And so, that means that I can start the local recording. And with the local recording having begun, then we go and we do the best part of the show. Really, it's the truth of the matter. I'm embarrassed to say it, but this is all downhill from here. I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm embarrassed to say it. I'm embarrassed to say it. Alright, welcome to surreal politics. I know exactly what it is. Hang on a second. I know what happened. I know what the problem is with rumble. Stand by a second, guys. I'm very sorry for this. But I know exactly how to fix it, fortunately, and we'll fix it right now. And then rumble will work. You know, that's really annoying. That's very, very, very annoying. But we're clever people over here, fortunately. And so, boom! There, rumble's going to start working right now. Almost there, guys. There we go. So now rumble's going to start to work. Isn't that beautiful? Oh, maybe I spoke too soon. Um... My streaming application says that it's streaming to rumble. And rumble should be working. But, you know... I'm the only one who has to do what he's supposed to do. Everybody else just, you know, kind of... I just kind of do whatever works, you know. So, ladies and gentlemen, if rumble doesn't start working... Oh, here we go. All right, now it's going to play a couple advertisements, which means that for the last two minutes it's been, you know, it's had my stream. But it just needed to hang on to it for a little while before it played the advertisements. And then after the advertisements play, then it'll start. Starting now. Okay, sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Live television, you know. Broadcasting. Not television, per se, but, you know, same idea. And so, uh, that's just one of the many things that we have to, uh, we have to go through around here to get the show going. 217-688-1433, if you would like to be on this 50th episode of the first stage, a surreal politics for March 18, 2020, in a current year. It's a Monday as usual, 9.30 pm, US, Eastern time. Join us for the live show if you're listening on some other platform at some other time. I'd love to hear from you. And of course, you can, if you desire to, if you're not able to make the live shows, you can leave me a voicemail. The number to do that. The number to do that is usually right here. Where is the number? Anyway, so... uh... Slamish contact. The number to call, if you want to leave me a voicemail, is 202-599-7386. That's the voicemail line. You can call the, uh, during the show. It's 217-688-1433. But the voicemail line is 202-599-7386. Lemia voicemail. And, uh, if it's worthy, I'll play it on the air. Try not to run out the three minute timer. Get it in under three minutes. We would love for you to do that. And then, uh, then we could, uh, have your participation. Which would be great. And it would be especially great to have your participation. In the last week, I basically had, uh, what could share it will be be described as a stubborn and persistent writer's block. And so, uh, I figured today we're basically just going to do news phones. I might try to pull up the O-Me-TV thing. I don't know if I can actually... I'm not 100% certain I'll be able to get it working, um, in the course of broadcast. Um, I spent, uh, when my creativity is not up to stuff. I try to work on tech things. And, you know, I've been using the, the image, the AI image generator at mid-journey. Which is great. I mean, it's, in a lot of ways, it's great. Because it works very well for the things that mid-journey will allow you to produce. Right. And having obtained a bit of, you know, what might be described as minor celebrity. The mid-journey and other AI image generators, if you tell it, have Christopher Cantwell do X, Y, and Z. It doesn't exactly give you an image of me doing it. Because there's me, and then there's me from 15 years ago, who looks completely different. And then there's a guy who writes like comic books, who is not nearly as talented as I am. And so, what happens when you do the mid-journey AI generator? You get, it looks like me and this dude had a baby, and the baby's fat. And that's not what we really want, right? But you can do something called a, what they call a lower. L, the capital L lowercase O, capital R capital A, low rank adaptation model. And that says, hey, like before you get into your whole data set, we're going to override that at a lower level. That whenever you see Christopher Cantwell, this is the information that you're going to use. And so, I have this folder basically with all the pictures that I have of myself. And I'm beginning to train this, what's called the, the, the lower a model, to produce images of Christopher Cantwell. So then I could just say, hey, Christopher Cantwell here, Christopher Cantwell doing this. And it will give you an actual, it will give you an actual representation of me in some fashion. And it's kind of cool because you could also do like style low rows, right? So, you, some of the, a lot of the images that you see me do for show art, I say to do it in Grand Theft Auto style. Okay, so I say, give me this character and put them in Grand Theft Auto style. And then I'll use that for the show art if I'm trying to talk about a character on the show. As you can have these things, then you could do the character in different styles. Which I think is going to be a lot of fun. But it's a technically involved task and I didn't actually get it 100% complete today. But I did, I did try. Let's, um, yeah, so, only TV, so the only TV thing I'll talk about that in a minute. Not gonna, that's distracting me. Um, the other thing that we can do is you can do the same thing with tax. It's a different process. But, you know, I've told you before, I've, I've produced over 9,000 pages of original text and of course, for my career. That's a lot of stuff. That's not even counting the show transcripts, right? So, you can have a lower up for the text generators that says, okay, here's how to write like Christopher Kettwell, you know, ride it in this style. And that's a little scary to me if I'm entirely honest with you because, you know, you could have the text generator, generate text that reads very much like Christopher Kettwell, then you could go to these voice cloning things. That will clone my voice. If you've ever heard this, somebody sent me a thing of me saying like, oh, I'm in Afghanistan. I've got four wards. It's like the greatest thing ever. And I was like, oh, I don't remember that was like drunk. What happened? Oh, no, it's one of these voice cloning things. The guy on Odyssey, I think he's also streams to Graham TV by the name of Flood. He does these great like news clips. So, he goes through the whole thing. He clones the voice sort of news personality. And then he goes and he gets the video of the news. And he puts it through this thing that I think it's called 11 Labs. It syncs the lips to the audio that you have. So, he takes, he writes a script. He has the voice read, he has the voice read the script. And then he has the lips of the characters in the video move to fit the script. Wow. And you might have heard, you know, there's a thing where some guys did like a whole Joe Rogan podcast as Joe Rogan. And he of course begins it by saying, I am not Joe Rogan, but yada yada yada. It's kind of scary, you know, you think about the power of that technology. You hear about these stories of like parents getting the call from their screaming crying teenage daughter that she's been kidnapped and she needs their help. And you find out that that's not true that it's that it's somebody somebody was screwing with them. They clone the daughter's voice. They made this basically ransom call. And that's one of the reasons, I mean, you know, I don't think that the hearsay rules in a court of law were developed necessarily with this in mind. But you can't like play, you just can't like bring video into a courtroom and play it. The rules of evidence in a court of law have something called hearsay. And hearsay is not what you think of as hearsay. Like the hearsay rule is, you know, pretty complex as a matter of fact. So if you have a video, the only way that you can get that video into evidence is to have somebody testify to the authenticity of the video in a capacity where they are in a position to do it. Okay. And even at that, the thing might only be allowed in for a limited purpose. And this was actually the subject of my appeal in my criminal case in New Hampshire, you know, my federal criminal case in a New Hampshire District Court. There was an audio recording of me speaking to a woman and they brought in the recording of me and the woman. And the woman's voice is on the recording only for the purpose of putting my statement in context. Okay. They're not allowed to use her statement as evidence because she's not a witness in the trial. But they used her statement as evidence. The appeals court agreed with me and were like, yeah, but you know, you're going to prison anyway. You're already done. We're not going to overturn your conviction because yeah, they cheated, but you're guilty. So why would we care? But you, those rules are important, especially as these things come to fruition, right? If you've got an audio of me saying something and you bring that audio into a courtroom, you know. Am I confessing to a crime? No, it's something that some guy on Odyssey made to have me confess to taking bribes in Afghanistan. I have no idea what you're talking about. So unless they can authenticate that audio, it's not, it's not usable in court. And we should all be very grateful for that. 217-688-1433, you like to be on the program and I'm going to tell you the less I have to. So please, you can just call. And so I'm looking forward to this thing. You can even do them with videos now, you know. I don't know how complex you can really get with it. I upgraded. I was using a thing called easy diffusion, which, all right. So most of the image generators use a thing called stable diffusion and there's different interfaces for that. And I had a thing on here called easy diffusion and it was not working well at all. It's like this thing sucks. Like why am I, you know, I went and I bought a better video card. I'm thinking that this is going to do it. And I'm like, I got to better video card and this thing creates crappy images much faster. Just not satisfying at all. But I got this thing. This one's a lot better. And this is actually not the best one that I have, but I'll show you this here. So this is Christopher Cantwell carrying a large rifle down a city street. And in the negative prompt, which is like don't put these things in here. So let me do it without the negative prompt actually. I'll generate another one of these. So we see this happen in a matter of does it give me the time here took seven seconds to create that image. And here we have what they think is Christopher Cantwell carrying a rifle down a city street. So they think the Christopher Cantwell's fat and I don't really appreciate that. So I'm going to go in here and I can put this is a negative prompt don't put in the things that are in the negative prompt. And so I'm going to put in fat will generate another image. And then you can see I get a little bit thinner, but it still doesn't really have a very good image of my face. You know, sometimes we've had a bit of luck. If we say podcast host Christopher Cantwell, let's see if that comes up with anything better. You know, I'd say that that does right. Because it doesn't know the difference in if unless I specify it here doesn't know the difference between me and the comic book guy right by putting the podcast host thing it understands a little bit better the guns in this one are not so good. I have another image generation application that's actually pretty sophisticated that you can actually alter like parts of the image you bring the image in you kind of like highlight you be like change this part of it change that part of it. It's pretty cool. So I'm looking forward to trying to get these things in a more functional fashion than they presently are you know the mid journey thing when you use it I put up a thing a while back titled political bias and AI is worse than I thought because I went over to the smith journey thing and I'm trying to get it to do basically like a like a a donkey getting beat up by an elephant say and the image generator wouldn't do it like what are you talking about I try to least different props and it wouldn't even put the donkey in an image with any other animal. It would do it with an elephant but not the donkey I'm like this thing is protecting the mascot of the Democrat party. By refusing to place it in a image of another animal. You can't put a donkey in a cat you can't put a donkey in a dog you can't put a donkey in an elephant you can put an elephant and a dog you can put an elephant in a cat not a donkey. So these people are completely nuts and and the more times I go back there the more things they're adding to their censored list okay you try to go and say you know so and so in handcuffs so and so in a Ukrainian uniform. They're like we don't allow that we don't allow that I'm like you people are out of your minds you know like all you're doing is creating a scenario where you're going to you're forfeiting that market to other people. And even if you get past their sensors where the problems with mid journey is you have like your mid journey profile and it's public. If you want to pay them like $60 a month and you can have a private profile it's still subject to all their moderation policies but like you could go see my mid journey images you'll see every image I've ever produced in mid journey. So if I'm trying to produce things that I don't want the public to see like I can't do that on mid journey at all. And so you know it presents these pretty significant barriers and of the ones that are online that I found they're really not there's not like a there's not a there's not a free one at least online that competes with mid journey in any real sense. That I have found yet anyway you know they got like chat GPT and that that's the open AI and then they have what they call doll E DA L L dash E is the open AI image generator. But the open AI image generator won't even now now they won't even allow you to put an input image and you can't have it change existing image on open AI. It's like what's the point of this you know I found this thing. Chatchy PT uncensored and I go in there and I'm like oh great Chatchy PT uncensored I might give me a plan for an extermination of a particular race of people see what it says. Not that I would you know want to do something like that is a surreal politics we don't do that stuff here. And what is the thing say to be open a eyes policy doesn't allow us to do that. Well so much for Chatchy PT uncensored you know I got a thing for this computer I was using it on here called UGA Buga. That does a text generation it's like a chat bot like Chatchy PT. And it you could download any different model that you want for it and all of them have it like initial resistance like no I can't possibly say something politically incorrect you better stop. But I got one that was like oh yeah it gave me like resistance for the first like three or four messages. And then it I don't know if there was like an Easter egg in the code or whatever but like after like three or four times of pressing it then the thing jumps on board right it's like yeah let's arm the Palestinians and then we could take our countries back from those people I was like whoa. And I'll tell you something the AI thing is an arms race you know. I am 100% convinced that you know our telegram channels web forums this sort of thing you've got AI bots in there listening to everything that said processing all of the text trying to develop patterns and identifying who's who. They've got their facial recognition they've got all these things you know they got millions of dollars to spend right they print the money so you know they can afford things. And they're using this right now you could be absolutely certain of it right. I do not see the same thing happening on the right at all now you know maybe there's like some top secret project that there's like a right wing AI project that I haven't you know been privy to I certainly hope that that's the case but there's no other way to do it. I don't know I don't know I think they said they have a chat bot now. I use the gap image generator briefly I was thoroughly unimpressed with it. A lot of the things that Gab are frankly unimpressive. Pardon me if I've talked about this on the show already I think I mentioned it so I won't spend a lot of time on it but now Gab tells you that you've got to. You got to pay if you want to upload an image. So we've been able to upload images to the internet for free since I don't know since there was an internet basically I mean it was soon as your your modem start going. You were able to upload images to whatever it was that you're connecting to and eventually that became something called the internet. And then Gab is like yeah you know the era of the free lunches over guys give us ten bucks a month are you're going to have to go put your images on another website. Okay let me go get that off the screen. Sorry about that. And sure enough that's exactly what people are going to do right. Well okay so you can I can't post images here but I can post them to Facebook and Instagram and threads and Twitter. Or I can give Gab ten bucks a month and then yeah. And it's not that I have a problem with making people pay for services obviously it's just that's not that's not the social media business model you're trying to you know venture out down some new path and fine. But the reason that people are doing these things is they want to draw attention to their stuff and if you can't draw attention to their stuff you can't just keep on you know pulling more money out of them. So you know they're going to go do these AI projects the AI projects this far I've not seen them be very impressive. And they're doing that instead of hosting images I don't think it's a very good idea. Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and we'll tell the lesson I have to you so please do give us a call. Let's go do a little news. Get that thing out of here. So there's new leaked audio in the in the Wittner kidnapping plot. leaked audio exposes FBI dirty dealings with key informant architect of the Wittner kidnapping plot. Is that revolver revolving news was the first outlet to draw attention to the striking and damning parallels between the so called Michigan kidnapping plot in the January 6th fed correction indeed to Michigan in trapment fiasco was a central pillar of our path breaking peace now three years old introducing the likelihood of federal involvement on January 6th. Once you see it you can't unsee it though it is commonly called a kidnapping plot the Michigan plot also involved plans to storm the capital in Michigan. The Michigan plot involved the three percentors one of the three main militia groups also imputed to January 6th and much like we now know about January 6th the Michigan plot was absolutely saturated with informants and undercover agents of the 14 individuals involved in the alleged plot at least five were either undercover agents or informants that's nearly 50% infiltration ratio. It doesn't help of course that the man who oversaw this entrapment travesty as head of the Detroit FBI field office was quickly promoted by Christopher Ray to run Washington DC's FBI field office in the months leading up to and after January 6th. This individual called Steve Dantuano ended up being the public face of the now entirely discredited and continually unfolding January 6th pipe bomb investigation again as Rob revolver was first to report what are the chances. But what is particularly striking in scandalous about the Michigan plot is not simply the extent of government infiltration but the nature of it. The government's informants were not simply sitting passively by and observing a terrorist plot in the making and overwhelming majority of the evidence shows that the government and its agents were the key active invest instigators I should say and initiators of every major advancement of the so called plot. Amounting to an entrapment operation of the most flagrant sort imaginable just to recap from our previous reporting the following or just some of the steps actively undertaken by the government's informants in the case. A look at the annotated indictment reveals that every level of the Michigan kidnapping plot FBI operatives played the most significant leadership roles. The plots explosives expert who the plotters were accused of planning to buy bombs from turned out to be an FBI agent the head of transportation for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI agent. At least two undercover FBI agents were active participants in the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in which the plot to storm Capitol buildings was allegedly hatched meaning at least three FBI informants infiltrated before the conspiracy even started. In one of the plot's climactic scenes in the main van driving up to look at governor witness vacation home three of the five people in the van 60% of the plot senior leaders were federal agents and informants quoting from the indictment 31 Fox croft's CHS to a UCE and an individual from Wisconsin traveled in the first video vehicle I should say. While in the vehicle croft and Fox discussed detonating explosive devices to divert police from the area of the vacation home. They stopped at the M31 highway bridge on the way where Fox and the UCE inspected the underside of the bridge for places to seat an explosive charge. Fox took a picture of the bridge's support structure which he later shared with CHS to in their encrypted chat from there they drove to a public boat launch across the lake from the vacation home to watch the police. The UCE was also a part of the UCE's mission home to watch for other cars in their group. You may be wondering how you got three out of five when the DOJ's complaint only acknowledges two undercover FBI operatives UCE meaning undercover employee or full time agent and CHS to. That is because the FBI went to great lengths to hide their affiliation with the fifth person in the van describing him only as an individual from Wisconsin. The reason why it turns out that this individual is Steve Robson who had been penetrating right wing and patriot militia groups for over 35 years. We were able to report that Robson was the individual from Wisconsin due to the fact that in November of 2020 one month after the October 2020 indictment was filed. Steve Robson blew his cover by spilling on a live stream quote I am the individual from Wisconsin. Careful look at the Michigan case reveals that Robson in particular took an active step in nearly all of the key development points of the Michigan plot. This individual allegedly organized the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in Dublin, Ohio where the entire Michigan plot was allegedly hatched. He even allegedly paid for the attendees hotel rooms to travel there. It's no wonder then that the government did everything in its power to prevent Robson's identity as an informant from coming out and sabotaging their carefully crafted entrapment operation. And sure enough shortly after Robson reluctantly blew his cover on the aforementioned live stream the government hit Robson with a gun charge and accused him of being a double agent. Note that in addition to his criminal history and a motorcycle gang Robson have been convicted of sex crimes and thus was not allowed to possess or use the gun. We noted the suspicious circumstances of this charge and the tremendous lengths the government went to a child to prevent the jury and defense from learning about Robson's role as an informant quoting from the old story. In a possible preview of what might come for some of the unindicted co-conspirators in January 6th the FBI DOJ burned Robson their own secret informant by hitting the man they paid to infiltrate Patriot groups with a 10 year charge for owning a gun. As a convicted job lustry was not allowed to own a gun which the FBI obviously knew in advance. Perhaps this is the price that Robson paid for blowing his cover. There is a fascinating moment in the October 14 preliminary hearing where Detroit FBI field agent special agent field office special agent Richard Trask brings personal notes to the stand which he only consults when talking about key events concerning the individual from Wisconsin. One question when questioned on cross examination about the contents of those notes and why they weren't disclosed to defense counsel special agent Trask says his his admits. He admits his notes were prepped in a joint meeting the night before with the FBI and the DOJ when defense counsel Mr. Graham motions the judge for a copy of the notes DOJ prosecutor Mr. Kessler rushes into specify that defense counsel will only get a redacted version of the notes because they relate to unindicted co-conspirators and concealed identity informants. Thanks to a recent report at the intercept building upon our research we now know that the government went to greater lengths than previously imagined to prevent the uncomfortable truth of Robson's role in the Michigan plot from spoiling their case. The intercept obtained leaked audio and FBI interrogation of Robson in which the key agents in charge explicitly threatened Robson reminding him of their leverage and direct him to lie and withhold information in order to prevent the defense from counting an entrapment case. Remarkably these recordings were never allowed into evidence in any of the Michigan trials. Quoting from the intercept so on December 10, 2020 agents Robson agents called Robson into the FBI's office in Milwaukee in an attempt to silence him in an extraordinary five hour conversation which FBI agents recorded one of Robson's handlers told him a saying we have in my office is don't let the facts get in the way of a good story right. Despite federal and trial estate trial laws involving I'm sorry despite federal and state trials involving the kidnapping plot this recording which goes to the heart of the questions about whether the FBI and trap the would be kidnappers was never allowed into evidence. The intercept exclusively obtained the full recording and is publishing portions for the first time. The FBI agents asked Robson to sign a non disclosure agreement and proceeded to coach and threaten him to shape his story and ensure that he would never testify before jury. Their coercion of Robson undermines the Justice Department's claim in court records that Robson was a double agent whose actions warrant under the government's control. The agents also made it clear that they had leverage they knew Robson had committed crimes while working for the FBI. Quote we know we have power right and if the I agent told Robson during this meeting we know we have leverage we're not going to BS you. We also learned that Robson's active involvement in the Michigan plot is even more extensive than previously known. For instance recall the reconnaissance mission to governor Wittner's home in which 60% of those participating were agents or informants including Robson. It turns out that Robson even lied to one of the participants saying that they were searching for pedophiles rather than driving by the governor's house. Whoa! The FBI handlers in the case of course encouraged Robson to revise his version of events which could be inconvenient to their case against the defendant in question, quoting again from the intercept. But true to form Robson bucked up the evidence. Fellow Wisconsinite Brian Higgins was the one who drove by Wittner's home, a seemingly incriminating act but Higgins later told federal agents that Robson had said they were hunting for sexual predators. In his December meeting with FBI agents Robson confirmed that Higgins was not initially aware of the kidnapping plot then instead believed they were hunting pedophiles. But once he was in Michigan Higgins learned that some of the attendees had a rough plan to kidnap Whitmer. Higgins drove down Wittner's Wittmer's road using a dash camera and provided the video to Chappelle. After he returned to Wisconsin Higgins claims he told Robson he didn't want to be involved in the plot. The FBI's own informant was telling a man he thought was the target of an investigation to destroy evidence. During the December 10th 2020 recorded interview with Robson in public tried to coerce the informant that the changing his story about what Higgins knew before the drive. If you're going to stick with that story that Higgins was out there on a pedophile ring the FBI agent said you'll be his star witness in the defense. There's zero options for that. In another memorable anecdote from the intercept piece Steve Robson set up and paid for a training facility in which the entrapment victims could engage in paramilitary training. Yet another informant called Dan Chappelle invited an FBI agent to the training compound to pose as an explosives expert. This undercover agent Red showed a prepared FBI video about explosives to the hapless entrapment victims. Interestingly enough one of the videos Red showed the group was a pipe bomb demonstration. The case of Steve Robson offers a glimpse into the dark dealings of an FBI gone completely rogue and underscores some important points. Robson's longstanding relationship with the FBI is an informant and as a criminal in a motorcycle gang underscores the sat shadowy intersection between the criminal underworld in the deep state indeed the FBI and CIA are known to offer protection to underworld figures in exchange for information and cooperation just as reliable as the government's cooperation with underworld figures is the practice of burning. But it's not just the informant's and sources when the assets become liabilities as was a case with Robson. Of course Robson wasn't the first and won't be the last government asset burned by the government something very similar happened famously happen to the ATF informant how Carol how in the Oklahoma city bombing case, a vebberly troubling rabbit hole to go down. We assure you, specifically we see that the government's preferred means of burning an asset is accusing them of going rogue or becoming a double agent. And precisely what we see in the case of Robson. Another thing that Robson underscores is just how fake and federally penetrated the militia movement is. Recall the three main militia groups imputed into January 6th, the proud boys, the oath keepers and the three percenters. It is well known that the proud boys leader and regate Tario has a history as an FBI informant. It came out during the January 6 hearings that the vice president of the oath keepers was an FBI informant. As for the three percenters, Robson had a long position himself as the head of the Wisconsin chapter and then became head of the national chapter. All three militia groups were federally penetrated at the very top and that means that the American people get screwed. Robson is not the only federal asset to get burned under highly scandalous circumstances. In the coming weeks, we'll report on still more explosive story of the law enforcement agent who was clearly burned and indicted in order to protect the fed's carefully guarded secrets for involving January 6th. This and much more coming soon to revolve news. Stay tuned. 217 688 1433 you like to be on the program. And no more you told the less I have to so please do give us a call. Let's go check on our chats here. LVP Vs sends 10 bucks on Odyssey says have some shekels. Lupus will thank you very much my friend. Appreciate that. Let's go check on rumble over here. Yes, Rumble is working. Thank you very much guys. Appreciate that. And entropy is entropy is up. Nobody's over there. Thank you very much. White civil rights. Keep up the great work. Chris. Thank you very much. I'll go MTV there. And so you know, I don't like what revolve or keeps doing. And they're part of this thing right they do this with patriot front and all these other guys. Any group that's right of them becomes you know a bunch of feds and what they say is not hey these guys are working for the feds. What they say is they've been infiltrated by the feds. I'll tell you right now if you think that the FBI isn't sent somebody to go work at revolver news you're a moron. The government will go setting people to collect two salaries right you're working for the government go apply for a job there collect a paycheck go spending on horse if you want. I don't know where they spend the money but you get the idea. There was a headline not going to go into the story the headline it drudge that the federal government of the United States employees over five thousand dogs. Five thousand dogs. The government of the United States. Spends money in such an irresponsible fashion that escapes my mastery of the English language. And the FBI is now a political police force right it's it's the what was the it's the NKVD right. You can bet your I was about to say something that I don't say on three politics you can bet your bottom dollar buster. That the FBI to CIA the NSA send their people into every news organization in America to go work there okay and they're influencing the content decisions on these places. And whether they're doing that by being the reporters are whether they're doing that by going into the HR department. You know that they're doing it. And so when these guys are like oh the guys who are like cooler than me the guys who are you know to the right of me those guys are infiltrated by the feds. Right so you know somebody went there and showed up to a meeting and that means that the FBI goes and tries to infiltrate these groups that's not surprising that's not a mark against the groups. But they keep on doing that anyway because they don't have journalistic standards at revolver news which is sad because you revolver news does cover some important stories. But they publish you know I mentioned we did on the episode I did talking about bill white. I was on this on sensor production. There's a website headline USA which is a complete fake news. I mean it's just fake news. It's just fake news. I mean you can tell just by the name of it headline USA. Let me try to appear credible without actually like associating this with a brand you see. I just want something that sounds newsy. And best as I can tell it's operated by might there might be other people there only things I've seen there from a guy I think his name's Ken Silva who's contacted me a couple of times completely unprofessional. And he's talking to my mentally disturbed friend from prison he's like yeah this guy keeps on filing these things in the court that say all of these guys are informants like yeah and they keep on getting those things thrown out of court because he has no basis on which to make those claims. I'm going to go run with that and so I'm going to go tell a bunch of people that you're an informant and do you want to add any comment to it my comment is headline USA is fake news. You know yada yada yada. To the best of my knowledge he hasn't published that piece accusing me you'll get around to it one of these days. But that's what they do you know they go they take these threads right. And they try to you know craft narratives that are you know convenient for their purposes and their purposes are not what's good for the right their purposes are not you know. What's going to make the world a better place their purpose is rather singular it's what's going to drive clicks to their website and make them more powerful competitive to their enemies on the right that's their whole bit. And headline and revolver USA will pump published stories from there and I'm like you guys completely throw your credibility out the window when you do that. But the drudger port is complete garbage now you know I went. I think I talked about this briefly is a segment Megan Kelly. Interviews some guys about it and it's like I don't think Matt drudge works anymore but he was never really like a right wing or a lot of people say anyway. And you know the drudge report is just crap it's just garbage. And I still have not yet found people have linked me to a couple of things I still have yet to find a replacement for the drudge report. I would really like to have somebody finds one if you have if you have if you have a suggestion I'd be interested to hear I wanted to do this for a long time like create one. It's one of my ambitions when I got out of prison but we're not we're not we're not where we want to be yet sadly. But I do hope to get there. We can hire a couple of people you know I get one person to work as hard as me we're going to be we're going to be moving very quickly. And then we'll be able to hire more people and you know the drudge report you guys if you see it before you know. You know the drudge report is not doing a great deal of original reporting you know revolver news does. But did the drudge report just links the stories and other websites and that's what most of what is on revolver to. It's not so hard to do you know you basically like hey what are the stories of the day let's go put together a news agenda. And the drudge report wielded influence not just because like conservatives read it like every newsroom in the country was looking at. The drudge report the drudge report was setting the agenda for the news every radio show talk show host was looking at the drudge report reporters were looking at the drudge report. Those kinds of things right that is a superpower. Those types of you know pressure points in the flow of information are very very powerful. That you are not the president of the United States you're not the reporter you're the guy who's feeding the information to the reporters and telling the reporters what is important so that the reporters go report on the things that you want. And then the president of the United States watches television to get informed and you're controlling the agenda. That's huge you know. And revolvers done a good job of like you know shall we say I don't it's probably the wrong I'm probably going to use this phrase unconsciously but they're basically making the right more paranoid say right. I'm willing to take a more conspiratorial angle when talking about basically any story I think that they forfeit a lot of credibility because they do things like linked to headline USA they link to things are not real and they and they also give these really bombastic headlines for things that don't pan out to be what they're talking about right. Here's the here's the smoking gun the nail in the coffin the yada yada yada and then you go over there and it's actually pretty mild right. There's a role for that clearly you know somebody's do you know you got this happening on the left all the time you know the Republican party is flat out not see isn't whatever nonsense phrasing they want to come up with and that's red meat you know that's crack cocaine for the left wing finesse. They feed them to keep them rioting in the streets they want you know they got to keep these people wrapped up right. So you know if revolver news does that fine. But the I have yet to find you know a credible alternative to the Georgia port that's moving things right word Georgia port is like oh I don't even know you know. It's not even like center right anymore they're helping the Democrat party. Let's actually let's go pull up the Georgia port. The Georgia port. Blood bath Trump fails to get on billionaire broke the Don's assets will be seized says attorney general Tisha James expert next to last stop from ruin New York state padlock on Trump tower he loses bid to block Michael Cohen stormy Daniel's testimony a trial. Higher top of the Georgia port is Donald Trump's going down Donald Trump's going down now maybe that's true. You know that could be the case. But then let's go over to revolver. I actually refresh the page real quick boom Trump appeals Georgia judge ruling seeks to pinch Fanny. New Supreme court ruling opens up a whole new can of worms quote if they showed you what they showed me you wouldn't have released it either Trump responds to unreleased JFK files. So you go over to revolver news and they're cheering on Donald Trump in their headlines you go over to Georgia port and they're they're trying to take him down. Which one is the truth what's perspective. Why is there not like a less bombastic. Boom Trump appeals Georgia judge ruling seems to pitch Fanny okay that's not so crazy you know some of the things that you see you know the smoking gone the this that they do these things. And it harms their credibility to 1768 181433 you like to be on the program and more you tell the less I have to so please give us a call. But one of the stories is this so in Trump gets this ruling in New York with a hit him with this 354 million dollar lunacy right. I'm going to switch to my headset Mike stand by. Check check check check check check check check check check okay so go over here. And we'll I will put that up there and bang. So Trump is doing real estate business in a state of New York which you know you might say is unwise given the fact that that states run by a bunch of criminals right. But you know you can make a couple of bucks in New York as long as the Democrats are an after you whatever you know they used to not be used to like Donald Trump. And so Donald Trump borrow money. He says I have these assets I'm borrowing against these assets the banks are like yeah okay you say the assets are worth this much your Donald Trump you're all good borrowed money. And so Donald Trump gets the money pay some money back and everybody's happy with interest obviously. Everybody except with Tisha James you see because she comes in and she says well hey just second you said it was worth this much and I say it's worth this much. And I'm not going to get into all the breakdowns of the you know the numbers. But one of the things that Donald Trump brings up is the Trump brand is what makes the thing valuable and they did not account for that at all when they're evaluating the properties is say the Mar-a-Lago is state is worth what any other place of that structure would have been in the same place right. If somebody else own Mar-a-Lago it would be worth the exact same amount as it is buying it from Donald Trump. Well that is facially preposterous right if you're buying a mansion from the president of the United States you might there might be a premium on that you know. And they just insist that that's completely irrelevant and they move forward so he's appealing the decision appropriately. But in New York state in order for you to appeal the decision either you got to start paying that debt down or you've got to get a bond. You basically have to get somebody to ensure your appeal. And he was not able to do that. Trump has been ordered to pay $454 million in a civil fraud case brought by the state of New York in the state's attorney general as warned she will seize his assets if he doesn't pay up. Donald Trump's lawyers told the New York Appellate Court Monday that it's impossible for him to post a bond covering the full amount of his $454 million civil fraud judgment while he appeals. The former president's lawyers wrote in a court filing that quote obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount of the judgment is not possible and the circumstances presented. This means that Trump's New York properties could be seized if he cannot pay a financial penalty linked to his New York civil fraud trial. The warning comes from a New York attorney general Latisha James who presented the case against Trump she is ready to seize property if Trump cannot produce the money. Judge Arthur Engoron ruled that Trump had been dishonest about his wealth over many years while creating his successful real estate empire despite the ruling Trump denies any wrongdoing and plans to contest the decision. Miss James is vowed to ensure Trump covers the full fine either through cash or assets. Speaking on ABC she claim quote if he doesn't have funds to pay off the judgment that we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. I think she speaks slower than that because she's dumb but you know. Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Chung told the Daily Express US this is a motion to stay the unjust unconstitutional unamerican judgment from the New York judge Arthur Engoron and a political witch hunt brought by a corrupt attorney general. Abond of this size would be an abuse of the law contradict bedrock principles of our republic and fundamentally undermine the rule of law in New York. President Trump will continue fighting and beating all of these crooked Joe Biden directed hoaxes and will make America great again. Trump's ability to cover his growing legal fees is becoming increasingly uncertain following consecutive defeats in court including a defamation lawsuit by four or columnist EG and Carol. Trump has previously claimed to have readily available cash of around $400 million but that's unlikely to cover all of the upcoming court payments. The rest of his wealth potentially running into the billions is tied up in golf courses towering buildings other properties investments and more. Whether or not Miss James will rush to seize Trump tower or Mar-a-Lago remains to be seen and he appeals from Trump are likely to stall his fine payment while proceedings continue. Can the state seize Trump's assets in brief yes if Trump fails to pay up the state could levy and sell his assets lean his real property and garnish anyone who owes him money according to the Syracuse University law professor or Jager Gregory Germain asset seizure is a usual legal strategy when a defendant lacks a fishing cash for a civil penalty notably OJ Simpson's high's been trophy was seized and auctioned off in 1999 to be part of a $33.5 million dollar. Wrongful death judgment against him if Trump has adequate funds or manages to organize enough cash his assets may not be seat need to be seized to cover his penalty and its mounting interest. It's tricky to gauge his exact financial condition as we largely depend on his governmental disclosures and annual financial statements which Engaron labeled his fraudulent in his last financial statement for the year ending 30 June 2021 the fiscal year. Trump reported having around $294 million in cash or similar assets later state lawyers noted he earned about $186.8 million from selling his Washington hotelies in May of 2022 and rights to a New York City golf course in June of 2023. Trump must now give those earnings to the state with added interest last week judge Engorons ruling prevented what Trump called the corporate death penalty allowing his businesses to continue under strict conditions including a court appointment court appointed monitors oversight. Miss James who didn't specify which assets might be targeted mentioned her offices proximity to a Trump building in lower Manhattan involved in the fraud case quote we are prepared to make sure that the judgements is paid to New Yorkers miss James said on ABC and yes I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day that's small little B oh my God. Trump owes another $876,502 in interest on his civil fraud penalty every day can you believe that 876,502 every day in interest by Thursday that'll be an extra $525,000 since the decision wait a second. On February 16th that's got to be a this is the express dot com that can't be right if it's 876,000 a day it can't be 525,000 dollars since last month I don't know what the actor talking about those numbers that I'm reading here that's the source of got sorry. The interest will keep piling up even while he appeals the unless the court steps in or there's an earlier resolution his bill will reach half a billion dollars by August of 2025. Trump's original penalty is 355 million the same as what the judge called the ill gotten gains from the savings on lower loan interest and windfall profits from development deals he wouldn't have been able to make if he'd been honest about his wealth. Under state law he is being charged interest on that amount at an annual rate of 9%. Trump's interest will keep accruing until Trump pays Trump owes the money individually and as the owner of core pretend to these that were named as defendants and misjames's lawsuit. Angeron said the interest Trump owes on behalf of the interest Trump owes on about half of the total penalty amount pertaining to loan savings can be calculated from the start of misjames's investigation in March of 2019 interest on the remaining amount which pertains to the sale of Trump's Washington hotel and Bronx golf course rights can be calculated beginning of May of 22 or June of 2023. In all Angeron ordered Trump and his co-defense to pay 363.9 million dollars in penalties or about 464.3 million dollars with interest the total bill increases by 89,729 dollars per day according to the associated presses calculations. Trump's sons Eric and Donald Jr. must must each pay about 4.7 million including interest through the state for their shares in the Washington hotel sales. Weiselberg was ordered to pay 1 million dollars for half of the two million dollar severances receiving plus about 100,000 dollars in interest until they pay Weiselberg is on the hook for another 247 dollars a day while Trump's sons each owe an extra $990 per day according to the AP's calculation. You might be hitting what a thousand dollars a day in interest on fines. These people, you know, I don't know what they think they're going to do with that legal system after they've broken it but that's definitely what they're doing. Glenn 19 since $1 on Odyssey can't well I know you think immigration will never stop but you may be surprised that it is nearer and end-to-end you think check out this article. Okay, he's got a piece in Bloomberg. I'll check that out before we wrap it up the evening. 2176881433 you like to be on the program. This could be a last chance to do it. Global population crash isn't sci-fi anymore. We used to worry about the planet getting too crowded but there are plenty of downsides to a shrinking humanity as well. Well, yeah. The idea that the world is overpopulated as preposterous it always was. You can, you know, crowd a place way too quickly. You can flood it with people who dump along there by emptying out another place. That's not the world. We used to imagine humanity populating the universe in Isaac Asimov's foundation in 1952 mankind has established a vast multi planetary empire by the year 47,000. Quote there were nearly 25 million inhabited planets in the galaxy. Asimov wrote the population of trantor the imperial capital was in excess of 40 billions. And lose six ends three body problem 2006 by contrast. We're a cosmic rounding error bracing ourselves for the terrifying Tristle, Lauren invasion as the trailer for the new next Netflix series puts it quote they are coming and there was nothing you can do to stop them. When Asimov was born in 1920 the global population was around 1.9 billion when he published foundation it was 2.64 billion by the time of his death in 1992 was 5.5 billion nearly three times would it had been at his birth. Considering that there had been a nearly 500 million humans when Christopher Columbus landed on the new world the proliferation of the species homo sapiens in the modern era had been an astonishing feat. Small wonder some of Asimov's greatest some of Asimov's generation came to dread over population and fret about an impending Malthusian disaster. This led to all kinds of efforts to promote contraception and abortion as described in Matt Connelly's fatal misconception the struggle to control world population published 2008 among these was China's one child policy the harshest ever government intervention and reproductive behavior. Superficially these efforts were a complete failure Frank notes Dean the Princeton demographer who became the founding director of the United Nations population division UN PD estimated in 1945 that the world's population would be 3.3 billion by the year 2000 in fact it exceeded 6.1 billion today it is estimated to be more than 8 billion in its most recent projection the UN PD's median estimate is that the global population will reach 10.4 billion. The population by the mid 2080s within upper bound of more than 12 billion by the end of the century yet that seems rather a low probability scenario the European Commission center of expertise on population and migration projects at the global population will peak at 9.8 billion in the 2070s. According to the institute for health metrics and evaluation and independent research organization it will peak at lower at a lower level and earlier still at 9.7 billion in 2064. The key word is peak near all demographers now appreciate that we shall likely reach peak humanity this century this is not because a lethal pandemic will drive up mortality far more than COVID-19 that did though that possibility should never be ruled out nor is it because the UN PD is not the only one that is the most important. The UN PD incorporates into its population model any other apocalyptic scenario whether disastrous climate change nor nuclear war. It is simply because all over the world the total fertility rate TFR the number of live children the average woman bears in her lifetime has been falling since the 1970s. The country and after another it has dropped under the 2.1 threshold the replacement rate allowing for childhood deaths and sex imbalances below which the population is bound to decline this fertility slump is in many ways the most remarkable trend of our era and it is not only Elon Musk who worries that a population collapses potentially the greatest risk to the future of civilization. Our species is not done multiplying to be sure but to quote the UN PD more than half of the projected increase in the global population between 2022 and 2050 is expected to be concentrated in just eight countries the democratic republic of the Congo great place let's let them fill the world with babies let's do that. Egypt Ethiopia India Nigeria Pakistan the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania really great you know Trump probably called those places s whole countries I'm you know I'm a reference here but I bet once they're the ones responsible for all the new population of the world those places are going to be great. That is because already close to half of the global population lives in a country or area where lifetime fertility is below 2.1 birth per woman not many people for saw the global fertility collapse nor did just about anyone expected to happen everywhere and I can't recall a single pundit predicting just how low it would go in some countries in South Korea the total fertility rate in 2023 is estimated to have been 0.72 in Europe there is no longer a day. The difference between Roman Catholic and Protestant countries Italy's current total fertility rate 1.21 is lower than England 1.44 nor is there a difference between Christian and Islamic civilizations those great historical entities whose clashes in the historian Samuel Huntington worked out. The US total fertility rate is now 1.62 the figure for the Islamic Republic of Iran is 1.54. Yeah well you know the amount of people who are coming here from Islamic countries are popping up for fertility rate probably. The timing of this huge demographic transition has varied to be sure the US the TFR fell below 2.0 in 1973 in the UK it happened a year later in Italy in 1977 East Asian countries not far behind in South Korea TFR was above 2.0 until 1984 in China until 1991 fertility remained higher for the long for longer in the Muslim world but it fell below 2.0 in Iran as early as 2001 even in India the TFR has now fallen. Only in countries of sub-Saharan Africa does fertility remain well above replacement rate George Lincoln Rockwell warned you about this in the DRC for example the democratic Republic of Congo the average woman still bears more than six children but there too fertility is expected to plummet in the coming decades the global TFR according to the UNPD's medium variant projection will fall from 2.3 in 2021 to 1.8 to 2100. The differences in estimates of when we reach peak humanity largely hinge on how quickly demographers think family size will shrink in Africa. What are the drivers of the great fertility slum well it's probably it's those people that they go to that building and they've got those hats I don't know I'm just kidding. One theory according to our thought provoking 2006 paper by Wolfgang Lutz, Virgard Skurbich and Maria Rita Testa is that quote societies progress up the hierarchy of needs from physical survival to emotional self actualization and as they do rearing children gets short shrift because people pursue other more individualistic games people find other ways to find meaning in life. Another interpretation see for example this paper by Ron Lesthe and Goulouse. Against the agency to women emphasizing that fertility drops as female education and employment rise which is why they keep on trying to raise female education and employment. They're like yeah what are you talking about you need a male like a fish needs a bicycle. You know what if you need a man why don't you just become one will will tear out your uterus and pump you full of steroids and you could go and become a cruel mockery of masculinity and run around reminding everyone about what a terrible world they live in. Over the past century be there not that's not what they said over at Bloomberg. Over at the past century beginning in western Europe and North America a rising proportion of women have entered higher education in the skilled labor force. Improved education is also given women greater autonomy within relationships a better understanding of contraception and greater input to family planning. Many have opted to delay becoming mothers in order to pursue their careers and the opportunity cost of having children increases as women's wages rise relative to their male partners. Another way of looking at the problem is that after its initial kids and cotton mills phase the industrial revolution reduced the importance of children as a source of unskilled play. As countries develop economically yeah they don't need babies anymore they're just like shut up I was just trying to I'm just I just didn't want to buy more slaves so I put one in this woman. As countries that's not what they said at Bloomberg. As countries develop economically families invest more in their children providing them with better education which increases the cost of raising each individual child. Cultural change is also played a part one study estimated that roughly a third of the decline in fertility between the US between 2007 and 2016 was due to the decline in unintended births. My generation the the the writer at Bloomberg. The baby boomers were more impulsive and indeed reckless about sex by contrast according to the psychologist Brook Wells in gene twinge. Millennials have fewer sex partners on average than we did a 2020 analysis of responses to the general social survey. Refield higher rates of sexual inactivity among the most recent cohort of 20 to 24 year olds that among their predecessors born in the 1970s and 1980s. Between 2000 and 2002 and 2016 and 2018 the proportion of 18 to 20 year old men who reported having no sexual activity in the past year increased from 19% to 31% a staggering. The fact that the declines in sexual activity were most pronounced among students and men with lower incomes and with part time or no employment suggests that declining sexual activity is economically determined. However, other possible explanations include these stress and busyness of modern life, the supply of online entertainment that may compete with sexual activity. Yeah, porn. I guess other things do right you could be like yeah I could go get later I could go and I could go and play world of warcraft the next 200 hours. I don't know if people still play world of warcraft that's an old reference for me. Elevated rates of depression and anxiety among young adults the detrimental effective smartphones on real world human interactions and the lack of appeal to women of hooking up. The most recent version of the UK National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles revealed a similar marked decline in the frequency of sex in Britain. The return of no sex please where British ethos mainly affects married or cohabitating couples and according to a careful analysis in the British Medical Journal it is most likely due to the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and the global recession of the 2008. Another key driver of declining fertility has been declining religiosity using data in the world value survey we can identify a clear correlation between the rise of secularization and the fall of family size. A fascinating historical anomaly in the early decline of fertility in the late 18th century France described by the French demographer Alfred Salby as the most important fact of his country's history has been plausibly explained by the advance of secular thinking and therefore of contrast to the world. The most receptive practice is in the wake of the religious strife of the previous two centuries. Fertility can sometimes go back up witness the COVID baby bump. Moreover according to survey data many women would like to have more children in low fertility countries according to a 2019 study for the UN population fund. There is a quote wide gap between fertility aspirations that younger ages and achieve fertility later in life, signaling that many women men and couples face obstacles in realizing their fertility plans. But the main obstacles are perceived economic costs of a larger family is borne out by the fact that many of the most successful professional women have more than two children. In the words of Moshe Hazan and Hosni Zawabi the cross-sectional relationship between fertility and women's education in the US has recently become ushaped by substituting their own time for market services to raise children and run their households highly educated women are able to have more children work longer hours. But not everyone can be a super mom with a crew of house managers and nannies can governments do anything to push back up fertility across the board they are certainly trying no they are not that's a lie. That's not what they said at Bloomberg they said it's happening I'm calling them lawyers just to understand what I'm reading. Since the 1970s the number of countries aiming to raise fertility with a variety of government incentives has risen roughly fivefold but there are no examples I know of in which no pre-nate in which pro-natal policies have really worked. That's because they're not actually trying right. The libertarian droids like don't under government don't anything because the government can't do anything right. No they're trying to kill you and they're doing a great job of it if only we had responsible people in charge of the government who are not trying to destroy the world then everything would be fantastic imagine you actually had like decent competent people trying to accomplish the goals that they said they were incompetent trying to accomplish instead of malicious corrupt in next people doing what people behind the scenes tell them to do to kill us. If you assume that the government is trying to destroy humanity all of their behavior makes perfect sense and you realize that they're remarkably efficient at what they do. And if they did the same exact level of efficiency at trying to help us oh my god the things that we can accomplish. For years President Vladimir Putin has urged Russians to have more babies in order to prevent the depopulation of the vast federation he governs though Russian fertility rose in the decade after 2000 the TFR never even got close to two and is sunk back to 1.5. What Mussolini called the battle for births is a losing proposition the global trend is to make abortion easier yeah well stop doing that. Oh how do we get the how do we get the birth rates up guys maybe we should stop offing the kids no no what are you crazy. Her body her choice man who cares about the fate of humanity. That girl's got to be able to go get her drink on have her fun. All but for the US El Salvador Nicaragua and Poland eased access to abortion a growing number of countries permit euthanasia and or assisted suicide average sperm counts have fallen by more than 50% in 50 years no one knows exactly why but you know why would we check. That's not what they said at Bloomberg no one knows exactly why but bad food bad air and bed lifestyles are the contenders. How mankind chose extinction will be an interesting read if anyone is left to write it. You know that makes me really mad. They you know they just like yeah this is just people making choices man you guys can't do anything about it okay the government has no role in this whatsoever. Go read I talked about this early in this program nudge by what's his name not Sololinsky. Cast Sunstein and Richard Thaler that's their names. These people understand how to get you to do things okay and they and they wrote a book about it and that's the whole entire idea between much of the Obama administration okay. They understand how you get you to do things and they're not doing that they're they're nudging you to do other things they're like yeah we're going to raise your taxes and make life more expensive for you we're going to reduce the incentives for individual achievement. We're going to give the money from the productive people to the unproductive people and then we're going to you know we're taxing the births essentially of those productive people and subsidizing the births of the unproductive people and that bill is going to keep on. You're going to see the uselessness of that and you're going to master bait into you die and then there's going to be none of you left and we like that because we're monsters. I want to know the names of the people who chose extinction because you'll be able to fit those in a notebook okay that's not mankind that's those people and we should find them and we should you know give them a fair trial before we kill them is what we should do. We're going to have a fair trial fair trial is like a license to murder people it's a great idea. In Minecraft you know half a century ago we worried about the population bomb the time the title of Paul Erlich's 1968 best seller now that we can see peak humanity within our children's lifetimes conceivably in the 2060s why isn't everyone breathing a sigh of relief. I can think of three reasons. First the advanced countries that are already having declining populations find the consequences of fertility restriction rather melancholy. Boeconomic growth empty schools crowded retirement homes a general lack of youthful vitality second because the fertility drop came later in Middle Eastern and North African countries and has barely begun in southern sub-Saharan Africa. We are seeing a dramatic shift in the global demographic balance in favor of people with darker pigmentation as a Scotsman married to a Somali I am doing my part for this trend says the author. Many of them are Muslims yes. Oh I'm a Scott I've got a Somali woman I'm going to keep on putting babies in her they're going to pray toward mecha they're going to worship Muhammad they're going to scream a law who walk bar and blow themselves up and they're going to join the reduction in population to their suicide and murder. This worries many of the mostly white and mostly Christian peoples who were globally dominant from around 1750 to 2000 but screw those people because I've got me a darky I like my Muslim wife. Third the peoples in the highest fertility mostly live in poor places that climate change and armed conflict are making even less appealing so they move if they can through North Africa or Western Asia toward Europe or by a Mexico to US or to a significant extent getting involved in violent activities crime or terrorism where they can't escape. All of this drives at the possibility of right wing politics in the developed world old people vote for this and they number out outnumber the young more conflict borders can't seriously be defended without at least the threat of violence the more rapid spread of infectious pathogens no effective attempt to address the climate issue yet immigration still seems to North American and European elites to be the simplest solution to the problem of falling fertility. Those are people who are not trying to solve the problem you see you know they're like yeah we can't figure it out we just keep on bringing in the immigrants tell these white people to go to hell and they just won't keep on producing more slaves for us I don't know what's going on we need to bring in more people from other countries. I don't know what's wrong with those white folks. That is why in high income countries between 2000 and 2020 the contribution of net international migration to population growth exceeded the balance of births over death. What the geopolitical consequences of mass migration will be is anyone's guess yeah we have no idea what's going to happen when you flood the country with third world judge anybody's guess. Nobody predicted this a long time ago not at all no wasn't like debated when they did this right. Everybody knew what was going to happen. I was so waiting to find out I know I knew. Some Russians worry that Chinese have designs on their vast duration empire east of the Urals that seems unlikely if China's population is set to have between now and 2100 China's problem is not a shortage of space it is a surplus of empty apartment blocks. In contemplating these in other scenarios most punish struggles to graph that when the human population begins to fall it will do so not gradually but almost as steeply as it once rose humanity will not reach a plateau and then stabilize rights dean spears in the New York times it will begin an unprecedented decline if the world's fertility rate after 2100 with the same as in the United States today. Then the global population would fall from a peak of around 10 billion to less than 2 billion about 300 years later over perhaps 10 generations and if family sizes remain small we would continue declining. The problem is that this precipitous decline will come a century too late to avert the disastrous consequences of climate change that many today fear. Oh the good news is that you're going to stink human beings the bad news is you're dying too slowly and therefore you're going to make climate change really bad after God. I'm regained my composure here the problem is that this precipitous decline will come a century to late to avert the disastrous consequences of climate change that many today fear and which are another reason why people will flee Africa. And another reason why young people in Europe say they will have few or no children. The appropriate science fiction to read is all of the science about climate change that's not what they said in Blueberg I'm sorry. The appropriate science fiction to read is therefore neither as of off nor lose six in. Begin instead with Mary Shelley's the last man 1826 in which a new black death wipes out all but one for Lauren specimen and humanity then turn to Margaret act at woods orics and crake in which the adult snowman is just one of a handful of survivors of a world ravaged by global warming reckless genetic engineering and a disastrous attempt to population reduction that resulted in a global plague. For those who like Elon Musk still dream of building azimovs galactic empire such visions of human extinction are hard to stomach he and others swim against the tide siring five or six times as many offspring as the average male but the reality is that sub 2.1 global total fertility rate is a more powerful historical force than even the Fakon Mr. Mux Musk it is coming and there was nothing we can do to stop it. Well that's not true as a matter of fact you can stop the immigration you can cut taxes you can stop taking money from people who should be having children to give it to people who shouldn't. You can care about the quality of the human beings being produced you can stop pretending that genetics are a fake pseudo science. You can stop subsidizing women's higher education you can stop subsidizing their salaries. There's a whole program. I used to work for a company. I probably work for several I only know of one but as a matter of fact I'm certain I know of two they never told me about it there but I'm certain that the other place did you know there's a there's a subsidy or tax break for women in minority owned businesses. And I used to work for a company or all the people who ran the company were males and on all the paperwork it was their wives. Why? Because they saved a bunch of money by having it be owned by a woman. They understand what's causing this they're causing it on purpose they know how to stop it from happening and they're choosing to make it worse. And when I read something like this and they tell me is nothing we could do we have no idea why all of these programs to increase fertility are not working. Yeah but they know they're working just fine they're not designed to do what they say. And I don't want to get anybody's hopes up because you know that could lead to a world of disappointment. But if anybody thinks that this is going to go on for another hundred years and you and me are going to be the only ones who figure out what these people have done these people are idiots that they really believe that. They people are going to figure this out in what numbers and in what capacity are they able to do anything about it that's another question. But these projections were like everybody just keeps on sleep walking through this and life gets worse and worse until we're extinct and nobody turns around and violently over throws to people who are doing this to us that's completely implausible. It'll either happen a lot sooner because war does it or the war will be what stops it because it's what it'll be it's going to be war. You can't exterminate us from the planet and expect that we're just all going to take it that's not going to happen. I sure hope not anyway. Now that story was given to me by Glenn 19 thank you Glenn that was a great read I appreciate it. I had never seen that story before and I read that story with comparatively few flaws to what anybody else would be able to even attempt here because I'm very very good at that sort of thing. It's not just my reading I'm good at it. It's not just my writing I'm good at reading you see I do a live read very well. And so I'm very talented and you should pay me handsomely for for my services. I could go and read teleprompters at CNN better than anybody who works there and the only reason I'm not doing that is because I would kill myself first of all like they wouldn't hire me but I totally put a bullet in my brain if I if I had to go to CNN and be like yeah Donald Trump is a Nazi and you people had to stop cut your balls off. No I couldn't do that I blow my brains out. I wouldn't you know I was before I was working at CNN like there's no way I'd have a gun so I got to go do it with like that no country for old men cattle brain poker thing you know and that would really not be nice. So I couldn't do it but you know what I'm saying is that basically you know you want a people with the unique set of talents that are required to do this. You've got to you got to pay the money otherwise you know later on you know there'll be guys smarter than me who are like I'm not going to work for the pennies that you make I'm not doing this I'm going to go work for the communist I'm going to go eight mankind's extension so that I can buy fancy clothes while humanity dies. So you know you got to make a good example out of me so people would be like yeah I wouldn't do that too right. So go ahead give send go dot com slash spm my cash app is edgy Chris go ahead send me some cash app you want to send me to Bitcoin the manero the like coin the ethereum whatever it is Christopher can't well that slash donate will get you all of that. I sell like t shirts and hats and all this stuff at surreal politics dot com slash shop you can go buy things. From me at surreal politics dot com slash shop you could become a surreal politics member and join us for the one Monday sorry Wednesday member shows at 9 30 PM USC start on Monday Wednesdays today's Monday and we do that you know you get a little closer access to me which is you know don't make me remarkable anyway. I'm pretty easy to reach you can get hold of me anytime you want with your member or not Christopher can't well that net slash contact you got all the other ways to do it. And I'd love to hear from you and I'd love to hear from your wallet so please go ahead do all those things will be back Friday cursing up a storm Wednesday with the member show of course and I just can't wait to talk to all of you leave me a voicemail if you like to go to. 599 738 6 is an unbelievable email and I'll play a voicemails on again. And we'll do it will be we'll be back it just we'll be getting back it's just pretty soon guys thank you very much for tuning into surreal politics love your attention. Appreciate it have a good night. You You