Go ahead whenever you're ready rumble you can you know start playing advertising oh my god Rumble's actually gonna show me the thing like before they started with the advertising I think oh my god Wow, that's very generous of rumble to allow the broadcast of the series online and So thank you for that. Appreciate that Dan Bonz you know and So it would seem that we are ready to go Nearly on time is it worth so let's go ahead play some intro music shall we? Oh Oh All right, welcome surreal politics this 58 episode of the first day to the program today is May 13th 2024 be in the current year. It's a Monday as usual 9 30 PM US Eastern time is when we do these those shows Love to have you join us for a live broadcast if you if you haven't done that a while up to hear from you at 217688 1433 like to be on the program and I'm where you talk less I have to so please do give us a call People everybody's trying to get everybody shut up these days Donald Trump he paid paid some whore to keep a mouse shut It's not usually what you pay horse for they usually pay him to do something different With that you get the idea. This is a clean program. I'm not gonna get into it. You get the idea But then you know he sees tells her to shut her mouth and then she's like oh well. Yeah, it's you know I don't usually do that. So why don't I go ahead shut my mouth and you give me some money and Then she's like well wait a second. I can make one money open in my mouth I know that because I'm a whore and so she did and instead of being charged with blackmail on extortion instead of You know being a held liable for violating her contract or actually did she I think she actually was that She's been a hell is a crime victim of course and they're like well I understand that you're starting Donald Trump We don't like Donald Trump you see and so we're gonna put Donald Trump on trial for paying you and she's like Yeah, I hate it when people pay me That's why I went to Michael Avenue. He's a good guy. He stole my money Instead of paying it to me. So now there's this hush money trial you heard and What we get to see in the course of the hush money trial amongst other things is you know Shockingly enough, you know Michael Cohen's not a stand-up character turns out he was recording his client and secret Because you know why not right, you know He's just you're an attorney. He's your client Why not just start making recordings of your conversations with him and then you know and then give them to the government because you know That's what attorneys are for right But apparently it didn't go so well Story in the New York Post mr. Fixit Michael Cohen bombs on the stand offers no new evidence to convict Trump Michael Cohen apparently wants a reality show, but if his testimony Monday is any indication Reality is about to sink in not just for Cohen, but for prosecutors in the court In stoking interest in his own appearance the former president The former Trump counsel promised the public that they should be prepared to be surprised Because when your witness in a case, which you usually do is you run around To hostile news organizations to see this who's what renders you a credible witness you go to MSNBC and you're like hey I got an idea. Why don't we talk about my testimony before I offer it under oath The Thus far however Cohen has offered nothing new and importantly Nothing to make the case for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg the stories by Jonathan Turley Just before he took the stand the New York Post revealed that Cohen has been peddling a reality show called the fixer Including working with Colin Wheeling to help create Joe exotic tigers lies and cover up We Lin appears interested to stay within that genre The Cohen pitch game is a cheesy promo video where he promised viewers. I am your fixer His first post-Trump client Bragg may have to disagree Cohen had only one advantage for Bragg is notoriously flexible morals and ethics which allows him to say almost anything to support his sponsors With the prosecution's case nearly over Bragg needed Cohen to clearly state that Trump intentionally committed fraud to conceal some still poorly defined crime The problem is that Cohen only confirmed that Trump knew he was going to pay for the non-disclosure agreement and that it would be buried before the election None of that is unlawful on his reality show Cohen tells viewers that he is now there to fix their problems because quote The little guy doesn't usually have access to people with my particular set of skills hahaha Yeah, no lots of people have access to lying pieces of trash Mike Just usually there, you know, they don't have I guess you know certain connections Family ties say you know Those skills seem to have escaped all the witnesses who are compelled to work with him Witnesses detailed how Cohen was ridiculed as someone prone to exaggeration and unprofessional Former Trump associate hope Hicks said that Cohen was constantly trying to insinuate himself into the campaign Now that he used to like to call himself mr. Fixit, but it was only because he first broke it Cohen only succeeded in confirming that he put together this payment and advised Trump to go forward with it He assured him that it would effectively kill the story of for the election None of that is illegal the fix it man a short Trump that he fixed it now wants Trump to go to jail for following that advice In the course of that representation Cohen also admitted to taping his client without his knowledge a breathtaking breach of trust and confidentiality This is the man who according to stormy Daniels attorney keep Davidson expects to be Trump's attorney general expected I should say he does not expect to be Trump's attorney general come 2025 very clearly That's a past tense as it is for lots of people then Cohen Davidson said that Cohen was depressed and despondent and quote I thought I was going to kill myself when he realized that he would not be made a cabinet member Cohen contradicted Davidson and insisted that he only wanted to be Trump's personal lawyer He also admitted that he was unaware that the publisher of the national inquirer David Pecker had long killed negative stories about Trump and other celebrities for decades Cohen has yet to fix the problem for brag More importantly he has added to the problem for judge Juan Merchand Merchand Many of us have ridiculed this case is devoid of any criminal act indeed Merchand has allowed the prosecutors to proceed without clearly stating what crime was being concealed It is not even clear why paying one's lawyer a lump sum for his services and costs including the NDA payment was not illegal Expansor how it was supposed to be entered on a business ledger Absent of sudden epiphany in his final testimony on Tuesday Merchand should rule in favor of a directed verdict That he has throwing the case out before it goes to a jury If he instead sends his farcical case to the jury it is Merchand not Cohen who may have a better claim to a reality show as the ultimate fix it man I think about recording the client is pretty pretty stunning I gotta say Um, I think is there I think we have a Okay, so I'm gonna play this recording. I actually haven't listened to this yet myself. Let's hear what this recording says is in the New York Post So we got served from the New York Times I told you this will be recording To unseal the divorce papers with Yvonne With fighting it Casuals is going to never never now the cashew says that they'll ever be able they don't have a Get me a job. They don't have a legitimate purpose. So a woman that doesn't want to Correct. So yes, and it's all for about two three weeks now Even after that's not gonna ever be opened. There's no there's no purpose for Told you about Charleston I need What the hell? I'm sorry hang on a second what the To open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend dated You know so that I'm gonna do that right away. I've actually come up and I spoke and I've spoken to Alan Wiselberg about how to set the whole thing up With Yes, and it's all the stuff all the stuff because you know you never know where that company never know where he's gonna be Correct, so I'm I'm all over that and I spoke to Alan about it when it comes time for the financing, which will be What I have to pay you so no no no no no I got no no no jeff My friends talk about people they know or people they've met so we was taking you can say Go to the New York Post come on, you know, I these people drive me crazy So what just happened there? I pull up this you know, they've got the audio recording in a format of a video So I play the video and then what well, but there's nothing to see. It's just audio So I'm like, okay, while the audio is playing let me go to another tab real quick and then your post is like No, no, no, no, no, you have to look at me if you want to listen and it stops the recorder It stops playing the thing when I go to another tab I'm like, okay, well, I guess I gotta go back to the tab and then immediately I mean not two seconds pass not not one second passes literally between the end of that recording in the beginning of this other video that is absolutely nothing to do with it Why why why why they're just attentionhors what they are Oh You know the attorney client privilege thing you know they It's reasonable that you can't Spire with your attorney right like you know, this is a big problem in prisons as a matter of fact Part of the reason that people end up in the CMU If you are passing you know communications that their lawyer in a carceral environment say That are not privileged communications You know if you're just like passing messages from a co-conspirator to a prisoner say And the person comes to suspect that you know, they there's rules that they have to abide by but they can they can if they suspect it They can have they can find out right they can listen to the call They can confirm it and then the attorney can get sanctioned for it And the inmate certainly will And there's if you ever go through the legal system in a contentious process you might discover all the different ways that you can In some instances accidentally wave attorney client privilege If you start talking about your conversations with your attorney Then you can be questioned about those statements that you made for example But this idea that the attorney just turns around and it's like you know what I think I'll just record my phone calls with my client and then just give them to prosecutor years later That's completely insane And the idea is Frankly, it's like offensive. You know the client can wave is attorney client privilege of course he can of course of course He yeah, of course the client has to be able to do that because he has to be able to tell his lawyer to say things But it's his privilege to wave the idea that the attorney is just like yes screw my client And goes on to be like oh well Here's all the recordings. That's completely nuts And I mean Michael Cohen's already been to prison. I don't know if he's been to sparred, but he probably should be I don't know if there are certain places in this country where you can practice law as a convicted felon I don't think it's all 50 states But it's completely insane that a guy just you know gets like oh yeah Well, you know you out of attorney client privilege, but I'll just go ahead wave it for you And I'll give this to the newspapers. I'll go give this to Alvin Bragg. I'll go give this to Jack Smith I'll just go test to five before Congress And the joke with the Michael Cohen thing. It's like Charlie says as a matter of fact, he's actually not saying very much truth He told He's like you know, if you saw Michael Cohen's testimony before the House impeachment committee the During the first annual impeachment of Donald J Trump they had Michael Cohen come in and testify And like the first words out of a smile or Donald Trump is a liar in a criminal Like that's not testimony That's a pinion right that's like you know, I mean you could say that he's a criminal you could say you could I mean perhaps it's a fact that he is right But that's not what Cohen did not say these are the laws that Donald Trump broke and here's how I know that he did that He stated he just insulted his client and said yeah, he's a really bad guy Under the false impression that this might help him avoid some prison time So much for that Mike, huh And now he's overly attestifying in New York and thus far he hasn't given them another right Yeah, Donald Trump Said go pay off this idiot who's extorting me and Michael Cohen's like yeah, go ahead. I'll do that sure no problem Give me the money. I'll go give it to the broad And that's just called being extorted you see They're charging him with falsifying business records And there's actually not a whole lot of evidence of that and there's not a whole and there's certainly no evidence that it's a campaign finance violation which is what they need to make it a felony so that they can If you falsify the business records that's a misdemeanor it's over If you falsify the business records in the course of another crime then it's a felony And so they've got to say that it's a campaign finance violation But to the best of my understanding of the trial this far they have not even offered any evidence of that Now merchant may very well send the case to a jury anyway because why not right Why not if you can send the eGine Carol rape case to a jury And the jury can conclude that eGine Carol committed a felony by lying on the stand claiming the Donald Trump Rape her and then award her millions of dollars anyway Well, why not right? Screw it, you know We understand that our fellow citizens are vindictive hateful monsters who will convict people of crimes and hold them legally liable for things Knowing absolutely certainly that they did not do what they are accused of they will vet their frustration and anger on them through verdicts awards and convictions And that's why we bring them into the jury pool So that they can help us abuse their fellow citizens You know, it's funny the I used to do some of that Fiesha outreach is a fully informed jury association That's an organization, but you know, you get the idea the the the jury nullification activism we used to do a good bit of this and key new hamster And around in other parts of the state as well Basically, go stand outside a courthouse and pass out information of potential jurors like hey, you know If you're in there and they're trying to prosecute somebody for something that you don't think should be illegal like you have the ability to find that person like guilty even if they did it And we testified in Concord at a committee hearing on a bill Now if you try to tell a jury that in the jury during a trial the judge will generally speaking Admonish use in fact they just happened in my criminal trial in the hamster That they gave this jury like very specific instructions Trying to negate what they saw as A jury notification defense trying to get the jury to nullify the law. That's what that means Say yeah, I did it and you should find me not guilty anyway because the law is nonsense If you tried to tell that to a jury you might get a mistrial like that like the judge will Admonish her attorney if he says it again, he might be sanctioned You do it as a pro-say defendant. You're gonna be in a lot of trouble In my criminal trial We tried to make the case that I did not threaten the man. I was accused of threatening We were just saying that in the context of our relationship. This was not actually what the law deems the threat If I had gone and walked up to some stranger in a park and said what I said then yeah, that's a crime You're not allowed to do that that guy has no idea who I am and he could he would very well come to think that Some harm might come to somebody If some guy he has no idea who he is comes and says something that mean But in the context of my relationship with the alleged victim in my criminal case that was not a threat And part of the evidence of that was That he had provoked me like within 30 seconds of be saying what I said That he made a thinly veiled You know It's he made a thinly veiled threat against my girlfriend. Okay, my ex girlfriend. She says uh, you know I guess you don't care what happens to her and I and I hit the ceiling over this because it puts a negative image in my head And I try to return the favor, okay And so We're trying to explain this provocation that it negates my intent, okay? That was a subject of my appeal before the first circuit We're not saying that Provocation is a defense. We're not saying that you know if you have a self-defense case if you pull your gun out and shoot somebody You can say yeah, I shot that guy because that guy was a threat to my safety In cases of threats and extortion you actually don't have the same defense you can't say I did this because Uh, because he threatened me so I threatened him you don't have that defense in the courtroom now Should as a matter of fact because it's preposterous right somebody threatens you You respond in kind you go to prison That's preposterous, okay? And the court fully understands that and certainly prosecutors do and so they're very sensitive to explaining that reasonable point to a jury But that was not the point that we were making what we were saying is that a threat and the legal sands requires intent Right, it requires Expectation that the party being threatened will receive the communication as a threat And so we say no that is not in the context of this conversation between these two men That's not what that is and therefore it negates the element of Intent And they say no you're trying to present a provocation defense that's an illegitimate defense You're trying to nullify the jury Therefore we're going to give this jury instruction that provocation is not a defense Which is a totally nonstandard thing and we in in my criminal appeal We said that they confused the jury by telling them that we were presenting a provocation defense that and telling the jury that a provocation defense was invalid We're telling you that no we're saying that the provocation now at negated the element, okay And of course the first circuit Even though they acknowledge that what the prosecution did was completely improper They were like I screw you you're convicted anyway. We don't care you've done your time. You're gonna be convicted felon You can ever have a gun again But what I'm getting at Is jury nullification, okay? So like that's how seriously the federal government takes it like you can't do jury nullification outreach outside of a federal court without going to jail Uh guy by the name of Julian Heiklin ended up fleeing to uh israel of all places Because uh he was a jury notification activist and he would go all over the country Got's that a federal court she'd hand out information to jurors saying you can nullify the law and he was charged with jury tampering many times And so he's like you know what like I'm like a senior citizen You're trying to put me in prison for telling people the truth. So I'm just gonna go leave the country now So there's a bill before the New Hampshire legislature That said um That a New Hampshire court will allow you to present a jury in all the vacation defense and that law passed eventually That's the law of New Hampshire today if you are not in a federal case in New Hampshire But if you go before jury in a New Hampshire state or local court You can say to the jury Hey They're gonna give you instructions about the law i'm asking you to ignore them You're a jury you have the power to do that nobody can tell you what to do you're in charge And when we were testified about that bill and conquered A very reasonable point was brought up by uh one of the legislatures legislatures He said well If we passed this law What's to stop a jury from convicting someone When the elements of what they did don't fit the crime charged What indeed right There's nothing to prevent that as a matter of fact there never has been anything to prevent that And there's not a bunch of federal agents running around throwing you in jail If you tell people that right Prosecutors every single day Put people on trial for crimes they did not commit and try to shoehorn their actions into other statutes And then they go before juries and they say i'm from the government and i'm telling you what the law is and the law says That he's not allowed to do this thing even though the text of the law states something completely different And juries convict and find people liable on those terms all of the time And Abusive prosecutors and women like Roberta Kaplan they know that all too well right Yeah, sure I understand that raping someone Forcibly putting your penis in someone's vagina While they say no Is uh this this particular offense called rape And we'll sue you for rape and sexual assault will have our lying witness get on the stand and tell that lie that Donald Trump raped me in a department store dressing room In the middle of the day with lots of witnesses around like Donald Trump just goes missing in macy's and nobody notices in the 90s And then the jury will find that eugen carol lied under oath when she said Donald Trump raped me They didn't find Trump liable It's not only that they didn't find him liable I think they actually found him not liable It wasn't just that they failed to re-tivert it on that on that count They actually rejected it Eugen carol said Donald Trump raped me The jury said i don't believe you Eugen carol you're a liar But we're gonna find him liable for sexual assault and defamation anyway Why because we believe that part of your story? No It's because we hate Donald Trump And we just want everyone to know that we're not stupid enough to believe this ridiculous story that you told us What we really do hate that Donald Trump guy So we're gonna find him liable for sexual assault and defamation Even though the whole point of the case was that you claimed you raped you And then In post trial motions when the attorneys are like hey, hey, hey, what you're out of your mind? This is completely preposterous the central claim here was that Donald Trump raped Eugen carol And the jury did not find that Donald Trump raped Eugen carol so you can't give me Eugen carol A million to dollars And the court said Curiously Oh well He might not have forcibly put his penis inside of her vagina But you know what he did is he sexually assaulted her And because of that that's what the normal person thinks of when they hear rape and so we're just gonna act like he was held liable for rape why not These people what they do to legal system is really sick and I have a hard time imagining a recovery from it frankly They know exactly what they're doing Bragg doesn't think that he's got a case Bragg's That what we've seen so far happen in that trial is that They know with certainty that they do not deserve a conviction that they that they deserve to lose They've not demonstrated throughout the course of the trial that Donald Trump committed any crimes But they are just trying to smear Donald Trump as much as possible and then get the case before the jury they brought in starby Daniels Oh until Donald Trump was president never had a negative thing to say about the man of course, right And did I read this on the show already there was like peace Pardon me if this is repetitive, but I'm actually gonna pull this up again Because it was it was really egregious what the New York Times had did Talking about stormy Daniels testimony I know second She came in and basically had this you know sob story About oh, you know, I wanted him to advance my career. Yeah, so I slept with him and she tells us ridiculous. Oh, I blacked out nonsense It's just It really is You know charging people with purgeery is really important, you know that There was uh, there's an exchange I had on Twitter some months back Somebody on Twitter was basically like you know if you have somebody as a witness is not a Christian I mean how can you trust a testimony if they don't believe that they're gonna be punished by God for lying Then how can you trust their testimony? I say well the way that you trust their testimony is that you have some confidence that they'll be persecuted here in the On this life in this plane of existence that they'll be thrown in prison that they'll lose their gun and voting rights They'll be a comma convicted felon if they lie under rope. It's called purgeery. It's a felony It's a very serious crime for a good reason Well, you talk about selective prosecution Where is this damn thing All right anyway, she goes and she says that she like blacked out during the thing that that she doesn't even remember having sex with them all this stuff In New York times it's like this is what all sexual assault victims say yeah That means that she was a sexual assault victim. No, it doesn't as a matter of fact She's a whore who wanted to have sex with Donald Trump to advance her career. She said as much under oath And the fact that she copied the language of sexual assault victims When she decided to come up there and tell this lie under oath Means that she should be going to prison But Once you allow people to do that forget about it man There's no penalty for purgeery so long as you're on the the side of the guys who are Rounding them everybody up. No You can't you can't repair the damage to that system very easily, you know You change hands, you know, you the government changes hands rewrite the constitution if you want You know Who's ever gonna believe in who's ever gonna believe in the outcomes of courtrooms These things are there so that we don't kill each other you follow like you know the average person things Well, I can go ahead and live in honest life and if I have a problem then I'll call the cops I can go ahead and run an honest business and if somebody reps me off I can sue them And if I if I don't live in honest life then I might go to prison or if I don't run Honest business that I might get sued and so I won't do those things And so the the solution that the courts bring is not in the penalties It's not in the actual arbitration of the disputes. It's the preventative measure you see If we don't believe those things if people don't believe that the bad guys go to prison if people don't believe that honest people don't Think about the incentive structure that that creates right You're it's likely to go to prison for not committing crimes as you are if you do Well why you'll bet a law Why not steal why not rape why not murder Why be an honest person why try to be productive at all for that matter We're gonna Make the economy so bad that it's impossible for an honest person with a full-time job to raise a family And then we're gonna give you a survival stipend if you don't work And then we're gonna go and throw innocent people in prison and we're gonna set the guilty people free Okay, go ahead that's gonna completely chair civilization apart things are gonna come collapsing down It's gonna be Mad Max and Erky chaos And in the wake of that chaos necessarily right somebody's gonna come and put the thing back together right somebody comes along Who's violent enough to make people behave right that's the inevitable outcome of that situation There is eventually a strong enough group of people that they can impose order Now great fantastic Maybe they write a new constitution maybe they're very wise about how they do it But Maybe they have um very sophisticated debates about that new constitution And then you just have a bunch of people doing stuff which is all the system is And everybody understands that it's all BS You can't have any faith in these people. It's just you're it's just people. There's actually not a moral standard being applied Maybe they'll be good today. Maybe they will maybe they'll be bad tomorrow. Who knows we have no idea we have no way of predicting the future in that capacity And so why plan ahead Why think about the future at all if it's completely unpredictable why think about your interactions with the legal system if the legal system is arbitrary and insane Whoever just happened to be the most popular guy two weeks ago gets to decide Which people his Whatever he finds distasteful sends you to prison or bankruptcy Because that's the reality of it That's always been the reality of it But without Decent honest people making those decisions The arbitrary nature of it actually becomes very painfully obvious, right It's always the case that whoever's running the show Just gets to decide who's going in right. I mean if it's good people doing it then what they're doing is they're going after bad people And they're making sure bad people go to prison and that innocent to people don't And if bad people are running the show then they're making sure that innocent people go to prison and that bad people don't And then we break down the civilization. We're like okay You know, here's the check on your government ladies and gentlemen Is that you and your fellow citizens you will vote on who's running the show every two four and six years Don't worry about it You guys is smart you understand You guys are straightness out if anybody tries to screw you over they've only got two four six years to do it. So no problem And you know what you know make sure that nobody messes around with you for voting against them We're gonna have this thing we're gonna call it the secret ballot You can never be held liable for your vote ladies and gentlemen We're never gonna tell anybody who you voting for nobody's gonna know It's a secret ballot And that's something that we do to protect you because we wouldn't want you to be coercive to vote and for somebody You know a new hamster. It's a crime It's a crime I've committed by the way Couple times to take a picture of your ballot You go into the voting booth. Yeah, this paper ballot and you check your boxes off And if you take a picture of that and post it to social media you've committed a crime in the state of New Hampshire And it's not it's like that in a number of states. You know why Because they don't want you selling it. They don't want you being extorted for it. It's supposedly it's to protect you right Well, if somebody says I'm gonna uh, I'm gonna rape your wife if you don't vote for this guy Then you say sure no problem man. I'm gonna go vote for him right now I just I can't take a picture of it because that's against the law or whatever And then you go ahead you vote for Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden and then Hunter Biden is like okay Well, thanks for voting for my dad. I won't rape your wife now You're taught us another story So that's terrible. I'm sorry So we got this thing called a secret ballot and in the secret ballot We protect the voter we say you're not gonna nobody's gonna know who you voted for But then again, you don't know who anybody voted for either do you have no idea who voted for who You go and you turn on the television set and a bunch of people who lied to you all year long about everything tell you Hey, guess what that guy you don't like the guy you voted against the guy all your friends voted against he's the president of the state And the fact that he can't find his way on and off a stage the fact that he needs to you know take orders from the Easter bunny The fact that he's been paid millions of dollars to his crack head sod and foreign countries that are getting us into World War 3 That's what you voted for of course, and that's what makes it wise And then granted there's no way for you to verify that that's actually what happened But because you and your fellow citizens elected the government you know that it has integrity I Just pretty funny right Because you have lots of trust in your fellow citizen. I'm sure right I do you know just look around See what your fellow citizens are doing and be like yeah, you should decide who gets the nuke some pretty sure You know once you get your finger out of your nose go ahead decide who's gonna have nuclear weapons Haha Maybe once you're done smoking crack you know you could go check off that boxes don't take a picture of it okay But that's not good enough of course for the Democrat party because they like yet Well as a matter of fact like you guys keep voting against us like what are you talking about What do you mean you don't want us to ruin everything There's these people down south South of the US border Who loving when their government's ruined everything we've been watching them do we've been helping them And we want to ruin things here so we're gonna have those people come here Will make it impossible for you to reproduce and then we'll pay for those people to come here because they don't care They don't care how much it costs to have a family they'll just do it anyway. They're not thinking about that you see You people it's like oh we we take your money and we beat you up and we treat you badly and we insult you Then you stop giving us slaves Well, we can't allow that we need slaves come on Labor shortage don't you know we paid you not to work we took all your money when you did and now you don't want to work Well, we're just gonna have to bring in these other people who are gonna keep on producing slaves for us And they'll vote for whatever we tell them to vote for because we think they're idiots you see And of course you know Even they don't we don't need them to necessarily vote for us We'll just bring them to the states of people who do vote for us. You see we'll just bring them to California, New York So that they can be counted in the census And then they don't have to vote for us they can be your Christian conservative meme of the John McCain's of the world right These are your natural conservatives who are being brought into the sanctuary cities and states So-called natural conservatives you may most of you probably get that that's a joke But John McCain doesn't mean it that way when he says it or said it you know cancer boys dead We'll just bring those people into these sanctuary cities and states so that they can be counted in the census And then that will multiply magnify the electoral votes and the representation in the House of Representatives of American citizens who do vote Democrat And through such a process you'll know that your government has integrity you see I recently Kind of like went on a riff about Guys complaining about people working with the system you want to heard and I think there's a lot of misguided ideas about that People like all the systems bad therefore if you work with the system you're bad too or whatever And I think that's very simplistic. It's over simplifies things the system is First of all, it's just people doing things. It's not a machine that you could turn off you can't just replace it It's human beings cooperating in society and some people have jobs to do slowly what it is You can't just not interact with that. That's not the way it works. It's not how a civilization functions But people too tend to view it that way for better or worse or there's the system and then there's you know there's the people you know Maybe the economy similarly well, there's you know the stuff you do and then there's the economy which is totally separate Ha ha ha ha Totally separate well are we talking about behavior are we talking about economics here come on which one pick one guy What do you mean human action? I've never if it's a long book. I don't read book shut up. Give me a cartoon When people can't have any faith in the behavior of the people around them What what can you have like as a matter of fact you can't have anything you have chaos and anarchy and you know jungle nonsense right like It will do it will devolve into not even like tribalism forget about it like Tribalism would be an upgrade from where we're heading as a matter of fact because we've got this like hyper individualistic atomized View of the world Where every man is a nation unto himself He's supposed to mind his own business. He's not supposed to judge his neighbors Increasingly he doesn't even know if his neighbor speaks the same language as him And then that guy's supposed to sit on a jury and decide if he's a criminal or not Maybe is maybe he's a citizen of the country maybe he isn't Maybe he voted or maybe he's just amplifying the votes of the guy the other guy's political opponents If you don't have trust in a society you don't have anything And that's where we're at you know Yeah, well, you know Donald Trump pissed off all these people so prosecutors in a dozen states are gonna indict him for whatever For Again, if he committed the crimes as a matter of fact right just let's just assume Donald Trump's a criminal for a second What we actually know is that during the 2016 election went Donald Trump said during the debate So Hillary Clinton Yeah, you're glad that I'm not in charge because you'd be in jail everybody went crazy. They went out of their minds Oh my god people prosecuting their political opponents. This is banana republic stuff yada yada yada No banana republic stuff is actually when you let the criminals get away with things because they're involved in politics As a matter of fact that's actually just as much if not more Integral to the idea of your country completely falling apart. It's it's it's not just that some people go to jail It's that some people don't I said many times that like like The the preferred method of persecuting dissidents in the United States today is to deny them the protections of the laws It's what they do and it's a funny thing because they can get away with this because they have what's called prosecutorial discretion Somebody commits pertery. It's within the discretion of the prosecutor whether or not to charge that person with that crime Somebody threatens my girlfriend It's within the discretion of the prosecutor whether or not the charge that guy with that crime I say something in response to a threat against my girlfriend. It's up to him whether I get charged with that alleged crime So we'll prosecute some people and not prosecute other people And in that environment as a matter of fact, let's just say go ahead assume all the people that they're going to jail or guilty even The fact that other people are being given license to commit crimes It's no less detrimental to the apparatus, right? It's not just that you're sending innocent people to prison. It's that you're allowing guilty people to go free You allow criminals to commit crimes and then you hold their victims liable when they respond to that lawlessness and predictable fashion So you say You know You pick pick your pick your pick your business pick your industry, right? Okay, we're gonna form the FDA Okay, we're gonna have the food and drug administration and the food and drug administration is gonna micro-manage every aspect of the medical and dietary supply of the United States And in so doing it will control it throughout the world because we issue the world reserve currency and where the world's largest economy You know for now until try to overtake us like in the next couple weeks or whatever But then what we'll do is we'll be like hey, I got an idea There's a sniffle going around How about we fill people's heads up with nonsense and give them a vaccine that makes them sick And when we do that we'll make sure that anybody who tries to sue the company who did that Has no legal liability You Pick your poison. I mean any number of things, you know, you you create these immunities, right And then people see that that's unfair people see that it actually undermines the legitimacy of the institution And if they think about that for 30 seconds They actually understand that Electing new people doesn't solve the problem These things are subject to be encrypted and if people don't believe that they're not What are you gonna do? Two on seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and more you told the less I have to please you give us a call What else we got here And People see all this which is why Donald Trump is now leading in five battleground states all of which Biden won in 2020 But of course Donald Trump won in 2020 as a matter of fact But you know that's they they abolished all the fraud protections because they were very concerned that Donald Trump was a dangerous criminal who would do anything to stay in power Right Donald Trump is a fascist dictator waiting to happen. There's no crime. He won't commit for the sake of staying in power And that's why we're going to abolish signature verification and give everybody a mail and ballot That's what the Democrats did mark a liason those people Excellent book if you haven't read it can't recommend it highly enough rigged By Molly Hemingway you want to know what happened in 2016 it's not all this crackpot stuff They're not she doesn't make any outland as claims she's just talking about what's on the record What they bragged about in time magazine For the New York Times whichever whatever time it was The secret story of how yada yada yada And they'll brag about it after Hiding the hunter Biden laptop story Zucker box being you know Making it much much easier to vote quote unquote in black and brown neighborhoods places where they expect the Democrat vote to be higher That's not a campaign contribution you see it's just helping the voters you know Former president Donald Trump is leading president Biden in five critical toss up swing states all of which Biden supposedly I'll add one in 2020 a new set of polls Revealed this is by Isabelle Keane also at the New York Post Surveys by the New York Times seeing a college in Philadelphia inquire found that Trump was more popular than Biden among voters in Arizona Georgia Michigan Nevada and Pennsylvania while Biden led voters in only one battleground state was constant Scott on Wisconsin. What's wrong with you people? Haven't you learned anything? All six of the battleground states looked at in the polls were won by Biden in 2020 and victories in Michigan Pennsylvania was constant in 2024 would be enough for Biden to secure his reelection as long as he did not lose any of the states he won four years ago The poll numbers revealed how issues like cost of living the economy the of Israel Hamas war and immigration Have caused widespread dissatisfaction among Americans all while raising concerns over Biden's ability to improve their quality of life Nearly 70% of voters pulled said the country's political and economic systems need major overhalls and only 13% of Biden supporters Believe that he would be able to bring about such a change during a second term Almost 40% of Trump voters pulled said the economy or cost of living was the most important issue in the election With many doubting the Biden administration's insistence that the economy is improving Many of the voters pulled even admitted that while they just like Trump he would be the candidate to drive much needed change Trump and Biden are tied among 18 to 29 year olds and among Hispanic voters even though over 60% of the demographic voted for Biden in in 2020 according to that sham election all add Trump has also secured 20% of black voters support the highest level of black support for any Republican presidential candidate since the civil rights act of 1964 according to the times fall That's a staggering number by the way The former president's newfound popularity among young and non-wide voters has seemingly opened up the electoral map pushing him ahead in more diverse states Like Arizona, Georgia, Nevada where Biden was previously successful Despite this Biden seems to have maintained much of his foothold among older and white voters who as a group seem to be demanding fewer fundamental changes As a result Biden has become more competitive in swing states would greater populations of white people like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin abortion continues to be a hot button issue among voters was 64% in battleground states saying abortion should always are mostly be legal Including 44% of Trump supporters according to the polls The surveys also found that nearly 20% of voters blame Biden more than Trump for the Supreme Court's decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v Wade Wait a second You understand how that that's more staggering than anything I've read today I can't believe I just saw that on my screen I'm gonna read that to you again Hang on a second. I'm gonna get another energy drink and make sure not hallucinating. Hey, no Am I not caffeinated enough of I've read that wrong. Hang on a second. I gotta be a typo The survey also found that nearly 20% of voters blame Biden more than Trump for the Supreme Court's decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v Wade A shocking statistic that will likely drive the president to work to rebuild trust among that group of voters Well, it's 20% since not a majority, but you know if you think that you know Joe Biden was responsible for 2022 supreme court decision that says a lot about voters doesn't it That they're actually just generally unfit to serve in that role, aren't they Oh, is the Supreme Court did something while you were president. That's your fault And the and he's like no, no, no, you don't understand the Supreme Court the whole point of it is that they're on there for life Like their skies are appointed by George HW bus for god's sake. What are you talking about You got people there from George HW bus George W Bush Bill Clinton Barack Obama Donald Trump I'm it died. It's not my fault But they're like I don't uh you think I pay attention you think I know what happened 20 years ago Old man I care about what happened today Not that I have any sympathy for Biden obviously not that I think that the overture of Roe v Wade is a thing deserving of blame as they say But how can you have any faith in the integrity of a system where 20% of the people Literally have no idea who's responsible for a Supreme Court decision Still voters prefer Biden over Trump to handle the issue of abortion by 11 points 49 to 38% because they love that abortion thing They've been watching on television. They're like you know what I love what I'm able to do With my sexual behavior consequence free all I have to do is go down to this doctor and they'll just go kill the effing thing And I'm all set so like yeah like I'll go ahead get me into World War three just don't make me take care of my children come on 2024 man You think I can afford to raise a family in this economy get out of here kill it Trump meanwhile is pulling well among voters who believe the political and economic systems need to be torn down Including 2% of very liberal voters who went for Biden in 2020 according to the polls Additionally about 13% of voters who voted for Biden in 2020 but do not plan to again Said his foreign policy on the war and Gaza's their most important issue about 17% of those voters said they sympathize with Israel The polls surveyed 4,097 voters registered in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for April 28th to May 9th 1234 5 6 So 4,000 people across six states, you know, I don't know how representative that poll is but you know Still pretty staggering. I'll tie on two on 7688 1433 you like to be on the program If you want to get on the line you better do so now because I'll wrap it up pretty soon if I don't have any calls And you know among them any reasons that you don't want Joe Biden to be proud you know heard of this Q and on thing right You're Q and on you know I don't even get it. I just know that like they say that um the government's run by a bunch of pedophiles all I know about the Q and on thing Hey Is hey the government's run by a bunch of pedophiles and down Trump's gonna go take them out of whatever Or you're gonna do his best, but you know they got to they got a whack witnesses. That's how the Epstein thing happens What not And a bunch of people say that that's a you know, it's a conspiracy theory right like what you think that you know Pedophiles are running the government. I was like well, but you know, I don't know If I was a pedophile, I'd probably want to be in charge right because you know If these if the people that I'm praying on are able to control the legal system Well, that I'm gonna go to prison for having sex You know, I wouldn't want that to happen if I were them. I don't just certainly don't want it to happen now To me it is for my totally normal routine Inactive sex life Haha If I was a pedophile I'd want to run the government. Yeah, of course the government who sends people to jail I don't want Somebody who's like good and decent to be in control of the government like I've got to if I'm gonna go rape children I got to be in charge. Yeah, you're And so it's no wonder you know you see Joe Biden you sniffing girls hair and stuff. He's like hey come here honey And then there's this story came out while I was in a clank That apparently Ashley Biden Joe Biden's daughter had a diary Which she has left in some halfway house rehab facility or something like that And it ended up in the hands of James O'Keefe Guy used to be with um What's it what's it called project Veritas now it's omg the O'Keefe Media Group And so James O'Keefe he gets his hands on his diary and he's like hey Ashley Biden wrote in her diary They're dad used to like shower with her I don't need a bi I went and rated James O'Keefe's house and it's like oh you're a criminal for having evidence of the president being a pedophile Then it worded that way but you get the idea And Much like the hunter Biden laptop they throw the shade at it. You don't really know it's not being confirmed You're just calling him a pedophile it's a conspiracy theory you're about to cue it on crackpots But according to this uh Story in the now bankrupt gateway pundit has been shut down by law fair Another example of our societies rapid decline Jim Hoth over at the gateway pundit Ashley Biden officially confirms her diary where she talks about showers with my dad Joe Biden is real in emotional letter to a judge In a letter dated April 8th 2024 addressed to chief justice judge chief judge swane of New York Ashley Biden daughter of Joe Biden confirmed the authenticity of her previously stolen diary. That's in quote stolen The diary which is spark considerable public immediate attention due to Joe Biden's preferred at acts became a subject of controversy when excerpts were leaked online Ashley Biden's letter obtained by the New York Times was submitted as part of a judicial proceeding against Amy Harris One of the individuals convicted of quote-unquote stealing and selling her personal journal In her correspondence Ashley Biden expressed profound distress over the theft and subsequent public dissemination of her private thoughts Which she described as quote stream of consciousness musings meant for personal healing She defended the content of her diary saying it was grossly misinterpreted and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love Here is the letter in full I am deeply saddened but I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen so for profit The point of the theft I assume was to be able to pedal grotesque lies by distorting my stream of consciousness thoughts The reason I have decided not to attend tomorrow sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain Nonetheless, I write to ask your honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison The defendant's actions constitute one of the most heinous forms of bullying not to mention a complete violation of my privacy and personal dignity after being the victim of a crime in my early 20s I developed PTSD The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal I am a private citizen targeted only because my father happened to be running to be president In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Mrs. Harris's actions The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago because of the publicity it drew exactly as Mrs. Harris intended I am constantly re-traumatized by it I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once private writings And lawful secutations that defame my character and those of the people I love Her actions were not only re-traumatizing to me but constituted a horrific trauma in and of themselves This ongoing harm is a direct result of Mrs. Harris's intentional actions I ask your honor to sentence Mrs. Harris to time in prison followed by lengthy probation She should be held accountable for what she has done Not only did she demonstrate a complete lack of morality but she lacks any respect for the rule of law as well Among other things she has appailed to appear in court 12 times My goal in asking your honor to impose a term of incarceration is to ensure that another woman is in bullied in shame like this ever again I desp- the despair that I have often felt this I'm sorry the despair I have often felt will never truly go away But I ask your honor to hold Mrs. Harris accountable so that she thinks twice before doing it to someone else I have spent much of my life trying to speak up for those who cannot find their own voices I am fortunate enough to have found mine and I use it today and every day to make sure that bullies are held accountable Finally, I worry that a non-incarceratory sentence will send a message to her and others like her that it is okay to violate and exploit others for your own personal gain Regardless of the humiliation and pain that it causes please send a message that these types of damage and criminal actions will not be tolerated I thank your honor for your consideration. That's the end of the letter It can be called that it can be recalled Continues Jim Hough that Amy Harris 41 was sentenced by Biden's Department of Justice to prison last month followed by a period of whom confinement for her role in the alleged theft and distribution of the diary belonging to Ashley Biden Amy Harris 39 found Ashley Biden's diary to halfway high was in Palm Beach in 2020 and sold it to project veritas for 40,000 dollars According to the Daily Mail Ashley Biden Joe Biden's youngest daughter left her diary under a mattress at Palm Beach rehab home As previously reported by the Gateway Pondit Ashley Biden Joe Biden's youngest daughter left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home Following a stay at the treatment facility to individuals who found Ashley Biden's diary at a halfway house later sold that diary to James O'Keefe and project veritas In a January 2019 entry Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father Joe Biden and suggested it may have contributed to sex addiction The diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together in an inappropriate age quoting from the diary I have Oh This is apparently quoting from a prior story quote I have always been boy crazy and quote Ashley wrote quote hyper sexualized at a young age I remember somewhat being sexualized with a family member I remember having sex with friends at a young age showers with my dad probably not appropriate and quote she wrote in a January 2019 entry according to the Daily Mail So Ashley Biden later in her daughter life is a complete disaster like her brother ending up in a rehab facility Where she's writing that her father's Having inappropriate showers with her and that this contributes to her acting out sexually James O'Keefe was later the victim of a late night FBI raid was arrested by the Biden regime U.S. District Judge Annalise Satoras and Obama appointees said project veritasis first amendment claims were inconsistent with the Supreme Court precedent The judge also said a project veritasis first amendment claims O'Keefe veritas couldn't claim It was protecting the identity of a confidential source from disclosure after two individuals publicly pleaded guilty In 2022 Amy Harris and co-defendant Robert Kerlander who will found Ashley Biden's diary at the halfway house pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen property Despite Harris's personal plea and her defense attorneys appeal for leniency based on her traumatic past and responsibilities as a mother The prosecution highlighted Paris's pattern of disrespect for the law Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Sableman I don't I is that I don't know Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Sableman claimed that Harris's actions were not only on the law But were intended to harm the Biden family and influence the political landscape chief U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain Described the act of selling the diaries despicable I lighting the privacy invasion and the potential political motivations by the sale Harris was ordered to serve a one-month prison sentence pay a $20,000 fine and undergo three years of probation Harris is said to begin serving her prison term in July while Kerlander's sentence is pending Now, no, I'm not entirely sure how that works, you know, I've lost things before I've left things places people pick them up And if I say hey when I was out being a drug addict and make a mistake I left something somewhere and that guy picked it up and so I guess he's gonna have to go to jail now Never occurred to me to try to do that frankly. It's not my understanding of how these things are supposed to work But then again, we're talking about the Biden's here, aren't we? That girl's got to be pretty scared of her father, huh She doesn't say no daddy didn't rape me in the shower she's not saying that my father Did not sexually bless me as a child She's not saying those showers with my dad were innocent she's not saying anything But she makes sure to keep on saying oh, they were inconsistent reporting inconsistent truth is different than what somebody else says it is We're not saying who lied about what specifically We're just talking about things being distorted as a general matter Which if you've ever seen, you know half-hearted denials. It's very conspicuous, you know You can categorically deny something somebody says to you. Why hey How much money did you steal and you're like I have never stolen a thing in my life as a categorical denial Somebody says uh, how much did you steal you're like, well, how do you define theft? Completely different question is you know You've not you've not admitted to stealing But you've avoided putting yourself in a situation where you have to deny it right you're avoiding the denial With some knowledge that you might get caught you might get caught in what's known as the false exculpatory right That's what she does here. She's not going to say oh no no no here's what's untrue She's gonna say there's a bunch of things that are untrue and it's her fault that there are untrue things being said So she's got to go to jail Well You're the one who said that you've fallen out in a shower with you and that's the whole point of the conversation by the way So like maybe we should go put your pedophile father in prison what do you say? Maybe next time he runs up to go sniff some teenage girls hair we say hey criminal get away from that girl But we're not gonna do that. Oh Anonymous goi since five dollars for white women For white woman medications like clomaphine citrate and follicle stimulating hormone help your body produce eggs These are often used for low fertility, but can lead to a triplet pregnancy salute um I don't know what that's all about you know I would guys be asking this question You Anyone Ladies and gentlemen, we do this every Monday 9 30 PM us Eastern time if you're listening on some of the platform at some other time I'd invite you to join us for the line program We take calls on the air you might have heard whenever anybody bothers to do that And it's a good time. I like talking to people On our Wednesday members shows you do those on discord And it's more like a free for all sort of thing you can chime in more or less whenever you want But here you gotta use your phone and you call in and you gotta show me your caller ID because that's the only way I can screen callers Just court it's easier because you gotta be a member And then uh and then if you try to do something I don't like then I'll ban you and then you gotta give me money all over again It's a lot much better for me that way, but you know You know to be able to do it for free and have anybody able to do it. I gotta see your caller ID so I can screen you Uh, and so I would invite you to do that every Monday and Friday Friday You gotta be careful because you know we're cursing up a storm there. That's the uncensored productions called the radical agenda I've been doing that for a long time probably gonna conclude it pretty soon Um, I'm working on getting the finale together. It's gonna be a great time You know, I'll throw this out there You know, I've sort of gotten sick and tired of being told no by people I've gotten sick and tired of being ignored by people the disrespect that I've endured in the course of those encounters really Upsets me if I'm honest with you. I try to take it in stride. I make excuses for people who disrespect me So I'm not gonna go and invite a bunch of people onto the grand finale of the radical agenda I'll invite you to do that And I'll happily say that you know anybody who's got you know more than a thousand listeners Whoever wants to be featured on the grand finale of the radical agenda. I will have them on okay Like as an official honored guest not just a call in line thing If you want to go and tell your favorite content producer hey go talk to can't well about the grand finale of the radical agenda They can take that to the bank that I'll do that with them And I'll invite you to make those suggestions if you care to And we'll see what comes of it, but I don't need nobody's help to do it You know, I got a lot of things that I want to say in the closet is production. I'm not going to uh leave much on said When we shut down the uncensored trip and That's not to say that uh I'm never gonna. I'm never gonna have to apologize for it again There's a lot from done We are far from done Pay me will yes or a politics that comms lays donate so politics.com Politics.com slash join you become a member through politics.com slash shop You can get the last of the radical agenda merch you want a radical agenda t-shirt hat hoodie mouse pad Run out of time to do that. That's the last of the merch. We're gonna shut the show down If you haven't gotten one of those things yet, you're gonna want to go ahead and do that Members get a pretty steep discount So if you're thinking about buying a t-shirt you might just become a member first and then go to the shop Because you're memorizing only shows and you're logged into your member account So like to buy a membership and then a t-shirt cost less than to buy a t-shirt by itself see And so become a member buy some merch Or just give me the money just go to give send go.com slash spm Like surreal politics media go to uh you can use a cash app thing you got that edgy chris is my cash tag dollar sign edgy chris I got that strike payments thing and nobody uses it, but uh, I have it strike.me slash can't well I take all that bitcoin all that Minero all that ethereum all whatever kind of crypto currency you want to send me I'm very happy to accept it. Christopher kit. Well that net slash donate or surrealpolis.com slash donate We'll show you where my crypto keys are and if you've got some kind of odd crypto you want to send me I'd rather not install a new application to to use it But like you know if it if it works with the exitus wallet which constitutes about thousands of coins Then I'll very happily do that and I'll give you a I'll give you a key for whatever it is you're trying to try to get me to okay You guys have yourselves a wonderful evening. I hope to see you for the monday went for the wednesday member show and of course back You friday where I will work very hard to offend your delicate sensibilities ladies and gentlemen have a good night Oh Oh Oh