There we go. Fantastic! Are you? Are you effing getting me? Welcome to the Real Politics. This is the first episode of the program. Today is July 15th, 2020. We are coming alive once again from my own disclosed location. This is not really where it happened. It's become something of a running joke around here that nothing interesting happens on Thursday anymore. Invariably, the really interesting stuff happens prior to this show, not my uncensored production. This being obviously some kind of conspiracy to put me out of business. So of course, some lunatic had to take a shot at Donald Trump on Saturday. It could have gone no other way. Thomas Crookes appropriately named took a perch on a rooftop not far from where Trump was speaking. Witnesses saw him with a rifle and attempted to alert law enforcement to no avail. Trump was grazed in the ear by one of the eight shots that Crookes fired before the Secret Service counter snipers took him out with a shot to the head. As is always the case when violence is used against enemies of left-wingers, we have been reminded over and over again that we are not sure of the shooter's motives. No manifesto has yet been publicly exposed and though he has donated to act blue, Crookes subsequently registered to vote as a Republican. In the immediate wake of the shooting there was the obligatory center right celebration of the heroism of the Secret Service in law enforcement or broadly. But it did not take long for the obvious question to be raised as to how Mr. Crookes managed to take a rifle to a perch so near to the last democratically elected president of the United States. The current director of the Secret Service is, after all, a diversity hire who has made it her mission to restaff the presidential bodyguards with more women in non-whites. If she is willing to do something that malicious, then setting up a president to be assassinated could hardly be seen as being beneath her dignity. Laura Ingram, while speaking to Sean Hannity, said that the Secret Service must be completely transparent about the matter because we don't want, quote, conspiracy theories screwing up our politics. Yeah. Speaking of which, I heard that Joe Biden was at a nearby church at the time of shooting. Hard to find a better owl by than that, huh? Good for you, Joe. When asked about the shooter's motives, Joe Biden said, I don't know nothing. Aligned one imagine he has practiced in the mirror a few times. Then came the obligatory condemnations of all violence. Apparently they forgot about how they scolded people for saying all lives matter because this distracted from what they saw as the more pertinent concern of black lives ending while they were resisting arrest. The same people who cheered on riots in arson all through 2020 now tell us that there is no justification for political violence of any sort. No violence of any motivation whatsoever is ever justified, which is why they want to take those damn AR-15s away after all. They apparently take this so seriously that there is a concerted effort to take down the temperatures, they say, of our political rhetoric, headering into the election. Now that was thrown out the window as quickly as you might have guessed. But this was the topic of discussion on the Fox News channel this morning as I was writing this. The Biden campaign briefly paused their advertisements and Trump himself rewrote the entire convention speech to focus on unity. And this should make for fine entertainment however briefly but it is difficult to imagine any other benefit being derived. The left is at war with the United States. No benefit can come from failing to stake this. Their war propaganda media now pretends this was some unforeseeable circumstance but they have hardly made any secret of their desire to see Trump dead. Just before the 2017 Unite the right rally in Charlottesville Virginia James Hodgkinson took an SKS to a baseball field in Alexandria where he opened fire on Republican members of Congress during the baseball practice session. Hodgkinson obviously was a left wing fanatic and his motives were totally unambiguous. These were not just any Republicans he went after. His targets were members of the Freedom Caucus and if he had succeeded he might have tipped the balance of power in Washington to the Democrat party. Following that shooting the Huffington Post removed an article from their website stating that Donald Trump must be executed for his collusion with the Russian government. Did that act of violence cause the editors of the Huffington Post to see the error of their ways? Obviously not. Did they change their behavior after this incident? Of course they didn't. They were not trying to correct course they were destroying evidence is what they were doing it was a cover up in a poorly executed one they have been trying to get Republicans killed and when that had its entirely predictable result they tried to destroy the evidence it's that simple. But they never stopped saying that Republicans were existential threat to democracy. Sure America might elect a president who abolishes elections and enslave the nation for his own sick amusement but they are not advocating violence when they say that we are to believe. Their love of communism revolution Islamic jihad and setting prisoners loose if it's no design toward the obvious outcome of death and destruction. These are just warm fluffy statements that make them feel good to utter. When Joe Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign with what he knew to be a vicious lie about what happened in Charlottesville he endorsed Antifa as a quote courageous group of Americans. He did not even state what he believed he didn't even state that he believed they had been attacked because he knew that that was not the case. He said that they came to confront us and quote a violent clash ensued conspicuously avoiding the cause of that clash entirely repeating the fiction that Donald Trump called Nazis very fine people bite inside step the entire question of who is responsible for the violence and said that Trump was wrong for creating a moral equivalence between two ideological factions. Just recently Joe Biden said that Donald Trump should have a quote target on his back apparently having forgotten about when Sarah Palin was blamed for the Gabby Givert shooting because she had ads with targets over Democrats from another state. These left wing goons had the nerve to criticize Trump for after being shot in the ear raising his fist and malding the word fight. They had the nerve to suggest that he was promoting violence through this and of course his surrogates they took to the airwaves to say that he meant anything but violence that we should just continue to fight through the conventional channels of our political system. That is in ought to go without saying plan A but if plan A is literally shot full of holes by left wing assassins that at some point push shall come to shove whether anybody likes it or not. The rules of engagement are inescapably shaped by the opponent and if the opponent decides that murdering the president of the United States is an acceptable tactic then we forfeit the conflict if we allow their escalation of violence to be the determining factor in the apportionment of political power. Joe Biden's televised address from the White House calling for Americans to take down the temperature of our political rhetoric thus comes across as entirely tactical. After firing on president Trump the left says everybody needs to calm down or make sure out now. As soon as they commit a crime they say that all crime must cease immediately all the while accusing their opponents of committing the very crimes they commit. While ladies and gentlemen that simply will not work. Mayor calls for a ceasefire will not suffice to put an end to cyclical violence especially when that call comes from the bligerence who just carried out the most recent assault. You can't open fire and then soothe a piece that's not how this works. The rules of this game are you come at the king you best not miss and which Trump said to enter the White House with a wounded ear vengeance must and shall be dispensed through executive control over the intelligence apparatus. Left wing terrorism has done quite enough to damage this country no foreign adversary. No Islamic terror group no mafia no class of common criminal has even contemplated the sort of rampant Watson destruction the left celebrates in full view of the public through their war propaganda media. It is long overdue that this menace be eradicated from our national consciousness and only then can we consider lowering the temperature. Trump needs to issue orders to have the perpetrators of the violence and charlots bill brought to justice he needs to issue orders to have the perpetrators of the 2020 race riots brought to justice he needs to issue orders that all the co-conspirators and enablers of Thomas's Thomas Crooks assassination attempt he brought to justice and in this we must include everyone who had any knowledge of these things whatsoever and did not act to stop them. Any federal agent who refuses to follow these orders to suggest that there is no proof of the crimes that we all saw happen must be fired on the spot perhaps prosecuted himself as an accomplice every secret service agent who had any responsibility for the perimeter of the Trump rally where the shots were fired needs to be treated as a criminal suspect held without bail for the duration of the investigation and immediately fired from their job. Every leftist who could don't see assassination attempt on Donald Trump needs to be prosecuted under United States code section title 18 section 13 8 2385 advocating overthrow of government and sentenced to the maximum of 20 years imprisonment anyone who protest those charges must be charged with the same crime that statute reads as follows. Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates a bet's advices or teaches the duty necessity desirability or propriety or of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any state territory district or possession thereof or the government of any political subdivision therein by force of violence or by the assassination of any officer of any such government or whoever with intent to cause overthrow or destruction of any such government prints publishes edits is a issue circulate cells distributes who are publicly displays any written printed matter advocating advising or teaching the duty necessity desirability or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force of violence or attempts to do so or whoever organizes or attempts or attempts to organize any society group or assembly of persons who teach advocate or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence or becomes or is a member of or affiliates with any such society group or assembly of persons knowing the purposes thereof shall be find under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years or both and shall be ill ineligible for employment by the United States. The United States already department or agency thereof for the fought next five years following his conviction if two or more persons conspired to commit any offense named in the section each shall be find under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years or both and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States already department or agency thereof for the next five years following his conviction as used in this section the terms organizers and organized with respect to any society group or assembly of persons. Include the recruiting of new members deforming of new units and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs classes and other units of any such society group or assembly of persons. Now I kind of read that a little quick but it's worth going through okay. That's what they're doing okay the the media in this country is advocating the violent overthrow of the government of the United States what they're doing is a felony it's punishable by 20 years in prison. When the race riots were going on all through 2020 when they're running around screaming no borders no wall no USA at all they're talking about the violent overthrow of the government of the United States. When Kamala Harris is raising bail money for them she's an accomplice. When they call themselves antifa and they identify themselves as being associated with that group. Here's the important point or becomes or is a member of or affiliates with any such society group or assembly of persons knowing the person purposes thereof okay. Antifa doesn't have to go down to the secretary of state and become an LLC to be an organization okay. Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society group or assembly of persons any assembly of persons that's all that is. Who teach advocate or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence or becomes or as a member of or affiliates with any such society group or assembly of persons knowing the purposes thereof shall be finders title or in prison not more than 20 years. Now why we had to put a 20 year maximum on that I don't know if you're conspiring to overthrow the government that's treason is not well they said that's you're when you are adhering to a foreign enemy I guess is when it's technically considered treason. We have a pretty firm definition of that in the United States it would be treason in most countries that's for sure and appropriately so. So when Roberta Kaplan goes out and she says hey i'm going to go help the antifa go after these these guys that they assaulted. When Joe Biden launches his campaign and calls antifa a courageous group of Americans knowing that amongst them are convicted is a convicted murderer. They are advocating a betting advising or teaching the duty necessity to cyber ability or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States. And that's a crime it's a felony punishable by 20 years in prison. So is it their state use of any interstate element element of interstate commerce to participate in a riot which all of them did in 2017 and 2020 and beyond. And those organizations were helped by people in power those people need to go to prison. It is by well now well established that being president does not confer immunity on Joe Biden for things he did when he was not president. You can thank Donald Trump for that Joe Biden. Joe Biden made himself an accomplice to the crimes I just talked about when he denied that they existed knowing full well that they were acting in service to him and his political party the entire time. All for Joe Biden a get out of jail free cart if he rats out all his friends and since Joe Biden is a coward who would die in prison even during a short stay he will throw them all under the bus or he'll be Epstein either or have Joe Biden indicted and make him the star witness in the trials of hundreds of Democrat operatives. Deprived Roberta Kaplan and Mark Elias and every other Democrat law fair lawyer of their licenses to practice law put them in prison for subordinate perjury take away all of their money and give it to their victims. And then after the people responsible for the violence in this country have been so completely ruined that no sane man would dare to consider following their footsteps then maybe we could talk about lowering the temperature but no sooner than that. Bring our phones online. They are not online just yet but I will get them online and then we'll we'll be able to take your call standby second. All right almost there not just yet come on let's go. What are you doing with me guys come on great fantastic all right try that again. Thank you for calling Colin studio host and call screener line please. Enter your six digit pin number. Welcome host you are now in the host room and can manage your collars from the Colin studio web interface. Audio recording is on dual channel dual channel boys all right two one seven six eight eight one four three three like to be on the program and where you told the less I have to so please do give us a call. And so you know this whole thing I couldn't you know I mean it's not that I couldn't believe somebody took a shot at Donald Trump right you knew that was going to happen at some point that was inevitable. And you sort of knew that people were going to lie about it right. And I got a real kick out of just before the show started today I was picking up headlines that hadn't come out in the morning when I started right in this piece. And so Joe Biden went and did an interview with NBC news let me pull this up here. Not that not that not that not that. Come on. Okay. Now. Joe Biden says that we need to take down the temperature of our political rhetoric this is the substance of his statement from the White House. And you know because Joe Biden's a liar in a criminal and stole the election you understand that you know what he's going to do is dishonest him it goes out saying. But you don't typically I mean you know I don't I don't I probably wording this wrong you know. You think that somebody who who wants to lie to you they make some effort to make their lie believable is how most people is the most experience most people have with liars some better liars are better at it than others. But they generally will make some token effort to make their lie plausible. But not Joe Biden because Joe Biden has been getting away with such outrageous lies for his entire career and now he's president of the United States allegedly. And so he doesn't really see any reason to put any polish on any of this you see what I'm saying. Joe Biden who launched his campaign with a vicious lie about a criminal conspiracy that his friends were involved in. Who launched his entire presidency on fanning racial tensions in this country and by endorsing criminal violence against his political opponents. Who has it every opportunity you know what I remember I was in jail after Joe Biden was elected. Hearing Joe Biden speak about unity was like terrifying right. Yeah Joe Biden wants us to be unified in other words you shut your damn mouth. Don't you dare say anything that disagrees with these people because they're going to come and they're going to make sure that you're not dividing the country you see. He made these ridiculous speeches about us all coming together. And then everything he did was as divisive as something could aspire to be. All of his actions while president have been relentlessly hostile to the other side they're throwing their political opponents in prison. They're trying to prosecute Donald Trump. They've they've rounded up everybody who was ever anywhere near the Capitol on January 6th. They cheat like crazy they send the joint terror task force out and say that white supremacists are the biggest threat to the country. I think he actually did this both in one speech. We need to come together unity unity unity by the way white supremacists are the biggest threat in this country you said. In this in one speech he said both of those things. Well that's obviously a lie right. Because he's a criminal and he's trying to destroy the country. And so after this incident where one of Joe Biden's art and supporters tried to murder the president of the United States. Joe Biden comes out and says there's no political all political violence is bad especially like you know when people go and attack the Capitol you see. Oh it's clever. So I mean right within that speech he's doing this. Then he goes on NBC with Leicester Holt. And here is how deadline describes that interview. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump this past weekend Joe Biden said from the obel office last night that there is no place in America for this kind of violence. But in a type presidential race leaning towards his predecessor Biden has made it very clear to NBC's Leicester Holt that he isn't interested in playing a game of false equivalency. Oh the false equivalency bit. Oh you mean the there's no other side to this argument. Yeah. Quote I'm not the guy that said I want to be a dictator day one Biden said of the language Trump has been using on the campaign trail for ages. Quote I'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election he added of the 2020 race and Trump statements that it was stolen from him. Quote I'm not the guy who said he wouldn't accept the outcome of this election automatically. Look I'm not engaged in that rhetoric Biden told Holt in an interview that took place this afternoon in the White House after he was questioned about comments he has made in the past that may be seen as incendiary. Now my opponent is against that rhetoric he talks about blood path if he loses talking about how he's going to forgive I guess suspend the sentences of all those who are arrested in sentence to go to jail because of what happened at the Capitol. Biden added of the January 6th mob that Trump and his maga supporters refer to as political prisoners. While certainly engaging in some verbal wallops and out and out dog whistling over the past decade the Trump campaign is long claimed to blood bath comment made by its candidate March in Ohio has been taken out of context by Democrats and others. They say Trump's it's going to be a blood bath for the country had nothing to do with the ballot box and was a reference to Biden's economic policies for the manufacturing industry and the toll imported cars can take on domestic workers. Watching the footage from that speech the context in tone do leave a certain amount of ambiguity especially in the wake of remarks Trump made in the same speech about immigrants who break the law in America. In some cases they're not people in my opinion Trump told the crowd that day but I'm not allowed to say that because erratic left says that's a terrible thing to say. Originally said to be filmed in Texas after Biden gave a speech at the LBJ presidential library in Austin today sit down was moved to the White House in the hours after shots were fired at the Trump rally in Butler Pennsylvania. In an obvious attempt by the White House to take a bit of thunder away from the opening day of the GOP convention the full and unedited interview will be seen tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. Pacific in a special on NBC and its corresponding cable news channels. Scheduled before the assassination attempt on the now official GOP nominee the interview with the seasoned hope is another effort by Biden to write the ship of his campaign after his terrible debate performance against Trump last month on CNN. Biden addressed a question from Holt about staying in the race by reminding him that 14 million Democrats voted for him in this year's largely uncontested primaries and he was going forward for them. Asked if and how the shooting of Trump could affect the trajectory of the 2024 race. The often long winded and halting Biden was curtain clear. I don't know you don't know either he told Holt who agreed. Giving far fewer network interviews over his first term than those who previously sat in the Oval Office the 81 year old Biden has been on top form again in teleprop to supported situations but seem to still struggle slightly in a previous live to tape interview with ABC's Georgia Stephanopoulos in July 5th and an hour long press conference last week. Then again despite a glaring slip saying vice president Trump at the latter event Biden did pick up steam as the presser went on even giving almost universally praised answers on foreign policy issues like Ukraine China and Gaza. While the assassination attempt against the 78 year old Trump may have shifted the focus from Biden's own situation it is only a matter of time before questions and critics reemerge in the final stretch before the Democratic National Convention next month in Chicago. And so they you know he's still got stitches in his ear I'm sure whatever you still wearing a bandage and Biden's already at it yeah no Trump's a dictator don't you know Trump is a threat to our democracy I'm not advocating violence as his fault. These people know what they're doing they knew what they were doing when they when they riled up those antifilonatics they knew what they were doing when they were riling up the blacks to go right in the streets they knew what they were doing when James Hodgkinson went down there and tried to whack the freedom caucus and they're doing it again now and they're not going to stop. Because for them this is war you see and I'll say it we've been I've tried to tone it down on here a bit but like I've always known that you know that right like that's the whole thrust of the show these people are treating this like open warfare. And you've got people like Mitch McConnell going in there and talking about losing with dignity and nonsense like this no it's not the way it works there's no dignity and losing this conflict. Because your enemies don't win with dignity they win however the hell they have to and they will take all of your dignity away from you if they're giving the chance. Call your own radical agenda what's your agenda. Oh my agenda is I read the chat Chris how you doing it Dave and have a talk you while this guy is a chat stocking. We'll should make a movement take over America to point on seeing similarities from Russia 1917 1.0 what are you taking both that I have no I have no idea what you're talking about I'm not reading the chat. Okay well I'm telling you I'm thinking the guys got a point there it looks like they've been leading us up to this. Who has been leading it's not who has been leading who to what. Oh yeah good one good one okay forces at work starting probably with international banking and the corporations it seems and maybe certain travel groups have been moving. The world towards globalism and I think they had a big push in 1917 in this in Russia where they overthrew the Russian government and instituted common is. AKA the USSR and we were like a cold war with them you know in the all through the 50 60 70s and 80s and it seems like that was a military conflict starting in 1917 and it seems like after this area and the Nazi Germans were defeated that we went towards a soft. Bolshevik movement in the west the white nations of the world and as you can see it became a cultural Marxism instead of the militant Marxism that we faced back in 1917 that's what I'm putting forward from what I read i'm putting that together looks pretty militant to me body I will think about that. Oh well yeah okay right wait actually Chris I love your show tonight by the way somebody was somebody was saying that you're back with the Trump Trident and you know after all your experiences and I'm saying I responded like I like what you're doing tonight even if hypothetically you were even if someone was not a Trump supporter your narrative is bang on in my opinion because. You are giving the you're giving the perspective of like over a hundred million Americans right now even if they don't agree with you Chris as a person and your personal politics you right now have your finger on the heartbeat of a hundred million American people and I think it's amazing I love it great show right now I got more to say but I wanted is what's your reaction to that I just like. Well look I think it's plain to see that you know when when the United States teamed up with the Soviet Union to destroy Germany in World War II. This was not a victory for you know Liberty and freedom in George Washington okay it was a victory for communism you know and it was not framed that way in the subsequent years or whatever but at the end of the day you know. You know the Soviet Union got so bad that it fell in on itself and America decided to adopt those you know those ideology ideological components shall we say a little bit slower and so we let a slower and more painful demise than the Soviet Union. Okay so getting back to your point that you counter me with which is it looks pretty violent to me buddy well yes because during the cultural marches phase which was starting during World War II in the Americas you know and then we they really went hard at it in the 1960s with the cultural marches were all the same all cultures are equal and all that now that they of course. We've got us to the stage where we're already very deteriorated and into the why mark two point why mark Germany style two point oh here in North America they are of course we can see increasing and accelerating the flood of potential combatants on the side of the bowl of the communist revolutionaries so and they've been pumping us with this communist soft cultural marches and stuff for decades now they just press at your point now that you're stating now we're up to current. So in the moment they're bringing in the forces that they're going to use if they just cut off the money and the fuel in the United States and make it hard to buy fuel and food and then what could happen is and especially if they do some blackouts with the internet they all those new people they're bringing in all those forces they could just let them run rampant through the streets and of course maybe even supply them with weapons and is going to be like a hell storm down there with you guys. That's what I see so yes now it looks pretty violent Chris yes I'm on that now I got you yep all right buddy appreciate it is something else you want to bring up. Well I think the ultimate thing was I mean by the way when we keep saying cultural marches and you might be well aware that Karl Marx everyone keep when I was a kid we're saying he was German and then I'm no one of you don't know his real name is Moses or the guy Levi which is. I'm a temple serving Jewish Jewish yeah communism is Jewish that's pretty well I don't think that's like an anti-Semitic thing we can say that here yeah. It's not anti-Semitic right now it's I mean you know it's not a lot a lot of Jews don't like it when you mention that and they'll accuse you of anti-Semitism but communism is Jewish and they brag about it all the time yeah. Yeah well I've been mentioning it to him recently where I am and one guy we discussed it but I won't get into that because I'm going to stick more to the point now that I called in a few times over the last couple months I understand the format a bit better so I'm saying that the Trotsky took the name Trotsky were you aware from a warden in a prison where he was a prisoner because he was a freaking criminal. I don't remember what he did as a criminal but I'm pretty sure Stalin was a bank robber from what I found out so guess what Trotsky's real name is Leon David Litch Bond and he's got money in New York City you guys are you all aware of that that he took the money from New York City travel to Canada Montreal which is one of the stronghold there and then they went he went over to Germany and then subsequently to wherever it was in Russia to help fund the whole of the city. The whole of you know arms and ammunition for the revolution so the thing is those connections was international connections were because he had all international bankers many probably anglos I found out that he had some German supporters like actual German corporations and banks and of course the Jewish banksters but the thing is Stalin was also Jewish and all his wives three of them yes absolutely from top down including the Czecha the original police that later became the the NKVD of course that you know murdered millions in Ukraine and around Central Asia and and Russia itself the guy was named was Jagoda and you've got to go to and all these guys it's crazy but they were all Jewish and of course I just want to let you know that whether they were still involved in now in today's situation it does seem like Hollywood in them. Definitely neglected to make the movies about all this soviet like horror show that they had in the Gulags but instead gave us the very anti-Aryan anti-angle anti-white by association with the Germans Nazi movies which of course has got everyone in the world caving on the white people and so I would say by inference that it seems like there are a lot of not just Jewish people but they are not just Jewish people but they are not Jewish people. But seem to be directing Jewish people in Hollywood and the media by omission of these facts historical facts they are allowing at the very least by their negligence of course we could go further but I'm going to say it this way by their negligence they're allowing these forces in the west to overwhelm our civilization and I definitely would hold them accountable how's that Chris. I think that the people who are wrecking everything they need to be held accountable for and I agree with that much thank you very much for the call up to hear from you again soon to one seven six eight one four three three you like to be on the program and more you told us I have to so please do give us a call. Donald Trump announced his vice presidential pick today. He fell by the name of JD Vance and you know he could have done worse there are people talking about picking Marco Rubio which have basically just been a way of you know Trump committing suicide you go put some warmongering neo con hack and a vice presidential seat and somebody will the next bullet that goes past your head will go through it you know. Now I think it's a lot less likely that somebody tries to whack Trump with with JD Vance coming up but something tells me that JD Vance is not going to be like standing up and pumping his fist in the air when his bullets flying at him so maybe they will who knows. Here's the here's the drudger port today. JD V. Trump called called Trump voters idiots let's go look at this these headlines here once vehement maga critic compared the dawn to Hitler suggested guilty of sexual assault cynical a whole moral disaster. Youngest Dominique since Nixon nearly 40 year age gap venture capitalist hillbilly author. And so those that I'm not going to go through all those but you know the drudger port they're basically it's it's Mitch McConnell to your control opposition now. It's pretty funny really. They're just like how can we cause Trump trouble while trying to look like Republicans that's the that's the morning meeting every day at the drudger port. But over at revolver news we've got this. Trump's secret weapon the genius of choosing senator JD Vance as vice president. Now I don't know I think that this is probably going to be a lot of butt kissing is what I think I haven't read this piece yet I'm going to read it for the first time with all of you I don't know what it's going to say. But I'm predicting it's going to be a bunch of nonsense let's see if it is. By all accounts president Trump search for running mate is entering the home stretch most reports have trumped down to a small table stable of likely picks it on Tuesday Bloomberg released a report that if true narrows the field even more. Donald Trump is ruled out the fact that Ramaswami is his running mate and is instead I'm entrepreneur for I'm the entrepreneur for a cabinet job according to people familiar with the matter as the Republican presidential nominee sizes up a possible administration. Trump personally told Ramaswami he won't be his vice presidential pick according to people briefed on the discussion but is considering him for posts including Homeland Security Secretary. Trump is known to change his mind about personnel and policy but for now he isn't satisfied with his roster of vice presidential possibilities. Staphonic the number three house Republican is seen as lacking a national profile fundraising base or ability to deliver her home state of New York. A long held pipe dream for Trump a queen's native but she's likely to have a cabinet role people close to Trump said Trump has complained that Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders one of his former White House press secretaries waited too long to endorse him. Senator Katie Britt Valbama butchter rods because of her widely pan but response to Biden state of the union and was already viewed skeptically by Trump hardliners as an ally of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell. And just like that for the 12 leanie get tenders at axiots profile just two weeks ago are out for now anyway many expect Trump to choose a woman a black or a Hispanic to be his running mate operating on the thesis that Trump just needs more diversity points to get him over the next fall get the hump next fall. I'm sorry to get over the hump next fall. We will of course support president Trump no matter his choice says revolver news. We want Trump to win in 2024 and we want his political revolution to win in the annals of history. Making the right call for vice president is crucial to both of those desires and in revolvers view simply picking a diverse candidate is not the way to go. Instead the answer is clear among the names still being considered for the role of Trump's running mate senator JD Vance leads the pack. With any vice presidential choice there are two primary factors to consider first is the choice boost the presidential tickets chances of winning second with the choice be desirable as an actual US president acting as the successor to the president who came before. Many of the popular vice presidential choices fulfill neither of these criteria who vote Trump because Christy Nome is on the ticket some fulfill one Vance fulfills both how allow us to explain Vance emphasizes Trump's strengths. To begin let's take a step back to 2016 while every button is obviously fed up with Mike Pence today back in 2016 he was a brilliant strategic choice by Trump for running mate as a total political neo fight. Trump needed an experienced colleague to reassure voters that while he was bringing change he wasn't bringing sheer chaos. Pence a former representative and sitting governor provided that Trump also needed a running mate who would reassure the Republican base that they weren't being tricked into backing a fake Republican. Finally and most importantly Trump also needed a running mate who filled those two roles but who also wouldn't melt down and abandoned the ticket over a fixed scandal like the access Hollywood tape. Pence capably filled that role in 2016 he was the right man for the spot in fact in the landscape of 2016 Pence was one of the only choices who could get Trump over the hump to victory. But 2024 is a very different race at a very different time and that calls for a very different kind of vice presidential pick in 2016 the VP choice needed to bolster a potential vulnerability in 2024 our Trump should choose a running mate who emphasizes his strengths. What are those strengths let's kiss his butt just a little bit over it revolve news as I annotate a little bit. Trump has overwhelming anti establishment credibility he is hated by the right people Trump has a reflexive hatred of America's political BS he doesn't fall for or repeat DC concocted scams like Ukraine is central to America's security or illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do this gives Trump an unbeatable reputation. As a tell it like it is straight talker on a poetic America first nationalism doesn't pretend the rest of the world's prop people are just like Americans except when they're better. Trump has an intuitive ability to speak to the concerns and priorities of the forgotten man in America Trump was obviously better at the job than the sitting incumbent. It's possible that Trump will spend weeks of peak campaign season in a courtroom in Florida New York Fulton County or Washington DC it's even possible that after a politically motivated conviction and equally politically motivated judge orders Trump in prison pending his appeal. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that Donald Trump will spend a portion of next fall or even the election night itself behind bars far more than in 2016 or 2020 president Trump should have a partner who can speak powerfully to the same court and the president. It is a lot of issues that made him such a dynamic political force from the moment he descended to trump tower escalator in 2015. Who does that according to revolver news clearly vans. At this point nobody is developing a first impression of Donald Trump the whole world knows what he is about and what he isn't instead what Trump ought to do is maximize the level of excitement for his candidacy convert the Luke warmen to the passionate and the passionate into votes in ballot boxes. Instead of looking for geographic balance or college admission style diversity points Trump should be looking to maximize what has always been his greatest political asset white Americans I'm sorry what they said over revolver was not that what they actually said. Trump should be looking to maximize what has always been his greatest political asset the narrative as a canis candidacy Donald Trump smash of idols Donald Trump humiliator of the Washington elites Donald Trump. The world's savior of middle America and the forgotten man Donald Trump the man in a red tie in a red hat will make America great again and no politician on the national stage and bodies the political narrative of the Trump revolution more than Ohio's junior center from the beginning fate has linked their destinies in their personal stories. Trump turned the decline dysfunction and hopeful revitalization of a middle America and its people into the biggest issue in the country. The whole vance is memoir hillbilly elegy about growing up with a pill addicted mother of fading Ohio town was from the moment of its release understood not merely as a memoir but as a key to grasping Trump's unexpected and tremendous political appeal. The themes of hillbilly elegy help thousands of people grasp what had happened to their country and why so many were ready to roll the dice on a reality TV show business man to fix it. And so ironically at the time of the books release vance wasn't yet a Trump supporter but the overlap of his life with Trump's message was so powerful that the two have been linked together ever since. And when vance pivoted from memoirist to politician he didn't just become a supporter of president Trump he became Trump's most visionary most articulate and best supporter. Vance's role as a Trump supporter Trump super supporter is so strong the news outlets can't help cushing about it at length in fact political just did so with a staggering 9000 word article that tries to frame JD Vance as an ominous ultra mega eyed but actually just makes him look awesome says revolver. quoting from politico in certain conservative circles vance has emerged as a standard bearer of the new right a loose movement of young edgy and elite conservative is trying to take the ideological revolution that began under Trump including his overt embrace of nationalism his hard line stance and immigration his vocal opposition to us involvement in foreign conflicts like Ukraine and his overt skepticism toward certain liberal democratic principles in an even more radical direction. Trump's more conventional republican followers vance's new right cohorts he Trump is merely the first step at a broader populist nationalist revolution that is already reshaping the American right and if they get their way that will soon reshape America as a whole. Just like Trump vance has a fearless streak he's unafraid of being to announce is too extreme to racist or even to cringe he vocally opposed us involvement in Ukraine when it was a position held by virtually no one except himself Donald Trump Tucker Carlson and of course revolver. He runs funny ads asking if voters think they're racist and best of all he shares articles from naughty right wing websites about how American airports are appalling hell holds. I don't think that I can read oh no this is I'm sorry the it's not as long as I thought I see the progress bar on the right side of my web browser and I'm like this is I'm not halfway through this thing and I realize I know a lot of that. Scroll spaces comments. 2176881433 you like to be on the program and I'm where you talk to last I have to use a please do give us a call. Vance's loyal says revolver news. Vance's entire political career from the beginning has been as a supporter of Trump and an avatar of Trumpism most high profile Republicans are simply not that way. They were first elected 10 20 or shorter 49 years ago they entered politics as members of a Republican party that had a different standout issues different rhetoric a different political style and different priorities. There's a reason that practically zero elected Republican supported Trump in 2015 and in 2016 a huge share of them only begrudgingly supported the Republican nominee. It's not that Vance deserves to be rewarded for loyalty that's irrelevant and nobody ever owed a price is ever owed a vice presidential slot. But Washington is spent nearly a decade earnestly normalizing the idea of using the 25th amendment to yank a president from office. Beltway insiders repeatedly floated the idea during Trump's first term and the trauma of being governed by Joe Biden shambling huskets calls plenty of Republicans to imagine a cabinet coup. So let's just scuttle the idea from the start. Don't simply trust that a Republican who has been in office since 2010 or 2000 or even earlier will have authentically evolved away from Bush era conservatism toward alignment with Trump give Donald Trump a true believer and a fellow traveler. Vance says revolver news is a winner. Like Trump Vance leapt right into politics without doing much to build up experience at lower levels the Ohio Senate job is the first office he ever ran for. The competition for it was intense with six viable candidates at one point or another just like the 2016 presidential primary it was a bitter multi-sided race. In the first poll with vance as a candidate he pulled a 2% support Mitch McConnell did everything he could to stop it the club for growth spent millions of dollars trying to derail his rise. Yet they all failed and with a boost from Trump himself Vance climbed his way for minor candidate to contender to nominee to us senator. In politics there is no substitute for victory and Vance has shown that he has a natural talent for winning those victories. Vance says revolver news understands most critical issues. Two years ago when he was still just a primary candidate for the Senate Vance did an interview with revolver we asked him what he would consider the number one issue to resolve if he were Senate majority leader. His response is aged like a fine shot in a quote I personally think the southern border crisis is a historic catastrophe so I'd focus my efforts there. And there is a jarring contrast between that crisis in the one in Ukraine for four years congressional Democrats and Republicans refused to give Donald Trump four billion for a border wall they gave Joe Biden 14 billion for an aid to Ukraine this week. Fresh off debate victory America's first Senate candidate JD Vance. I'm sorry America first Senate candidate JD Vance talks revolver about his plans to take back the country. Vance that's I guess the link to the article from that. Vance also elaborated on his Ukraine position in a way that showed it wasn't just a one off and that he had a serious understanding of what makes Trump informed policy work. The most important thing quoting from Vance the most important thing to separate is to separate moralizing from strategic interest the media always accused Trump of being a Putin stooge or being pro Russia for saying that he had a good relationship with Putin. It's such a preposterous argument to be an effective negotiator you need to accept if the other party has distinct interests. If you walk into if you walk into a foreign policy dispute obsessive over who the bad guy is you'll make stupid decisions Trump is maybe the first American president of my lifetime who understood this. Most right wing media sells Trump short on foreign policy you hear all the time that Putin would have never invaded Ukraine because Trump was strong that is true but Trump was even also smart. He didn't antagonize every world leader he accepted that other countries even those led by evil men have strategic goals that we need to acknowledge. Remember how every media outlet attacked Trump for being evil because he said something polite about arrivals leader Trump's response was always it's actually important to be able to talk to people this is just so obvious yet 99% of the establishment ignored it. A lot of things flow from this for example because very few people in the current establishment thinks strategically but they can moralize all day long we should inherently mistrust them and give them as little powers possible we should avoid military conflict if possible because the media opportunities and that same establishment are driven more by emotional considerations than the interests of their country. This is that's the end of the quote from vans back to revolver. This is more than just a matter of vans being able to give a good interview answer can you imagine a politician who can definitely talk about the Ukraine war and America's geopolitical interests like that getting to face Kamala Harris in a presidential debate. How about in a white house more so than any politician in American history Trump has got has to worry about frauds and saboteurs beneath him diverting and ruining his presidential agenda. Trump is only one very busy man and will need enforcers in his administration to ensure maga is carried out from 2017 through 2020 Mike Pence did not provide that vans can and that's a recipe for a vastly more effective Trump White House. Vans as revolver news has Savion Republicans toughest issue. It would be easy for us to simply tout vans as a fire breathing mago winger who will be the most base candidate of all times plenty of our readers would like it but actually that isn't what vans is and shouldn't be politics is ultimately a popularity contest in a means of hashing out disagreements some politicians recognize that and some find it easier to never compromise and also never win a national election. The challenge is getting candidates who know the difference between compromising on policy and compromising on values. Vans is capably navigated whether the thorniest issues for Republicans in the past two election cycles abortion ever since the dobs decision overturning grovee weighed a dobs effect as cost Republicans votes in many of the same states they are looking to win next November strict abortion laws have repeatedly gone before the public in upper down votes and they have repeatedly lost. Trump himself is reportedly worried that having a VPK who calls for a national abortion ban would turn away swing voters and he's right to worry about that. There are a lot of Republicans who bluntly pander to the pro life movement by making big promises that are also a complete political fantasy remember back in September of 2022 when Lindsey Graham introduced a 15 week abortion ban in the US Senate. It was the height of self serving political idiocy the ban was never going to pass but it garnered a mountain of media coverage especially from the most shrill corners of the left by mobilizing the opposition Graham's bill made pro abortion votes at the state level more likely to pass and pro abortion Democrats more likely to win. The only winners were abortionists Democrats and Lindsey Graham who bolstered his true conservative credentials well ahead of a 2026 primary challenge. Vance on the other hand is an actual serious thinker on the issue after Ohio voters tossed out of pro stobbs pro life law Vance responded with what was hard to say but had to be said. quoting from Vance for pro lifeers last night was a gut punch no sugarcoating it giving up on the unborn is not an option it's politically dominant morally repugnant instead we need to understand why we lost his battles so that we can win the war. I was very involved in it I was very involved in the no campaign for issue one so let me share a few insights. First of all we got creamed among voters who dislike both issue one and also Ohio's current law the heartbeat bill we saw this consist consistently in polling and in conversations quote I don't like issue one but I'd rather have that extreme than the other extreme this is a political fact not my opinion second we have to recognize how much voters mistrust us meaning elected republicans. We need people to see us as the pro life party not just the anti abortion party. Third is Donald Trump is said you've got to have exceptions I'm as pro life is anyone I want to save as many babies as possible this is not about moral legitimacy but political reality I've seen dozens of good polls on the abortion question in the last few months many of them done an Ohio give people the pizza and then the party of the party. The people of choice between abortion restrictions very early in pregnancy with exceptions or the pro choice position and the pro life view has a fighting chance give people a heartbeat bill with no exceptions and it loses 65 to 35 the reason we didn't lose 65 to 35 last night is that some people who hate no exceptions were restrictions will still refuse to vote for things like issue one. Fourth we spent so much time winning a legal argument on abortion that we fall in behind on the moral argument I talked to so many decent people who voted yes on issue one and their reasons varied some described themselves as pro life but hated the lack of a rape exception in the Ohio law some were worried that Ohio law would prevent them from addressing an ectopic pregnancy or late term miscarriage. Some didn't understand the viability standard an issue one and thought that of course you should be able to abort a non viable pregnancy is that would be a danger to the mother you can criticize the propaganda effort on the other side for lying to people about these issues are confusing the populace but it suggests that we have to do a much better job of persuasion and I'm not just talking about 30 second TV commercials I'm talking about sustained years long efforts to show the heart of the pro life movement. Fifth money we got out spent big time on issue one and across the country republicans are almost always outspent by democrats repeatedly democrats are better at turning out in all your elections the national party should be focused on two and only two issues how to juice turnout in off your elections and how to close the finance gap with democrats a lot of people put their heart and soul into this campaign the local right to life organizations in Ohio the center for Christian virtue SBA governor to one and so many others I think I'm going to be a little bit more honest and I'm going to be honest with you. I tip my hat to them a lot of people were celebrate a lot of people are celebrating right now and I don't care about that I do care about the fact that because we lost many innocent children will never have a chance to live their dreams. There is something sociopathic about a political movement that tells young women and men that it is liberating to murder their own children so let's keep fighting for our country's children and find a way to win. Vance threads the needle the pro light that's the end of the quote from bands an hour back to revolver. Vance threads the needle the pro life movement as a key part of the republican coalition should be supported but the political strength for sweeping bands in purple states with the national level is not there. Loudly promising them hurts the cause rather than helping it for the time being pro life campaigners have to focus on long term persuasion and preserving gains already made before they are wiped out by a voter backlash. Regarding legacy Donald Trump has already achieved more in one lifetime than anyone else living billionaire businessman TV superstar most famous man on earth US president Trump is one of very few men of whom it can genuinely be at the top of the world. But what else does he even have left to achieve? But there is one thing left and it's something that Vance is central to Donald Trump has already been a hugely successful US president should he win another term he will be successful again. But the greater rulers in history aren't just judged on their own accomplishments but also those of their errors 2000 years ago Julius Caesar was the Donald Trump of his day. Hated by the elites loved by the masses enormously energetic and a political revolutionary who helped make Rome great again. But the most brilliant thing of all that Caesar did was name his teenage grand nephew Octavian his heir. Despite his youth Caesar recognized Octavian's brilliance Octavian took Caesar's political revolution to its completion establishing an empire that lasted more than a thousand years. Thanks to that even today Caesar is remembered as perhaps the most influential man in history other than Christ in Muhammad. Now let's take a look back at the political political profile of Vance. quoting from Politico Vance presented a sweeping and strikingly systematic account the outlook that has shaped his tenure in office. Premise upon a vision of the current American moment in history that is darker and more cataclysmic than anything he has described in public. He was candid about his desire to fundamentally transform the Republican party and he sketched the outline of an agenda that would in effect amount to a radical restructuring of the American economy US foreign policy and even its constitutional order he spoke about this project not in terms of election cycles but decades. It's a long term project Vance told me during one of our sit downs in his capital hill office the country wasn't screwed into 10 year period it's not going to get unscrewed in a 10 year period ending the quote from Politico. Back to revolver by picking Vance by picking the second youngest senator a brilliant man who understands the manga impulse at its core and has a full career to bring it to fruition Donald Trump doesn't just have to make a play for a second term. He makes a play for immortality as the fourth century was the age of Constantine or the ninth was the age of Charlemagne Trump can make the 21st century into the age of Donald Trump. So let's mount off and ride off towards greatness. I think that was pretty well put together and there's a lot of litigated to do that. I think it was a very, very bad idea to pick JD Vance. Because JD Vance is not going to be the next president of the United States are to say I very highly doubt that in any case. What is it about JD Vance that would make him a credible president. Although then being Trump's vice president there's actually nothing there right. We've seen this in the Republican party several times you know herm and cane you know who else you know you have these guys come out there like yeah we should run it the government like a business there business men essentially. The only one who's ever been successful with that is Donald Trump is a matter of fact. Now well I guess what I guess Barack Obama was the first term senator right or yeah so I mean there's that. But you know Barack Obama was our first affirmative action president so that's a different thing altogether. It was funny to me I didn't realize how bad Vance and attack Trump until fairly recently. Seeing some of the things that he said that he believed you know here's the thing about you JD Vance said that he believed Eugene Carroll okay. Which is not something you know oh he had a misguided view about Trump like that's a lie right like JD Vance didn't believe that he lied because he is a scumbag as a matter of fact. Right nobody believes he's in Carroll. A jury in New York that was willing to take Trump's money away from him anyway that was willing to just steal millions of dollars from him did not believe Eugene Carroll they said he did not rape her. She got on the stand and on the rose said John Trump forcibly penetrated my vagina with his penis. He raped me and the jury said that woman is lying I don't believe her but I'm still going to give you millions of dollars for sexual assault. Nobody believes Eugene Carroll. Least of all JD Vance so why did JD Vance say that well because JD Vance is a scumbag and wanted to attack Donald Trump saying something that was vicious and untrue. And it's fine that JD Vance has changed his political views that's happened to me a few times you know. But if you say malicious nefarious things right if you're just like you know what that liar who's abusing the legal system is great she's a victim. That's a rather different category of problem I'd say. And mark my words is going to be no doubt about it that before the second year of Trump's presidency well the second year of Trump's second term. We'll be talking about how JD Vance stabbed him in the back that's going to happen. And I'm not sure that there's anybody who wouldn't you know in fairness to Donald Trump it's not like he had a big roster to pick from. How was uh excuse me. How was uh JD Vance you know one of the things Mike Pence did was like he understood out of cover right. Is JD Vance have any experience in an executive position in government no. So you know I'm glad it's not Nikki Haley they'd kill him glad it's not Rocco Rubio they'd kill him. Who's it going to be you know me Paul Neelan I mean come on who's he going to pick. I'm not sure he had a lot of good options. So we'll see what happens. And with that ladies and gentlemen I'm going to end the show zero dollars and super chats tonight you want to pay me that would be a great idea. So slash donate or Christopher Cantwell dot net slash donate will get you all the information about how to do that. But I'll tell you give send go dot com slash spm like surreal politics media. You can make a one time of recurring donation there to try to fund this production a little longer. You can send me money with cash app love that cash app app it's great. You just uh it's cash dot app slash edgy Chris or dollar sign edgy Chris is my cash tag. You can send me that Bitcoin that manero that Ethereum that Bitcoin cash Z cash like I take all that crypto stuff I'm into it. And if you got some crypto that you want to send me that you don't see the the the public key on the donate pages just kick me an email say hello. I'll check it out okay I'll figure it out we'll we'll we'll get on it okay. And so ladies and gentlemen we're going to call tonight I'll see you Wednesday if you're remember and if you're not one you go to zero and then you can join sign up become one and then we'll you can be a member to join us for the member shows on Wednesdays. And that'd be great it's ten bucks a month but if you use code agenda 33 a checkout you get 33% off your first three months and brings it down to $6.70. Which is great thank you libertariat for the 14 33 very generous you thank you very much again for your support my friend. And you know it's gonna be a good time and then Friday will be back person of the storm you know Friday had to take off this past Friday. Sorry about that they busted up my hand I felt my scooter. And I'll tell you something I talked about this on telegram I don't think I'm sorry if you were just missed the show you're like where's Chris because. You know you guys not all on telegram or maybe you got telegram but you're on one of them apple phones in the apple corporation decides you're allowed to talk to because because you have a babysitter. But I want telegram and I tell people on telegram what's going on I'm pretty up to date on the telegram thing. And like I thought that I was going to like lose my hand like my hand like lost feeling. And I was freaking out and I I went over I got a buddy. And he's like I yeah you know I got this a moxicillin for the fish tank. And it's the same a moxicillin that they give you but it's for the fish tank but it's the same thing. And so you could get it you're at least used to be able to get it like without going to doctor get the prescription. And I felt like this like spreading numbness in my hand. And I thought maybe I'm getting maybe this is an infection you know. And so I took a thousand milligrams of moxicillin I took a nap and I woke up and like the numbness was all gone and then my hand just hurt like hell. But now it's pretty much okay like every once in a while I go to Walmart today and like I bang my hand against something on the shelf and you know you hit your wound in the hurts obviously. But without you know impact it actually feels pretty good so I'm doing much better now. Matt should avoid a trip to the emergency room you know you go and you you buy veterinary drugs and then you eat them like a dog and then and then that keeps the doctor away. It's sort of like an apple. Okay. So you guys have yourselves a wonderful evening will be back Wednesday, Friday and back here again a week from today. Thank you very much. Have a good night. You You You