10 years ago I was like oh just go publish a book on Amazon if the if the Oreo cookie is on the left tea and sketchers never has been what you told me about rumble he is always in sketches T and D if they if they cream if the if the if the Oreo cookie cream is on the right that I'm not going to show what's built haha he sketches slippens T and D sketches slippens I've been to food have to touch his shoes to put him on T and D sketches slippens I've been to food bands down to put on that shoes I've been to food isn't in sketches slippens see rumble he is always in sketches I'm just saying people often misspell sketches and put a tea in it quit saying it's not sniffing food um you know I don't appreciate that commercial um when mr. T is too old to tie his shoes uh that doesn't make a humble claw respond it feel very good frankly you know mr. T was like you know mr. T was part of my anti-racism training right he was the hero and he's like the guy who's like gonna go and save the day and now he can't tie his shoes and Joe Biden's running the country you know it explains a lot I guess I didn't know you could get all the stuff on your brains yeah remember that well you know what they say in order to remember something you gotta forget something else make a little room and that's how I remember Ubering test coffee I forget some I'm see oh what remember when you used to be a pepper lady what did you do to treat the go no that's absurd Jeff hey okay can we do it someone doodle my face don't know that I remember you greets has office supplies but I can't get for glasses yeah there's peanuts and peanuts oh it's the primary ingredient maybe yeah worked together for ten years two years yeah you're great you still not I guess I like I forget eight years of my life I hate this now I don't like to play a hat time show some day man all right that is awful that's probably you know that's that's almost as bad as the like anti anti-semitism commercial where they were like oh you know who put the swastika on my on my drive on my on my garage door and and the you know in the woman she looks at the you know the white neighbor and she's like oh it's probably you because I hate you and then she goes to work and then he goes and paints her garage no it's actually not that bad but you know but if I wanted to say something's really bad that's a good way of saying isn't it oh I forgot something one second yeah that's cool they did this to me at the supermarket the other day I was on my scooter and they came up with their rascals and we're trying to like they were trying to demolition derby me I'm kidding I'm sorry to the audio only audience you have no idea what I'm talking about that like okay the the scenario is a Doritos commercial and I'm sorry that I didn't do this with the last commercial I apologize the scenario right now is you know there these old women are in the in the supermarket they're about to go grab the last bag of Doritos and some guy grabs it from them and so they start trying to run them off their road with their with their granny scooters and he's in no position to get away at all because I think he's just spanic and he's driving like I don't know if that's a you go or like you know it's like some little chewed door thing from like the 1980s and the grannies they're badass because they'll like cut through stores and stuff they like they're not they're not waiting for the red light like they just went through I don't know if that was a class or what it was they just drove through oh they just hit like some construction stuff and they went flying and they're up in the air and they're flying in slow motion and then the stunt doubles come down on top of a car and now their daughters like where grandma go grandma jumped through a window because she's an ninja and there's a black child and he's like why are there white people in my house and then they're kung fu fighting to try to get the Doritos and there's a white child in the house with the black brother which means the family's very dysfunctional and and now they went down a zip line it's not dynamite it's dynamite dynamite I'm Wallace I'm looking everywhere for you you know me time go ahead um well you know I don't know whatever it was kind of amusing but I'm without further commentary try us yeah try us you guys came into hot told you I was right to recall the tow truck a tow truck man you built like a tow truck just go get it yeah pull my oikos those are show muscles awesome muscle so martin Lawrence just goes and picks up a golf cart out of the swamp I think this is a commercial for minutes protein pack to help build strong muscles crazy oikos pro 20 grams of protein so this is like it's it's uh I don't know it's it's basically pop by spinach strawberry flavored I think what would it take to make it more awesome than it already is the Super Bowl is watching it with you this story is mad good yeah the story is mad good so she's got like a she's got a knockoff sprite it's a black woman hanging out with two cartoon characters one is like a lemon with with a with a lime mask and the others align with the lemon mask and they're drinking this knockoff sprite with this black woman who's in like a night like a what's the kind of dress I don't know she's got like fish nets on and uh I think that she's about to go have a mnage with the with the two cartoons or something the thanks boo thanks boo wait who's that it's my excellent and I'm soda you're looking well I just needed something more refreshing more crisp I'm with Starry now this is intense he's so vulnerable I love you please oh buddy it'll be okay or not huh Starry does taste better I kind of want a sprite now um but I'm gonna have to go with the Starry thing because they spent probably a million bucks or more on that commercial so we're gonna have to try it it's me America's sweetheart and I just love having a blast a mountain do baha blast it's the same that I don't recognize characters from television anymore I know I know I know her face but I can't tell you who she is all I know is that she's America's sweetheart apparently and she's got a mountain do it's party and there's children who are hitting her on the head with uh probably I think they found you know her um her pleasure devices and they're beating her up but that's probably not actually it's probably just my my sick mind working on it it's those like those uh foam uh you know worms for the pool or whatever having a blast stuck in an elevator having a blast getting a plexibio aliens having a blast it's part of it takes a while yep having a blast bring it jay what's with the different a partner last you will I can have a blast anytime anywhere by the way that's not me doing that with the audio levels that's the that's the audio in this youtube video that it's like okay I'm gonna blast the music and then we'll lower it so that we can whisper over it I don't know what's going on here that's not my fault have a blast a tropical line flavored mountain do baha blast in stores everywhere yeah whoever made that commercial should get blasted out of a can and never work in the advertising industry again I can't believe they paid super bowl money to play this how they get so much flavor in these skittles littles twasai who shrunk the skittles and packed them with a rush of flavor did you accidentally shrink yourself too yeah I'll tell you what I don't know about those mini skittles but I'll tell you what I just had the other day there's a vending machine in my building and I was like oh I I need something real quick and I got sour skittles the other day oh man oh man I went to go back and get more and I was glad that everybody else bought them and they weren't there anymore because I would eat into many of them huh shrink the rainbow tastes the rainbow just this guys got a Pringles can and Jamie's like a an overweight Asian woman because they've got to make sure that you don't think that you know there's a body tape for these people so she's like oh my god you're perfect you're breaking stereotypes you look like the Pringles guy my dog oh yeah he does this do I get a cut we're making a big change to Reese's peanut butter cups oh my god yes see you can't change Reese's peanut butter cups because all of the people in this house who are of every race and gender are all opposed and you know that they're a real family we're adding a delicious layer of caramel yeah well but we're only making a few of them what are you talking about that's no no you can't only make a few of them I need to I have to get the caramel Reese's peanut butter cup what you're talking about a few million wait are you still selling a regular cups yep new Reese's caramel big cup yes you the best snacks calzones avocado hummus buffalo hot wings fried mac and cheese balls butter chicken pizza the hell was that today tell me it's not a product so it's like a bunch of robots in the old west riding horses here you thanks Harold it's like back to the future old west the hologram playing the piano they're back the other service are back sheriff I got this protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting with crowd strike you get AI powered threat protection industry it's genius elegance and the team of experts to protect threats and prevent breaches before they have them today's adversaries move fast crowd strike moves faster what you call that the huge crowd strike we stop breaches yeah I think that crowd strike is actually in the business of creating them is my understanding my limited understanding though it is you know I don't know you know this unfolded while I did not have the capacity to do a lot of research you know but Donald Trump brought up crowd striking is called to Zelensky right that he thought crowd crowd strike had something to do with all the Ukraine's chicanery right there you know they're in bed with the democrat party is my limit on understanding of it I have to do some research into the subject but uh you know they're like hey I got an idea let's do it let's do it old west wild west commercial where were robots and then crowd strike saves the day so you know they probably have diversity hires riding their ads and and hopefully that doesn't get them a lot of money five surprising super bowl facts most appearances new England patriots have appeared in the most duples high-scoring game 1995 most of the game 1995 closest match 1991 New York Giants Buffalo Bills most valuable flared Tom Brady holds a record for the most super old MVPs expensive commercial superl commercials are famously rising with the average cost hey there's like the whole point in a second 30 second ad exceeding five million dollars oh introducing the most powerful to coma I was about to tell you to say sorry for the F and then you said front door it's a good thing that this you know that this truck commercial is not cursing on surreal politics or it have to hang up on them and call them a drunk also known as the seriously wrong panel ah or the wo wo wo wo wo wo wo handle and even the no mech used to handle all the no mech used to handling that's diverse right there I was 36,000 feet in the air when excuse me is there doctor on the plane I'm a doctor on the name's um stick doctor um stick get my bag stat sweet creamy relief am I gonna be okay I have no idea I'm not a body doctor what where did you all get those help me I'm sorry about him another day another drumstick so I don't know if you guys I don't know the audio audience would get that doctor on stick as in drumstick is like either guy is getting sick on the plane he's like so many help me and then they're all eating ice cream and he's like am I gonna be okay and he goes like I don't care we're eating ice cream shut up which is probably what they should do we just went through this what are you doing to me come on oh that's the end of it I guess okay so those are your super bowl commercials and uh you're very welcome I got you through that without without having to watch the football game so you're welcome 217 688 1433 like to be on the program and I'm more you told the less I have to so please do give us a call um let's see here there's a few things that I thought were pretty funny today not the least of which was a transgender lunatic shooting up Jolose Dean's church because you know that's always a good time shooting up a church and so when you go over to Politico they're you know they're pretty straightforward about it woman firing rifle killed by two off duty officers at Jolose Dean's church a woman in a trench code entered the Houston mega church of celebrity pastor Jolose Dean and started shooting Sunday afternoon was killed by two off duty officers working security police said they added a young child with the woman was critically hurt and another man nearby was wounded Houston police tree chief Troy Finner said the woman entered the church with a long gun in a backpack shortly before 2 p.m. on Sunday accompanied by her her by a child I shouldn't say her child because we're going to become coming to the point where we understand that that's completely well you know it will get to that four or five years old he said the child was in critical condition and being taken to a hospital the shooting happened between services at the mega church that is regularly attended by 45,000 people each week making it the third largest mega church in the US according to the Hartford Institute for Religion Research Osteen's excuse me Osteen's televised sermons reach about 100 countries Texas governor Greg Abbott said our hearts are with those impacted by today's tragic shooting and the entire Lakewood church community in Houston places of worship are sacred she had a long long gun and it could have been a lot worse Finner said at the news conference Osteen said the shooting could have been much worse if it happened during the larger 11 a.m. service work devastated he said adding he would pray for the victims and their families and so that is the entirety of what politico thinks is important for you to know about this woman who went to a church with a rifle and started trying to kill people with a small child in tow and so now that you know that a woman has gone to the church and shot people with a child in tow you're fully informed as far as politico is concerned now of course that's a complete line of nonsense because that's not what happened at all. The police have identified the person who opened fire at Joel Osteen's mega church in Houston yesterday William Lajan S's on this forest William what exactly are we learning? So we just got a whole of the search horn and can confirm that the shooter is identified as a 36 year old genocide Yvonne Moreno she had been born a man Jeffrey Escalante from El Salvador and has a lengthy criminal record now according to the search warrant from Montgomery County she pointed an AR 15. Well unfortunately you know Fox news is there I'm grateful that they are willing to inform us that she was born a man and then they just you know that but then they are so still in thrall to the force of political correctness that they're like yeah well well she was born a man but now that she's not a man anymore we'll just keep on saying that a woman shot up the church. At the officers off duty officers who were in the church at the time and she they fired upon her killed her and was considered in self-defense also you know there was word that they the woman had claimed that she had a bomb and she had a backpack they checked that out turned out it wasn't true but according to the search warrant she was in possession of a yellow color rope and substances consistent with the manufacture of explosives they thought that was a detonation cord they looked into it and turned out not to be the case we're also hearing from local reports that the five year old who was with this woman is likely not to make it this the five year old boy has been in critical condition and according to the Houston Chronicle it doesn't appear that that individual is going to make it. Well if you're running around with a salvador and transgender migrant you know you're not long for this world I'm figuring. 57 year old man was also shot in this altercation at Lakewood church there in Houston which of course is operated by celebrity pastor Joel Osteen. That individual of the 57 year old man he's going to be okay he was shot in the leg but the information we're getting now we've seen a lengthy criminal record on this individual again as a man he had a lengthy record of assaulting a police officer marijuana also got a lengthy record here of several different offenses over over about the past since 2005 so that's what we got from here and news conference is scheduled to begin at 2 30 Eastern and we should get more information. Yeah among the most serious the 2009 assault of a police officer in Houston, William 2010 forgery most recently 2022 a misdemeanor weapons charge for unlawful carrying a weapon. William Osteen as you mentioned 2 30 we're going to get an update from the police there and we'll certainly take that live did you have something to add? Well no just only on the AR-15 he had written scrawled free policy. There you go. That's right. A big and growing part of that story and William we have that pretty funny. So like so that's actually pretty conspicuous the way they chose to do that on Fox right they're like oh she shot up the church she has this criminal record from when she was a man but you know he had a rifle with you know free Palestine on it as soon as this transgender murderer you know start to talk about Palestine hey you're we're taking your lady card away from you pal okay you don't get to go into the ladies room if you're if you're trying to free Palestine you understand if you want to free if you want a free Palestine you had to go you got to go stand up in a boys room and use the urinal but if you want to go and say go and get those dirty Palestinian dogs you know we'll just keep on calling you she if you want to go in there and kill all the Christians that's fine we'll let you keep your lady card but as soon as you start talking about freeing those Palestinians you know you're going to have to peace stand it up. Of this suspect up on the screen yeah and you know when we're going to get the we have five of those photos that we're loading right now into the into the computer system but when you look at the progression of this individual over the last five or six years definitely have a pretty hard life because there's a great transformation from the first photos from the much that we're taking to the one you're seeing right now. So yeah born as Jeffrey Escalante Moreno goes by the alias jinnis van Moreno we're going to have more on this one the police update at 230 thank you William. It's hilarious and so that's Fox news for you that's your conservative news source folks. But you know it's better than political that's just like yeah you know there is a woman she tried to kill a bunch of people their Christians who cares right and if you go over to Fox News and they're like oh well you know Jeffrey Escalante had a pretty bad criminal record and we totally were just like oh you're not Jeffrey Escalante anymore that's fine you Salvador and migrant you know we want to port you while you're assaulting police officers and illegally carrying weapons and forging things. You just go ahead and keep on raping our country and we'll just you want to change your gender fantastic you need some money for that maybe we could maybe we could go ahead and pay for it all why don't we go ahead and do that that'll probably work out pretty well for us in the whole country I'm thinking oh my god 217 688 1433 you like to be on the program and the more you tell the less I have to so please give us a call. Let's see who else we got. Oh this is pretty funny so everybody's up in arms you know when Donald Trump was president you might recall him saying that you know hey NATO um you guys owe us money you know we're trying to build this like military alliance here and you guys are spending it on bribing your voters and we're pretty sick of that crap so if you're not going to pay your bills then we're not going to defend you okay and you know then there's this whole thing goes on in Russia and Ukraine and everybody's like well you know Vladimir Putin is going to totally take you know London any day now so maybe we'll maybe we'll meet like half of our obligations or whatever you know and so Donald Trump has a rally in South Carolina and he has this to say uh why don't we can we I've got this uh this I told you this the other day I don't know what the axe going on here let me try this maybe I can pull it up on the Washington post site and I'll have the clip because I try to pull it up on on stupid MSN the stupid MSN website just goes to like the front page of their site when I go to any link I don't know why I maybe they don't like my ad blocker or something but then I'm trying to watch the video in the archive dot today link and they and the video embed won't play in the archive dot today link and I can't click on it and now I'm trying to find it another one so give me just a second what's going on here this is ridiculous no New York Times I don't want to get behind your paywall just hang on a sec they try this on YouTube maybe you we're already into Ukraine for over two hundred billion dollars and they could make a deal with Russia in the next three weeks and all of a sudden they don't want to deal with us anymore we've given hundreds of billions of dollars and why are we at over two hundred billion dollars and the European nations are if you add them up it's a very similar size economy they're twenty five billion dollars so we're two hundred plus and it affects them much more we have a thing called an ocean between us right affects them much more we're two hundred they're two fifty I did the same thing with NATO I got them to pay up NATO was busted until I came along I said everybody's going to pay they said well if we don't pay are you still going to protect us I said absolutely not they couldn't believe the answer and everybody you never saw more money pour in the secretary general stoltenberg well I don't know if he is anymore but he was my biggest fan he said all these presidents came in that make a speech that leave and that was it and they all owed money and they wouldn't pay it I came in I made a speech and I said you got to pay up they asked me that question one of the presidents of a big country stood up said well sir if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia will you protect us I said you didn't pay you're delinquent you said yes let's say that happened no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want you got to pay you got to pay your bills and the money came flowing in and so this obviously has you know the left you know up in arms because you know they're not in the habit of meeting their obligations their whole thing is no like the whole entire point of being me is to not fulfill my obligations right and then the whole entire point of you being you is that you fulfill your obligations anyway because you're the good guy and that makes you the sucker which is why I win and you lose you see right and they're so like they're they're completely losing their minds about this and I got a real kick out of that I got to tell you former president Donald Trump ramped up his attacks on NATO on Saturday this is the Washington Post claiming he suggested to a foreign leader that he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want to remember countries evuse is not spending enough on their own defense because it's just Donald Trump's personal opinion right it's not that they said yeah the military alliance which we depend on for our survival dictates that we'll spend two percent of GDP on defense no it's that Donald Trump's personal opinion is that they're not spending enough money quote one of the presidents of a big country stood up and said well sir we don't pay and were attacked by Russia will you protect us Trump said during a rally at coastal Carolinan University quote I said you don't pay your delinquent he said yes yes let's say that happened no I would not protect you in fact I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want Trump's remark comes as the GOP is debating whether to provide additional 4-8 to Ukraine which is fighting a war with Russia after being invaded by Moscow in 2022 and that's all there is to it just Moscow was just like you know what those Ukrainians I don't like them let's go invade their country because Vladimir Putin woke up on the wrong side of the bed in 2022 the Senate is considering legislation that would get $60 billion to Ukraine House Republicans however have echoed Trump's skepticism about doing so Trump has long been a fierce critic of US participation in the alliance frequently hammering European countries on their share of defense spending and appeared to be referring to indirect funding as part of the participation in the alliance um yeah like that's actually your obligation under the you know it's it's a treaty right it's a contract it's a military alliance wherein you gain benefits in return for doing things and the Washington Post is like I don't know yeah I get that but it's indirect funding you see it's indirect funding therefore we're not actually obligated to do it and you're obligated to protect us if we're invaded by a nuclear power you see American citizens must die for Muslim Europe after they have opened up their borders and cease to be European um but uh you know they don't have to pay for it you see since 2006 each NATO member has a guideline of spending at least two percent of its gross domestic product on defense spending by 2024 NATO countries were already increasing their funding substantially before Trump's presidency following Russia's annexation of Crimea from to Ukraine in 2014 more than half have met or come close to that goal as of 2023 and many member countries have increased their spending in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine yeah but the idea is that you are in a military alliance and you're supposed to spend two percent of GDP and so if you're coming close to spending two percent of GDP on defense and that means that you're actually not spending two percent of your GDP on defense you see how that works right you know if I say to you hey I got an idea how about you give me a hundred dollars a month and I will uh I'll provide you with internet access for the entire month right and then at and then you're like hey my internet hasn't worked for like 25 percent of the month and I'm like yeah but you know we did like 75 percent of it so just keep on paying foul and like we'll just you know like next month we're gonna aim for 80 okay you just keep on paying 100 percent and we'll just keep on getting you know 75 80 percent in there and uh you know as long as you keep on paying you know we'll keep on making promises see that doesn't work you know if you try to do that the other way like if you tell the cable company yeah I know that you guys gave me internet access all month and that's why I paid 75 percent of the bill and they're like yeah I know that you paid 75 percent of the bill and that's cool or whatever but you actually need to pay the whole thing you're like well no it's to I'm you know look I'm living up to the standards of the most powerful military alliance in the history of mankind you see and so this month I'm gonna pay you 50 percent and next month I'm gonna aim for 60 now if I don't make it to 60 that's okay you just keep on providing internet you're not gonna get through that phone call is not gonna last 10 minutes you see and your internet access is not gonna stay on very long and the people who run the world they this is lost on them you know they don't understand that their whole life is a Ponzi scheme you know they're like oh well you know whatever sometimes you pay sometimes you don't no no it doesn't work that way so Americans are gonna go die for your defense because you know why wait like what's actually the reason for I'm not I'm really unclear on that so anyway back to the Washington Post Trump has previously suggested that he threatened not to protect NATO allies from Russian attack during a 2022 event at the Heritage Foundation the former president recounted a meeting where he told fellow four leaders that he may not follow NATO's article five collected defense clause if other countries did not spend more on their own defense the anecdote appears to be a reference to NATO's 2018 summit which leaders suggested that Trump's threats were not as explicit as the Washington Post previously reported but Saturday's remarks were an escalation from those previous statements under article five if a NATO ally is attacked other members of NATO consider it an armed attack against all members and will consider the actions it seems necessary to assist the ally attacked since NATO's founding in 1949 the clause has been invoked only once on September 12 2001 after the terrorist attacks on the United States the day before several NATO partnerships several NATO partnership experts described Trump's understanding of the financial obligations of NATO member countries is inaccurate and argued that his opposition to collective security as a member nation is misplaced quote NATO isn't a pay to play setup as Trump seems to think it's an alliance that is first and foremost about US national security interests to prevent another world war originating in Europe said Alina Poliov Poliokov president and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis in an email to the post quote the US investment in NATO's worth every dollar the only time that article five collective defense clause was initiated was in response to 9-11 our allies came to our aid then and it would be shameful and misguided not to do the same well actually no right because you know the fact that the only time that it was actually invoked was after you know some people who didn't reside in the countries we attacked blew up the world trade center towers and then a bunch of people a bunch of countries with modern militaries went and fought a bunch of gay men or whatever that's actually not the effect of NATO right the effect of NATO is that everybody's just doing whatever they want because they're like yeah America will nuke you if you take me off shut up and that's actually like a lot more powerful than the the actual military engagement right so you know the Washington Post is not you know treat their readers very well and so I'm not going to abuse you by reading it any further here's an update on an old story which I thought was kind of amusing stacy lits because so I went you know as it's going through the old libertarian stuff that I started in with at the beginning the first post on my blog is actually not on my it was it was not originally published at chrisford can't well calm now chrisford can't well done that it was actually published as a facebook note okay and it was titled stacy lits the liberty snitch and it predated the launch of chrisford can't well calm so stacy lits was with the center for a stateless society which was like a left wing anarchist place that tries to you know in fact libertarianism with their nonsense they call themselves left market anarchists they're like communists who don't mind making money or whatever and so they both they wrote this book together I mean they basically put together a bunch of like blog posts or whatever and called it markets not capitalism which is a bunch of jibber issue see and they were one of the more destructive influences on the libertarian movement and if you like the alt right you might be you know kind of enthusiastic about that because that's kind of part of what created it right was that you know the the libertarian movement was hijacked by leftist and they were like what are we gonna do now and people are like well it's be Nazis I guess and they're like yeah that sounds like a pretty good idea and so she was involved with them and you know as leftists are want to do you know they're doing drugs and having sex with each other and so but of course as I said about you know the whole NATO thing like they're not they really don't like take responsibility for their own actions leftist they really don't like that the idea that they would be the idea that you know there's consequences for what they do is like a completely preposterous concept when you know the bill comes and they're like well who's gonna pay it you know and that's exactly what happened with Stacy let's say she's selling drugs and you know she's an idiot so of course she gets caught and she's facing 13 felony drug charges and she's like well I'm pretty and you know and and I'm a Democrat and so you can't put me in jail I'll go who do I have to put in jail to stay out of jail and you know the police are like well we love you know when you're right on people and so yeah let's go put some other people in jail instead and she wrote this blog that she called drug war victim and she was basically doing this in secret okay while she's writing out her friends she's writing in this blog and not telling her friends that you know about the blog this is her little diary where she is the drug war victim you see because she's the victim she's not the perpetrator she's not the one who's putting her friends in jail she's not the one who is selling drugs to people she's the victim of the government you see that's how everything works with these people and so today if that's actually when I go through my you know my blog when I go to the first post that's what appears as the first post because the blog is launched in like 2013 or something but I when I took this post from Facebook over to my my blog I back dated the post to May of 2012 when I originally wrote the piece and so my god whatever happened with that broad anyway I actually did I never bothered to find out what her sentence was and so I pulled this out in the Philadelphia in Choir it's a piece titled the Repentance Informant dated February 12th of 2024 wait a second no I'm sorry no the post is dated August 26th 2013 that's pretty funny the date that I gave you is today's date obviously and that's because I archived the piece and it's just got today's date at the top of the page and it goes a little something like this the drug war paid a visit to Stacey Litz's Powleton Village apartment on a Thursday afternoon armed with a warrant handcuffs in an offer it was September of 2011 and Litz was well aware that any deal even a nickel bag a weed could make her target but she chosen sides along before the law came knocking on barring street Litz was a political science major nearby Drexel University of the time fully engaged in libertarian and anarchist causes denouncing government for poking around private lives Litz now 23 said that she purchased psychedelics off the internet to use it to sell to friends and she wasn't a kingpin by any means but one customer who brought L.S. who bought LSD from her turned out to be an undercover officer with state police I thought to myself oh wow this is happening they didn't have their guns drawn or anything they offered me coffee they were being nice but sad recalling her arrest in a recent interview with the Daily News the bus didn't make Litz an outcast among her peers in the students for liberty the Drexel student liberty front the Center for Stateless Society or the larger worldwide libertarian community with which she acted interacted online the decision she made after her arrest did that quote the police said if you work with us you could still get out of this she recalled her interview with the people paper provides a rare glimpse into the life of a former confidential informant let's face 13 felony charges in a choice and the Lehigh Valley native agreed to be come quote drafted into the drug war she said hoping it would persuade a judge to later be lenient she said she orchestrated one small deal for prescription drugs in march of 2012 and she was sentenced to five years probation community service in May in Montgomery County where she initially sold the drugs Litz who grew up in eastern graduated from Drexel while working as an informant she briefly attended widener university school of law she's those her family never knew about her arrest today she works as a wedding efficient pet sitter and fitness instructor trying to reconnect with the activist community she said shunned her she ought to blog about her being a victim of the drug war and wants to shed more light on the use of confidential informants a process she said is undocumented potentially dangerous and often just not worth it quote it was terrible she said it was like a sick game the ex in the equation police told Litz that she wouldn't be paid for her work and she assumed that her identity would be protected it didn't take long however for everyone involved in her loan deal as an informant to figure out that she was the ex in the equation she said her name spread across the internet on Facebook and on libertarian forums and blogs her story included as a cautionary tale about whether a snitch could be her rehabilitated in a booklet called rats your guide to protecting yourself against snitches and former's informants agents provocateurs narks finks and similar vermin no one wants to know the whole story she said of her detractors no one can put themselves in my shoes Mike Salvy who runs a philly meetup group called truth freedom prosperity is spoken to Litz understands her story and believes that she just needs to live with her decisions when it comes to regain the trust of her former circles her actions he said will speak louder than her apologies quote I have very little sympathy for her he said but I'm not cold hearted the Montgomery County district attorney's office would neither confirm nor deny whether Litz was an informant or discuss its confidential informant guidelines or how often informants are used in criminal investigations the Pennsylvania state police in the Philadelphia district attorney's office also declined to comment on their guidelines lawyers who worked on Litz's case declined to comment but mark nap a Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer said that informant work is often murky and not any potential benefits are merely promises it's very non-specific in terms of what they're expecting from an informant except that more is better now said let's said she initially was busted in 2011 because of a confidential informant an expert say informants are embedded like invisible soldiers in all levels of narcotics investigations our criminal system is a negotiated one and becoming a C.I. is just one more negotiation in the system said Alexandra Nattapoff a law professor at Loyola law school in Los Angeles an author of the book snitching criminal informants in the erosion of American justice Nattapoff said few former informants ever come forward to denounce the system as Litz is doing because of the stigma and potential threats of being exposed it is a despised class because they're not whistleblowers Nattapoff said it's very hard to be sympathetic to them but only the the government can make an informant it's the government dangling a universal offer to every offender saying no matter what you've done we'll cut you a deal there's no kind of offense no matter how heinous or disgusting the government is not willing to work a deal on a murdered informant the story of Rachel Hoffman a 23 year old Florida woman is the worst case scenario Nattapoff Hoffman became an informant for police in Tallahassee after being arrested with marijuana and MDMA or ecstasy in 2008 she was murdered a short time later during a botched drug sting set up by her handlers the work never seemed dangerous for Litz but she doesn't think she did all that much for her own handlers they were difficult to get in touch with she said always busy with other cases and always wanting something higher up the drug chain the man she did set up did not return requests for an interview as a first time offender litz wondered whether she would have gotten probation on her case regardless of whether she became an informant quote I really don't know if it mattered she said Litz said she had not felt guilty about buying her using drugs or felt that she was harming anyone but that change when she flips sides quote this is the only time I actually felt I really hurt somebody Litz said it was a loose loose situation well that it is stacey on drugs are bad okay and so you know probably shouldn't do it and if you're going to do him you definitely shouldn't sell them because selling drugs is for you know it's not for the type of people who listen to this show for sure and it's kind of funny you know she she's like oh these people they don't know the story yeah we do know the story like I wrote about the story and I was actually pretty straight you know like I expressed a lot of sympathy for the position the girl was in I won't read the whole thing to you but I read a part of it it's not lost on me you know what you're facing certainly not lost on me now it was not lost on me in 2012 when I found out about this hmm I'll just read this paragraph to you what is one to do you face decades in prison you're a young attractive ambitious politically active woman who had a bright future ahead of you just a few hours ago and these are men tell you that you have moments to decide if you will throw it all away or let others take your place you weigh your life against that of other people you imagine growing old in a cage being assaulted rape perhaps everything you've ever worked for being destroyed for getting about the person used to be getting out of prison and being unfamiliar with the world around you unable to cope with how much things have changed since you went in so many years ago your friends and family forgetting about you unable to get a job because you're convicted felon poverty loneliness depression desolation and it will last for the rest of your life a difficult predicament indeed and according to the people who kidnapped you all you have to do to get out of it is bring this misery to others think about it your narcissism is kicking in you start thinking about how you are more valuable than those other people how if you just do this one thing you can learn your lesson and make a difference for the future you think if it were this person in this position they would do it to me right and chances are you're absolutely correct about that almost anybody would we know that because that's exactly how stacy was caught it happens all the time if not for drug informants the drug war would end inside of a year somebody gets caught flips on somebody else and so the cycle continues in perpetuity so it's definitely not the case that people are unaware it's definitely not the case that nobody's thought of this this was discussed it really significant length by very serious people and they said well hey idiot what do you think why do you think that you make the profits that you do from selling drugs because it's not the drugs that you're selling that's why drugs are expensive because they're illegal you make money selling drugs because you're taking risks and so when those risks come to visit you and you're like well I guess I'm just gonna have to go stitch on people because obviously I'm not going to prison that's actually yeah that's like pretty considered pretty disreputable and you know you could say like well we're not selling drugs so you know just hang out with me anyway and people like no as a matter of fact like what you did is dishonest right and it's a dishonest thing that caused people harm and what I know about you now is that you're the type of person who makes an activist career creates yourself this high profile thing where you're like yeah well you know I'm an enemy of the state and I draw all this attention to myself by being a public anarchist and I'm dumb enough to sell drugs anyway and then when that comes back around to buy me the first thing I do is I throw my friends out of the bus because that's the level of human character that leftism you know inculcates human beings it doesn't matter you know that you feel bad about it actually it doesn't matter that you only got one guy locked up but all these years later she hasn't figured that out right she's still over here like oh the government's so bad it's too bad the government did that huh 2176881433 you like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to please it gives a call moments remain get on the line right now if you want to talk talk call or you're on surreal politics what can I do for your friend you're going to get sure yeah so I'm trying to figure out what's on the hiking about something hey buddy did you you called me earlier today right now it's going to decide some side with the eyes see I'm going yeah but you you called earlier and you had a few more drinks and you called back right you just I don't know on the side with my Odyssey Consent and Source if you would just say yeah so what I'm trying to get so what I'm saying to your body yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to hang up the phone okay and I'm going to tell you you know I'm definitely going to hang up the phone buddy and then I'm going to tell you first of all you know I'm not going to tell you that you can't call the show if you've been drinking but you should definitely be able to form a sentence and you can't lie to me for sure and you know I used to I'm probably going to have to do it again at some point because now people are going to figure it out and I'm going to have a problem you know when I set up surreal politics I didn't copy all the settings over from radical agenda and on the radical agenda you know you can't call radical agenda with a private number you have to show your caller ID so I can screen your calls he's called now twice tonight from his anonymous star six seven number and so I'm like well I have no idea who you are so I'll take your call but if I had like seen your caller ID I'm like oh this is the guy who is drunk and was just talking about peanut butter you know I'd been like probably not going to take your call you're gonna have to sober up you know I'm not on sympathetic you know I used to like to have a drink in time fun you know drinking fun I get it I'm not holding it against your body so yeah you know says I was saying why don't we go check on our chats over here before we call them night well why is he covering him nice studio though Chris well thank you true I'm not familiar with can't well but I get it now yeah well good I'm uh you know you got to get familiar with me then pal because uh we have a lot of fun over here and all right you know what I think I'm probably just gonna ban you from the chat too right this guy's my entire chat is this guy who's drunk on the phone right so I'm gonna mute you let's see hide this channel for you only no no no ah whatever we're gonna end the show anyway so we'll leave your comments listen buddy don't flood my chat don't call my show more than once in a night don't be don't stop drinking okay just like for your own good you told me that you were like getting close to 400 pounds while I'll say you're right now your drinking is not disconnected from that and you're still drinking now okay pal so like quit drinking drinking is very bad for you okay you're obviously not doing a very good job of managing it either and I know a little something about that friend it's oh yeah 2DW wise you know and and my DWIs were the least of my problems from drinking as a matter of fact okay they were going to jail for drinking and driving was the least of my problems from alcohol and uh you know that's really saying something you said that you were like 400 pounds I presume you're not 400 pounds now but I about I doubt you're in very good shape if you're says you down to 206 you know if you're if you're if you're five foot six that's a problem you know he says he's down to 206 from 468 you get's heavier every time he tells the story this is like you know I'd love to go fishing with you buddy alcohol and marijuana are the worst things in the world okay don't anybody tell you otherwise yeah don't don't don't be a drunk you know if you can manage it and you have a drink and everything you know you go back to life fine I'm not going to get on your case about that you know if you're calling in to radio shows twice in a night in the second call you can't form a sentence and then you're like no it's not me I'm a totally different guy slurred his words like come on you know that means that you're not you're not controlling yourself very well and you have issues with control beyond your drinking because you were 468 pounds you have like a generalized self-control problem so I don't think that you should pick up a like a replacement drug either you just got a sober up buddy and that's a really good advice from somebody who's like you know I I'm not particularly interested in your individual well-being but I do care about my listeners I don't have enough of them anymore so I'd rather you not fucking kill yourself sorry for the F sorry about that didn't mean to curse but I take it that effing seriously so maybe uh what can I say what am I going to say I got all distracted by trying to tell this guy to get his life together as you know other things to talk about but it's 1127 so we'll call it a night and um thanks so much I'm a published author now and it's all because of you you guys are great I'm so thankful you know and I'm gonna have you know I talked about it already I'm not gonna reiterate all but my I'm very excited about you might have gathered you know I really like writing and uh now I'm a published author so thanks so much for making that possible I'm looking forward to all that comes ahead all of you who make it possible by being members at slash join thank you so much uh those of you who go above and beyond that by sending me money at slash spm for sending money to my cash-up for sending money to me with the crypto currency you know you guys you Bitcoin guys you guys are millionaires now you've went up over $50,000 my condoans is to my fellow Monero friends that took a beaten because Binance was like yeah look you know uh the guy who found the company is probably going to prison in America we're sick of trying to like help people out we're just gonna get on board with the whole thing and and try to help them control the financial system so no more Monero for you uh so the Binance was like no more Monero and then Monero dropped like 30 bucks or whatever pretty awful but you know at 120 dollars Monero you know if you've bought it at 150 that really sucks but you know I remember Monero not being a hundred dollars and so it says something about Monero that even being delisted from Binance has not caused it to go under a hundred bucks I'd say is you know a pretty cool thing it's not something that you'd want to go and I wouldn't tell you to go buy Monero and hold it right now for sure but I think that Monero being delisted from Binance and staying even at a hundred and twenty dollars is kind of says something about the technology that you know as long as there's somewhere that you can get it it's in you know there's enough demand for it the people are like oh just go somewhere else you know um so that's pretty cool as far as that goes but I'll never get when I first found out about Monero Mike this is going to be the big thing I'm going to go trade my Bitcoin in for Monero and that turned out to be a really bad investment even back in 2018 and so that kind of sucks anyway but I'll take all your crypto whatever kind of crypto you want to send me Christopher Cantwell that net slash donate all my crypto keys are there Monero Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash Ethereum Z Cash you know you got like weird crypto you got if you if you're like oh this thing's going to be the next thing to hit but you don't have a key on your website Chris I'll be like fine go tell me where to if it is in the Exodus wallet I'll just use that I'll give you the key fit or I'll just go install the wallet and you can give me some other crypto I'll take it I'll be very happy to do that and that'd be very helpful because you know we've been doing this like just over a year now you know we do this weekly and this is episode 55 that means we're it's been more than one year and like a bunch of things that I pay for a yearly they're now renewing and so like I actually got to go and tell WooCommerce not to charge me 240 dollars the day after tomorrow because I don't want them to charge my card for that yet you know the WooCommerce subscriptions as part of what manages the the membership the membership system on I'm sorry about this it manages the membership system on and actually don't need the subscription I don't need to pay WooCommerce to have the software just to update it and so they're going to charge me 250 bucks for it it was 200 bucks when I bought it and then they're like yeah we're raising the price with the box and I'm like it's you really should have do that but you need the money to you need to have the subscription to get the updates for it I'm like okay well I'm gonna not renew it now I'll renew it later and you know before the before some critical update happens because anyway just send me some money is what I'm getting that if you haven't done it already please do let's just we'll see if it's the same guy I'm gonna hang up on him I'll give if somebody else is on the line I'll give you a choice hello yeah you stupid idiot okay now you're gonna get banned from the Odyssey chat dummy because you can't you know I can't really believe that you're making make me do this to you um we're gonna do this uh we're gonna give you a timeout uh well it only all right so you're blocked for 10 minutes in the show ends now but whatever you come back you do that to my show again buddy you're gonna you're gonna have a bigger problem than being banned from the chat for the credits but um yeah you know we've been doing this for a year now I published a book I've got more books coming I'm really into this man so thank you so much for making it happen give us in go cash out edgy Chris all that stuff we'll see you soon I love you guys good night you