Okay, very good. Alright, we're ready to go. Let's play some intro music at the show and the road only four minutes later. Alright, welcome to surreal politics. There's 69th episode of stage one for July 29th, 2024 being a current, yeah. It's a Monday as usual 9.30 PM US Eastern. So if you're listening on some of the platform at some of the time and about your join us live shows, we broadcast to Odyssey and Rumble and the surreal politics broadcasting network on get me radio, get me radio app and several other audio live audio stream apps. And if you do, then you can give us a call to 176881433 and a more your total as I have to so please do give us a call. I titled the episode today, unforgiven. I'm going to start with a piece over here. This is actually from the Washington Post, which is a bunch of garbage usually and it might just be till still today. What we'll see about this one eight times it might not be healthier, might be healthier, not to forgive, I should say. There's a forgiveness industry of books, coaches, TED talks and services promoting radical exoneration from every angle, yet after a decade researching the concept of forgiving for a book on the topic I found that pardoning people too quickly can often be harmful and self destructive. That's especially true when it comes to trauma. Let's turn that mic down a little bit coming a little hot. Sorry. This is by Susan Shapiro over at the Washington Post. People who don't forgive are sometimes portrayed as cold hard hard hard hearted or inflexible, but that's pathologizing the person harmed versus the offender who causes the damage said Ramani Durs, Derva Sula, Derva Sula, a psychologist in Los Angeles and author of the book. It's not you identifying and healing from narcissistic people, but sometimes it's more authentic and empowering to move on without forgiving. To be sure holding a grudge over small slides can be self defeating and unhealthy, but there are cases where turning the other cheek might be the wrong move. The following is a list of situations in which it's better not to forgive and forget. For one, if prejudice is involved Emilio Mesa, a San Francisco events planner told me he was horrified by a homophobic story as mother relayed. He moved away waiting years to come out to her only reconnecting after she accepted him fully. Both of them made healthy decisions when experts said, you'll quote you never have to put yourself in a place where you're unfairly persecuted for who you are as his psychiatrist, Carlos, Syvedra, in fact, sell protection and keeping the right boundaries are essential to your well being and now you know why I think the Washington Post is a piece of garbage. Now, I think that the premise of this piece is kind of interesting. It has the potential to be something very good because of course some people don't deserve to be forgiven. If you just run around and everybody who does your wrong gets a pass, well, then you know, you're going to have really bad relationships matter. But of course the Washington Post must begin with some kind of liberal nonsense and like, well, the number one reason you shouldn't forgive someone is because if they have opinions that you don't like. Imagine your mother once told a homophobic joke and didn't even know that you were gay and then years later you came out you're like, mom, I've been blowing strangers on Grindr. That woman really deserves to not be forgiven. You wouldn't want to have a relationship with your mother if she has political opinions that you disagree with would you. So says the Washington Post and a stupid broad name Susan Shapiro. Oh, I get it. I understand now. Number two, when you aren't ready after Kate Walter was dumped by her girlfriend of 26 years. Of course we just get right into the lesbianism. Number two, Walter didn't feel like she was a gay. She felt like her ex deserved forgiveness. She said the woman had reneged and long term promises and refused to apologize while Walter might decide to give her some day. The Manhattan teacher suited her soul through yoga meditation, new age retreats joining a different church and publishing a memoir about her. There you go. Don't forgive your girlfriend because you know, so what if you were like, you know, some lesbian lovers for 26 years. You didn't feel that she deserved forgiveness and you know, she didn't keep her promises or whatever. And what you really got to do there is just write a book about it and you know, going a new age retreat. Number three, when sorry is insufficient, that is potential. Despite treaties and formal statements, most victims of mass persecution, don't forgive their oppressors. Oh, there we go. There we go. Emanuel Mandelli Holocaust survivor living in Maryland noted to me that the Nazis who had slaughtered his relatives weren't the ones who apologized for killing 6 million Jews. The reparations Germany offered, however, greatly helped Mandell's family and he learned to thrive out of spite. So there you go. You know, if your religion is based on a fictitious genocide from 100 and something years ago, well, then you know, and not 100. It's not quite that far back. But you know, whatever the story is who cares is fake. In that case, you shouldn't forgive those people who aren't alive and didn't do it. You just keep on hating them and organize all of your political activity around that fiction. Number four, if there's no regrets or repairs at 12, that's right. 12 years old. We're going to start at this one right here. 12 years old. Keenan Trebenis Trebensevic. Keenan Trebensevic was exiled in 1933 during the Balkan war. He remained enraged that it ended in a stalemate. Bipublicly rallying against the injustices he witnessed against Bosnia and Muslims, Trebensevic, a physical therapist at Columbia University Hospital found peace as a spokesman for his people. Oh, that's ethnocentrism. If you were white, we wouldn't tolerate that at the Washington Post. Something good came out of his anger while promoting the book We Co-Rote during his row, recounting his traumatic war experiences. He met Sarajevo Borne-Merella, now his wife and mother of his son who has dual citizenship by facing down his past. He found his future. Number five, when conditions aren't met after the drunk driver who killed Gary Weinstein's wife and two sons was jailed, Weinstein asked the court to take away the man's driver's license forever. The Michigan jeweler, Mr. Weinstein, the jeweler, that's right. The Michigan jeweler waited until a judge agreed before he publicly forgave the driver. In her book, A Good Apology, Boston psychologist Molly Howes says effective apologizing must acknowledge the offense, explain what happened, express remorse and offer reparations, and you can ask for or demands, specific comfort, compensations or hold off until they're satisfied. Weinstein asked the court to take away the man's driver's license forever and he waited until a judge agreed before he publicly forgave the driver. Isn't that nice of him? To get what he wants from a court and then to go out and brag that he had forgiven him. See, I'm just like you, Christian. I forgive people once I've made sure their lives are completely destroyed. Then I go out and I pretend that I'm a forgiving nice person who doesn't hold a grudge. Number six, if safety is compromised, that's right. Whenever safety is compromised, you don't want to forgive anyone ever. That's why all the people who are destroying this country can't be forgiven ever. That's not what they said in the Washington Post. Let's find out what they have to say. When Sheree's Tracy was 16 years old, her father raped her. They're Baptist counselor. She said, coerced her to forgive him and keep their family together. Her father then tried to do it again. Tracey stopped him, but he was not punished. He has since died. In her forties, Tracy posthumously unforgave him, which she found liberated. Yeah. Now that you're dead, I think screw you guy who tried to you rate me once. You tried to rent me again. And I forgave you because you took me to a church and told me that I had to do that. But now that I'm reading the Washington Post in my forties, I figure I'll just unforgive you. That's going to make me feel pretty good. It's going to get me into the paper pop because that's what I aspire to do is to be acknowledged by left wing journalists. Quote the pressure to forgive can lead some people to feel guilty or prematurely forgive. Dervisula said, we should not feel an obligation to forgive someone who has hijacked our souls and made it impossible to find peace. Dervisula keeps her, keeps several people in her life at distance. I don't forgive them because what they did changed my view of myself. She said, I spent years crawling out from under that rubble. I still struggle with self doubt. My trust is diminished. They took away my safety in the world. How do you forgive that? That's how I feel about the Democrat party as a matter of fact. You know what? I can't leave my house. I can't turn on my television. I can't sit in front of the computer and pull up a web browser without feeling threatened by the Democrats. Every single day, I think left us are going to ruin my country and my life and people in hospital. I can't even harm the people I care about. And so, you know, they took away my safety in the world. How can I forgive that? I can't as a matter of fact. Seven, when forgiving couldn't change and danger others, well, as we just said, right? Former TC police sergeant at Quilino, gone out, almost killed was almost killed in the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Of course, the Washington Post had to invoke January 6 as a means by which to tell you that forgiveness is not always a key, right? You're just a store owner, right? And somebody, you're a California store owner and a guy came into your store and stole $950 worth of stuff every single day because it's a misdemeanor to do that there. You got to forgive that guy, you understand? Because he's just a junkie stealing your property and this is the Washington Post who were a bunch of communists, you see? But if you happen to visit the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and some cops slipped on a banana peel and said he almost died, well, then, you know, you don't deserve to be forgiven. Because of the injuries he sustained, Gonelle had to leave his job, but he continues to testify against January 6th defendants. Instead of forgiving, Gonelle says he fears further attacks if those charged in the attack or released too soon. Side note, Gonelle and I were co-authors of his memoir American Shield, the immigrant sergeant who defended democracy. Oh, well, that explains it right there. He's an invader enforcing our laws and now he's car riding books with left wing Shapiro Biotch at the Washington Post about how you how you have to not forgive the January 6th defendants. You know, those race rioters who are murdering cops and setting buildings on fire and looting maceys for reparations, as I said, those people, they don't even need to be forgiven because they did nothing wrong. You need to be forgiven if you have sinful enough to think that they did. 8. Before you have all the information. Quote something you don't know might shed light on happens said Vastal Thakar, a psychiatrist in Connecticut, he shared an example. A commuter was enraged when a woman in an SUV stopped abruptly to get something in the back seat, almost causing an accident. He didn't know the driver's infant was choking. Following her parents divorced the only contact that a Texas student named Jackie Roberts had with her alcoholic mother was family calls. Her father would answer the phone and put her mother on speaker as she was drunk her father hung up. At first Roberts believed her mom had deserted their family with no remorse, but then her mom sent a Facebook message asking if they could speak. Quote I never got a chance to say I'm sorry, she told her daughter. My drinking got out of hand. I wish things could have been different. I love you. You can always call me. Quote I haven't seen her in 10 years, but we're talking the phone now, Robert said. When I call if she slurs her words, I say I can't talk to you when you're drinking a call you tomorrow, mom. And I do. It was a big deal for her to take responsibility and try to step up. It was healing my heart. Her apology opened the window. I totally forgave her. It's kind of crazy. How much apology can do? Well, I, you know what, I should apologize for subjecting you to that. And, you know, I'll probably be punished because I doubt half of the listeners stayed through that entire piece of garbage. Two on seven, six, eight, eight, one, four, three, three. If you'd like to be on the program, the more you talk to less, I have to. So please do give us a call. That's what I get for reading from the Washington Post. I really. I should be punished. I will be punished for that. I'm certain. Let's see what else we got here, ladies and gentlemen. What else do we have at the top of our radar here? America's new political war, pitch young men against young women. And that is sort of like the story of our day, I would say. I would say that this is one of the most obvious things in our society and it's a conspicuous and dangerous. And why am I looking at this in this format? This is absolutely terrible. Hang on a second. That is absolutely incorrect. Let's try this. I'm going to go into a incognito tab. Now you've got to be kidding me. So I had this piece. I see. Get article from paywall. I have this piece of the Wall Street Journal here. And normally you go to the Wall Street Journal. And you go to archive. is and this will get you the article without the paywall. Now I used to be a subscriber to the Wall Street Journal. And I canceled because they are a company of the same pair of companies Fox News Channel. And the facts news fire took a Carlson. So it's like the hell with you. I'm not paying this company anymore. You you you you're you're interfering with the coming coming election in a manner. I don't agree with. And you're basically a bunch of low reputation foreign policy, D. O. Connex, who really don't deserve the oxygen that we share sadly. And then they were like, Hey, look, we'll give it to you for two dollars a month. Please come back. And I was like, well, for two dollars a month, yeah, so fine. Whatever, two dollars. I'll give you two dollars. And then one day my credit card gets billed. My debit card is aware. 40 bucks, 39.90 something. And I says, Hey, wait a second. I didn't sign up to pay you 40 dollars a month to read your website. Okay. You'd be lucky to get me to pay 40 dollars a month for you to deliver a newspaper in my house every day. So no, I'm not paying you 40 dollars a month to read your blogs. Stupid. Okay. Get the hell out of here. But they were like, no, you made an agreement. And once you did the two dollars thing was over then we believe for the thing. I'm like, yeah, well, you know, enjoy your extra $37. We're done. I'm not doing it anymore. Goodbye. And so I canceled the Wall Street Journal. Now normally you go put it into the archive site and it brings it right up. But we are not in that position today. And so now I looked up a thing to say how to get past it. And then I clicked on it. And then it wasn't there. So I might have to skip that story. No, come on. You know, stupid things. No, no. We're just 12 foot liner. Get up download. Now it's going to be too much for me to do during the damn thing. Oh, come on. All right. We're done. I can't be able to read the piece. I'm sorry. Um, I was reposed as it from GitHub. Unzip the file and Chrome. I'm able to develop road. All right. Well, sorry. Can't do it. Can't do it. Or can I wait? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I got a live show to do. I can't go and try to figure out this technical challenge. I'm sorry. That really pisses me off. Like you wouldn't believe. I'm sorry. Um, so you know, speaking of people who don't deserve to be forgiven. Come on Harris. You'll be unsurprised to know plans to expand the program that began on the job by administration, the child gender transition agenda. If she's elected. That's not going to happen. Now, you know, she might become the president of states because our elections are fake. But she's definitely not going to receive more votes than Donald Trump. That's obvious. A gender ideology activist expect vice president Kamala Harris to expand on the Biden administration's child gender transition agenda. If elected in November. This is a brick and thighs over to Washington examiner. After President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race on Sunday, gay and transgender activists groups and outlets quickly endorsed Harris for president because, you know, there are a bunch of partisan hacks who work for the Democrats. Many of the groups touted Harris's past as a prosecutor in San Francisco, one of the nation's foremost gay cities. A Harris administration would not only uphold, but also expand upon the projections for transgender Americans established by the Biden administration advocates for trans equality, said in a statement endorsing Harris for president. Her leadership promises to fortify and enhance the efforts to address it and meet the needs of transgender people ensuring continued progress in our nation's history of civil rights. Yeah. Continued progress in our nation's history of civil rights. When we just turn around and we say, hey, you degenerate. Why don't you just go into the ladies room with that girl down and show you penis because you have civil rights. The human rights campaign, the nation's largest and most powerful agent of the rainbow mafia. They say powerful gay lobby. I should, I should point out over the Washington Examiner. They don't say rainbow mafia, but they should. Also through their support behind Harris saying that she would be a trusted activist for their priorities in office. That's right. She's going to be an activist for the for the advocates over. I'm sorry for the for the human rights campaign. HRC. That's what it is. You know, it's not Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's the human rights campaign. And if you believe that, then, you know, I got a bridge to sell you. The White House has been a top national advocate for irreversible gender transition procedures and drugs for children in the country despite the fact that there was little evidence, the interventions work and a growing amount of evidence that they are actually harmful. The intersection on the issue of reproductive care and trans care and the ability of families to be able to have care for their children and families is really again an intersection around attacks that are on an identity. Harris told the advocate in 2023, speaking about the significant overlap between gender transitions and abortion. That's right. So, you know, you might want to have an abortion. And if you don't have an abortion, then you might want to sterilize your own kid with a gender transition procedure to make sure that your family doesn't continue into the future because you're white and you don't deserve to live. Don't you understand that? That's why we're electing Kamala Harris for president to get rid of you. Earlier this month, the White House came under fire from transgender activists after a spokesperson told the 19th that the administration opposes gender transition surgeries for children. Quote, we continue to fight state and national bans on gender affirming care, which represents a continuum of care and respect the role of parents, families and doctors, not politicians in these decisions. Gender affirming surgeries are typically reserved for adults and we believe they should be White House domestic policy council director near attendance said at first after backlash from the HRC that not Hillary Rodham Clinton. That's the human rights campaign. There are different things if you are stupid. The Biden administration backpedaled and clarified that it did. Tell you that one more again after the backlash from the HRC demanding affirmation of gender transitions for children, the Biden administration backpedaled and clarified that it did support gender transition for children. In fact, support the invasive surgeries for children. Tandent issued a statement saying the administration would fight laws, barring the surgeries for children, reiterating that governments should not be in the position to block them if parents and doctors agreed as the correct course of action despite the dirt, the medical evidence and of course, you know, they should not be able to intervene if parents and doctors believe that it is the correct course. But you know, if some fanatic believes that it's a correct course and that fanatic happens to be in a favored position and the parents are like, get your sit hands away from my child or I will kill you. Well, that's a hate crime, don't you understand? So the parents have to go to prison. At which point, you know, they would be custody of the state and then you just go and you just go ahead and cut their penis off because because that's democracy in action. The White House and Harris typically post a supportive message on social media for transitions on transgender day of visibility. Because you see they're not trying to blend in transgender as you understand. That's the whole point visibility they want to be seen. That's why they take their dicks out in public. I mean, their penises. This is surreal politics. Sorry for the D. On that day in 2022, Harris, her husband, husband, Douglas M. Hoff and female identifying pilot biological male admiral, L. H. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health of the department of health and human services. Welcome children claiming transgender identity to the White House and vow to support medical trans interventions. A deeply impactful to speak to some amazing kids at the White House gender affirming care is the medical standard that allows these kids to be themselves and live a normal life for Levine posted to social media to all trans kids. We see and support you. We have your back. Your parents don't. That's why we're going to take you away from them. They didn't say the whole thing. I'm just a, you know, inserting the confession for them. That same year, the Biden administration's proclamation for the day, the White House posted a message from Biden, Harris and their spouses saying in part efforts to criminalize supportive medical care for transgender kids to ban transgender children from playing sports into outlaw discussing LGBT Q. They don't insert to pee over here in the statement, but we all know that the peace stands for pedophile includes is supposed to be included in that acronym. People in schools undermine their humanity and corrode our nation's values. That's right. When you keep the pedophile side of school, you, you, you erode the nation's values. So it goes so says the Biden administration. Harris has been criticized in the past for denying a gender transition for a biological male inmate in a California prison when she was attorney general of that state saying at the time inmate Michael, Norseworthy has been receiving hormone therapy for her gender dysphoria since 2000 and continues to receive hormone therapy in other forms of treatment. There's no evidence that Norseworthy is in serious immediate physical or emotional danger. You know, I'm fairly confident that whoever's in a California prison is probably in some serious, you know, emotional danger, okay, possibly physical, but almost certainly if you're spending some time in prison. There's some emotional damages going to get done and that's kind of the whole point you want to make people very unhappy when they commit crimes and that's a disincentive right you say, hey, guess what, if you don't obey the law, we're going to make you extremely unhappy. And that's the whole point. But if you find yourself in prison and you say that you're in some kind of immediate emotion of getting here, well, we'll go ahead cut your penis off. No problems. It's not in 2024 as it were. It's not like back then when Kamala Harris was attorney general of the state of California. This is postmodern. However, when pressed on the issue during the 2019 presidential primary, Harris apologized saying I was as you are rightly pointing out the attorney general of California for two terms and I had a host of clients that I was obligated to defend and represent and I couldn't fire my clients and there are unfortunately situations that occurred where my clients took positions that were contrary to my beliefs. That's right. So she was attorney general of California and she said, hey, I got an idea. You're criminal and you're been receiving hormone treatment. So all you're in prison and we're just what we'll keep on doing that, but we're not going to cut off your penis. You know, because that's because you're asking for it. If you had an ask for it, then maybe we would we do it as punishment, perhaps if you were like breeding white children or something like, but if you are just a criminal, then we're not going to cut off your penis. Okay. And she she now says that that was against her values because her clients made her do it. Okay. Well, that's good. I wonder who clients are now they're telling you direct the country. Well, attorney general Harris also refused to enforce proposition eight, a ballot initiative that outlawed gay marriage that passed with over 52% of the vote. Yeah. So, you know, what she does is she, she helps out criminals and she breaks the law. That's what the attorney general does when you're a Democrat. They don't like democracy per se, especially that, you know, the kind that you know, any sort that doesn't favor them, of course, you. But, you know, when you get the people of California who are bunch of left-wing fanatics crazy enough to elect people like him on Harris. And then they're like, hey, look, do you think that they should be gay marriage and more than half the state is like you're out of your minds. No, that's not what marriage is shut up. Stop asking stupid questions and lower taxes. Of course that measure passes. They're like, no, I don't what do I care about gay marriage shut up in the best case scenario. I'm indifferent to this in the best case scenario. There's gay people who are like, I'm not gonna get married. You crazy. I spent all my days on grinder. What are you talking about? Those are the people most sympathetic to this position and all of them voted against voted against gay marriage. They voted for the proposition to ban it. And then come on Harris was like, look, I'm attorney general of the of California. And I think that this particular law, we're just, we're just not gonna enforce that law anymore. So just go ahead and do what the people have voted that you can't do. Because where about your criminals and that's kind of the whole entire point of the enterprise. 2176881433, like to be on the program. And the more you talk less I have to, so please to give us a call to speak of which. Come on Harris. Her like her whole entire thing is just complete corruption. Right. It's not just identity politics. That would be bad enough because I mean, that's why she became vice president essentially. She the only thing that she accomplished in the 2020 primary was to call Joe Biden a racist on a debate stage. She dropped out before the aisle caucus and she got not a single vote. And they were like, you know what, we'll make you vice president anyway because we're a bunch of fanatics and we think that you basically are the, you're the best evidence that affirmative action doesn't work. You're not even black, but you used to be black. You used to be Indian and now you're black because you want to be president. And your female. And so we're gonna make a black female the vice president of the United States. And we did that. We couldn't possibly go ahead and find something competent. Right. Because that would suggest that there was merit involved in this decision. We have to make Kamala Harris the vice president of the United States. Specifically because she's incompetent and so that we can say yes, it's entirely about identity. There's no way that you could mistake this for competency. And so they did that they made her the vice president of the United States and then they were going to run again with her still being the vice president. And then everybody found out that they had been covering up Joe Biden's mental deficiencies. And so they were like, wow, what are we gonna do with this $96 million and they were like, we'll give it to Kamala Harris. So Kamala Harris is a fanatic. She's a she's a adversity hire. She's an affirmative action poster child for against it. And her entire career is completely corrupt and it big and largely with a guy named a Willie Brown and the story over here at the federalist by Mark Hemingway. It tells us a little bit about why the why the media won't tell you political corruption to find Kamala Harris is a fair with Willie Brown. Let's just check on her chats real quick before I get to that. Say hello to you guys. Not much going on. Okay. Tom says a lot of these transgender's are total victims. For example, they can't pee after the surgery. The urethra contracts and the bladder can't empty very painful. It's insane as we all know. That's right. You know, we once had a we once had a story on here about you know, a lot of the people who they cut their penis off. It's actually the problem part of the problems that their penis wasn't so big to begin with. And you know, you can make sense of that right because you've got a big ol penis. You want to want to damage it. But when they do the surgery, would they turn the penis inside out of whatever and then you like, well, you know, how am I going to take a big ol big ol penis if I got a little hole. Right. And so what they actually did in some cases, they take some skin from the scrotum. I'm sorry for this is a little gross, but you know, I'm going to try to use, you know, the best language that I can under the circumstances. So they take a, you know, scrotum skin and they make that, you know, that hole a little bit longer so that, you know, there's a little bit more room. And when they do that, sometimes you know, the hair, the hair follicles from the scrotum skin, they don't, they're not gone. They don't die. And so you get hair balls in your science vagina is what actually ends up happening. And that's, you know, it's pretty gross. And it's not quite as bad as that you can't pee because if you can't pee, boy, you got some problems. I'll tell you what, you know, you ever, you ever try to, you ever try to stay in bed so too long, you know. And you're like, I got to get up to pee. You're like, I can't. And you're like, no, I'm tired. I want to stay in bed. And you're like, no, I'm definitely going to have to get out of bed because being is mandatory as a matter of fact. And so like, you know, that's pretty bad. That's why we don't want to mutilate our genitals seriously. That's among the reasons. I mean, there's a lot of reasons for that actually. But anyway, come on Harris is a dangerous criminal. And because she's dangerous criminals, she has sex with people in order to get away with crimes or whatever. And so come on Harris hasn't been the presumptive Democrat nominee for even a week. And already the press is desperately trying to insist perfectly valid criticisms of her are illegitimate because that's what the press does. It's why they're there. If you think a media were complicit in attempting and failing to hide Joe Biden's seniority, the attempt to retcon her political career into something that resembles respectable and competent is even more brazen. Quote, she was never the bar to Zarr. She was never considered the most liberal senator. She was never a DEI higher. She doesn't owe her political career to her powerful boyfriend. Oh, but she was. She was. She was. And she does. As a matter of fact, the dishonesty surrounding all these issues is worth highlighting. But let's focus on that last point involving Harris's relationship with California's powerful political boss, Willie Brown from no other reason than the New York Times has provided a terrific example of how the lies are coming in hot. The Times on politics newsletter Wednesday, think of it as a political talking points for affluent wine moms, aka the Democrats base was dedicated to combating the quote sexist and racist rumors that have followed Harris for years. And the quote facts behind several conspiracy theories and misleading claims about her. Harris that have spread widely and recent days. Nearly the whole thing is an orgyastic recitation of error nonsense starting with the fact that the time is quoting disgrace disinformation expert Nina J. Oh, Nina J. What you guys remember her right. Scary poppins the disinformation lady, huh? That's great. So you know, she's a she's a very credible source of information that lady. You know, I like that Nina J. What's broad. She's very talented. You guys ever see when she does she does the songs. Nina J. J. What's come on. Come on. You're going to try to hide it from me. Aren't you hang on a second. I got to pull this up now. They were just saying Nina J. It's not a J. E. That's my problem. Okay. Nina J. Wicks. She's she's not very smart, but you know, she could she could she could hold the tone. You know. Come on, just I just want the I just want the song, not all of another nonsense. Give me the song. Give me the song. Give me the song. Let's see if this this comes up. This is or well, and this is a ministry of truth. And the person they've appointed is a Democrat propagandist. She pushed the Russian collusion with the Trump campaign hoax. She pushed the hoax that the laptop was some form of Russian information campaign. White House have been forced to defend its decision created this information governance board to combat this information online from Sky News. The board, which is under the purview of the Department of Homeland Security will be headed up by Nina J. Wicks. Oh, come on. I just want to song just give me the Mary Poppins thing. Sorry. Hang on a second. Hang on. We're going to get that damn song. I'm going to do it if it kills me. What's the Mary Poppins song? Come on. Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins. Poppins. Give me it. Give it to me. There we go. It's kind of like when you go you know what you know disinformation laundering is really really good. I understand. Look, I get it. I'm a media guy myself. You want to keep them hooked but shut your stupid mouth because I'm doing a live broadcast. Okay. Nearly the whole thing is an orgyastic recitation of errant nonsense starting with the fact that times is quoting disgrace disinformation expert Nina J. Wicks to make the case that Harris was the victim of a disproportionate amount of online attacks. Why would the New York time I mean I understand yeah fine okay. Why would the New York because there are a bunch of scumbags your criminals who don't care about the truth. You know what why do we insult our readers a little bit will bring this Mary Poppins for that again here and have a lie to them blatantly. You know you know they were like when they told when George Clooney wrote the op-ed in the New York Times. San a Joe Biden had to step down. He's like look we all got blinded. You know we just we overlooked everything. And I said that I was like look you know this is what criminals do right the criminals start off saying I didn't do it. And then when they they can't then that lie won't hold anymore than they say it was an accident and so the press does that. Yeah no you guys are a bunch of crazy people criticizing the president of the States okay the president of the States never does anything wrong. This is not this one anyway you know the other one yeah all the time yeah he's a Russian stooge. But not this one okay so shut up conspiracy theorists and then like oh wait a second everybody saw him be a complete fool on the stage and everybody knows that we're lying down like we were it was an accident we didn't really mean to lie to you we were just we were just caught up in our ideology you see. We weren't intentionally deceiving you we were just blinded by our ideas we'll try to do better in the future. And here here's the future now and there are quoting Nina Jankowicks to say that you know any criticism of Kamala Harris means that you're racist. Harris's case that Harris is the victim I'm sorry Harris's competitor in the presidential race was shot in the head less than two weeks ago and unsurprisingly there's been a dirt of media hand ringing about the rhetorical climate that may have enabled an actual assassination attempt. That's because in honest discussion about hateful rhetoric would involve asking the basic questions such as why does the New York Times win a Pulitzer prize for stories based on the false premise that Donald Trump stole an election by treasonously concluding with Russia. A bad eye digress again the real low light of the Times article is its discussion of Kamala Harris's relationship with Willie Brown one of my favorite things fact checkers do is introduce a proposition as false and then try to confirm that falsity by displeasure. And the falsity by desperately spitting a bunch of inconvenient facts that confirmed the proposition is actually true the entire section on Harris and Willie Brown is a textbook example quoting from the New York Times. These sexist insuant insinuations in part sorry these sexist insinuations pointed part to her brief relationship in the 1990s with Willie Brown who was the 60 who was 60 years old in the speaker of the California assembly when Harris was 29 and rising in the Bay Area legal scene. He appointed Harris to two well paid state board positions and introduced her to his political connections when she was campaigning to be San Francisco's district attorney in 2003 her opponents repeatedly commented on her link to Brown references that she told the New York Times in 2019 were frustrating and designed to degrade frankly the conversation about why we needed new DA. During the 2003 race was she won she told San Francisco weekly that there was nothing improper about benefiting from her ties to Brown although she described the relationship is an albatross hanging around my neck. She said she brought a level of life knowledge and common sense to the board roles adding that whether you agree or disagree with the system I did the work. She said that she had no doubt that I am independent of him and that I do not owe him a thing that's right I gave him I gave him the P word I gave him you know something called OPP you know but it's her PPP you know. Just so we're clear the New York Times is confirming Harris did in fact have a relationship with Willie Brown who was 31 years older than her and for what it's worth still married at the time. Harris herself admits her career benefited significantly from said relationship other Democrats shared the perception that she did not earn her positions and Harris a lawyer who initially failed the bar exam can only say that she brought a level of life knowledge and common sense. Rather than actual qualifications to the jobs Brown appointed her to but it's a sexist in situation to insist that these facts are rather unflattering to Kamala. And this is just what the New York Times is admitting in actuality the details are far worse than the times is letting on Peter Schweitzer investigative journalist who has worked with the New York Times in the past details quite a bit on the corrupt nature of the Harris Brown relationship in his book. Profiles in corruption which has been out for four and a half years and the facts as he lays them out are damning I listen to the audiobook version that while I was in preach out of the tension in Stratford County. And it's like I mean like this is before the 2020 election happened okay. And Peter Schweitzer wrote this book it's got the whole thing about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden it's got the whole thing about Kamala Harris it's got all this stuff. Everybody knew it's not a secret the guy wrote a book about it everybody has access to this information and nobody disputed it. But you're not going to hear about that the New York Times you're not going to hear about the Washington Post and for that matter you're not going to hear much about it on Fox News. A brown who repeatedly was investigated by the FBI for corruption was far more involved in Harris's career as sent than appointing her to two board positions. He was a kingmaker in California and he was heavily involved in helping Harris get elected as San Francisco district attorney brown didn't do this entirely out of the goodness of his heart Harris was working for the previous district attorney Terrence how and and quit when she got passed over for the number two position in the DA's office. How and and found himself as the subject of criticism from other city officials but other suggested the controversy was manufactured quote this whole thing is about Kamala Harris. So it's close to Brown told San Francisco Chronicle. Cross one of Willie's friends and there will be hell to pay eventually Harris ran for DA with Brown's powerful backing a former Brown aid manager campaign and Brown played a key role in her fundraising which was incredibly successful after starting the race pulling a distant third she won the election. Once in office Harris then dropped or pled out corruption charges against friends of Willie Brown that how and and had been pursuing there were a number of Brown's friends let off the hook but most notably this included a sweetheart deal for notorious city contractor. Conti fraudding the city by using inferior recycle concrete as in in using inferior recycle concrete insensitive projects such as parking garages and the Bay Bridge this compromise the structural integrity of those projects and endangered lives but Harris dropped all the fraud charges and accepted a guilty plea on a single count involving an environmental violation stretch is she might let the Bay Bridge collapse but. At least she she did a part to fight climate change was in general and that's really all about is if you're a Democrat. Harris's office had no explanation for why it dropped the concrete case reported the Chronicle a better explanation is that the contractor in question was generous with campaign donations and had previously been popped for making illegal 2000 donation 2000 dollars donation to you guessed it Willie Brown. Anyway there's a lot more alarming reporting in swatz's book that is worth revisiting and it's not a stretch to say the Kamala Harris has engaged in outright corruption her career. Suffice it to say when the New York Times take Kamala Harris at her word that her relationship with Willie Brown was not in proper very racing the functional difference between lying and profound ignorance and when she's credulously quoted saying I do not owe him a thing it's journalistic malpractice to believe her. To say that Kamala Harris had an affair with man more than twice a rage leverages fundraising prowess and connections to launch her political career and once in office did his group bidding to isn't sexist it's well grounded in fact. But facts aren't something the New York Times is much interested in Kamala Harris's late entry into the presidential race means they don't have much time to use what's left of their institutional cloud to try to dishonestly sway a presidential race. All they got to do is just not talk about you see all they got to do is be like yeah your race a shut up shut up this is it's 2024 don't you understand time for a black female president. And we wouldn't want a competent black female president because that would defeat the purpose if there was any merit to this at all it wouldn't be identity politics we need a complete corrupt adult like Kamala Harris to get us into war with the Russian federation and get you white people off this damn planet once a rule. Excuse me. Come on give me a damn thing come on. As I was saying two 176881433 like to be on the program and I'm all you told the less I have to so please give us call me find a queen clip clean clip real quick. I play what am I God. I got to do this again I got I got a I got a straight miss a clip stuff out I got all these clips and most of them are not suited for the show. I really I don't have one doing not a short one okay. I'm at wait hang on a second I'll do this I can do this I can do this I can do this give me a second ladies and gentlemen I'm going to play a clip and I'll come back I'll do another story we'll call tonight if you want to get on the phones 2176881433. Uh running out of time to do that if you care to join us are going to want to go ahead get that done okay. Um let's see here. Third party politics this is from the surreal politics members yeah we can do this one and do that. Yeah this guy's been screaming and JP NJP that's the strategy and then he's out right was is he going to go start another political party he's he going to endorse the party that just kicked him out is he going to continue attacking Republicans and say vote for Joe Biden right. How many political party should we start fellas right I mean this can get this can get silly really fast that I knew this from you know dealing with the libertarians right. A two party political system has its flaws say you know but it forces serious political actors to negotiate that's something that it's not ideologically rewarding to you know ideologues but you know there's been a lot more stability in the United States and there has been in other parts of the world say you know and you could make the case that you know the two party system is larger responsible for that like it does not it does not lend it's so. Dogmatic ideological mysticism like you have to go and you just have to negotiate with people because you only have these two vehicles for political and social change and to in order to participate in either one of those you have to negotiate with the people who are already there and then you have to think about what you know the general public wants and temper your ideological excesses as you attempt to win the public over to yourself. If you're like an ideolog then that's very unattractive right you're like no like I want to go and just completely reorder society according to my whims you know but as a matter of fact like the general public doesn't want that like even if your ideas are good like the general public does not want you to completely reorder society even if you would reorder it better even if you could convince them that your complete dramatic reorganization of civilization would benefit them that change alone would be unappealing so like when people are off at the party and they're like you know fringe ideological circles and they're like okay well you know we're going to do something other than other than the two party system what they're actually saying is we're going to do something other than politics and it's fine you can do that. But like watch what happens every single time it's it's a perfectly predictable circumstance that you know those people are going to have more interpersonal spats than then the regular political parties do because that's all there is to it there's not a higher purpose to be obtained right like if you're in the Republican party and you're trying to win the presidency of the United States you can temper your ego and your ideological excesses because you because you have no other choice and that's how you work towards obtaining that that grander prize which is your party in control of the government if you have no intention of being in control of the government what is there there's money there's ego you know maybe there's no way to get out of the maybe there's sex like there's no higher thing to be obtained than your own personal grandisement and so you're going to have you know more of these things than you do in in the two party system and of course we see this is not to say the two party system is free of scandal right it's it's all over the place but that's all you have in third party politics it's the only thing that you have is your own personal grandisement so obviously you're going to see these things now is everybody who has this problem are they going to go start and political party well they might as well like why not you know you're going to have the Eric striker political party the Mikey not political party the the spend political party like everybody start your own political party you know we'll just have them you know you just you start a political party like you start an LLC you get a you know you just have your own sub stack your sub stack is your political party fundamentally right you know whatever it is that's that's what third party politics is at the end of the day. All right welcome back to the guy's screaming and JP and JP the strategy and then come on you just play a clip and just let me go on with my day come on why does everything have to have something else everything's got to be everybody's got to give you a little more you know always it's always a little more a little bit more okay so yeah now I've got my headset my properly adjusted and that ought to go pretty well I'm thinking two on seven six eight one four three three and this is your last chance to get on the phone I go read one more story and we'll call it a night um so uh Biden Harris you see they like that democracy stuff they like it when they win you see him and then they like look we're about to lose and democracy is not going to be in our interest because then we're going to go to prison when everybody says that nobody's above the law you see okay and so they're looking at the Supreme Court and they're saying well we're definitely going to lose the election and then we're going to need to go to a Supreme Court that lets us out of prison because that's definitely where we belong and we don't want to we don't want the right thing to happen because we're criminals and so they're like okay we're going to have to we're going to have to we're going to have to straighten out that Supreme Court thing that whole Supreme Court thing you know it's got to be packed with our guys you understand so president Biden and vice president Kamala Harris are calling on congress to impose term limits in a code of conduct on the Supreme Court while also drafting limits on presidential immunity a White House official said this is a story at Fox News and so what they're doing you understand how this works is that you know there's a constitution of the United States and the constitution of the United States it says that the justices of the Supreme Court actually shall serve during good behavior which is to say forever because they are the arbitrage of their own conduct and unless they decide that their conduct is not good behavior then they shall be there until they are dead kind of like what happened with Ruth Bader Ginsburg right she was stupid you know I shouldn't say stupid she's very intelligent and she was malicious you see and then so she was like oh you know I think I want Hillary Clinton to appoint my replacement she had the good sense not to trust Barack Obama I guess you know that woman was not dumb in fact not the Hillary Clinton would have been great you know president or anything but you don't want to have Barack Obama appoint her replacement she was like I'm going to stick out a little bit until that Clinton broad wins and then she died and I was like I just I you know I didn't it wasn't like a celebratory dance in a grave laugh it was just sort of it was just sort of a chuckle I was in jail the time I had not much to be happy about but that really kind of put a little little smile on my face and you know and just a little like under the breath when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died and so they stay there until they're dead and then Donald Trump replaces them because he's making America great again Biden will discuss the proposed report so wait wait I'm thinking what I'm getting out here is that the Constitution the United States says this and then and then the Biden administration they go to Congress and they're like hey Congress can you override the Constitution and then the members of Congress who liked Joe Biden they're like yeah sure we don't like the Constitution at all screw it we'll do it every what and then other people like well actually that's illegal and they're like yeah I know but we make the laws like none of this like laws that are higher than you know there isn't no no no now the president of the United States wants something okay and this is a kingdom don't you understand all right shut up with your democracy Biden will discuss the proposed reforms during remarks on Monday at the LBG president LBJ you know LGBT is you know all this Biden stuff I get it mixed up with Lyndon Baines Johnson presidential library in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act the official said Biden also addressed his desire for the Supreme Court to for a Supreme Court reform in an op-ed published Monday morning quote I served as a US senator for 36 years including as chairman and ranking member of the judiciary committee I have overseen more Supreme Court nominations as a senator vice president and president than anyone living today Biden said in the op-ed published by the Washington Post oh that's right the Washington Post we were over there to beginning of the show and were reminded why everything in the Washington Post is absolute trash I have a great deal of respect for institutions and separation of powers by the line they're not saying that here I they're just quoting from him and I'm adlibbing what is happening now it's not normal and it undermines the public's confidence in the court's decisions including those impacting personal freedoms we now stand in a breach Biden wrote uh... by the four of the eliminate any immunity a former president joys for crimes committed well in office i'm pretty sure that wouldn't actually happen right because Biden's gonna go to prison if that happens because Biden's criminal he's gonna get us into war with the Russian Federation so that i'm trying to find the consumer crack and bang hoars okay I don't know what the statute is but i'm a certainty legal and so you're gonna have to get the electric charge of item harris who is running for president endorsed the push quote today there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the supreme court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long standing precedent she said regarding the supreme court by the wants to impose a term limit of eighteen years for justices once fully adopted it would allow presidents to appoint new justices at a cadence of once every two years wait a second uh... if the term limit is eighteen years and the president gets to appoint new justices every two years oh it's perpetual expansion of the court i understand now and here's the safe bet for the democrats and this actually is why term limits generally are a bad idea anybody who tells you that term limits are gonna improve your situation is stupid they're bad people who are trying to destroy you it's because there's actually like you know it's a numbers game okay let's say this if you like you know some people uh... there's been some talk in recent months about you know male female relations is hoping to read one today but the wall street journals a bunch of uh a bunch of uh... banksters or something and so uh... but you know if you are a guy who just runs around hitting on every girl you see you're trying to get them into bed you're gonna get turned down often right a lot of girls to be like no you're you're sleazy get away but if you do that multiple times a day every day you're gonna get laid more than everybody else you might get rejected more than everybody else but you'll also get laid more often right if you have decent people elected to office that's an exceedingly rare thing right because most people who are elected to office are scum as a matter of fact and if you have a good person elected to office you would probably want to keep that person in office but the bad people would not want that at all they would want him out of office as fast as possible as a matter of fact and so you know what you do is you get the good people out of offices rapidly as you can and there's like a nine out of ten chance that whoever replaces them will be an absolute monster and then you won't have a situation ever arise in which all there's a number of you know there's a high number of good people in the legislature say at the same time if you have you know one good person gets elected and people like wow he's great we should keep him and then people from like a neighboring district are like wait a second like we could actually like elective people like this is kind of where maybe we should try it maybe we should stop electing the most persuasive liars who promise us the most free stuff maybe we should not go and vote for the people who promise to destroy people based on some frivolous excuse that they need to go buy weapons from rathion because if people start to see something like that happen if they were like yeah it might actually change things you know that would really upset the apple cart right that would really upset a lot of people a lot of people making a lot of money off things the way they are they can have that happen you understand pretty sad actually so they get to term them so like okay look we're gonna point a new justice every two years and every 18 years or you know if there's one of you is any good we're just gonna get ready you and every two years will put a complete piece of garbage in there and worst case scenario accidentally some decent guy gets in there you know less than 20 years he's gone whatever who cares Biden argued the new supreme court code of conduct should require justices to quote disclose gifts refrain from public political activity and recuse themselves from cases in which they were their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest and this would universally it necessarily I should say affect only those uh... few decent people who accidentally got on to the court because the other ones just like no what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about I have no conflict of interest I'm the best person on this court okay do you understand I've never told lie I'm like that he caught me with a cherry tree and I was like I planted it cannot tell a lie planted a tree pop president Biden and vice president Harris look forward to working with congress and empowering the American people to prevent the abuse of presidential power restore fades in the supreme court and strengthen the godrails of democracy the white house official said uh... the op-ed represents by his first major policy push since formally announcing is withdrawal from the twenty twenty four presidential race early this month now you might recall you know they were talking about like court reform you know any lead up to the twenty twenty election and by the way like no you know you know we just all my people they're talking about it but you know I'm not that I don't want to want you to think I'm going to do that and then when he was in office and he's planning on trying to get reelected he's like that you know we're like to the court reform thing okay come on we don't want to scare these cattle okay if they start rustling around it's gonna be hard to get them back in the cages whatever so just come down I gotta be president of the United States for another four years and as soon as they get reelected again and these suckers can't stop me I'll rip the whole thing apart okay we'll just tear it up on television I'll hold a press conference take that constitution piss on it set it on fire not necessarily that order whatever works I wouldn't want to set on fire and piss on ever putting out the fire whatever we'll figure out a way to destroy the constitution like a brace in hysterical fashion that everybody has to watch okay and anybody who gets upset about it will charge him with treason and they won't be forgiven because you know that in danger's others don't you understand we learned that in the Washington post today and so now he's like well I don't have to get elected so like whatever let's just destroy the you know let's just rip the whole thing apart what are we doing not a fact you know you know with this you know I like being in charge of the military whatever but Donald Trump's about to get elected why don't we make the military answerable unto itself why don't we just say that there's the new council you know it's like the general and the you know and the and the and the CEO of Raytheon or whatever we get those grumman guys over there you know maybe you know what we you know what we're just we're just go ahead and hand it all thing over to Zilisky if you're crane we want to want that Donald Trump fanatic ending our wars okay so we're just gonna have to switch it around congress go ahead okay just go ahead side just pass the law I'll sign it and then we'll we'll take a quarter part and so they get over us and then once we do that then you know then Joe Biden doesn't have to go to prison come all Harris doesn't have to go to prison everything would be fine just put will just put president Trump in prison because you know he's president okay and you know if you're president United States like you you probably do all right in prison like people send your commissary and stuff you know they probably keep him solitary you won't have to worry about getting into too many fights but you know that maybe that maybe you got a salmator whatever maybe hang yourself whatever you know sometimes prison sucks sometimes people do that Jeffrey Epstein you know for example you know he killed himself I'm kidding he didn't he didn't kill himself and so ladies and gentlemen it's been great talking to you it'd be great if you talk to me some time give a call to 1768 1433 when we're on the air because we're not gonna be for much longer I'm gonna say good night you could pay me if you saw fit to do that that'd be a great idea then then I could continue to entertain you in the competence and talent and fashion which I do and there's lots of information on how to do that at srypolteaks.com slash donate Christopher can't weld that net slash donate I got that cash app thing I love that you know what I like about the cash app it's cash like I just spend it it's great cash app edgy Chris it's like the cash dot app slash edgy Chris or like you got your cash tag in its dollar sign edgy Chris it works really great it's like fast they don't charge anything for it and you know if you want to get charged for your transfers you can use Bitcoin like Bitcoin fees they go up and down a little bit I take the Bitcoin I got all the all the all the keys are on the donate pages I got strike pay you had strike payments nobody uses that one it's unfortunate because they're gonna ban us from everything pretty soon you know stripe uh owns I'm not stripe square owns uh cash app block is the name of the company now and so eventually they're gonna take away my cash app just like they took away my um paypal and my stripe they're gonna take it all away so maybe you just get that thing that strike payments thing you could start and you just you get it figured out into the semi-sum money and I'll spend it it's good I know how to spend the money it's pretty good I'm pretty good at it and I'll buy things that you know help us do the show and I'll pay my bills I don't starve enough to be a good idea and uh then I got the you know there's that uh gift send go those nice Christian folks who are stupid enough to use stripe for their payment process or put one of them got shut down but one of them still up and the one that's still up is gift send go dot com slash spm like surreal politics media because you know the one helping Chris catwell after he gets out of prison they were like no you don't know how to help Chris catwell Chris catwell's a criminal he said mean things about the people who run the banks and so we can't allow him to have dollars okay and so but I still got that one I still got it a spm gives him go to come slash spm so go over there pay me uh you pay me handsomely or modestly like or generously or you know I said whatever every little bit counts and we'll see you real soon probably Wednesday Wednesday we do that member shows you're a member right if not you should be surrealpoliteats.com so enjoy usually cost ten bucks a month but I like you I like you friends just use code agenda 33 for the promo code to check out you get 33% off your first three months at six thousand seventy cents if you can't add this track it's division actually so we'll see you soon curse it up a storm on Friday as well you can watch that even if you don't pay me but to preloaders but you should pay is it make you it's good for your soul to pay for things okay so