All right ladies and gentlemen, we're getting started with a live arrogance to real politics Uh, and you know, maybe that honestly thing will work maybe maybe whoa, you know If we wouldn't want to expect too much of those Odyssey guys because you know, that would make us idiots if we believe that You know the Odyssey guys might actually make their their platform functional That would make fools out of us and so we don't actually hold to that expectation and And so hey wait. Oh my god. I have Odyssey Odyssey's on am I on Odyssey? We wouldn't want to expect too much of that. Yeah, there we go. That's fantastic. That's just great. Okay, so Odyssey decided to show up for work today That's fantastic. Let's see if Odyssey records the video this time I'm not gonna hold my breath for it And so now we'll start the local recording and And then we'll go check to see if rumble is gonna show up for work today. Let's find out if rumble is gonna show up for work today No certainty of that for sure And so we'll just go over there and we'll just wait for some commercials to play and then we'll find out if I'm actually gonna be able to air a show on on rumble today Let's find out Whatever you get around to it guys whenever you're ready. Let me know We'll be ready for you. Okay Yeah, we'll just watch some advertisements on rumble just to make sure that I'm online because you can't count on these people for anything And so that means that I'm on rumble. Yeah, Odyssey decided to show yeah, okay fantastic. All right And so we've got two streaming platforms, you know, barely functional But you know there's theoretically video on there and we've got we've got our local recording running And so now we might as well place a intro music. We'll do that and then we'll get the show on the road And that will really get on and that will really get pissed off All right Welcome to surreal politics It's 61st episode of stage one for June 3rd 2024 being the current year. We're a halfway through the current year already. Are you at your minds? Where does the time go Right out the window Ukrainian president of a lot of mirrors linsky is warning Donald Trump that he will become a quote loser president If he imposes an unfavorable piece deal on Ukraine and it's conflict with the Russian Federation He's apparently, you know, really trying to suck up to Donald Trump He doesn't well, you know, what's the kisses ass, you know, I don't know. That's how you do that exactly, but you know, whatever So once the acknowledges that without you as support Ukraine's fight is over in a day and from his perspective I suppose it makes a great deal of sense to view the man who brings this About to have done a very poor job But unless you think the duty of the president of the United States is to bring about the destruction of mankind to a nuclear war with the Russian Federation And American might take a rather different view of such an outcome No ordinary American benefits at all from the conflict in Ukraine We have seen inflation espionage trade crises and the risk of a nuclear exchange all to protect the foreign intelligence agency That aids the Democrat party in destroying our country So let's get went on to say that by allowing Putin to succeed in Ukraine Other world leaders would see the United States as weak and that the US would cease to be a player on the world stage But of course, this is utter nonsense because the United States is presently being bullied by you crane of all places Making an ally of Russia at the expense of discrediting Democrat foreign policy hardly weekends Americans foreign policy position in the world And so I'm just gonna go right into the story here I've got it up in the I think is a daily mail here. I just didn't bring up the wrong tab the guardian it was actually You know the balls in this guy you gotta give it you gotta give him that much, you know the guys got a set The Donald Trump's risk of John Donald Trump risks Being a quote loser president if he wins November selection and imposes a bad peace deal on Ukraine Vlatamir Zelensky is sad saying it would mean the end of the United States as a global player In an interview with the guardian and Kiev Zelensky said he had no strategy yet for what to do if Trump returned to the White House And that the former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had approached him on his behalf If Trump beats Joe Biden he is widely expected to cut off US military support to Ukraine last year Donald Trump boasted he could end the war in 24 hours Trump's aides have previously sketched out a possible plan that would involve giving Ukraine's Easter regions to Russia as well as Crimea Turn my headphones up a little bit a little bit more. Yeah, there we go Trump's aides have previously sketched out a possible plan that would involve giving Ukraine's eastern regions to Russia as well as Crimea But Zelensky made clear that Ukrainians would not put up with that nor would they accept a Russian ultimatum that forced Ukraine to abandon integration with Europe and future membership of NATO He said oh well, you know, I think they might just have to you know because as soon as we stop funding this nonsense the worst over guy Okay, so you're gonna put up with whatever you have to put up with that's how it works That's real politique So let's get knowledge that a real elected Trump could if he really wanted to impose a crushing military defeat on Ukraine He could cut off support weapons and money and even make deals with Kiev's partners that they stop deliveries of vital arms Ukraine bearer handed without weapons will not be able to fight a multi-million Russian armies. Let's get told the Guardian. Yeah, you don't say Speaking inside his presidential headquarters He said he thought this scenario was unlikely, but he said that if it happened that there would be grave consequences for the United States Asstanding in the world as well as for Trump personally does he want to become a loser president? Do you understand that can happen? Zelensky said He predicted that Vladimir Putin would violate any Trump broker deal Quote a ceasefire as a trap he said after a pause Putin would go further humiliating Trump and making him look very weak in the eyes of the world He said Yeah, cuz you know Donald Trump's gonna look like a tower and pillar of strings if he just does whatever you tell him to right If he just takes though if he just allows the president of Ukraine who's about to lose a war to the Russian Federation No matter how much money and weapons we throw at that catastrophe Oh, he's gonna look real strong if he gets bullied around by the water beersolinsky. Yeah Zelensky continued this is not about him Trump is a person But about the institutions of the United States because you know he's all about the American institutions The water mirrors the landscape They will become very weak the US will not be the leader of the world anymore Yes, it will be powerful first of all in domestic economy because it has a powerful economy without a doubt But in terms of international influence will be equal to zero. Oh, wow god forbid You know if wasn't for the United States and all that international influence, you know Realizing that Washington was no longer a player other mostly authoritarian countries and leaders would come into the arena And emulate Putin's aggressive approach Zelensky suggested And this would ultimately end in global disaster the beginning of what everyone is so afraid to talk about this is reality And this is the real third world war Yeah, you were in world war three right now you're gonna put us into the third world war Which is like you know we're all third world countries throwing rocks at each other is actually what you're gonna create Well, I think it's Albert Einstein I forget who I decided the quote comes to my head right now I don't have the attribution handy And somebody once said I don't know what weapons the third world war will be fought with but the fourth one will be fought with rocks and sticks And like that's where they're bringing us okay Ask whether Johnson had spoken to Trump on Ukraine's behalf Zelensky said I think he tried I think he spoke to him. I think so. Yes as far as I know he had I'm sorry I'm using Boris as an instrument. Yeah, you use everybody as an instrument. It's kind of like to it's kind of like your whole bit right The initiative came is Kiev lobbied pro Trump Republicans and Congress and tried to persuade them to drop their opposition to you The 61 billion dollar military aid package passed in April after a six-month delay Zelensky made his comments a day before New York jury The day before a New York jury on Thursday convicted Trumpable 34 counts of falsifying business records The verdict in the hush money trial made him the first former president to be found guilty of felony crimes in the United States is near 250 year history In 2019 as president Trump rang Zelensky and asked him to investigate his election rival Biden Hunters and his Biden son hunter Is Zelensky failed to find dirt on Hunter Biden US security assistance to Ukraine would be with hell Trump suggested According to a leak of the call the scandal led to Trump's first impeachment now as a matter of fact that's not what the leak said You could certainly make that inference, but that's actually not that was actually not what it said He said hey I know that there's corruption over there go go show me that you're investigating it And then I'll I'll give you the money, but if you're a crook then I don't want to give you American taxpayer dollars And that's the downright reasonable thing to do as a matter of fact and the fact that he didn't do it And that we find ourselves at this juncture actually says a great deal I'd say Zelensky said he had invited Trump to visit Ukraine I want to talk to him openly I want him to come and see the war for himself and then to talk to him I think he would need to to understand it the situation better Yeah, sort of like go in there put the Kepa on put your hand against the wall. Oh my god six million Zelensky said he understands that Trump knows Putin based on the former president's own statements The pair have met a diplomatic summits Trump is previously called Russia's leader a genius and described as 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine is pretty savvy Communicating with Putin is not the same as knowing him, Zelensky said adding that's understanding better Trump should see the results of what he brought to Ukraine The reference to the destruction of towns and cities murders of civilians and daily bombardments from Russian missiles. Yeah Yeah, a lot of meers, so let's get I understand that you don't like losing a war That's that's a pretty sensible thing for a man in your position to have that feeling. I understand I don't hold that against joys no matter of fact But guess what like it's actually not my problem And it's actually not Donald Trump's problem And if Donald Trump gets elected the first thing he has to do is tell you to go to hell Okay, that's the only reasonable thing that an American president could do at this point is tell you get lost He'll become a loser president he'll become a loser president he makes friends with the Russian Federation. He avoids world war three He says you know what I got I got these China guys to worry about I'd rather not get into a nuclear exchange with the Russian Federation over some drug addict who's been helping the Democrats Different elections in the United States probably not the best thing for my country. Thank you go to hell 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm more you talk to the less I have to so please give us a call Speaking of China Who's the winner of the war in Ukraine? Well, it's China clearly China wins the war in Ukraine By default you see Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky accused China on Sunday of helping Russia to disrupt an upcoming Swiss organized peace conference on the war in Ukraine Speaking yet Asia's premier security conference Zelensky said that China's pressuring other countries in their leaders not to attend the upcoming talks He did not say which ones Well, Russia using Chinese influence in the region using Chinese diplomats also does everything to disrupt the peace summit He sent it a news conference at the Shangri-La defense forum Regatta bleed this is unfortunate that such a big independent powerful country is China is an instrument in the hands of Russian leader Vladimir Putin Yeah, do you think that that's the case Do you think that Zishinping is just a puppet in the hands of Vladimir Putin that Putin goes over to everybody's like listen you and your 1.4 people Billion people better do what I say because I'm Russia. No, I'm pretty confident. That's not what's going on as a matter of fact China benefits from the conflict in Ukraine because China is America's replacement you see they're trying to displace us as the world's preeminent superpower And as and the best way to get that to happen is we're us to end up in a war with the Russian Federation Which is why which is why China's not just outright arming the Russians right They have an unlimited a no-limits partnership all is is China giving weapons to Russia as a matter of fact there's no evidence of that Is China funding the war in in Ukraine as a matter of fact China's not I mean they're buying Russian energy Products at a discount mind you But as a matter of fact like China's not going to bat for Russian Ukraine why Even though they have this no-limits partnership why Because China benefits most of all from the United States destroying itself in pursuit of the war in Ukraine Yet the United States into a war with Russia have those two countries fight it out and China's the winners fairly straight forward And so do I think that Russia's trying to poison a peace conference? Well, I mean if the if the peace conference is you know some NATO trap to be like come on Vladimir Putin You're evil. Why don't you do what we say then you know he might do that sure But China would absolutely do it independently of Russia and as a matter of fact China would do it against Russia's wishes If they thought that it was actually going to bring the conflict to an end right Because that's the worst thing to possibly happen for China's for that war to stop they want that war to go on as long as possible Which is probably why Joe Biden's making sure that that's the case right Joe Biden is going to make sure that there is no resolution to the conflict in Ukraine for as long as possible because you know You know, it's a confluence of different Deferious influence. It's not just the Chinese trying to displace America It's the anti-white animus operating on the United States government It's like get all these white people to kill each other as fast as possible But you know if they can't do it quickly then let them do it slowly But just make sure that a lot of them die. Okay. That's the really what's important And so you know you like I said on a prior episode, you know, I'm like what did they do it to weapons? Did they give them all the weapons at first? No, they gave them little bits of weapons and then lots of people died and then they gave them some more weapons and then lots of people died and then they gave them some more weapons Why because the goal is maximum casualties the goal is to make sure that there's as much chaos and misery and destruction is humanly possible That's the only reason they're doing any of this Dragging it out for as long as possible to weaken the United States not to weaken the Russian Federation Well, I mean, they're you know, they're probably trying to weaken the Russian Federation too But the primary goal is to weaken the United States. It's obvious. That's the goal China has staked out what it says is a neutral position on the war putting it at odds with Ukraine the United States and most of Europe It's trade with Russia has grown easing the economic impact of Western sanctions and American Ukrainian and other intelligence agencies Say there is evidence that Chinese parts are winding up in Russian weaponry even if China is not directly arming its neighbor The Swiss had been hoping China would attend the peace conference in mid-June But Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mouning sinked old on Friday that it that was unlikely China's been calling for a peace conference with equal participation of all sides including Russia, which has not been invited Oh, that's funny. So you're gonna have a peace conference without the Russian Federation. Well, that's a great idea I got an idea guys. Let's go figure out how we're gonna end the war without talking to one of the bligerents in the combat There's still a clear gap between the arrangements for the meeting of the demands of the Chinese side as well as the general expectations of the international community Moun said this makes it difficult for China to participate in the meeting. Yeah, I'll say Yeah, I'm China. I'd like to be taken seriously You're having a peace conference and you're not including one of the combatants So why don't you just shove it up your butt because I'm not a retard. I don't want to look. I get idiot The foreign ministry did not respond to immediately to a request for comment on Zelensky's accusation You Kranian leaders said of China's pressure on others that it is not only support to Russia that is basically support of war In his speech to the security conference earlier in the day, Zelensky urged top defense officials to attend the upcoming talks in Switzerland Saying he was disappointed at the failure of some countries to commit to joining Chinese defense minister Dong Jun spoke before Zelensky at the Shangri-La conference But he did not appear to be in the room when Zelensky made his appeal Zelensky said that Ukraine had proposals to make at the summit as a basis for peace addressing nuclear security food security the release of prisoners of war in the return of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia Oh, that's right So Zelensky wants to go to this conference in Switzerland and just go make a bunch of demands, right? Hey, I got an idea. How about I go to Switzerland and I and we won't have Russia there But I'll just get up in front of these people who are financing my warfare And I'll tell them here's all the stuff that I want from Russia either that or I'm gonna keep on demanding money from you guys to get my people killed That's great Oh Time is running out and the children are growing up in the Putin land when they are taught to hate their homeland He said At the same time Zelensky said Ukraine is ready to hear various proposals and thoughts that lead us to an end of the war and a sustainable and just peace The greater the participation the more likely it will be that Russia will have to listen. He said Well, if if Russia's not there then Russia's I mean they'll send spies or whatever and you know all the people who work for the US government who are You know basically just you know for sale maybe they'll get some information to whatever, you know that kind of thing But strictly speaking if Russia's not invited it's kind of ridiculous to tell them that they have to listen right because that's stupid That's actually not how you talk to people. That's how you that's how you look like a retard as a matter of fact The same goes for countries in the region Zelensky said through an interpreter We truly count on you supporting this summit and that you will be president in Switzerland Singapore defense minister Enghen who shared the stage with Zelensky did not say whether his country's leaders would attend But did note Singapore had condemned the invasion and provided Ukraine with military ambulances. That's right They provided them with ambulances. They're like hey when you guys get blown up by all that Russian stuff when you guys take your American weapons That are being dripped to you in insufficient quantities And that your people get blown up and died and you can drive them away in these cars that we gave you We stand with you and I think your appearance at the Shangri-La dialogue is the epitome of what we are all hoping for a rules-based order that guarantees the security and survival of large nations and small He said no, it doesn't nothing to that all Hey rules based order which guarantees the But no There's no rules based order There's only there's one rule And that's the powerful people gets to tell non-powerful people what to do right that's the way it works But so Biden's a weak pathetic fool and he's being bullied around by volatum here Zelensky because he's being blackmailed. It's very straightforward That makes Biden very weak and Zelensky very strong And then when you put somebody in there who's not being blackmailed then Donald Trump says hey go to hell I'm not gonna shut up. I don't care what you want shut up. I'm not doing it go to hell You know what? Why don't you just stop fighting so that all of your people don't get killed? Okay, you want to stop a genocide stop fighting the war idiot Don did not specifically mention the Switzerland meetings in his address to the forum But did say on the Ukraine crisis China has been promoting peace talks with a responsible attitude He added that China had not provided weapons to either side of the conflict Quote we have never done anything defend the flames. He said we stand firmly on the side of peace and dialogue US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin sat in the front row is Zelensky talked in an address Saturday Austin told a security conference that he was hired based on affirmative action and that I'm sorry That was that's not what they said over there in the Guardian Austin told a security conference that Putin's war of aggression has provided us with a preview of a world that none of us would want Yeah, that's right Yeah Yeah, I think that It's providing us with a preview of a world under your rule right where Endless amounts of resources are poured into losing conflicts It means by which to get as many people as possible killed we don't want that world we need to get you out of the position that you're in We've all been inspired by the courage of Ukraine's troops and the resilience of Ukraine's people Austin said people around the world Rush to help you create defend itself in crooting countries across the Indo-Pacific. Yeah Yeah, that's right. They've all gone in rush to defend them and a lot of good at did him 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm waiting total less I have to so please do give us a call um Let's see here Okay, all right Everything's under control Yeah, I'm being told that Odyssey's under attack and you know, they probably deserve it You know, I mean, I would rather than not be attacked while I'm on the air and maybe you know they could work for two hours Day three days a week whatever, but you know You know, I'm sure that it's probably somebody would have really legitimate complaint. You know, here. I'll tell you something about Odyssey On the on the Friday show I went to upload I went you know after you do a stream on Odyssey you publish a replay is what it works And so in theory what's supposed to happen When you plet when you stream a video to Odyssey's Odyssey saves the video and then you tell it to publish the saved stream as the replay Sometimes you have to wait a few minutes. It's like yeah, it's processing 99% come back in a couple minutes It'll be 100% and then you can publish a replay and I'm like, okay, cool. I'll go take a leak or whatever And but that's not working so it's actually on Friday when I went to go do it It said processing 0% seven days, okay, which means that from the prior week From the week prior from the prior episode of the radical agenda, which aired the Friday before last It's still hadn't processed that video and because it hasn't processed that video. It's not attempting to process any other videos And so I have to manually upload my own local recording in order to get Odyssey to republish a stream And I've gone into the Odyssey discord before and tried to talk to them before and they're dicks and they're not very helpful at all And so that platform sucks and they're gonna they're gonna be destroyed and they're gonna deserve it and And we all deserve what we get at the end of the day for that because once we found out that they were using strike for their payment process And we should have known that it was a setup 2176881433 like to be on the program and more you'd tell the less I have to so please to give us a call And everybody's completely had it with this nonsense, you know, they like look all right. We didn't like the trump guy. He was insulting people whatever So fine we let you guys, you know steal your dumb election And Where we were glad that Trump was out of there for a little while and then And then you ruined the world basically and so OPEC has had it okay, so the Saudis and everybody The organization of petroleum exporting countries OPEC or OPEC plus in this case On Sunday agreed to extend all production curves into next year a deal that likely signals oil prices will remain elevated through the US presidential election The agreement comes on the same day the group's king pins out of Arabia launched a giant sale of shares in its national oil champion That will yield billions to help fund the kingdom's economic transformation The organization of petroleum exporting countries and its allies together known as OPEC plus agreed to keep collective curves through next year The group has long standing official reductions of 33 point I'm sorry 3.66 million barrels a day The new deal includes the United Arab Emirates securing another upgrade to its official production quota by 300,000 barrels a day the UAE's new official quota will be gradually phased in starting in January and stand at 3.519 million barrels a day by September 2025 eight top producers in the group also agreed to continue voluntary cuts separately into 2025 currently around 2.2 million barrels a day according to OPEC plus documents But the voluntary cuts which include a production cut of 1 million barrels a day from the top producer Saudi Arabia will only be maintained at the same level for three months before being gradually eased through September next year the document says In effect the agreement gives a cartel considerable leeway to make adjustments depending upon market conditions The curves are aimed at bolstering prices and avoiding a global surplus and a context of a rising output from other non-member producers Particularly the United States and concerns over demand amid high interest rates and inflation Brent crude the international oil benchmark currently trades around 83 dollars of barrels some way off its intraday high for the year to date of 91 17 on April 5th while the US oil gauge west Texas intermediate as at 79 a barrel Both benchmarks regained some ground last week supported by market expectations of OPEC plus cuts and elevated tensions in the release But failed to gather significant momentum the price of oil in particular It's effect on inflation and consumers outlook on the economy will be closely watched in a presidential election year with the while the US In the US while gas prices have dripped a downward as of late the extension of the production cuts is likely to keep them from falling dramatically Higher oil prices are also designed to boost the Saudi economy Saudi Arabia on Sunday started selling less than 1% in state-run oil giant RMCO potentially racing almost 12 billion dollars and offering that followed the record 25.6 billion generated in its 2019 initial public listing The kingdom has embarked on many mega projects including a multi-billion dollar city In the desert and a global airline and needs oil in the high 90 dollar range to fund to fund its ambitions according to market watchers But reaud has become worried traders on Wall Street were taking positions to sell off oil futures Pavey the way for declining prices delgat said Futures trading positions currently imply the west Texas intermediate will will trade at 73 a barrel a year from now Down more than 5% from current levels in April money managers in New York cut their net long positions in west Texas intermediate the main US futures oil contract By 20.6% and increased their short positions by 97.5% according to the US commodity futures trading commission The further extension of cuts agreed Sunday Could tip global oil markets into a supply deficit pushing up prices Demand for opact plus crude is set to increase next year by 800,000 barrels a day the cartel said in a report last month lagging compliance to agreed curbs has also been a bone of contention between Saudi Arabia and other top producers Russia Iraq Kazakhstan respectively overproduced $200,000 a day to 200,000 barrels a day I should say 240,000 barrels a day and 72,000 barrels a day in April according to S&P global's commodity data service plants In recent months flows of Russian crude to global markets were boosted by 400,000 barrels a day as Ukrainian attacks and its refineries Reduced Moscow's capacity to process the commodity at home said commodities provider Kepler But they are set to decline in the summer as the plants restart it said Opex meeting which normally takes place in Vieta was held with several key oil ministers in the alliance attending Reaud after so Saudi Arabia reverted plans for to carry out the meeting exclusively online Other producers joined virtually as they did back in November when the meeting was delayed by four days as members wrangled over production And so in other words Excuse me Look One of the things that the Saudis at Al do not want is for oil prices to be so high That more invests is made in alternative energy sources, okay I mean they're perfectly happy to see America waste endless amounts of money on solar panels because they understand that that's never going to replace oil That's fine But you know if if people started using more nuclear energy if there were other you know real alternatives to oil That would not be in the interest of a country like Saudi Arabia because as soon as Saudi Arabia cancel oil There's no such thing as Saudi Arabia you see And so they want to keep prices just just low enough That you don't replace them, okay, but they want to keep them high enough that they can make as much money as they can of course But they have a keen awareness that if oil prices go up in an election year that they can help to oust the sitting president, okay And so that's exactly what they're doing they're trying to get rid of Joe Biden and that's a very smart thing for the Saudis to do as a matter of fact And it's not necessarily in their best economic interest to do that Because Donald Trump will increase American oil production, right Donald Trump will go and he will start selling he will Re-free the restrictions on American energy production and compete with Saudi Arabia But Saudi Arabia also depends on the United States for its security And if the United States is going to get itself completely destroyed fighting Russia over Ukraine Well, then that's probably not the best interest of the Saudis no matter fact And so they're like okay, whatever we're just gonna have to compete with Donald Trump on the oil markets and you know get rid of this idiot before we're all dead 2176881433 like to be on the program and then more you told the less I have to so please give us a call Let's see here These railees, you know, they're not making a whole lot of friends in a world stage as a late, you know, it's weird, you know Uh, they keep on telling us that they're the good guys and that and that and that everybody has a moral decision to make you see That everybody's like everybody sees it just with moral clarity or they're a moral criminal But either you love when you know, Israel ethnic cleanse ethnically cleanses their neighbor Or you're a Nazi you see And they insist on that, you know, pretty pretty forcefully And oddly enough, you know like people actually don't take too well to that they're like you know what I'm kind of sick you telling me this nonsense matter fact Uh, I don't think that you know, I'm an American and uh My whole entire civic religion Is Based around the nonsense idea that because we save gods chosen people from the evil Hitler during World War 2 That this makes us You know a very special country and that this justifies all our foreign policy debacles and catastrophes from now until the end of time That's what gives us the right to rule the world by force until The return of Jesus and the end of the world And so you know people who have that dumb idea in their head, you know, they don't like being called Nazis But they do it anyway because they just can't help themselves you see they're like wait a second I haven't gotten what I want do I have to tell you that you're responsible for the Holocaust? Well, I'll do that I'll do that as many times as I have to but you're gonna do what I say And it just doesn't actually seem to do them any good and so now they're not allowed to go to the Moldives uh The Moldives government will ban Israelis from the Indian Ocean Archipelago known for luxury resorts as public anger in the Perk dominantly much elimination Rises over the war and Gaza the president's office said Sunday that the cabinet decided to change laws to prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country and to establish a subcommittee to oversee the process It said president Mohammed Muizoo Muizoo Will a point a special envoy to assass the Palestinian needs and to launch a fundraising campaign Israel's foreign ministry spokesperson orin Memorstein Marmorstein said in a response that the foreign ministry recommends Israelis avoid any travel to the Moldives including with foreign Passports and those currently there to consider leaving Nearly 11,000 Israelis visited Moldives last year which was 0.6% of the total tourist arrivals well sucks for you Can't go to the Moldives anymore. Huh? Israelis that's really just too bad. I'm sure you're really broken up about that Just gonna have to stop killing your neighbors. You're not gonna be able to go on vacation anymore 2176881433 like to be on the program and the more you talk to less I have to so please to give us a call call or you are on surreal politics. What can I do for you today my friend? Hello, thank you for having me um, I just had like I have a few quick questions that uh, I was just kind of curious what you thought about uh Dave Smith's current round of Media outlet attention. What do you think of that? I think it's one all with that. I have no idea what you're talking about. You'll have to inform me Well, he was on uh Joe Rogan and he was on uh, you know some other places and you know he's kind of uh You know positioning himself. I heard that Trump was also at the libertarian thing and uh and they put some other You know, well person I guess In charge of the libertarian party. So I don't know. There's something kind of strange going on with them where he's kind of a poster boy for the libertarian party, but I don't know. I was just kind of curious if you had kept up with that I haven't kept up with it so I really can't speak intelligently to it I mean if you want to give me something more specific to respond to I'll try to respond to it Well, here's what I know about Dave Smith. I mean, you know Dave Smith's not a totally unreasonable guy. Okay Dave Smith's a standard of comedian from New York. He he's like he's been on the opian Anthony show a bunch of times He's been a guest on the radical agenda. I believe at least twice. I've been a guest on his shows a couple of times He doesn't answer my emails that he wore because he's terrified But you know, he's uh, he I've gotten honorable mentions even after he stopped responding to me So you know Dave's not a bad guy and my understanding of his involvement in the libertarian party I knew he was considering a run for the presidency apparently you dropped that bid and um, you know, I guess that he what he put his backing behind The guy who was seen as you know the right wing candidate who and ultimately ended up losing to um chase Oliver So you know, I have no idea what his current media tour is. I have no idea what his goals are So I can't really comment upon them, but you know if you want to give me something more specific to respond to I'll try So it's okay I was I was just curious if you had because I I've just been hearing about it It apparently it's causing a lot of buzz among you know former libertarians and stuff, but I guess more importantly I was kind of also wondering about your whole impression like you said something a couple weeks ago and even last week about Kind of noticing that you know people like Elon and Tucker and um, you know Mr Mr. South of the border flintes can kind of just say whatever they want about the jays And etc. You know like they kind of have a they kind of get a A path right and I and I found that You know yourself and many others they don't get a pass and there seems to be this kind of new uh You know contention going on among conservatives about this kind of stuff where you you know And I think that's where the whole trump thing comes in and you the last show you were talking about Your kind of a feeling is about Trump and it's kind of weird because like I definitely don't think Trump is you know A good guy or our guy or anything like that, but he is symbolic and you know it's a symbol of kind of things To come And things that have already happened as I'm sure you're aware. So yeah, I think What do you think? You know, so here's a thing okay when when I started using the term alt-right on this show Alt-right did not explicitly mean white nationalist okay Alt-right was sort of this like we've had it with the politically correct nonsense It included what was what was later dubbed the alt-light okay the mic sort of itch sect if you will okay You know Gavin McGinnis in these guys and You know there was this there was a certain contingent that was insisting no no no no no like you have to take on the Jewish question You have to be explicitly white nationalists you have to be for an ethno state you know and you know I You know you know in part because I thought that their arguments were stronger in part because I was the edgy guy You know I I kind of fell in with that you know with that edger contingency But I always was contemptive I was always can I always held in contempt those who Didn't let those other guys operate you know Jordan Peters and and you know Gavin McGinnis and you know You know You know who I name your guy okay, you know that that alt-light contingent that was like look We kind of want to take on the left and we want to Push the Republican Party rightward, but we don't want to get into the mud with you with the Jewish stuff Okay, those people were sensible and and it actually wasn't totally unreasonable what they were trying to do And so you know You know the the old thing was like don't punch right or whatever And even you know the guy who wrote the piece that I read about that a dozen times actually sort of changes position on that later, but You know If those guys are not attacking us and there was no reason this for us to be attacking them say and I think that was a pretty reasonable way to look at things um The thing that you're seeing what the thing that you're referencing now, you know Tucker Carlson Elon Musk revolver news, I'm not gonna include Nick Fuente's in that right now except you know, he's sort of like on the edge of that I'd say And I don't know what I don't know what it is with Fuente's you know Maybe I should if I I should really watch his show if I want to comment more intelligently upon it. I don't okay But you have this what I think about Fuente's is like okay, you know The rumble terms of service are you're not allowed to say racist things on rumble so like of course Fuente's can't do a show there But he does and so that means that Fuente's just be given license to violate the terms at rumble He's being given license to violate the terms likely at Twitter because you know Elon Musk is reinstating as a cow well I've been banned from Twitter like three times since I got out of prison, okay The idea that Elon Musk is just like oh well as long as you're not breaking the law then you know You have to have free speech on Twitter. Well, that's not true It's not the Twitter terms of service. Don't say that You can go and report opposed for hateful conduct on Twitter right now. So like that's nonsense Why is he doing Nick Fuente's that favor? I don't know but Setting that aside for the moment. I think that what you're seeing is Elon Musk Tucker Carlson revolver news You know could be seen as like the top of this sort of new right media Uh, you know political sex say okay This new faction of the of the right and I think that that's largely a good thing and I think that There lies Not to go screaming ju-ju-ju-ju and running around with torches and you know painting swastikas places and throwing Romans Like that's probably smart for them to do right like you know that they watched what happened to the alt right They were like yeah, you guys are gonna get yourselves destroyed and we were like yeah, well, you know They're gonna try to destroy us and so we've got to fight them or whatever, okay Well, you know a lot of people who were savvy political actors observed what the alt right did and they are like okay They went too far and you know They had a lot of energy behind them. How do we get that momentum without Viering ourselves into catastrophic destruction and enduring all the you know trouble that they had And the first thing that they come to the conclusion of is anybody who was involved with that has to stay the hell away from us Because they're trouble and that's a pretty reasonable conclusion for them to reach right this second thing that they do is I say okay Look, you know, they understand obviously That you know, there's Jewish power and so they're like okay Well, we're not going to take those people on head on, you know They're gonna try to destroy us and that's obvious But we can't take on the Jews that quad Jews We have to we have to say the ADL is a bunch of corrupt people and they're helping the Democrat party therefore Jonathan greenblad is a scumbag, right But they're obviously aware they watch the whole thing happen, right? And so they're trying to in my estimation with their with their attempting to do is like you know Tackle the problem in a way that doesn't meet the destruction that the alt right did and I think that that's a prudent thing to do and they have the resources to do it Yeah, I agree with you in general the one thing at well Here's it. There's too more quick points and then a final point if you don't mind that's fine Really quick. Did you see anything about the the Patriot front dial on a Very famous podcast. Did you see anything about that? So I have it. I would recommend I saw so I saw it was posted to the Christopher Cantwell comments telegram group the comments for my telegram channel I haven't watched the entire interview there were a couple clips that I saw and so I can't really comment intelligently on all that was said But I know that he did an interview. I what was that you know, remember the name of the podcast by chance? It's Patrick that David I also didn't watch it, but I've heard a lot of people talk about it So I just wanted to at least mention it and make sure you say you're aware um, but yeah Patrick that David I believe is the one that it was on yeah Yeah, I had never heard of Patrick that David before this So I mean I understand that he's you know a relevant guy or whatever and so you know good for good for Uh good for Tom to uh to get that done, you know, I I guess um Again, I haven't really I haven't watched the whole thing so I can't speak to intelligently to it, but you know Yeah, that's that's okay. I was I just wanted to make sure that you're aware and and I guess my next point next quick really point is um Do you remember the whole like what you just described above all right? I find very accurate Which is that it mainly started off as like a big joke that we're and we're just tired of the PC culture etc And um, you know and and it definitely evolved from there as we all know you most especially but That they the frog check Egyptian stuff, you know what I mean like people are trying to do some most sort of mean mean magic as uh, you know some sort of thing right Well, I'm seeing a resurgence not kind of why I asked about the old uh You know Elon Musk and stuff because like if you know if you're on Twitter, there's like huge Resurgence of that stuff with the whole meme magic stuff and I just I find that very interesting And I'm not sure what to make of it, but I just wanted to bring that to your attention as well because uh it is very Esoteric I would say and I'm not sure exactly what's behind that and uh and and if you don't if you don't have a comment on that I don't think I don't think that this I don't think that that faction has the meme power okay Like they're basically, you know, these are people with money and you know influence in media And they're and they're using the tools that are at their disposal It hasn't you know, I'm not spending a great deal on time on social media these days So maybe I'm missing it, but it doesn't seem to be that they've got the meme power that the alt right had you know and It that I agree I agree You know that that was something that was really truly unique and of course you know the right the all what the the the rotting corpse of the alt right Has not this either anymore But you know, we still have some of the more talented people I'll be it you know scattered and at each other's throats and not accomplishing anything sadly But you know that that talent still exists and it's not being organized in any way And that's a terrible shame and and the guys who are you know constructing this sort of like new You know Not far right, but you know Right to the center right faction call it, you know the right to the center right faction is Not attempting to harness that energy because they don't want to get involved with the people who are involved in the other thing Because they view them as dangerous. So like they have to figure that out at some point You know they they have to reconcile with that and and the and the rotting corpse of the alt right needs to get it's act together and learn to cooperate with people And if they don't do that then you know Then then the then the then the right of the center right faction They're absolutely correct that these people are losers and can't be trusted with anything right and you know That's largely what I've been trying to say like basically since I got home from prison, which is like look You know, I'm not I'm not specifically in the context of trying to work with those specific people But I've been saying like you need conduits of influence like you need to be like you can't be toxic waste everybody tries to get involved with everything if you're just if you're just you know Political plutonium anybody gets their hands on you is gonna end up with radiation poisoning and the intelligence agencies destroying them Well then like you're actually not you're actually not gonna accomplish anything So like you're you're purely spiraling nonsense Actually, you know working counter to your goals and so you might as well just like learn to make compromises because that's how politics works And if they can learn to do that then they can work with the right of the center right faction and then they'll have resources added to their talent And like that's what needs to happen and if they and if and if those two sides can sort of figure those two things out Then I'd say that like we're on the way to like a much better future, but if but if we aren't them or not Yeah, I think that's very prudent and very good advice and I wish people would actually listen to what you're saying because I think it's very accurate and And my last quite my last little note I want to add on to this is uh have you ever listened to James Lindsey or you mildly aware of anything He said recently or can't can't even tell you I recognize that name Okay, if you ever get a chance I would I recommend it. He's a kind of liberal anti-communist guy And he's basically someone who's Kind of raising the alarm about some of the underlying things about global government like you know above and beyond the whole World Economic Forum class swap stuff and I think that uh It would be good people to kind of try to understand what he's saying about what's underlying the ideology So that's all thank you for your time Chris Thank you very much for an excellent call my friend do call back again two on seven six eight eight 1433 you like to be on the program and more you took the lesson I have to please give us a call I think I'm gonna have to cut that out as a clip and share that one. That was pretty good. I think You know I was actually you know, it was funny yesterday I decided to take a long walk it was really sunny out and I had to go to the store and I was like You know what I'm just gonna walk to Walmart Which is actually from where I you know, it's a few miles from me to walk to Walmart And I didn't have to do that. I got my scooter. I could have you know taken a noob or whatever But it was sunny out night and I spent way too much time indoors. So it's like I'm gonna take my shirt off and I'm gonna walk to Walmart And so on the way there I decided like I'm not actually gonna listen to music. I'm not gonna listen to an audiobook. I'm gonna thank and talk to myself And I'm furious because on the way to do that I brought my little uh one of my digital quarters and the battery was dead I discovered as it went to record something now I could have done it with my phone But I just so mad that I didn't bother but the idea that I had my head when I was gonna bother quarter was you know Among the many mistakes the alt-right made Was something that like its other mistakes actually pertain to its necessity and and and its propriety Okay, which was the alt-right made a habit of like routine habitual persistent perpetual disrespect okay, and What I mean by It pertained to their necessity and propriety was that like okay, that makes actually a great deal of sense So like What was going on in American politics like before Donald Trump was The Republican party that you know the the McCain Romney people whatever Marco Rubio and the people who own him say They were like okay, well, we're gonna do every time we're specably and you know if they have the Democrats lose If the Democrats win because they got their hands dirty well, we'll lose a dignity to sort of thing, okay And so somebody had to come around and be like you guys are a bunch of idiots and you don't know what you're doing Shut up get out of the way all right And they had to be made to look like fools in front of other people so that people would stop taking them seriously And Donald Trump did an excellent job of that on the debate stage just like making fun of these people Just like you're a loser you got small hands, you know You know, whatever the thing was low energy, you know And the alt-right did that times a thousand For each individual with a Twitter account say That anybody who went up against us just got You know just destroyed verbally on the internet And then you had like the YouTube thing with the internet blood sports and these you know uncensored debates that were happening and What would happen almost every time was not only would you know you had the combination of Highbrow intellectual stuff, but with the lace to a profanity and telling you to go after self while they told you why you were wrong And that was what made Durantical agenda popular by the way which was like there was nothing like that Not so long ago right like you could either have fart jokes and curse words or you could have highbrow intellectual stuff that didn't contain the edge say To combine the edgy stuff and the And the you know the the the rough rugged persona the the rough language, you know It's really powerful you see and and that made Durantical agenda popular that was a lot of the power of the alt-right But there's a limit on how much you can accomplish with that as it turns out okay And it's very difficult to transition from that to like the next level of stuff And it's not necessarily the case that all the actors involved have to do that you see But I think that it you know as we go forward and try to figure this out all over again One of my observations is that like you like the people who are doing that have to tell the people who are listening to them Like look you need to maintain like a respectable profile So that you could come in and take this thing to the next level say okay that you enter You enter the arena without the baggage of cursing people out and you know throwing around ethnic slurs you see There's a tendency especially amongst media personalities, but in politics in general There's like this concept of consistency, you know And consistency is actually not very useful like if you It consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds said guy by the name of Ralph Waldo Emerson smart guy It's a matter of fact, let me pull that quote up. That's a great quote Um Ralph come on come on You Oh a foolish consistency says A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds Adored by statements for a statesman philosophers and devines With a consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do He's may as well concern himself with his shadow in the wall Speak what you will now in harsh words and tomorrow speak Mother oh my god Everything has to just stick to a pop up a stupid thing in front of me while trying to read you got to be kidding me With consistency a great soul simply is nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow in the wall Speak what you may think now in harsh words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks and hard words again Though it contradict everything you said today Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood is it so bad then to be misunderstood Pythagoras was misunderstood in Socrates and Jesus and Luther and Copernicus and Galileo and Newton and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh To be great is to be misunderstood and boy do I know something about that That that was the last part was me not him Hmm What's the point like you know You have to be able to adjust to circumstances, okay? You know Survival of the fittest is not the strong survive. It's it's survival of who can adapt And that's in politics too and like if you're in if your whole thing is like no like I have one mode of doing things And I have this form youllayic pattern of behavior that the that idiots can predict Well, you know think about if you're trying to do things that that way in war and you know exactly what's gonna happen Like the enemy's gonna spot your patterns and he's gonna sabotage you're gonna die you're gonna lose the war And this is politics. It's just war by other means and so you can't have that If you have some principle that requires you to say something when somebody says a thing Then that's going to be exploited by the other side right If you know if you know if your rules are such that the enemy can exploit them and destroy you Well then your rules suck and you have to change them And the alt-right was really not very good at that right the alt-right was like no, you know What are you a cock? You can't stop just because you met negative consequences. You just have to keep on going Well, you know There's a lot of bankrupt people thought the same thing you know there's a lot of people spending a rest of their lives in prison thought that Who had nothing to do with politics, you know Hmm No like when things get expensive like you have to cut costs right when things you know when you're losing lots of man in a war you have to change your battle plan If you're sticking to some like misguided moral code that causes you to lose the conflict Then as a matter of fact like you're not pursuing your goals at all and you're not and the noble Cause that you think justifies your actions no longer does because you're not pursuing it So So You know, we'll see what happens Let's go check on our chats real quick Thumbs up the videos says Flynn had on rumble. Yeah, it's a great idea if you would thumbs up my video That'd be a fantastic idea you could you could go and hit like or fire If you were watching on a Odyssey you could throw money at me that'd be great If I got paid to do this then you know, then maybe I wouldn't quit But I'm probably gonna because nobody's paying for me And so if you would like to pay for it Christopher can't hold that net size donate will tell you lots about that I got cash app cash out you know the cash tag is edgy Chris You should like do that right now just send me money and then I'll spend it to be great Cryptocurrency all that stuff. I take all of it Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin cash Litecoin Minero whatever you want to give me if you got some like crypto currency that I don't have the Public key up for it Christopher can't weld that net slash donate or surreal politics that comes last donate If you don't see the qa or the the the the the the the key for the crypto You want to send then just like something email and be like hey, I got the southern thing that I want to give you to my cool Give it to me. I'll get it into exchange and I'll sell it right away. Okay Not gonna huddle. I have no money. I need this. I need to turn it into dollars and pay my bills But that said Send me your cryptocurrency be a fantastic. I like cryptocurrency and You can just give me the dollars with the the Gibson Golding you just use your credit card Gibson slash spm like surreal politics media and You know there's other ways to do it too. You want to send me money any number of ways if you got some other way you want to do it You know Is things I got you know, I got a council that I can't advertise anymore, you know So like if you're somebody who's sent me money before I know who you are you not trying to sabotage me You know, I could tell you another way to send it if you want to send it some other way say so Do that if you pay me okay, it's a real politics. I'm not gonna say that f But you get the idea. I need the money and so go ahead pay for it And then once you do then I'll be able to uh, then I'll be able to keep on doing the show and uh We're gonna change things either way, but you know, because we got a break past, you know It's like I just I just got done say like if you do the same thing over and over again And it's not working and like you know Some people say that's a definition of insanity and that's not true because the definition of insanity is not What they say that's idiotic talk as a matter of fact insanity has a lot of different definitions But it usually skits it for any is usually what we're talking about But uh, you know, that's all being besides the point of whatever So why don't you guys just give me the money and then we'll come back Wednesday for the member show And it will be cursing up a storm Friday for the radical antenna I'm gonna conclude it. I got ideas still right on the round It's gonna be over, but it's gonna be something else, okay See you soon. Thanks a lot You You