With that other way, well, I'm gonna add play some intro music This one got the really good one get the better one for surreal politics All right welcome to surreal politics for this February 19, 2024 be in the current years the 46th episode of stage one and I titled the episode today Oma TV debut debut you guys might know we broadcasts I'm a cast to a place called goi mtv Which is run by a very talented man by the name of handsome truth and he he's been for a long time doing these videos We used to go on this chat service called Omega and he would troll people on there really funny bit that he did It's so of course, you know, I was like oh, I got a copy this guy and I thought I'd go try to steal the bit you know and I went so far as to get that software that he uses to make the faces and stuff I was like this is gonna be great and I was like well for what I'm biting this guy's bit and Then I read the terms of service on the thing and I was like oh it actually tells that you're not allowed to Re-broadcast or record the thing I'm like, I won't you know, maybe he could get away with it But there it's definitely gonna be like a cabal of you know at those centric lawyers from a Middle Eastern country are gonna come to me and You know, I was a little worried about that and then on top of that, you know in New Hampshire There's like wiretapping laws are kind of weird like you could you could just record your phone calls in New York And as long as somebody on the line knows that the calls being recorded. It's not a crime in New Hampshire You have to get all the parties consent When you're recording a phone call so it's kind of like I don't know should I do this? I actually contacted my PL Mike hey, you know if I do this thing, you know, I can have a problem with you And he's like I have no idea what you're talking about It was a matter of fact he didn't say that he didn't answer me was actually what happened So I held off on doing the bit and then sure enough Omega got shut down And then we find out that there's something you know, of course it doesn't do anything to stop the phenomenon What happens is everybody just goes to another service because Omega is not the first thing to or the last thing to like You know give you a random video chat. There's been a you know the cultural reference in my head is chat roulette I've never used it but kind of the same idea right and so everybody went over to this thing called Ome TV And I went over to Ome TV and I read their terms of service and they say nothing about recording or re-broadcasting and I don't think that I think that you know the legal situation is such that you don't actually don't have a right you don't have a right to an expectation of privacy there It's kind of the rule when you're talking about wiretapping laws and stuff and so today I actually before the show I wasn't sure if this is gonna be any good I didn't want to do it live and be like yeah the sucks keep on throwing super chats at me or whatever because that would be dumb So I did it law I did it by myself and I've got about an hour of video that I'm gonna play for you today on this show And I think that's gonna be a pretty good. I think you're gonna like that There's one segment in particular you'll see when I get to the woman There's a there's a conversation I have what goes on a pretty long time with a 16 year old girl I should say and You know trying to go and do at ht does would have not been a good bit for me It's just copying somebody else's thing is not you know that's not artistic right It's not what I do you know I talk to people and you know greater depth than that You know he's got a thing for the gags in the and the and the faces and he pulls him out at like the perfect time It is comedic timing is perfect and he's really good at what he does for me to try to copy that would not go over well at all I do something completely different, you know I talk to these people I get in their heads like I go I Probe them, you know and If they'll stick around and talk to me for a while that can get pretty interesting and And Most of the conversations that I had today did not go that far they talked to me for a couple minutes And then they punch out this girl she talked to me for a while and The whole thing is actually pretty sad if I'm honest with you like I was not You know, it's to go and talk to random people and see what they're doing You get a sample, you know, it's a random subsection of society and I'm not saying that you know Oh may TV is what the world is doing But when you go and you talk to five people and all five are like a mess Like yeah, the world's pretty bad, you know kind of sad what I went through today and Trying to talk to them, you know, I think it's here's the funny thing about it, right? When I'm talking to these people, I'm like, yeah, maybe you should stop doing drugs. Maybe you should clean up your room I told one guy, you know They're like what are you what why would anybody try to give me good advice? I'm here to do drugs in front of you and for you to tell me that's cool, you know And that's a kind of a funny bit all its own isn't it? Like that's pretty funny if in my mind right because we're at that point where What do you mean I should stop doing drugs and clean up my room? What do you mean? I should not cut my genitals apart? I've never heard anyone say that It's 2024 get with the times pops You know in a sick kind of in a sick kind of way there's a sense that there's a there's there's some laughs to be had them out I guess But they're not you know it's one of those things that you laugh at because that's all you can do, you know And so I think that that'll be worth it. I think you're gonna enjoy that and when we're done with that I'll come back and I'll get the phone lines online The phones are not online right now if you try to call you're just you're not gonna get through but When I'm when we get towards the end of the segment. I'll bring the phones online I'll I'll take some calls. I'll do I'll read some news But before I get into the omega bit I actually put I published something on telegram this morning, which I think is probably worth going through a little bit Me get everything off my screen here, so I'm not Exposing things and I'm trying to expose All right get that out of here No That minimized and is to go okay now Get out of here, okay So that's what I'm saying on telegram this morning One of the things I teased on a recent episode of show was I said I'm working on a book So you know that there's the book beauty revisited is now available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook or as a paperback and you should go get that like right now Like right now you should definitely go get the paperback Kind of you know the Kindle ebook whatever you've got you've had the text forever for free Do you want to own this thing that you can hold in your hand is another question, right? But so after I do that and I realize you know I could publish books and as a matter of fact I don't have to get like a publisher on board or spend 15 thousand dollars to do it like I just upload the Manuals script and the cover and boom it's for sale, you know It's like why I actually have you know thousands of pages of original text that I produced over the course of this career of mine That's like I probably write some books and so I get this idea in my head that you know I've got this chronological timeline of you know all the things that I've done and And you know some of you have been around with me for a very long time I mean some of you were there when I ran for Congress and stuff and that was a very long time ago But that was really like my entry onto the scene like in 2009. I basically I've been You know following politics since 9-11 in the sense that I'd let Bill O'Reilly spoon feed me center right milk to milk toast opinions, right? But in 2009 I got my world rock by a legal problem and then I was like oh the government's a complete disaster I've got to become an activist or whatever and I went to the tea party. I went to a tea party I want to say it was July 4th of 2009 might have been earlier later than I the pretty sure it was July 4th, 2009 And it was in Huntington, New York and That's where I met a woman by the name of Gigi Bowman and I got involved with the campaign for Liberty in the Libertarian party and then Gigi Bowman wanted me to run for Kong. She wanted me to run for some kind of public office And I ended up running for the United States House of Representatives the following year in the first congressional district of New York It's so when I look at my my blog post, you know The Christopher Campwell.com what it would is now Christopher Campwell.net didn't launch until like 2013 But I've had other things that I did you know and I lost all my Facebook and Twitter and everything in 2017 But I saw my emails, right? And so I started putting together from my old email correspondence like the timeline of my congressional race On my lead up to it, I should say because at this point in the book I'm like 60 pages in and I just got to the first public announcement Because there was a lot of email correspondence in the course of this one of the things that I was doing was I was only to campaign for Liberty and Libertarian party in these tea party group bailing list Like I a lot of you guys probably don't even know what I'm talking about mailing list But like you send an email and everybody in the group gets the email and then somebody replies that email and then everybody in the group gets the reply I used to be pretty popular people don't do that anymore, which is unfortunate because it's actually a superior way of doing things in a lot of ways So I've got all this core of respondents and it's actually pretty interesting It's interesting for me to read because in part because I am You know, I tend to look back on everything pre-2017 and I think I have this idea in my head that like this is cookie libertarian nonsense, right? And I think of stuff prior to like 2012 um as like Worse than that. I think of that is like oh, you're like this constitutionalist minarchist guy. You're like, you know one of these You know Oathkeeper's guys or something but without the law enforcement background, right? But going back and reading some of what I had to say is kind of interesting because a lot of it still holds water As a matter of fact, I probably agree with more of what I said in the early stages of this thing that I did when I was in my like and cap phase and As a writer of course, I was not as good a writer But I proliferated texts very rapidly, you know, but I I I Scrutinize my Type of graphic and spelling and grammatical errors more than I did back then And so it's been kind of a wild ride for me and I think that some people might find it pretty interesting and it's a turns out like I said I've got all this text of Mike Well, I had this idea that I published this book adventures in libertarianism, which I just you know published my blogs from libertarian days and add some commentary by myself But to actually do that to go from you know from from my first blog post on Christopher Campbell calm to You know say you know right before I went to Charlottesville That's like thousands of pages of taxes matter of fact And so I'd have to edit a lot of it down And so I said got it was going through all this old email correspondence putting together the beginnings of the congressional race I said I could write a book just about the congressional race And so I sent an email to Gigi Bowman I said hey, you know I've been talking you know why I hope everything's going good for you I just published my first book. I'm looking at publishing another one But you know when I lost my Facebook like I lost all my pictures, you know That was one of the worst things about being banned from Facebook by the way I would take a picture with my phone and just like upload it to Facebook and I was like yeah, it's there I don't get done matter if I delete it from the phone. It's on Facebook They got better backup systems than I do Until they're like yeah, I don't like your politics will delete all your stuff and never let you see it again It's kind of sad a lot a lot of really sad as a matter of fact But I said to Gigi I said you have any you know Images videos are all the records from that time that might be useful and put in the book together and she fired off a bunch of pictures to me And if you listen to What I put out whether it was on beauty or beauty revisited beauty revisited being a a cleaned up version of on beauty I Talked about looking at myself back in those days and sort of what it happened to me You know my physical transformation from trying to get in shape and So I'll show you just here we do it this way and So she sent me these images and I'll scroll through a few of these here Your humble core of Sponet that's a guy by the name of Danny Penn's Ella some of you might recognize and you can see this fat face that I'm talking about Okay, like that's not the guy on the camera right now. Let me put this You know That guy ain't me right I mean it's me, but it's not me It's me and Adam Cokesh Me fat as all oh, it's a surreal politics. I probably shouldn't say the last word of that but you get the idea You know in a bar fat I Know with the Guardian angels Tom Woods So this is actually the first that this is the first tea party that I went to a Government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away the government Congress doesn't read the laws they pass was out there with these signs Wake up in the USA or you will wake up in the USSR Ha ha ha That black fellow there he was a big fan of me So this is when I was running for Congress This is this is that a thing called Liberty Fest NYC That's actually I did my first like stand-up comedy set there and it went over pretty well It's Gary Franchi. He ran a thing called the next news network Tom Woods again It's Ian Choffee. He actually put together the Liberty Fest NYC thing This is a woman who's very upset with me and she's smacking me in the mouth in this bar and This is me would have beard my cop cop block hoodie and You know even when I was a fat drunk in slub I Managed to gain the affections a beautiful women keeping them as another story, but anyway, so those are the photos that she sent me okay and Something that stood out to me as I looked through them was this to this photo here Of me at the tea party in 2009 I'm obviously over waiting that photo. I don't know how visible it is on the screen to you guys, but It's not the best way to pull up images. I'm sorry, but I probably like 220 pounds there still got some hair This was I believe election day 2012 okay, and I was like 260 pounds by that point so at the whole time I was with the libertarians. I was just getting fatter and drunker, you know and I Think oh, yeah, sorry, so and then I you know basically as soon as I dropped the libertarian stuff I I got I started to lose weight. I started to change my life, you know in 2014 I suffered you know yet another fairly heartbreaking romantic failure and I decided I had to improve my dating options starting with dropping the booze and a lot of weight I Wrote a blog post titled fitness advice from a fat alcoholic part one and I had the idea in my head that I try to lose some weight and post about my progress and I eventually abandoned the idea of posting regular updates But by cutting out alcohol and carbs from my diet and walking a great deal I dropped like 50 pounds in about two months And that was about the best thing that ever happened to me once I realized that I could change my body that dramatically I felt like I had more control over my life than I thought I previously did and That rewired my whole thought thought process on top of a physical transformation I started lifting weights after that learning about and trying to you know I can tell it gently manage my hormones and generally adopted like a fitness oriented lifestyle And you can see this photo right here I'm sorry that these things are coming up so small on your screen. I should have done a better job as I'm sorry So with a woman who came into my life right after I started this process They don't work out so well with her either But you could see my face is like different from that face that you saw up there, right? I mean like this is but this is after the weight loss and before the muscle gains. This is just before I started you know strength training And here's me like right before The United right rally in 2017 And so you know basically 20 2009 to 2017 this is the time of the images that you see here And so My body fat percentage then was higher than it is now But this was when I was at like peak muscle mass. I lost a lot of my gains What I was ended up in the Charlottesville jail and as a consequence of that I was deprived of a high protein diet and fitness equipment while I was there Um, and you know having been in prison I got fat, you know COVID locked down and stuff sitting in a cell 23 hours a day eating garbage So I've been more concentrating on losing weight than you know muscle mass So I'm actually like in depending on your unit of measure. I mean better shape now than I was there But I'd like to get some of those gains back, you know But you know you look at this timeline of my faces, you know There's a lot maybe those things maybe they look like the same guy to you, but not to me like those four distinct individuals so far as I'm concerned, you know And so the reason I tell you that is kind of like There's a lot of reasons for it. It's not just to fill up airtime But if you're like if you're in poor physical shape if you're struggling without colonialism or substance abuse If you think you are doomed to a life of loneliness poor and masturbation in prostitutes If you think there's nothing that you can do to change these things about your life, you're absolutely 100% wrong about that If you try every day to improve you will you will improve it'll actually happen if you try It won't show immediate results. You'll probably get discouraged, but just keep on trying You try hard every day for two years You will look at two-year-old photos of yourself and you too will have trouble recognizing the man that you were And then you're gonna have like a whole new set of problems, but don't stop trying then, you know If you improve your physical fitness you'll be betting an entirely different class of women than you're used to You'll break your heart to make you feel lower than the guy in the two-year-old photos But just keep trying don't stop never stop You will adjust you'll become more confident in who you are you'll re-orient your goals in your mind And you will be better off in every way no matter how much Stuff is thrown at you that you have to deal with You know some people they say uh, you know god never gives you more than you can handle I don't know if that's a perfectly accurate description of you know the metaphysics of our universe or whatever I've certainly felt like I had more on my plate than I could deal with more than once in my life, you know But sure enough I dealt with it all that came my way right and here we find ourselves However imperfectly I dealt with it I did, you know And those of you who know me the best know that aside from You know, maybe some good looks and extraordinary verbal talents which my early work makes very clear I Had to be you know refined through hard work itself I'm not actually all that special Some people get this idea, you know that I you know, I'm not a TV star. I'm a guy with a computer Not all that special And it's a dumb cliche to say oh, you know if I could do it you can do it like that's not necessarily true in all cases Obviously, you know some things I can do that you can do and a lot of things that you can do that I can't do I'm certain that the latter out numbers the former for sure But I don't think it's entirely inappropriate in this context I tried really hard and I failed frequently Most of you would not want my current life But I'm 100% certain that you can kick your bad habits and shape up and improve your mental state to such a point where you'd take prison bankruptcy and heartbreak in stride And if you play your cards right You can avoid prison in bankruptcy Heartbreak's a little bit more difficult to avoid who knows, you know, wish you the best luck with it in that case But if you give it a shot, you know, you try hard enough And you don't give up, you know, it's perseverance. It's it's diligence. It's you know stick to it tithness whatever the phrase you want to use If you try hard and you stay with it over the course of a couple of years you cannot help but improve How much you improve, you know, it depends on certain factors that are innate to you It depends on certain factors, you know, per you know about your environment and there's the hand that you adult But if you try really hard every day for two years Improvements coming you can't help but improve in those circumstances. So I hope that you will Uh, even if you don't even if you're not in bad shape even if you're not an alcoholic If you're not trying, you know, you just might become either of those things so Try real hard And with that out of the way boys and girls I'm gonna go ahead play this so megalbit I think you get a like it um and If the first couple of ones are not super engaging just stick with me until the girl gets there I promise it's gonna be you're gonna have a lot of fun with that So let's go ahead get it on shall we Okay, I'm gonna go uh, I'm gonna try to do the omitv thing. We'll see what happens Oh Chillin man, how you doing? I'm hanging in there, buddy. What are you doing you smoking some weed? Yes, I'm about you. I ain't smoking a weed now. It's uh That stuff will make me unable to talk, you know But uh, I used to smoke a lot of weed. I don't I don't do it anymore But uh, I got shall we say nuance views about vices, but marijuana is not mine. I just don't like it Okay, yeah Yeah, um you uh is is uh marijuana all you do or you do other drugs Uh, just honestly just to be honest is marijuana. I really like doing anything other than just smoking How old you You're 18 okay Well, I certainly wouldn't want to encourage you to do other drugs then but I've uh, I've done a few and I think that there's more fun ones than marijuana You know, the funny thing about marijuana I think is that People refer to you know people talk about like hard drugs, you know And they say marijuana is not a hard drug Wee is the only only drug that you wake up first thing and more and it's stuck in the high be high old day Go to bed high and be high all the time and make all your decisions while high And it's the only one that you could do that and not be called a drug addict, right Damn, that's crazy. I'm gonna I'm gonna cap you did make a good point just now That's right. I mean you you probably when you decide to do that to your hair you will probably high as hell, right Well, no, this is a beanie. This is a beanie. Oh, so whenever you decided to buy that hat then then you were high, right? I mean, yes, I would I mean I didn't buy it. I traded home in my purple beanie for it So I mean, I was high then right so whatever you decide, you know The decision to put this ridiculous thing upon your head was replaced the prior ridiculous thing that you had on your head And both of them you you decided made both of those decisions while you're high, right? And then and then and then people do that and they go and they go to school and they go to work And then they vote and they do all the things that destroy a society all while they're stoned, you know And then they're like no, I'm not a drug addict. I'm not like that guy who does, you know, ecstasy twice a month You know that guy who does ecstasy twice a month. He's a complete lunatic because he's doing hard drugs I'm just smoking marijuana from morning until night and everything's fine and why aren't wearing this hat You know But you know, I'm not holding it against you. I'm sure you're having a good time, you know You're 18 years old. You probably have some time to kill. I don't I'm 43 and so you know if I stand around high all day Where and hats like that? I'm not gonna have a you know anything You look a lot younger than this 43. Well, thank you very much, you know when I was 30 people said I looked a lot older than 30 and so you know Maybe I just caught up after a while, you know Yeah, you know Where you from? We're from Nevada. How about you Nevada? I'm from I'm from New York. I live in New Hampshire Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, and so New Hampshire's a pretty nice place to be Nevada Yeah, I don't know you can probably have a lot of fun out in Nevada. I don't know what such a nice place to be anymore Yeah, there's there's some things to do, but just the people out here just said Yeah, I bet the place is like, you know You live like near the the vagus strip or whatever or you away from all that chaos Where I think like about 500 miles away from You're you're about 500 miles away from the strip so you avoid that chaos, but I bet you got your own right Personally, yeah, we never been to Vegas. No, you live in Nevada. You never been to Vegas where you're 18 So it's probably not you know, you'll get down there. I imagine You know, yeah, probably sell that chain go lose all your money, you know Right on And so you don't uh, you got a girlfriend? I do not I'm not really focused on that at the moment Just focus on smoking pot I'm just like more focusing on just getting into working just making money. What kind of what kind of work you go into Uh, well, I'm about to be going into like just uh, where or where house with my homie, but I'm trying to like Just trying to do like a whole bunch of stuff like really stay and like maybe just some entrepreneur and Entrepreneurs yeah You know the the real estate thing is uh, you can make a lot of money in that, you know Um, entrepreneur and that's uh, that's uh, that's a more difficult prospect because you know, there's a lot of risk involved I'm I run my own business myself, but it's you know, it's it's nice because then you give your own boss You know, you can kind of set your own hours, you know, but you know the outside of it of course is that You know, there's nobody else comes picks up your shift when you're done, right? If you're if you're the boss if you're the only guy, it's like You know, you actually have you have all of the responsibility and there's no like yeah my yeah yeah I'm punching out the clock says it's time for me to go home That doesn't happen when you're when you own the company, you know But you know the real estate thing. I know people make money in real estate, you know, they say uh They say uh, you know, it's not entirely, you know Did I lose you you gave up on me? Okay Okay Hello, what is everybody's high on omitv? I guess how you doing You look like an image mark my name is not mark my name is Chris So I was like going you guys smoking some pot that I Yeah, and uh, how's that going for you good good Yeah, it looks like looks like a nice pipe you got there Um, and so uh, do you guys do any other drugs or you just smoke marijuana? Nice one. Oh What's that? Yeah, yeah, other drugs Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything you do mushrooms Oh, yeah, everything Oh, you hung up on me again. What the hell? Hello, you two okay fine Hello Yo, what up? You guys smoke a pot too What's up You all right, but it's everybody smoke a marijuana on this thing today Everybody on this thing smoke marijuana. It's hilarious. How you doing? I lose you Hello I could stay to you We What up Yo Yeah, what's going on man? Yeah, we're you uh, you're not okay. You're how old you? I love 11. Okay, good. So I hope that you're not like doing drugs over there or anything Because everybody else I talked to a smoke a marijuana on here, not you right Ask for your answer. Good boy. Good boy. All right. So we got you We got the kids old is 11 having become drug addicts. That's good news for America Uh, you're in America, right? Yeah, yeah, you're a USA man. That's right Um, I'm glad to see that you know a little pride in your country never uh never hurt nobody and so So what's up? You uh, you like I see you got like you you play video games Yeah, I got All right, stuff you got a whole bunch of stuff there. Yeah, what what games you play Madden So yeah, okay, um, I never played that one. I ever played any of the football games you play it on the computer then or on the console Play station play station. Okay. You got the five you still doing four Five all right on right on And so in the in the madden game like I don't know I can't even think like you know I used to play football when I was a kid and I never played the football video games when I played football when I was in like high school You know, I'm one player and I got to run across a field and there's a bunch of other guys moving How are you I was supposed to control a whole team of people with a controller? You don't control the whole team you just ask one like the quarterback and then he throws to them Okay, so the rest of them are basically like you know, they're like PCs like they just they're NPCs Okay, you get the shoes the route that they run they can run deep. Sure me. No, I got you Oh, and then you can also hand the ball off and then you'd be the like the running back or Okay, I got you So that sounds like fun and so you do you play football you just play the video game. I play football in man Okay, cool and so if you're if you're 11 years old, and I guess what he was sixth grade Oh What's going on What up man? Tell him man, what are you doing? Oh, bro, you're all bro. Oh, well, you're told the way over there long bro drinking got stormy man god damn man. Oh, all right. Well, can take a fight. Agress. So it stands up straight Oh Doing all right. How are you? I'm great. I'm really glad to hear that So what are you are you writing something? Uh I'm doing myself. You're tattooing yourself Okay, um, well, that's good just for a second. What? I'm sorry. I'm talking to my dog. Okay You are I thought you were trying to find a vein or something. I was worried about you everybody I'd bump into on this thing is getting high. They're all smoke americano. Are you are you do drugs? I'm not in the garage. I'm in my room not Not in this garage or in your room. Okay. What what flavor you vapin is it nicotine you got something else in there? Something else something else. All right. I'm a nicotine junkie. I got the vaporize it too, but I don't got nothing else in the thing You know, I'm some you do both I gotcha. So what what flavors you puffing on? Uh burnt it somewhat burnt watermelon ice and Something gooseberry gooseberry that sounds like something out of a cartoon. I don't think there's is there a real thing called a gooseberry or is that something out of like water brothers? I don't know. Okay. Yeah, I've never I've never had a gooseberry before. It sounds like something to Willy Wonka Um So did you use to use omega and now you're on omitv or did you or were you like an OG omitv person? Uh omega yeah, and then they shut that thing down, huh? Yeah All the dicks and the pedophilia and the like people tracking people's address and bullying and all that Did they solve that problem by going over here? Is it just shuffling the cards? You think it is. It just all moved over. Yeah, it's kind of what you know, it's kind of how it happens You know, yeah, a bunch of people trying to ruin everything is really what it is. They say they're trying to help people, but they're not It's like and it's just like bro Even omega was just like hey if you're f**king horny. This is the website for you not omega And it's just like dude people did deliberately Well, there's people who get a kick out of that right? It's for the for those people. It's the the arousal is in the It's their Oh, I know the kink name. I can't remember it right now But like they're turned on by people seeing their bodies like that It's just like I think I think the term you're looking for is voyeurism or something and and I'm not I'm not familiar with like the kink dictionary or whatever I just know that some people are scumags and like their their thing is that they want to make people uncomfortable You know, it's not even that just that they want to be seen. They're like yeah I'm getting I get aroused or I get a I get a certain sick pleasure out of Making you unhappy even, you know, it's it's coercive All right hang on I'm gonna okay. I'm tattooing. I'll still you want okay? Yeah, that's fine and like you know, I don't know And if you're gonna tattoo yourself, I'd hate to tell a joke and then and then you go And then scribble all over your arm. I don't know. This is a great idea Um, you're not worried about it because I'm not that funny, right? Well, this is like very It doesn't take Let's take a lot to push down if that makes sense and start up to even move up slightly. It'll be yeah. Can I ask how old you are? I am 16 you're 16 years old you're tattooing yourself while you're while you're getting high on THC vapes So you know, I was just saying to somebody else when I think it's kind of funny about the weed thing, you know I've done a lot of drugs over the course of my life. I don't do them anymore But you know, I think it's kind of funny that you know Marijuana is like, you know, you talk about hard drugs and marijuana is not one of them as far as most people are concerned Marijuana is just like yeah, it's just it's just sweet man. It's just a plant, you know But like weed is the one drug that like you can wake up in the morning and start getting high and be high until you go to bed at night Make all your decisions while you're stone up to and including tattooing yourself at 16 while you talk to strangers on the internet while you're high And nobody ever thinks that there's like maybe some kind of like that that that you know that that might actually not be such a hot idea after all you ever think about that Oh, yeah, I know it's not a smart idea. I don't care. You don't care I don't care about life. I've tried killing myself 13 times. I don't Well, if you tried killing yourself 13 times and for now I'm kind of happy that you're not very successful But maybe if you were like more successful and other endeavors than maybe you wouldn't want to die And maybe if you were not high all the time then maybe you would be like yeah Maybe if I tattoo my skin up at the age of 16 I might regret this when I'm like a mother I already know that I might regret this but these are small Anybody tattoos right? Right? The one I'm currently doing I'm Sure, let me talk and finish my sentence um So the one I'm currently doing is matching my brother who He might die in a couple months because I agree I just can't do so This one has meaning okay, and then the other two I have They like they're small enough to where you can barely even see them And they're going to fade over time so it's gonna get even harder and They also have meaning and it's just like stay happy stay loved Well, those are good messages for sure You know, yeah, I got a tattoo and I was I think I just turned 18 This is the only tattoo I have it's it's like I'm told it's a Japanese symbol that means real I have actually no idea if that's true or not. I just took the tattoo as hard for it You know, and I figured you know, I can't go wrong with real right? You know and yeah, and so I didn't think figure I was gonna regret that and you know, I haven't really had much cause to but you know It's telling to me that you tell me that you're you're 16 years old and you don't care about life and you're and you're getting High I mean, you know, you tried to kill yourself 13 times. I mean that seems like something trying to worth trying to work on You know I'm currently in third-view for that. Yeah And I smoke weed because it helps me regulate my emotions which I'll know if you understand what that is But so like when I run out of weed I like I'm very confused. I don't know how to speak like I don't know how to tell people what I'm feeling so I can't Is that makes sense? It makes perfect sense I used to have the same relationship with alcohol and it was a destructive feature of my life right like I thought that like to be able to like You know engage in social situations. I had to go drink right and that ended up with me being like 260 pounds of wanting to put a gut in my mouth, which I did more than once so I sympathize with your flight Yeah, and so I'm successful with my life I'm not successful as in like I'm a fucking millionaire, but no um Already graduated high school. I've had several colleges reach out to me to You know for me to go there Uh Because of sports that I use to know what's doing school Uh, and then you know, I'm becoming a tattoo artist and I've already had someone Uh, offered a pay me about $100 an hour For a chat about session. I don't know if you know what that is It's a chat about pretty much I go crazy with like psychedelics uh, and like I go crazy tattooing pretty much and drawing on the suits are Um, and then it doesn't stop until you like tapped out I'm sorry, so you mentioned psychedelics in the course of this Are you saying that you would be high on psychedelics and tattooing this guy until he said stop scarring my skin? So like drawing psychedelics a drawing Okay, like trippy trippy shoes. That's what I meant there Um, that that sounds a lot more reasonable than getting high and tattooing somebody yes Um, yeah, and so well, I'm glad that you see you're 16 years old. You're you're already finished with high school Yes, I finished when I was 15 I graduated two and a half years early Do you know your IQ I know But you know that it's higher than average if you finished high school at 15 Okay, I know that much I'm not That kind of explains I would say to some extent while you describe you know yourself as You know you say you say to me you try to kill yourself 13 times your own half your your you don't give a f About life you said and so like it's not uncommon for people who are like really smart to have like You know to not be at one with the world in which they are right because you're you're actually like on a whole entire different level And the people that you come into contact with it could be quite it's so difficult to make connections right It's really funny as I actually do see that and talk to people that's fun. I'm sorry say it again Uh, I'm a medium. I don't know. I heard something about like third world Dead people babe you're a lot of I need to turn you down. I can really hear So What is if if you know my may asking what you've got somebody else on the phone while you're chatting with strangers on omega Oh, yeah, my boyfriend your boyfriend and does he and he doesn't care that you're like shut up sweetheart. I'm talking to the stranger on the internet Not just I didn't say shut up I worded it differently. I get that but yeah Um not much because he knows he's very low and like Well, it's not a matter of if he's loud the question is are you having a conversation with him or you having a conversation with me or you have an Conversation with both of us at the same time and that seems like what the latter would be difficult to manage Okay, I'm having a conversation with you currently. Okay, because he is having a conversation with his friends And he's on his game. Oh, I see. Okay, so he's not you and him are not really talking you just have the line open essentially It's kind of the idea. Yeah, well, that's kind of cool. I mean like you know in my mind that seems kind of odd But I guess it's kind of cool like you just have the line there and if you want to talk to each other you can that's kind of cool Yeah, pretty much okay This one has to live think five hours away from me. Oh, well, that's rough Yeah, you must really like them then You're like you're like I do and if I didn't I wouldn't say it here because the line is open Yeah So what is it what is so special about this guy that you're willing to tolerate a five hour you know distance between you's um the fact that His mom loves me more than him is already enough You know, I think a lot of people would hear that and be a little off put by it But I get what you're saying totally, you know just so fat. Okay, so him and his mom are very close as well But the fact that she loves me more than him kind of just like It it it'll solve a lot of problems in advance, you know, whether that that's your motive I don't know but I can say that you know, I've had problems with girlfriends before we're like I'm like hey, you know Like I'll get the mother involved. I'll be like hey, you know, you got a straightness out, you know or yeah, you know You'll be seeing some stupid That's his mom like Mom I love to quote side is saying some stupid Yeah, why do you think you're here? So And like my mom accepts him, so I mean So I mean, you know, you're you're talking about a situation where you graduate high school early You got a boyfriend you're you got you're on good terms with the mom I mean that sounds like you're on a marriage trajectory. I mean Oh, that sounds like a crazy situation to say you don't care about life and try to kill yourself 13 times what's going on? I haven't tried to kill myself in past six months Well the fact that you tried to do it six months ago. I understand six months seems like a long time at the age of 16 I'm 43 six months. It's not a long time in my view and pretty soon It's not going to seem like a long time to you. I'm glad that you haven't tried in six months But 13 times prior to that, you know, it seems to suggest that you know Something else going on. How long you been with this guy? Uh Actually we're a month as of today. I'm not as of today. Okay, so this is a fairly new relationship and so yeah Things are on an upward trajectory in your life fair to say Yeah, okay safe safe for the brother who might be dying Yeah, that's unfortunate. That way if he dies I'll give what the hell I have to do I'm good Well don't I'm pretty sure your brother be pretty upset if you did that and so you know Nope What? No After our older brother mean him made a suicide path so Well, you know, I think uh might might be worth renegotiating the contractor, you know because You know It's been it's been sealed off for the past four years. It's staying that way Well, I think that if your brother is dying and you said hey bro, you know, I got this I got this uh this relationship going on I've got college coming. I've got things going on in my life. I might be able to have a family and like you know Like be able to like have a real life, you know I think it might be probably a good idea that I don't off myself. I think your brother probably let you let you go on that You're brother cares about you, right? Yeah, it's not necessarily like He would he would let me yeah, and he doesn't want me to come myself if he does that but I don't know how to explain it because He has helped me through so much That I'm not going to go into detail about Because I will end up crying. I don't feel like that right now. I understand You know, and you wouldn't have to do that to to To address the issue which is Your brother your brother being dead is not going to be made and easier endeavor by you being dead too You're gonna do that to your parents who I presume are not you'd like cheering on for you to die And so you know You know you think about everybody who cares about you in this world You're you're about to you might be in a situation you say your other brother already passed and you had to deal with his passing I meant so so you understand what it's like to lose somebody you care about and now you're talking about Well after my brother dies I'm gonna off myself and I'm gonna do that to all of those people who are now gonna have to deal with the death of me At my brother do you have any other siblings between the brother who passed and the brother who has cancer now? So it was my older brother So so My current brother I'm talking about I've known him for a Little over five years now Because I didn't even know he was my brother until Like five years ago So yeah, we're like half siblings something like that Well, what I'm trying to get out is that if if you're whole if all if you and your siblings die and then you're And then basically that's the end of your bloodline that's the end of your family, you know, and so I have a younger brother and a younger sister And knowing my dad he probably has Like two or three other kids. Oh, dad. Uh, dad was popular with the ladies. I gather Um, and so no, he's a pedophile and Oh, and a rightist so I'm very sorry to hear that that could probably explain a lot of your dissatisfactions with the world that you live in Um, and so I'm very sorry to hear that that's the case um But in any case, you know You are of are a smart and if you don't mind my saying beautifully young lady and so like the idea that you would deprive The future of your presence is actually kind of like Scott of insignia in in considerate to the to the world that you live in you know There's like if you look around I mean you're only 16 so you don't know, you know You're going downhill our economy is Yes, everything is Global warming works. I honestly don't expect it. I don't want to expect the world to make it I Got I would go so far as to say that Global warming is probably the least of our problems, but not uh I understand your frame of reference would probably tell you otherwise the the bigger problem the Reason our economy and everything else is going down the toilet the reason there's so much political unrest is because decent people are not having children And garbage people are is actually what's happening, right? And so like when decent people are like oh well You know, I have to I have to control my Reproduction in order do you ever seen the movie idiocracy? No, you should see it. It's a true story that they made into a comedy. Oh Yeah Hang on. I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay. I'm sorry. One of my friends he's hitting me up right now Because he's gonna let me practice tattooing on him or this is buddy who I'm saying Would let me do the cap out session on him. Yeah And he might be in my area right now. Okay. I'll wait for you to figure it out Oh Cuz so uh one of his brains who's down here in my area is just like he's trying to buy some meat right now Um don't be selling drugs something to go you know figure out Bitcoin You know that that better be a way to get you You'll be in a lot of trouble. They catch you doing that, you know I don't know what what your laws are where you live But generally speaking they tend to frown upon the dealers, you know I'm so I'm done before yeah Most drug dealers have they they get they sell it a million times and they never get caught and then they go to prisons kind of kind of how it works um What I was gonna say is that you know the reason the reason that everything's going downhill The reason that our politics are becoming unstable and the the economy is is is literally it's a genetic problem It's that you know good people They they see like okay, you know money short or I have this other opportunity So I'm gonna delay having children and people who are garbage people who don't care about the future They just keep on producing kids right and then eventually you have like it that's it that there's a genetic You know there's a genetic Consequence of that which is people who plan for the future are not the genetic stock of the population And then people are just acting in the moment They're not planning for the future and then sure enough the future gets here and we're all in a lot of trouble You know and so it's important that like attractive intelligent people You know keep their lives together and have kids otherwise the whole society goes to hell, you know Yeah, well see so like You know you see how I turned out but I grew up with a I okay, so my bio dad was a rapist drug addict alcoholic um Kid lover right yeah And my mom uh Juggie Hey, baby, I'll be right back. I need to go talk to my mom Okay Sorry on the phone my boyfriend as well. It's okay. Um but so You know, I didn't have the best parents. I didn't know my mom until I was like nine I grew up with different different women every day um And so You know I wasn't very good. I didn't have good genetics my dad flunked out of um He flunked out of high school. So did my mom she flunked out because of me. So I felt bad for her there um But I graduated two and a half years early well That's not unusual, right? So like genetics Are complex it'd be a bit more than I could endeavor to explain in the course of this conversation, but you know there's traits Do not always pass directly to the next generation say right and But you have potential clearly if you if you're able to graduate high school at the age of 15 then you have potential And that means that your genes have potential that that does not exist in other genes, right? And so like the fact that you came from this you know tragic situation And have the potential to make something of yourself is all the more reason not to throw it away You know, it's actually it's actually not only is it not in your interest to do because believe me when I tell you you know You know, it's been many times between between the ages of you know 13 and 43 where I was like I don't want to live anymore. I get that sent I get that impulse completely But you know you sure enough you get through that period of time and then you get to a later period of time You're like wow, it's a good thing. I'm alive because I get to do this, you know And so like that's important and it's and it's important beyond the horizon of your own existence too Like you think of you know at your age. It's obvious, you know It's completely normal that you think of things in terms of your own experience But as you start to get older and you realize like you're going to die whether you like it or not You know then you start thinking about what what what I'm gonna die. Yeah, whether it's from something I do or something natural causes something I couldn't have prevented Obviously, so that's why I live my life the way I do I do whatever the fuck I want because you know what Then I'll be remembered for doing stupid and it's gonna be funny and people are gonna laugh when they remember me Well you can remember some strict ass Who is just like oh my god math science like nerdy Well, I don't I don't think that you need to pursue math and science. I think you need to pursue family You know like who's gonna who's gonna remember you as your children, right? That's the thing and like if I don't want to have kids I'm sorry. I don't want some eight pound human being coming out of my couch Well I understand that that probably is off putting in this moment, but I know a lot of women who felt that way and then when they get into their like late 30s They're like panicking that they've got to get this done, right? And that's actually a pretty sad site to see if you ever have had any exposure to that that you know people You know part of what's going on is you're like fed this like feminist propaganda that like tells you like oh woman needs a band like a fish needs a bicycle and all this nonsense and that like you're just like pursue your pursue other goals at the expense of raising a family and then what happens to women who are in their like late 30s and early 40s Who have pursued that their whole lives? They're like well? I better I better get married and have kids right away, you know and so like You know, I understand that that's a far off prospect to you and it probably means very little that I'm saying that Or might even sound annoying or stupid, but it's a real it's a real phenomenon And like when you talk about how you're going to be remembered like being remembered as like a mother is like the most significant thing You know the hand that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world is what they say right like there's a meme I saw was great like there's like a woman who is like I became a scientist and then there's another woman who said like I gave birth to nine scientists You know and like who which one of these women made a bigger difference in the world actually right So it's a thing we're thinking about that like when you bring when you bring human beings into the world You do so you the impact that you have on the world around you is so dramatic that like you know sometimes It's it can be easy to get the idea that this is something that is less significant, but it's actually not you know It's definitely not more significant than that Dude I'm not having kids I've never wanted to have kids I've always hated kids I'm not a kid Did you ever like baby dolls when you're a kid? Huh did you have baby dolls when you're a kid? Yeah, I what did you do did you like break their necks and throw them in the garbage or what did you do with the baby doll kid when your kids? I just never played with them you just never played with them Yeah, and so like when you're with when you're with this boyfriend and you and you know You're feeling like affectionate with each other if you have to if you don't mind my ass. Yeah, I'm sorry I don't mean to get too personal, but if you had sex with this boy yet Uh, no no, okay better you are Okay, do you like sex? Yeah, okay you understand that you know the reason that sex is like the most rewarding thing for us psychologically Is because it's part of our you know Darwinian survival process Because our human nature is to breed yada yada yada yada It's actually like imperative to the survival of our species and if we don't do it then we go extinct It's actually kind of it matters a lot, you know If we wait I don't think we're gonna go fucking extinct We have eight billion people in this world And unless the Sun has already exploded 40 million years ago. I don't think it even takes that long. I'm sorry You Well, I'm gonna die anyways. Well, that is you and me and everybody who's alive today are gonna be dead someday That's that's certain right Whether or not there's going to be human beings on the earth in a given term of years is a less certain question, right? And so and and it's not disconnected from who's having the children, right? So like you know if you take you know take ever You know you talk about there's you know seven eight billion people in the world Well like how do most of those people live and the answer is not very good, right? You look at Africa You look at much of South America. You look at most of the world. They're actually not living very well And they're having they're having children off the roof right there just through the charts, you know Off the charts, you know Just reproducing like it doesn't they're having kids the people who actually like made society possible They're not doing it and then what's gonna happen is we're gonna we're gonna live like jungle animals, right? Because the people who are capable of making civilization work they don't have children The people who are not capable of making civilization work they do and so when you talk about seven eight billion people in the world How many of those people are actually capable of like having a civilized society the answer is not one billion Actually probably about three billion Because look at Canada and America that's At least for a billion. What did you know? I don't know the population of Canada. I know that the population of the United States is less than 400 million people Okay, and so I'm under the impression that Canada has a lower population than us I could be wrong about that. I haven't checked But if you go take you take Canada you're up and the United States right what do they what do they all have in common is there's a big problem with immigration Right the government wants to let new people in because the people who live in the country are not reproducing right and so they want to replace their populations with third world Human beings you know you're aware of that You can only have like one or two kids Um did you know that in America our immigration we have these like worse immigration system But we have borders on everywhere Well, yeah, we have we have a completely out of control There's no there's no immigration controls anymore right there just millions of people come in every year illegally Is what's going on right and and and to come into the country legally is a big pain in the neck I'm definitely aware of that You know especially if you want to come from Europe or something if you're coming from some third world country And you have nothing to offer then we'll subsidize it you know Dude I have to get to put it from Canada when I was like 14 back It's so funny to me Well, there you go. I Canada will deport you right but Canada will totally tolerate like third world people who hate their civilization Coming in and completely dominating their society No, no, no, no. I like I I'm American board. I'm American board. I know I Legally ended up in Canada for like two weeks. I had to get myself deported That's what I'm saying But oh well you tried to get deported well you try hard enough at something like that and you'll succeed You know, but you know there's people who come to Canada who have no Reference for Canadian society whatsoever Don't speak the language have a different religion actually want to violently overthrow the government They come there and they so okay, wait but no Seconds religion Give me about religion like the people who have the religion care about it a great deal Well, yes, I know that I understand people are just like oh I'm doing religion But like you don't have to have a certain religion you don't have to You don't have to be Christian to live in Texas. I don't think you do and that's a good thing because I'm not a Christian I'm just saying that when other people believe in radically different things than you do and then they believe that your society is supposed to succumb to their ways They're there in lies the conflict and so like I don't think that somebody has to be a Christian to live in a decent Civilization, but I do think it helps that I you know we come from a Christian tradition It's you know our norms are largely the same as Christians, right? And so like when I talk about you know Muslims coming into the country for example It's not just that they have a different religion It's that their religion has it dictates a totally different way of life that impacts their politics So like when they vote they vote in a way that is supposed to Transform the society in a more Muslim direction I don't think that you would very much love to live in an Islamic society I went to a Jewish school in here You went to a Jewish school? Okay, are you of Jewish ancestry or or Yes, okay, okay, my great grandmother's Jewish Well, that explains your like aversion to the subject matter I understand but Simultaneously you can sort of see where I'm going with this that it's sort of an escapeable that you know When you have people who come into your society or hostile to your way of life You know the hostility is going to manifest itself in political outcomes and then the society you know has a lot of trouble as a consequence, right? Yeah, I'm so you know and when you have you know you talk about the economy before I mean the economy is not disconnected from politics So you know you have a situation where the society you know you have two groups of people two or more groups of people basically interest groups Battling to the death for control over the government and all of their interests are reversed to one another And they're all trying to impose upon one another than like the government's going to be completely consumed with that conflict and it can't manage the economy and then things On spiral out of control and then and then you know the cost of beef goes up three times, right? And then and then as a consequence of that then it's more difficult to have children and then The situation just gets exponentially worse because you're increasing the cost of living the people who are capable of like Planning for the future and controlling their reproduction in order to deal with the cost of living They don't have children the people who don't care about the future who aren't thinking in those terms They keep on reproducing and then they become the dominant demographic and then they destroy everything right But see I'm not going to have kids because it's going to be way too expensive and like just Because you know by the time that I'm 20 the minimum pay is probably going to go up about 20 cents Well It could go up it could go up 300 percent it won't make a damn bit of difference because what they'll be doing is There'll be a compensating for other problems in the economy that's created the minimum wage is completely irrelevant The question is what are your wages Comparative to the cost of living right and so like a minimum wage does nothing to change that all it does is change the number You know monetary units dollars or whatever they happen to be that's all that that does it doesn't doesn't make you any richer You know the minimum wage in a lot of places right now is $15 an hour the minimum wage in New Hampshire is seven something It's like it's at the you know whatever the federal minimum wage is and Most places don't pay the federal minimum wage they pay what they have to pay to keep their workers working Yeah, and even at that you know the cost or the increased cost of living have you know Really become prohibitive of a lot of people getting their lives off the ground Which causes them not to reproduce which causes as I said before the people who don't plan for the future Reproducing anyway and then outnumbering the people who do which creates the problems that you're complaining about And it's it's a bit much for a person in your position to take on responsibility for that And I think that that's obvious and I'm probably in one ear out the other here, but you know Should a time come when you start taking an interest in the world around you and like feeling like you're you know Socially responsible for things beyond what happens in the room that you're sitting in you know you might start thinking about that Let's see. I'm not responsible I think other than me and what I do okay, and the reason that our societies are spiraling out of control is because too many people believe that right It used to be that people thought they had an obligation to their country, you know to their civilization And now we're facing a situation And exactly right why is that happening? It's because the people of the country don't believe they have an obligation to the country Because we know well if if you if nobody has an obligation to the country then like what are is it our destiny to live in squalor and conflict Honestly, if that is the way that We had down it's our own Well exactly though, so like I'm not going to attribute anything to God I'm gonna say that we're all responsible for the world in which we live And so like when you tell me I have no obligation to my country if everyone in the country has the same belief as you do Then why would we be surprised when everything goes all to hell if the people of the society believe that they have an obligation to their fellow man Well, then actually then you can have a civilization, but not otherwise right but well We're going into the animal kingdom right now, but hang on Okay, look at chipmunks Okay So random but they don't live they don't have politics Obviously they don't have been like um They don't have Taxes and like that they don't have to like that right Stick with me. I'm sorry. I'm listening very weird path but They live like that and they live Practically in perfect harmony other than like the different You know types in the different areas and shit like that The differences that's except that they're eaten by owls and stuff. Yeah Chipmunks are not chipmunks I meant like not a ring of tangles For burlose that's what I think gorillas, okay So they they live in harmony with nature essentially and they live as gorillas in the woods and so You know we can live as gorillas in the woods like that's actually you know Currently that seems like our most likely trajectory and then the question becomes actually Are we fit to survive as gorillas in the woods after living for you know Hundreds of thousands of years with all the technologies of civilization The question to that the answer that question might very well be no In which case, you know, we would just cease to exist and then you know Gorillas in the woods would be the highest form of life on this planet and you know There's a lot of people who probably want that the extinction of mankind you know, it seems appealing to a lot of people I'm I'm among those who don't desire that That's understandable But you you think the extinction of humanity is probably a goal worth pursuing Not necessarily it's just like We're we're gonna end up dying anyways No end of humanity is going to happen Well, you know, that's that's not disconnected from the choices that humans make You know that right? I know it's not but it is like that is irreversible That is like currently with our technology and our science it is irreversible You think that the advancement of technology and science makes the extinction of mankind inevitable I Wait no, okay, so I think currently with the science that we have right now. We can't fix our world like we can't fix our planet And if we just like stop everything right now like and you know stop adding to global warming Uh then you know, we're still gonna end up dying because we have stopped this planet and that That you know, I don't know if you've noticed but NASA is Kind of see if Mars is livable Now see they could just be like oh, okay, you know, we can split the population in like Kind of declutter and make the economy at least a little bit better because the economy is so Because we have so many people So we have a lot of people like We have a lot of jobs that are overstaffed So you know, they're letting people go and there are more people that are losing their jobs So they're becoming like homeless or just happening and then It's making the economy worse So we kind of just need a like Hunger games type Where we kill off half the population Just natural selection that Well All right, let's let's analyze that a little bit so We have homelessness and unemployment you describe as being this Major problem and you you don't attribute that to global warming though, right? You're saying that that's just sort of like some inescapable consequences that the idea Yeah, like global warming's unexcapable pretty much Well, I mean let's I could dispute the global warming thing Let's just try to stick with employment for a second So you know, you can observe in the United States that there's homelessness on employment going on drug addiction The sort of thing You attribute this to a lack of jobs for people to perform as a consequence of over population. Is that what you're saying? Pretty much yeah, okay So what if we were to say that like okay, you know, if we pass the law it says you can't outsource jobs overseas Like that would very rapidly solve the unemployment problem in the United States, I imagine right? I think so yeah We could also do that by restricting immigration So if you can't outsource jobs and you can't Bring in new people then they're you're gonna have full employment very rapidly. Don't you think? Yeah, and that'd be good because then that would decrease homelessness It would quite honestly just make America a lot better Yeah, yeah, well, that's exactly what we need to do, right? So we We institute trade barriers tariffs the sort of thing and we limit immigration severely And then we stop with the unemployment and then all of the corrosive effects of that homelessness drug addiction, etc etc You know the failure to start families this vision of hopelessness that you seem to be enduring All goes away just by limiting immigration and trade, right? And so like those are actually like solvable problems that America can do if it just Elects wise and responsible leaders which becomes impossible because we're producing a population that doesn't think about the future Right the people who can think about the fact that don't and the people who don't think about the future have many many children And those children are then subsidized by the people who think about the future Which creates this cascading downward spiral of genetic catastrophe that we're racing towards and that you're you're cheering on We'll see like Have a bunch of old men that like to run for president. They don't give a shit about The world they're just like oh hey, let me be president Well, give me the power I would I would say that there's a lot of truth to that. I would say that whether they're old men or not is actually not the deciding factor It's a question of But there's just a lot of people that are just like oh, I want to be president. Let me be president I promise I'll do good for this world and then they just end up being it up worse Well, there's a lot there's a lot of truth to that and so like you know And I think that the people who claim to care the most about the world or the people who are actually working the hardest to destroy it It's kind of what you end up observing if you pay close enough attention to politics that they the people who are like oh Yeah, I say all the happy, lovely things that you want to hear are lying to you to get elected It's the people who tell you the uncomfortable things that are the people who are trying to help you and we end up Projecting them rather uniformly because we live in a society of cowards and you know, that's that's kind of a pretty major problem You know and so you know, I think that Donald Trump failed to do a lot of things But you know, he at least wanted to restrict the immigration and the trade which is like yeah We just established will actually solve the problem and then and then people who like you're a racist I don't like you you say mean things. I'm going to like Joe Biden and now we have a man who can't who can't stand up straight Trying to wage a war with Russia and that's going to result in World War III if we don't change that very rapidly Yeah Like honestly, I kind of want to go back to Obama Is like to Obama Yeah, life was better Also, I was really young so I'm lonely. Let's leave that much I'm on our economy, but I remember like which cheaper gas was like 279 and gallon When when Obama left office Gas was much higher than when he came in When Donald Trump came in Donald Trump got gas prices lower. Okay, so like Barack Obama came in and basically he he reached some rewards that You know some of the catastrophes that happened during the Bush administration We're just coming to a close inevitably right that was going to happen when we're another and then you know He's like, okay, well now we're gonna have free healthcare and we're gonna do all of these different things And you know he he went about changing the rules of the economy in ways that we're not actually very good But you know those things don't happen right away. You don't feel the effects of economic policy changes sometimes until years Or even generations down the road and so You know Barack Obama was certainly better than Joe Biden and that's not something that I take any comfort in saying because not a big fan of Barack Obama, but you know it takes a lot of effort to be a worse president than Joe Biden And so like you know we're in this position where you know You know you have all of these things they keep on kicking the can down the road trying to Avoid responsibility for the changes that need to happen and what you need to do is you need to restrict immigration and trade and you and you need to Stop spending money that we don't have and those three things like we'll solve the problems that you're talking But they won't do it because it will create some temporary discomfort for the population and because nobody believes They have an obligation to the future nobody will vote for it See it's like There's I know the Florida governor. He's running for president Uh, not anymore. He dropped out. Okay, thank God But when he was I was just like I told my grandma if he gets elected for president then We're moving out. We're moving out of America. We're going to Canada or Mexico. I'll give a She's packing her shit and we're going you'd rather have another four years of Joe Biden than four years Iran to Santa Yeah, most definitely I'm sorry, but the fact that okay, so they banned so many different books and got so stupid that like The law if you read that law specifically And you apply those rules to the Bible they would have to ban the Bible in the full state of Florida Well, as a matter of fact, I know the law that you're talking about and so what it actually does is it gives the parents a say right? So like you know the parents have a say in what's going to be taught to the kids and so What what what it happened as a response to is basically School teachers and administrators going and like shoving all this like transgender stop down the kids throats, okay? That's not unacceptable. I'm trans and I'm gay Unacceptable. I'm your your your female right your cable I'm male to male. You're Your people producing children and you have a boyfriend, right? Yes, okay? So what they were doing is cramming ideas into the heads of kids which led to the sort of like pathologies that you're describing about your life actually and so the The people of Florida were like stop propagating our Propaganding propagandizing our children against having families and the government of Florida was responsive to the demands of those families right and so they did this and they said okay, well, you know You can the parents can intervene if there's a problem with the sex education in the schools and the parents did intervene And we're like no, I don't want you to teach that and as a matter of fact We've been banning the bible from schools for a very long time in large part So like actually when you're saying that they've they've been trying to get the bible out of schools for much longer and for much worse reasons Right and now we're like okay, we'll stop teaching the kids that they can change their sex by declaration And that's not an unreasonable thing for a responsible society to do It's like it's not like I don't understand why the hell they were like King teaching once you're in like high school Like high school. I mean it's like That's when you're like That's when you're just like You're going through pure brilliance and you know, you need to know you have those options pretty much Well, I don't I don't think that that's necessarily true because you actually don't have those options It's fake right so you're describing yourself as a female to male transgender Believe me when I tell you like you probably have started hormones. Yeah, but you're going to I get I imagine right Yeah, all right hang on let me talk real quick. Okay, so I changed my gender not like sex I know my I am not Stupid I know my sexist female Gender is completely different. It is a social construct that Really isn't a real thing. I mean, it guess it is real, but it's not like It's not We made it up. No, we didn't it's been with us since the dawn of time and it's with every animal beside human beings And so like the idea that you can change these things I'm not gonna shut up. I'm telling you something that you don't know because I'm smarter than you and I'm older than you and I know more Okay, so what you're saying is that gender is a is something that human beings created that is not true That is fake and and and the evidence of that the evidence of that is that in pursuit of this fiction You intend to physically alter your body right you intend to take hormones Which will give you the appearance of being masculine, okay? Which tells you that sex is actually determined to do of your gender and this is a science project to change it That's a human endeavor. That's not what came before My sex is still going to be female right, but you're going to mangle your body with hormones and surgery in order to make yourself appear masculine And you're gonna be very unhappy when you do that as a matter of fact No, not you are I know that I know some of these people You're gonna be very unhappy. I promise I've always like I've always been more masculine and not like in the tomboy way like I've never wanted to have kids Never wanted any of this I was never And aversion to having children is not a masculine trait by the way like men want to have children I don't want to have a kid What's what I'm saying so like what you're talking about is not a masculine trait. That's not A masculine thing. Does it have to be a masculine trait? What you're saying? No, you're describing as a masculine trait your aversion to having children That's a different pathology has nothing to do with masculinity That's all I'm saying what? What you're saying what you just said to me is I've always been more masculine. I don't want to have children You're connecting those two things. That's not an accurate connection. No, I didn't I didn't say that those are the words that came out of your mouth But okay I meant to say every since I was a child so I'm like Okay, well what I'm getting at is that what you're describing as you know Your desire to take on a masculine form has nothing to do with your desire not to reproduce That's a different pathology. I know not that stupid and it is a pathology right? So like you know Are you familiar with Darwin Charles Darwin? Okay? So like you know if you're facing a situation that's prohibitive of reproduction You're actually Crazy hello Hello What up How's it going buddy How you doing? I'm glad to hear that so what What you up to? Listen, what is someone Peter Griffin? Because I am Peter Griffin in fact. I'm the guy who did the cartoon voice in the show Seriously, yeah, I'm kidding. I'm lying. I'm totally full crap. I just made that up now I just I used to live in New York and now I live in New Hampshire I lived in Virginia for a while and so like I picked up some different dialects that give me an odd accent I've been told that more than once. Yeah On the host of a radio show so like I've kind of got like a radio guy voice and then I've got some odd accent things going on It's my room loud I can hear like a fan, but it's really not bad Okay, cuz like it's loud as for me because it's like This This thing this thing oh what your computer is running No, oh you've got a white noise there a white noise thing to try to like so people don't hear what you're talking about It's um You see that machine right there that little round thing by your keyboard Or behind oh, oh your 3d printer Is that what that is 3d printer? Yeah, you're printing something. What do you you making guns or what? Oh, kidding 3d printing I I've really forgot I was trying to like three-printed tell you wait I 3d printed a star that said you should kill yourself not that that has the word on it That has words on it says you should kill yourself now So I really hope that you're not under the impression that you'd improve your life by ending it right No, I Well, you might you know have you thought about cleaning up your room in pursuit of that Why does it look like I'm why does it look like The room is from that kill themselves. That's trying to kill themselves now What I'm saying is that you've told me that you you produced a product You've produced something with your 3d printer which presumably took some time that said you should kill yourself Which tells me that you have you have like he is in your head that pertained to suicide And then when you show me your floor there's crap all over it So I'm saying is that like you seem to like lack motivation for life is what I'm observing I just put that there because I thought it would be funny It's not funny just so you know I understand that like you might have a different sense of it in the moment and I I'm not you know condemning your art or whatever But it's it's very unfunny suicide. It's not it's not funny at all. I talk about it. I'm not saying so sad is funny. Okay good I'm saying like The tone that it's like tight that it's like in So in your mind like the idea that you would kill yourself is so preposterous that it's funny to say It's not that suicide products the tone that the words that the words are in It's the tone that like the letters. Okay. Are they in like happy tones or something? Like it on the sand's font would like then now like All capitals With exclamation point. Okay, so you did it in in comic sands font So it's like if the the lettering is supposed to make it appear humorous Yep, I get it. Okay. I understand that all right Well, I'm higher next time and I think that you know if you keep up with it maybe you'll produce some good art, you know I made the model myself. It wasn't really that hard. Yeah But you can barely see the letters where the I can see it in digital background ah Did I lose it? Oh my god Holy I need to be Oh, the print failed the print failed. How old you know it's in it never mind It's like half it's like it's like ha this is like failed the room Uh It's a little thin for me to see on the camera um I don't know what was supposed to be at the tip of it, but I mean you've got a ring I mean it's the ring part is a ring I don't know if there's supposed to be a thing on the top of it that's failed but What if I just make like I'm gonna make the weirdest ever Yeah, I'm not gonna make the model, but I'm just gonna look at the universe Make a what? Thingy verse a thingy verse Yeah, okay Thingiverse I'm gonna What up buddy All right, so that's my omitv Test run. We'll see how it goes All right guys welcome back to surreal politics. I hope that uh You got some enjoyment out of that mixed reactions in the chat And gear a drift on rumble said this is cancer. Why do this? Uh, you know because you got to you know, you got to we got to treat the cancer right um the Chat on Odyssey has been a lot of fun. I just want to give a shout out. I couldn't possibly Get through all the gems, but I'll give a shout out on Odyssey to uh chopper effort and chopper effort Your But the message that I'm looking for is fallen out of my buffer here, but uh He I think he said he's got four kids and so thank you very much for producing those wonderful young children sir Appreciate your service to your country and your race and your nation And your world. Thank you very much 217 688 1433 you like to be on the program and then what you told the less I have to So please do give us a call. Let's go check if uh, I put that phone number in the chat I don't know if anybody took me up on it yet. They have not so I'm gonna go over do a little news And as a matter of fact, I've got a story here um, you know, New York Times not always the best way to stay informed but Something kind of move me And I read there earlier today This is a piece in a New York Times whose linked at revolver news today and uh Short on soldiers Ukraine debates how to find the next wave of troops Now if you pay the attention of what's going on in the news they keep on telling you that they're gonna win the war pretty soon, right All they need is another 60 billion dollars and other 60 billion dollars there, you know, if you more billion And eventually they're all gonna wipe out the Russian war machine because you know they're the good guys And the good guys always win and you know that because because world war two and stuff, you know And the thing is that they all know that that's not true and everybody who knows anything about anything knows that That's not true and everybody who says otherwise is either a liar or an idiot, right Well, it's getting to a point where it's hard to accuse them of stupidity like they have to be intentionally deceiving you at this point And if you there was any doubt about that then listen to this piece in a New York Times A potential expansion of the nation's military draft to replenish the exhausted battered army has become an emotional politically charged issue This is Andrew E. Kramer reporting from Kiev for the New York Times Soldiers fight in freezing muddy trenches bombarded by artillery or in warrants of burned and blown up houses in urban combat Casualcy rates are high and dangerous missions like storming enemy held tree lines abound As they plan for a renewal of Ukraine's military under extreme conditions Both the country's former top commander and his replacement have emphasized the same looming problem A need to relieve exhausted battered troops whose combat tours have stretched nearly two years In a tumultuous week for Ukraine's war effort president volatimir Zelinsky removed his commanding general General valeries elusiny on Thursday while aid from the country's largest source of weapons and ammunition the United States hung in doubt in the Congress While Ukraine relies on allies for weaponry replenishing the ranks is a domestic challenge Small protests have broken out in opposition to a parliament promote proposal to expand the draft to include younger men But so far lawmakers have slow walked the measure Military analysts have mostly coalesced around the idea that Ukraine will at best Hold existing front lines in ground fighting this year with a new influx of American weaponry and risk falling back without it It plans to replenish its ranks through mobilization while keeping Russia off balance with long-range drone strikes and sabotage operations behind enemy lines inside Russia In announcing the appointment of general Alexander Sursky To command the military Mr. Zelinsky said he wanted a new management team for the armed forces He has signaled a search for new strategy that accounts for exhausted front line soldiers in Ukraine's million-man army Which is fighting the largest war in Europe since World War II He suggested a partial fix by cycling more soldiers from positions in the rear into combat He also signaled quote a new approach to mobilization and recruitment without elaborating mobilization had been a factor in general zealous needs to smithle the plans for calling up more soldiers to fight in grim trench warfare where somebody Something nobody in Ukraine's military or civilian leadership wanted to be associated with General zealous me and mr. Zelinsky had been in open public disagreement over mobilization since December Mr. Zelinsky at a news conference that month said general zealous needs staff had asked to draft 450 Thousand to 500,000 men a comment that appeared intended to shift responsibility to the military for a decision to call up so many more soldiers opposition politicians said General zealous need responded that the decision was not up to the military He said the armed forces had prepared estimates of their manpower needs to allow for rotations of those serving now Replace soldiers killed or wounded in combat and to anticipate future losses Quote we need shells weapons and people general zealous me said Everything else is done by the bodies that have that authority In a statement after his appointment on Thursday general sersney A sersky I should say listed among his priorities the life and health of service men and said the military would seek a balance for units between front line deployments and training On this extraordinarily delicate issue for Ukraine quote the unity is gone said irina frizz a member of parliament with opposition European solidarity party said in an interview The question of mobilization was sabotaged for politics The bill on mobilization has passed a first reading in Ukraine's parliament It would lower the conscription age from 25 to 25 from 27 and stiffened penalties on draft dodgers Ukraine currently drafts men between the ages of 27 and 60 under martial law all men 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving the country less They decision be taken to draft them With men with three or more children are exempted but men with three children or fewer who volunteered Whose families expanded as they served have not been permitted to leave the military The bill in parliament also allows for the demobilization of troops after three years of service holding out the prospect of a reprieve about a year from now for soldiers who have been fighting since the invasion in 2022 The law is expected to pass this month and take effect in March Zara Yaroslav Zalazniak a member of opposition holos party wrote on telegram For draft eligible men trench warfare is a harrowing prospect soldiers die from artillery exploding drones and snipers as well as in close quarters combat with Russian forces Russia's ubiquitous landmines have blown legs or feet off thousands of Ukrainian men And bunkers where soldiers slept last winter were overrun by rodents drawn to the warmth or the log Warmth of the log or rough timber structures We're sitting the unpleasant conditions on the front Soldiers on the front typically spend three days or so sleeping in shifts and trenches and bunkers under fire followed by three days and less Less risky reserve positions such as abandoned houses in nearby villages Miss Fritz The lawmaker said Ukraine's government and parliament must design the draft to balance the needs of the army and the economy and to maintain political stability All issues beyond the scope of the military's duties Lowering the draft age for example would bring more live healthy soldiers to the fight But would pose long-term risk for sustaining Ukraine's population Given the country's demographics now. This is the part that really killed me to read As in most former Soviet states Ukraine has a small generation of 20 year olds Because birth rates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s Because of this demographic trough there are now three times as many men in their forties as in their 20s in Ukraine Drafting more men in their 20s given the likely battle casualties Would risk reducing the number of births in this small generation of Ukrainians resulting in declines of draft age and working age men decades from now and endangering the country's future security and economy In one move to ease the concerns of men who are called up but want to have children Parliament is considering a bill to pay medical bills for soldiers who wish to freeze their sperm to allow their partners to become pregnant if they die in combat Ukraine's labor pool is already vastly diminished by women fleeing the war and men joining the army a crowd angry about the draft Blocked a road outside a Western Ukrainian village last week in a rowdy confrontation with drivers in the police that illustrated the political risks of expanding mobilization Villages in the west have been a primary source of soldiers for the Ukrainian army and support for the war has been higher in the country's West than overall in Ukraine But the loss of male loved ones has taken a toll on many families The roadblock took place on Tuesday in the village of Cosmact In Ivanov Frank give Frank gives region sorry and began with unfounded rumors in local chat groups that draft officials were coming to find the villages remaining men The police said in a statement about 100 women blocked a road and the protest turned violent when they mystic a woman from enabling neighboring Village for a draft official police officer said the woman Ivana vanzer Ock wrote on Facebook that the crowd had yelled at you as a spotter for the local military recruitment office The acute the accusation echoed widespread worry in Ukrainian society that spies in their misnoded spotters are helping Russia identify missile targets But in this case the source of the anxiety was the military recruitment system Demetro Machnuchuk Machnuchuk The chairman of the council that governs the village and nearby communities told the local news media that the women agreed to disperse Told him they were fighting against draft office employees Now I just want to go back to this Lowering the draft age for example would bring more healthy live soldiers And to the fight would pose long-term risk for sustaining Ukraine's population given the country's demographics As in most former Soviet states Ukraine has a small generation of 20 year olds Because birth rates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s because of this demographic trough There are now three times as many men in their 40s and their 20s in Ukraine drafting more men in their 20s Given the likely battle casualties would risk reducing the number of birds in the small generation of Ukrainians resulting in declines of draft and working age men decades from now and endadering the future country's future security and economy Now let's boil that down a little bit what they're actually saying is that They're going to lose this war, okay, and the question is when the war is over will there be a Ukrainian people Which is kind of the big joke here if you think about it that You know there's this element that thinks that this is about Ukrainian nationalism That this is the Ukrainian people asserting themselves as an ethnic group and demanding self-government What in fact what is happening is the government fully understands that what they're doing is creating a situation where there won't be Ukrainians in the future They actually know that and they're fully aware of it and they're going to do it anyway The question is are they going to do it now or are they going to wait a little bit longer to do it And they'll just keep on doing that as a matter of fact Because protecting Ukrainian people protecting Ukrainian nationalism has never been the goal of the United States And it has never been the goal of Vladimir Zelensky And it's never been the goal of Igor Kolomoisky It is the exact opposite They are waging a genocide against their own population and finding Russia a convenient boogie man To blame that on And that's pretty pretty effincyc if you ask me But retiree at since fourteen dollars thirty three cents as Russians are winning the long war and do they are It is It's a very troubling thing is happening over there And I really get so annoyed you know With people who act like they're the you know you you hear what they just said the New York Times They're like talking about okay, well We already had the situation where as a consequence of the last Communist lunacy that we engaged in There's you know not enough human beings to wage war And There's not a human beings to wage this war so we're going to lose it But we you know what we have to do is we need to draft more men into the war But if we do that then there won't be enough births to have a future generation as a matter of fact And they they put this in terms of the economy and the whatever But actually we know exactly what western powers will do with that It's they're not going to they're not like oh well. What are we gonna do about the economy guys? We don't have it on few craniums Well, you know exactly what they're gonna do don't you immigration It's a no-bra- you know exactly what they're planning to do Well should we subsidize families should we legalize polygamy should we uh, you know give them fertility services Ha ha ha ha no That's not what they're talking about at all What they're talking about is sending all those men off to die fighting their neighbors And then after they're done doing that they'll replace them with Muslims that's what they'll do And so everybody who's like yeah, yeah, yeah, just send them send the weapons over guys Oh Everybody's like oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we just got a you know let let uh, you know, you crane join the European Union and screw those russkeys use ziggers I'll disgusting kind of think possibly be that you call that virtuous and you say that you're the one who's standing up for those people you're not It's really a disgusting thing to say So ladies and gentlemen, we do this every Monday Wednesday and Friday and some form or another and uh, if you're listening on some of the platform at some of the time I'd invite you to join us for a live program. I don't usually play an hour video in the middle of the show but uh I was kind of like hyper conscious of the fact that you know, these things were necessarily gonna be all fun Right, you know, if you're just watching me get hung up on on a megal 20 times and nobody's talking to me I don't think that's a particularly good-to-live show And especially in the case of surreal politics, you know I wanted to make sure that I cut out the curse words which was no small task with that potty mouth girl I was talking to you might have noticed her dropping out very frequently because every every word out of her She made radical agenda stage one look Cleaned by comparison every other word out of her mouth was f or s And I actually I I was scrambling right before the show because they thought I got them all out and I realized I missed a couple when I was going back over it But um, you know, I think I could probably do it on radical agenda and if we could do that, you know There's probably some potential there because it's not something that requires me to do a lot of show prep, you know Um, so we'll see we'll see what comes of that in the future. I can I can do the O meet TV thing it was it's uh I had some concerns about doing it on a megal because their terms of service were Prohibitive, but that's not the case on O meet TV So I think that we could really do it Libertary Ot asks was she really crying at the end? No, I actually played that as a sound clip. That's uh, that's just my uh So it's just a little gag that I like to play sometimes Pretty funny. I know So uh, you know That you crainting made me really upset and so did this girl telling me that she's going to be a boy That's the worst one. I got to tell you like you know, I'm feel listen to beauty revisited I talked about that at some length of like the island page thing like threw me for a loop, you know Now guys are like oh, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a woman and they're like okay. Well, you know Whatever go go wear a dress and then hang yourself whatever, you know, you're a man. We kill each other If a couple of you are gone who cares? I don't like when this stuff is done to women. It's disgusting. It's terrible And you saw what she did. I mean she was willing to talk to me about everything right But it's like as soon as that one thing like as soon as that thing is challenged She has to shut it down right because they understand on some level that that doesn't withstand the slightest bit of scrutiny, right She's like oh no, no, no, you don't understand gender yet old man Let me explain gender to you because gender is different from sex. It's a social construct It's the thing that people made up as matter of fact And I'm like no, and as a matter of fact that the evidence of that is that you're about to start taking drugs in hormones and and And surgically altering your body to live out this fantasy viewers, which means that's the social construct right the social construct Is the ideological pursuit that they're turning your body into a science experiment And they're gonna and they're gonna completely destroy Everything that is good about you and they're gonna try to make you into a man and it's actually gonna work out very poorly And you're gonna be very unhappy And she's like well, no, I'm not gonna be unhappy. No, I'm definitely gonna be happy Girl you've already tried to kill yourself 13 times believe me when I tell you you try to be a man There are people who are born for that crap kill themselves all the time. It's not it's not all it's cracked up to be You're gonna take some testosterone You're gonna feel like you're on top of the world because that's what testosterone does And then you're gonna completely destroy all your beauty and your boyfriend's gonna leave you and then you're gonna be like What am I doing to my life? And then you're gonna be like you know what I had the right idea 10 Whenever it was that you first decided to try to offer so As I was pretty just disturbing to be honestly And something tells me if I keep on doing this I'm just gonna keep on seeing disturbing things But we do disturbing around here And so I hope you'll stay tuned and be disturbed with me and I certainly hope that you're all to pay for that because I'm not gonna be able to do it if you don't um I'm not gonna complain about it too much ladies and gentlemen, but If you if you're somebody who hasn't paid if you're somebody who can please do If you're somebody who can't or you've paid a whole ton of money already don't worry about it. You're set But uh if you can't and you haven't or uh you think that maybe You contribute a long time and you're uh you do please do if you're not a member It's a real tool of teaks.com slash join. Please become a member and uh we'll figure out Ways to make that more worth it. I'm gonna I'm gonna start doing the book thing. I hope that the books start bringing in money That's not the case just yet, but I think if I put you know Beauty revisited has already been published. It's not like that's gonna be the case But the the adventures in libertarianism thing I think I'm gonna have to give it a different title But it's gonna be a book about my run for congress and all of that is stuff that nobody's seen Nobody's seen that stuff except for the people who are in those email chains and so I think that that has a bigger potential for selling books. So Stay tuned for that get beauty revisited anyway. You want to have you want to have a physical copy of my first book You know some people got the the first run limited edition ugly cover version those people are all set You know But you want to have a physical copy of my first book because you know that I'm destined for greatness and we're just we're just sort of waiting on it Just waiting on it to happen, okay? So thank you very much for tuning into surreal politics We'll be back Wednesday for the member show of course Friday cursing up a storm for the uncensored production I'm so grateful to all of you who make this possible. I'm very grateful even just for your attention obviously So thanks for all of that And we're gonna have a lot of fun Gonna have a lot of fun summits coming Election year And then after the election and then we're just getting started I mean Trump 47 wow See you soon Of you Oh Oh