Never really know really you know rumble they have this situation. It's great what they do they they basically they they have this You know whole placeholder video that plays and then I start streaming and it doesn't play my show and then if I refresh the page It might stop playing the the placeholder video and Maybe it doesn't we'll see we'll see what happens at that not entirely certain what they're gonna do because it's rumble and they just they're you know They're just doing it and whatever they want and so if they If they feel like it then they maybe after that then they will play some advertisements and then after they play the advertisements is a reasonably high likelihood that my video will play But it's not a hundred percent certainty of course, and so let's check Let's see if Odyssey seems to be working and maybe it doesn't we'll see will see how the scene's working just fine It's great Odyssey's working, but that rumble thing is a I think they refer to this in the industries of piece of garbage I think it's the way the way the way it's sometimes discussed and so Maybe rumble's just not gonna work because why would it why would you why would you bother because you know You're just a video streaming platform. You know, it's not like you care if anybody actually gets to watch a video You know and so maybe we'll just maybe we'll just be screwed on rumble. I can I can actually There's it's not beyond a measure of my control It's unfortunate that they make me do it this way because this is not the way it's supposed to work But you know Every once in a while you just got a you got to do Dan Bungino's job for him is you know, basically the idea And so we'll do that because we're good guys and we like that Dan Bungino fellow Okay, and so We'll put that there come on you stupid Effing thing okay, we'll do that and then we'll just check on rumble one more time and see if rumble's maybe gonna work If rumble's gonna do what it's supposed to do But it doesn't look like it is doesn't look like rumble's gonna behave It doesn't look like rumble's gonna cooperate today and so we'll try this we'll try it this way Try this again and see if that does anything Since rumble is a piece of it's a piece of work, you know, they they basically, you know They are you know They are doing their thing over there. That's all I'm not I'm not trying to pick on the Not trying to pick on the rumble guys So I'm gonna refresh the page one more time rumble and like okay fine I've done everything that I can do it's not working Rumble's a piece of garbage. I don't know why they've done this to me. I don't know what their problem is Rumble doesn't seem to be working so I'm gonna go and form the rumble chat That they can go catch the video on Odyssey because you know Odyssey's working today We have no idea if it's gonna work tomorrow, you know But we're not on tomorrow so we'll find out you know more to the point if it's gonna work Some other time Odyssey is working And there's the link to Odyssey and so whatever you know I Tried and I tried and I tried I've done everything that I can do and Rumble's just not gonna cooperate So it's a good thing I checked I guess because you know So I guess now that rumble has completely destroyed my mood or made it even worse than it was Let's go ahead and play some intro music shall we? I'm Amazing there we go hello rumble nice to see you Unbelievable You All right, welcome to surreal polo tics This 64th episode of the first Asian program today is June 24 2024 being the current year. It's a Monday as usual 9 30 PM US Eastern time when we start these things and Every once in a while we start at exactly 9 30 other times I screw up and we're a little bit late and then other times I do everything that I'm supposed to do and Rumble screws us over and so we're just a few minutes late while I waited for Rumble to begin functioning And so but it did it eventually did end up functioning. That's nice of them to you know to show up at at some point, you know And so thanks for that rumble. Thanks for showing up Snow's calm is not rumble. It's a left-wing Propaganda rag that poses a fact checker. You might have you might be familiar with those guys Recently they got around to noting that Donald Trump did not say that neo-naught season what supremacists were very So fine people after the 2017 United right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia This fiction had been seized upon by left wing media for years was prominently featured in Joe Biden's announcement that he would be seeking the presidency of the United States Along with a video of your humble call respondent fight at the University of Virginia in August of 2017 It might go without saying that the center right media is declaring victory now having seven years later had their Anti-racist credentials restored to good standing by the lying degenerate crooks. They still for some reason view as our moral arbiters In fact, Trump had specifically stated that these neo-naught season white supremacists should be quote totally condemned And his justice department saw to it that they were vigorously pursued while the people who unapologetically confess in public on camera to planning and initiating the violence were allowed a free hand to continue their mayhem And what good did that do for Donald Trump none whatsoever What good did that do for the country? Oh, I would say a much negative good indeed Though he condemned those supposed bigots Trump was nonetheless tainted with the label of being one Fearing the consequences of this his administration allowed criminals to terrorize the country on a routine basis from then until the day that Joe Biden took office Only as those criminals set their enmity against the Jewish state to the fact checkers acknowledged the fraud that they helped to perpetrate for the last seven years And it's just infuriating you know, I've I've seen you know conservative media They go crazy about this thing. Oh, he didn't say that they will never refine people and he didn't okay He comes out there and he's like, you know, they're very fine people on both sides And I'm not talking about the Nazis in a white supremacist of course because you know My Jewish in laws they wouldn't like that very much And so I'm actually saying that those people should be totally condemned But you know there were these other people who actually never read mine cup And those people are great because they have no idea what they're talking about all they know is that they shouldn't take down the statue And that what's that's what makes them good. It's actually their ignorance of the situation is what we call virtue here in America today That's what makes you an upstanding citizen is to have no idea what you're talking about because if you bother to inform yourself about anything People would call you and not see you know white supremacist you would know that These people are saying that because there are a bunch of crooks Two One seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and the more you chose the less I have to So please do give us a call. Let's see here. Let me I'm not that move this thing a little there you go Um, and there's other stuff on our radar of course, but that one really like it really pissed me off because You know first of all there were not very fine people on both sides like you're running around with a bunch of like communist revolutionaries attacking people in the street Guess what like there's no there's no good in that there's actually no redeeming value to anybody who showed up that day Who was like yeah, well, you know what you guys shouldn't be allowed to have your permitted demonstration You guys shouldn't be allowed to have statues that represent the history of this country no no no no no no no We're willing to resort to violence in defense of that and as a matter of fact those of us who are not willing to resort to violence We're just gonna be accomplices you see we're gonna be witnesses We're going to lie. We're going to cheat. We're going to play the victim And all these other people are gonna commit crimes and we're gonna do nothing to stop it That doesn't make you a very fine person as a matter of fact This is the big joke about it right that like oh like Anderson Cooper and all these guys are like okay Well, but do very you know they they they they dance around this so like oh well Maybe not all the people there would neo-naughtsies and white supremacists, but they were marching with them And if you're marching with neo-naughtsies and white supremacists, then you're definitely not a very fine person And nobody argues about that right Well, how about the people who were walking around in the street with a bunch of people with weapons right How about the people who came into courtrooms and lied under oath that everybody knew that they were lying and nobody wanted to prosecute them Now they were not very fine people on both sides There was there was a fine budget gentleman who actually like put their lives on a line for a decent thing And then there was a bunch of criminals who tried to stop them from doing that But the center right media they'll all like yeah, well, isn't that great We've been telling you all this time that Donald Trump didn't say neo-naughtsies and white supremacists were very fine people And now we have snopes confirming that we've been right the whole time and you know it's true because snopes at it Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha They spend all their days of being like oh, you know snopes is just a bunch of nonsense and then they like see snopes said what we said Which means that we're Bindicated don't you know And that's their frame of reference, you know They're trying to what they really want that what they want more than anything is the approval of the Democrat party And what drives them crazy about it what makes the Democrats their enemy is simply that they don't Provide the approval right there. They're like oh, you know what we really wish that we could have your You're blessing on what it is that we do because we think that you are actually the moral arbiter We think that you're the ones who decide what is and what is not decent We think that you're the ones who decide what isn't it is not true right That's what they're saying when they when they bask in the glory of snopes verifying the thing that everybody was obvious from the get go And Humorously then snopes turns around and says like okay, well It's actually false that there were very fine people on both sides. Let me let me read this piece to you from bright bar It's actually it is pretty funny in a sense It would be funny anyway if it wasn't such a complete Cluster perhaps the most well-known fact-chicking website has finally confirmed seven years later that Donald Trump did not refer to neo-nazis in Charlottesville in 2017 as very fine people The false claim was central to Joe Biden's election in 2020 He used it to launch his campaign in April of 2019 claiming he had been inspired to run against president Trump because the latter called neo-nazis very fine people The reality was that Trump had actually condemned the neo-nazis in white supremacists and used the phrase very fine people To describe non-violent protesters on both sides of the issue of the removal of Confederate statue now Let's just pull up Joe Biden's campaign announcement video Charlottesville Virginia is home to the author of one of the great documents in human history We know it by heart We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal and downed by their creator with certain and alienable rights We've heard it so often. It's almost a cliche, but it's who we are We haven't always lived up to these ideals Jefferson himself didn't but we have never before walked away from them Charlottesville is also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years It was there on August of 2017 we saw clansmen and white supremacists and neo-nazis come out in the open They're crazed faces Illuminated by torches veins and bulging and bearing the fangs of racism Chanting the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the 30s And they were met by a courageous group of Americans in a violent clash There's your humble car spawned those of you watching the video there. There I am in Joe Biden's presidential campaign announcement video When he says oh yeah, they were saying things that I don't like and they were met by a courageous group of Americans and a violent clash and suit Not the Nazis attacked those pure activists. No no no no no no not and Tifa came and started a fight No, no, no, no, no Not the Nazis beat up and Tifa no no no no no no They were confronted they came to say things that we don't like and they were confronted by a courageous group of Americans The you know the fact that this was not seized upon by the Trump campaign in 2020 is is you know, there's people who say that you know I mean, I'm not gonna do it You want to blame Trump's loss in 2020 on something his cowardice to to address that line, okay The courageous group of Americans are a bunch of criminals and everybody knows that they are like literally There's a convicted murderer at the scene of this thing Everybody who cares to know knows including Trump's justice department and they did not he did not once mentioned Hey, you called the criminals who started the violence On video you called them a courageous group of Americans you're getting you're getting you're getting bent out of shape at me Because I said there were very fine people on both sides You can't win the he wouldn't win the presidency over that you know like you're you're endorsing violent crime in the streets Let it take stop doing that But he didn't because he's because all of his advisors alike you got to just you know Just got to try to duck and cover on the Charlottesville thing buddy You can't possibly stand up and tell the truth about that event because you know nobody knows it right? You're gonna be speaking great to them. They have no idea what you're talking about Amazing In a brave young woman lost her life And that's when we heard the words of the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation He said there were quote Some very fine people on both sides very fine people on both sides But those words the president of the United States Assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate Then those of the courage to stand against it. You know what he he did Fail by drawing a moral equivalence he drew moral equivalence between people who went to a permitted demonstration and were attacked by criminals and the criminals who attacked them Very fine people on both sides. You want to go after Donald Trump for something? That's it. Okay, very fine people on both sides. It's it's fine to get offended by that because there were not A moral equivalence between the guys who show up to obey the law who cooperate with law enforcement in advance and the criminals who conspire and the criminals who refuse to talk to cops the criminals who say Virginia is for grand jury resistors Those people there's no moral equivalence there. They're violent Communist anti-American criminals and there's no moral equivalence to be had And so yeah, that was a pretty bad thing to more draw moral equivalence on I'll say In that moment I knew the threat to this nation Was unlike any I had ever seen in my lifetime I wrote at the time They were in the battle for the soul of this nation Battle for the soul true today. We are in the battle for the soul of this nation. Joe Biden this soul Just look back on four years of this president and all the embraces as an aberrant moment in time But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House He will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation Who we are and I cannot stand by once that happened The core values of our nation are standing in the world are very democracy Everything that is made America America is at stake That's why today I'm announcing my candidacy for president of the United States Folks America's an idea an idea that's stronger than any army bigger than any ocean more powerful than any dictator or tyrant It gives hope to the most desperate people on earth it guarantees that everyone is treated with dignity No, it doesn't and gives hate no safe harbor Yeah, well, I'll tell you what man you and your hateful monstrous violent criminal friends are gonna have no safe harbor pretty soon It instills in every person in this country the belief that no matter where you start In life, there's nothing you can achieve if you work at it That's what we believe. No, it's not and above all else. That's what's a stake in this election We can't forget what happened in Charlottesville No, we can't even more important. We have to remember who we are This is America You know, remember who we are. Let's that's some good advice, you know This is America after all and in America When violent criminals attack innocent people they go to prison And if you leave people without recourse through the legal systems solve problems like that well I Not speculate on what comes of it But it's not good And so let's go ahead we'll play Trump's video that were Very fine people on both sides you had people in that group excuse me excuse me I saw the same pictures as you did you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of to them a very Very important statue and then renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name George Washington was a slave owner was George Washington a slave owner So will George Washington now lose his status are we gonna take down? Excuse me. Are we gonna take down are we gonna take down statues to George? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him? Okay, good are we gonna take down to statue because he was a major slave owner Now we're gonna take down his statue So you know what it's fine you're changing history you're changing culture and you had people And I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally But you had many people in that group other a lot of good indigenous stupid and white nationalists Okay, and the press has treated them Absolutely unfairly now in the other group also you had some fine people But you also had trouble makers and you see them come with with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats You got you had a lot of bad you had a lot of bad people in the other group too And so that was the end of the Trump presidency that you just watched okay You might you might you might more accurately say it was when he came out with a speech probably Jared Kushner wrote for him That's what I knew that like when he came out was like racism strikes at the heart. I got a got a got a got a I was like yeah That's the end of your presidency you just gave up sorry stupid Several commentators notably cartoonist turned pundits Scott Adams and conservative commentator Steve Cortez publicly debunked What became known as the very fine people hoax but Biden and the media continued to use it Bright Barton news confronted Biden at the Iowa State Fair in August of 21 2019 asked why he continued to miss crow Trump Biden responded angrily reciting a well-hearsed text about Trump calling neo-Nazis Best of ice president. Are you aware that you were misquoting Donald Trump in Charlottesville? You never called neo-Nazis very fine people Well, he called all those folks to walk out of that they were neo-Nazis shouting hate the veins But he said specifically that he was condemning them. He said he said he walked out and he said Let's get this straight. He said there were very fine people in both groups. They're chanting anti-Semitic slogans carrying fly but you're aware that he Oh Imagine that anti-Semitic slogans. I don't know how about from the river to the sea Palestine shall be free How about um all the people who are now talking about you know Hey, did you scan have an ethno state and the Jews will like hey wait a second. That's actually Semitic, right? You can't tell us that we can't have an ethno state if you take away the The the ethno state of a race of people you're genociding them don't you know? That's what the Jewish state says And so that's anti-Semitic, right So does Joe Biden say that there's not very fine people in the Democratic Party? No, there's not he does not say that And that's smart that he doesn't say that because if you tell if you throw the people under the bus who are supporting your presidency Then you're terribly unlikely to remain in the presidency And so that's why Donald Trump's not president you see so that sucks for Donald Trump I guess sucks for the country too. It's not exactly a positive outcome for anybody sadly The hoax was publicly punk debunked twice On the national stage once during the 2020 vice presidential debate and again during Trump's second impeachment trial And his lawyers demolished the hoax for the world to see Biden continued to use the very fine people hoax well into his presidency But now with the incumbent facing tough reelection fight And growing pressure to step aside is finally debunked the very fine people hoax It says quote we looked into these claims and found that while Trump did say there were very fine people on both sides Meaning both the protesters and the counter-prostors co-protesters He also condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists outright unsaid he was specifically referring to those who were there only to participate in the statute protest In some while Trump did say there were very fine people on both sides He also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said that they should be condemned totally Therefore we have rated this claim as false Snopes also included a transcript of Trump's full remarks in context so that readers can judge for themselves in an editor's note This is ridiculous snopes says that Trump was wrong in his claim that there were very fine people on both sides Well, it's no surprise of me that's right because a bunch of communists trying to attack people in the street You're like, yeah, I'm going to be your co-conspirator But that's not what snopes said of course But the fact check simply aimed to determine whether he had praised the neo-Nazis or not This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said not whether or what he said was true or false snopes said In fact in New York Times reported at the time there were some non-violent non-racist supporters of the nation Confederate statue at the Charlottesville rally their cause was hijacked by neo-Nazis and white supremacists But there they were there in Charlottesville as the contemporaneous account by the times hardly a true pro pro Trump source noted Regardless the snopes fact check comes just days before Biden and Trump are to meet for their first debate in the 2024 election on CNN June 27th if Biden tries to use the very fine people hoax again. He may face new opposition noise Oh, do you think that the Democrats are going to come out and be like hey look should you can't be lying about Donald Trump That would be totally inappropriate You can't do that to the guy that we're about to throw in prison for the rest of his life and start a civil war over You can't do that. It's dishonest We don't want to do dishonest things. We're the Democrat party. Don't you know we have standards of conduct and you have to tell the truth Ha ha ha ha can you believe can you imagine that? Hey Joe Biden Don't make the Democrat party look bad by lying to the public that would be terribly shameful We would we would all look bad you would make us look like a bunch of liars. Ha ha ha ha Amazing amazing amazing amazing with these people get away with this isn't it Two on 76881433 if you like to be on the pogrom program I should say and the more you tell the less I have to so please do give us call peaking the pogroms Everybody was shocked it Donald Trump he upset some folks you might you know you might hear they do that he does that sometimes Ha ha ha Some folks are like prone to be upsetting and and Donald Trump he really they don't like him at all Everybody was shocked Trump joked about Nazi ovens in meeting with Jewish business leaders. Oh my god Nazi ovens A former vice president of the Trump organization said Donald Trump once joking you referred referenced Nazi ovens and meeting with several Jewish executives Barbara raised told MSNBC host Ali Veshe Belchee that Trump was bragging to his team about a new hire who was German and he looked at a couple of our executives Who happened to be Jewish and he said watch out for this guy. He sort of remembers the ovens, you know and then smiled Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh wow you know Well, that's racist against german people isn't it that's like that's that's a stereotype Everybody was shocked. He said I cannot believe he said that. He was making a joke about Nazi ovens and eating people referencing Trump stated support, the fick ofsanalidable Hannibal Lector Well, you know how do you know that how do you know that he was kidding as a matter of fact? Don't you know that Trump's favorite podcast is sort of a radical agenda indeed it is. Thank you mr. President We're honored. Thank you so much, you know Sort of a radical agenda. Yeah, it's a radical agenda all right And so this one of tiktoks is like, yeah, I used to work at the Trump organization And I'm gonna tell you something about him that hasn't been said yet and MSNBC is like This is fantastic. We don't hear enough nonsense about Donald Trump at all. Can you please tell us more? Hey, what's going on here? I don't want this to be silent. What are you doing? Why is this quiet? Oh, there you go Anta to participate in the first of two scheduled general election debates this season It will last 90 minutes both campaigns have agreed for it to take place in a television studio It's like I want to hear this I'm gonna talk about Donald Trump. The president ready for both these Prepare it. It's a roll that he took on. I'm so fine. Prepare for it I thought that this was just gonna show me the clip and it's not it's gonna touch 12-minute segment so I can hear some some twitch Talk about Donald Trump and Nazi ovens. I want you know be nice if I just had Donald Trump like the audio clip of Donald Trump Talking about Nazi ovens that'd be fun Belchie then asked raise for her thoughts on Trump's allegiance to the religious right quote his embrace of religion is absolute nonsense Reciprod adding that Trump would mock religious people she left the Trump organization in 1998 saying Trump has treated her and her colleagues Leading up to the election Trump has repeatedly tried to shame Jewish Americans and devoting Republican in March Trump said Jews who vote for president Biden should be ashamed of themselves Well, you know, I mean What you know, I don't think that Jews should be ashamed of themselves for Joe to voting for Joe Biden frankly I mean, you know, there's probably Higher priorities if we're entirely honest with ourselves And so Julian Assange I Did just pulled this up right before the show this wasn't in the email today Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the United States allowing him to go free Well, that's interesting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to plead guilty to a conspiracy charge this week as part of a plea deal with the US Justice Department That will allow him to go free after having spent five years in a British prison prison according to court documents Assange was charged by criminal information which typically signifies a plea deal with conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information The court documents say a letter from Justice Department official Matthew McKenzie to US district judge Ramona Manglona Of the northern Mariana islands district said that Assange would appear in court at 9 a.m. local time Wednesday 7 p.m. Eastern Tuesday to plead guilty to and that the Justice Department expects to Assange will return to Australia as country of citizenship after the proceedings US charges against Assange stem from one of the largest publications of classified information in American history Which took place during President Barack Obama's first term starting in late 2009 according to the government Assange conspired with Chelsea Manning a military intelligence aid Analyst to use his WikiLeaks website to disclose tens of thousands of activity reports about the war in Afghanistan Hundreds of thousands of reports about the war in Iraq Hundreds of thousands of state department cables and assessment briefs of detainees at the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay Cuba Court documents revealing Assange's plea deal were filed Monday evening in US district court for the northern Mariana islands A US territory in the Pacific Ocean Assange was expected to appear in that court to be sentenced to 62 months with credit for time served in British prison Meaning he would be free to return to Australia where he was born Assange has been held in high security bell marsh prison on the outskirts of London for five years And he previously spent years in self-exile in the equatorian embassy in London where he reportedly fathered two children Until his asylum was withdrawn He was forcibly carried out of the embassy in arrested in April of 2019 A superseding indictment was returned more than five years ago in May of 2019 and a second superseding indictment was returned in June of 2020 Assange has been fighting extradition for more than a decade first in connection with a sex crimes case in Sweden Then in connection with the case against him in the United States In March the high court in London gave him permission for a full hearing on his appeal as he sought assurances that he could rely upon the first amendment at trial in the US In May two judges on the high court said he could have a full hearing on whether he would be discriminated against in the United States because he is a foreign national A hearing on the issue of a soldiers free speech rights had been scheduled for July 9th and 10 WikiLeaks also published hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee that up end of the 2016 presidential race Russian intelligence officers were subsequently indicted in connection with the hacking in 2018 in a case brought by then special counsel Robert Mueller At a joint news conference event president trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin days later Trump contradicted the indictment and the intelligence community saying Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial that the Russians interfered in 2016 to help him win That's what NBC needs you to know about this story ladies and gentlemen That Trump is a Putin puppet and he disagrees with spies who are telling us nonsense Manning was sentenced to 35 years in a military prison, but Obama commuted her sentence in the final days of his presidency in 2017 Manning was subsequently held in contempt of court for nearly a year after she refused to answer questions for grand jury She was then released after an attempted suicide. Well, there you go. Just kill yourself Just try to kill yourself. Now let's add a prison of your Democrat. That's great Yeah, and so you know good for Julian Assange, I guess whatever you know, I kind of like I some of you know I got a bone to pick with him because after the Virginia thing He's on Twitter and he's like yeah, look at the side Nazi cry. Ha ha Ha ha isn't that funny huh? Oh, you think it's uh you uh, you know as a matter of fact I remember you didn't look so happy when they were dragging you off to jail either did you do in Assange? You actually look pretty upset I understand you were like Refusing to eat diet in prison, huh? You were like oh my god They put me in the cell by myself I can't even continue having sex with women and father and children like I was doing in the embassy What am I ever going to do without access to females? Yeah, sucks doesn't it Julian Assange Not a good time going to jail Especially when you didn't do it But you know what Julian Assange did do it as a matter of fact Julian Assange is actually guilty of the crime that he's that he's Bleeding guilty to his matter of fact. That's actually what happened right and if you understand what actually transpired in that case It's not just that like that manning Gave a foreign national a bunch of defense information, okay? What is alleged is that Assange conspired with manning, okay? Like yeah, here's what you should do to like cover up your tracks and stuff and like Manning instructions on how to get the documents damn, okay? Now you know some people talk about you know Assange like he's a foreign intelligence asset Well, like we actually don't know if that's the case or not first things first, okay? You know, you know why is why is why is Evan Gerstkovic held in Russia? Okay, because he's working he's ostensibly working for the Wall Street Journal and he's running around trying to obtain what Secrets of the Russian Federation the government of the Russian Federation right and then he's like well no I'm not a US spy. I mean US journalist. I just want to go take your secrets and put them in newspapers Not like I'm gonna give them to the US government well yet. Yeah, yes government can read the Wall Street Journal as a matter of fact And so You know Julian Assange actually committed the crime he's beating guilty to and he has been you know Maybe you think it's a good idea that he did it. I mean maybe maybe you hold that opinion fine, you know I'm actually not I'm not actually you don't have a strong opinion on that part of it But Julian Assange conspired with Bradley Manning who's a who's a lunatic criminal right? So it's Bradley Manning by the way didn't do this because he's like, uh, you know I'm really on a search for justice here He's a lunatic transgender terrorist is what he is, okay? And so like but Bradley Manning when he's running for uh, set it okay? His he that doesn't his website like it we need to open up the borders and give everybody a A living wage like regardless of their willingness to work whatever And then somebody like commented on this on Twitter and was like oh yeah Like open the borders give everybody everything and then dance in the rubble and Manning retweeted that Okay So Manning's mission is to destroy the United States of America in Furtherance of that mission he conspired with a foreign national to leak national defensive formation And then Barack Obama's like you know what training fanatic. I hate this country too. So I'm gonna spring you And now you know Assange has been hiding out 12 years or so Seven in the NBC sitting five years in prison trying to avoid extradition And the justice department comes along and it's like you know what you're in luck We hate this country too, buddy We hate this country more than you do matter fact so You've suffered enough go back to Australia We'll have our next intelligence analyst get to you in no time. We promise as soon as Donald Trump's in the White House matter Fact there's gonna be a whole bunch of people contacting you. You're gonna make a whole lot of money Once Donald Trump is president and you're gonna you're gonna help us destroy the United States So good for you Julian Assange. Congratulations on avoiding punishment for the crime that you definitely committed 217 68 1433 you like to be on the program and I'm more your child less I have to use the please do give us a call Let's see how one else is gone Leader of Maryland LGBTQ plus Dems caught in alleged petos stag trying to meet with a young boy Oh, you don't say so the guys who like hey, you know what we need that transgender stuff in the kindergarten Yeah, there are a bunch of pedophiles are trying to rape the kids is what they're trying to do And so the head of the Maryland Democratic Party MDP LGBTQ plus diversity leadership council VLC Michael Nappin was caught on video and a very disturbing predator sting We just busted the head of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14 year old grooms are groomers are about to be mad Alex Rosen founder of the Houston based vigilante organization predator poachers which conducts sting operations on adults nationwide Who seek sexual activity with young boys and girls and so they apparently have some video of this Anyway, you're the head of the LGBTQ Dems in Maryland Okay, how long have you been in that position for? It's fall okay. Is that like a paid position? Okay, just more of a volunteer type thing is like a super pack or something or is it just Okay, this stuff said here like you know, I want to rape you. I want to see how much of a faggot you are What was kind of said about that Yeah, I'm sorry pretty after you seem to enjoy it and I didn't know this person You hear us and it's okay if you want to jerk off looking at it talk about your dick And you said stop by this morning so I can stretch your whole faggot Can't wait to make you my little book and this was later that I or shit four days later with no response Can't wait to make you my little cum dump baby boy. Okay And so that's what the Democrats do and they're talking to kids When they're talking to the kids they use they use words that I Don't use on surreal politics as a matter of fact. He's talking about. I can't even repeat those things I'm sorry that I just played them on the show as a matter of fact But he's literally talking about stretching his whole using him as a dump for bodily fluids and Rape literally talking about rape. He's like yeah, I hope you try to get away so that I can forcibly penetrate you And that's what the LGBTQ devs of Maryland are doing to 14 year olds when they have the opportunity I'm Mike Anaphan on the LGBTQ DLC chair for the Maryland Democratic Party and I'm here in Baltimore for Pride today proud to be here with my queer community. Yeah celebrate every year our fight for justice and equality Which all started in 1969 at the Stonewall riots went for the first time ever We're people fought back and we fought together and we're still fighting and now we have a new champion on our side Angelo also works Yeah, that's the they're talking about that Stonewall riot where they were in this bar run by a mobster And they were illegally selling liquor and the police were like listen mobster. We you haven't paid your You haven't paid your protection money. So you know your extortion of these people We're gonna have to we're gonna have to break it up and then and then there was a black trans, you know a male You know who like you know likes to play in dresses or whatever and he Started a riot and they attacked police officers and that's why we have pride month and so that's great And that's what they talk about every June they're like yeah, we love riots We love attacking police officers and and that's why this guy who is running around trying to screw a 14 year old boy and rape him and stretch him and Use him for a receptacle. That's what he's proud of that that riot And so yeah, so that's what the Democrats are doing and so they're gonna they're not they're not really well suited to run the country I think they're probably probably don't want to vote for the Democrats anymore Ha ha ha ha Amazing I mean, it's not a me you know they do it all the time. It's actually not it's not actually that surprising This is pretty much this is pretty routine actually It's just what Democrats do after all they're just running around screwing kids and and celebrating it with parades You know, it's kind of their thing And so where's the Evan McMillan thing? Where's the where's the guy? Where's the uh the Lincoln project thing? I Have this story up here. I just got to find which tabits and because I got too many tabs. I switched to the brave browser I'll tell you You might have heard me in the past. I've endorsed the Yandex web browser. I know some of you used that But I got mad at the index browser and I'll tell you why because like they Keep on switching my search engine to the search engine There's absolutely no excuse for that my browser is English my computer is English. I don't have anything in Russian language on my computer And then every once in a while they're just like yeah, here's search results in Russian from And I'm like actually no as a matter of fact I have ducked out go in there and you're changing my settings You're trying to drive traffic to your website. I trusted you. I don't trust you anymore goodbye And so I switched to the brave web browser But I'm actually kind of annoyed with it. I'm really really annoyed with it as a matter of fact So like this up here. I'll need to do this um These are called tab groups, okay, and in Yandex this is like a pull down menu and you could go to your tab groups You say like pull up those tabs here. It opens all the tab groups in the same browser line And it's like what's the point of tab groups if you're gonna do that the whole entire point of tab groups Is to have the I don't have a million things making the tab smaller And so now I'm really really annoyed with Yandex and with the brave web browser. So screw you both 217681433 like to be on the program and the more you took the less I have to surprise to go to the call now It's just evan mcmo one thing I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna find it. I'm gonna find it. I just gonna have to go through every single tab there it is fine Evan mcmoans right hand man was arrested for soliciting sex from a teenage boy He's also got Lincoln projectized. You might remember the Lincoln project, you know, you know like Lincoln logs Yeah, these guys are like they're into the log thing and And so there was a big scandal that these are like the 80 trump guys. This is you know bill crystal in these idiots They never trumpers these guys and they're like you know what let's start this thing and we'll get and we'll and we'll pray On these people who think we're conservatives We'll pray on them. We'll get them to send us money. We'll be like Donald Trump's not a real conservative Bunch of money so I can say nasty things about them on the television right and then people are like yeah Here's somebody go say nasty things about Donald Trump And so then they did that and then they got caught screwing kids and stuff and they're like oh man Well you guys are not very conservative at all and they're like no, no, it's totally conservative screw kids. We're all we're all about it And you know then they're like oh well, you know, it's just that one thing. It's like no, it's better back to everybody You're involved with the screwing kids and so maybe you shouldn't be doing that You might not recognize the name Joel Serby and really hook a blame you Serby's just another run of the mill GOP strategies working tirelessly behind the scenes to prop up establishment politicians At a time when the old GOP guard is being rebuked at a breathtaking rate to show just how off base and clueless This Serby guy is he was chief strategist for none other than the Evan McMullen then Evan McMullen a former CIA spook and staunch Trumpator who made a tiny splash with his cringe worthy flop of a presidential run in 2016 quoting from politico Trump's lewd tape appears to be cutting into his standing among social conservatives No, where more so than in Utah where the Mormon faith holds sway and tolerance for the latest revelation of Trump's lasciviousness As pushed away already restrained relations with state Republicans breaking with the break past the breaking point I'm sorry That combined with a broad rejection of Hillary Clinton is good news for McMullen. Yes, that's right McMullen stands a real chance now because Donald Trump said they let you grab him by the Oh my god Donald Trump likes sex and we at politico we think that conservatives don't like sex So as long as we mention sex and Donald Trump like that'll totally help Hillary Clinton But we can't tell the Republicans to go vote for Democrats. So we're gonna give them the Evan McMullen guy And so then there's this dumb joke. It's a really really dumb joke I shouldn't even share it with you, but I'll just show you the image as I say this ridiculous obnoxious thing It's actually said in revolver news like discrediting them and making themselves look absolutely preposterous They say you may remember Evan who is often meamed as an egg McMuffan No, it didn't work. It's not funny. Okay Get better joke get better jokes. Okay, I don't like the McMullen guy You want to make fun of somebody's name fine. I grew up as can't well believe me. I got enough of that. Okay But that was stupid. Oh your name is Evan McMullen. You're an egg McMuffan It's not funny. Stop doing it. You're a bunch of idiots. I heard that like Glenn Beck doing that like Egg McMuffan And the lead up to the 2020 election like what are you talking about you idiot shut up get a better joke It turns out Politico was dead wrong. It was not good for McMullen He's still lost in Utah his home state in a landslide. Yeah, yeah, independent candidates. That's that's what happens It's actually not very surprising More from Politico, but this is McMullen's moment in his team is hoping to consolidate state GOP support We're talking a pretty much all the key leaders in Utah McMullen campaign chief strategist Joel Serby. There's that name said We have had direct communication with every leader in Utah who is either not supported Trump previously or since unendorse Trump every single one Yeah, well good for you guys McMullen hasn't yet been endorsed by any of those elected Utah Republicans, but multiple strategists and operatives in the state said that they could come out in support of the conservative long shot in the coming days, right Evan and Serby's goal was to stop Trump and his tracks by winning Utah, but that plan was a total dud because even with behind the scene support from his good friend Mitt Romney Evan and the propaganda media couldn't pull off a win in the Mormon state pathetic Now it's come to light that mr. Serby then self-proclaimed family man an establishment strategy guy has been arrested in Florida for allegedly Sliciting sex from a teenage boy and the evidence the cops have on this guy is extremely damning Also, it probably won't shock you to learn that mr Serby was connected to the Lincoln project yet another cluster of has been GOP strategist with stage five Trump derangements in drope The Lincoln project fell off its high horse after one of its founding members John Weaver who was a John McCain John case its campaign strategist Kim and genius quote-unquote face accusations of soliciting young men seem like a pattern is emerging among these so-called establishment types Back in 2023 Joel Serby took to substect a pet a dear diary style blog detailing his quest to scout an alternative candidate in 2016 In his piece he astonishingly labels now disgraced Lincoln the the now disgraced Lincoln project as brave. Yeah, it's really brave Yeah, you guys got to set a pause all right you run around banging kids. That's illegal. You're gonna go to prison You're not gonna have a good time there Joel a budding sicko himself really looked up to the perverted scumbags in the Lincoln project at the time of this publication Joel's post had only managed to rake in a measly six retweets He was never setting the internet on fire except now thanks to his charges According from Joel Serby then there was a small brave faction of conservatives who did not support Trump Bill crystal Rick Wilson John Kingston Bill Wikterman David French Pete Wainer Quinn Hylier and so many others affectionately known as the never trumpers Robert Salden Steve Tellers have written a book about this crew including the I'm telling here it's called never trump the revolts of the conservative elites You can grab it here if you like and he's probably leaking a something on Amazon. So you can give Jeff basal somebody because you know That's how you fund your conservative causes I researched all I could about these folks not knowing a single one of them personally at the time I also made my own list of candidates I thought I thought could pull it off as the top of that list for me was the condolese a rice. It's right Because you know what the Republican party needs is a black female. That's how we beat those devs at their own game We're gonna show them once in a while that we're neither racist nor sexist by making condolese a rice president in the United States I persuaded my company owner to give me some budget to run a poll and a few states to test rice and some others against chump and clinton What I found shocked me rice running as an independent was winning in Texas in a few other states I thought maybe I was onto something but I didn't know what to do with this information So I called up a 14 year old boy I asked him to let me rape him and stretch his whole that's not what he says actually in the piece him just I'm just having some fun Also, here's Joe back in 2023 calling out so called right way the extremist of an election deniers Notice how he doesn't call out petarasti I've been in politics 17 years the first ten of those years I work as a Republican operative and I left the party in 2016 and Have been working ever since in the new politics space One of the things that that concerns me the most about this type of violence in particular are two things one That there is a consistent thread that ties most of this this far right extremism together That being the election denying and overall kind of affinity to the radical ways of Donald Trump and those who follow him And the second thing is the complete failure of the Republican party in any kind of institutional way to denounce it to root it out most importantly To to put in place some changes that would keep these extremists from continuing to get power and we see it On microcosm though. It's not violent extremism You saw the same kind of faction in the Republican party Hold up the speaker of the House vote and really embarrassed Kevin McCarthy just just a few weeks back So these are all tied together and that's what concerns me the most and you talk about the the historic Violence politically and of course there's always been political violence of some sport what concerns me here again is that this is not just You know some some little argument between two people about these legislation where a guy gets Rapped on the head in the in the house, which of course happened quite a quite a few times This is an organized tied together a conspiracy theory driven Extremism and it's very concerning. Yeah, it's totally worse than all those race riots that went on all throughout 2020 because you know I'm the leader of the forward party. I'm not left. I'm not right. I'm forward, which is distinct from progressive I must let you know because I need Republicans to give me money Now Joe's Serbia will likely have plenty of time to rethink his establishment strategies as he cools his heels in a prison cell for allegedly trying to hook up with a young boy To add insults injury is Serbia sat on the board of the newberry education first a it's hardly surprising he'd want a position so close to young kids quoting from WCJB and I'll let you uh county judge ordered newberry education first board member to be held without bond at the first appearance Hearing Friday morning Joel Serby 43 was booked into allotua county jail on Thursday on charges of lued in the syvious behavior Communication to Laura minor communication a travel to meet a minor and using a communication device to commit a felony According to the arrest report. He's slated sex from an underage boy on snapchat Serby was one of the people leaving the charge to attempt to convert newberry public schools into charter schools The arrest report from allotua county sheriff's office describes a conversation that started on Wednesday between Serbia and the victim on the messaging app snapchat In the message chain Serby asked the 15 year old if he has ever had a crush on an older man and then describes a sexual encounter He had as a teen with an adult man As we mentioned earlier the evidence against Serbia's overwhelming the WCJB peace continues Serby sent to boy multiple photos of himself with his face obscured including a photo of his hand and his pants That invited the boy to visit his home the next morning secretly He suggested the victim should sneak out and go to Serby's guest house He would send the boy a text asking him to go over to help with yard work as an excuse to his parents It's right come help me rake the leaves kid. I'll bring you on and on stretcher On On third every evidence is pretty damning and as scary for me as a parent shared parent brandy oldman On Thursday morning law enforcement took over the boys account to continue the conversation with Serby He confirmed the meetup for yard work and a detective pretending to be the victim asked if there would be jerking off or something more Serby replied to the victim's account I would like to do more but we can take it one step at a time and if I start doing anything you don't want to do we can stop I'll walk you through it That's nice of him. Yeah, if you start Having sex with this underage child and then he's like please stop. He's like, oh, we'll just go back to jerking off. I guess Detectives then executed a search warrant at Serby's home on southwest one 70th street and he was taken into custody Serby invoked his right to remain silent He was booked into the alituah county jail and his bond as yet to be said What's truly alarming is that this potential monster wasn't just on the school board He was also a pastor and a basketball coach How many victims could be out there who haven't come forward yet? It's likely a lot more We'd be curious to know what Evan McMullen thinks about his side kicks arrest after all he was so disgusted by Trump's access Hollywood tape even calling Trump in human. Yeah, that's right because the women let him grab them and that makes him non-human But you know, it's all good because you know Women are for children and boys are for pleasure isn't that right Evan McMullen So I want you to shove a microphone and camera in Evan's face and ask him to sell human mr Serby is sadly since we have a regime run media don't expect them to call out one of their own the story like all others That paint the uniparty at a bad light will simply disappear down a black hole That's probably accurate All right last chance if you want to get on these phones you better dial it number because I'm gonna I'm gonna wrap this thing up. Let's do one more Let's see who we want to why what do we want to get to Why do we want to get to? We'll do while let's see yeah I don't know a bunch of Jews got beat up and when I do cares we'll go to another one um um Yes one Now I'll tell you I watch this video and I I'm not a hundred percent certainly I'd actually shows what they're saying it shows But it seems to me that there's people who are asserting that and you know someone over kind of credible Not Chris Cuomo, but you know, he's mentioned here Chris Cuomo played a video on Friday night that shows a Saudi official plotting the 9-11 attacks that killed three thousand Americans The video aired on news nation and shows a Saudi official plotting the attack in Washington DC is the first time the gateway pundit has seen the video There's a story out Chris is according from Chris Cuomo There's a story out right now that you have not been smothered with today the more I think about it It has been eating at me all day about how blanked up this is We all remember 9-11. I guess we remember. Maybe we don't maybe we don't Maybe time does he all wounds unless you were directly affected like the families who offer ever scarred and the families of the first responders etc But this CBS video well, it's a CBS just got a video that supports an allegation that was made by a lawsuit that the 9-11 families That it wasn't just about some have been loud not just al-Qaeda This guy is a Saudi official and that the Saudi government was involved Now is this the first time we've heard just no but we're you've never given a damn That's just the part that finally slapped me today is someone who supposedly cares about what happened that day because I lost so many people I knew and we could never forget all of these things I don't know You know, I wasn't watching a lot of Chris Cuomo in the year 2001, but how many times you call the 9-11 truth? There's a bunch of kooks I bet he did that more than once, you know Oh, well if you don't believe the official story about 9-11 the current enemy of this country and Barack Obama's intelligent service It should rendition you and take you to go on time. Oh babe because how dare you disbelieve the state In the CBS video Omar al-Baiou Al-Baioui whom the FBI says was a Saudi operative in the video Al-Baioui is seen casing the US Capitol in Washington DC the likely target of the flight 93 operation that was thwarted that day by American passengers and heroes The video was found by British police during a raid on by you means UK apartment days after the 9-11 attacks The film is just being released now. Why is that? It's been over 20 years since the horrific attacks Warfin the Washington Examiner British police found the video during a raid on by you means UK apartment in the days after 9-11 They also seized by you means handwritten address book that the lawyers for the 9-11 families say was filled with phone numbers of numerous senior Saudi officials and who were in the government at the time When by you mean recorded the Washington video He was often with two Saudi diplomats who the FBI says had ties to al-Qaeda a finding the Saudi government disputes Yeah, they've been known to do that dispute things. Yeah, what are you talking about we didn't do it Go talk to them Israelis they know about lion. We're good at that too Retired FBI agent Ken Williams let the 9-11 investigation in Phoenix where one of the hijackers attended flight school He believes the bi-unbi video ranks right at the top of the pile of evidence Williams strongly disagrees with the Saudi government stance on the video That the video was one of bi-unis took as a tourist The British police are believed to have turned over the video to the FBI shortly after 9-11 which raises the question Why after more than 20 years? It's just now emerging Quote if that was missed then shame on us for missing it Williams who is also a consultant on the case file button 9-11 family said If it wasn't missed then I would have to ask the question what was done with it And so here's a video from CBS you know Oh beloved esteem brothers are greeted to you from Omar al-Bio We greet you the esteem brothers and we welcome you from Washington Washington the American capital city And we come back once more to this building whose name I don't know as of yet However, I will provide you with the results soon I will get over there. I will report. I will report you a detail. What is there? What the anchor? No comment here because I did not get to know this place exactly But I am transmitted to you only what I see Their cars You said that in the plan And so You know, this is a smoking gun that this guy was plotting the 9-11 attacks It's not obvious to me from the video from entirely honest with you But it does seem like there's more information to this that we're not getting from the gateway pundits So you know, maybe we'll find out more before the next time we come back Which would be pretty soon matter fact because I'll be back Wednesday for the member show And if you are like not a member then you should probably go ahead do that So repulting second place joy become remember close 10 bucks a month But if you use code agenda 33 as a coupon code to check out you get the first three months for 33 percent off Was a great deal and actually if you while I probably shouldn't talk about marches no more radical agenda marches You guys mr. Chats it's over too bad But there's still a couple things in the store that you got to discount if you buy if you buy from there If you're a member if you're a member in your log in you get it discounted on the shop is the idea it's real But you know what you probably do look I gave you some spectacular entertainment I'm good funny good looking talent it right and so like I need to get paid so just give me the money to go get Say slash SPM like surreal politics media you can go Give me money with the cash app thing. I like that cash app stuff You can send me to cash app and I just like it's cash. I can just spend it works really well And that's edgy Chris cash app hashed my cash tag is edgy Chris And yeah, go ahead some me some shackles go on that'd be great You know I could use you know what I actually could you maybe help me out with With three extra shackles. Yeah, you got three extra shackles like a bar three extra shackles Please do that. Okay, I need some of those things and That'll be fantastic, you know, you can send me to cryptocurrency. I like the crypto stuff and All that information surreal slash donate or Christopher K. Well that net slash donate will get to the information And then we'll be back well once they with the members show Friday cursing up a storm with the radical agenda for what remains of that Working on trying to put together a respectable clothes to that we'll get there soon enough And so you guys have yourself Well, I should go probably check on our strings. We'll see if there's like super chats I need to read or anything like that somebody gave me money and then I was like yeah, I'm not talking that'll be bad Hope for a long torches death Agonizing death through all the pay those well. That's a great way to say it sir Yeah, and so yeah, no super chats. So you guys if you're not gonna pay me just at least hit the fire button or whatever if you wouldn't mind You know the thumbs up whatever it is on rumble and You know pay me approve of me tell everybody what a great guy I am and we'll be back soon enough Have yourselves a wonderful evening happy Monday everybody. We stopped a great start. Don't be sad Everything's really fantastic once they get that world for three thing over with, you know, they'll start coming down I'm sure so just just you know cool it all right hanging there. Don't you soon You You