So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that does mean that everything is online, and we are gonna go ahead and play some intro music because it's great! Welcome to Sereo Bullittakes, this is the 57th episode of Stage 1 for May 60, 2024. I hope you had a great synco to Mayo, had a good weekend, good to be with all of you today. 217-688-1433, you'd like to be on the program and I'm more or less, I have to. So please do give us a call. A lot in the news today, five members that agenda binary. That means all of you by the way. Donald Trump has been threatened with jail time over this gag order in his fraud trial in New York. Now what I mean by that is that the trials of fraud is what I mean. He had the fraud trial, and that was a fraud too, but he was on trial for fraud. And now he's charged, he's on trial for falsifying business records because he was an extortion victim. He was a blackmail victim by a pornographer, a porn actress I should say. And so for being blackmailed, he's being put on trial in New York and they said, you better shut up because we don't want you talking about us. Donald Trump was like, I don't think that you could do that. I'm the president of the United States and the judge was like, well, you know, I don't care if I destroy the presidency. What I care about is you're not allowed to mention the corrupt process that's going on here. And so Donald Trump didn't really think that that was such a great idea, obviously. And I can sympathize with that position. And so he's been talking and he's been getting fine and the judge is realizing like, oh, you know, I'm like, I'm finding a billionaire thousands of dollars and he's telling me to go, f myself. So what am I going to do? And it seems like what they are considering doing is putting Donald Trump in jail, possibly rikers. And let me pull this up here because this one is a new headline that came up since I had sent out the email this morning. Apparently, he says he's ready to go to jail over it. Let's play this video clip that's in this article. I haven't actually seen it yet. Let's see. This is an advertisement. I don't want to listen to an advertisement. I want to see Donald Trump make a statement idiots. Former president, Donald Trump made his usual post trial statements in Manhattan on Monday. But this time he risked being thrown in jail. If he violated judge Juan Merchand's gag order for an 11th time, Trump began by denouncing the prosecution's contention that they would need two to three more weeks to present their case before he railed about the gag order. The judge is so happy about two to three more weeks because here we go. Now let's see if we can listen to what Donald Trump had to say. It's a disgrace. And in every call I'm leaning by a lot. And they think it made me they can do something here, maybe they can do this case should be open. This case should have never been brought. By the way, I'm in break. You want to bring the case. Your previous VA didn't bring the case. The FEC said they threw it away. They said you got to be kidding. So the district didn't bring the case. Nobody brought the case. And then Alvin break broke the case. When I'm running and leaning, that's when they decided let's go bring the case. So it's a disgrace. But we just heard two to three more weeks. I thought they were finishing today. And they are finished today. They look at what's happening. I thought they were going to be finished today. And they went to three more weeks. And judge has to and play right into the judges and judges so happy about two to three more weeks. Because they all want to keep me over campaign trail. That's all this is about this about election interference. How we stop it. And it's a disgrace. And then you have the other thing that maybe is even more disgraceful is the game corner where I can't hate sickly. I have to watch every word and I tend you people. You ask me a question, a simple question. I'd like to give it, but I can't talk about it. Because this is just give me a game corner and say you'll go to jail if you violate it. And frankly, you know what? Our constitution is much more important than jail. It's not even close. I'll do that sector if I say anything. But what's happening here is a disgrace of the appellate board. So to get involved. New York looks so bad. The New York system of so called justice looks so bad between this judge and engorant and captain. The triple team with corrupt judges is that disgrace to our nation. So I should be out there campaigning. And they said to the way I look at it. They're really talking about three weeks more. And by the way, they didn't even have enough to fill out the time. You know, we got out early today because they didn't have another witness. The government didn't have another witness. So they didn't even have time to fill it out. And then they complained. So I'll tell you what I hope you report the story. This is a real threat to a country. And it's a serious threat to the constitution. The meantime, Columbia University announced today that I'm going to have their graduation. And I can have a ceremony. And that's happening all over the country. Our country is a mess. And the most important day in the history of our country is going to be November 5th of this year. Let's go to the election. It's going to be the most important day in the history of our country. What's going on? This judge is a disaster. The tweets again, lawyers and the haters. He's got for me and everybody sees it. Okay. And you see if you see it better than anybody. God bless the USA. Disturbing the entire and so this is completely nuts. You know, you go throw Donald Trump and Rikers Island. You know, now I don't think he'd stay there very long. And you obviously not just be thrown into general population, but still. You know, the judge is so happy about two to three more weeks because all they want to do is keep me off the campaign trail. That's what this is about. Trump continued. And have the other thing that maybe is even more disgraceful as the gag. Or do you just heard him say it judge. March and found Trump and could tempt for 10th time on day and added a pointed warning about the possibility they could order the former president to be incarcerated, saving the $1,000 fine. He hasn't posed. We're not effective. Merchants order read in part. Quote. Therefore, the defendant is hereby put on notice that if appropriate and warranted, your violations of its lawful orders will be punishable by incarceration. It is hereby order that the defendant pay a $1,000 fine for his violation of this court's lawful order. Not by the clothes of business on Friday may 10th, 2024. It is further order that if the offending statement has been posted to the defendant's truth social account or his official campaign website. It is to be removed by 215 PM Monday, May 6, 2024. Quote, the magnitude of this decision is not lost on me, but at the end of the day, I have a job to do. Merchants said in court on Monday. So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction, I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate. So what does anybody think is going to happen if they throw Donald Trump and jail, whether it's whether it's for contempt of court, you know, they throw him in jail for contempt of court, he'll probably be out the next morning. What's going to happen if if they decide to set in Donald Trump to present time, what do you think's going to happen? I got a kick out of this story. Oh, not this one. Excuse me, where the go? I'm sorry. I'm just I have this story up and I'm trying to find which one it is because this is pertinent to the issue at hand. The big joke. So a fellow by the name of Jacob Kushner, writing out of the the telegraph, publishes a piece today titled the rise of white terrorists who set out to kill minorities and immigrants. Because you know, if you pay any attention to the news, you know that that's happening all the time, right? So all the times white terrorists run around killing people. One autumn afternoon in the German city of Zwiekao, a woman splashed 10 leaders of gasoline around her apartment and set it on fire. She had been dreading this day for years, hoping it wouldn't come to this, but on four November, 2011, it did and she needed to act quickly to save her two cats from the flames. Their names were Lily and Heidi. She scooped them up, put them in their carriers and walk downstairs to the street. A passing neighbor recognized the woman by her strikingly strikingly long dark hair. Everyone seemed to fixate on this feature. Perhaps because nothing else about her appeared distinct. She was five foot five inches, the hypertight of women in Germany. Her face was wide, flat, expressionless and thin lips and gray blue eyes. Later when her face became famous across Germany, there was one trait that nobody seemed to use to describe her, which was strange because it was the only one that mattered. The woman was white. German investigators appealed for knowledge of beat shop with this photo in 2012. She would later claim that she had waited to set the fire until the two men renovating the buildings attic left for a break so they wouldn't be hurt. But she had tried to warn the older lady who lived downstairs who sometimes looked after the cats buzzing at her door to tell her to run from the flames. She would be taking great care of her lawyer would add to save lives the day she set the fire, the lives of other white Germans. She wouldn't have needed to set the fire if only the 15th bank robbery had gone as well as the 14 before it. If for over a decade or two past friends and sometimes lovers have been robbing banks at gunpoint across Germany, in that time they'd stolen hundreds of thousands of Deutschmarks and Euros worth nearly a million dollars today. After 15th ice, they drove two hours from Zokow to Eisenach, one wearing a gorilla mask, the other a mask from scream. They pissed a whip the bank manager then peddled away on bicycles with a $72,000 with 72,000 Euros in a bag, then loaded the bikes into a white camper van and drove off. Hours passed without any sign of them, but at four minutes past noon police spotted a white camper van parked a few miles north of the bank. The two officers approached it, just then they heard a gunshot, then another the officers took cover, then the van went up in flames. Firefighters rushed to the scene and extinguished a blaze inside laying on the floor with a plitter 91 mishabashi-gun. A check made semi-automatic pistol and a black handgun nearby were the bodies of two bank robbers, each with a bullet through the head. After setting the van on fire, one of them had shot the other then turned the gun on himself. When news reports began circulating about what had happened, one person in Germany knew who the men were, the white woman with the cats. She knew that they weren't just money-driven men with a death wish, knew that while robbing banks had been a talent of theirs, it was only a means to a more sinister end, murdering immigrants to keep Germany white. They weren't merely bank robbers, the woman knew they were serial killers terrorists, she knew it because she was one too. Over many years in many cities, they shot immigrants where they worked and bombed the neighborhoods where they lived, shot them in their quarter stores, cabab stands, a hardware shop, and bombed them in a grocery store, a barber shop. German authorities didn't catch on to what they were doing, perhaps because they couldn't bring themselves to believe that 60 years after the Holocaust, some white Germans could still be radicalized to the point of carrying out racist mass murder. Police blamed immigrant crimes syndicates instead, and meanwhile, men of Turkish and Greek background continued to be murdered one by one, 13 years past before the trio's violence finally ended. After setting fire to their home in a parent attempt to destroy evidence, the white woman ran before turning herself in, beat Shops five-year trial, would captivate the country and reveal that she and her friends, Uy Mundlos and Uy Bonhard, had formed the core of a much larger community. The core of a much larger terrorist cell called the National Socialist Underground. Germany's reckoning unfolded in a courtroom in Munich packed with former right skinheads, former far-right skinheads, and former leftist punks. In 2018, Japlas found guilty of 10 murders, being part of a terrorist group, four supporters were also given jail turns for their roles in helping the National Socialist Underground. The case would force Germany to grapple with what drove a seemingly ordinary woman, and her seemingly ordinary friends to carry out a serial assassination of innocent people, people selected for the country from which they came from, their accents, the color of their skin. It also revealed an epic failure by German law enforcement, to monitor neo-Nazis and recognize their racist attacks. I have spent eight years investigating this case in the world of Germany's white supremacists. It quickly became apparent that the three friends were not predestined to become killers. It was the culmination of their decade-long indoctrination into Germany's far-right world. They didn't radicalize alone, but it's part of a white supremacist community. In Eastern Germany, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, far-right youths called themselves National Socialists Nazis. They refused to participate in their nation's collective shame. As far-right German saw it, there was nothing to atone for. For a German teenager with a penchant to provoke, nothing could be more incendiary than becoming a Nazi. Mondlos in particular relished the role in bracing anti-Semitism and expressing it through dark jokes. And by the time he and others in the core National Socialist Underground trio were coming of age, Nazi nostalgia had gained a foothold in Jenna, a small city in the state of Thuringia. With his political dogma, Mondlos gave Bonshard's brashness a purpose that vindicated the young man's pre-election for violence. Those who knew Bonshard tended to describe him in the most explosive of terms. Bonshard was like a bomb, a loose cannon who failed at school stalled gasoline and cracked cars and took him on joy rides. Later, those who knew Shap would be unable to put a finger on what sent her down the violent far-right path, while she had right wing leading, so did many Jenna youth at the time. Quote, we hated the state, the foreigners, the left, just about everything her cousins to fond would recall. The original Nazis too, but there was a difference. They'd chosen their far-right path at a time when most people around them were doing the same. Millions of Germans were complicit in the Holocaust, even if not all of them participated directly. But Shap embraced white supremacy at a time when her countrymen did not. She befriended others who did the same and together they tipped out across the line between extremist speech and violence. Like the original Nazis, they played minorities for all their ills. They despised Jews and didn't consider them part of the white race. They derided blacks, but above all they fixated on immigrants, working class men and women from and children from Turkey, Vietnam and Greece. Turks are S, Africans are S, everything is S. Bonshard would bim own. To the three friends, these immigrants posed an existential threat to the white nation they wanted Germany to be. After it all ended, a country that liked to think it had a tone for its racist past would be forced to admit that violent prejudice was a thing of the present. The National Socialist Underground with Compel Germans took knowledge that terrorism isn't always Islamist or foreign. More often it's homegrown in white and in an age of unparalleled mass migration, the targets of white terrorism are increasingly migrants. A few months after the verdict in October 2018, Catherine Coneg-Prus, a German activist and politician in the left party followed some 700 white supremacists to the town of Apolta, Thuringia for a neo-Nazi music show. As she photographed the event she could see in the distance the smoke stack of the Book and Wall concentration camp, which the two use, excuse me. Which the two use visited in Nazi uniforms, the two use UWES, what is this my cousin Vinnie, I don't get it. It in rage turtle watch these new Nazis pick up where the NSU trio has left off. As the gravity of the NSU's terror had begun to sunk in Thuringia's lawmakers had formed a committee to investigate the group in their network. Coneg-Prus said, secured herself a seat. Although her committee didn't have the power to entite anyone, or press charges it could still summon people to testify. Coneg-Prus and its other members used this power to peel back the layers of what Germany, German authorities had ignored about the NSU. Out to the question of who should be held responsible Coneg-Prus's committee concluded that Thuringia's authorities had acted with share indifference to finding the three fugitives, and that the state intelligence agencies delays and refuses to share intelligence with police may have amounted to deliberate sabotage and deliberate thorting of the search. It was part of a damning report of institutional failure. But all of Thuringia's legislature could do was all that all Thuringia's legislature could do was compensate the NSU's victims. Quote, this monetary compensation cannot be regarded as adequate redress Coneg-Prus said, but we would like to demonstrate that we are aware of our responsibility. For those whose loved ones had been murdered, the money didn't did little to ease the pain ever since bearing her husband in Turkey, a leaf kuba, and this is very poorly formatted, sorry. And someone else felt torn between two worlds part of me is in Turkey part of me is in Germany, they explain Germany is my home, but Germany is also the country where my husband was murdered, just like a deal wife of Enver, another victim. Let me just show you what I'm looking I can't believe these things, you know, look at this. This is what this is what I'm stumbling all over kuba ampersand c edil semicolon ampersand I know d otk semicolon K like this is this is in Yahoo news from the telegraph and this is what I'm dealing with and it's ridiculous because nobody does their job in 2024 it's all over. Other such as Tulumu Zudu wife of Abdurahim who was slain in his tailor shop in Dora and Burb determined to stay official syndrome birthplace to large stone engraved with the names of the murdered men in the city center, one of several memorials erected by cities across Germany to commemorate the NSU's victims, but in recent in the weeks after the verdict some memorials were fatalized graffiti presumably by the NSU's Nazi admirers. Now this goes on pretty long and I'm just going to stop here and just point something out okay. We're talking about something that there's 10 murders were committed by three people over the course of a number of years in the in the verdict was handed down in 2018 it is currently 2024 and this story is telling us about the rise of white terrorists who set out to kill minorities and immigrants and telling us. That this happens far more frequently than migrants committing terrorism well that's actually obviously not true. That's actually like facially preposterous and this this gentleman with the last name of Kushner is completely shameless and so is the telegraph and so is Yahoo news and they don't even bother to fix the formatting of the text because you know it's complete nonsense anyway why bother editing it. What does anybody really think is going to happen in the United States if Donald Trump is thrown in jail following a trial if he if he is convicted of a felony and sent to prison. Is there anybody who actually thinks that that's going to turn out well for anybody the only reason that you would do that is to tear the country apart as nothing to do with Donald Trump as a matter of fact. You're trying to create terrorism you're trying to create chaos you're trying to destroy the presidency that's what they're trying to do and it's obvious. Caller you're on surreal politics what can I do for you today. It can't well is wondering if you noticed the change in the protest that are going on in the college campuses you have fat boys dressed in all American attire like the founder for testers now. Is that I know I have not seen that actually I so the you have fat boys are now fighting the anti Israel protesters. Yep and they're wearing like all American flag tired or holding up to American flag and stuff. Well that's that's just comical you know I mean you know I'm all for if they I'm sympathetic to their desire to go beat up left wingers. But it's kind of funny to go dress up in American flags and then go beat people up for Israel I'd say kind of silly. Yeah they also have the Israeli flag to hold a net up Israeli flag and American flag and are beaten up the anti Israel protesters and on Fox News and the conservative media outfits they're saying oh this is patriotic trying to complete the fighting for Israel as a flag for America. Well that's hilarious so I had not seen that that's pretty funny you know the idea that I mean this is what's going to this would be pretty funny if it works out right so if those guys get away with their criminal behavior I mean you know it's basically all bets are off right we're like okay you can go and you can go and attack you know the alt right industry you can go and attack Donald Trump supporters you won't go to jail if you defend yourself against those people your criminal will throw you in prison. And then if you decide to go protest Israel then we'll go send you know misguided right wingers after you and they'll come out dressed in American and Israeli flags and then they'll commit crimes and we won't we won't punish them and if we start seeing left just going to jail for defending themselves against that stuff I mean you know there'll be a very poetic element to that and I won't shed a tear. But you know I do feel bad for the for the guys who are misguided enough to go and you know fight for Israel on a college campus and commit crimes for the for the state for four videos of it on X Twitter I'm not calling it X this Twitter you can find all these videos on Twitter and they're like right wing auntie and like they're not going to jail but ironically the anti Israel protesters that are fighting back out of ones and again they're not going to get in there. So it is quite this site to see it's like the complete opposite of what happened a couple years ago. Yeah this is this is you know in that sense it's good you know I mean it's it's it's not good but it's one of those things that might be the best you can hope for at this point right that that okay you're going to have you're going to the left is going to get a taste of their own medicine they thought they were invincible and they decided to take on. They decided to take on the state of Israel and now they're being shown that they are they are in fact not invincible that they are far from it and so I thank you very much for to call my friend two on 7688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and more you saw the less I have to so please do give us a call. I'm just I'm scrolling through my Twitter feed here to see if I immediately catch any this it doesn't it's not popping up immediately in my in my Twitter feed and so I'll keep a oh is this Columbia lawsuits are demanding yeah okay well we'll see I will see what transpires well let's go take a look at our let's go take a look at our stream chance. Yeah secret service will go with him to the cells is time on honestly that's probably the case this is hilarious I just go over to now I just go over to rumble and it's still playing to advertisement because I've had the tab closed okay so that's good rumble's rumble is working indeed all right so I can see myself on rumble that's great two and 7688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and more you saw the less I have to so please do give us a call. So Donald Trump's talking about I'll go to jail and you know when he goes out and he makes it statements at a media he's like yeah the judge the judge the prosecutor and that's the whole entire thing you're not allowed to talk about them they're really pretty good possibility that that's actually going to happen. And once they do that once they crossed that line I mean you can't you know that's the Rubicon right there you know and they don't care they're destroying the presidency because they're monsters. Two and 7688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you took the less I have to so please do give us a call. So here's a piece in the Jerusalem post which is maybe not the most objective you know news source when you're talking about these things but is the story Hamas accepts the hostage deal Israel sends team to Cairo and continues Rafa up. President Joe Biden in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a 30 minute phone conversation following the evacuation of Palestinians from Rafa Hamas is acceptance of a Gaza ceasefire proposal from Egypt and Qatar did not stop Israel from continuing its military operation in Rafa even as Jerusalem agreed to send a delegation to Cairo to discuss the deal quote the war cabinet decided Israel will continue its operation in Rafa in order to apply military pressure on Hamas. So as to advance the release of our hostages and achieve other objectives of the war the Prime Minister's office said while Hamas while the Hamas proposal is far from meeting Israel's core demands Israel will dispatch a ranking delegation to Egypt in order to in an effort to maximize the possibility of reaching an agreement on terms acceptable to Israel the Prime Minister's office added US national security communication advisor John Kirby confirmed for reporters in Washington that Hamas had accepted a proposal that the Biden administration was studying. CIA director William Burns quote is looking at the looking at that response he's talking to the Israelis about it and we'll see where it goes Kirby said hopefully whatever is in this thing can lead the to those hostages getting out real soon with their families where they need to be given that each new day passes their lives get further at risk so time is really of the essence here. An official briefed on the ceasefire talks that that Hamas agreed to the latest proposal but made by Israel on April 27 and there have been no major changes since then the guitar immediately is spoken to Hamas about this on Saturday I'm sorry on Sunday and Monday the source said what happens next depends on Israel the source said adding that quote the ball is in Israel's court. The deal Hamas agreed to however was not one scene or approved by Israel and was a modified version of a framework that had been under discussion in Cairo and Israeli officials speaking on condition of anonymity said that the said the proposal that Hamas had accepted was a watered down version of an Egyptian offer and included elements that Israel could not accept this would appear to be a ruse intended to make Israel look like the side refusing a deal said the Israeli official how. I wonder where they would come up with a trick like that Hamas statement comes after an intense and go after intense negotiations in Cairo on Sunday involving Egyptian and guitar. Along with CIA director William Burns he then traveled to go out consult with guitar prime minister Muhammad al-Thani and is expected to visit Israel this week an American source told the Jerusalem post on Monday quote essentially the talks fell through they were on life support which is what prompted bill burns to get on a plane and go to guitar both the Americans and the guitar is a display of shared responsibility engaged in a heavy pressure and diplomacy campaign striving to breathe life back into the framework of agreement. The American source further emphasized that we are at a very delicate and sensitive point in time underscoring the mutual understanding of the situation. The Americans and the guitar is keep our keeping pressure on both sides to build the framework that has been agreed upon to her al-Nono a Hamas official and advisor to honey. So the writers that the proposal met the groups demands including reconstruction efforts in Gaza the return of displaced Palestinians and a swap of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. The Hamas deputy chief and Gaza Khalil al-Haya told Al-Jazeera television that the proposal included three phases each of six weeks with Israel to pull its troops out of Gaza in the second phase. In the first phase lasting 42 days Hamas would release 33 hostages and Israel would partially withdraw troops from Gaza while allowing Palestinians to return from the south to the north. In the second phase lasting 42 days there would be an agreement to restore sustainable calm to Gaza which would include a withdrawal of most of the idea of troops. Phase three would see a complete exchange of remaining hostages including those who are deceased along with the implementation of a reconstruction plan overseen by Qatar Egypt and the United Nations. Israel would also lift its restrictions on the entry of goods into the enclave. Palestinian President Makmoud Abbas called on the international community Monday to pressure Israel to commit to a proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza mediated by Egypt and Qatar Palestinian official news agency W.A.F.A reported. Just before Hamas announced on Monday US President Joe Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for half an hour in their call by an updated Netanyahu quote on efforts to secure a hostage deal including through ongoing talks today in Doha Qatar. The White House said the Prime Minister agreed to ensure the Kerem Shalom crossing is open for humanitarian assistance for those in need and the President reiterated his clear position on Rafa the White House explained. At issue had been Hamas's insistence on a permanent ceasefire with Israel insisting it could only accept a pause to the war because it was determined to conduct a military operation in Rafa to destroy the remaining Hamas battalions there. Earlier on Monday the idea began to evacuate Palestinians from Rafa prompting a massive international outcry. European Union foreign policy chief Joseph Burrell wrote on X I mean Twitter that Israel's evacuation orders to civilians in Rafa port 10 the worst more war and famine it is unacceptable. Israel must renounce its ground offensive he stated adding that the EU in the international community can and must act to prevent such a scenario. French Foreign Minister Catherine Colona stressed on her ex on X her country's opposition to the Rafa operation explaining that French president to manual Macron had explained this to Netanyahu when the two spoke on Sunday maybe the French you know they've been talking about Senate troops you create maybe French and since the troops to Israel maybe do that. The French Foreign Ministry told reporters that a forced displacement of a civilian population constitutes a war crime under international law Belgian vice premier Petra de Souter warned that a Rafa invasion will lead to a massacre Belgium is working on further sanctions against Israel she wrote opposed on Twitter. Dessouter has been a fierce and early critic of Israel's war against Hamas and Gaza that began on October 7th calling already in November for sanctions against the Jewish state. The international community including the United States fears a Rafa operation would lead to a humanitarian disaster for the over 1.3 million Palestinians located there many of whom sought shelter there to escape Israeli bombardments in northern Gaza to start the war. The United Nations relief and works agency UN RWA which is the main organization that services Palestinian refugees wrote on Twitter that an Israeli offensive in Rafa would be more civilian suffering and deaths the consequences would be devastating for 1.4 million people UN RWA is not evacuating Palestinians from Rafa stressed adding that the agency will maintain a presence in Rafa as long as as long as possible and will continue providing life saving aid to people. Kirby said that the president was very directing consistent on this topic and it's spoken of it in his conversation with Netanyahu we don't want to see major crowd operations in Rafa that put these people at greater risk Kirby said. Now it's my understanding that the operation in Rafa has already begun and so so much for that right. 217-68814-33 if you'd like to be on the program in a more yet so the less I have to so please do give us a call. And so you know one of the things that I think is happening sort of as a consequence of the anti-Israel process which is you know look again I said it before I'll say it again I'm not a big fan of all the policies of the Israeli state. But I am a big fan of leftists losing when leftists are losing I really I get enthusiastic about that and so they're they're losing in big ways it's not just that they're getting their butts kicked by police and getting from places MIT just became the first elite university to ban diversity statements in what's likely to be a watershed moment the Massachusetts Institute of technology has ended the use of diversity statements for hiring faculty making it the first elite private university to backtrack on the practice that has been roundly criticized as a political litmus test on Saturday and MIT spoke first and confirmed an email that request for a statement on diversity will no longer be a lot of people. And so diversity will no longer be part of applications for any faculty positions at MIT adding that the decision was made by empattled MIT president Sally cornbluth with the support of the provost chancellor and all six academic deans the decision marks an inflection point in the battle over diversity equity and inclusion higher education but since at least the late 2010s diversity statements have been ubiquitous in hiring faculty sometimes carrying serious weight in the selection. Process as one dean at Emory University put it while describing her approach to hiring quote diversity statement then dossier MIT embrace the diversity statement trend in late 2023 the university's department of nuclear science and engineering sought an assistant professor quote in fields from fundamental nuclear science that to practical application of nuclear technology and energy security and quantum engineering applicants were required to submit a quote statement regarding their views on diversity inclusion and belonging including past and current contributions as well as their vision and plans for the future in these areas such statements have long been controversial in the basic argument against them is simple diversity equity and inclusion has come to connote a set of controversial views about identity power and oppression universities which require scholars to quote demonstrate their commitment to DEI can easily invite ideological screening as well as public potentially unlawful viewpoint discrimination many groups of us oppose the diversity statements on the grounds of academic freedom and free expression at MIT these arguments seem to have won the day in a statement provided to the author of this piece by email president cornbluth states we can build an inclusive environment in many ways but compelled statements in pinjon freedom of expression and they don't work this is momentous the push back against diversity statements has succeeded almost exclusively a public universities in red states encouraged or enacted by lawmakers conservative states such as florida texas in utah past laws banning diversity statements at state universities some appointed state university leaders such as university of north carolina board of governors have also banned the practice the decision at MIT is different reform from within prompted by a university president alongside deans and provost any private institution it's very possible that more private universities and state universities in blue states will eventually follow MIT's lead for one basic reason a significant number of faculty from across the political spectrum simply cannot stand mandatory DEI statements last month Harvard law schools Randall Kennedy a self-described scholar on the left committed to struggle for social justice describe the general sentiment quote it would be hard to overstate the degree to which many academics at Harvard feel and beyond feel intense and growing resentment against the DEI enterprise because of features that are perhaps most evident in the demand for DEI statements let's hope Kennedy and his colleagues learn from MIT's example and take their indignation seriously after all it's more than a narrow issue of free expression and expelled speech diversity statements don't merely create an orthodoxy they create a uniquely bad orthodoxy one that is corrosive to civil life and inimical to a true higher education and so that is john sailor over it unheard HRD and I don't think that this is just them coming around frankly we just go look up the last name cornbluth and see if it's see if that rhymes with anything so I don't know yeah so yes she is she is actually Jewish the cornbluth woman and so you know she's taking away the left was she's taking this away from the left is punishment for the Israeli protest is what's going on and that's hilarious right because of course you know Jewish activists they love the whole diversity thing they've been you know they're primarily responsible for it but they're like okay left wingers like we're going to take away all the all the goodies that we've given you now because you're not doing what we want and I find that profoundly amusing you know there's the other thing that they're getting taken away from the they're going to have their commencement ceremony Donald Trump mentioned that in the in the statement that I played for you earlier Columbia University cancels university wide commencement ceremony after weeks of protest on campus pro Palestinian protest spouted on campus on April 17th when students pitched about 50 tents while demanding a ceasefire and Gaza and insisting the university divest from companies that they say could be profiting from the war Columbia University will replace its university wide commencement ceremony on May 15th with smaller scale school based celebrations university officials announced Monday after weeks of pro Palestinian and counter protest on campus the Ivy League school in New York City said the decision was made after decisions with student leaders at I'm sorry after discussions with student leaders security concerns with the main reason behind the decision a university officials hold ABC news our students emphasize that these smaller scale school based celebrations are most meaningful to them and their families the university said Monday they are eager to cross the stage to applause and family pride and hear from their schools invited guest speakers as a result we will focus our resources on those school ceremonies and keeping them safe respectful and running smoothly. That's right see this is just we're doing this because it's better right we're not punishing you. As a result students will be honored individually as long side their peers at smaller ceremonies class days and school ceremonies celebrated on the south lawn of the warning side campus have also been relocated to Columbia's Baker athletics complex these past few weeks have been incredibly difficult for our community just as we are focused on making our graduation experience truly special we continue to solicit student feedback and are looking at the possibility of a festive event on May 15 to take the place of large formal ceremonies university official said we are eager to to all come together for our graduates and celebrate our fellow Colombians as they and we look ahead to the future they said come May 15th graduation ceremonies for the journalism school the college of physicians and surgeons barnard college and the school of arts will take place at different times at different locations according to a schedule released by Columbia the other school based ceremonies will take place throughout the week as well pro-Palestinian protests you just you just said this the arrest New York City police officers clad in riot gear arrived on campus last Tuesday evening at the request of university administrators enforce their way into the barricaded Hamilton Hall which protesters had taken over and rename Hins Hall after a six-year-old Palestinian girl who was killed in Gaza the encampment was cleared with more than 100 people arrested the arrest of shake and confidence in university president Menu Sheffique among some students and faculty members at Columbia and have stayed been asking for your police assistance to clear Hamilton Hall she said the occupation quote left us no choice. It is request for police assistance Columbia asked the police department to stay on campus until at least May 17th two days after commencement a source at the university said Columbia was rethinking its commencement ceremony after a meeting with the top university leaders on Friday two members of the student government said administrators indicated they are not sure they can hold a commencement ceremony on the main morning side heights campus in Manhattan because of security concerns protest similar to the one at Columbia quickly appeared at college campus has across the country. Concerning administrators about their commencement ceremonies as well on Saturday students sway Palestinian flags during the university of Michigan's commencement banners from the sky displayed messages such as divest from Israel now free Palestine and we stand with Israeli Jewish lives matter. In a statement issued afterwards the universities assistant vice president for public affairs Colleen Mastinese said about 75 protesters gathered stage day demonstration at the beginning of the program by walking up to the main aisle and chanting public safety personnel escorted them to the rear of the stadium where they stayed until commencement ended there were no arrests. Mastinese said to statement last month the university is salad California Los Angeles said it was canceling its main commencement ceremony scheduled for this Friday which was to have included a keynote address from alumnus john m2 director of crazy rich Asians and a presentation of honorary degrees to tennis star Billy Jean King and others. The university previously canceled a commencement speech by a Muslim valedictorian following controversy over her social media post about israel's war and Gaza but you see said it would still host individual school commencement ceremonies and other related events. So that's what happens you know you go you must have these people and then you know you take everything away from you. Two one seven six eight eight one four three three of you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk less I have to so please do give some call there's an American being detained in Russia. He's apparently accused of stealing. What you're doing in Russia right now is an American soldier hit him maybe stealing was not the dumbest of your decisions in that period of time that you made that trip. Let's let's hear what MSNBC has to say about it they're always you know giving us the straight dope on Russia of course. Or just based off. Can we go back to the beginning of the story please. US officials say a US soldier is detained in Russia was detained over the weekend he was stationed in Korea traveled to Russia on his own accord. The soldiers accused of stealing and joining us now as NBC news Pentagon correspondent Courtney QB so Courtney what do we know about this soldier and why is he being detained. We don't know a whole lot so we know that he is accused as you said on of stealing but what we don't know is if those are actual charges based off something that he did or if he was detained for frankly no other reason than he was an American in the soldier who happened to be in Russia. Now he went there from he traveled to Russia from Korea where he was stationed he's an enlisted soldier in the US Army and he traveled there on his own he was not any kind of an official travel but he was there on his own we are also now told according to officials familiar with this case that he went there of his own without notifying his superiors of this travel. So again he has been detained we don't know where he's being held we're still trying to figure a lot of these details out but of course we have watched as Americans have been detained in Russia for the last several years there are several who are still being held now so the officials were speaking to about this are very concerned about his safety and they continue to warn Americans not to travel to Russia on. Okay so this is pretty funny frankly like that entire segment served no other purpose than as they denial like the State Department probably put that piece together right. How many times you know I should have kept track of it but how would you get this out of your mouth shut up NBC MSNBC idiots. Every day probably said it four or five times right he went there on his own volition he was not ordered it wasn't official business the soldier is not there for the United States government he's just some guy who went from Korea to Russia and I don't know why he did it the State Department says he didn't do it he's not a criminal he's not over there Russian detained people for no reason this is not State Department business he's not a spy. I better hope that he's only charged with stealing right which is you know I don't know what the punishment for theft is in Russia but imagine it's not minor right you're not allowed to you know Russia they have a Russia's they they're clever like they put criminals in jail and they keep them there they don't we don't do that in United States the Russians they don't like crime they are they don't take that stuff you know. So he was stationed in Korea and he's like you know I think you know I've been watching news and maybe I just go and you know put my uniform on go to Russia I don't know who's where it is uniform probably not you know but like what did you think was going to happen you think it's going to go well like you're an American soldier you go to you go to Russia you know if you want to like go to Russia like I'm not saying that that's actually a bad idea generally speaking but if you're like an active duty US military servicemen and then you go to Russia and then you commit a crime like you know that might be that might be considered. Dumb by some people. Let's go check on our on let's go check on our stream chance. Yeah he's gonna say somebody said in the chat over here he said that he's he's gonna get court martial that's probably true and so you know we wish they got the best of luck we don't want any hostility with our Russia. We don't want American soldiers getting trouble we just want everybody to sort of like you know pull it together and maybe not be complete idiots but that's a little bit much that's for these days I guess you know trying to expect people to be sane probably not going to work out just not going to go. And so I'll close out to one more piece here this is from Victor Davis Hansen over at American greatness. I don't know so so when I pulled this up this looked very interesting and then I just realized it's categorized under anti-semitism and so might not be as genius as I thought it was from the title. But the title sounds good it's the end of old left wing mythology so I'd love to see the end of old left wing the thought is let's get rid of those things because they're toxic and dangerous. But you know complaining about anti-semitism is up there so let's see what happens. The current radical and often violent protests on mostly blue state supposedly elite campuses have exposed in toxic fashion with the left has become and yet in a paradoxical fashion the campus insanity has offered the nation some moral clarity. What surprising is not the demonstrators are violent and nihilist but that they are on the one hand so openly and crudely anti-semitic racist and anti-American and yet on the other hand so passive aggressive nor subsistic and weepy. Nevertheless the antics of the campus cry bullies have exploded myths that were so for so long hoisted on the American people by politicals in the media. Number one anti-Israel slash anti-semitic. We have been lectured ad nauseam that hating Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism. Last month has blown up that old shibboleth for good the left makes no distinction and there are elimination as chance between Israel and Jews quote go back to Poland is a hominem for the from the river from the from the river to the sea. Both are shorthand for eliminating Jews aside from the explicit threats to kill Jews in a craesional praise for Hitler and the final solution. When pro-Hamas thugs chased Jews into libraries block their entrances on campus and scream beat the Jews as they hit piƱatas they do not first ask Jews whether they support Israel because they could care less. For the islamist Middle Eastern or on a student visa or green card and his useful American student it is enough that their targets are Jewish period. Remember the protests started on October 7th not October 27th when the IDF went into Gaza and that point campus in street protests merely change from euphoric triumphalism on the news that Hamas had slaughtered decapitated mutilated rape to our kidnap hundreds of Jews exhilarated a Cornell professor gushed off the carnage. To fuel or in violence so after three weeks of celebrating dead Jews the street protests grew furious only when the IDF finally began fighting back and destroying Hamas even as it's terrorists cowardly hit beneath mos hospitals and schools to ensure enough collateral damage to incite pro-Hamas western throngs. Number two pro-Palestinian pro-Hamas this is so funny. I'll finish it just because I started it but I used to like Victor Davis Hansen and you know I'm not surprised that he's like yeah screw those left this. But you're talking about the destruction of left wing miss and what you're like yeah you're like go what now that we're destroying the left wing miss everybody knows that like it's totally right wing to the. To support Israel unconditionally no I'm a I'm a nationalist actually like I actually don't think that you know I'm not I'm not going to go out of my way to help Israel like I don't really think that I don't think that the right wing thing to do is be like yeah Israel Israel I don't think that that's a case all. And it's kind of in its debasing right it's like you're you're actually lowering you know Victor Davis Hansen you know anything about him you know he comes on when he's talking about other subject matter he comes across he's a sincere intellectually smart guy and he's like yeah look at me you just take what look at me you know I'm smart and then I start talking you're like wow that's the voice of a sophisticated man. And now he's like there a bunch of races and you just start sounding like a bunch of idiots you know. Now they are you know they are races like they hate white people right and they've been saying that for a very long time and nobody cared and then they were like yeah Israel sucks and you're like hey wait a second okay look those white people over there not a lot to hate those people you understand. This is garbage I'm not I'm not going to read it I'm not going to read it I'm not going to do it and so it's it's really it's it's it's it's it's a it's a disgraceful truth be told. Caller your own true politics what can I do for fun. Hey hey Mr. Canwell's Dave I'm just called in I like the topic you got I don't know if you're going to go into it the one that says about men nowadays are looking at you know bailing out of the workforce. What about it. Oh okay so yeah that's a big topic I see it on these I go on to this like investment channels on YouTube I go to a investment channels moving to a foreign country channels those channels about men that are that really good. So I'm going to talk about relationships and they want to get other relationships all together for the rest of their life and go monk mode they're talking about. Disvesting from work in our society North America generally because they're saying that it's all been a lot of the people I'm saying the ones that have fallen under that you know it's all a scam category where like I would even give a personal example for myself and I still work by the way. What like in two thousand of five up here in Canada just for reference point things are a little more expensive up here than they might be in the large area United States but the minimum wage was about seven dollars and fifty cents an hour back in old five. Well people were starting working there at eight dollars an hour and about ten years later they were getting like fourteen dollars an hour if they were in a pretty good position in a factory okay so get this. And next year because times are things are so hard to live on up here in this big city on fourteen dollars an hour they made a sorry yeah so then they made they made the minimum wage fourteen dollars an hour so the guys who have been working ten years trying to get up to that for eight dollars or basically just not give them a wage you know what I'm trying to say it's just so apparently there was a movement like that in Asia called the lane flat movement. I think it was in China and in Japan I think they call it the glass eaters movement and I don't know what they call it over here in North America but it's I've met people here that are on if I may say this on welfare and I found out when I was laid off from my job back in twenty twenty eleven for the first time I was laid off on a job and I received government income. That was actually the second time I received that but that was for other reasons I received it but they government income which was social they call it employment insurance and employment insurance was about seventy five percent of your payback that I think and now it's down to like fifty one percent or something but I found out by visiting a friend that he was on social assistance and had been for at least fifteen years. Maybe twenty years maybe his whole life I didn't realize it and he was living in a government subsidized apartment which was he was put into with his family's mother and him and they literally were paying like ninety dollars a month rent when the rent up here would have been normally about eight hundred dollars a month. So they're making money on the side there were them on welfare you ended up getting a couple times the worst kids with both the women and the women already had kids from other guys that they've been married to and guess what I found out they were all on welfare all of them. I've been slaving away in this factory you know for over a decade and I've been on other jobs as well for going back well actually start working full time in nineteen like eighty four so I'm just saying a lot of guys are looking around if they've been in that category of job like maybe I was on I'm still working that kind of job. I'm getting like basically men on wage but hey I'm surviving I live in pretty you know comfortable in my small little room and someone's basement you know but I think a lot of guys I've seen on the internet and everything they're just walking away from it even guys who are better paid or who have something so what what do you got a response to me what do you think that I think that what all the left wing economic programs do is just incentivize work I mean that's the whole entire point right they're trying to destroy everything. That is good and decent and they're succeeding right and so like you you create a situation where somebody works their whole life to get to a certain pay rate and then you change a law that makes all the people underneath him have the same pay rate and then that guy's like what have I been doing for the last decade right you you go and you make property uncertain with your redistribution as programs you go and you try to rewire the economy in the name of the pandemic all the crazy things that they do. You know all of these things are designed to make people want to give up on life right and that's what's happening right there people are giving up on life is such a work but like you know. It's you know it's part of what I've observed in the grinder thing to okay it's like people are giving up on relationships with the opposite sex they're giving up on having families are giving up on going to work right. They're just like how can I make my life you know because if I work my but off I'm actually not going to be rewarded like a person who works there but office rewarded I'm going to be punished for that and treated like garbage. So how can I just make my life you know not completely intolerable is is becomes the calculation people like well I can make my life not completely intolerable by collecting a government benefit or you know. You know working a low-end job and not working very hard or whatever the case may be everybody's like okay how do I just get by you know and that's that's destruction that's the complete end of civilization is what it is you know. And so yeah that's basically what's happening they've organized the entire incentive system of you know western civilization to for its for its complete and total destruction and it's working out fantastically and that's and that's what's happening. Yeah I was actually that factory I worked at is actually was a single man apparently came from Ireland in like 1950 something and built up this factory which I heard he sold it for 93 million to a company. While I was working there by the way I worked under him for two years and he sold it to a company I you joined from California which kept getting bigger and bigger and bottled by bigger but I won't name whom they are the three different but they bought it I heard for 93 million off this guy we were making they told us in 2010 the banner year was 500 million dollars through the 10 factories appearing candidate being the main one and the other ones in the states. 500 million dollars profit that year with a three warehouses and 10 factories and that's it but the point is on that note that there was a guy oh there was a guy working there for like 20 years and he was making $6 an hour when he started like a 1990 something and he he got $20 an hour he was this guy who could literally build the factory from the ground up like I was going to do that. I worked with him a lot he was going to leave the can and like so he was building everything in there and they were anyways I worked with him and I myself eventually could run the whole factory like literally like I could do every job and tell everybody what to do and I was never given that position of a lead only through forcing them sometimes if a lead wasn't there and there was not one there then I could claim the right to be paid at lead pay which was an extra like $4 an hour. For the day but otherwise they wouldn't give it to me even when spots became vacant and the lead either were you know left the job or retired they would not allow it to be refilled they would just keep you at your regular lower rank job and then give you the responsibility of what the lead used to do and you might be controlling 20 people and by the way the place is highly volatile and it in tells what a dangerous work with fire and volatile so you got the picture of the plant. So I was just going to leave it there bottom line with that they still wanted me out of there for political reasons quite frankly the company that took over I'll can I tell you this is just a cliche but the whole management including the president we're taking over by quite frankly it's they were Jewish people now I'm not just harp it on the Jewish people just because of that I'm just pointing out that what's funny about it is they literally tried to strip off all the Christmas you know I'm just putting it all on the table. Celebrations that I got on 30 years at the place and there was like a bit of a battle and management over it they were yelling at each other it was quite strange and so I was highly production I was highly productive which what that's the main plan I guess what you said I was highly productive and they they want to get rid of me because I I spoke up about that as well and I just directly told them like you know I think this and that and then they somebody called me from California they said we want to speak to this fellow so they put me on the phone and they said we think it's best to you leave it's just and I said whoa it's and they said listen to me the H&R said the guy made by the way yeah he said he brought it to a conclusion my friend he said we think it's best for the community that you just leave you know the community so it wasn't like it was political yeah I got to have a good buddy I understand I'm gonna let you go I appreciate it thank you very much for the call 217 688 1433 call in another day not now you know if you go and you it sounded to me like what that guy saying is that he he spoke up on the job about Jewish people running the company and if you do that and then and then you get fired that's actually not that's actually not news and so I'm just gonna stop but you know with the other point that he brought up is is worthwhile it's happening all over the place you know I give you you know this is sounds like we just complaining about a vendor but it's part of a larger thing and I said to somebody else recently you know I went and I ordered vaporizer stuff from this place and they charge me $20 for shipping and I was like what are you talking about $20 for shipping but you know their products were cheaper than other places and so I'm like find whatever this is how you're making up whatever and then a week went by and then I got an email from them saying oh we don't have the product you ordered would you like us to yada yada yada what would you like to do and I'm like we'll just refund my order because I'm never going to order from you again like I've never dealt with such an irresponsible vendor you charge me $20 for shipping I expect you to ship it right away like you gave me a tracking number the next day you gave me a tracking number you didn't ship the product and that's a minor thing but it's like I'm noticing this everywhere it's it's it's a lot worse than it was before I went to prison like that like people just don't believe they have any obligation to do anything anymore like customer service you know remember anybody ever I don't think the radio shack even exists anymore but you know you should be able to go to a radio shack and radio shack was a place where like you would ask them questions about technical things and then technical people would answer your questions okay can you do that at like best bike can you go can you go anywhere and like ask meaningful questions about the products that are being sold in any retail store of course not that's for it's a preposterous even think that you could as a matter of fact everybody's basically trying to you know it's the it's the they don't make them like they used to cliche but like it's not just about products anymore it's like the whole entire apparatus is completely screwed it's like you know there's the entire economy has been organized around like you know a race to the bottom fundamentally and people are understandably like I don't want to purchase there's nothing for me to take pride in like forget about the amount of money that you make which is the other thing they're screwing you they're like okay let's raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour so that everybody's making the same amount of money and then let's make sure that you can't live on that amount of money by completely scrambling everything in the economy and then after you can't live on the amount of money that you make then we'll subsidize your existence so there's no economic incentive to do anything good anymore and then there's not even anything to take pride in so why would anybody work all of the reasons to do the things that people have been doing that have bade made civilization possible they've destroyed all the incentives and the and the consequences of that are very predictable they're happening every single day right in front of our eyes and it's an incredibly disgustingly sad thing uh could you believe white pale ass on honesty christwin keeps you going these days do you think there's any hope of a future for white folks am I still going these days I'm not sure I am friend you know uh you know to the extent that I am it's like you know um honestly i'm i'm like i'm at the end of my rope truth be told and i hate to say that to you because like i've tried to you know give a more positive vision and a positive message on here but like very little of what i see today you know it gives me gives me much in the way of hope you know the people who should be trying to like fix things are are wrecking things faster than the people who are working to wreck them as a matter of fact you know and so like you know what are you what are you going to do about that i don't know you know uh but i'm going to keep on talking about i'll keep on showing up um you know we're going to figure out something else to do because what we're doing ain't working you know that's that's what that's where i'm like at the end of my rope right what we're doing isn't working we've got to do something else and i don't know what to do i really don't and so i'm just going to try new things and we'll see and you know some stuff will work and some stuff will fail and eventually we'll hit something but that's all you can do okay like you know anybody who's anybody who's thinking that you know you've figured it out you're you're wrong right anybody is thinking like oh we'll just do this and then the problem will be solved no because if that was if you found the solution to the problem then immediately what would happen is the people who are working to destroy society would do something to counteract what you're doing okay so it's a constant back and forth it's a constant competition it never stops that's that's the human condition there's no you know there's there's no stasis right there's no stability to it there's not supposed to be it's there's a constant back and forth between for lack of for one of a better term the forces of good and evil okay and so like all that you can do all that i can do anyway is like get up in the morning and you know try to find the next thing and right now i'm not particularly happy about what's going on and i don't feel very good about it but what am i gonna do it's not like you know i talked about this before in another context that like it's actually like giving up actually isn't an option right you know when you give up when you give up there's not it's not as if you give up and then you are relieved of your stress right you give up everything just keeps on getting worse right so it's not like you get to you know stop caring about the problems in the world and then and then your life becomes easier that's not the way it works your life becomes much more difficult if you do that and so all you can do is keep on trying and that's what we're gonna do so we'll be back here to try again on Wednesday for the member show and we'll be back here on Friday cursing up a storm for what's left of the radical agenda uh and i'm still working on some other things and we'll see what comes of it all thank you very much for tuning in thanks for making it possible go ahead pay me because we're get well done and slash donate give sin go dot com slash spm cash app edgy kris semis of crypto whatever you want 497 hook set road unit 312 man just a new hands show 3104 semis of the billion and D