And then with the local recording having begun Then we go and we bring up our intro music, you know, we like that intro music is by a very talented man by the name of Scotty jam jam and It goes a little something like this You Oh Welcome triple takes April 29, 2024 is the current year. It's a Monday as usual 9 30 PM US Easter and when we usually do these things So if you're listening at some other platform at some of the time and if I you join us will I program we do this on on Odyssey We do it on Rumble we do it on the radio players on the on the website and so if you join us a little I've shown that you can give us a call to one seven six eight one four three three and that'd be a great idea Because you know I titled this episode today. It's you in the news That's what this show is really it's you and it's the news and if you don't have you then you know It's like basically half a show and so I'd invite you to give us a call to one seven six eight eight one four three three If you'd like to be on the program and there's a few things going on in the news today, you know, I sent out The email earlier today with some of the headlines that I had on my radar I'm one just came across my radar just before I came on the arrows like hey, what is what has happened since I sent that email up I haven't even read this yet, but it sounds interesting is reporting that AstraZeneca has admitted for the first time that its COVID vaccine can cause a rare side effect in Tense legal fight with victims of defective jab AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its COVID jab can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect The exceedingly rare reaction. Yes, very rare But when you give it to you know the entire world's population compulsorily, you know, you end up with some problems I guess The exceedingly rare reaction is at the heart of a multi million pound class action. This is not a bunch of fat people This is happening in England By dozens of families who alleged that they or their loved ones were named or killed by the pharmaceutical titan's defective vaccine Lawyers representing the claimants believe some of the cases could be worth up to 20 million pounds in compensation Cambridge based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the high court in February that its vaccine Quote can in very rare cases caused TTS TTS is short for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome A medical condition Where a person suffers blood clots with a low platelet count platelets typically help clot the blood And I'm gonna ask you to pardon me for one never mind. Okay good Never mind platelets typically help to clot the help the blood to clot The complication listed as a potential side effect of the jab has previously been called vaccine Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia AstraZeneca's admission could lead to payouts on a case by case basis Although accepted as a potential side effect for two years It marks the first time the company has admitted in court that his jab can cause the condition the telegraph reports Taxpayers will foot the bill of any potential sediment because of an indemnity deal AstraZeneca struck with the government in the darkest days of COVID to get the jabs produced as quickly as possible While the country was paralyzed by lockdowns Not a great deal Hey, I got an idea. I'm gonna go sell a product, but You know, I have no idea if it's gonna hurt these people in the government's like don't worry about it You're allowed to hurt them. We hurt them all the time Give them the drug. We'll lie about it And then if you get sued just we'll pay it, okay Try to put it off try not to admit what you did, but eventually you know, it's just it's inevitable, right? Taxpayers will foot the bill of any potential sediment because of an indemnity deal AstraZeneca struck with the government the darkest days of COVID to get the jabs produced as quickly as possible while the country was paralyzed by lockdowns That's that old problem reaction solution bit you've heard of that before right Hey, uh, we got this problem that the whole country's locked down you see and we need to fix that problem So we're gonna get this drug company to give drugs to all these people that are locked down And must somebody you know a reasonable person might turn around be like wait a second Aren't they all locked down because you told them they couldn't leave their houses and the government's like shut up Shut your lie and stink and conspiracy theorist mouth How about you just let them go. No, we can't do that. We have to give them the drugs Oh It comes just days after the firm reported a revenue exceeding 10 billion pounds in the first quarter 2024 a rise of 19% Company officials stated it had enjoyed a very strong start to the year. I'll say One of those seeking compensation for injuries linked to AstraZeneca's vaccine is father of two an IT engineer Jamie Scott He was left with a permanent brain injury following a blood clot in the bleed on the brain After getting the vaccine in April of 2021. He has been unable to work ever since He has one of 51 cases Currently lodged in the high court seeking damages estimated to be worth about 100 million pounds in total On the revelation Kate Scott mr. Scott's wife said quote I hope their admission means we will be able to sort this out sooner than later. Yeah, I sure do. I'll say We need an apology fair compensation for our family and other families who have been affected We have the truth on our side and we are not going to give up Sarah Moore a partner at a law firm laid at law firm lee day Who is representing claimants against AstraZeneca accused a company of using delaying tactics against the victims She said quote regrettably it seems that AstraZeneca the government and their lawyers are Morking to play strategic games run up legal fees and to engage seriously with the devastating impact that their AstraZeneca vaccine has had upon the lives of our clients AstraZeneca said in a statement quote our sympathy goes out to anyone who has lost loved ones or reported health problems Patient safety is our highest priority and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safety of all medicines including vaccines From the body of evidence and clinical trials in real world data the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an Acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of extremely rare potential side effects Yeah, that's what they all say indeed all of the regulators say that Which is why nobody trusts them right? Well like yeah, well, you know we're all for regulating the industry But you guys were a bunch of crooks. Maybe we shouldn't have you do it Ha You gotta love that Patient safety is our highest priority. No, it's not And regulatory authorities What you should say there is Well, we hold patient safety in high regard but regulatory authorities Right That's what you mean, right? It's not patient safety is our highest priority and regulatory authority regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safety of all medicines including vaccines No, no, that's not the way that reads. It's a typo What they mean is hey, we take patient Safety seriously, but regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards To ensure that uses of the medicines are in league or are in line with party priorities you see From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real world data the AstraZeneca Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown To have a safety profile that is acceptable by politicians who have agendas other than your health And regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination for the politicians Outweigh the risks to your health Yeah, that's how you know if we just that's I'll tell you what I'm going to work for the pharmaceutical industry I'm going to help them write these statements out and they're going to be they're going to be coming out squeaky queen when I'm done with them The new documents submitted to the court marks a change of language from the previous AstraZeneca submissions made last year Would it claim that TSS couldn't be caused by its jab at a generic level. Oh That's interesting Can I do that when I go to court for it like I if I get prosecuted for other crime Like your honor, you know, they might be saying that I did this thing but on a generic level. No, not at all Uh, do you plead guilty or not guilty on a generic level your honor. I plead not guilty The new documents submitted to the court marks a change of language from the previous AstraZeneca submissions made last year when it claimed that TSS couldn't be caused by its jab At a generic level It's news submission also adds that the trigger that causes some people to suffer TSS from the AstraZeneca job is unknown and can also occur in people independent of any vaccine It claims quote Closation in any individual case will be a better for expert evidence. Yes, we got to get experts to decide people like Anthony Fauci You tell you exactly what's going on get those experts right in there Those guys know what they're talking about you see the same experts who told you That the vaccine was like the greatest thing ever right When you saw Democrat after Democrat after Democrat after Democrat go on Twitter and be like I got COVID It's so good that I have the protection of the vaccine otherwise should it be so much worse Yeah, well them come in have all them come in testifies experts have Elizabeth Warren go up there and be like I know that the vaccine is great That's I'm just my Elizabeth Warren impression. I know it's a good one I know the vaccine is great because when I took the vaccine and then I got COVID I didn't even I didn't even have to feel guilty about it at all I shamelessly went on Twitter and told everybody that the vaccine was protecting me. I felt great If I had it had the vaccine You know I couldn't have been attacking Republicans over vaccination all of the time And that's what makes me feel good you know calling people Nazis AstraZeneca denies its new submission represents a U-turn on acknowledging its jab can cause T-S-S-T So the Daily Mail is apparently run by a bunch of dyslexic morons now I understand that not everybody with dyslexia is a moron. I'm just calling these particular dyslexic people morons Because they're going back and forth between calling it TTS and T-S-S That's the text that I'm reading. It's not me being an idiot. That's what's going on on the page of the Daily AstraZeneca denies its new submission represents a U-turn on acknowledging its jab can cause TTS Lawyers representing victims and families are suing AstraZeneca under the Consumer Protection Act of 1987 They argued the vaccine. It was a defective product that was not as safe as consumers Generally were reasonably entitled to expect AstraZeneca has strongly denied those claims Health officials first identified cases of the ITT linked to AstraZeneca's jab in Europe as early as March of 2021 Just over two months after the vaccine was first deployed in the UK However, it wasn't until April that year that evidence became clear enough that the jab started to be restricted For officials first restricted the jab to only people over 30 then they expanded this to only people over 40 in May of 2021 As the vaccine still worked against COVID. No, it didn't it didn't That was a long time ago that thing stopped working As the vaccine was still worked against COVID I gotta say that in like a Cookie voice so you know that I'm just reading propaganda not trying to tell you lies Of the vaccine still worked against COVID. It was deemed still deemed worth giving to older brits who were at greater risk of death or injury from falling ill with the virus Yeah, especially since they were a lot more likely to vote conservatively, right? Left this hate old people you know that don't you they're like hey, I got an idea. Let's kill the old people kill um kill um just get them out of here We'll sterilize the kids and then we'll kill the old people and then we'll just hang around we'll just have a party until it's all over About About 50 million doses of the AstraZeneca jab were dished out in the UK in total official data shows at least 81 brits have died from blood clot complications apparently linked to the AstraZeneca jab according to figures collected By the UK's drug watchdog the medicines and health care products regulatory agency A further unconfirmed number have been injured and or disabled. Yes Unconfirmed number There's an unconfirmed number a perfectly healthy athlete to just drop dead on the baseball field or whatever They're just dropped dead while they were jogging down the street Has nothing to do with the vaccine you can sparacy monger anti-Semite what are you doing? Further COVID vaccine rollouts have um either minimized the use of the AstraZeneca jab Face it out entirely in favor of mRNA alternatives like those made by rival pharma giants Pfizer and Moderna With health officials not ordering anymore doses This effectively means the jab has all but been withdrawn in the UK The risk of TTS following AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine is thought to be in the region of one in 50,000 However AstraZeneca's job is credited with saving some six million lives globally during the pandemic You know the one you hear that number that suppens up, you know I mean, it's less it's less suspicious than hearing that six million died, you know But if somebody tells you oh well my vaccine saves six million lives You know that's a dog whistle to liars. You know what I'm saying Victims and families seeking compensation that mail online is spoken to staunchly and says they believe in the merits of vaccination for public good and aren't anti-faxors You see that We're not anti-faxors. We wouldn't dare we wouldn't dare utter skepticism of vaccines as general matter We just want this one particular thing to get us paid The reasons why people are taking legal action are complex Some who are severely disabled are facing huge ongoing medical cause as well as being out of work In some cases their family members are also having to quit employment to provide them around the clock care Others are at least in part pursuing the action as a way of seeking justice For either those who have lost their lives or have been completely upturned by their injuries For the reason some are seeking action is due to what critics have labeled as the inadequate or arbitrary nature of the government's vaccine damage payment scheme This policy which has been around since the 70s offers people or their families a tax-free sub of 120,000 pounds though restrictions apply It is only available to family to the family of those who died or those left quote severely disabled Defined as being at least 60% disabled based on evidence from a doctor because of a vaccine Established back in 1979 the scheme is meant to reassure people that in the unlikely events something goes wrong The state will provide support in theory it is meant to combat vaccine hesitancy and encourage the public to get job from various pathogens to help protect the nation from disease But critics have said the scheme is rjs stingy in terms of total amount payout and and cruel in at 60% disability threshold that leaves people less severely injured with As it is not compensation People who take the payment are still entitled to take legal action against a vaccine manufacturer if they choose As some people affected by the AstraZeneca jab are campaigners hope that the attention brought by the AstraZeneca case will spark a much needed rethink of how the government's vaccine injured and bereaved are supported If Brits are left destitute from vaccine-derived injuries Experts fear this will fuel vaccine hesitancy in the future risking public health from a variety of preventable diseases It could also lead people vulnerable to a potential future pandemic from a novel virus if some refuse the jabs out of fear that they or their families could be left Financially ruined if something goes wrong Mrs Scott is one of One of the critics of the system Previously saying quote even if we do get the 120,000 pound payment is still not enough to keep us going forever And it's insulting considering what Jamie has been through Another of those pursuing action against AstraZeneca is melis out melis stewart Who was enjoying standing ovations and bellfast for her role in the musical kiss me Kate But after suffering a devastating stroke the 42 year old struggles to put a sentence together speaking only slowly and grieving for the successful stage career she has lost Miss Stewart is taking AstraZeneca to court with husband Ben Lewis saying they felt misled by the government over the vat over the jab safety Though having suffered greatly she was and continues to be a staunch and proud advocate for vaccination having gone on to receive another Non AstraZeneca COVID vaccine since her injury. Isn't that a great thing Now you know that she's a moral person Now you know that she's a true decent stand-up British citizen Because although she knows that the AstraZeneca vaccine Killed an injured dozens of people and you know hundreds more on confirmed you say She's like I love vaccination just give me another COVID shot. I just don't want that one from them. Okay And if you'd listen to me for any period time You know this already that I'm not some like anti-vaccine paranoiac. Okay I actually got kind of annoyed with some of the people when I got out a prison Oh Well like oh, you know this that a third about the COVID vaccines Because I'm like, you know Okay, the vaccine doesn't work like it's obvious that the vaccine doesn't work It's not obvious that the vaccine never would work right it was never like oh the vaccines obviously nonsense It's not Donald Trump created the vaccine to kill you for for the people he works for whatever nonsense that crazy stuff The The mRNA technology is not a novel idea right people have been working on that for a long time And the theory behind the vaccine is a sound one The problem that we figured out like within days like it was we the theory was well understood It was well understood as a theory That You know the what you would have is an Anthony Fauci actually said this the problem with creating a vaccine is you have to be careful that you don't develop a super bug By vaccinating against it, okay, and that's exactly kind of like what they did in a sense with the spike protein, right You vaccinate you don't vaccinate you make the body resistant to the spike protein by telling the body to create the spike protein And then sure enough you do that to a large of segment of the population And then you just end up with a virus with a different spike protein because the virus is constantly mutating And that's when you say okay, this isn't gonna work. Let's stop But they didn't stop right They didn't stop they just kept going and they just as a matter of fact didn't just keep going They kept on getting crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier and more extreme right What when was You know, I watched this whole thing happen on TV right You know bent uh Anthony Fauci goes on I think it was Neil Cavuto where I saw him say this talk about wearing two or three masks Multimal masks are you crazy and out you know, you still have people today You'll you'll be you see them in their car sometimes right you ever see somebody alone in their car wearing a mask That person's crazy, you know that person's nuts There are other people who are less nuts, right You know, I see wearing masks in Manchester, New Hampshire on a regular basis People who are very obviously up to no good right People who you can tell from other aspects of what they're doing Who are Trying not to be identified by police because they're dealing drugs or stealing or whatever it is that they're doing right I told you before I used to I live in a place that was Once very nice and it's been destroyed by Refugee resettlement and the federal government trying to change the demographics and so Yeah, this large segment of the population here that are criminals And They're pretty easily to identify you can see all those are the criminals But what the criminals do they like it's fine if you know that I'm a criminal I don't mind that's okay whatever I just don't want you to get me arrested So I want to cover my face and so they have masks so they that you know they used to mask to commit crimes And the democrats they like that they they like that a lot, you know They like the vaccines to Not because they're effective Two on 76881433 you like to be on the program and a program I should say and then what you talk to less I have to please you give us a call And so speaking of lawsuits You know democrats they like lawsuits they they're big on the whole You know, they don't like laws, but they love like abusing court systems, right It does that to me a couple times And so lawyers for hunter Biden say they are imminently about the sue fox news A letter obtained by NBC news says action is pending Because of foxes alleged conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame mr. Biden paint him in a false light lawyers for a hunter Biden plan to sue fox news quote imminently according to a letter sent to the network and obtained by NBC news The letter date of April 23rd puts fox news channel and fox news digital on notice for litigation claims arising from the networks alleged quote conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame mr. Biden paint him in a false light the unlicensed commercial exploitation of his image name and like this And the unlawful publication of hacked intimate images of him Um hacked Oh, you're talking about his laptop the laptop that he uh he supposedly left at the uh the the the crack pot Apple fixer the Paul Mac Isaac or whatever right as that wasn't I may might not be I don't know Biden is hired attorney mark garragos and his attorney to and his firm to represent him in the fox litigation efforts The letter is the second outreach to fox this month an earlier letter was hand delivered to foxes council two weeks ago And the network as for more time to respond according to a source familiar with Biden's legal efforts The network has not responded yet to the letter sent April 23rd which included a Friday evening April 26th deadline to respond According to garragos The letter is signed by Tina Glandian a partner a garragos and garragos working on the case Part of me just a second. I gotta go fix something behind my damn screen be right back 2768 1433 you like to be on the program Fox News is not immediately respond to requests for comment The new threat of litigation comes almost a year after fox News agreed to pay almost 800 million dollars to devinean voting systems to settle the defamation claims Related to foxes airing of election fraud claims in the 2020 election Fox News also agreed to a 12 million dollar settlement with a former employee who alleged she was pressured to provide misleading information as part of the dominion case Fox is currently facing a 2.7 billion dollar lawsuit brought by smart maddeck another voting system company That was the focus of fox news coverage as well as suits brought by shareholders against directors of the company For allowing the channel to air allegations during its 2020 election coverage Fox said in its latest financial disclosures that it will contest the lawsuits but acknowledges that there could be material a material adverse impact on the company's business and financial position The plan for hunter Biden to pursue legal action against fox News has been in the works for over a year According to sources familiar with Biden's legal efforts And was inspired in part by the success of the dominion lawsuit and the ongoing smart maddeck lawsuit The effort took on new importance with the revelations that the bribery allegations cited on air originated from the FBI Informant Alexander Smyrnov who was indicted by special counsel David Weiss in February In a statement garrigo said for the last five years fox News has relentlessly attacked hunter Biden and made him a caricature in the order to boost ratings and for its financial gain The recent indictment of FBI informant Smyrnov as exposed the conspiracy of disinformation that has been fueled by fox Enabled by the appaid agents and monetized by the fox enterprise we plan on holding them accountable. You know, I bet you do Hunter Biden has been I focus the fox News coverage for the last several years because he said crack head crevado That's not what they said in a NBC by the way, I just ad libbed a bit A review of the network transcripts by the group media matters sites at least 13,440 mentions of Hunter Biden since January of 2023 Biden's legal team believes the number of mentions over many years Makes the pot makes the potential case as significant if not more so than the dominion case according to sources familiar with the legal strategy The Biden letter specifically sites foxes advancement of bribery allegations by Smyrnov who is entitled in February on charges of making fall statements about the Biden study FBI quote Smyrnov and the post indictment revelations basically closed the loop on the conspiracy garrigo's told NBC news The letter alleges that fox News knew that the bribery allegations were unverified at the time But continue to report that the source was highly credible and demands corrections and retractions including on air statements by television hosts including Sean Kennedy Jesse Waters and Maria Park to Romo to inform their viewers on air that they have been sharing a debunked allegation from a source who has been federally indicted The letter also alleges that foxes airing of intimate images belong to Hunter Biden that his lawyers claim were quote Hacks stolen and or manipulated Violates Biden's civil rights as well as copyright law much of the letter is focused on a six-part mock trial titled the trial of Hunter Biden that aired in October 2021 Described by foxes what a trial might look like if Biden was charged with phara or bribery charges Neither of which Biden has been charged with While using certain true information the series intentionally manipulates facts to sorts of truth Now rage captenings out of context and convinced dialogue intended to entertain thus the viewer of the series cannot decipher What is fact and what is fiction the letter demands that the series be removed from all streaming services This new litigation push comes as Biden prepares for a summer of criminal trials his first trial on gun charges and Delaware starts June 3rd His tax case is expected to go to trial in August That's pretty funny Do you think fox news will settle this While using certain true information the series intentionally manipulates facts distorts the truth now rage happenings out of contents and infect A context and invent dialogue intended to entertain Thus the viewer of the series cannot decipher what is fact and what is fiction that sounds like every single newscast that has ever been made At least the fox news channel or the the fox nation streaming service I should say You know have the decency to say hey, this is our fake trial of Hunter Biden Now we're making this up. It's all fake. Okay guys. This is just a mock trial We're gonna pretend that we're putting this guy on trial We're gonna pretend that we have rules of evidence. So we're gonna say a bunch of nonsense on a Paying subscribers only streaming service for your entertainment You Pretty sure this is what they do on every every newscast I don't say what I'm gonna call it a night I'm having a little bit of trouble here you might notice I have to keep on clearing my throat for one and I'm also having like Have a dental problem frankly that's causing my teeth to scrape against my tongue And it is making it hard for me to talk and so I'm gonna tune out. I'm gonna shut it down Thank you very much for those of you tuned in we'll be back Wednesday for a member show Friday Curse it up a storm with radical agenda have yourselves a wonderful evening and good night Oh Oh Oh