And oh my god, the rumble stream actually isn't going, is it? Part of me guys, I'm gonna start that over again if you don't mind, apologize. Cause we just brought the rumble guys in. I'm gonna start that over again if you don't mind, apologize. Alright, welcome to surreal politics. Alright, welcome to surreal politics. It's a 68th episode of stage one for July 22nd, 2024, I'll be in the current year. It's a great day. It's a great day. It's a surreal politics. It's a 68th episode of stage one for July 22nd, 2024, I'll be in the current year. It's a Monday as usual 9.30 pm, US Eastern time. So if you are listening on some other platform at some other time, I would invite you to join us for a live program program. You can catch us on rumble and Odyssey. Pretty sure you can catch us on rumble. I have begun the rumble stream. I actually restarted this over because I failed to do that. There I am. There I'm on rumble. That's fantastic. That's good news. Now that we're a couple minutes into the show, I can see that I'm working on rumble. It's great. Thanks for the rumble. Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen, it seems like he finally got the message. Maybe it was the bullets whizzing past the head of Donald Trump. Times up old man. How would you like to be removed from this contest, the easy way of the hard way? Choices yours. Story in the New York Post. Biden drops out of presidential. Excuse me. Biden drops out of presidential race after Democratic revolts following disastrous debate. Biden drops out of presidential race after Democratic revolt following disastrous debate. Best interest of the country. President Biden made the unprecedented decisions on day to drop out of the 2024 presidential race a few months after being declared the Democrat party's presumptive nominee and just weeks after a dismal debate showing. Quote, it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. The 81 year old em battled commander and chief wrote in a remarkable letter that he addressed to my fellow Americans. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. I will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about my decision. I want to thank vice president Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all of this work and let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust that you have placed in me. Biden said after about a half hour later, he followed up the open letter with an open with a missive. I'm sorry, another missive on X endorsing Harris to replace him at the top of the flailing party's new ticket. Today, I want to offer my full support endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year, Biden wrote Democrats, it's time to come together and beat Trump. Let's do this. Five minutes after that, he urged people to donate to her campaign. Harris issued a statement several hours later, praising her boss and announcing that she would be pursuing the party's presidential nomination, trying already to sound like the party's top candidate. I'm sorry, with this selfless and patriotic act, president Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service, putting the American people in our country above everything else. Harris said of Biden's withdrawal. I am honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination over the past year. I have traveled across the country talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead, Harris said. While pressure on Biden to resign had been mounting to almost unmanageable levels over the past few weeks, the president's announcement Sunday was still historically extraordinary and left at least some staffers stunned. Less than 20 hours before he publicly called it quits, it appeared even Biden had it made up his mind tweeting, it's the most important election of our lifetimes and I will win it. You will not. That's another broken Biden promise there, ladies and gentlemen, and this is the one that I'll pardon him for for sure. A democratic operative later told Politico that the White House is in turmoil. You don't say we're all finding out by tweet. The source said none of us understand what's happening. The upheaval also was evident in an email blast fired out by democratic officials eight minutes after Biden's announcement, which still sought donations for Joe and Kamala. The frazzled campaign hours later filed paperwork with the FEC renaming itself Harris for president. But in Delaware, Biden's home state campaign workers had been busy toiling away on behalf of the president right up until his announcement, the outlet noted, quote, I don't think a soul in Delaware knew a Biden state official said of the president's decision. GOP presidential foe Donald Trump quickly bashed the presidential dropout writing on truth, social quote, crooked Joe Biden was not fit for president and is certainly not fit to serve and never was all those around him, including his doctor in the media knew that he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't. And now look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border, totally unchecked and unvetted many from prisons, mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists. Trump also posted to CNN that he believes VP Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden would have been according to a post on X by the network Brian stelter. Brian stelter still was CNN didn't they fire him or they took away his show anyway, maybe still a commentator. His campaign almost immediately began targeting Harris with the candidates son Donald Trump Jr. ripping her as more liberal and less competent than Joe and two top Trump advisors piling on saying she is just as much of a joke as Biden is. An aligned super pack also announced it was releasing an ad aimed at Harris in critical swing states such as Pennsylvania and Arizona. The Donald uses on use the occasion to try to cash in with donors to telling them they need to help build on the momentum at this very moment. Trump's newly minted vice presidential pick Senator JD Vance of Ohio and other GO peers who had previously questioned whether Biden should be allowed to finish his term if he dropped out as damning reports about his mental and physical state swirled for months. Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that president Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit to serve as commander-in-chief Vance tweeted before the president's bombshell announcement there is no middle ground. Biden will finish out his term said the White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates. The president is set to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the war in Gaza this week and Israeli news station said Sunday. Biden's campaign exit had announced occurred I'm sorry Biden's campaign exit occurred just weeks after his debate performance against Trump 78 in which the incumbent appeared in firm and was at times in coherence and in democratic donors and strategists into a tizzy. It was also it also followed an assassination attempt on Trump during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania earlier this month. Biden's withdrawal could set off a free for all for the democratic domination for president although Harris has been considered the leading choice to replace him as the candidate. The president cannot buy decree select his replacement to top the 2024 ticket. Nearly 4,000 delegates pledged to Biden could have only days to rally around a new candidate as a virtual roll call to formally nominate Biden was expected to be finalized by August 7 before in person proceedings were set to begin at the democratic national convention in Chicago. Harris, California governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitner, Illinois governor JB Pritzker, Kentucky governor Andrew Bishir and former first lady Michelle Obama have all been floated as possible replacements for Biden. Democratic National Committee chief Jamie Harrison on Sunday vowed to conduct a transparent and orderly process. Yeah, I'll say I see right. Throw it indeed in terms of selecting Biden's replacement, although exactly how the historic move would unfold remain unclear. Yes, that's how they do it. They were in a very transparently as a matter of fact you're going to you're not even going to see it happen. You're going to see right through it and we'll just get it done. You guys will know what we did later on once we tell you. Harris 59 is widely seen as the frontrunner because of legal constraints over the transfer of Biden the Biden Harris campaigns war chest, but many Democrats doubt her viability in the general election given her favorability ratings often lacked it behind even Biden's. Biden opted to throw in the towel after a series of embarrassing revelations that senior party leaders had no confidence in his ability to win part of a mounting mutiny that included rank and file congressional Democrats fearful that they too would lose if Biden got buried in a landslide. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer were among those who warned Biden about bleak polling data while former president Barack Obama reportedly confided in allies that he had lost confidence in Biden's path to another term. But Biden's family including wife jail and convicted felon son hunter were said to have been pushing him to stay in because hunter Biden the crack had thought that this might redeem his reputation somehow according to reports. I don't think that that's possible because Hunter Biden has been running around smoking crack and screwing prostitutes while he takes money from foreign governments to destroy the United States. Joe Biden on Sunday shared a heart emoji and reposted her husband's message announcing that he was not seeking reelection. Hunter issued a statement gushing about how his father has devoted most of his life to serving the less fortunate and making lives better for every American. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, every American has totally just had his life improved by the Biden administration. I bet nobody doubts that over a lifetime. I have witnessed him absorb the pain of countless everyday Americans who he's given his personal phone number two because he wanted them to call him when they were hurting. That's right, the president of the United States is just like, yeah, just give me a call on my cell phone and I'll solve your problems because that's how the United States operates. The president just takes calls from the citizenry and does whatever they want. I'm so lucky every night I get to tell him I love him and to thank him. I ask all Americans to join me tonight and doing the same. Thank you, Mr. President. I love you dad. Public tribute to Biden also poured in from Democratic leaders after Sunday's announcement, although at least some were likely from those relieved that he finally took himself out of the race. For him to look at the political landscape and decide that he should pass the torch to a new nominee is surely one of the toughest in his life. Obama wrote on on medium on Sunday about his former V. But I know he wouldn't make this decision unless he believed it was right for America Obama who notably did not endorse Harris as Biden's replacement is expected to be crucial and steering the party toward an electable presidential candidate NBC said. We will be navigating the uncharted waters in the days ahead Obama said in a statement, but I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. Said a majority leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker and current rep Nancy Pelosi who both reportedly privately warned Biden that the dams would lose if he continued on the ticket were also among those who praised the president. They did not endorse Harris as his replacement either nor did Democratic Party chairman Ben Wickler. Former president Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary who Biden was booted aside for as the party's presidential nominee in 2016. Join the chorus publicly praising Biden to while adding that they were endorsing Harris also throwing their mega deep pocketed weight behind Harris were lefty billionaire. Dem donors George sorrows and his son Alex. Oh well you know with the sorrows guys in and you know she's all set. Alex just got engaged to former top Hillary aid whom a Abedine of hilarious George sorrows is son just married Anthony weeners fuck toys. That's amazing oh my god we're on so real politics I'm sorry sorry for the app I apologize. Although Abedine is still not technically divorced from sham New York X rep Anthony weener oh shame not sham. Biden hadn't launched his reelection bid in April of 2023 asking voters to give him another four years to help him finish the job. The elderly commander chief who at the time was already the oldest person in American history to the oldest president in American history. He wanted to seek a second term despite plunging support with polls at the time showing at the with polls at the time showing that the majority of Americans including Democrats did not want him to reprise his old role in the Oval Office for another four years. The president's 15 months on the campaign trail did not alleviate voter concern about his age and mental acuity a second term would have seen Biden reach the age of 86 before the end of it. The official counsel Robert her noted in his February report on Biden's handling of classified White House documents that he opted against recommending criminal charges against the president in part because the jury might view the chief executive as an elderly man with a poor memory that's right. He basically pleaded insanity folks he pleaded mental incompetence in a criminal case and then he's like yeah no I'm good to be president don't worry about it just don't send me to jail when I'm done. He's a interview with her Biden couldn't recall the year he served as Obama's vice president or when his son bow died according to the scathing report in New York Times. He had a college poll released one day before his doom debate with Trump showed that Biden 70% felt Biden was too old to be commander in chief. The 27th showdown with Trump 78 was the death knell of his campaign. Biden's debate performance which included proclaiming to a beat Medicare that's right they beat it they defeated Medicare the Democrats they've been trying to ruin it so that you can have socialized medicine completely. After looking down at his lectern for 10 seconds after losing his train of thought led to panic in the democratic establishment. The liberal New York Times editorial board called on Biden to step aside as the presumptive democratic nominee the day after the debate calling the president admirable but the shadow of a great public servant. He stood he understood that he needed to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed to do so as soon as possible. The truth Mr. Biden needs to confront now is that he failed his own test little gray lady concluded actor George Clooney who hosted a $30 million loss angel is fine. The dollar loss angelist fundraiser for Biden June also called on him to relinquish the nomination it's devastating to say it but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fundraiser was not the Joe Biden was not the big Fingertial Biden of 2010. Clooney wrote in a Times op-ed he wasn't even the Joe Biden of 2020 he was the same man we all witnessed at the debate. Biden maintained a day after his dismal performance that he had what it takes to continue as president folks I give you my word is a Biden he does that from time to time. I heard him say that once in a while my word is a Biden I give you my words of Biden that I'm not a lying crook and that my family hasn't been ripping off this country for decades. Which means that my words not very good at all is. Folks I give you my words of Biden I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job because quite frankly the stakes are too high you have a stacer very high. You're supposed to go to prison you tried to prosecute your opponent and now you're about to lose the election. And we just established that you don't have immunity for the things that you did that weren't part of your role as president so you're screwed buddy you're going to prison for the rest of your life even if it's for like two weeks because you're already dying. Biden told voters in North Carolina signaling that he has no intention of dropping out of the race before Biden appears that no sitting president has ever dropped out of a re election race after formally declaring their candidacy actively campaigning and winning the required number of delegates required for the nomination. Only a handful of incumbent presidents have opted not to seek a second term in the White House including Lyndon Baines Johnson Harry S Truman Calvin Coolidge Rutherford B Hayes James Buchanan and James K Polk. Quote I shall not seek and I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term is your president Johnson famously announced in a March 1968 televised address after winning the New Hampshire primary citing the Vietnam War and domestic turbulence. Johnson's exit came shortly after his democratic primary challenger senator Eugene McCarthy captured 42% of the vote to Johnson's 48 in the first presidential primary and followed the entrance of senator Robert F Kennedy into the race. Kennedy's June assassination led to incumbent vice president Hubert Humphrey receiving the presidential nomination at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago a confab marred by riots. The 2024 national convention which begins August 19th will also be held in Chicago and we may hope that you know because the democrats are going to invite a bunch of rioters to their convention that maybe they'll just riot there too you know you just have a race riot at the 2024 presidential convention maybe somebody says hey this come on Harris woman is incompetent and everyone knows it so we're going to remove her from the ticket we can't possibly allow her to become president of the United States we love our country too much to do that. And if they do that then of course you know what will subsequently happen is there will be a race right at the at the 2024 Democratic convention in Chicago and that's great because you know that's with the democrats want race riots. Two one seven six eight one four three three if you would like to be on the program in the more you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call this one's going on the sound board ladies and gentlemen so come on Harris. She went out shortly after being handed the crown essentially by Joe Biden and she had this to say to the people. Come on. Accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched Joe Biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history and one. What what are you doing term he has already yes you may clap yes you may clap. Man that's great huh and one term he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office. Yeah totally he's totally screwed up more than anyone ever has screwed up in eight years and he's done it in less than four it's amazing. He has done more damage to this country in four years and most presidents get to do in eight and that is an impressive record of your democrat. Two one seven six eight one four three three like to be on the program in a more you talk to less I have to so please do give us a call let me go check on our chats here say hello to everybody. Libertary ought since fourteen dollars thirty three cents on Odyssey hit that fire button you know ladies and gentlemen it's true white like smatters so if you would please go ahead. Go ahead hit that like button that fire button whatever it is that whatever approval mechanism it is that is on the platform that you use we would appreciate the support just go ahead everybody now. Two on seven six eight one four three three if you'd like to be on the program in a more you talk less I have to so please do give us a call what else we got here stand by a second we'll pull up on the story. Well revolvers got a piece here the here are the nine crucial questions about the Trump assassination attempt that authorities should have answered eons ago now I don't think eons have technically passed since then and revolver has been known for click baitie headlines they like to go completely over the top so when something happens a little over the week ago they say we should have been. They say we should have had the answer to this question eons ago now I don't know exactly what an eon is it's just it indicates a very long period of time and that does not seem to be in the context of the entire historical record very long when we're talking about last weekend. One of the big reasons there are still so many unanswered questions about the Trump assassination plot is that officials are flat out refusing to answer them Sean Davis editor at the federalist has put together a list of darn crucial questions. That authorities have an answer yet definitively but definitively should have by now considering this was an attempt on a former US president and a leading twenty twenty four presidential candidate you think officials would be tripping over themselves to keep Americans informed yet strangely they're keeping mum why. So here's the questions delayed out by Sean Davis at the federalist. What make model and Carol Burr of firearm was used and when whereby whom was it purchased. Now it had been my impression excuse me. That this was the father's gun make model they said AR 15's to AR 15 style so I'm assuming it's a two two three right. What make model of ammo was used including the weight of the bullet used did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic red dot site on it and it's so what make or model and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it. Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optic settings and confirm both the zero and the results of the shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday that's a good you know. At first though Mike I don't necessarily need to know the brand name of the bullet actually Sean just tell me why they set up this kid to be the pat sea for the Democrats scams to kill the president of the United States. But that's actually pretty interesting because that tells it right there if they if they give us this story and the story is not true then you know then we have more evidence that they're lying which they obviously are. How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene how many remaining rounds were in the magazine that the that was found in the rifle. How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop has each round been accounted for i.e. to investigators know where each round landed and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found. Excuse me much better. Have the investigators confirm via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets that the shooter was on the rooftop fired each one of them. Have investigators reconstructed the shooters precise movements over the past days weeks and months if so have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted with over that time period but in person and virtually or online. Seems to me that he means to say both in person and virtually online but he said but. Nine have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited i.e. the gun range gun dealer restaurant traffic cameras etc if so have they can't just an interview to each person seen with the shooter. These are in difficult questions to answer these are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking violent events of national importance yet we have not have any evidence of the shooting. But we have not had a single one of these questions definitively answered on the record by an official authority not one why the heck not indeed why not. The idea that this just was some kid who grabbed his dad's rifle and tried to kill the president of the United States and that he thought that afterwards he was going to go swing by the democratic convention and kill the sitting president. He just go ahead whack Donald Trump hop in a car with his explosives and it's remote detonators drive to Chicago and kill Joe Biden and whoever else happened to be there. The kid is not smart enough to make remote detonators and to pull off what he did and simultaneously dumb enough to believe that that was going to work saying that this kid had no animus against Donald Trump as preposterous. The idea that he did this entirely by himself is not plausible. You need to know everybody that he interacted with and what were they saying they were saying this guy had a discord account and that discord is an encrypted app. Well, it's not as a matter of fact discord can give over those records. We know that because they did it in science v. Kessler. So they're like using this to attack encryption, which is pretty entertaining. We can't allow these encrypted apps because the guy who tried to assassinate the president used them and now we have no idea who he's been talking to. What was he using discord? Okay, thanks. What you're actually saying is you don't want us to know what encryption actually works. You want to talk about discord because you want to be able to swoop up as much in your nets as you can. We got to stop discord from making it impossible for us to proactively e-strop on everything that's done. We need to be able to listen on the connection between his computer and discord. It's not good enough that we can go get a subpoena anytime we want and get all the records from discord. We want to be able to catch everything in prism you see. 217-688-1433, you like to be on the program. Sean's list of questions is spot on, but there are even more details authorities need to clarify. For example, what was the chain of events on the day of the assassination attempt? Who noticed the red flags and who were they reported to? What was the line of communication like? Were decisions made in accordance with secret service protocols and if not, why not? Each detail matters from who spotted the shooter to who they reported to and what actions were taken next. Americans have a right to know. These shouldn't be difficult or uncomfortable questions. If everything is on the up and up, there's nothing to hide. It's time to end the ongoing pattern of hiding the truth. From COVID in the 2020 election to Biden's questionable health and numerous other issues too many to count. Senator Josh Hawley senses something fishy about Trump's assassination attempt and he's demanding answers. Here's a clip from Fox News. No, I appreciate all that. By the way, were you fellow Democrats? Their silence is deafening to me. Were fellow Democrats watched over this? I don't know. I mean, I just don't get it at all, but I tell you one thing. Today, Sean, when I went to the site, the FBI has got more security on that site now than they did the night that Trump was shot at. I mean, the FBI totally late and they're trying to control the information. Sean, they tried to kick me off of the site. They said, get out of here. You shouldn't be on the site. We don't want you here. Get out of here. Control the information. Absolutely. They brought they brought local cops on. Get this. I'm there on site. I had permission from the local security operator to be there and they the FBI came out and said you have got to leave. We do not want you here. That's what they're trying to do. I want to hear from the FBI director. I want to hear from the secret service director. Yeah, I want to hear from all these people too. Now, I understand actually the secret service director, I think, was grilled today up on Capitol Hill. There was a live feed of it. I didn't get to catch much of it. And now, just like that, the media has moved on. The American people are growing weary of being treated like mindless zombies expected to ignore what they see with their own eyes. And wait for the regime to dictate their thoughts. The days of blindly accepting the government's version of events are long gone. And that's likely what scares them the most. That's a story in Roe Fulver 217-688-1433. You like to be on the program and the more you talk to less than I have to, so please to give us a call. Let's check on our chats again. He used iron sights and being told by Tom on Odyssey. I actually don't know. And that's kind of something in itself. That guy could do it without an optical, you know, an optical, an optic setup. And they did not stop it. That's pretty troubling, I'd say. 217-688-1433. You like to be on the program the more you talk to less than I have to, so please to give us a call. Let's see here. Now, Roe Fulver now states that the entire Trump assassination plot is about to blow up thanks to a mysterious ATF agent who just went dark. And that seems like quite a story if it's true. But you never know with Roe Fulver because they make clickbait headlines and post fake news. You really don't know, let's find out. Approach this one with some skepticism, shall we? There's a major shroud of mystery and unanswered questions hanging over the Trump assassination attempt with bizarre details coming out daily. The latest bombshell involves a mysterious ATF agent who appears to have secretly gotten involved in the case but is suddenly gone dark. Senator Ron Johnson is all over this new twist. If his findings hold water, they could blow up the lid off the entire plot to kill President Trump. In short, according to Senator Johnson and his inside sources, a sniper team was on the first on the roof, taking pictures of the scene and dead shooter. Shockingly, they were approached by a man in a suit who they thought was from a secret service and were instructed to text those photos to a phone number that turned out to belong to an ATF agent. Now attempts to contact this mysterious agent have failed because he's gone completely dark. Whoa! They're quoting from somebody MJ Truth Ultra. This is a Twitter account. Are you kidding me? Like, what is... MJ Truth Ultra has 296,000 followers. I mean, that's something. They haven't explained to me why I should be listening to MJ Truth Ultra. That's incredibly frustrating and this is why I'm getting fed up with Revolver News. So they've got this story over here from a Twitter account. Holy smokes, Trump assassination plot. It's all about to blow up. Senator Ron Johnson, a second shooter and a mystery ATF agent that's now gone dark. So like, why don't we have like a statement from Senator Ron Johnson, Revolver News? Why are you giving me this guy's Twitter account not even explaining to me who he is? These people are completely lost their minds. July 13th, Secret Service did not attend the 9am security meeting with local law enforcement. Law enforcement wasn't even on the same security channel. These sniper and SWAT teams weren't on the same channels as patrol officers of Secret Service. At 10.30am in the morning, the local PD team told to secure the perimeter of the AGR building. No one told them where to go so they set up on the second floor. At 5.14pm Eastern time, the local sniper team took photos of the shooter crooks in the AGR building. Why wasn't he intercepted? The photos were taken at 5.14pm Eastern time and Trump was shot at 6.11pm Eastern. A preliminary report will be released to solicit more eyewitness testimony if you have any video, save it. A second shooter, was it one rifle, was it more than one? There were three distinct shots early on, followed by another 5 more, rapidly 5. How do you explain that? I've seen things from experts that cause us to question the FBI saying there was a single shooter. Well, this is ridiculous. This is really dumb. So this guy, this MJ Truth Ultra, who I have no idea who he is, says that he's got a story from Senator Ron Johnson in a mystery ATF agent that's now gone dark. So he's got this bullet point. A second shooter asks these questions. He gives us a quote. And he tells us not who the quote is from. Is that from Ron Johnson? Is that from the ATF agent who's now gone dark? What is this? How is revolver calling this news? A mystery ATF agent that's gone dark. The sniper team was the first to go on the roof and began taking pictures of the dead body. Someone in a suit approached them and told them to send those photos to an ATF agent. I thought this was very strange in an unattributed quote. No one even asked him for credentials. They thought it was secret service. They tried to call the ATF agent, but now he's gone dark. They cannot find him WTF. Why in the hell was local law enforcement being told to send photos to the ATF? Why has the ATF agent gone dark inside job? Oh, okay. Well, maybe it would have been fine for you to tell me what we were talking about. This is on Sunday morning. That is epic failure. You sent a letter to Attorney General, Marik Garland, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and director of the FBI, Christopher Ray about this epic failure of security. Can you walk us through what you'd like to see and your preliminary findings of your investigation, which has now become bipartisan. Is that correct? Correct. I spoke with Chairman Blumethal, the Chairman of the Permit Subcommittee investigation. I'm the ranking member. He completely agrees with me that we must start doing transcribed interviews with all the witnesses now while memories are fresh. So that's really good news from my standpoint. My staff immediately started reaching out to local law enforcement. We've gathered a fair amount of information. Again, we're just scratching the surface. But a couple of things that we found out, for example, the secret service did not even attend the 9 o'clock security meeting with local law enforcement pretty well put in charge the Butler County law enforcement to coordinate things. Law enforcement wasn't even on the same channel. That was a 9 a.m. meeting on July 13th, the day of the shooting. Correct. Correct. Yes, seems certain to be other for site visits weren't even there. You kind of turned over some of the outer perimeter stuff to local law enforcement. They weren't even on the same security channel. So the sniper and SWAT teams weren't on the same channels, the patrol officers and they weren't the same channel as secret service. So they had to relay things. One of the things we found out is that we've got a more detailed timeline. This picture is now on the internet, but a picture was taken by the local sniper team in the AGR building at 514 of Crooks. So again, we had pictures of this guy. Why wasn't he intercepted? There's so many so many unanswered questions here. The pictures were taken at 514 and he was shot at 611. Correct. Okay. And again, we've got a more so so I'm going to be issuing a preliminary report. It's again, it's preliminary. It's just scratching the surface. We're primarily going to release that report to solicit more eyewitness testimony. If you took video, save it. Make a backup copy copy. We can glean things in terms of audio and in terms of where the shots came from. Was it one rifle? Was it more than one? I've seen some pretty interesting video on the internet by experts that certainly calls into question what the FBI is telling us about a single shooter. Again, we're only just beginning this, but it is so important that people who saw things that have information they preserve it, they memorialize what they're what they saw because memories change over time. They can be influenced. So it's again, it's good news on a bipartisan basis. Chairman Blumenthal and I are dedicated to taking transcribed interviews with law enforcement and public just members of the general public. They were at that rally. No matter how insignificant your piece of information might be, it might lend to provide the full story of what happened because American public needs to understand what happened here. So I know that well, I tweeted out yesterday the fact that you're doing this bipartisan investigation and I put on your email. You have you have an email that you want people to send information to and I know that you'll you'll treat that later, but I got to get to this after the shooter was taken down by secret service. The local law enforcement and I know this from some of your preliminary comments, your preliminary findings started taking pictures of the dead body, right? Can you tell us what happened then? Correct. So last night, pretend there's in the AGR building there, the first ones went up on the roof. They were the first two in the counter that the dead assassin at that point in time. Later on, other people joined them and you know, somebody told them to send the pictures they had taken to an ATF agent, which I think is very strange and we we called up that ATF agent that individual said that he was with ATF and now he's gone dark. We've also reached out to the secret service agents in charge on the ground. All we're getting there is the runner out. So we are getting information from local law enforcement and we appreciate that, but unfortunately federal law enforcement agent, they're just saying, well, go through your congressional liaison. Again, that's going to be unacceptable. I wish I could rely and have faith in the FBI and the Secret Service to do a truthful accounting of this, but that's not been my experience with the Russian inclusion hoax and for years, dealing with federal law enforcement. We need completely separate and independent investigations and it has to start now. So are you questioning whether or not there was a second shooter? Is that what you're questioning or if the shooter had a different gun? You know, I saw you extremely convincing video online. I know it's all over the place. You know, there were three distinct shots early on followed by another five in Morse de Cotto, more rapidly fired and then the final one, which we believe took the shooter out. How do you explain that? I don't know. I'm not an expert, but the individual putting that video out says it clearly shows that there are at least three different weapons fired that day. Again, I don't know, but we can't trust the FBI and Secret Service to do a very, very different kind of investigation. An honest and open transparent investigation. That's just a very sad fact. So we've got we've got to rely on other sources independent to really find out what the truth of the matter was on Saturday, July 13th. So, so let me go back to what happened after the guy the shooter is dead. You just mentioned somebody goes up. So this is the guy in the suit who walks up the ladder, goes to the roof and tells the local. The locals send those pictures to this cell phone. Who was that person? Well, again, I'm not sure that was the guy. I think another county law enforcement gave the the number to the other county law enforcement. The snipers to send the text. Some guy in a suit walks up the ladder. They believe you Secret Service. I'm not sure whether they gave credentials, but that's part of again. Maria, this is so preliminary. I'm issuing this. I'm providing this information and much more detailed timeline to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture. We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here. Is it is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures to the alcohol, tobacco and firearms agency ATF? Yes, it's very. The oddity starts with the fact because they've got the firearms that local law enforcement were just tasked with securing the perimeter told to go cover that AGR building. I really told where to set up. So they set up on the second floor. They went to that AGR building at 10, 30 in the morning. So there was station that were well in advance. They noticed this is this is character at 5, 10. They took a photo of them at 5, 14. The president was shot at 6, 11. So again, an hour has passed. Again, they don't communicate. They didn't have communication. Same channels with their law enforcement patrol officers. They weren't in communication with the Secret Service other than going through the Butler County communication center. So again, it's everything you would assume about Secret Service protection of a former president was not true. It didn't happen. It's just baffling to me. Should baffled American public. That's why we need to find the answers and find out what actually happened here. It's baffling to be Senator Johnson. It's also baffling to me why revolver news didn't just link to Sunday morning futures. Like I can't believe that they did that. That like for me to go read this whole thing. You sent a letter. I could have perhaps scrolled to the bottom and look, but you know why is revolver news like linking to this Twitter account and being like, hey guy, why don't you give a vague description of what's contained in this interview with a person with a reputations completely preposterous revolver news is completely nuts. 2176881433 if you'd like to be on the program and where you told the less I have to so please give us a call. A lot of that stuff was actually pretty troubling. And you know he's he gives the caveat over and over again that this is very preliminary. There's another piece about here about the second shooter theory. And what Johnson was just saying is like, okay, somebody's saying that knowing the sound of firearms that there's at least three guns fired like that. You know, I don't actually know I haven't seen this video that he's talking about. But you know, if you wanted to kill Donald Trump. That would make a lot of sense, right? You actually put a real sniper somewhere. And then you let some 20 year old idiot play Patsy and you make sure there's somebody actually capable of making that shot. Now we've gone over before that it's not implausible for the guy who have made the shot. Someone on Odyssey was saying that the guy supposedly used iron sights which I presume would make it more difficult. I mean, I've used iron sights before and you could hit a target. But you think if you were going to try to assassinate the president of the United States, you might spend 100 bucks on a scope or something. Another story at revolver, there are so many questions and so much mystery surrounding the assassination attempt on President Trump. Yet some are finding the clarity they've been seeking particularly regarding the number of shooters. You've likely heard the theories about multiple shooters. Now it seems science is stepping into lend credibility to those claims. Meanwhile, each day reveals another horrific discovery deepening the mystery of what really happened. The latest buzz about a drone has really set people off and who can blame them drones are edgy. I'm I inserted the edgy drone part. How could a so called esteemed organization like the secret service let something like this happen. Like the idea that this kid got caught with a rangefinder and that they were like, yeah, this guy might be a threat. And then there's people in the building where he was on top of that he took the shot from and they took a picture of him prior to the shots being fired. Like that's all completely insane. The idea that they allowed Trump to go out there while they thought there might be a threat with a rangefinder and they didn't have the kid identified is completely nuts. Forget about the actual shot that happens once the president takes a stage. Why did they allow the president to take the stage while the threat was not tracked. That's crazy. Now there's a story actually in Fox business that just that broke since we came on the air and I'm just going to read it from my phone so I saw the news alert. Then maybe we'll come back to the second shooter thing. Former president Trump spoke about his conversation with secret service director Kimberly Cheedle to Fox news is Jesse Waters on Monday night saying she was nice. Those somebody should have made sure nobody was on the roof. A gunman access before opening fire at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. She came to see me actually and well, I mean it went it went very nicely. She was very nice. I thought, but you know somebody should have made sure that nobody was on that roof. Trump said, yeah, I'll say that roof was dead aim right onto the stage and they said they didn't have the manpower for it, which is crazy. They said 130 yards is like sinking a one foot putt. It's considered really close. Sounds a lot. It sounds like a lot, but it's really from that standpoint. It's a very, you know, it's very close and I was surprised by that actually. They said it's really it's a bad shot would usually hit the target. And so I mean it's got to be somebody's got to be there and essentially it's a flat roof. Trump added. I mean I noticed that she said, well, this is a slope roof where you would think of like a barn where you have this thing had just a little little a little up swing to it a few degrees. This was a not it was essentially a flat roof. So I don't know somebody gave her false information when she talked about the slope of the roof. I thought she was very nice, but you know you have to answer why I couldn't why couldn't I have stayed off the stage for five minutes while they do their work he continued. Why couldn't you know, how does a situation happen where there's a roof plainly in sight for the location where I was speaking. Why would somebody not have seen that. I don't know I mean that's interesting that he had the conversation with the secret service director, but it doesn't sound like to me like a whole lot of news is actually broken from that. So back to the second shooter theory. This is revolver news coding quoting Colin rug new Thomas Crooks was able to fly a drone over the Pennsylvania rally location before the event according to the Wall Street Journal. So at 20 20 year old would be assassin can use a drone, but not the secret service. The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the Western PA fairground shortly before the president was set to speak there law enforcement officials briefed on the matter said further underscoring the stunning security laps as a head of Trump's near assassination. The Wall Street Journal reported insane. Hang on a second. Let's look at this here. Is there audio to this? No, there was not hang on a second. Come on, come on, come on. So this is drone footage is this his drone footage. Nobody's explaining this to me. It's just a video. They're showing us drone footage. I guess of this site. I don't know if this is a recording or if this is I mean it's obvious or obviously a recording. I don't know if it was a record recording recovered from the guy's drone. Maybe it was. So this is not very useful. Sorry. Anyway. I have here in revolvers as Bill Akman explores two shooters theory, but he's since deleted his post. Apparently the shooter requested Saturday off work and told his co workers he'd see them on Sunday. What's truly baffling is how authorities who can usually declare something a terror attack within seconds still I'm determined to motive for this shooting. It's reminiscent of the Vegas mass shooting. Isn't it? That's another head scratcher that seems to have been left without thorough investigation. According from CNM. Yeah, remember how the United right rally in 2017 was declared a terrorist attack by the United States Senate like seconds after some kid was running away from the rifles of redneck revolt and crashed into some fat girl. CNM the shooter who attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump on Saturday normally would have been at work that day, but he told his boss that he needed to day off because he had something to do according to multiple law enforcement officials. Yeah, I'll say. Thomas Matthew Crooks told his co workers he would back to work on Sunday while investigators have not been able to identify a motive for crooks attack at the rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania. They are piecing together more of his activities. But let's circle back to the multiple shooter theory bill, Ackman, an American billionaire hedge fund manager and CEO of the Pershing Square Capital Management is not one to jump to conclusions yet after reviewing the latest evidence, he's now convinced that the second shooter theory in the Trump assassination plot might hold water and is calling for further investigation. So what exactly did Bill see that caused this shift? It was a scientific analysis of raw footage conducted by a PhD expert. Take a look for yourself and see what you think. Well, let's go ahead and do that. I'm coming to you today with rock solid audio proof that there were at least two shooters. Now this is pretty interesting. So this guy, I'm pretty sure this guy's name is Chris Martensen. I haven't heard from Chris Martensen in a very long time. Let's make sure that I'm correct about that. Shooting at Trump and the crowd and therefore the official story of a lone gunman is complete bunk. Hello, everyone. I am Dr. Chris Martensen. Peek prosperity. This is so this guy has credibility issues. I'm just going to inform you from the beginning. So I watched the thing by him. He was actually pretty influential in my early political education. About what economics. The environment and energy. That was the video series that I watched and like. He goes on about concept known as peak oil, which I don't know is an entirely sound theory. And some of the things that he talks about in there are just dead wrong. The way that he talks about the value of a gallon of fuel. I'm going to have trouble articulating this, but he's like, okay. The idea that he got across was essentially this. All right, drive your car, put exactly one gallon of gas in your car and then drive it somewhere until it runs out of gas and then push your car back to where you started. And the amount of energy that it takes for you to push your car that far. That's how much a gallon of gasoline is worth. Well, that's actually like a nonsense economic theory in fact, right? Like what's what a gas down a gasoline is worth. It's not the labor that it saves you per se. It's it's a competitive good in a marketplace, right? That's not a definitive statement the way he framed it. But he gives us like really like startling idea about hey, we're going to run out of oil and then here's all the things that are going to happen. Now this was I saw this in. Like 2009 here we are in 2024 and we're not anywhere near this thing that he's talking about, but I think that I forget what he said the timeline for it was and I can't say that that timeline has expired. But anyway, that's the idea that I have in my head about Chris Martinson. I'm actually nervous to bring this to you because well, we know how much the deep state, the state, whatever's going on does not like having its narratives punctured. But obviously there's a lot wrong with the Trump shooting. I'm going to show you rock solid evidence today and I'm making this public. I've been chewing on this for a while. I don't have the complete analysis yet. There's going to we're going to need more people to weigh in on this. But let me show you what I've got. So we're going to start here. This is day three of the cover up is we're calling it. And by the way, this is July 18th. I'm going to dedicate this to my brother John Peter Martinson. He died when he was 23, just a whole ripped out of my heart and today's his birthday. So I have to make mention of that. So for you, John, I know he would have admired this work. And I'm doing this for you. And that's why I'm going to be proud and loud about this. There were two shooters. So let's reorient ourselves with the scene again. Let me get my drawn tool out or my pointing tool. Okay. So first up, they tell us that the shooter was here. This is very accurately located on the roof off of the drain pipe as we covered before. I'll show you that one more time. I just want to make sure we're all sharing the same orientation because this is important. Right. And we have two victims here. Comparator who died another guy who's very severely injured. He has life altering injuries. And then another gentleman back here in the upper right part of the stand. I'm going to show you all the seven. It's okay. Oh, I thought that the this is actually interesting. I haven't seen this layout before. So I had this idea in my head that the guy who got killed was behind Trump is actually in front of him. So first up, we need to know where all the shots went. Right. And I'm going to show you that the first three shots came from a very different weapon in a different location. Then the next string of shots that came out. It's either five or six depending on how you count. But you decide. Listen, it couldn't be more clear how different they are. This is the picture from on the roof of you know, Crooks lying here dead. There's a little blood trailing down back here. But this allows us to locate them on the roof very, very accurately because of this raised seam metal roof. And now the story is is that there's actually can't see it in this photo, but there's a five foot ladder here. Apparently came up would have come across would have jumped down onto here would have come up. Maybe that explains why his backpack. If that's what that is is left there. Now for anybody who's just listening to the audio, let me explain. So there's the roof that he's on has these like what I guess could be described as riches on them that they're straight lines. And he is highlighted one of those lines from the edge of the roof to where the shooter's body is laying. And I believe the story that were fed anyway is that while the guy was shooting at the president of the counter snipers took him out. And so presumably he is laying where he was when he was shooting came over to here. Apparently some other cop would have been lifted up and looked over a roof line. I don't know what that is. Now even in CNN a while ago. This is from CNN. So I'm saying even because these you know, even because these guys are deep state. Sort of aligned operation mockingbird that they don't print stuff unless it's pre approved. So somebody allowed this information to come out. And they said here that the first three shots were consistent with weapon A and the next five consistent with alleged weapon B. And the final acoustic impulse admitted by a third possible weapon C. I believe that's true and weapon C is the sniper taking out. Crux I think best guess I'll give you my big hypothesis at the end. Hang on a second. The first three shots weren't consistent with alleged weapon A the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B. And the okay, so three weapons one of them is the secret service counter snipers shooting the guy. One of them is the kids got and the second one is the. What he's saying is the actual killer. So this was confirmed. This is per audio analysis by cattle in Gregorio's director of the National Center for media forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver. So I'm sure that her and Cole White cotton senior professional research associate they have much better access to much better analysis software and all of that. All I need to get out to you today is something that seems to be missing from the dialogue and they're trying to run forward with his lone shooter, lone shooter, lone shooter junk, which of course is straight from their playbook. That's how they did it. That's what they did with JFK. They lied about that. That's what they did with RFK. They lied about that. So this is standard from the playbook kind of stuff. Lone nut with a mysterious motive. We can unravel. We're here to unravel all of that. Okay. Rock solid, absolute conclusive. And this is the best part about being alive today. We don't have to wait for 30 40 years for a zippruder film and people to sort of analyze it. We're doing this in real time and figuring this out as it's unfolding. And that is the absolute benefit of living in today's world with all these cell phones and cameras much harder to get away with really sloppy operations. And this was a sloppy operation because they missed their man. Whoever was involved in this. But I can guarantee you that the information I'm presenting to you, they also have. But somehow they're hiding it, which of course is par for the course with these particular crew of people. Okay. And they said audio analysis. This confirmed the gunman was 360 to 390 feet, three feet away. Okay. According to another forensic expert, Robert mayor. Yeah. We all end up in the same ballpark. I end up a little closer to 430 feet, but doesn't matter all within the realm of analytical wiggle room. Okay. So this is the we're going to analyze two separate audio streams today. This is the first one. This is taken from a microphone right in front of the podium. So you're going to hear two things. Of course, you're going to hear a snap. Sounds very sharp sound. That's the supersonic crack of the bullet flying within sending it supersonic shockwave to the microphone. Microphone, microphone picks it up like a that. And then there's the report of the gun, which follows a little later. Sounds like an echo. So it goes crack, the crack, the crack, the pump is a well known tool that snipers would use to estimate how far away somebody is shooting them. If there's a very long distance between the crack and the thumb. That you shooters very far away because the bullet flies faster than the speed of sound. So the sound is the explosion of the gun. Boom. That starts traveling towards, you know, the victim down there or whoever's down range. But the bullet gets their first and it gets there at supersonic velocity, which means faster than 1100 feet per second, give or take the altitude and conditions. So if anything's traveling faster than the speed of sound, it has a sonic boom crack. Right. So that's what we're going to hear. You're going to hear a sound. You're going to hear, you're going to hear first in this tape. First, you're going to hear three very clearly distinct crack thumbs. And then things get a little confusing, right. It gets a little fast. And so how do you count and all of that. Somebody whoever. Tells me and I think he's about to that there's a different. There's a difference in the timing between the crack and the thumb. I don't think that you can dispute that. I think that's completely indisputable. If there's two different timelines between the crack and the thumb, even if it's like a fraction of a second. I don't think that you can dispute that there's another shooter. We'll put this video together. Did the counting. Thank you for that. However, I think there's some room for interpretation here as well about that. So without any further ado, this is that. Take a look at what I'm analyzing. Now I have not analyzed this, but just I really think that. All right, let's listen. Wait. I'm going to do one more. There it was. There's that last that last one. Okay, one more time. Take a look what happened. Listen to this. You hear that? That's one, two, three. And then. Hard. Yeah, that there's different times between those that crack and a thumb unravel what's happening there because we have echoes. We've got them over stacking each other. So there's two supersonic cracks that come in and later the thumbs of the gun come in the crack thumbs. So it gets a little tricky on gravel. So let's do that and go there. Okay, first up, I want to big shout out to Mike Adams at Health Ranger. He was out with this within minutes for the now. I'm going to say too. I think Mike Adams has some credibility problems as well. I know that there's going to be people who listen to the show who call me a heretic for saying that. But you know, he does a site called natural and basically. You know, he's one of these people who basically attacks all of modern medicine. I think it's fair to say some people might disagree with me about that. And I believe he also is the guy who created what's the. I don't even use it anymore. He runs some video site video hosting site, which I used to upload videos to, which I stopped bothering to because it's getting like five views. So I take anything Mike Adams has to say with a grain of salt. Those first three shots, include me in to the idea that we really need to take a look at the other one. So way to go Mike. Thank you for picking that up and doing that. All right. This is the audio file. I pulled it into a program called Audacity, right off of that video. And I find on here nine separate shots. Okay. So I find three. Then a grouping of five and then one last one out there. Number nine. I think this one. This is the sniper shot that would have I think looks like it took out. Crooks just above the left eyebrow. If you want to go look at those are, you know, the gross pictures. Right. Obviously he's all bloody and dead. They have that close up picture of his face. Right. And you can actually see a whole right about here over the left eyebrow. So we have those first three shots. Then we have the five and then that last one. I'm not going to worry about the last one as much. But we're going to have to look at these first sets very, very carefully here. Yeah. So here is a video number one. We to just to orient ourselves. I caught. I count off of this video 15.8 seconds from the very first to the very last shot. So the AP article that said, oh, you know, Crooks took a shot and was neutralized by some of the people. It was neutralized by snipers within seconds. What they meant was 15.8 seconds. Unless I have this story wrong. Next, we're going to look at these first three shots here. So you understand how we can analyze the rest of them. And so here's the shot. This is the sonic crack. So that's the bullet. So those of you who are listening to the audio of this, I'll explain to you what's on the screen. So if you've ever seen like a wave form in an audio editing application, I use this application myself audacity. This is what I'm recording in right now. And as I'm speaking, I can see the wave form of my voice. When the shot, when the crack, when the supersonic crack is picked up on the audio, you see a spike in that wave form. And then you hear the thumb, which is the sound of the explosion that follows the supersonic crack because the bullets traveling faster than sound. And you can see those two spikes. And he's showing us on that timeline that the first three shots there are 0.22 seconds in between the crack and the thumb. Is the blue arrows and then the report is going to be the black arrow. So that's the crack thumb. Crack thumb. Crack thumb. And of course it was the first bullet that nicked Trump's ear. And again, let me get my thing here. Here's what it sounds like. Okay. So now I've just isolated the sound. There it is. Okay. Whoops. Sorry. One last time just to make sure we're here in this right. There's 0.22 seconds between the crack and the thumb. And knowing a little bit about the type of the bullet that was used in the caliber of it and the air conditions and things like that, you can estimate the distance of the shooter and how far away the shooter was. So that 0.22 second gap between the crack and the thumb is very important because it helps us identify that a gun is being shot from that distance. If there were any other lengths, like if we saw crack thumb crack thumb crack thumb, we would clearly see that that was two separate weapons. Yeah. Because assuming the first and the last crack thumbs were the same distance apart. So if there's any variation between the crack and the thumb, that's when you say, oh, that's a different weapon. So that's one way. The other way is just the tenor. There's just the sound of the weapon. Does it sound different? Now real quick, I'll say there's another explanation for a difference in the timing. And that's that the shooter is moving. But you don't imagine that that's going to be the case when he's you know, perched in a sniper's perch. Now this is interesting. This woman here had put up a video on TikTok. I really wish we could get the unaltered. I call it unmolisted. I don't need all the words put on there. And it's not a consistent video. So there's edits in there. So I can't if it were an from beginning to end, we could tell more. But I'm I'm I'm suspecting that we can tell a lot from it. So we're going to bring it up here because this is one of the videos only videos that I know about that shows. I think the first stand victim getting shot. So here we go. I'm over on the far right or far left of Trump. These are the same bleachers watch the top left. These are the same exact bleachers. These are to the left of Trump. They came those shots. So what I've done here is I just want us to look at I just pulled out that one tiny section. You can clearly see a bullet corigning off of this railing up here. And it does it with enough force to atomize and vaporize. And so I think this is an important clue. We'll see. So let's just look at that over and over again. Do you see that again? Do you see that? Okay, whoops, one more time. Hang on. And again. So you can clearly see this shot happening now. This gentleman who's right and get my laser pointer back this gentleman right here is in a very, very distinctive American flag shirt of some kind. You can see him hunch over there a little bit. And I'm pretty sure that that shot that you see corigning off the rail struck him first. And the reason I think that struck him first because we showed this before is from this video that's after the fact that you're on the right side of the stands. You can see he's being brought down. And you can see here he's holding. I'm getting my laser pointer back. He's holding his right chest. Holding that right with his left arm is coming over. So his right chest. I don't know the extent of his injuries. I can't find any updates in the media right now. So we're going to be watching out for that. But if he was struck in that upper right chest and the bullet still managed to take something off of the railing into a pup. We see a very clear puff there. I don't think that's a 223 round. 223 round, a little 55 or 62 grain bullet. When they hit they tend to tumble. This would have to have been had enough force to have nicked Trump's here if I'm right about this being the first shot. Nick Dizier traveled in, hit struck this gentleman and still had enough force to vaporize either the railing or that was the bullet itself atomizing that was so that great puff was more likely that's a larger caliber round. But that's a guess pure hypothesis pure conjecture. I'm just throwing it out. There's a placeholder. But that would be more consistent with something say in the in a 308, you know, some 30 caliber sort of around something with enough energy to penetrate and still atomize and vaporize on the back railing. But again, just a guess doesn't matter just speculation. It's kind of irrelevant. But again, if we're back here, don't tell us your relevant things get to the space between the shot and the top right there. See that. Sorry. And puff puff. So he's been hit and also it's on his right side. So if you see how he's oriented, he's all the way up against the back with his right side tipped towards the back. So this is as high up as you can get now. So look, you know, I'm going to call this out. What he's doing here is completely irresponsible. If he wants to actually tell us what he says is the thrust of the theory. And this is infuriating to me because he begins with this thing that's like actually really solid. Okay. If there's a difference in the timing between the crack and a thumb, that's definitive. Like that's actually very difficult to dispute. I'm going to have a hard time believing anybody who tries to dispute that. So get to the point, Chris Martinson. This this scene that he's showing us where he tells you this is just conjecture speculation. I don't know. It's just a theory is completely separate from what he started the thing with. He goes over the first three shots. And then he's like, now before we go to the next five shots. Let me show you this thing that I tell you is completely irrelevant. And that's why guys like this have credibility problems. And this is why I they drive me completely nuts. They can discredit. The truth that they tell you know what I mean? Like that's completely nuts. If this guy has a difference between the crack and a thumb. And he waste time talking about this and telling you that it's irrelevant. He totally discredits his own theory and you can't I have a hard time imagining that there's any other reason for doing it. The other thing I need to point out about that is he is all the way in the highest row of bleachers seats. Those things start roughly at about stage level, which is about three and a half four feet in the air. And then they go up level level level level. So if you said it's I don't know a foot or foot and a half per level. He's he's clearly many feet up in the air and he's standing. So that bullet that struck him has to be. I don't know. Pick a number. 12 15 feet in the air. Pretty high up. And that's going to become important again in just a second. All right. So this is plausible for the first shot then. Okay. We see here if this is if the shots came from the rooftop shooter first. Then comes here comes across the podium. Trump would have been standing right about there and could have struck somebody standing in the back right where that gentleman was with a flag shirt who got hit. So that's entirely plausible. But except it's a little bit more consistent with a rising shot because if we put the podium at about three and a half feet for let's call it for we'll put Trump at six foot three but take three inches off. So 10 feet. 10 feet that bullet goes whizzing by his ear. But if it's that's if that's if that's why we need all the trajectories. That's why we need all this mapped out. That's why we need an absolute accounting of every single shot taken if that was the first shot that struck that gentleman. Okay. And that's why if I had that unmolisted video and I could piece it in I could tell you exactly so hold this is just a bunch of conjecture until we have more. But if that gentleman was struck by the same bullet that took Trump's ear. That means that thing must have been on a rising trajectory because Trump's at 10 feet and then further back this guy his chest is probably at 13 14 feet. It's up and it's higher in the air. That would have been more consistent with a shot fired from lower down that was then rising instead of a shot fired from the roof which would have been declining. So I don't know how easy this is to follow with just the audio and so I'm just going to try to say he's got the image of the roof. He understands the height of it the height of the bleachers the height of the stage. And so that is interesting I'll grant him that much that like okay the shooter is supposedly on top of the roof if he's above Trump then his trajectory would be down and then try to and if the shot comes from above the roof. It doesn't make any sense that it next Trump's year and then goes upwards afterwards and that makes a lot of sense in coming down we're going to I'm giving you this because this is this is going to be in a few slides you're going to see why I'm making a making a point about this. Okay so the audio from video one. Oh my god it here the first three shots we can make complete sense of come to come to come to come okay fine then there's a fourth shot that arrives and it does so with the bullet in a report at point two one two seconds close enough for government work here or you know rough analysis. Here's another bullet and a report so that's the snap crack there's echoes we see there's echoes so the bullet makes it and then it's this at sound is echoing probably off of one of the buildings we have a lot of flat surfaces back. So the microphone is here supersonic crack and the crack makes it to the microphone and then it echoes off of something and so we see the crack and an echo we could probably very very accurately estimate how far away that flat surfaces off of that echo and then you get the report itself crack thumb crack thumb. So shots four and five I'm still pretty good with shots four and five in terms of being able to make sense of them from from six on man it gets all kinds of weird now hang on a second so what he said before was between the crack and a thumb was point two two seconds okay now he's saying for shot four it's point two on two and for shot five point two on three we're going to see what shot six says in the next frame I imagine. But even at that if those first three shots are point two two and then we have point two one two and then point two on three I'm not an expert at the subject but it seems to me that there's a difference there that's substantial. All kinds of weird and I'm not going to take you through the weirdness from video one to try and resolve what's happening with those other shots we're now going to turn to video two this really clarifies everything and makes the entire case so we'll listen to it up through the shots which is about 20 seconds of tape I won't take you through all the screaming and everything and by the way not for nothing. But screaming I don't understand people who just start screaming and then just don't stop in an event like this so listen past this it's a little it's it's you know there's a lot of a lot of screaming going on but you can clearly hear shots one two and three and then you can hear the other string of shots come out we're going to analyze it I'll break it down will take a look at it however I do want to tell pre stages a little bit for yourself decide for yourself do strings does one two and three did they sound the same. It all compared to the other ones that you hear I don't remember we already have the analysis from audio experts elsewhere saying there's a difference between weapon A and weapon B and I can show you that the rounds fired from weapon B were also aimed at the stage okay so this is important two weapons one fires a string of three another fires a string of five or six depending on how we count and off they go and they were also out hitting the crowd and headed towards Trump okay. This is important because now we do not have a loan gunman anymore okay so listen up here we go. That is that's two different guns I mean that I don't think that you can dispute that just on what the basis of what we just heard without even doing the timing analysis that's two different firearms. And then that one more that's the six I'm unclear on let's listen to this again muffle and then yeah that's what I hear that's what I hear my heart is racing listening to this I have not seen anything like this analysis before and I'm literally shocked at what we're watching. I'm completely different gun and a lot of screaming okay so let's analyze this now let's go into this with a little bit more depth so video to the way I score it there's about 16.0 seconds from first to last shot so very consistent with what we're experiencing on the first audio so that's nice they kind of line up pretty well. And here's the whole audio from all that screaming in the shots from video to we have in blue the first three shots here we have more shots here from a second weapon I'm not sure about this one it has a very different sound that we heard and here's the final last shot which I believe is from. Oops sorry don't have my thing you don't want to point that. This is the five that make a very distinct sound here's one with a very different crack in it that's the six shot in the string and then here we have the final last one which I think is the sniper weapon which is probably the one that put the bullet just over the left eye of crooks on the roof so we're going to take a closer look at the blue the red the blacks here and listen to these things but once again let's just listen very carefully we'll go back and forth until you're certain of this yourself here's just the first three shots from that video I haven't done anything. No audit I haven't done any enhancements this is both both of these video audio pieces are exactly pulled straight from the video itself nothing else I haven't boosted any I haven't done any filtering raw files okay so and and by the way every instinct in me was to try and minimize all the screaming but I was like no no no that just that like what did you do and then there's questions these are raw files here's one two and three to start. Okay listen to that again and one more time. Okay now let's listen to the next string. This is completely different gun. There's yeah we're talking for guns. Hear that so six sounds different to me but here's a fun here's an interesting thing one two and three besides being muffled and further away it doesn't have echoes here we have this is a shot here this one. Yeah darn it I don't have my thing up again here we go so this here's a shot this is an echo very clearly an echo shot in an echo in a shot in an echo so this is actually critical evidence because you hear that. There's echoes coming off so that also allows us again to analyze where was this gun but first up we just have an absolutely different sound between the first three. There's no echo it's much further away it's more muffled it's it's just not in the same place at all but these next ones very different sound totally different weapons okay full stop we have two separate weapons. Plus we have no echoes coming off of the three and then we do have echoes coming off I think we got a total of four. That's one gun that's another gun that's another gun and that last one that's different that's and that's not the sniper shot that's the third shot is another 10 seconds later right so I don't know what number six is here but we're just going to book market for now and go on so audio analysis conducted by Nick tells us that if those next string of shots. Oh my god those one two three four five are coming from shoot or who we're going to call shooter two because shooter one is sending off those muffled ones shooter two is very consistent if somebody was on the roof firing something with a two two three round those and here's where audio to is recorded from that we've isolated exactly where the person was standing there walking so there's a little movement but they were basically right here. The echoes we have is perfectly consistent with conditions atmosphere conditions of the day to have bounced off of this building because that's what that's what you need for an echo you need a hard flat surface to echo off of. So that's what we got we have an echo that perfectly lines up with somebody being up there in shooter number two position now here's where it gets a little weirder so what I've done and this is I've taken the first time. This is the video number one's audio and I've lined it up with video number two's audio and for the most part we're in pretty darn good shape right here you can see so this is the supersonic crack. So that's the crack of the bullet arriving and I've lined that up with what I did I just shifted the timelines to line up with this is the report of the gun so the one two three four five gun plus a six. Right one to three for five six I've lined up that first blast of the gun with the arrival of the bullets so that it should be consistent because if you have the explosion the arrival of it downstream they ought to line up right the timings ought to be the same so sure enough shot one no problemo lines up perfectly this isn't an echo up top there here's the echo down here for shot one. The top bullet is echoing off of whatever it's echoing up there near the stage and this is echoing probably off of that building surface we just showed you so shot one. 100% we're good to go shot two same thing lines up perfectly it's got an echo right here that's that little peak right there and it's got an echo up top everything lines up shot three though remember this is one two three for five. One two three for five six. This one doesn't line up this one is actually this shot happens about point oh three seconds earlier there's not alignment it should be right under this peak but it's not which means the shot happened point oh three seconds it took point oh three seconds longer for that bullet to get downstream right to the to the microphone in front of the Trump platform there if that what does that mean well that means that it's not going to be a good point oh three seconds. Well that means that it's somewhere between depending on on the caliber and sorry well maybe the caliber I don't have any bullets here I can't guarantee anything depending on a lot of things the muzzle velocity of whatever the location of the shooter and not least things like that that point oh three seconds assuming it's 2600 feet per second that's how fast this things traveling could be 2500 to be 3000 I don't know what they're using so you have to make some guesses but it's further away this implies the possibility that shots one and two. Those are fired by Crooks but somebody about 78 to 100 feet further away took shot three then shots four and five line up again perfectly but shot six hey that's off the mark again by the same amount and oh there's not quite the echoes that are happening off of shot three we don't see the same there should be an echo right here there should be an echo right here we don't see that not like these big echoes. So there's a chance here I'm making a chance that there's there's a possibility of there were two weapons being fired that are different from the first one one two three are from weapon one weapon two for sure is in a different spot but there's a possibility because of those times of weapon three so it could be that one two four five were taken by Crooks on the roof because he heard some stuff going on decided to take a shot but three and six were taken by somebody else another hundred feet away I don't know we're going to need more professional odds. I don't know if there's any other way to do that but I like it when everything lines up and everything does line up until we get to there and then further down the timeline things get really weird and things aren't lining up but we don't know who's firing down at that end of the spectrum either so some weird stuff down there but it doesn't line up really well enough for my taste okay so hypothesis what do we have here okay here's like the first three shots I suspect my hypothesis is they came from inside the building all right yeah inside that like if I don't know the echo open the window those shots came in from down below why do I think that because that ensures that the crack boomer consistent with the patsy on the roof the angles are the same the crack boom isn't off there's nothing to analyze right if those first three shots come out from below Crooks then it all lines up right and this aligns with the with what we have from video number two's audio where we said it's more distant it's a muffled sound that would be more consistent with being inside we don't have it also the upward slope of that bullet right now now that begins to line up if it's true that that back victim was struck with with bullet one and also all the lack of echoes so everything's consistent with that hypothesis and it's just a hypothesis I'm just trying to you know put some put some some meats on the bones of what might have happened here because I know for a fact we had two guns period maybe three I can make a case for three I'm not a solid on that gonna wait for expert analysis but we don't need any further expert analysis to understand there were two weapons being fired at the stage right because here's what happened these these next string of shots down here which I'm highlighting this is the recording from video to this is sorry video to yeah audio to video to video one which is taken from the microphone right at the front where Trump is these are sonic signatures so these these booms led to these cracks right these these explosions of these of this weapon resulted in bullets making sonic booms right over the microphone down at trump stays so so let's be clear these one two three four five six wasn't like oh because I can hear it already like all the the beaver county emergency services unit saw him and climbed up and blah blah blah blah really you know I guess that's what it was that's not what it was this second weapon that was fired leaving the echoes in that sharper crack that was fired towards the stands so we have two shooters guaranteed full stop okay in the second group of shots I'm positive that one two four and five pretty sure those were fired by crooks lines up with everything the echoes I don't think so at all like one two four and five he's saying that three and six are from a different gun but like you heard that first group of three shots sounds like one thing and then the second group of shots sounds like something else to me and the snaps recorded down range all that now shots three and six are puzzling I again expert analysis will be required here not me I'm just to do with with audacity and some common sense but their delayed arrival down range suggests they were taken 78 to about 95 feet further back in crooks position that would be consistent with somebody being on one of those other roofs just behind him you know just in case just in case of of you know mission failure I guess I don't know so my conclusions for today they're look there are at least two distinctly different weapons being fired at least two the first three shots further away than the weapons that fired the next five to seven shots because they're muffled the sonic cracks tell us that everything was fired in trumps and the audience's direction uh... means they weren't taken out crooks with these shots this means the loan shooter theory is a hundred percent false yeah and I can't be the only guy who's done this analysis and how is it possible that we even had CNN saying oh you know experts tell us a release to weapons probably three three with that last final sniper shot maybe four so this time I'm hearing four different guns like forget about two shooters we're talking about three shooters taking aim at the president of the United States and then the sniper is a completely different gun that takes out crooks I'm not hearing of anything I have not heard any news that the sniper's fired more than one shot at crooks I have not heard that more than one sniper fired at crooks they took one shot they took them out with a bullet to the head and so like there's three different guns in that group of eight shots tells us this was a full on operation these are the questions that need to be asked I fear for my safety and everybody else the safety for them out with this stuff because we want to know they don't like loose ends in these stories but man they boloxed this operation up really badly whoever was in charge of it probably already floating in a river I don't know what's going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up it was sloppy it was it left all kinds of traces and signatures and it's very clear that they should have never held that rally in that location everybody I've talked to who's professionally trained and I'm going to get somebody on the program here to talk about this you would never do it the way that was set up you had the lines of sight were all wrong you wear too many open places that the perimeter was too tight like everybody they had two sniper teams only 40 yards apart no you put them really far apart the perimeter was way too and to oh yeah anything we were in charge of up to 100 yards you know that that 140 yard building that was the local police there was a gym that was 400 yards away normal perimeter is four to 500 yards okay for an operation like this so everything stinks to high heaven we already know that but it's bizarre to me that we're able to determine here with our Comcast connection that there were at least two weapons and that's just confirming something that's already out there in the public space this needs to be talked about share this is widely as you can I decided to put all this out public today there's no further analysis today for my peak prosperity subscribers so this is it just I had to put this all out there and hey happy birthday John I love you brother and I miss you with that thanks very much we'll see you next time share this please get it out there I am genuinely like uncomfortable with what we just saw like I I'm sorry I would normally think it in bad taste for me to spend 32 minutes watching someone else's video on the show but I was completely captivated by that I think that that's completely indisputable I'm I'm deeply troubled by what we just saw libertarian since another $14.33 cents 28 minutes ago I think discussions of cracks and thumps is disingenuous without knowing location and quality of the mics I think the SS killed him with one shot at the end and I think that that's accurate that's what that's there's not a dispute about one shot at the end this infected on Odyssey says so many variables in an outdoor situation okay that's there the second weapon may have been a crooks as Trump's mic did not pick up any sonic crack of the round going past him oh at crooks okay Trump's mic almost certainly set up for voice recording not an audio nerd but I assume it would not necessarily pick up loud sonic boom but it I think the point that he's making is that for some shots it did right and so like if it picks up the shot if it picks it up I mean if the bullet doesn't go near the microphone that would explain why you don't hear a sonic boom I have to think about I I didn't watch this before I brought it to I'm reacting to this in real time and I'm really troubled by it but I don't know anybody wants to chime in on this we're gonna end the show for now but I would love to talk to you about it Wednesday or Friday Wednesday on the member show Friday on radical agenda uncensored when I don't have to feel so bad about saying the f word over and over and over again while we're talking about this because I'm really bothered by it and I'm gonna call tonight but we'll talk more soon oh