All right, fantastic ladies and gentlemen. And so we, as I mentioned just in text posts right before the show, I'm sorry we're getting started about 16 minutes late, trying to fix a problem with the phones and I wasn't able to do so sadly. Right before the show, always something right before the show has to be about to begin the broadcast. I'm like, okay, what's wrong with the audio device at a phone system? I replace that device and it's still not working. And so I'm just gonna have to figure that out another time when we don't have a live show to do. And so that's the live, that's the live over here. So why don't I go ahead start that local recording? And with the local recording having begun. That's it, it's over then we organize the death squads for the people who wrecked America. You know what you call people you can't call people? Enemies, if we want to divide our society into arms, camps, for the enmity, all we have to do is keep doing what we're doing. Elradical edge of the event was turned into an opportunity to collapse, to push a racial radical agenda, implemented the radical agenda is the only thing they feel. They're bad at it. But they want to be against this ramp, the radical agenda. Oh, what's they doing? He's a people that want to see. So that's the wrong music for this show. I'm very sorry about that. That's the music for the radical agenda. There might be like F bombs in there, I forget. Let's play this real politics audio, I don't win. Feels like a radical agenda night over here in the studio, I'll tell you. Might just have to rebrand for the evening, drop some F bombs, you know. All right, welcome to some real politics. The 71st episode of Stage One for August 19th already. It's August 19th already. We're like three four study way through the year already. Time flies, man. I'll tell you I'm not talking about having fun either. It just flies. It just goes. The studio is coming back together a bit by bit. I just said right before we started the broadcast, the phones are down tonight. There was a problem with the phone system that was not there the last time that I sat down at this desk and then there was a problem. And then I tried to fix it and it took me 15 minutes. I said, I got a live show to do. We got to get on the air. So I'm not going to be able to talk to you tonight, but that's fine because you weren't going to call anyway. Where are you? So it's okay. We can do without the phones for a night. We've done so before. I titled the episode today, series drinking problem and not because I still have one. But because there's an article today that Trump is talking about, Kamala Harris happened to sink, series drinking problem, which, why would that explain a lot? I mean, if we were to find out that Kamala Harris was not just a complete incompetent fool in her natural state, the problem was actually that she was just drunk all the time. That would spell good things for her politics as a matter of fact, right? Like if you just churn around and be like, Hey, Kamala, why don't you put the booze down? You stupid hooker. What's wrong with you? And then she was like, you know what? That's right. I'm president of the United States. I got to be sober for a little while. She could easily increase her performance by 20% if that's the case. That's great news as a matter of fact. I mean, be greater news if everybody was like, you're drunk and I'm not voting for you. And then Donald Trump became president and kicked out all the illegal immigrants. That'd be great. But you know, second best to that, like Kamala Harris gets 20% better because she stops drinking, you know, or more. You know, there's no upper limit to the damage you could do drinking. Believe me, I know something about the subject. And so, you know, maybe she's just been trying to keep up with Joe Biden and cognitive decline. You think maybe like she's like, yeah, Joe's completely losing it. It looks like a good time. I think I'm going to wash my liver out, drink myself the death in the White House, just so I can join Joe Biden on his way out of the duel. But that's not what happened, of course, not what happened. She became the Democratic Party's nominee for President of the United States. I haven't been watching the convention tonight. I've had other things going on tonight. I believe that Joe Biden was supposed to give Kamala's introduction was supposed to speak on Kamala Harris's behalf tonight and he was skipping her speech. He wasn't even going to, he wasn't even going to stick around to see what she had to say. And so these people hate each other and it's pretty funny to watch because, you know, I don't have the clip handy. I probably should have pulled it out. But I saw a clip not so long ago. She says it from time to time about how much they love each other. Like they're just such great friends, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, right? And as a matter of fact, you're not a single person on earth who knows anything about anything who believes the word of that, right? She's like, yeah, Joe Biden, I was, we're just so great friends. You know, it's like, does a matter of fact, like you tried to imply that he was a racist on a debate stage? Because you're a monster, as a matter of fact. I'm not saying that, you know, you know, you shouldn't keep praise like that upon Joe Biden. I guess there's more to the point. But she was trying to take him down. She's like, yeah, well, there was a little girl who is bus to school. And it's all because of you old white man that I had to take a bus to school. And then she was like, oh, wait a second. That's right. They wanted us to go on the bus. No, I'm just kidding. That's not exactly how it went down, but you get the idea. And so, you know, Kamala Harris is supposedly on her way to the White House. If you believe these idiots, I don't buy it for a second. I don't buy for one second that like anybody in America is like, you know what, I'm old gung ho about Kamala Harris. You see these things that come out these polls, it says she has five points ahead or whatever. And I'm like, no, you're completely, no, this is not, you're not even trying to make it plausible anymore, right? You've actually gotten to the point where you, you're completely disconnected from the people you're ripping off. You know, if you go like, you know, you try to imagine going and committing some, you know, theft by trick, you know, you're going to go out and try to defraud somebody. Now, generally you got to like have some idea with their frame of references. You can't lie to somebody if you don't speak their language, right? And that's like the point that we've gotten to with like our, our media and our political class that they're like, yeah, yeah, Kamala Harris, you guys love her. And everybody's like, no, no, as a matter of fact, I don't know anybody who loves Kamala Harris, Joe Biden hates Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris hates Joe Biden. The Democratic Party doesn't like anybody. They don't like themselves. They don't like each other. They're unified only by their hatred of us. They're unified by their hatred of white heterosexual males and Christians and stuff. They have no use for one another. They all, they, they are all actually 100% certain that each other are scum. That's what, that's what binds them as a matter of fact. They don't have a high opinion of one another. They're not, they're not of this mindset that we're the good guys. It's like, um, they've seen a movie casino. And, uh, you know, Joe Pesch's character, Nikki, he's trying to explain. You know, it's like a narrative thing. It's not, he's not explaining to somebody in the dialogue of the movie. But he's saying, like, you know, if you have somebody helping you steal, he's gonna steal for himself, right? He's gonna take a little off the side. Like, that's the way theft works. And you just got to accept that. And he's like, but the boss is back home. They don't, they don't understand. They say, who's stealing from us? You know, what's the point of stealing people? We're gonna steal from us. We're gonna go whack people or whatever. That's the way the Democrat party looks at everything, right? The Democrat party is a bunch of crooks. They're an organized crime organization. And they are like, okay, we're going to these white people terrified of being called races. So obviously we use fear as a weapon because we're the bad guys. We, we weaponize their, their own moral sentiment against them. And we do the most racially hostile things that we could seefably do. And then we demand that they apologize for their racially insensitive behavior in order to steal from them and to use violence against them and to rape their women. And then the Biden family, they go and they steal $27 million. And everybody's like, yeah, well, that's, that's how it works, right? Like, you guys are pretty good at this. Maybe we should like get in on the racket with you. And so I'll go to that story first. Apparently, there's a house, there's an impeachment committee in the United States House of Representing. And they, they say that the Biden family, cumulatively, make $27 million from foreign business after boosts from Joe Biden, according to this impeachment report that they put together. The Republican-led House unveiled findings from its year-long impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden on Monday, concluding that the president's family and business associates raked in more than $27 million through foreign business deals in recent years. In a 291-page report, a trio of House committees found that Biden committed impeachable offenses, including abusive power by mingling his son Hunters and brother James's foreign business partners while he was vice president. The House oversight ways in means committee and judiciary committee, which have led the inquiry, said that after more than two dozen interviews, six hearings, and a review of millions of pages of documents, they found that the Biden family participated in a quote, global influence peddling racket, with Biden's quote, full knowledge and cooperation. The report is largely a compilation of details the committees have released periodically over the past year in an attempt to translate to the public the elaborate web Biden family's business ventures, primarily involving Hunter Biden and Ukrainian Chinese and Romanian entities. It serves as the most thorough account yet of the financial transaction transactions that add up to the $27 million figure that House oversight committee chairman James Comer has mentioned in recent months. The committees stopped short of recommending to the House, which Republicans uh, control by an arrow margin, to move forward with a vote to impeach Joe Biden, however, instead they said their impeachment inquiry would continue in that the decision to move forward with a vote must not be made lightly. As such, this report endeavors to present the evidence gathered to date so that all members of the House may assess the extent of the president extent of president Biden's corruption. The committee's role. The long anticipated report comes one month after Biden dropped his bid for reelection resulting in some of it, uh, some of its most critical details losing their lost as the president's political relevance fades. In perhaps their most damning act utilization, the committee's highlighted Hunter Biden's position on the board of Ukrainian energy company barisma beginning in 2014 when Joe Biden was vice president and oversaw US foreign policy. Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine have long been a source of controversy. There's no controversy there as a matter of fact. It was outright corruption. It's just plain to see like, oh, you're a crackhead. You never accomplished anything. You're running around knocking up strippers and smoking crack and getting kicked out of the military. I got an idea. Why don't you come to this foreign country and get wealthy running an energy company so that when we get into a war with our superior foe, you can enter your treasury and military stockpiles here before you send your troops here to die. There's no controversy here. Everybody knows what happened. There's nobody. There's nobody who took a look at this for two seconds. Doesn't know what's going on. The idea that we're still debating whether or not there's anything, there's anything good going on in Ukraine or that we're doing anything good by intervening in that conflict. It's completely and absolutely utterly preposterous. Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine have long been a source of controversy. Back at show that the first son made $1 million per year as a board member, but his salary was cut two months after his father left the vice presidency, of course. What are you there for? Are you there to run the energy company? No, you're there because you're you're the bagman. The committees have developed a significant body of evidence to suggest the Biden family used Joe Biden's position as vice president to produce a positive outcome for Burisma. The committee said noting Burisma was, quote, implicated at a year's long corruption investigation at that time. They alleged that Joe Biden leveraged a $1 million loan from the United States to Ukraine to force prosecutor Victor Shokin's firing because, according to the committee's, Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption. His firing would directly benefit Hunter Biden, the committee said. State Department officials who were involved with the US anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine have said that forcing Shokin out was a lengthy, multi-stakeholder process in that it was implausible for Joe Biden to make such a move unilaterally, especially for the benefit of a single company. The committee's detailed how Joe Biden also sought to boost Hunter Biden's reputation with Burisma, including by attending a dinner with his son, Hunter Biden's business partner, Devon Archer and Burisma's corporate secretary at Cafe Milano in Washington, DC in the year 2015. In an email, the corporate secretary thanked Hunter Biden for the opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. After Biden gave a speech in 2015 that was favorable to Burisma, Hunter Biden told Archer of the speech, quote, you should send to the corporate secretary, make it look like we are adding value, make it look like we're adding value, it's hilarious. Hey guys, let's make these, let's make these suckers think that we're not ripping them off by sending them a speech by my father in which they're honorably mentioned. I don't know, I would say that probably is adding a lot of value, better fact, as a matter of fact, so say Hunter Biden's getting a million dollars a year and then Burisma gets a positive mention by the president of the United States. Let me ask you this, fellas, so you know, he's going to be vice president for four years or whatever, let's just say, you know, over the course of four years, Hunter Biden's salary could be four million dollars from that position. If I, you know, if I could pay four million dollars and then have nothing after that, just, you know, if I could pay everything I have to present in the United States to make an honorable mention of my work, I would do that. Yeah, yeah, I'll make that money back for sure. That's almost four million bucks, right? Especially if you're like an energy company and you're going to get more out of that, we're like, yeah, well, you know, if anybody tries to invade our country, could you like kill all them? Maybe you could threaten them with nuclear warfare. We'll do that for four million bucks, right? If you could pay four million dollars and then you'll have some corrupt, inept, full protect you with nuclear weapons, I don't know, that probably, yeah, I know, as a matter of fact, I do know that's, that's economically sensible, right? That's a wise investment as a matter of fact. The problem is, you know, for the people who are doing the nuclear protecting, it's not of every good investment. And that's why it's cult theft. That's why it's cult corruption. And that's why they have to go to prison. Forget about impeachment, right? What they're telling you about so far is not stuff that Joe Biden did while President of the United States is a matter of fact, right? And everybody got bent out of shape myself included when they, they impeached Trump after he was at office like, why are you even doing this? Like you're just, you just people can't, you just can't let anything go. Can you? You just have to get your pound of flesh. Well, first things first, okay, well, those are the rules now, okay? But more to the point, impeachment is not sufficient. Impeachment is actually not the proper legal mechanism. We just went through this in the Supreme Court. Trump has immunity for the things he does as president of the United States. Therefore, the things that Trump did when he was not president of the United States, not covered by presidential immunity. And therefore, impeachment is not the legal process by which you put Donald Trump in prison. You have to make up a bunch of nonsense all over the country and drag him through regular courtrooms to do that. And if he did these things, not acting as the president of the United States, then he has no immunity. And if he wasn't president of the United States, when he did them, then he wasn't acting as president of the United States. And there you go. That's how you send Donald Trump to prison. And they're going to do that, as a matter of fact. And that's exactly what you do with Joe Biden. So Joe Biden's going to get out of office pretty soon, assuming they don't kill him, there's not, there's not 100% certain that they'll let him live, obviously. If Joe Biden's about to go to prison, they know 100% certainty that Joe Biden will rat people out to stay at a prison, right? Yeah, I'm not going to prison, of course, no. You guys can all go to prison. Yeah, I'm not going to do it. As a matter of fact, I'll rat you out, Hillary Clinton to save my crack at son. I'll do that. What do you think? And then Joe Biden killed himself, just like that. The remark epitomized the committee's broader allegation that Hunter Biden, a recovering drug addict, who is grappling with crack cocaine and alcohol abuse during his most profitable years, did not do much for his business partners besides provide a connection to his powerful father. Not one of these transactions would have occurred. But for Joe Biden's official position in the United States government, the committee's wrote this pattern of conduct and short his family who provided no legitimate services lived a lavish lifestyle. Hunter Biden's attorney has argued he was capable. He was a capable businessman with a Yale law degree and experience in the Navy whose work abroad was above board. Biden for his part has repeatedly denied abusing his political power to enrich his family. However, his denials have evolved as evidence of his communications with his son and his son's business partners has come to light during the impeachment inquiry. The president went from saying he never discussed business with his family members in 2019 to saying he was not in business with his son in 2023. You remember that one? Mr. Biden, well, how many times have you discussed your son's foreign business dealings with him? I have never discussed my son's or anyone else's business dealings ever. So really, you're the president of the United States or you're aiming to be the president of the United States and you've never had a conversation about business ever with anyone. Well, it's fascinating. No wonder you're an economic idiot. Maybe that's why you think that you could just pay people to sit on their ass and that's going to work out well for them in the country because you've never had a conversation about business with anyone ever. Well, now we know it's not true because he's been discussing business with his son because his son's business is selling his father pretty straightforward as a Pimp in a prostitute. Though Washington Examiner reached out to the White House and oversight committee Democrats for comment on the report and of course they did not respond back to the to the Washington Examiner. And so no surprise there if you've been if you've not been under a rock since the since the 2020 election, you're you're aware of these things by now. I don't know that I had that exact dollar amount in my head. Now I can just say, yeah, it's still $27 million. Go, what are you crazy? He's still $27 million. He can't be the president of the United States. It's a done deal. I would have read the phone number off except that we don't have phone sign because the phone's a broken. But at the phone number when we do have phones, it's 217-688-1433 if you'd like to be on the program and the more you're told the less I have to usually. Let's see and the chats are chats are more or less silent and so and so in keeping with the phones. Let's see here. I mentioned Joe Biden was delivering his it was he's delivering his farewell speech tonight. That's how they're framing it. And uh he will then leave the DNC convention in Chicago and skip Kamala's acceptance speech. So Joe Biden's like, hey, all you little girls out there, I'm coming down there to sniff your hair. But first I gotta tell you that I'm leaving the White House. I'm done with politics. I'm calling tonight. Screw you guys. I've made $27 million. I'm rich. Be onch. You know. And then he's just going to get right on out of there. Okay. He's not going to stick around. He's not going to see, you know, Kamala Harris give her acceptance speech because it's going to be awful. And he knows that he's watched her fire like a dozen speech writers and each one worse than the prior one. Right. That's what happens in DEI. You see what I'm saying? I've talked about this before that you can't have merit. The merit is actually hostile to the idea. It's not you merit cannot coincide with the identity politics because that would spoil the fun. It would it would change the entire thing. If Kamala Harris were to hire good speech writers, then you know, and they happen to be black. Well, first of all, they can't do that for a number of reasons. But if they did hire competent speech writers and they were black or whatever, then that would completely defeat the purpose of hiring people because they're black, right? If people were allowed to confuse merit with identity, well, then they'd be setting a bad example. They have to hire incompetent people. And so when you rule out the possibility of hiring the best, then you hire people on the basis of their ethnic identity and they're ethnic identity being one that's not particularly known for its genius. And then you fire them one after the other and you treat your employees like crap as a matter of fact, things don't improve. Right. Kamala Harris treats her employees like garbage. She's the epitome of the Democrat hypocrisy when it comes to like workers rights, right? Like everything else, every other identity group that they go after, they're like, yeah, we're the representatives of these people. We're the representatives of working people. We're the representatives of women. We're the representatives of blacks. We're the representatives of gays. And in every single instance, they're actually destroying the people whom they claim to represent. That's the racket if they told the truth that it would completely defeat the purpose of the enterprise, right? And workers are the ones that they screw up in the worst office. Like, yeah, we're all in court with the unions guys. We love unions so much. And that's why everyone with a job votes for us. Now, we're going to raise your taxes and take more of those wages, but don't worry about it. We're going to take more of that money from your employer. So it's cool. And so Joe Biden's not going to stick around for all this. He's like, I've been watching this garbage for 80 years. Okay. I know every line in the book. I repeated them ad nauseam. You know, Joe Biden's probably mad as hell that he got criticized for his debate to performance, right? He's like, do you think that any Democrat would have come up here and said anything different? I said corporate greed. Like, I have a dozen times. Shut up. I win. That's the way he played this game. Joe Biden will deliver a farewell speech on Monday at the DNC convention after he was tossed from the ticket in a secret coup last month. This comes on the same day that Republicans finally released their report and Joe Biden detailing his many impeachable offenses. Nothing will happen with the report. It was only released on Monday for appearances. This is by Jim Hoth over at the Gateway Pundit. Joe Biden and Dr. Jill are then expected to leave Chicago and return to Washington, DC. The independent online reported on Joe's Monday speech. Quote, US president Joe Biden will give a bitter sweet farewell address at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Monday, passing the torch to Kamala Harris at the party's nominee for November's election. Less than a month after his stunning withdrawal and Harris is astonishing ascent. Biden can expect the heroes send off from the many of the same people who help him, it helped push him out due to concerns about his age. It wasn't his age actually. It was a matter of he couldn't stand up straight or finish a sentence. That was actually kind of more the problem. If a guy can't finish a sentence, if a guy can't hold a thought and it's had, you can't have him be in charge of the nuclear weapons. The fact that we're allowing this to go on for another four, you know, what is it until January is completely insane, but you know, here we are. The 81 year olds is expected to say that Harris, America's first female black and South Asian vice president is the best person to finish the job. He started a protecting America's democracy from Republican rival Donald Trump. That's right. She's the best person to do it. She's going to reflect back at you idiots exactly what you are. She's going to tell you, yes, you're all becoming a bunch of mixed racial identity fools who care more about your genitals than about your competence. And that's what you're going to make of your country because democracy. Harris is set to briefly appear with her boss on stage for his prime time speech in a symbolic moment designed to show unity among Democrats over his succession. One hang over from his time in office, however, is a huge plan protest in Chicago against the Biden Harris administration's support for Israel's war against Somas and Gaza. And then the coup will be complete. The continues Jim Hof here finishing the quote tonight should be it. The anti-American radicals are organizing in the streets of Chicago. And there's another video here. Let's see. All right. That's not much of a video. They said free free free Palestine. I want to see some Molotov cocktails. You know, you know, when they come after us, they're like, yeah, you know, what are they? You know, no borders, no walls, no USA at all. When they come after us, they're like, no, Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA. And then they assault people and they set things on fire, right? They come with their Molotov cocktails and their pepper spray and they're AK-47s and AR-15s. They come around with baseball bats and clubs and they beat the life out of people. They get people killed. They get people sent to prison for the rest of their lives. And then they go out to protest the state of Israel and say free free P powerstein. That's interesting, right? You got a bunch of bullies who love violence, you know, who love to just run around picking on people. And then, you know, you get them going after these people who are patrangers, these like helpless innocent victims and these bullies, they don't really, they don't really bully them that much, do they? Interesting. Let's see. What else do we got here? Tim Walts, this idiot who is there to compliment the idiocy of Kamala Harris and the presidency of the United States, which they're not actually going to do it. This is, you know, they're going to lose his thing idea. But he praised Chinese communism. He's like, yeah, it's like, it's a, you know, communism, you know, you just look right at it. You're like, yeah, man, we just abolished private property. And then like, everybody has what they need. It's great. We're going to do that here. China's doing it great over there. We should be more like China. And there's things worth emulating about. China, like China understands that like, there's a dominant ethnic group there. And they consider their government in ethno state. And they're like, yeah, we're here for these people. And as a matter of fact, these people over here, we're going to genocide them. And then we're not going to worry about them anymore because they're going to be dead, you see? And so the Chinese are nothing if not efficient. You could say that about, you know, the Chinese model. It's efficient. It's so efficient that they're, they're racing to be us in, you know, GDP, you know, they every year, they're GDP to claw, they're GDP increase, I should say, is greater than that of the United States. And if you do that for enough years, well, then eventually you have a larger GDP than the United States. And if you do that long enough, then eventually you have a larger GDP per capita at which point the United States is basically dead. They'll just kill us. And they can do that because we don't have borders anymore, right? So they're basically just be like, look, we're going to legalize polygamy in China. And we'll just send all of our males to your country. Okay? And you can't do anything about it because we'll call you racist. And if we're, and if you're racist, then we can declare war against you. You understand? So we're going to send all of our males to your country. They're going to have sex with your women. And then all of your sons will be Chinese. And then that'll be fine. Right? Well, it's fine for us for now as long as they're on that side of it. We don't want any mixed race, you know, non-fully Chinese people over here will have Chinese people all over the world and we'll just consenting our males there to keep on making you more Chinese. So Chinese, they know what they're doing. But I don't know that Chinese communism is a system where everybody shares it. Everybody, I think that's really probably the way to help to classify what they're doing. And this is not something that he did because he was like prodded by some whack job on MSNBC or something. He did this as a high school teacher in the 1990s. Now, you know, today, guys, like, you know, you know, see you guys heard a little younger. You might not understand this. But communism actually used to be taboo. Okay. Like when I was growing up under Ronald Reagan, we're all afraid of the Ruskies, right? You're like, you do the bomb drill and you think like, oh, here's going to, yeah, there's going to be a nuclear bomb. And the Ruskies are going to nuclear annihilate us any day now, which is why you've got a ducking cover under your desk, right? So that when the nuclear weapon goes off in the backyard of the school, that's where they put them all the time. Whenever America is at war with anybody, the people they're at war with are always child killers. And that's not war propaganda when we say it's completely different. Everybody else, they're just lying. We're telling the truth. But so like, yeah, we were like terrified of communism, right? The whole country was like, yeah, you know, better dead than red. And we might just go ahead and get the chance to make that choice. Right? And so a lot of young guys, I don't think they really understand that. They're like, yeah, communism, capitalism, like, let's just pick one already, right? We just pick one and then once we pick one, then we could just stop with all the bullshit. I'm sorry, as Shana said, that on surreal politics, but you know, we're talking about communism and it makes me angry. Especially when high school teachers are teaching it to kids in the 90s, like that's insane. Story in the Washington free beacon, bunch of Neocons over there. As a high school teacher in the 1990s, Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate in Minnesota, Governor Tim Waltz appeared to extol life under Chinese communism, telling his students that is a system where everyone shares and gets free food and housing. It means that everyone is the same and everyone shares. Walt said during a lesson on China's communist system in November of 1991, the doctor and the construction worker make the same, the Chinese government and the place they work for provide housing and about 14 kilograms or 30 pounds of rice per month. They get food and housing. This is what the Democrat Party aspires to in America. You see that a doctor and the, what was it? In the construction worker, they make the same amount of money. Okay. Well, I'm not, this is not to downplay the value of construction workers. I was one. I might become one again, in fact. You know, I think that you actually cannot have civilization without construction workers. So, you know, see me on Labor Day. Let's celebrate or whatever. But you know, it'd be in the doctors a little bit of a different thing. Okay. You hammer some nails into some wood and you screw some screws in, right? You go and you hang some drywall. And if at any point in the course of this, you screw up, you replace a piece of wood or you replace a piece of drywall. And that's pretty straightforward. And your boss doesn't want you messing up the drywall all the time. So you better be competent at your job. But you're terribly unlikely to kill anyone in most construction jobs. And that's a very different thing from being a doctor as a matter of fact, because this takes so much higher. And so you actually have to be much more highly educated in order to call yourself a doctor. And because a doctor's schooling and a construction worker's schooling have different demands for both the student on a technical level and resources required in order to educate the person doing the job, you actually have to make sure that the doctor, the person undergoing doctor training is not born to be a construction worker with no offense again to the construction worker who's really important. And generally of good character, you know, that not everybody's born to be a doctor as a matter of fact. And a lot of people who can't be doctors can be really good construction workers and make a final big for their family and contribute it to society and yada yada yada. But the idea that they get the same salary is utterly preposterous and as a matter of fact, a guy who makes a bunch of money teaching kids actually knows that pretty well. He doesn't want to make the same money as his housekeeper, right? He doesn't, he doesn't want to be paid 30 pounds of rice a month. He tells you that as he aspires towards political power and he's like, I got an idea. How about instead of us actually regulating this economy in a way where your work is not intruded upon by foreigners? Let's just get you used to the idea that you're lucky to have 30 pounds of rice every month. You you stupid piece of garbage. We fed you. We gave you a hutch, okay? We gave you a TP and we gave you 30 pounds of rice, not ounces pounds. So you just eat your stupid rice and you shut your mouth. You go and you know, do what you're told to eat your rice or else. That's what he aspires to for America. And that's why Kamala Harris chose him to be the vice president so that if somebody tries to do this country a favor by doing to her what they attempted to do to Donald Trump, they'll end up with Tim Waltz president and then they'll have to do it all over again. Waltz's remarks were reported in a 1991 article in Nebraska's Alliance Times Herald that focused on his work in student exchange programs in China at the time Waltz was teaching social studies at an Nebraska high school. The unearthed comments could add to concerns about the Democratic vice presidential candidate's relationship with China, which he traveled extensively for decades and which he says doesn't see he doesn't see as an adversary. Well, that's good. Yeah. I've been over there hanging out. I've been chumming it up with those people to understand. I understand that they're about to defeat us as the world's most powerful economy. I understand that by legalizing polygamy and obeying our immigration laws, they could they could how they could breed us out of existence in our own country. I understand perfectly well that they have nuclear weapons and 1.4 billion people and can send an army here to destroy us, but I don't see them as an enemy because they give their people 30 pounds of rice every month and I was over there laughing it up with their elites of the process. Michael Sableck, a China expert and the author of countering China's great game, said Waltz's comments to the students were shockingly naive description of the Chinese communist party's role. I don't think there's anything naive about it. It's malicious. It's nefarious. It's a statement of intent. American students need to learn the horrific truths of communism and the horrorous, this dangerous ideology has wrought over the past centuries. That's Sableck. Governor Waltz should clarify his comments and share his impressions of communism in 2024. He did. He just joined the Kamao Harris ticket. He's endorsing it. Waltz's rosy description of communism in China is similar to his recent controversial remark that quote, one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. It also reflects his long standing ties to the country. The candidate quote always has been fascinated by communist China according to a profile about him published in Nebraska's Star Herald in 1994 as a child. He recalled seeing pictures of Mao Sei Deng, hung in public places and carried in parades. The paper reported. Waltz first traveled to China on a year long teaching fellowship in 1989. Months after the Chinese Communist Party slaughtered thousands of pro-democracy activists and student protesters in Tiananmen Square. Which is not such a bad idea if you think about it. Right? I know it sounds bad to say like, oh, you're slaughtering protesters. Don't do that. But I have this image in my head. You know, like the Democrats, they understand narrative better than the right wingers do generally speaking. And it seems to me that if Donald Trump were to become president of the United States and like what they did, I mentioned before, that they tried to impeach the bad troops out of office. Like you're not going to remove them from office. You're aiming at a succeed in the impeachment. So like this is just a show. You're just putting on a show trial literally and you're planning to lose at that. You just want to see how many votes you can record for the thing you're going to fail to do. Because it's all about the narrative. You just want to say he's a criminal, right? All that violence that went on leading up to and in the wake of the 2016 election, they said it over and over and over again. We can't allow anyone to normalize Donald Trump. That was what they said. Because Donald Trump is president. We have to make chaos and disorder so that nobody associates his presidency with normalcy. That was their whole thing. And so like, there's solutions to that problem and among them is killing the people who do it. Okay? And I'm not saying that anybody should do this extra judicially or whatever, like, you know, there needs to be a legal process by which you kill the people who are trying to overthrow your government, right? And that's just straightforward. And if the people who are trying to violently overthrow your government, if they happen to call themselves pro-democracy activists, that doesn't mean that they get to win by default because you're not allowed to shoot them. You see, okay? And so if Donald Trump would have become president and be like, okay, there's a diverse of element. There's a bunch of people who are trying to overthrow the government of the United States. And so that's actually every one of them who stated that intent has violated United States Code Title 18 Section 2385 advocating the violent overthrow of government. That's a federal felony punishable by 20 years in prison. We're going to go and we're going to get those people who are going to put them in prison for the entire 20 years and everybody who tries to help them is going away as a co-conspirator. Well, when you, if you would go ahead and you would do that, then very quickly there'd be like resistance and you say, okay, it's a militant uprising. We're just going to declare, you know, we're declaring a rebellion, okay? And we're going to go and we're going to treat this like a wartime thing. And so, you know, as a consequence of this violent terrorist movement forcing his hand, he goes and he kills the people who are calling themselves pro-democracy. activists and some thousands of them end up dead, okay? And then actually, after once they're dead, then they actually can't do anything anymore. You see? That's actually like a pretty good thing. That's the best part about killing people as a matter of fact is that then they stop what they're doing. And so, yeah, like, I don't think, you know, I don't think Mao Zedong was very good economist or whatever, but he understood power very well. He was like, yeah, power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Don't tell me all this other nonsense. I know exactly how to control people, okay? I was controlled by the Chinese government before. Now, I am the Chinese government and I control the people of China. They do what I tell them to do if they don't, I kill them, okay? And I've created ways of doing about it. I have creative ways of finding out if they disobey me, because I'm a clever guy. I'm sure you've got to be kind of creative about it, okay? But then imagine, imagine, imagine Donald Trump does that. And then he's like, okay, well, now that we got these people, because you know, a lot of them are teachers, right? A lot of them are teachers, a lot of them are people like Tim Wall to walk into classrooms that are subsidized by the United States government every day and teach their kids the communism's great. And so once we go and we kill those people because they were resisting arrest when they were part of a terrorist movement, well, then, you know, then we'll just get other people to teach the kids stuff. And you know, we'll get people to teach the kids things like Donald Trump is actually a god emperor, you know? Here's a picture of when Donald Trump was riding on the tank with this eight AR 15 with the American flag waving in the background. And like, we'll just tell them that was a real scene, right? We'll just tell them that that actually happened like 2016. It's actually a magical tank. And the magical tank came with the magical AR 15 and the bullets they find their targets even when they're hiding and stuff. You could tell them anything you want, right? And we know that we could tell them anything we want because they literally told these kids that they can decide if they want to change their gender and stuff like that, right? And they actually bought it. They bought it. Lots of them bought it. And now they're all being destroyed by that. And so like we could just teach them better fictions as a matter of fact. And so we'll make Donald Trump like a literal god emperor in the minds of the children. And then, you know, we'll have like, you know, parades where they carry around effigies of Donald Trump. Not like, I think effigies the thing you burn. I don't know if that's the right term, but, you know, you got a big Donald Trump statue in every, like the center of every major city mandatory by the federal government. It's made out of gold. It's got like, it's got a diamond watch. And there's a bunch of people who are listening to me say that and they're like, yeah, man, you've lost it. You had too much, you like that chump guy too much, man. You're talking about making a gold statue of them and putting a great diamond watch on it in the middle of every major city. You're out of your mind. And I'm like, no, it's a matter of fact. It's not, it's not even so much that I liked Donald Trump. It's, I want these people to be unhappy, you see, right? Like just make those people that's perfectly sufficient. That's perfectly sufficient is that they're miserable. Okay. And like, it's not, it's not my end goal or whatever, but like, you know, baby steps. You know, you want to have like a perfect society where, you know, people are getting married young and they're just, you know, they're popping out kids left and right. And everybody's got what they need and they, and I forget all about the F word, you know, you want to move toward that future. That's great. I'm on board with that. I'm not saying that having the left be unhappy is sufficient permanently. I'm just saying as an intermeasure, it's perfectly fine. If we just, if all he accomplishes is making these people so unhappy that they show everybody what miserable pieces of garbage they are. And I think that Donald Trump did that. One of the best things in the world was that during his presidency, right? Remember, the Democrats used to be the good guys, right? Like people believe that, like in large part. Even I sort of believe that, like as a Republican, I was like, yeah, well, you know, they're hearts in the right place. They're hearts in the right place. Got, you know, they've got some dumb ideas. They can't do math and stuff, but, you know, they're hearts in the right place. And then when you see them show their fangs, you realize, like, that's not the case at all. As a matter of fact, these people are monsters. They're the most vicious people in the country. And they're running around giving you a moral lecture about why you don't support cutting off a child's penis and putting pornography in a kindergarten. Now, we want to put pornography in the kindergarten so that the transgender kid will understand that he can cut his penis off. You're a monster for telling us no. As a matter of fact, no, child monster. You're not allowed to do that. I think that we'll just, you know, we'll take you out with the other pro-democracy protestors. We'll put you in the back door. What do you think? You know, because it has to go down like that. I mean, they could surrender. That's fine. Just let them spend the rest of their lives in prison. No big deal. Right? They sent me to prison. They're like, yeah, it's a good thing that we didn't have to resort to violence against Christopher K. Well, we just went and broke his door down and dragged him off for prison for a crime. You didn't commit. That's fine. Like, you know, we'll give you legal process. Right? We'll have, we'll make sure that the legislature approves of your killing, you know, and we'll get rid of you. Because those are the rules of the game now. You know, that's better than you gave Donald Trump when you tried to kill him when you tried to throw a bullet through his head. So let's go check on our chats real quick. See how everybody's doing. I've been trying to end these shows at 1030, but I did start a little late. So I got to get to the Kamala Harris as an alcoholic story. Maybe we'll do that and we'll wrap up. The audio on the Odyssey stream is out of sync tonight. Well, that's great. That's great. I'm really sorry about that. Theocn. I will fix that in post-production and I will upload a better synced copy. There's nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry. I didn't see that sooner. All right. Let's go get to the Kamala Harris as a drunkard story. That one sounds like a lot of fun. Well, first, let's see this. So I'm told that a Neil deGrasse Tyson, you know, he's the science guy, right? He's like, well, he's not Bill Nye as the science guy, but he's like the science D-Grow or whatever the, you know, whatever the slogan is, you know, he's the science, he's the black science guy. And he is going to tell us about what determines sex apparently. He's going to tell us that DNA has nothing to do with it, I guess. And, you know, why not? Why not? Why not? That sounds sensible, you know. The XXX-Watt ChronoSones are insufficient because when we wake up in the morning, we exaggerate whatever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice. I suppose no matter my ChronoSones today, I feel 80% female, 20% male. I'm going to, I'm going to put on makeup. I'm going to do the, tomorrow, I might feel 80% male. I'll remove the makeup and I'll wear a muscle shirt. Yeah, I don't think that that's actually how it works, but I don't think that when you put on makeup, that makes you feel more, that's not how that works actually. And so if you want to talk about some weird bifurcation between sex and gender, and go ahead, you know, spout that nonsense there on the air, and try to make it sound scientific. But instead, he's like, no, no, no, no, ChronoSones, no, they don't know anything to do with that. Putting on makeup is what makes you a woman, don't you know? Yeah, go tell that to every woman who doesn't want to put makeup on in the morning, you idiot. All right, it's the only way. But, you know, what do you expect a guy in black face doing, you know, politically incorrect. Why would he do something like that? And so back to Kamala Harris, she's a drunk apparently. I didn't know that. I like her a little bit better now. As I mentioned at the beginning of the show, you know, if Kamala Harris is not like a, if she's not a complete fool, she's just a drunk, there's hope, you know, chances are she's both, right? I mean, that's, there's a lot of that coincides a lot. There's a lot of drunk geniuses out there. It used to be one. I don't know. I stopped being a genius and then I stopped being a drunk after that. But, uh, you know, if she stopped drinking, she could improve. She wouldn't be, you know, she wouldn't be, I don't know, who's the dumbest white Republican male, you know, whoever that guy is. She wouldn't be him. But you know, she'd be better than, I don't know, Joe Biden maybe, you know. James Blair, political director for the 2020, Trump 2024 presidential campaign and the RNC posted on X Twitter. So this is over at the, at the Gateway Pondit again from, uh, Kristen Taylor. And so, you know, I've had this thing on the show, so I'm like, I'm not doing the X thing, okay? I tried X. They enforced the same stupid rules that Elon Musk said he was buying the company out to stop. I've been banned more than once since I got out of prison. So it's not X. It's Twitter. And by the way, X is a stupid name anyway. So I'm not going to do that. I'm dead naming this training idiot. It's Twitter. And they can't do, you know, the Gateway Pondit guys are obviously radical. Genofans, but if they ever admit that, then they're really going to have problems. And so they, they're trying to rip off my bit here. James Blair, political director for the Trump 2024 presidential campaign and the RNC posted on X Twitter. It's just Twitter, man. Stop, stop with the equations. It's, it's Twitter enough with the X nonsense. You want X go go watch a Pono. A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem, apparently coming into focus as a campaign heats up. Stay tuned. And so this is the, uh, the tweet on X Twitter, X Twitter, because I'm too much of a pussy. Blair was retreated by the Trump campaign advisor, Alex Bruceowitz, indicating campaign approval, a video clip of Harris on Thursday introducing Joe Biden made someone. Or if she has a drinking problem, this is what, well, let's do it. Let's see what it is. Oh, we still got that in stop sharing my screen. Our extraordinary president Joe Biden. Our extraordinary president Joe Biden. You ever believe that we have ever had a dead man as president before? And he's going to speak in a minute, but there's a lot of love in this room for our president. Yeah. Yeah. She's drunk. All right. There's no way that she believed a word of that. She was like, you're not really going to make me go out there and say this. Are you? And they're like, yeah, you're, you're our, you're our puppet. You have to do what we took to, we have to say what we tell you to say, idiots. All right. What do we have? You'd be vice president and president for if we're not going to have our hand up your butt moving your mouth. And so she goes out there and she's like, I'm going to make a complete idiot out of myself trying to pretend that anybody likes Joe Biden. I got to have a drink first. You know, she comes out there. She's still there's the words a little bit. She's like, I love Joe Biden. I love you, man. That's loving his room for you, man. You know, uh, at amuse on Twitter says the DNC is struggling to keep come out of Harris sober. A ditch in Israel and she's got a long road ahead or not. They got their Tim Waltz guy. He just goes, give you your 30 pounds of rice. Tell you shut up. Go ahead and we'll do, we'll do what we want. In August of 2020, when Harris was picked by Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate, the San Francisco Chronicle reported on Harris's fondness for booze with the headline Kamala Harris, the only major candidate who drinks booze has great taste in wine. That's right. She's a whineau. Kamala Harris is a wine aunt. That's right. Also in August of 2020, Washington, Washingtonian magazine reported on Harris. Be a regular at the DC wine bars in an article headline Kamala Harris knows her wine. Yeah, she knows it biblically. According from that piece, when Kamala Harris got the VP NAM on yesterday, quack wine bar decided to nominate itself as the official wine bar of Kamala Harris for VP. That's a pretty clever marketing technique if you're living a city of Democrats. Can you imagine that? Yeah, we're the official wine bar of this hashtag for this presidential candidate. So why don't you just go ahead, spend too much on wine. And then a bunch of women in DC are like, I love spending too much on wine. It's great. We'll just go take it from the tax fair to be fantastic. Oakland or San Francisco challengers welcome. The 14th street bar on bar and market tweeted a photo of owners Khalid Pits and Diane Gross, who famously filed an unfair competition lawsuit against the Trump hotel alongside the California Congresswoman at a holiday party. She hosted for staff last year. That's hilarious. So so the bar is operating in DC where you know, the Democrats run everything. And they say that the Trump hotel is competing unfairly with them while they suck up to the administration. That's genius. Harris has been to court several times with other political counterparts and a host today fundraiser there as a presidential candidate as the senator of a top wine making state and a member of the congressional wine caucus. You got a congressional wine caucus, man. I really wish I had one in 2010 now. Perhaps it's no surprise. Harris is pretty savvy about her wine. Quote, you know, if you go to a foreign country and you know, like six phrases for something, she's well beyond that, says Pits. She can talk about different varietals. She can talk about differences between California. Oh, French Oak. She knows what she likes. Isn't like and knows why she doesn't like it. This one's made by white people. Get it away from me. Give me Mexican wine. Okay. I'm sick of this white people stuff. If you're gonna have them actually stamp the drinks with their feet. If they come out in their feet, look like they're bleeding, I'll drink it. And what exactly is it that she likes to drink? Pits only offers this quote. She does like her California wines, but she does have a great appreciation for old world wines as well, because we don't do domestic wines at court. That's right. We don't do all that domestic American garbage. We import stuff. Okay. That's why we hate Donald Trump. We don't like tariffs. You Californians, you can go keep your Mexican foot stomp wine. Okay. We want to go import wine from your reports made by Muslims. Okay. This rumor about Harris is drinking from an anonymous account on ex Twitter. Shut up. You punks. It's Twitter from an anonymous account on Twitter with 169 followers went viral after being posted after midnight Saturday and has nearly three million views. Apparently Kamala's aides are having trouble keeping her sober, which is why she's only doing the scheduled rallies. Every time she gets off the plane, she's apparently so drunk. So that's why they are hiding her from the press. The same poster claimed Harris was intoxicated when she gave her word salad remarks about American foreign hostage American hostages being released on August 1st. Quote, apparently Kamala was told not to speak during this event because she was too intoxicated, but she did anyways. Well, let's see about this. Let's see about that. We are. We'll go bring up the screen again, and then we'll play the thing. This is an extraordinary day and it's an extraordinary day and what the heck just happened here. Okay. If it ain't one thing, it's another. I tell you, you know, the, you can't trust CBS news to run a video streaming service. Well, this is X. That's right. This is Twitter and Twitter doesn't work because it's run by a guy who said that he was going to use it to cream stations and cream speeches nonsense. So of course everything broke. Let's see if we can actually get that video up. I don't think that it's going to happen. I'm sorry. I tried my best, ladies and gentlemen, but you won't.