Maybe next time, you know, I scheduled a show for 930 and then I start the stream and then, you know, and then you're there And then you actually stream it to the customer to the listener to the viewer and you know It's kind of how those streaming platforms work. You might want to talk to those YouTube guys. They figured it out, you know And so ladies and gentlemen, it's time to start the show now that the rumble guys showed up at work And I'm glad to see the bed to see that they're around good to see you guys And I'm glad to see that they're around good to see you guys All right, welcome to surreal politics the 66th episode of the first stage of program today is July 8th, 2024 Being the current year. It's a Monday as usual and we are coming alive once again from my undisclosed location where I'd love to hear from you at 217-6814-33 like to be on the program and the more you talk to less I have to so please to give us a call got not much of a monologue for you today But there's a bunch of stuff in the news and we're gonna talk about it and read about it I'd love to hear from you whatever you guys got on your minds Joe Biden is not jumping dropping out of the race. He says he's going to he's gonna stay in You know people say that Joe can't beat Trump in the general election and Joe's like look honey beat him in the last election either, but you know, I'm president, aren't I and so don't worry about it We got this in the bag. We got this all figured out. It doesn't matter what the voters want What matters is what the people who put me here want right? And so he says he's not going anywhere and Some Democrats are not so particularly happy about that apparently But they they don't matter too much first thing I should actually do is I should issue a correction and say thank you to the call The emailer the listener who emailed me about it. I should say There was a caller into a recent broadcast. I think it was probably radical agenda Where he said that he doesn't have a credit score because he hasn't been in the credit markets and I said no It's like something that definitely you have like they'll track you whether you want to be tracked or not You know you have a credit score whether you're checking it or not is another question And the guy had denied that he had and I said yeah, I think you're wrong and basically into the call And somebody emailed me and he said actually you know this actually happened with me and my my girlfriend and my wife That we went to go check our credit score and the credit the credit scoring place had not scoreable because you have no credit history And when he said that to me, I'm like okay, how did I make this mistake? And I'm like okay, I know exactly what happened It was that I had not been in credit markets for a very long time and When I went to check my credit score my credit history was blank and I said oh I have a credit score and my credit score my credit history is blank I have a blank history and a credit score therefore Not having a history does not deprive you of a credit score But it wasn't that I had never used credit before it was that I had used credit and then like not use credit for an extremely long time and Therefore I had a blank credit report all this stuff had you know basically fallen off my credit report But I had a credit score because I did have a credit history at some point and so my apologies to the listener for Correcting you and you were correct and thank you very much to the listener who emailed me for Allowing me to make that correction 217 688 1433 you like to be on the program and I'm more you talk the less I have to so please do give us a call Let's see here. Let's bring up some stories I'm gonna snuck in here Oh, here's another great thing. I'll actually share with you before we move on Listener and a supporter of the show a very generous supporter of the show actually gave me a really great lying today Or several great lines as it were a few paragraphs on a prior radical agenda. I talked about the RadioShack company and How basically they Had competent people working there because they compensated their workers as a sales commission I wasn't sure exactly why the company went out of business and I speculated you know It's probably because somebody thought they could save money by Codding employees sales commissions and So this generous listener he says the following to be RadioShack like many of the other great things in the second half of the last century was possible because the post war Baby boom created a surplus of high IQ high conscientiousness workers once that surplus dried up and everything was enabled But then everything which was enabled by it also began to dry up We don't have the human capital anymore for a store like RadioShack to exist anymore since it takes about 20 years for a new generation To reach adulthood you can't have another RadioShack until 20 years after you fix the incentives that are messing up birth rates of high IQ and high Consigantiousness people coincidentally or perhaps not it took about 20 years for Russia to start its ascent After the dissolution of the USSR things started during turning around for them as soon as the first generation of post communist children Reached adulthood and I think that that's a pretty permanent pertinent point right? Incentives are very important you can't you know ignore incentives, but sometimes incentives Uh Are not the incentives that are in the moment say okay? You need incentives that are going to have outcomes, you know 20 years down the road you need incentives that are going to have Intelligent conscientious people Giving birth to children and then those children growing up and being existing and sufficient So All right, ladies and gentlemen, I had set up at some point two Audio feeds for these shows radical agenda broadcasting and surreal politics broadcasting and typically we would broadcast live shows to both of them Surreal politics broadcasting that radio stations should be online Unfortunately, I've been linking in the show descriptions to radical agenda broadcasting for both shows If you search get me radio for surreal politics broadcasting you should find that and you can Use it. I will work on fixing that problem and I just Notified somebody of this in the chat Will work on it, okay? 217 68 81433 you like to be on the program and the more you talk to less I have to simply to give us a call Um, let's see here You gotta be kidding me. Come on We're not going anywhere Biden says average voters still want him Uh, President Joe Biden said Monday on MSMBC's morning Joe that he was not dropping out of the race because he believed the average voters still wanted him to run Biden said all the data all the data shows that the average Democrat out there voted and 14 million of them had voted for me Still want me to be the nominee number one number two the idea that Donald Trump is has gained any substantial way Has his his arguments for why he should be president is any more convincing than L was Two weeks or three weeks ago. I'm reading this verbatim, okay? So Joe Biden is illiterate. He can't talk and somebody transcribe this word for word in order to show the reader How Joe by how bad Joe Biden is I am not screwing this up. I'm reading Joe Biden's words. That's why I sound like a moron It's just not there. We're just getting and we're just starting to focus on Trump a lot I attended services spoke to over 600 people at Mount Air Research of God and Christ it got in Christ in Philly I stopped by campaign field offices with John Federman and Madeline Christ in Philly I stopped by campaign field offices with What with John Federman and Madeline Lee Both strongly supported me. I believe the president and first lady we spoke at a campaign. I believe the president and the first lady You're the president. What are you talking about got Amazing we spoke at a campaign ice cream social for me council 13 and Harrisburg 14 40 minutes after we spoke with supporters Stop by Dunham can't feed coffee. I mean, I was with the governor of Pennsylvania who's still strongly supported me I mean so look and the fact that this week I'm going to be hosting a NATO summit here in DC can hold a press conference on Thursday and Wednesday I met with the national union leaders of the AFL CIL on Friday. I'd traveled to Detroit Michigan for a campaign event for you know just on down the line He continued and so I'm not getting any of what what I was told I wanted to make sure I was right that the average voter out there still wanted Joe Biden Confident they do and I'm confident and like I said I'm impressive with me I think I've been fairly fair. I haven't read it in reporting. I did today But the fact is that you know I think we have to acknowledge the large crowds and enthusiastic crowds, you know And now they're talking about whether I use a teleprompter. Well, I did it all extemporaneously That's right He did it all extemporaneously ladies and gentlemen. He doesn't use teleprompter Joe Biden's always off the cuff He doesn't plagiarize speeches. He doesn't read off a teleprompter He doesn't ramble in coherently on morning Joe on MSNBC at all Biden added the fact of the matter is using a prompter to I don't get that But the bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024 We had a democratic dominating process for the voters spoke For the voters spoke clearly for the voters spoke clearly. Yeah, that's right. That's that's true for the voters spoke clearly. Thanks Joe I won 40 million votes etc So I just want I'm not the only believing that From the beginning, but I want to reassert it and demonstrate that it's true And I'm not going and I'm going to do I'm going to be doing all that through all this week from here on again Ladies and gentlemen That was difficult to read because it was the words of Joe Biden. I'm like wait a second. This is not English I'm what's going on here and I got confused okay 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm what you thought the less I have to so please ado give us a call Let's check on a couple things here Ah This is a two Shout out to Tony and to libertariot sent me a whole bunch of money on the on the prior Broadcast you guys are great. That is a very helpful. I appreciate it Um, let's see you Ha ha ha No, you ever watched the view as anybody ever Compel you to do that was that like a punishment that you endured and like a carceral environment perhaps Um, whoopie Goldberg said I don't care if he pooped his pants That's pretty funny. I'd say let's listen to whoopie Goldberg So I mean Is it I'm just gonna have my two cents because I wasn't here on the data. Chul talked about it I don't care if he's pooped his pants I don't care if he can't put a sentence together Show me he can't do the job and then I'll say okay, maybe it's time to go now He had a bad night the first time that he went out and Debated with um camel Harris and everybody wanted him to quit then say you can't talk to women like this Are you doing this for you doing that wrong? He came back said you know what I got it and gave four years So yeah, I have poopy days all the time All the I step in so much poo you can't even imagine Now I'm not running the world But I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point So I'm just simply saying yet there are two debates and if he can't do what he needs to do for the second debate I'll join in a crew that says get rid of them, but loyalty to me if you are doing the job I might not like everything you're doing I don't like it all But I'm gonna stand behind you like those guys stand behind the guy who should have been the person people were talking about saying Yeah, by night a bad day, but this guy couldn't tell the truth if it split his lip But nobody said that but I'm sorry Anna said that I believe or something she's not quite as colorful as I am But the question now The question now is because a lot of Democrats are coming out saying you know Find somebody else, but when we try to do that with DT This is my new way of just just robbing When we said listen he shouldn't be on the ballot Everybody said no, no, no, he was the people chose him We can't take him off the ballot Well, I don't understand why anybody thinks it's gonna be any easier to take Biden off the ballot But you are I want say something Well, I'm just I'm I'm I'm worried and I'm pissed frankly. I'm livid Because for the last eight days it feels to me. I have seen nothing but breathless reporting It almost feels like medium-out practice of them trying to score the winning goal against Biden who can have the gotcha moment They've been splicing dicing cubing everything he says putting on a microscope Microscopic slide and then looking at it under all sorts of magnifying glasses Joe Biden is the nominee He is the human being standing between us and Donald Trump I think Democrats need to stop making the case against Joe Biden and start making the case against Donald Trump I think the media Need to give some clarity Through the coverage that they are doing because in the in their in their seal To fact check Joe Biden they too are making mistakes yesterday. I saw the Washington Post reporting that Ted Lu Had asked in that conference call for Biden to step down Except a few minutes later Ted Lu went on social media and said I never opened my mouth Then there was the entire thing with Mark Warner look. I saw Joe Biden the day after the debate I saw him that night at an LGBTQ gala. I hugged him so tight. I almost broke a rib I thought the secret service was gonna come Girl you gotta go really deep to get my room. He's got less body fat than I do But I saw Joe Biden. So I'm not an anonymous source I'm not somebody pretending to have spoken to him No, I actually did speak to him and he was just fine He had a bad night and until Joe Biden tells me he is out I am writing with Biden Harris Okay, and the second point that I think it's okay So basically these are partisan hacks who don't care about the future of the country They just care about defeating Donald Trump and that's you know that's their position They don't care if the president poops his pants Hey, look, I don't care if the guy in control of the nuclear weapons is pooping his pants He won the Democrat primary and that's really all that matters to us, right Come on. What are you doing? It's like it's completely nuts. Hey, you know what? There was no primary as a matter of fact Like you guys forget that you completely prevented a primary from even being possible. You're aware of that You know what happened This was done quite intentionally and everybody knows it and it's not a secret This is what you intended to do you said I don't want anybody challenging Joe Biden Joe Biden is going to get us into war with Russia and that's all we really care about We want as many dead white people as possible and you create in the Russian Federation And Joe Biden is giving us that and so we're just gonna we're gonna stick with that guy whether he wins the election or not you understand And they were like you can't have a primary he's the president of the United States. We don't primary the president of the United States And a bunch of people like yeah, no, you guys are talking about those democracy crap You know What about the democracy do you think they're like no democracy means democrat rule shut up shut up But that's leftist for you two one seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program And I'm more you told the less I have to use it. Please do give us a call Let's see him White house press briefing blows up After press refuses to buy KJP's spin right so like this is what Anna Navarra's talking about she's like hey Uh, you're supposed to be covering up for the democrat party. What are you doing calling him out? Okay, go call out Donald Trump He's a liar after all he disagrees with me that means what he says isn't true White House press secretary kareen jumpy air was repeatedly pushed by reporters Monday afternoon about her credibility And habit of hiding important details about president Joe Biden's help During an exchange with correspondence from the associate associated press and CBS news Jean-Pierre refused to confirm the name of the neuro neurologist who visited the White House and whether they treated Joe President Joe Biden She did however confirm that Biden has been seen by a neurologist three times as part of his annual physical Meanwhile visitor logs at the White House reveal visits from a top Parkinson's specialist from the New York Post um John Levine tweets President Joe Biden's physician dr. Kevin O'Connor met with a top Parkinson's disease specialist at the White House residents clinic in January according to White House visitor logs But over in Delaware where Biden has spent much of his time logs don't exist White House reporters Need to ask these questions visor logs and Biden's Delaware homes are not kept our doctors visiting him there What kind of doctors is he being treated there? uh And so that's a town not much detail But yeah, he's being seen by a Parkinson's specialist apparently Um now I don't I'm not intimately familiar with you know Parkinson's and what the all the implications of that are but You know It's treated by a neurologist who's a Parkinson's specialist Joe Biden's losing his mind all right. Well that makes a great deal of sense does it not 2-1-7-6-8-8-14-33 you like to be in the program and the more you talk the less I have to so please ado gives a call Um over at um Julie Kelly's blog She says uh supreme court of the United States adooms jack smith yet again Smith's losing streak before the highest court continues as both of his federal indictments against Donald Trump or in peril as he is the special counsel himself Remember when the media in the class of legal experts swooned over jack smith Immediately after attorney general Merrick Garland appointed smith as special counsel to take over the department of justice Existing investigations into Donald Trump News outlets eagerly touted smith credentials. He's a hardworking smart person who knows how to move cases That's who he is he comes in and gets things done one former DOJ colleague told the New York Times in November of 2022 Another ex colleague describes smith as a brilliant independent thinker and a gutsy lawyer a prosecutor on the special counsel Robert Boller's team told CNN that smith quote understands the courtroom He understands how to try a case. He knows how to prove a case regime lap dog Andrew Weisman in response to smith's January 6th related indictments of Trump Said in August of 2023 that the case indicated smith wants to get to trial quickly But Weisman's doomsday predictions about the fate of Donald Trump once again didn't materialize into reality Nearly one year later smith's two federal indictments against Trump one for J6 and one for allegedly Horting national defense files at Marlago are nowhere close to go in a trial A series of legal stumbles bad blood between smith prosecutors and judge ilean canon in the documents case in florida An unfavorable supreme court decisions in peril not just smith's case But his media manufactured reputation as a prosecutorial ace How much can one can how much losing can one prosecutor take after all smith's losing streak against the highest court goes back nearly a decade In 2016 unanimous opinion scotus overturned the convictions of bob Mcdonald the former Republican governor of Virginia and his wife A case smith brought as head of the DOJ's public integrity unit during the op-homad administration Earlier this year scotus rejected smith's request to circumvent the appellate court in Washington and immediately take Trump A take up Trump's immunity challenge to the J6 indictment But the real damage to smith came in the form of two consequential decisions handed down the final days of the court's term Fisher v us and trump v us in Fisher as i detailed elsewhere Julie Kelly detailed elsewhere um The supreme court overturned how the DOJ has applied the post-enron obstruction of an official proceeding statute against at least 350 J6ers The court concluded that some of the some element of evidence impairment Including tampering or destroying a record or documents as necessary to meet the statutes criteria But that is not how the DOJ and courts in washington have applied the law relying instead on the broadest interpretation of the statutes line So to did jack smith The obstruction count represents two of the four charges in smith's J6 2020 Election indictment against Donald Trump. How will smith prove trump impaired evidence related to the Electoral certification process? Will he stick with criminalizing Trump's involvement in advocating for alternative slate of electors in contested states which is part of his J6 indictment Well, that's quite a stretch and one unlikely to withstand futures scotus scrutiny Or will smith create some nexus between trump's conduct and the handling of the electoral certificates in J6 will smith attempt to portray trump's pressure Pressuring of vice president Mike Pence to end to reject or send back certificates as proofy tampered with a record of document one can only imagine what the special counsel's office is concocting now The Trump v us case delayed the proceedings in washington for more than seven months is trump's claims of presidential immunity steadily moved through the district court appellate court and supreme court But the DOJ DOJ's bad planning predated recent judicial wrangling smith didn't hand down the J6 indictment until August of 2023 more than two years after the DOJ officially opened that investigation Into the former president's alleged role in the events of January 6 did smith not know in a immunity challenge one pursued by past presidents facing litigation would slow the proceeding Did he really think the unprecedented federal prosecution involving the first ever criminal charges against a former president for actions taken while he was in office wouldn't encounter significant legal road back roadblocks along the way Now that scotus kicked the immunity question back to judge tanya chukkin the obama appointee presiding over the gen 6th the January 6 case who did everything in her power to get the matter before trial to trial before the election smith and his team remain on ice until she announces her next move Chukkin likely will schedule a hearing in September to determine which elements of smith's indictment fall under the three buckets of immunity total immunity for an official acts presumptive immunity for other presidential privileges and none for personal conduct established by the court then the process essentially begins a new with the pre-election clock ticking down in patients with smith even among Democrats wearing thin but the immunity ruling also jeopardizes the documents case in Florida even though most of the indictment involves alleged post presidency actions Judge isleen cannon over the weekend granted trumps request to delay some key pre-trial deadlines until the immunity matter is resolved at her courtroom in February Trump filed a motion to dismiss the documents case based on presidential immunity the motion is still pending resolution of these threshold questions is necessary to minimize the adverse consequences to the institution of the presidency arising from this unconstitutional investigation and prosecution Trump's lawyers wrote on July 5th and if that's not bad enough news for jack smith cannon also contemplated a motion to dismiss based on garland's unconstitutional appointment of the special counsel on that score smith did not fare any better before the Supreme Court of the United States Justice Clarence Thomas in a separate concurring opinion in the immunity decision raised concerns at smith's appointment broke the law per usual he meant snow words quote no former president has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in more than 200 years since the founding of the country and that is so desperate that is so despite numerous past presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes if this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people the lower court should thus answer these essential questions concerning the special counsel's appointment before proceeding there are serious questions whether the attorney general has violated the structure by creating an office of the special counsel that is not been established by law out that's gonna hurt then again when it comes to his experience at Supreme Court of the United States jack smith is used to take in punches two one seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program and where you taught the lesson I have to so please do give us a call check the phones here nobody on the line let's check our chats not much going on well guys if if nobody's feeling shatty I might as well just call it a night I appreciate those of you tuned in live thank you very much to those of you who are members thank of thank all of you who have paid me at some other time if you would like to pay me now you're welcome to do that Christopher catwell that's less donate to real politics that comes less donate gives you all the information you can do cash app edgy chris that's my that's the best way to just send me some money and I'll just have it you can also do the give send go gives give send slash spm like surreal politics media all of my bitcoin manero qr the public keys for my crypto are all in the donate pages I won't read them out loud to you right now because that'd just be obnoxious but you know if you want to send me some money that'd be great I could you know I need a you know what I need three extra shackles yeah I knew I do I do so go ahead send them over and we'll be back Wednesday for the member show and then Friday curse nupa storm for the radical agenda thank you very much for tuning in have yourselves a wonderful evening and good night