All right ladies and gentlemen, let's get to show in a row, shall we? All right ladies and gentlemen, let's get to show in a row, shall we? All right ladies and gentlemen, let's get to show in a row, shall we? All right, welcome to surreal politics. The 63rd episode is stage one for June 17th, 2021 being a current year. 30pm, you guys used to time. If you are listening on some other platform at some other time, I invite you to join us for our program. I'd love to hear from you at 2176881433 in the more you talk less I have to, so please do give us a call. Not going on today, had to punch out Friday, had a little problem here. My chair broke and I ordered another chair and then the chair didn't get delivered. And so that was it made it a little bit, you know, it'd be a bit of a distraction trying to do the show that way. And so we had to take, we took Friday off. But we're back and the problems just keep rolling in, but I'm not going to trouble with you. Trouble you with them as a matter of fact, but our problems are nowhere near those of the Washington Posts. It turns out the Washington Post, their reporters ran a bombshell investigation on Sunday. It's a bombshell, I tell you. What just happened? Why would my Google voice be hanging up? You don't hang up. I have a, I have work to do. Oh my god. All right, no phones today, guys. No phones today. Never mind. No phones today. The bombshell investigation, I tell you, digging into the past journalistic practices of incoming editor Robert Wynett just months before he's set to join the newspaper with sources that alleged he used illegal news gathering methods to aid his reporting illegal news gathering methods. Imagine that. Imagine a bunch of, you know, this breaking the law. Wouldn't that be something? Expose, which relies on unpublished book drafts and documents from self proclaimed thief John Ford reportedly claims he used to seatful methods to aid when it's reporting at the Sunday times in London. Ford arrested in 2010 for attempting to steal former Prime Minister Tony Blair's memoir claimed he routinely used illegal tactics to gather confidential information for the paper. Wynett, the current deputy editor of the telegraph allegedly reassured Ford during his arrest and arranged legal assistance, emphasizing the remarkable omerta within British journalism. Ford's drafts shared with an examined by the post recount his involvement in obtaining confidential details about Britain's elite through unethical means with many stories seemingly aligning with Wynett's publishing work. Notably Ford claimed to have assisted in reporting on players finances and leads United football club as well as high profile Mercedes Benz Maybach purchase. I'm sorry, as well as a high pro a high profile Mercedes Benz Maybach purchase list. Despite Ford's claims, Wynett has remained silent, not responding to inquiries about the allegations still within hours of publishing the investigation ranked as the most read article on the post website. It was shared online by over 50 of the papers own journalist according to Brian stelter and we know that Brian stelters the guy you go to if you want to know what's going on in the media, you go to the guy who got fired from the CNN. He's fired from the CNN media show because he's plugged in the revelation of course reliable sources you ever watched that reliable sources indeed Brian. The revelation of course is compounded by the ongoing scrutiny of the post embellished CEO will Lewis for his own alleged past practices as an editor at the Sunday times in 2004. Lewis was linked to stories allegedly based on hacked phone records. Recent reports suggest Lewis attempted to suppress stories about a long running civil court battle related to phone hacking during his tenure at billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch's news international. It was Lewis of course who appointed Wynett that the role of editor at the post praising him as a world class journalist that he'd made mentored and having worked with him at multiple British newspapers. The Wynett is set to assume his new role in November after the presidential election but as he and Lewis continue to draw even more scrutiny the clear eyed reporters Wynett is prepared to preparing to lead our first in line with questions. The way that this was posed elsewhere was like there's a revolt at the Washington Post is what I mean to get at and I don't know that that article didn't drive at home as well. It's probably the point that I mean to get at is probably better in this axiospies. A 3000 word Washington Post investigative story about new publisher and CEO William Lewis plus an incoming top editor had this surprising sentence. Lewis declined to comment to a post spokesperson in response to a detailed list of questions from his own reporters. The storied post news room is in an uproar over Lewis's handling of several internal controversies over the past two weeks. The fracas includes increased scrutiny over Lewis's role in a phone hacking scandal that rocked Britain's fleet street in the 2000s. Lewis has denied wrongdoing. The front page is the Monday's post in New York Times both featured articles delving into Lewis's UK past. The post story with four bylines was added to the front page between editions late at night. It explores journalistic ethics questions about Robert Wynett, a London editor who has been named to become the post top editor after November's election. Lewis who worked with Wynett at two British newspapers has called him a brilliant investigative journalist. You know what I think is really funny about this. Does anybody really believe? No, I'm not sticking up for this with that guy or whatever, but does anybody in their right mind really believe it? Anybody at the post has like journalistic ethics. The people were like running around embedding themselves with Antifa and lying to cover up for their crimes, right? They're running around being like, oh these people with the masks and the and the and the Molotov cocktails are the good guys. And they're trying to protect democracy, which of course dies in darkness as we all know. The anarchists with the firebombs who are looting the maces, these are the people who are protecting democracy don't you understand because they really don't like that guy who got elected. These are the people who are lecturing the world about journalistic ethics because some guy was involved in what. Obtaining information. Now I'm not saying that journalists should run around illegally obtaining information necessarily. But that actually makes a lot of sense, it's a matter of fact. Like it makes more sense than embedding yourself with criminals and perpetrating a fraud upon the population. If you're fighting information out that's true and you're publishing it and you obtain that information in some kind of serifitious manner. That's a higher journalistic ethic in my personal opinion. Then running around with a bunch of criminals who are trying to tear the country apart and telling the world that they're the defenders of democracy. But the New York Times and a Washington Post are like, hey wait a second. If you're running around obtaining information serifitiously, then you're we're going to get caught as a matter of fact. You're going to catch us doing what we're not supposed to be doing because we're the ones who are supposed to be breaking the goddamn laws here. So don't you dare. And so something tells me that this is not a bunch of people who are morally outraged about a phone hacking scandal. I doubt that very highly. I'll be interested to find out what it was. I used to work for Rupert Birdock and now he's coming on to take over the Washington Post. That sounds like a reason that the people at the Washington Post might want to overthrow the guy. And so Juneteenth. Wait a second. What's going on? So Juneteenth is supposed to be June 19th, right? Hang on a second. Yeah, it's June 19th. So why is it so there's a story here in Breitbart. A gunman is on the loose after each shot at Juneteenth celebration. Because the one thing that that Juneteenth celebrators show up early for shootings. You see what I'm saying? You might be late all of the time for everything else. But if you're going to be early for something, it's a Juneteenth shooting, right? And so a gunman is on the loose after eight people were shot, two of them fatally during a Juneteenth celebration in Round Rock, Texas, around 10.50pm on Saturday. Go to New York Post, a note in a fight broke out between two groups, quote, unquote, at the celebration and the fracas was followed by gunfire. ABC News reported a concert was part of the celebration and the altercation occurred near a vendor area. Yeah, drug dealers probably. Round Rock Police Chief Alan Banks pointed out that two people died as a result of the incident, as shooting people will sometimes have that effect, they say. And multiple injured bystanders were transported to area hospitals. Banks explained that the DC's victims were not part of the altercation that preceded the shots being fired. Yeah, there's just people who were like going and doing their thing and then they were like, yeah, well, you know, I'm bucking sideways with my high point and you just happen to be in the same city as me. So you're dead. The gunman is on the loose and police are searching for him. Banks has explanation of police activity indicates the Round Rock PD may be looking for more than one suspect. Of course, they always jump in. One of the other thing. Now, you know, there was this thing about being a people getting shot by subhuman filth. You might recall there was a there was a gal or I get it's hard to keep track of these things. There was some transgender fanatic went into a school full of kids and was like, yeah, you little, you little white pieces of garbage. I'm going to gun you down because I hate white people in Jesus is something that effect. Any road just all down or she whatever it was, you know, this thing, this creature. This creature wrote it all down was like, yeah, I hate these kids. I hate God and white people or whatever. And then the Biden administration was like, well, wait a second. Like we're all for exploiting this to take your guns away, but we can't possibly have you observe the obvious fact that this maniac was out of his mind crazy. And we certainly don't want to reveal the anti Christian anti white motivations behind this mass murder by the person who we're going to hail as a Satan acute few weeks. And sure enough they did they were like, oh, this is what happens when you victimize trans people then people die. Oh, really? Is that the lesson that we take away when somebody goes into a synagogue and kills a bunch of people? No, we don't tend to take that lesson away from it at all. Yeah, this is what happens when you bully those goyum. Hey, wait a second. That's anti-Semitic. Yeah, I know. Shut up. We'll get there. We'll get there. But say that anyway, like, yeah, you know, of course this person went in shot a bunch of people. You didn't let it go in the bathroom of its choice. You didn't give it fresh children to eat every day. And then it went and killed a bunch of people. And then they're like, we wouldn't want to have this manifesto come out because, you know, if anybody found out what was going on here, they might they might tell us that we should stop promoting this nonsense. We wouldn't want to do that. And so somebody leaked the manifesto anyway. And that guy might be going to jail. And then he's going to be like records case over leak manifesto belonging to Audrey Hale, a transgender individual who shot up the covenant school in Nashville, suburb in a Nashville suburb killing three nine year old children and three adults has spiraled into a contentious legal struggle, which could see a journalist, tossed in jail. And then he's going to be a source on Monday, Chancellor. I go this second. There's a show. Like, of course, right? Chancellor, IE, Shuh, Miles of Davidson County ordered Michael Patrick Leahy in the order owner of the conservative news site, the Tennessee star to appear in court. Here's IE, Shuh. This is IE, Shuh. She's a chancellor. I think that's, you know, what they call judges in this in this particular people's Republic. And so IE, Shuh is saying that Mr. Pat Michael Patrick Leahy and the owner of the news site. They have to, they got to rat out their source because this is how democracy dies in darkness and they're trying to kill it. Leahy is to participate in a show cause hearing on June 17th to, uh, come on. There we go. All right. In a show cause hearing on June 17th to address why he should not be held in contempt over his publications, use of the leaked documents. Leahy has filed an emergency motion to stay her order. Except the court of appeals is too busy handling slip and fall cases to care that a journalist is being jailed. And so, um, let's see. But this is kind of a no. 0. Edge. Why don't you give me a summary of the document to excuse me. Let's go pull this up and read to you from the court's decision. Come on. Oh, God. I've completely had it. All right. The documents which appeared on the Tennessee star may have come from former lieutenant, former lieutenant Garrett Davidson, a figure already embroiled in his controversies with the Nashville Police Department following a significant complaint filed over his departure. After his departure, I should say on Friday. Meanwhile, a Nashville Police Lieutenant delivered a court declaration, suggesting Davidson as the source of the leaks intensifying scrutiny in the case. Davidson's actions as a ledger is profound questions about the motivations behind and repercussions of leaking sensitive information from an active police investigation. The situation has stirred a significant debate about the limits of press freedom, especially when it clashes with the laws demand for confidentiality and respect for court processes. Legal experts argue that while the court, though all the public's right to know is paramount, the integrity of judicial proceedings must also be safeguarded to ensure fair and impartial justice. For those who want to dig deeper a well assemble timeline from Deborah Fisher at TCOG, what is TCOG? Tell me, don't just say TCOG. What is TCOG? What is that stand for? That's incredibly irritating. I went to the TCOG website, went to the, I went to the about page, and there's no like TCOG is this cognitive over grab what you know, like they don't explain it, not even on the about page. This is completely preposterous. Here we go. Finally, Tennessee Coalition for Open Government. That's what it is. And I just had to like, it just took me like 15 minutes to figure it out. No problem. Thanks, zero head for Lincoln to it. February 13, Miles, issues in order, saying that any supplemental filings, declarations and or affidavits filed by the parties and or Amici or sought to be filed by the parties and or Amici, containing any direct information, no matter how obtained, which is subject matter of this case shall not be filed with the court, but shall be submitted for in-camera review following the procedures delineated in this case. To use certain orders of the court by any party council and or Amici regarding matters currently under in-camera review shall be sanctioned to the fullest extent of law, including contempt of court. This is long. I am not going to read all that. But I go so far as to say that, you know, maybe the people at the Washington Post, instead of trying to like get the former room art, Robert Murdoch employee kicked out of the newsroom for obtaining information. Maybe they should go after the people who are trying to throw the journalists in jail because he published the shooters manifesto that the government was trying to hide from us. That just seems like maybe a better exercise of journalistic ethics. But we've got Aisha. Aisha is going to turn around and say, no, you're not allowed to tell the truth to the public. We're trying to lie to these people. That's interference with state matters and you're going to prison. Probably what's going to happen. Thanks a lot for that. Good second. So we talked about this a little bit before that Joe Biden started, you know, using the oil reserves to try to get gas prices down. And that's kind of a problem in a lot of ways because you know oil reserves are reason that you have them is so that when you go to war, you don't run a gas. It's actually kind of the whole idea. And you know, it's kind of pertinent, you know, that we do that because there's a pretty good chance that we're going to end up in World War III. Now, we might not need a lot of gasoline for that because it's probably just going to be a massive nuclear strike, which causes the end of the world as we know it. But you still might need gas after that because you know, some people might survive and there might be a few vehicles that still work and you're going to want to fuel the car. But Joe Biden doesn't care about that because Joe Biden wants America to lose a war and all of its people to be dead. That's what Joe Biden actually wants. Like he woke up one morning and he was like, you know what? I'm really old. I'm going to die soon. My son's a piece of crap. We should just get rid of humanity as a matter of fact. Why am I why am I going to try to help these people? We'll just get them all killed. That's probably, you know, I don't know exactly that that was his thought. That's not exact quote, but it's pretty much what he's doing. And so he has been trying to destroy the country. I mean, you know, he says he's doing other things. He's trying to lower gas prices, for example. There's a problem with that. So like, if you want to lower gas prices, there's a few ways you can do that. You can like produce more gas. That's pretty straightforward. That's a pretty good way of doing this. No matter if fact, they did that during the Trump administration. And then you can also like reduce the demand for it. You can introduce competing alternative fuels. You can make public transportation easier to access. Or you know what you can do is you can just like make it impossible to produce energy in the United States. And when that has the totally predictable results of driving up the prices, well, then you can sell all of your reserves. And then not have any. At which point the prices will go right back up. And then you will not be able to replace your reserves because you sold it at a lower price. And so that's why Joe Biden does it because he wants us dead. President Joe Biden is prepared to release more oil from the country's strategic reserves if gas prices increase during the summer. This is the latest plan by the Biden administration to counter high prices at the pumps. And the more expensive prices on various goods due to inflation. A Biden administration energy advisor suggested gas prices are still too high for many in the country and said he favors taking action to cut them a little bit further. We will do everything we can to make sure the market is supplied well enough to ensure as low a price as possible for American consumers. Special presidential coordinator for global infrastructure and energy security. Amos Huston told the financial times. I think we have enough in the SPR if it's necessary the strategic petroleum reserve. Huston's admission comes less than a month after the Biden administration announced it sold 1 million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve on May 21st, less than a week before Memorial Day. At the time the energy department claimed the sale was strategically timed and structured to maximize its impact on gasoline prices, helping to lower prices at the pump as Americans hit the road this summer. Biden strategy to release oil from the country's reserves has shown promising results on May 21st the national average price for regular gas was $3.59 per gallon. As of June 16th that price dropped to $3.44 indicating a significant decrease in gas prices. The Biden administration is laser focused on lowering prices at the pump for American families, especially as drivers at the road through summer driving season. Secretary of energy Jennifer Granholm said in May by strategically releasing this reserve between Memorial Day and July 4th, we are ensuring the efficient supply flows to the tri state Northeast at a time hardworking Americans needed the most. Biden has used more oil from the country's reserves than any president before him according to the financial times gas prices have significantly decreased after hitting record highs during the early part of the Biden administration. However, the average cost for a gallon of regular gas is still higher today than when President Trump was in office the average price for a gallon of gas in January 2021 the last month Trump was in office was $2.00, $2.33 per gallon. Now, I don't like this piece in the Washington Examiner of the way that explain this because they're like, yeah, it's actually worked in reducing gas prices. No, it has not done that as a matter of fact. The idea that you got gas down $0.14 a gallon for now isn't going to save anybody any money at all. Because you have to replenish the petroleum reserve. Right. So if the government sells a million barrels of oil today and then gas comes down $0.15 a gallon and then it sells a million barrels of oil tomorrow and then it comes down $0.5 a gallon and then it comes down, you know. And then what happens when the government needs to buy a hundred million barrels of oil. Hey, guys, you know how we keep on poking that bear over there in Eastern Europe. You know those Russians that we keep on trying to get us into World War three with. We were just going to we were just going to have those Ukrainians kill them, but you know, that's not going so well. And so we're going to need to go over to another continent and kill everybody. And by the way, like they're going to be coming over here. So we're going to be driving all over our continent to trying to prevent them from killing us. Probably not going to work very well. And so we're going to need a lot of fuel. And so we're going to have to buy a hundred million barrels of oil and you're not going to be able to just like take it. Right. Because, you know, we have this funny concept in the United States. A, you know, there's delineation between public and private. And so this, you know, natural resource in the ground. That is actually under your house. Right. That you're not allowed to take out of your house because the government claims mineral rights. The government gave those mineral rights to a foreign corporation. And the government won't dare upset that foreign corporation. The government can only pay that foreign corporation whatever it wants for the product. Now, if the government needs something from you, they're just going to come and take it. And if you try to resist them, they're going to shoot you in the face. But if the government needs something from British petroleum or exon or Saudi or Amco. Oh, guess what? They're just going to pay through the nose for it. And that means that you're going to pay through the nose for it. You know what they're going to do? They're going to come take it from you at gunpoint and they're going to give it to them. It's great. That's a great way to go to war. And so, you know, there's some stuff going on in the internet. You might have heard. Chinese cyber police agent runs online network helping illegal immigrants fled into the United States. Imagine that. The Chinese are trying to help migrants too. They're so nice. Isn't everybody who tries to help the migrants so nice. They're just really humanitarian people. They're like, yeah, you poor migrants. We need to help you by getting you to the United States where it's racist and people will hate you. Yeah. We love immigrants so much that we want to get them surrounded by white racist people. A private social network run by self identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the US and if they border authorities, a daily caller news foundation investigation discovered. The American self guided tour channel is a Chinese language group with over 8,000 members on the encrypted instant messenger platform telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing Chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailing specific routes to the US, a DCNF review of the channel found. I don't know if it's going to be discussed in the course of this article, but who wants to bet me a million dollars that this illegal immigration channel is not banned from the Google play. You want to bet that it is. You can't go on telegram and be like, hey, why are Jewish people doing these things? You can't do that at all. But if you're like, you know what, let's facilitate an invasion of the United States and a genocide of its now native population. That's great. We love that at Google because we hate white people. Document to the telegram channel translated by the DCNF identify US border wall gaps and struck Chinese nationals on how to answer questions from border patrol agents and provide scripts for requesting asylum. That's right. You just read the words on the paper and then you get to be an American. Furthermore, the channel is overseen by an individual who spreads Chinese Communist Party propaganda, bands accounts who fail to tow the party line and identifies himself as a Chinese police officer. We're allowing an element that has completely beyond that is completely beyond our law to be established firmly as a beachhead in the United States of America and the people of America are going to pay a severe price. Much worse than we are paying even now, North Carolina Republican representative Dan Bishops said after learning about the findings in the DCNF's investigation. Customs and border protection data shows that the overwhelming majority of the 48,000 Chinese illegal immigrants encountered by US authorities in 2024 have been single adults and experts warned that military aged males make up the lion's share. If that always the case, Bishop described the 1100% spike in Chinese illegal immigrants since fiscal year 2022 as historically unprecedented and told the DCNF that the inner workings of China's human smuggling networks have largely remained a mystery to lawmakers up until now. Even people like me have seen a lot of it. Yeah, you have not totally come to grips with the sort of depth you've described said Bishop who chairs the house homeland security committees oversight investigations and accountability subcommittee. The DCNF discovered the American self guided tour channel and several related telegram groups facilitating Chinese illegal immigration after analyzing a Chinese illegal immigrants abandoned cell phone which was found near the Chinese California California Mexico. I was about to say the Chinese US border, but that's not actually the case. It's just starting to look that way because. Tens of thousands of Chinese people are showing up here who found which was found near the California Mexico border by a San Diego man in 2024. Telegram did not respond to multiple requests for comment. How about the Google Play Store? Yes, the Google Play Store about this. How about the Apple App Store? Why don't you go ask them see how they feel about it. So a through a few months through a month's long through a month's long review of the American self guided tour channel. The DCF DCNF discovered that the group contains documents instructing Chinese nationals on how to navigate the US immigration system, including scripts for claiming asylum and answering questions for Border Patrol agents. One document translated by the DCNF advises those wishing to apply for green card in the US to be be sure to prepare a story about your persecution in advance. Another document provides responses to border questions, Border Patrol agents may ask in order to establish whether or not an asylum seeker has a credible fear of persecution from their home country under the current law of migrants who claim credible fear of persecution can seek asylum in the US. Even if moving would be inconvenient, can you live safely elsewhere in the country reads one of the hypothetical questions? No, because the situation I'm facing is nationwide. The suggested answer states, even if I move to another place, I'm under threat just as before. Another post provides templates on how to craft asylum claims based on political, religious, religious, racial, sexual and even gender persecution despite women comprising only a small fraction of Chinese illegal immigrants. I am, name ancestral hometown, nationality. I was born on birthday because I suffered gender-based violence and discrimination in my motherland. I am seeking asylum in country. It's literally a madlibs. They're just fill in your blanks. The documents template on gender persecution states, my family forced me to marry. They want me to marry a man much older than me. When I refused, they beat me and threatened me saying if I didn't obey, they'd kill me. After marrying my husband started physically and mentally abusing me, I was forced to leave my home and live in hiding. I tried seeking help from the local government, but they're either corrupt or unwilling to help me. If I am forced to return to motherland, I fear for my life where I will face more discrimination and violence. The documents start on the channel, indicate a relatively sophisticated understanding of US immigration system with some featuring intricate flow charts to map out various potential US immigration pathways. One such flow chart suggests as they last resort, those who've received a deportation order, but lack of passport to return to their countries, may consider starting immigration process over with a false identity. You can try alternative identities, but the difficulty is relatively high and Trump may invite you to a meeting with state security agents in the future. The document states referring to a program of President Donald Trump. The American self-guided tour channel also features a hub for travel guides facilitating Chinese illegal immigration, some of which identify as specific border crossing points between the US and Mexico, the DCNF discovered the guides vary in their geographic scope with some focusing on travel between multiple countries, such as from China to Ecuador, which represented Bishop told the DCNF doesn't require a travel visa for Chinese nationals. Essentially without visas, as I understand it, they can fly to Ecuador and then they have an overland route to come up and right through the border, Bishop said. The telegram channels guides commonly list Kito Ecuador, Nicol, Nicocli, Colombia as the first and Nicocli Colombia as the first in land, travel destinations in South America for locations, I should say, for Chinese illegal immigrants. Other guides on the channel provide more detailed advice on how to travel through a single country. One guide for Mexico falls into this category and features a series of Google Maps screenshots that chart a path between tapo chula, Mexico and Laredo, Texas. While most of the guides concern travel through Central and South America, several also focus on where and how to cross the southern US border. One such document identifies 15 border wall gaps along the southern border, including 12 in California, as well as crossing points in Arizona and New Mexico. The guide also provides Chinese nationals with basic instructions on what to carry and how to make the crossing. Quote, take a taxi to a location near the wall crossing point, get out head straight in carrying a few hundred dollars in cash for random contingencies, the document advises the DCNF confirmed the existence of several of the crossing points while visiting the California border in June of 2024. Bill Wells, the mayor of El Cajón, California told the DCNF the Chinese nationals now constitute a significant portion of the crossing near San Diego. When I've been out at the border, most of my interactions have been with Chinese people. Well said I've come across groups of Chinese people standing on the side of the road in the middle of the night waiting to be picked up. I've come across migrants and campments where there's one hundred or so Chinese people waiting to move on to the next stage, maybe 30 yards from the fence where they just cross. Despite this, Wells told the DCNF that local officials remain in the dark about how the human smuggling networks operate. We have no idea said, well, you would think that something of such a major importance to not only the nation, but municipalities would have somebody from the government calling you and saying, hey, this is what we know, this is what's going on. This is how it's going to affect or not affect you. Wells told the DCNF he believes that Chinese illegal immigration poses a serious national security threat to the United States. And pointed to multiple sensitive military and public utility sites, goes to the US, Mexico border near San Diego. There's so much to worry about from the committed enemy. Well said. The DCNF review of the American self-guided tour channel also discovered that it's owner at W. Jacken or Jack W. Claims to work as a cyber police officer station in China. Yes, I am cyber police. Jack W stated on April 30 of 2024 after an account in the channel, asked me if he was a cyber police officer. Cyber police serve China's business tree of public security by monitoring website content and spreading propaganda according to federal authorities. After identifying himself as a cyber police officer, Jack W outlined his policing duties in a post in which described himself as being responsible for national security fares, fighting reactionaries and postal foreign forces. Oh, this guy obviously works with a Democrat party. This is a cover. Now I get it now. Oh, am I a Democrat party committee, then? No, no, no, no, I'm a cyber police officer in China. Don't you dare come and arrest me at my house in California. Later that day, Jack W directed channel members interested in national security work to apply to China's premier civilian intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security. If you want to work for the Ministry of State Security, please use the method of participating in the National Civil Servants Exam. Jack W told members of the telegram channel. Although the DCNF was unable to confirm Jack W's affiliation with the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of State Security, a review of the accounts, the accounts post found that it promotes Chinese illegal immigration and has band members for expressing hurtful opinions towards the motherland. In one instance, a now deleted account called called for the CCP to be overthrown on April 22nd, 2024, Jack W banned 20 accounts. The next month, Jack W announced he banned multiple accounts, had criticized Chinese police officers, those who disparage and urban management law enforcement video have already been banned. Jack W announced on May 20, 2024, referring to a Chinese government agency that the US nonprofit human rights watch is described as a thuggish parapalese that's with enforcing non criminal administrative regulations, all like the FDA. Jack W's telegram channel is also promoted CCP propaganda on June 4th, 2024, the American self-guided tour channel posted an image of a tank with a caption celebrating the 35th anniversary of the defeat of the Western back color revolution in reference to the 1989, the end of the square massacre during which the Chinese government slaughtered as many as 10,000 pro democracy protesters according to the former British ambassador to China. A DCNF review of the telegram channel officer to discover that in addition to Jack W several other members have identified as Chinese police officers, military personnel and CCP members. Represented bishop described Chinese illegal immigration as the most astonishing threat. Chinese nationals presenting at the southern border of the United States were almost unheard of previously, bishop told the DCNF in May of 2024, Bishop chaired the House Homeland Security Committee's oversight investigations and accountability subcommittee hearing concerns that the approximate Lee 8000% increase in Chinese illegal immigration in the US as experienced since March of 2021 be hearing followed a 2024 DCNF investigation revealing an internal customs and border protection email showing that the Biden administration dramatically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants and April of 2023 by reducing the number of interview questions, Border Patrol agents are required to ask from roughly 40 down to just five. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. The first one is the one that is not a big deal. I've said this a long time ago, like you don't want to get in trouble with China. I've said this a long time ago, like you don't want to get in trouble with China. I've said this a long time ago, like you don't want to get in trouble with China. In 2018, non-citizens accounted for 64% of arrests for federal offenses. Non-citizens are committing more than half of the crimes that the federal government is arresting for, 64%. The report showed that a complete flip from 1998 when 63% of arrests for federal offenses were of US citizens. I'm going to tell you in 1998 to find out that 32% of federal offenses were committed by non-citizens would drive me completely insane. That only 68% of federal offenses in 1998 were committed by American citizens should have been all the warning signs that anybody needed that like, hey, wait a second, 30% of our federal crimes are being committed by people who aren't even supposed to be here. What are you talking about? Get them the hell out of here. No, no, no, no, no, let's open the borders and bring in tens of millions of them. And that way, then it will be 65%. Oh my god. Non-U.S. citizens make up roughly 7% of US population. According to the 2017 US Census Bureau, but not non-U.S. citizens still accounted for 15% of all federal assets and 15% of prosecutions in US District Court for non-immigration crimes in 2018 for the report. In the five judicial districts along the US Southern border with Mexico, federal arrests nearly doubled between the years of 1998 and 2018, 33 to 65%. In the span of those 20 years, nearly 95% of the increase in federal arrests was due to immigration offenses. Other key findings show that the majority of these non-citizens who were arrested came from Mexico, roughly 40%, trailed by Central Americans at 20%. US citizen arrests for federal offenses accounted for 36% per the report. As bright partners reported this week, a recent U.G.P.O.L. found that a striking majority of US voters would back a national program reporting illegal immigrants to reporting migrants illegally in the United States. The poll published Sunday found that 62% of registered voters, registered voter respondents would back a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the US illegally, 38% of voters would have posed such programs in noted. And so ladies and gentlemen, that's how the cookie crumbles. That's how it all falls apart. You open up the borders, a foreign government with 1.4 billion citizens just decides, you know what? Now that we've taken over your country by installing a puppet president with a crackhead son who we've probably got child sex videos with, we're going to get you into a war with the Russian Federation, we're going to open up your borders, we're going to send our men there, they're going to fuck your women and you're not going to live anymore. Sorry for the F, I forgot it's a real politics. And that's what's going to happen. And there's going to be nothing at all to stop it. Real Tony soprano since 50 bucks on Odyssey, thank you Tony. Yo, I just learned that you have citizens to stay in Albania for a year of war without any complicated visa stuff. Toronto, here, yeah, Toronto actually looks like a nice city. The girls on the walking toward videos look real hot and white. She plays too. Let's go, homie. Libertary Otis, Tony is a pretty, is pretty keynote to most of the, yeah, India has more people than China now. Yes, it's the second most populous country. And so, yeah, you have the largest country by land masses, Russia, and the second most populous country in the world is China. And we're going to go to war with those two. And we're going to make sure we run out of gas first. Tony sends 999, $990, also, I know that you're a righteous N word, but you really got to get those dominoes lava cakes about to order me some man. I think I'm going to, all right, fine, you got to get the dominoes lava cake. So do it. Why not, right? The world's going to hell anyway. We're going to end up in World War three and flooded with Chinese immigrants who might as well just eat some lava cakes. And so, I think I, wait, there's one more thing I wanted to get to. I think what's the other thing I want to get through and pull this up. What's the other thing I wanted to do? It was one thing I probably shouldn't let go. Just as a throwaway, I'll say, Hunter Biden dropped the laptop lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, which is hilarious in the laptop. You know, the thing that they covered up in 2020. Said it was Russian disinformation in the prosecutors. They're like, yeah, this is why we have evidence that he's a criminal. And then he's like, oh, well, you know, I guess I probably shouldn't sue Rudy Giuliani after all. That's probably not going to work out very well. Oh, real quick, too. I said this way back. All right. And everybody was like, Trump, Trump came after our guns. He banned our bump stocks. And I said, you know, I'm not happy to get that, as a matter of fact, but I don't think that this is going to stand. And I don't think that's lost on Donald Trump as a matter of fact. Because they tried to do this a few different times with a few different things, a matter of fact. What you can't just classify something as a machine gun. I don't know where that's not how, you know, that's not how the Supreme Court is going to address it when you say that this is just a regulatory thing. The Supreme Court on Friday struck down a federal probe, a federal rule put in place during former president Donald Trump's administration that prohibited bump stocks for guns, handing in major victory to second amendment advocates in a six three ruling the court ruled the devices added to semi automatic weapons to make them fire faster. The Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court was put in place after a mass shooting that occurred in 2017 in Las Vegas at a music festival. The Supreme Court ruling invalidates the ban and finds it the Bureau of ATL alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives overstepped its authority by imposing it. The Biden administration argued the ATF made the right call with the ban, of course, they did. The ban was challenged by a gun store owner in Texas who stated that the Justice Department incorrectly classified the accessories as illegal machine guns according to the Associated Press. As of now, the Biden administration has not made any comment on the ruling. And so that was going to happen because when they say, okay, you can't have bump stocks because bump stocks and machine guns and everybody's like, well, as a matter of fact, they're not so shut up giving my bump stock back. But of course, you know, when I heard about that, I was like, I got to throw my bump stock away. You know, I'm going to get in trouble. Now I'm mad. Well, you know, the feds would have taken it anyways, whatever. And so I think I think we'll do it. We'll call it. We'll call it here. Let me go look at a chance again. Uh, not there. Streams. Yeah. 1433, libertarian. All they need to do need to do to ban bump stocks is pass a law. Machine guns are clearly defined and the speed of viewpube is not a machine gun make very well put very well put. Yeah, you know, if you can pull the trigger really fast, it's not fully automatic as a matter of fact. And the fact that you're pulling the trigger very fast is not make your gun a machine gun. If you have a machine gun, it means you hold the trigger down and the bull in the gun keeps on firing. That's what a machine gun is. And so, you know, if you want to ban bump stocks and go into now's representatives and propose a bill and then debate it and then vote on it and then send it to the Senate and then get it to the president's desk. And as long as the Democrats are in control of the Congress, that should be no problem as a matter of fact, which they happen to be so screwed, right. And you know, if there's any Republican holdouts, just, you know, threaten to expose them as child molesters and be like, yeah, we're going to show the video. You're going to show the videos. You said you wouldn't do that. If I voted on the last thing, shut up. We need to ban the bump stocks. It's pretty straightforward. They do it all the time, you know. So I don't know why these people are all bent out of shape. Just go ahead and blackmail somebody get your law passed up with the regulatory agencies. It's dumb. So you guys all have a great night. Those of you who paid me. Thank you very much. Those of you who didn't maybe get around to it. Chris for can't slash donate. So you'll pull slash donate. Give us a go to a conslesh spm cash tag is edgy Chris. All my crypto stuff at the donate pages. You know, I try to make it easy not to pay me if you see fit. Send me an email if you can't do. Christopher can't slash contact. Get an email list. Stay tuned. Back Wednesday for the membership, which you should be once reporting to a conslesh joint. Friday, Carson up a storm with no apologies next time. See you soon..