and we've got the we got the Odyssey video stream because you know, obviously he's working great and then eventually rumble probably start playing advertisements and then after it's done with some advertisements maybe I'll find out if I'm on the air so that's really great you know rumble rumble provides a valuable service in that sense that they will. They will several minutes into the broadcast they'll inform me. You know whether or not I'm actually on the air and so I appreciate that about them, but you know he's good guy. He you know. He's not as good as Russian ball in the radio, but you know. He runs a website that displays advertisements pretty well and that's pretty cool you know I mean to advertise and sometimes sometimes you could find some good stuff in an advertisement and so here's an advertisement I'm looking at right now. I mean I just show you this is the this one here and then you just see yeah it's like yeah we're just watching advertisement and I'll skip it because I'm the host after all and I'm like trying to start the show and I'm just trying to make sure that it works. And so I don't actually need to watch the whole advertisement I'll just skip it and there I am. Oh I'm on the TV. It's good all right there we go. Thank you. Thank you so much. You know he's good guy. Yeah okay that means my audio and video are perfectly synced and that you're able to see my my adorable face. And now that you can see my adorable face and hear my buttery voice why don't we go play some intro music we'll get the show started. That'll be a good time pretty sure. So so all right welcome to sure you'll politics the 60th episode of stage one for May 27th 2024 be in the current year it's a Monday is usual of course 9 30 PM US Eastern time is when we do these live shows or if you're listening on some of the time and about your joins for live program we program I should say we do these on Odyssey Rumble and on the get me radio app for your smartphone your TV on your Roku TV or your fire TV or whatever it is like we make it really easy to listen to the show live or on demand and so thanks for doing that got to say and if you're listening live then you can actually call in number to do that is 217688 1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you talk the less I have to. So please do give us a call ladies and gentlemen full speed ahead on one way trip to clown world a headline and zero head reads trans sports agenda drag queens carry the Olympic torch to support the summer games Mr. Dirted I don't think that's his real name goes on to inform us that the three drag queens one of whom is sponsored by Coca-Cola and calls himself Miss martini will be kicking off the Olympic Games in Paris this year by carrying the Olympic torch we might briefly pause to reflect upon the absurdity of Coca-Cola sponsoring anything ostensibly athletic in nature the first thing any obese person does when they decide they need to be afraid is quit drinking soda this is no small part due to the fact that near every obese person in America is that way because they drink soda and before we even get into the absurdity of transgenderism and its assault on all that is good and decent we might briefly also reflect on what a mockery would make of the Olympics if a real woman named Miss martini were setting things in motion the people who make the Olympics likely people who make it to the Olympics likely consume quite few martinis and for the world from your sporting event to be promoting alcoholism seems about what you might expect if the Olympic committee had been taken over by a couple of its enemies who sought to destroy it from within all our Robert Conquest third law politics and so with those in mind the rest might seem quite tame actually with all the booze and liquid candy promoting cirrhosis obesity and diabetes why not promote HIV and chemical castration at the end of the day nobody makes it to the Olympics by the use of half measures of course to make it to the Olympics you go full power at your goals and you never ever stop this is the left's only admirable quality nothing stands in their way in their quest to destroy mankind with as much pain and suffering as possible they do not for one second stop to think how will it look if we promote soda booze and sexually transmitted diseases at the world's premier sporting event no they don't they don't pause to think about that at all much like the Nike slogan they just do it putting else on a radar plus your calls a two on seven six eight eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program and more you talk less I have to so please yeah do give us a call you know last year one year ago today is it were this being memorial day I air the segment title unknown soldier and I'm going to go ahead and play it again because it's actually pretty good and we'll be right back today being memorial day it might be fitting to speak a bit about military service of course the martial character a few in conflict emerges elsewhere besides the military and perhaps would be still more fitting to speak in such a broader generality there is just no shortage of bold man who will not be hailed as heroes despite courageous sacrifice be their names known or not some the news records is villains and our task is in some measures to see history do them great the United States is not the only country with a monument known as the tomb of the unknown soldier or something without effect no culture survives without reverence for its warriors some do a better job than others of recovering dead dead but whatever they had military prowess combat is unpredictable and people go missing it is both fitting and important that there be some shrine to their sacrifice in the United States as is at Arlington National Cemetery it is guarded 24 hours a day 365 days a year by soldiers in the third US infantry regiment known as the old guard they perform a visually impressive routine changing guard and sentinel says they don't have a pre which goes as far as my dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted in responsibility the stowed on may never will I falter and with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements I will roll out my tour and humble reverence to the best of my ability it is he who commands the respect I protect his bravery that made us so proud surrounded by well meaning crowds by day and alone in the thoughtful peace of night this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal visual while there are over 4,000 unknown soldiers buried at Arlington the monument contains the remains of put three one crypt contains the remains of a soldier from World War I another the remains of two soldiers one from the second world war and one from the Korean war an empty third crypt represents the missing service members from Vietnam when power changes hands perhaps it would be best to leave Arlington memorial to those who died in uniform overseas but it might also be fitting to establish a new one for those who died or otherwise had their lives destroyed right here at home the men's sweet face has surely left more than 4,000 corpses in its wake almost entirely un-rebarc'd upon many millions more yet walk but are no less dead disappeared and forgotten I discovered not long ago an old friend of mine had done to the gentleman who emailed me about it thank you it's not entirely clear to me what happened but I knew him to take a pain pill now and then it seems he got a bad one one of those fentanyl poisoning stories you hear about all too frequently in the news he was by no means a soldier though no more inclined to run from a fight to start one he had just happened to catch some shrapnel from one of the lethal weapons being dumped on our streets by foreign adversaries every day the people who stand up to those foreign adversaries they might fairly be described as combatants in a war they're not hailed as heroes they're not granted a place in a national cemetery they are called the most hateful of things and demonized in our press and fired from their jobs and denied the protections of our laws I don't mean to lower in any way the experiences of the war fighter by making the comparison they rightly have national holidays and resources allocated to them they enjoy with you exception for the reverence of the population and I'm not viscerally opposed to punishing those exceptions if anything they deserve more than we give them and it is quite a stain on our nation when we hear about veteran suicides from the despair that often accompanies attempts to get help from the VA our country should aim to place fewer burdens on our uniform warriors by making more cautious decisions in our foreign policy and by making an organization like the tunnel to towers foundation utterly irrelevant by making sure that they and their families are returned to all reasonable levels of comfort once they have done their jobs but it is one thing to risk one's life in combat and know that all the energies of the nation are with you it is quite another to make precisely the same risk without those benefits or even knowing that they are against you some have been so overwhelmed by the despair of this that like all too many uniform veterans they take their own lives others end up like my aforementioned friend when the despair sends them into the hellish depths of addiction though perhaps I'm splitting hairs by discerning between suicide and accidental overdose drugs like I've remarked in the past are a suicide intended to be of a temporary nature one cannot cope with life and checks out for a while inclined to some day return sometimes it just doesn't work out that way others who confront this menace have a difficult time coming across such comforts such things are very expensive in prison and it is those prisoners to whom I now refer I've seen the inside of a cage or two of the course of my 43 years my reasons for ending up there have buried in their merit I can tell you unequivocally it is an entirely different experience to be incarcerated for doing good than it is to be for doing bad I've been there in both instances and one knows the difference it's a very mixed bag on the one hand ending up behind bars for doing the right thing you weigh on a man by reminding him of the injustice in the world particularly if he sees his cause faltering his absence this can leave him with the impression that the conflict is lost and that he is doomed to watch helplessly as all that is decent to case and is defiled on the other there can be a sort of stoic redeeming quality to the experience the air is opportunity and suffering it builds character when you suffer for what you know to be true and right you know internally that you are not a simple pleasure seeking dog or a coward on willing to incur risks most of us I should point out need not end up hospitalized or in prison to learn this about ourselves but should you find yourself there it goes a long way toward removing those self doubts we all harbor we've all seen people who don't know what it's like to suffer they find themselves screaming like lunatics in the street convinced that they are among the most depressed people in our society we tend to mock them for this but there's some truth to it they've been deprived in a sense of what it means to be human to be alive even met with no opportunity to struggle they are weakened in sensing this they seek out struggle they aim to tear down civilization itself and see us return to a sort of Hobsy and state of nature red and tooth and claw more than an ideology perhaps subconsciously they seek to see themselves deprived the comforts which have rendered them unfit for the Darwinian contest of life we're not for the impact on our families we might hope they got their wish I'd be a miss not to mention the fugitives of course there's nothing easy about running unless so by the day that tracking device you stare at all day when it's not radiating your reproductive organs it's hard to get on today without one you might have gathered but it's harder to get on with one if you want to hide cameras everywhere credit cards license plate scanners speed radar radio activated highway tolls you ever see those signs on the highway that tell you how long it will take to get to a given exit you ever notice that sometimes it might be 60 miles to the destination it says you can reach it in under an hour but the speed limit is under 55 the government's not endorsing speeding that's happening because your toll device is being pinged along the highway and feeding data into an automated system to monitor traffic biometrics are a lot more than fingerprints these days retina scans facial recognition DNA artificial intelligence all ever more ubiquitous networked and accessible to the authorities if you're a fugitive and you get mugged a tupluck buddy you get shot better not go to the hospital come to think of it are you even going to feel comfortable going to a regular doctor if you get bronchitis and need so much of some antibiotics you're going to think about it twice at least I promise and when the government completely takes over health care don't think for one second fugitive thought criminals will enjoy any measure of anonymity in that system a man who goes to prison he usually gets out someday he gets a release date he at least knows when it's over not so for the fugitive maybe he'll avoid the authorities until he dies of natural causes or maybe he'll be sitting with his grandkids someday and the law finally catches up to him more likely he'll have a very short run there's a substantial likelihood he'll be killed in the process he'll have no way of knowing the outcome until he's dead or in prison the latter of which may at some juncture comes a relief after living that way for some period of time at least then he can see it out a light at the end of the tunnel but of course he only begins to serve his sentence after he's taken into custody and the longer he has been on the run the longer the overall ordeal ends up being when I lacked internet access if somebody opened the front door and said go far I'd have respectfully declined no sense in end being a fugitive war is more than bullets and bombs it's more than the risk of death and injury to state of total conflict that only temporarily calms for short periods of man's long and bloody history we are presently involved at this very moment in an information war which from a certain perspective might make the clarity of being in a gun fight with a uniformed opponent seem preferable in a sense there are no non-combatants in that struggle targeting civilians as a whole entire point no need to kill the soldiers tomorrow if the kids sterilize themselves today put the venture down that path may be just right to far from today's holiday thing so I'll save that for another day I don't have a great deal of respect for Americans for policy wizards I don't think they tend to act in the national interest not of this nation anyway I read a fascinating book once called the Israel lobby which tells a lot about who those interests they are serving are and it's not a flattering account over the years I've been in radio I've been asked many times if knowing what one knows about the state of affairs want to join the military that was easier to answer when I was libertarian I just said no what senses they are in getting yourself killed for some dispute between central bankers halfway across the planet just stay home and make yourself happy but I mentioned earlier that no culture survives without reverence for its warriors and if there are no warriors to revere I must imagine a society meets the same downpool so while I'll refrain from the moment from giving any advice I'll take this occasion to say thank you to all the warriors living at dead whether they wore a uniform or a ski mask whether they collected a paycheck or a sentence whether they're buried at Aurangton or at Levinworth or whether they've been carried off piecemeal by the critters and if you'll fight in a day state side of Rova C's inside the walls are out online or in the street for that matter God bless you Comrade and may we both live to get a bit of rest before depth takes us all right welcome back to surreal politics thanks for sticking with me through that memorial day holiday break there I love that piece is one of my favorite things that I've ever put together and part of the reason it is is because what I was briefly able to correspond with Robert Rondo is in pre-trial detention out there in Los Angeles I sent him a bunch of the stuff that I had written including that piece and that was by far his favorite so shout out to Rob Rondo good luck buddy and so I mentioned this piece at the zero hedge that came across my radar so as prepare and for the show transports agenda drag queens carry the Olympic torch to the summer games Tyler Dern over there again don't think that's his real name the push for public acceptance of trans athletes has been relentless for the past few years the agenda has been forced to the forefront of western social discourse despite the fact that the majority of people pulled believe trans athletes should not be allowed to compete outside of their biological sex in other words been pretending to be women should not be allowed to compete with real women because of their inherent physical advantages it seems like common sense but today we live in a world where common sense is under attack the international Olympic committee has joined in the program to promote trans propaganda first with their removal of testing restrictions on trans competitors for the 2024 Olympic Games trans athletes will no longer be required to undergo testing to prove that they are using hormone treatments or procedures to transition this means any man can simply claim he is a trans woman and compete in most women's categories only 10 out of 48 sports categories the Paris summer Olympics will have rules against trans competitors numerous sports associations worldwide have begun to tighten rules regarding transportation but the Olympics seems to be going in the opposite direction women athletes and many critics argue that these policies will destroy female sports by flooding the arena with biological men we have already seen an array of women's competitions dominated by male participants over the years and many female athletes losing out on scholarships over 70% of Americans want trans athletes to be restricted to their biological sex which by the way just let me interject here is also nonsense especially you got this idea that like anybody who thinks that you're going to allow female athletes to compete in female sports while they take steroids is completely insane that's what male sex hormones are so they start giving female athletes testosterone which if you were a male and you did this you'd be kicked out for cheating so they're going to allow female athletes you know that's what they're proposing here go well if you're a FTM transgender and you want to be an athlete that's fine you just have to take steroids and beat the crap out of girls on the on the soccer field or whatever that's completely insane over 70% of female athletes in the UK want the same polling in Europe is more difficult at least 14 countries have strict hate speech laws which could be used against anyone criticizing the trans movement to further alienate the public the parasol Olympics featured three drag queens carrying the Olympic torch this year the torchbearers are chosen by the Olympic sponsors and organizers usually because they have made a significant contribution to their community and because they personified the theme of that Olympics the theme of the parasol Olympics is games wide open well you know well you know you might say that those transgender folks are wide open that might that might be accurate one drag queen is going by the moniker miss martini and was even sponsored by cocoa cola so let's see what miss cocoa cola miss martini of the cocoa cola bottling corporation has to say about his or her participation in this fraud against mankind oh look at that! are they speaking French? like there's like a bunch of like I've been in the premier, I'm talking very much about the first black team but it even the damn important the Olympic flame it's not very helpful there's subtitles but there are in another language and so it makes me a lot of pleasure it's really important for the community the LGBT community has more representation like that the goal is to say that the values are not even like it it's not even like it it's not even like it it's not even like it's not even like it it's not even like it well this video is not useful at all I'm sorry about that so you know continuing with Darden for now it appears that the pendulum is swinging against the transgender in sports and it's hard to say of any organization even one with massive global reach like the Olympics I'm going to convince the populist that men pretending to be women and crushing women's sports as a normal thing despite criticism Paris mayor and Hidalgo has reaffirmed her full support for the drag queen torchbearers stating quote, I'll say it again, I'm proud and yes, Paris is proud that a drag queen will carry the torch in the values of peace and humanity but pride is a weakness, not a virtue sports are supposed to be the most refined representation of meritocracy on an even playing field accomplishment is not supposed to be one through identity nepotism or fraud there is the arena there is the competition and only one group or person can be at the top based on fair play the invasion of woke politics into the sporting world symbolizes more than just LGBT propaganda campaigns it is a subversive war on merit and the realities of biology indeed it is Mr. Darden I like that zero edge you know covers important things covers and well good good writing a lot of time such as in that case and uh... and it was the the libertarian party convention happened you know I used to be involved in the libertarian party and uh... I kind of was like even before I got out of libertarianism I was like yeah this thing's kind of going nowhere you know I was like you guys are uh... you guys are basically you know you guys have a purpose right you can sort of service like the farm league for the republican same you can learn things about politics playing in the libertarian sandbox and it's not about thing to have around and so you know I a lot of you know I'm I started to write a book about it sort of got backburned because I'm in financial crises um... I started to write a book about my 2010 run for the US House of Representing in uh... New York's first congressional district in Long Island against a Democrat by name of Tim Bishop and uh... one of the things that was you know pretty significant about that was that though I did not make the ballot I likely changed the outcome of the election and I did so in favor of the Democrat as a matter of fact and that really pissed off all my tea party friends my erstwhile tea party friends I should say once they realize that I had the potential to do that they were like yeah well you better not because actually we need to take the House of Representing back okay so you go play in the sandbox in some other election because we don't want to lose and I was like well you know just make me the republican nominee and then you won't have that problem and that was kind of immature of me and so the the the Democrat got to keep his seat because he won by fewer than a hundred votes and then in New York state um... the way they do writing votes is like okay they'll count the number of writing votes but unless that number is sufficient unless the number of writing votes is more than a winning candidate got on his regular ballot then they're not going to read the names on the on the writing votes you see okay so like they'll say okay so there was something I don't know two three hundred say writing votes and there was only um... a hundred or so votes separating the two candidates well I was not aware of another candidate being in the another writing candidate being in the race and I when I realized that you know there's a possibility I might not make the ballot as I went around shaking people's hands I said well I might not make the ballot but you can store I be in and so there's a pretty high likelihood that I changed the outcome of that election I cost the republicans a seat now I'm not really too you know you know I'm not that I had any particular fondness for the for the guy Randy Altschuller the republican candidate uh... he had literally bought a house in the district so that he could claim to live there in order to run for congress he was like made himself a millionaire outsourcing jobs to India would have placed uh... what was it tiger something or other and so you know I wasn't a big fan of the guy and he was not exactly a right-wing extrebus much less a libertarian so it's like ask you know you know don't you know if you're not going to do what I want you to do what do I need you to be in office for I'll let the democrats destroy the country and sure enough that's exactly what the crash did and you know you learn to think for that from that if you if you pay close enough attention and so the libertarian party you know it it it's not useless it's not a bad thing per se you know third party politics you've heard me talk about it before it has the potential to really screw things up and you got to be you have to be careful about that but they had Donald Trump there Donald Trump was at the libertarian party convention and uh... where's the tab with the Donald Trump thing we pull that up he said that he would pardon Edward Snowden is the video that I'm looking for what's going on here come on come on too many tabs open and it's getting confusing I'm sorry okay here we go here we go here we go Donald Trump says he will pardon Ross Albert now if you don't know Ross Albert it was the proprietor of a thing called a silk road okay if if you're into cryptocurrency or you've read about the history of cryptocurrency you know that name the silk road was the first dark net market where you could buy drugs to the mail using bitcoin and there was uh... you know when there's drugs going on and uh... that's illegal obviously I'm not suggesting that you can go do this lawfully there's ups and downs to this of course um... some people say Ross Albert's a hero because he reduced the amount of you know violence in the world by like okay put these people together in a trustless system that that you don't have people coming into contact with one another for violence to ensue right and so other people are like yeah well a bunch of people died from drug overdoses and by the way Ross Albert he is supposedly hired a hit man or something like that and he was never charged that he was sentenced on the basis of it though and that's kind of sick alright sir also brick was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release by the federal government of the United States not based upon the crimes he was convicted of but based upon the fact that he was accused of hiring an assassin a crime for which he was not charged okay and so like the federal system is really sick with sentencing okay on the one hand you know you go into the federal system you know you've got guidelines sentencing guidelines you have your criminal history category and then you have your offense level and those two things meet up on a chart and wherever they meet up on that chart turns a box with a sentencing range and the judges supposed to sentence you within that range and if he wants a sentence you above or below that there that's what's called an upward or downward departure and they've basically got to justify that or the sentence will be overturned on a appeal okay and so in the case of Ross Albert I forget exactly what his sentence and guidelines were I haven't read the story recently but I remember this stuff he was sentenced to life without the possibility of release not because the offense he was convicted of where this you can be in the federal system not only in the federal system you can actually be sentenced on the basis of acquitted conduct okay so in the federal system you go you go to trial say say Ross Albert is charged with selling drugs and hiring an assassin and he is convicted of selling drugs but not of hiring an assassin the jury acquits him of that charge the prosecutor still in his sentencing memorandum say Ross Albert hired an assassin and therefore he should be sentenced above his guidelines for this reason and a judge can do that and not be a overturned appeal in this case Ross Albert was not even charged with the crime of hiring the assassin but the prosecutors brought that up at sentencing they're like we'll just convict you on other charges and then we'll have you sentenced on the basis of this thing that we saw fit we saw not fit to charge even we didn't bother to bring this for our grand jury much less convict you before 12 registered voters but we're gonna have you sentenced on that basis now I have a lot less sympathy for drug dealers today than I did when I was involved with the libertarian party say okay I've seen what fentanyl and methamphetamine can do to a neighborhood it's just disastrous and these people have to be stopped you have to do something about that okay I think that marijuana is worse than then most of the drugs numerically on the market today okay like you marijuana people wake up in the morning they get high they're stoned all day they they wake up and they start getting high then they get high until they go to bed and they do that every day their lives unless they run out of pot haha unless they run out of pot that's the only thing that prevents them from getting high and they make all their decisions that way they drive that way they go to work that way they make their relationship decisions that way they conceive their children that way a lot of cases they deliver their children that way they carry their children that way they vote that way and then they have the nerve to turn around and tell everybody they're not drugged but if they if they run out of pot they're like oh my god like it's a big disaster I get stressed out when I don't have pot pot makes me stable actually well heroin addicts have the same exact relationship with opiates as a matter of fact it's called a withdrawal symptom and it's terrible your drug addict stop and so I'm not advocating drugs all right understand me when I say that but you have to have people sentenced on the basis of the crimes that they're convicted of I mean that's a pretty straightforward thing the the idea that we would just have people charge with one crime and then sentenced for another is actually pretty dangerous right and so the case of Ross Albrecht is one that you know you don't have to be a libertarian or an advocate of the war on drug or a opponent of the war on drugs even to be really upset about and so Donald Trump was at the libertarian party convention he said that he would commute the senses of Ross Albrecht and here's a here's a clip the libertarian party should nominate Trump for president of the United States that's nice that's nice only if you want to win only if you want to win maybe you don't want to win maybe you don't want to win thank you DeRoy thank you no only do that if you want to win maybe this is the wrong clip it sounds but that's that's kind of amusing anyway three percent every four years all right here's the clip that I was I thought I was like and if you vote for me on day one I will commute the sentence of Ross Albrecht who was sentenced of time sir I guess he's just gonna bask in the applause and not say a whole lot about that you know that's unfortunate I would have loved to hear Trump's thoughts on that I mean it's one thing to go to the libertarians would be like hey libertarians I want your vote now I'm gonna do this thing for you that you want it's another thing to like articulate why and it's kind of sad that he didn't um but he did mention Bitcoin so let's go ahead and play that clip I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future Bitcoin will be made in the USA not driven overseas I will support the right to self-custody to the nation's 50 million crypto holders I say this with your vote I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from the Bitcoin and I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency I will also that's probably uh that's good one um he says that he'll put libertarians in the cabinet and see your post committing to you tonight that I will put a libertarian in my cabinet and also libertarians in senior posts well I that that's how we're gonna get me all straight now we're gonna get Donald Trump to pardon me and put me into the cabinet then I'm gonna get my guns back and it's gonna be it's gonna be good in a reaction that probably confused Trump and his team the crowd booed when he counted his nomination from the National Rifle Association as many libertarians view the NRA as weak and inconsistent defender of gun rights with a tendency to pander to police well that that that is that is actually an accurate criticism problem oh oh that was interesting then you're gonna like me firearm you're gonna like me nobody better than me and we just got the full NRA the strongest endorsement they've ever gained the NRA so that's good freedom from so yeah you know the NRA has is worthy of some criticism I think fair to say and so that's Donald Trump with the libertarian party convention I thought that was pretty interesting um he he did not win the libertarian party's endorsement for the nomination of course because there are a bunch of lunatics and so they decided to bring so the libertarian party is apparently according to Tyler Dernoverd zero edge the libertarian party is going to run a fellow by the name of Chase Oliver as their presidential candidate and Durdon describes him as left-winger now I don't know much about Chase Oliver so let's hear what mr. Dern has to say after seven rounds of bowling stretching over seven hours and coming close to nominating nobody the libertarian party gave its presidential nomination to the decidedly left leaning chase Oliver on Sunday night in Washington DC the result was a devastating upset loss for the mesis caucus the Roth Barney and self-described lab lip radical libertarian groups seized control of the party in 2020 but failed to push its favor but flawed candidate Michael Rectonwald across the go-on Oliver has made national ways before running on the libertarian line in the 2020 Georgia Senate election Oliver took two percent of the vote voicing a rut off between Democrat eventual winner Raphael Warlock and Herschel Walker the woefully unqualified and Dorsey have Donald Mr. poor personnel picks Trump Oliver who has described himself as arm and gay will be the party's youngest ever nominee at age 38 among his many stances that will repel not only the marrying libertarians but also right-wing voters seeing a Trump alternative he says i'm not going to stop being a visible ally for trans people never he opposes gender transition surgeries for anyone under age 18 but is written favorably of puberty pausing for kids he supports having trans women in girl sports abortion pro-choice he said he supports codifying rovy way but opposes federal funding of abortions yeah well just have the federal government say that yeah everybody has to be able to murder their children if you say otherwise we're gonna send the fucking army and that whoo sorry about the f sorry about that i get a bent out of shape about that abortion thing i'm gonna send the army in and uh... we're gonna we're gonna charge you with the insurrection if you uh... you don't tell those abortion doctors to stop murdering the kids okay and you know it's good you know you get the gay people to do that for you because they understand the whole family thing pretty well uh he believes in climate change but seems to favor private solutions and has strongly advocated nuclear energy that's right we'll just have the private sector deal with the climate change stuff it's great we'll just have them decide how much carbon you're allowed to emit so as to not melt the world down great he opposes new gun laws and said he'd work to repeal existing ones though he does want to radically simplify our immigration system and create a simpler path the citizenship he responded to a rondis antistweet against importing Palestinians from cause by quoting the statue of liberty inscription oh my god come on you know the libertarian party if you want to pick people who disagree with us on stuff fine whatever can you just have them be like well informed okay can you just have them be well informed enough to know that that's stupid all of her shared his intended national strategy with politico saying we were looking at who were the most likely populations to be ready to go outside of the two party system and we've identified young people and in particular those who are upset with the ongoing war and Gaza upset with the immigration crisis and upset with cost of living those are the young people that were going to target me says caucus candidate rectum wall pick the worst possible time to exhibit some particularly poor judgment on the eve of the presidential baloting he one of the three candidates given an opportunity to take stage and share his perspectives on the speech that had just been delivered by trump at times wrecking wall struggle to articulate himself then abandoned the event midway he later told the Washington Post's Merrill cornfield that he had consumed an edible cannabis product before speaking like a moron i interject quote this was not some sort of a major political scandal okay he told her i wasn't found in bed with starmy Daniels i'm at a libertarian party convention somebody offered me something and he chose to take it it's not clear though if the incident had a material effect on his candidacy which may have been doomed by a lack of charisma yeah i'll say in a quirk resulting from the party's rules in Oliver and rectum wall joint failure to exceed 50% of the votes in round six the final ballot pitted Oliver against none of the above or no ta had no to prevail the party wouldn't have had a national nominee however most individuals state parties would have been able to select their own nominee for the state ballot reported the post cornfield uh citing a ballot access expert many libertarians were less than thrilled with sundays outcome under libertarian party rules of vice presidential nominee is selected by the delegates not by the presidential candidate nonetheless Oliver's requested running mate Mike termot a former police officer and loan officer was given given in the nod just before one a.m. eastern time after two rounds of voting he edged out mecess back mortgage broker Clint Russell who hosts the liberty lockdown podcast 51 to 47 percent meanwhile desperate to turn Oliver's nomination into some kind of defeat for frontrunner Donald Trump and potential spoiler robert of kennedy the new york times ran with a moronic headline that implied either one of them had some kind of chance to win the libertarian crown uh... quote libertarian skip over trump and rfk junior for chase Oliver there was no shortage of visceral reactions to the libertarian parties convention sound comes and there's a bunch of tweets there but i'm not going to read them and so yeah why not you know libertarians you know you guys like you know what we really need guys private sector climate change and lgbt stuff got to get that you know if we just jump on port you know those democrats you know they're not such bad people they just don't understand economics you know what i mean if we just give them abortion and transgenderism they'll they'll they'll come over and i'll say be like oh man i read that lug week on the east of sky and he's very reasonable so i think you know i think i'm just gonna abandon my radical extremist ideological world view and stop trying to destroy mankind with communism because you gave me a portion in queers yeah let's do that fairly unlikely i'd say two one seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and more you told the less i have to simply do give us a call uh... let's go check on our chats and uh... very good let's see you know we did that i don't want to do this one that's pretty funny i don't mean to make this like the zero head show today but so much of these stories really got to me today so the Biden administration in an effort to pander to the left wing fanatics who are tearing the college campuses apart uh in the name of uh anti white hatred being aimed erroneously against Jewish people uh in their anti-colonial quest to tear down civilization college kids have um for once for for once in their lives going against the people who run that ethno state over there and so you know their drugs get pulled out from out from under them and you know the college campuses are like all right we're gonna take away your diversity programs and uh... and you're not gonna graduate and by the way we're gonna actually like send the police in there this time you're not only allowed to you're only allowed to destroy our campus in the name of fentanyl junky armed felons okay you're not allowed to tear apart our campus when it comes to the people who pay the bills and so we're not gonna give you the things that we were giving you before we're pulling the rug out from underneath you but Joe Biden he's old and he's slow and he can't find his way off a stage so he's like oh there's a bunch of left wing fanatics running around doing something I should do it they say and he's like okay I can't go against the Israelis because then they'll tell everybody what I've been doing and then I'll go to prison for the rest of my life and probably be murdered and so he's like what can I do to play katees people without you know pissing off the people who are blackmailing and extorting me and so what he decided to do is he decided to build a peer in a war zone you see so the Israelis are waging an ethnic cleansing campaign in Palestine you might have heard and there's a bunch of people who are like no no no there's brown people over there not allowed to do that go ethnically cleanse the white people and in the Israelis like yeah we're doing that but we're not white people you don't understand and so Joe Biden is like yeah well if I don't do something like these people are gonna overthrow me so I gotta do something and so he's like I'm gonna go build a peer in the war zone and then and then that way we can deliver supplies to the people that the Israelis are killing okay yeah that way we'll give what they do they call a humanitarian aid humanitarian relief it's different from trying to prevent them from being slaughtered it's it's just you know you give them food and stuff and you'd be like oh you know sit there comfortably they'll be here soon don't worry about it so they spent 320 million dollars building this thing and you want to guess what happened to it do you think that it worked out very well to put the peer in the war zone at 320 million dollars cost to you the American taxpayer probably not a section of the 320 million dollar floating peer built and erected off-gossas coast has broken off and floated onto dun dun dun dun and Israeli beach the Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian age project aid project not the AIDS project that's a different we talked about that one in the beginning of the show after three US troops were reported injured aboard the peer two days prior including one critically so we're just you know we're gonna our military injured will waste around a 20 million box and then we'll just you know dump the thing on an Israeli beach be good the times of Israel's military correspondent and manual Fabian has reported that an American vessel used to unload humanitarian aid from ships into the Gaza Strip via a floating peer disconnected from a small boat tugging it this morning due to stormy seas leading it to get stuck on the coast of ash doth I witnessed a say the recovery operation have not gone well either quote as another ship was then sent to try and extract the struck vessel but also got beach so we got a 320 million dollar peer it's gonna get a bunch of soldiers injured then it's gonna go onto an Israeli beach and then we're gonna go try to get it and then we're gonna destroy the boat that went to get it this is fantastic this is working out great and yet a second US Army vessel also got stuck in shallow waters while trying to rescue the peer section overnight US ships have been moving two pieces of the floating peer to the port of ash dot and southern Israel when the now beach section detached and drifted away American troops can be seen in footage standing helplessly on the beach an official US central command statement says the following quote the more this morning for US army vessels supporting the maritime humanitarian aid mission in Gaza were affected by heavy sea states the vessels broke free from their mornings and two vessels are now anchored on the beach near the pier the third and fourth vessels are beached on the coast of Israel near ash clon the efforts to recover the vessels are underway with assistance from the Israeli navy the peer operation was already last week after a rough start and was paused for two days after desperate Palestinians mobbed and ransacked the first trucks transporting aid unloaded from the peer before they could reach a distribution warehouse managed by the world food program the peer has been a center of controversy given a number of land routes for aid into Gaza possible but have been blocked by Israeli israel's military now to mitigate the devastation amid reports of famine the US government has spent three hundred and twenty million dollars to build a pier to bypass its own beneficiaries landlock blockade but operating it has proven tricky especially due to inclement conditions in the eastern Mediterranean at best the peer will only put a dent in the daunting humanitarian challenge quote I just want to be clear that this humanitarian maritime corridor alone is not enough to meet the staggering needs in Gaza but it is an important addition said USAID Levant response management team director Daniel Deakhouse it is meant to augment not replace or substitute for land crossings into Gaza at this point with a section of the peer stock on an Israeli beach and coming over two months after President Biden first unveiled the ambitious project the whole initiative is becoming a bit of an embarrassment involving setback after setback and that is the predictable consequence of doing that okay you know you you know when you involve yourself in a war it's best to take a side you see what I'm saying uh this idea that like okay listen we're going to get the Israelis the weapons and the Palestinians the MREs okay that'll make it fast that nobody can accuse us of taking one side of the other as a matter of fact no you're going to get blamed for that pretty sure and appropriately and so you know you can do a couple of things when there's a war breaking out you can keep your idiot mouth shut you can stay home you say I'm not involved in that it's on the other side of planet what do I care if these idiots are killing each other or you can go and you could say hey you know these guys they you know we have this thing going on and we like them for whatever reason so we're going to help them kill the other guys you could do that you could be an ally you know or you can do it with the other guy but you can't go over and be like all right look is we're gonna help you with the weapons and then we're gonna feed you people while you wait for the for the death squats to come around that's not the way you involve yourself in warfare not if you care about your country anyway but Joe Biden doesn't he's an enemy of the United States and so that's what he does he's just trying to destroy America and he's doing a pretty good job of it I mean if that's what you voted for him for you're probably pretty happy with him I mean most people have a very negative you have Joe Biden today but whatever you know the 30 40 percent of people who are like yeah Joe Biden's fantastic they hate America's what it is and so he's doing a very good job for them and they're very satisfied with his performance and so you know at least somebody's getting something out of the Biden presidency however they manage to obtain it um all it's him um the end of lcp uh got hit with a community note recently on the uh uh Michael Browns what would have been Michael Browns 28 birthday now you might remember the name Michael Brown Michael Brown basically you know I want to say that he started the whole thing but you know if somebody had that impression you could understand it you know Michael Brown thing was you know there's a criminal you know he's a he's a black child so obviously and so he's he's right around doing criminal it being a criminal and then he got he tried to uh he tried to take a cop's gun and then when you that happened it all all the time like when you tried to take a cop's gun like they kill you're usually and so yeah so he's dead and you know fine whatever who cares the answers there's some people the same people who want to destroy America that they're like yeah we'll fund both sides of the war and you can go send our soldiers over there to die and they're like yeah well you know what we like this Michael Brown guy too and so they're their organization called the end of lcp the national association for the advancement of colored people now you're not to say colored people anymore unless you're talking about the end of lcp if you say colored you're you know that's like you it's common like maybe they'll maybe it'll come back you know it used to be like queer you couldn't say queer because queer was like a it was almost like saying fag or something and like nwacp uh you know uses colored people they get out to say colored people anymore maybe it'll come back you'd be like hey i was hanging out my colored friends or whatever but for now there you have a monopoly on that in one of the most shameless fake news spectacles CNN another left-wing media outlets perpetuated the hands-up don't shoot live they falsely claimed without any evidence that neighborhood thug Michael Brown had his hands up and pleaded with the cops not to shoot just before he was supposedly unjustly killed the media also dubbed the lumbering thug a gentle giant and there's uh there's an image here of this gentle giant attacking an Asian star clerk who's half his size during an armed robbie and i'll just go ahead for those of you're watching the video i'll show you that isn't that nice that's your gentle giant he's like probably weighs three times as much as this woman and he just shoves her i think that is he is he poke her in the chest with his pistol i don't know you never know with these types and so Michael Brown's not a nice guy the media made a spectacle of themselves as they pushed these insidious lies even going so far as to sit there like dummies with their hands up in the air so the whole hands-up don't shoot they you know you saw them doing this right when they were tearing the country apart it's changed my political ideas watching it happen as a matter of fact so i guess soon as i got to key new hamster matter fact this is like right after i moved to key new hamster or like the shooting happened right before i moved and i got to key new hamster i'm like hey guys what's up nice to meet you fellow libertarians let's bring down this government man it's bad and they're like yeah man i don't like the government either and that that that that that that Zimmerman guy you know killed that child for the crime of being black and i was like no i actually i don't get i guess you guys don't watch the news or whatever like now like who's a criminal and you know Zimmerman was like the neighborhood watch guy that's like exactly what we're here for you know that like people should protect their own neighborhoods like he had a gun and a criminal started bashing his head into the concrete and then he shot the criminal and the criminal's dead and he's alive it's like why that's what that's the whole entire point of being libertarianist to like beyond that guy said not the i don't know what you guys are talking about but they made it pretty clear that it was like no no no no no no i understand what you're saying about you know what libertarianism is but you have to understand that the whole entire purpose of what we're here to do is to race bait and make make the country worse and i said no well we're not gonna be friends for very long and it wasn't my exact words but you know we don't curse on this show and so like there was all this nonsense going around about he said hands up don't shoot and none other than the Washington Post which was you know one of the worst perpetrators of all this you know racial hysteria came out you know they do their thing they they rate things with panocchios to see how big of a lie it is so if you tell that if you lie and you say something that's untrue you tell you know you're a reasonable person listen to this show you're like oh no that's like a binary thing either you're telling the truth you're not the Washington Post is like well you know maybe there's three panocchios maybe there's four you know maybe it's just maybe it's just a one panocchio lie and you know then the people that you're dealing with that they've only got a racket of telling one panocchios and you know you basically lend the money with you whatever you want why not give them the nukes i mean who cares as long as they're not like three or four panocchios and on like a habitual basis they're better than the average than the average politician and so the Washington Post which is like a bunch of left-wing fanatics pushing transgenderism as like a propaganda campaign on like front page headlines they were like yeah no that thing is so completely ridiculous it not even we can go along with it he wasn't standing there saying hands up don't shoot what are you talking about he's trying to steal the cops gun he was fighting a police officer so if you hate cops and you're like yeah screw that cop i wish Michael cop god is gone and kill them well it just goes say that on twitter and be like yeah that's my position all debate the merits of that with you but the people who are trying to destroy the country they don't they actually they understand on some level they won't say it out loud they understand that their ideas actually don't stand up to scrutiny so they don't tell you the truth ever the truth is just part of white supremacy that's the whole you know objectivity right objectivity the fact the idea that there's one truth that's white supremacist ideology and they're like no we've got to get over that we talk about your truth and my truth and history then their truth and we we picked the most convenient truth of the democrat party fundamentally and so for a little while they said that the most convenient truth of the democrat party was that Michael Brown was not actually attacking a police officer trying to take his fire on what he was doing they were saying please don't shoot me mr officer I'm a gentle giant just because I'm large and African doesn't mean that I'm a threat to your safety please don't hurt me and then the gun was like let me tell you something we do with Negro boys around here son and then just an and executed him in cold blood that's basically that's what you're trying to be told by people who are running around the streets setting the country on fire screaming hands up don't shoot you see so the Washington Post was like listen we're all on board with the line but this you got too far okay like I have to give this for panochios we're a newspaper and I know it's you know 2016 or whatever but or it was this was 2012 wow a long time ago you know when it was you know even back then the Washington Post was like hey look you know it's not 2024 yet like we've got to tell people things that have some tether to the physical world and so they gave the whole hands up don't shoot the ang for panochios but you know see an ad on the other hand see an ad was like yeah we'll just have our anchors go on television put their hands up and say I can't breathe oh my god of course the story didn't happen that way not even close it's reminiscent of the George Floyd hoax as it turns out brown a budding career criminal and drag of humanity was trying to take a weapon from a police officer and he was just defiably shot and killed however these actual events didn't fit the left's anti-cop narrative so they concocted a new story that once again divided the country igniting chaos violence and hate now when the NAACP and other radical left wingers decided to take to Twitter they're calling it X I'm not doing that we're dead naming that trainee side uh they decided to take to X twitter to post birthday wishes to michael brown who would have turned 28 this year they were met with one of the most epic community notes ever here's what the community notes said in response to the NAACP's post on X celebrating michael brown's life and marking the birth of this neighborhood thug so the NAACP tweets they say michael brown should be celebrating his 28th birthday today we will continue to say his name and fight for justice and accountability sending love to his family and friends and there you see the image of him in his cap and gown which was the only image they could find of not dressed like some dangerous street criminal you see the same picture of michael brown everywhere in left wing press right they're always it maybe they have baby photos somewhere i don't know if his mother bothered to keep those or not you know they're not notoriously good for keeping track of their kids over there but you see the michael brown cap and gown photo and you're like oh my god well that boy just i mean he was honest way home from graduation that officer just shot because he was black it's terrible even you Nazis have to agree it's not okay to just shoot a boy because he graduated high school and so the community note attached to this reads michael brown was a robbery suspect and was shot after he initiated an altercation with police investigations including by the DOJ concluded officer Wilson's use of force was justified as brown had reached for the officer's gun meanwhile it's fair to note that it was opama's very black regime that concluded michael brown's death wasn't due to police misconduct much like the left's George Floyd narrative the hands up don't shoot claim turned out to be a hoax as well congresswoman cori bush also got hit with the same savage and very well deserved community note that the end of a cp got slapped with so she tweets out oh she's got a video you want to watch cori bushes michael brown video do you think that's probably very informative i have my doubts i should have turned 28 years old the last birthday he celebrated and will ever get to celebrate was his 18th just 81 days after his 18th birthday a Ferguson police officer killed him and a just called them niggers michael brown pulled three his loved ones right now celebrating another year as he blows out the candles on his birthday cake but instead we are only left with the memories of who he was michael brown's life was taken it was taken from his mom his dad his friends his siblings his classmates and from every person who African-american they were all left to live through the trauma police violence leaves in his wake they were forced to go to school to go to work and they were forced to deal with the mental health effects of it on their own police killings of unarmed black people are responsible for more than 50 million additional days of four mental health days per year it's devastating our communities mental health address that's why my browns honor alongside michael's mother Leslie Mcspadden i am reintroducing the helping families heal somebody's to pay for all my population will provide crucial mental health support for victims families and communities harmed by police violence it was fun these resources and bolster counseling in our schools it's been nearly 10 years since the Ferguson uprising some of the people who knew that they're so important they've never touched anything in their life let them touch those things for once that focuses on saving lives instead of destroying them that's why in addition to helping families heal we're working to pass my people's response act which would advance an evidence-based public health approach to safety and so many other life-saving policies almost a decade has passed since we lost my brown but we're still on the front lines of the movement to save black lives and that's where we will remain until no more lives are taken by they must be physically removed celebrate each and every one of their birthdays happy birthday my brown rest in power happy birthday to you so that's Corey bush you'll energizing a violent criminal and talking about the somebody got to pay for all my children program so that's good I mean you know somebody's finally going to pay for that women's children that woman's children you know we've been talking about her for a lot of years you know she very famously came out and shamelessly said on television and so thanks to Michael Brown that's gonna happen and you know I gotta say maybe it's a silver lining right because if Michael Brown had grown to be 28 he probably wouldn't be paying for any of his children right but now that he's dead Corey bush it's gonna pay for all of them two on 7688 1433 you like to be on the program the more you talk less I have to so please do give us a call let's let's check on our chats and if nobody's calling me I might just end the show because you know I don't know why you do this anymore kind of it's a good time but yeah we're done all right so thanks everybody who watched and listened live thanks to those of you who are downloading later um I usually say hey you know if you want to send me some money go ahead do that you should probably go ahead and do that if you've been thinking about you might do it later go ahead do it now uh because uh I'm not gonna wind about it too much but so it's it's time and so if you're somebody gave me a whole bunch of money don't worry about it whatever fine you know I'm not I've taken too much from you you know the the the way we were able to do this for as long as he was is a small number of people carry the show um those of you who wanted like this to continue in any form you have to pay me you 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will uh we'll be back most likely we'll be back Wednesday and Friday if you guys don't pay me you know I don't know I want to like I'm trying to put together a conclusion to radical agenda but if the money just dries up I'll just I'll just walk away you know with my tail between my legs uh we'll see you guys soon hopefully take care have a good night see you Wednesday and Friday you